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 I Stand To be Corrected

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Sorry if my tone was somewhat abrupt. One must develop a very thick skin after

hearing the same " urban myths " and legends, misconceptions perpetuated that have

no basis in logic or basic sensibility repeated ad infinitum like Gospel. As far

as replacing miso is concerned, I'd recommend using a reasonable portion of

soaked sun-dried tomatoes, perhaps with a minimal amount of soaked raw nuts. The

result is akin to meatsauce, especially when combined with the soaking water,

which is essential to avoid wasted flavor. Sun-dried tomatoes are always a

reliable source of rich, dark flavor and, when soaked, release all the enzymatic

activity that you'd get from miso without the infectious bacterial growth

(supposedly aerobic in miso or Nama Shoyu) that you'd get from pre-cooked,

fermented substances.


Aerobic bacteria refer to those producing beneficial effects on our intestinal

tract since they inspire oxygen, while anaerobic bacteria inspire carbon

dioxide. I don't mean to insult anyone's intelligence. Personally, half of my

brain tells me that acidophilus and bifidus cultures, such as from yoogurt,

promote healthy microflora in the small intestine, while the other half tells me

that anything fermented is inherently counter-productive to our health. As I

said before, simplicity is bliss. That's not the word of " God, " but it's to my

understanding the recipe for optimal health in a nutshell, all other things

being equal. Raw fruits, vegetables, soaked nuts & seeds are all we ever need.

I've no problem with occasional sprouts, which some people tout as producing

young cells (even supposedly allowing grey hair to return to its natural color),

but a Garden of Eden diet with minimal complication makes as much sense to me as

it did for Adam & Eve (if they existed) and our anthropological forebears.




Namaska7 wrote:


>Thank You  Gentlemen

>           thanks Rezz  for the break down. Thanks Khep for taking to the

>next level. Thank you David  for bringing it to  light (although your tone


>be kinder.) And Thank  you Mark for keeping it light .

>       As I said earlier I stand to be   corrected . However the issue has

>now change . What I read to be true is false.  The information available all

>points to live enzyme activity in the food.

>Non pasteurization gives the illusion of live . Well ;The same problems  will

>repeat themselves in a jar , bottle . Makes sense

>Once again the white man is very tricky do not believe the label .

>Plus avoid the label for the most part . Which leads to the true living  

>food. aha

>     The subject of food rotting to get good is a very  large controversy  

>because Viktoris and Ann Wigmore swear by rejuvalac ,  Rotten  wheat berries. I

>have heard the same response to sprouts .

>   So now back to the drawing board  (kitchen). To  replace miso in my dishes

>Have A Wonderful Day ,







" Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the

president or any other public official save exactly to the degree in which he

himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he

efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact

extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the

country. "

--Pres. Theodore Roosevelt, 1908





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David, The breadth and depth of your knowledge amaze me. I will have to have you proof the book that I eventually hope to come together. You have a way of looking at things from angles that never would have occurred to me. My point being - I always appreciate your input!




Nancy Parlette HEALTHY LIVING STRATEGIES Natural Health Counselor Nutrition Educator (410) 531-2410 healthylivingstrategies http://www.healthylivingstrategies.net/

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Thank you so much for your warm & generous compliment. I really need the ego

boost sometimes. I also must concur with you regarding what you said about your

own health as a raw foodist in reply to Andrew Weil's article. I have seen you &

spoken with you about these issues enough times to appreciate that you obviously

take care of yourself & your family, even if they may not always follow your

example. You may not look like Lou Ferrigno but you're undeniably very athletic

& muscular. If you're in the process of writing a new book as you implied, I'd

be quite interested in proofing it, even if I'm ignorant of the subject matter.

Please keep me posted, as I will for all others on this list about my possibly

upcoming raw vegan potlucks. I just moved into my new house this past weekend &

I look forward to sharing it with company of all sorts.





<pnparlette wrote:


>David,  The breadth and depth of your knowledge amaze me.  I will have

>to have you proof the book that I eventually hope to come together.  You

>have a way of looking at things from angles that never would have

>occurred to me.  My point being - I always appreciate your input!





>Nancy Parlette


>Natural Health Counselor

>Nutrition Educator

>(410) 531-2410







" Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the

president or any other public official save exactly to the degree in which he

himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he

efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact

extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the

country. "

--Pres. Theodore Roosevelt, 1908





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