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My Intro

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Blessings and Welcome Paula,

I would love to share your story with my sister who is married to a "highly acclaimed" oncologist. He thinks I'm nuts!

I admire your courage and wish you many many years of health and happinness.

love and lite


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Well, since I have sent two emails off, thought I should say hi....introduce myself and such.


I currently live in the suburbs of Seattle, WA. Yes, it rains A LOT! Gorgeous weather today, though. I have an 11 year old son, and have been divorced 4 1/2 years.


September 11th, of 2003, I was diagnosed with cancerous tumors on my thyroid. My Naturopath said I needed to have my thyroid removed immediately and possibly follow up with radio active iodine. I had a surgery scheduled for mid October. Finally, about two weeks before the surgery I told my parents and sister. (you see, I didn't want to cause worry until I knew which road I was going to take as my mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer 6 weeks before my diagnoses.) As each day passed and I drew closer to surgery I became more and more distressed. After spending three days of straight crying I woke the morning of the surgery. I called at 9 am (1.5 hours before surgery, mind you) and

cancelled. I knew that surgery and a lifetime dependency on hormone medication was not the answer for me. But I had no alternatives. I ended up scheduling a second surgery which I cancelled about 1 week before the date. The tumor was about the size of a ping pong ball and very visible to the human eye. I was scared to death. FINALLY, I met my health coach (and now very dear friend), Arnoux Goran.


Arnoux was a friend of a friend. I knew he taught about raw food. I went to a Holiday / New Year party and after talking to him made the decision to do my first cleanse. He agreed to coach me through it. I began eating 100% raw food and cleansing on January 19th of 2004. My first commitment was to eat raw food for the duration of the cleanse and a few weeks afterward. I did a lot of reading, as suggested by my coach, and had many long talks about nutrients and the way my body should be working. After two weeks I had committed to 6 months on raw food. I was totally LOVING it!! At the end of the cleanse I knew I could easily commit to 1 year of 100% raw food.


I extended the cleanse 9 days, so it was 39 days total. I lost 51 pounds, and the tumor was no longer visible to the naked eye - unless I tilted my head back, then you could see a little knob. It was so awesome!


I am still 100% raw (vegan). At this point I am committed for the rest of my life. It's hard to fathom what I used to put in my body and I have no desire to ever do that again!!


My son still eats the standard American diet. I am troubled about this, and hope that one day he will see the light, so to speak, and stop being so stubborn (he gets it from his mom!).


It is my intent to move to San Diego by December 1st of this year. I have started a business with three colleagues. www.sunlightunlimited.com and they are all located down there.


I look forward to learning from all of your experiences and sharing my own.


To your health! Paula (lala)When it is dark enough you can see the stars

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I re-read this and wanted to be clear with everyone that the cancer is still there. The work left to do is emotional - I have the physical nailed! Woo Hoo!! Anyway, it is my belief that once I deal with the emotional issues behind it, it will disappear.


Namaste, lalaPaula Wood <wolfmother1 wrote:

From: Paula Wood <wolfmother1Wed, 24 Aug 2005 15:10:35 -0700 (PDT) My Intro


Well, since I have sent two emails off, thought I should say hi....introduce myself and such.


I currently live in the suburbs of Seattle, WA. Yes, it rains A LOT! Gorgeous weather today, though. I have an 11 year old son, and have been divorced 4 1/2 years.


September 11th, of 2003, I was diagnosed with cancerous tumors on my thyroid. My Naturopath said I needed to have my thyroid removed immediately and possibly follow up with radio active iodine. I had a surgery scheduled for mid October. Finally, about two weeks before the surgery I told my parents and sister. (you see, I didn't want to cause worry until I knew which road I was going to take as my mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer 6 weeks before my diagnoses.) As each day passed and I drew closer to surgery I became more and more distressed. After spending three days of straight crying I woke the morning of the surgery. I called at 9 am (1.5 hours before surgery, mind you) and

cancelled. I knew that surgery and a lifetime dependency on hormone medication was not the answer for me. But I had no alternatives. I ended up scheduling a second surgery which I cancelled about 1 week before the date. The tumor was about the size of a ping pong ball and very visible to the human eye. I was scared to death. FINALLY, I met my health coach (and now very dear friend), Arnoux Goran.


Arnoux was a friend of a friend. I knew he taught about raw food. I went to a Holiday / New Year party and after talking to him made the decision to do my first cleanse. He agreed to coach me through it. I began eating 100% raw food and cleansing on January 19th of 2004. My first commitment was to eat raw food for the duration of the cleanse and a few weeks afterward. I did a lot of reading, as suggested by my coach, and had many long talks about nutrients and the way my body should be working. After two weeks I had committed to 6 months on raw food. I was totally LOVING it!! At the end of the cleanse I knew I could easily commit to 1 year of 100% raw food.


I extended the cleanse 9 days, so it was 39 days total. I lost 51 pounds, and the tumor was no longer visible to the naked eye - unless I tilted my head back, then you could see a little knob. It was so awesome!


I am still 100% raw (vegan). At this point I am committed for the rest of my life. It's hard to fathom what I used to put in my body and I have no desire to ever do that again!!


My son still eats the standard American diet. I am troubled about this, and hope that one day he will see the light, so to speak, and stop being so stubborn (he gets it from his mom!).


It is my intent to move to San Diego by December 1st of this year. I have started a business with three colleagues. www.sunlightunlimited.com and they are all located down there.


I look forward to learning from all of your experiences and sharing my own.


To your health! Paula (lala)When it is dark enough you can see the stars

When it is dark enough you can see the stars

Start your day with - make it your home page

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Please feel free to share this story with anyone you deem would benefit. My life is an open book.


thanks!! lalaatzzill wrote:


Blessings and Welcome Paula,

I would love to share your story with my sister who is married to a "highly acclaimed" oncologist. He thinks I'm nuts!

I admire your courage and wish you many many years of health and happinness.

love and lite

pamWhen it is dark enough you can see the stars

Mail for Mobile Take Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone.

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I want to wish you a hearty Mazel Tov on your dramatic improvement in your thyroidal health. I'm very surprised that any so-called "naturopath" would ever recommend surgery, irradiation or any poisons, as you described yours. That sounds like either a very typical MD, not an ND, who is supposed to advise precisely the opposite. As you know, there is nothing remotely "natural" about invasive procedures or poisons such as your "naturopath" recommended. If I were in your position at that time and had the financial resources, I'd be tempted to sue this so-called "naturopath" for both malpractice and consumer fraud. The body is an amazing instrument for self-healing if we give it the chance to use its own innate wisdom. Felicitations (en francais) on your continual progress and keep up the good work with your business.





"Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country."--Pres. Theodore Roosevelt, 1908

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If you don't like what a Dr. says, you just go to another Dr. - you don't have to sue him. How is that promoting love and peace in the world? As someone who does consulting, you make me very nervous as to how quickly you jumped to the idea of suing someone. I do AGREE that this Dr. should NOT call himself a Naturopath, but I just think that the suing option is a bit extreme. I'd just write him a letter as well as tell everyone I knew what happened and let the consumer choose to not go to him. I thank God Paula listened to her intuition and found another way.



Nancy Parlette HEALTHY LIVING STRATEGIES Natural Health Counselor Nutrition Educator (410) 531-2410 healthylivingstrategies http://www.healthylivingstrategies.net/



On Behalf Of dapperd72Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2005 10:44 AM Subject: Re: My Intro





I want to wish you a hearty Mazel Tov on your dramatic improvement in your thyroidal health. I'm very surprised that any so-called "naturopath" would ever recommend surgery, irradiation or any poisons, as you described yours. That sounds like either a very typical MD, not an ND, who is supposed to advise precisely the opposite. As you know, there is nothing remotely "natural" about invasive procedures or poisons such as your "naturopath" recommended. If I were in your position at that time and had the financial resources, I'd be tempted to sue this so-called "naturopath" for both malpractice and consumer fraud. The body is an amazing instrument for self-healing if we give it the chance to use its own innate wisdom. Felicitations (en francais) on your continual progress and keep up the good work with your business.





"Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country."--Pres. Theodore Roosevelt, 1908

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Please reread what I said in its entire context. Notice, I distinctly used the word "tempted" since this reveals inner feelings without necessarily reflecting what would actually be done. Just as Jimmy Carter once publicly confessed that his worst sin was having "lust in [his] heart," it is human nature to desire justice, particularly as it pertains to consumer rights to be treated with respect and honesty, all the moreso when one's quality of life and well-being are at stake. Of course, the desire for justice for oneself or others one cares about is far more important to my understanding than satisfying carnal desires, as Carter implied. If the patient was to at least seek the removal of this falsely identified "naturopath" from public accreditation, that would be the bare minimum that I would call justice in this context. Such an individual should not be entrusted with the physical health of any patients, let alone anyone who may be potentially terminally ill. I'd also encourage anyone seeking a trustworthy, qualified naturopath to research the provider's educational background to whatever degree possible. For example, if she/he graduated from Bastyr University, reputedly the "Harvard" of naturopathic schools in the U.S., I would be very impressed and probably seriously consider entrusting myself to such a practitioner.





"Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country."--Pres. Theodore Roosevelt, 1908

pnparletteTo: Sent: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 11:13:01 -0400RE: My Intro



If you don't like what a Dr. says, you just go to another Dr. - you don't have to sue him. How is that promoting love and peace in the world? As someone who does consulting, you make me very nervous as to how quickly you jumped to the idea of suing someone. I do AGREE that this Dr. should NOT call himself a Naturopath, but I just think that the suing option is a bit extreme. I'd just write him a letter as well as tell everyone I knew what happened and let the consumer choose to not go to him. I thank God Paula listened to her intuition and found another way.



Nancy Parlette

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David ,

this might surprise you but a know some old black ladies with no education to talk about that can identify what's wrong and give healing advice that is accurate and effective . Many old folks know about plant life and the body . This art has been practiced and passed down for generations. No sheep skin necessary .

Love Lynda

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Bravo Lala,

It is wonderful that you took healing into your hands and won.

Taking responsibility for yourself gave you a new life.

What a fantastic testimony !

May God continue to lift you up . When your on live food your in the flow

.....The best is yet to come


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