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Tim Trader

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WOW! There is a lot I could say however, the one thing I must say is that Tim Trader is a wonderful Person. He is a good man. The incident did not happen at his clinic, rather at Loren Lockmen's Wellness Center. If you think back I circulated a letter asking for donations to assist Tim's efense fund. Very often People wait until they are on their death bed before they seek help from a Natural Source. They let their doctors drag them thru all kinds of procedures, operations, etc. before seeking help from a natural therapist, or doctor. Also millions of people die in the hands of medical doctors. Why aren't they on trail for murder? This is a horrible situation. All of us that believe in Natural Healing no matter how we choose to do it must be supportive of our comrades. We can all do it differently but lets respect our differences. Remember we are pioneers. Sheldon, Gerson they are the forerunners of this movement, they walked a new road. Show The Love.


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Well said!



BEV :)






Wednesday, December 22, 2004

9:27 PM


Re: Tim Trader


WOW! There is a lot I could say however, the one thing

I must say is that Tim Trader is a wonderful Person. He is a good man. The

incident did not happen at his clinic, rather at Loren Lockmen's Wellness

Center. If you think back I circulated a letter asking for donations to assist

Tim's efense fund. Very often People wait until they are on their death bed

before they seek help from a Natural Source. They let their doctors drag them

thru all kinds of procedures, operations, etc. before seeking help from a

natural therapist, or doctor. Also millions of people die in the hands of

medical doctors. Why aren't they on trail for murder? This is a horrible

situation. All of us that believe in Natural Healing no matter how we choose to

do it must be supportive of our comrades. We can all do it differently but lets

respect our differences. Remember we are pioneers. Sheldon, Gerson they are the

forerunners of this movement, they walked a new road. Show The Love. Lynda

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OMG!! Thank you for saying this Lynda!


It's so true that people die and have died in hospitals at the hands

of surgeons and other doctors ALL the time...but as soon as it's

" alternative " then all these red flags go up. Just like a child can

die of the (still questionable) SIDS or from poor dietary-related

issues and no one bats an eye at the parent, it's considered just

" something that happened...unavoidable. But let the child of vegan or

raw vegan parents die and their ready to investigate, poke/probe and

ship those parents off to prison.


It's a sad commentary but I am in total agreement with your entire

post Lynda...thank you for your perspective!







, Namaska7@a... wrote:

> WOW!

> There is a lot I could say however, the one thing I must say is

that Tim

> Trader is a wonderful Person. He is a good man. The incident did not


> at his clinic, rather at Loren Lockmen's Wellness Center. If you

think back I

> circulated a letter asking for donations to assist Tim's efense fund.


> Very often People wait until they are on their death bed before they

seek help from a Natural Source. They let their doctors drag them

thru all kinds of

> procedures, operations, etc. before seeking help from a natural

therapist, or doctor.


> Also millions of people die in the hands of medical doctors. Why

aren't they

> on trail for murder? This is a horrible situation. All of us that

believe in

> Natural Healing no matter how we choose to do it must be supportive

of our

> comrades. We can all do it differently but lets respect our


> Remember we are pioneers. Sheldon, Gerson they are the forerunners

of this

> movement, they walked a new road.


> Show The Love.

> Lynda

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Lynda, Thank you for giving a more full picture. So long as people don't get personally attached or offended, this can be, and has been very helpful exchange of information. Blessings to all who contribute, Karen


Namaska7 [Namaska7]Wednesday, December 22, 2004 9:27 PM Subject: Re: Tim TraderWOW! There is a lot I could say however, the one thing I must say is that Tim Trader is a wonderful Person. He is a good man. The incident did not happen at his clinic, rather at Loren Lockmen's Wellness Center. If you think back I circulated a letter asking for donations to assist Tim's efense fund. Very often People wait until they are on their death bed before they seek help from a Natural Source. They let their doctors drag them thru all kinds of procedures, operations, etc. before seeking help from a natural therapist, or doctor. Also millions of people die in the hands of medical doctors. Why aren't they on trail for murder? This is a horrible situation. All of us that believe in Natural Healing no matter how we choose to do it must be supportive of our comrades. We can all do it differently but lets respect our differences. Remember we are pioneers. Sheldon, Gerson they are the forerunners of this movement, they walked a new road. Show The Love. Lynda

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That is truly frightening and alto I agree that people are killed off

by doctors in great numbers, its scary to me to think of someone dying

while being fasted at an establishment=:0 I cannot imagine any excuse

for it, surely if these people (Lockman) know what they are doing they

must be able to spot trouble brewing? If a person is on their deathbed

and so ill they should have turned them down until their body was able

to withstand a fast. Frankly I am in my 60's and have observed lots of

radical people and their claims and lots of foolish people following

them even though its harming them, very sad because I do not think any

one person has the total answer and I also feel that some of them try

to be more radical just to attract attention even tho it might be

harmful to followers :( I often visit raw food forums and I cringe at

some of the ways people are eating and what is happening to their

bodies (teeth/hair falling out, dizzy, sick etc and told they are

de-toxing when they are causing themselves some serious blood sugar

and other problems). Personally, while I am sure a short fast is

cleansing, I am dubious about long term fasting being healthful. Just

my thoughts, no offence meant :)


, Namaska7@a... wrote:

> WOW!

> There is a lot I could say however, the one thing I must say is

that Tim

> Trader is a wonderful Person. He is a good man. The incident did not


> at his clinic, rather at Loren Lockmen's Wellness Center.

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There is no way to make a judgment about what happened. I work with people daily and I usually work with diabetics. Some people are open and eager to be helped. Very often people are not honest about their condition and this creates more problems. Last week a woman called with an enlarged spleen. Three days later she was dead. Thank God I did not get to meet with her and offer her any advice. ( I have a very extensive questionnaire)

There is nothing scary about what happened at Loren's. One of the ladies that participates on this site was fasting at their clinic and Dr. Trader sent her home. According to the lady, he saw that her glucose was too low. They examine people and do blood work. There are lots of people who have fasted there with Great results. David Fishman, Maha, Arnold Kaufman ArnoldsWay.com Arnold has written a book about his experience at Loren's

"14 Days."

Think about this. These are true stories that happened with medical doctors.


One: A friend of mine gets a complete physical and he was told that he was fine with the exception that his blood pressure was slightly elevated. He was given a prescription to have filled. While having the prescription filled he had a few words with the pharmacist and he immediately had a major stroke. He is currently an invalid in a nursing home. He had left the doctor's office less than 15 minutes before the stroke.


Two: I met a man I did not know in the store. He was fussing with himself. I became engaged in a conversation with him when he said his mother an 80 year old diabetic had just had the wrong leg chopped off. PS The doctor wanted permission to go back in and chop off the other leg.


And last but not least I know of two individuals that dropped dead in the doctors office after being given a clean bill of health. (They both saw different doctors) Maybe it was just their time to die. Maybe the doctor was negligent he missed something. You all know of stories like this. There are so many stories, about people having problems with the medical profession, and their health. Many of the doctors in this culture feel that not eating dead flesh is harmful to us. Yet 75% of the world is Vegetarian. We are on the right path. Fasting, Live Food, herbs, Reflexology, a variety of massage, exercise.


Ann Wigmore clearly states we must take responsibility for our own health. Think about all the people on the sad diet. There is never a question about nutrition. Children are sick, babies are dying and most adults are on medication. However once you step outside of the box. Everyone wants to find fault with what your doing. But You know how you feel !


I believe fasting is one of the fastest ways to heal the body. I personally do a 40 day liquid fast every Lent season. This August I fasted for 30 days.( it feels Good) Those of you that are familiar with me. know that I had struggled with my weight and health for years. My site tells my about my struggle which is now behind me. alive andraw.com


Our bodies need the rest. It is my desire to do more fasting. Yes, we all have different views. We are not all gonna get along all the time. However, our reasoning only aids us in our growth. But in the face of the Medical Establishment and the SAD community we must be united. Lets support each other. It would be nice to send a few dollars to Tim Trader's Defense Fund; who is out on a limb, facing charges. When anything happens in the medical community it is hard to find a lawyer that would even take the case. Coupled with the fact that Doctors have insurance. Yes, we do have insurance in the naturapathic world; but it's not quite the same. We need to support our beliefs. We must rally for our health. We have to stand firm with our belief in the body healing it self. There are big lobby's for the other team.

TV offers all the answers in the form of a pill. We have not chosen the popular choice. We have made the right choice. We cannot waiver we must stand and deliver wellness.

Blessings of Abundant Health,

Lynda Carter

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I have just been apart of a discussion on another board I frequent about the family in Florida. Again, there are folks who feel that these parents were wrong and because they are not main stream, anything else could not possibly be correct. My point to all, was whether they had discussion with this family or not - without actual relationship, they can not know what happened - and reading the media doesn't provide the facts. I essentially said the same things that you did as well.


Please, let walk the walk we talk















12/27/2004 05:49 PM

Please respond to






cc: (bcc: Jacqueline D. Rooths/CFO/HHQ/HUD)

Subject: Re: Re: Tim Trader




There is no way to make a judgment about what happened. I work with people daily and I usually work with diabetics. Some people are open and eager to be helped. Very often people are not honest about their condition and this creates more problems. Last week a woman called with an enlarged spleen. Three days later she was dead. Thank God I did not get to meet with her and offer her any advice. ( I have a very extensive questionnaire)

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