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Actually, and I cannot believe i am going to say this, but I think I

cuddle and kiss him too much! But ya know, even after almost 4 years

(his age almost) I still have that first love kick going on. You know

how you feel when you first bring yer baby home after the initial

fear wears off. I'm waiting fer the time when he says, ok mom, no

more hugz. Oh that'll kill me fer sure! :)


I do. We cuddle er mess around sometimes when we talk. Anything to

hold his interest. But this is a good point. And I am sure there are

times when I am a bit harried that I do not always consider this.


Thx Jo! And never worry about suggesting something. It's the only way

fer me to learn!




nikki :)


, " Heartwork " <Heartwork@b...> wrote:

> Nikki


> > But that was just one example. The problem lies when you talk

> > directly to him and if he in uninterested in whatever it is you


> > saying, he does not listen and usually interrupts with something

> > totally different. Sometimes it works to wait a bit and try again,

> > sometimes it doesn't. But it is not just things he should or

> > shouldn't do, it is in our everyday life and a lot of



> Do you try picking him up and cuddling him while you are talking

about these

> things. I'm not commenting on you, as obviously I don't know what

you do,

> but it seems from most of the parents and children I see, there is

not much

> physical contact - hugging etc. I think it is extremely important

to have

> this contact, a lot of the time when they are very young, and it is

> enjoyable to parents as well. Some parents say they cuddle their

kids but

> it's probably for only half an hour a day or similar. I personally


> think that is anywhere near enough time. I feel that physical

contact has a

> profound effect on the way babies and children learn and relate.


> Jo

> >

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I just wondered because I know that youngsters without ADHD often get

'naughty' when they are bored or need attention.




> Thx Jo! And never worry about suggesting something. It's the only way

> fer me to learn!





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B " H


I have been hanging with other ADDers (both inattentive and

hyperactive) for quite a few years (I was diagnosed with ADHD almost

5 years ago). It has been my experience that a vast majority of

ADDers either cringe from being touched or crave touch. I fall into

the latter category, unfortunately, my Mom falls into the former

category. Fortunately, my nieces (my sister has 7 girls -- the 8th is

a boy ;-) love being hugged, so I go to my sister's (about a mile

away) when I need hugs. Could be your son's like me....




ps -- I wouldn't touch Rit with a 10-ft. pole




Actually, and I cannot believe i am going to say this, but I think I

cuddle and kiss him too much! But ya know, even after almost 4 years

(his age almost) I still have that first love kick going on. You know

how you feel when you first bring yer baby home after the initial

fear wears off. I'm waiting fer the time when he says, ok mom, no

more hugz. Oh that'll kill me fer sure! :)


I do. We cuddle er mess around sometimes when we talk. Anything to

hold his interest. But this is a good point. And I am sure there are

times when I am a bit harried that I do not always consider this.


Thx Jo! And never worry about suggesting something. It's the only way

fer me to learn!




nikki :)

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Good Morning Jo!


You know, that is an excellent point!

I have never looked at it that way, but you are right.

He is easily distracted and quite hyper at times, I bet you that is

what it is.

loss of interest due to boredom.


He does need a lot of attention which is ok with me, i don't mind

giving it - besides, how else will he become Candyland Champion of

the World?


Thx Jo!


nikki :)


, " Peter " <Snowbow@b...> wrote:

> Nikki


> I just wondered because I know that youngsters without ADHD often


> 'naughty' when they are bored or need attention.


> Jo


> >

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Good Morning Debbie,


He is, very much so!


Especially if he is being told he has done something wrong or hasn't

listened. When I talk to him about doing something wrong etc, I try

to sit down next to him and be eye to eye to him so that he can have

my full attention and I can try for his. As I talk, he will put on a

pouty face and then come by me and lay his head on my lap. He does

not take criticism very well (who does?) and I try to make each

encounter as gentle as possible, while holding as firm as I can. But

it's hard when he gets so upset. Part of me wonders if this is a play

on his part, part of me feels bad fer him and part of me just gets



I often find it hard to remain constant in discipline (meaning talk,

not hitting) and still be kind in a way to suit his needs.


Tis a fine line and one I must learn to find a better middle ground



Thx fer your thoughts and yer help! They are much appreciated!


nikki :)


, " compugraphd " <compugraphd@e...> wrote:

> B " H


> I have been hanging with other ADDers (both inattentive and

> hyperactive) for quite a few years (I was diagnosed with ADHD


> 5 years ago). It has been my experience that a vast majority of

> ADDers either cringe from being touched or crave touch. I fall into

> the latter category, unfortunately, my Mom falls into the former

> category. Fortunately, my nieces (my sister has 7 girls -- the 8th


> a boy ;-) love being hugged, so I go to my sister's (about a mile

> away) when I need hugs. Could be your son's like me....


> Debbie


> ps -- I wouldn't touch Rit with a 10-ft. pole



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B " H


I think I missed how old your son is, but one thing about ADD -- we

have this capacity to hyperfocus -- this is that if we find something

that we like a lot, we can focus on it to the exclusion of all else

for hours on end without even realizing how long we are doing it.

With me, one of the things I can hyperfocus on is graphics. If I have

something I need to or want to draw, I will fall into a pit of

timelessness and work until I get it right and finish unless someone

interrupts..... The trick is to find something that totally enthralls



BTW, have you ever read any of Thom Hartmann's books about ADD? They

are wonderful.... I am so glad that the first book I read about ADD

is his first (and foundation) book " Attention Deficit Disorder: A

Different Perspective " (it's also called the " hunter in the farmer's

world " book). It's a great perspective on ADD -- one of the few books

that doesn't act as though ADD is some disease that needs to

be " cured " or chemically treated (he does mention meds, but doesn't

really take a stand on them, if I remember correctly).







Good Morning Jo!


You know, that is an excellent point!

I have never looked at it that way, but you are right.

He is easily distracted and quite hyper at times, I bet you that is

what it is.

loss of interest due to boredom.


He does need a lot of attention which is ok with me, i don't mind

giving it - besides, how else will he become Candyland Champion of

the World?


Thx Jo!


nikki :)

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They advertise it???




> (Funny -- while I'm writing this, one of those awful medication for

> ADHD commercials is on the " tube " . I hate medication. I




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Thx fer the book recommendation Debbie!


Will definately head over to library soon and look into it. Haven't

had much of a chance to do a whole lot of research on it yet. But am

getting there. :)


Haven;t run into that deep of a focus yet, but there are been some

situations close to it.


He will be 4 end of next month.


nikki :)


, " compugraphd " <compugraphd@e...> wrote:

> B " H


> I think I missed how old your son is, but one thing about ADD -- we

> have this capacity to hyperfocus -- this is that if we find


> that we like a lot, we can focus on it to the exclusion of all else

> for hours on end


> BTW, have you ever read any of Thom Hartmann's books about ADD?


> are wonderful.... I am so glad that the first book I read about ADD

> is his first (and foundation) book " Attention Deficit Disorder: A

> Different Perspective " (it's also called the " hunter in the


> world " book). It's a great perspective on ADD -- one of the few


> that doesn't act as though ADD is some disease that needs to

> be " cured " or chemically treated (he does mention meds, but doesn't

> really take a stand on them, if I remember correctly).


> Debbie

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B " H


Yes <eyes rolling up into back of head>, believe it or not, they do!





They advertise it???




> (Funny -- while I'm writing this, one of those awful medication for

> ADHD commercials is on the " tube " . I hate medication. I

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Debbie - Hi!


Stay on the soapbox! Please!


You have just described him almost to a " t " . He is overly dramatic

per se, but I know he cannot possibly mean it nor be manipulative.

Manipulation in my eyes is a taught response. We have struggled very

hard to make both worlds come together on this. Where I do not just

give in because of a tantrum, but he also does not get shunned nor

overreacted do in response.


I agree about the school system! I only hope I will be able to

continue to homeschool him once he hits kindergarten age. Tos a big

fear of mine.


As for drugs, in some cases I can see where they may be needed, but I

myself steer clear of them!


nikki :)



, " compugraphd " <compugraphd@e...> wrote:

> B " H


> Yes, I'm like that too -- I take criticism VERY badly.


> BTW, I thought I should mention, often with ADDers, we're not

> quite " acting up " -- we just do things that appear to be behaving

> badly. We're just responding to our internal guides and often don't

> realize right away that what we are doing is socially unacceptable.

> As we get older, we begin to put SOME restraints and constraints on

> ourselves, but it doesn't always work, even for adults.


> Oh, I should also mention, often when I'm expressing my deepest

> emotionally feelings (as much as I can with words -- I find words


> be totally inadeqate since I don't think in words, especially the

> heavy emotional stuff, I think in impressions -- ribbons of ideas,

> strips of color and shapes flying in all directions -- over the


> I've learned to translate these impressions into words, but only to


> degree) my Mom accuses me of " being dramatic " or manipulative. I

> really am neither -- I just really become totally overwhelmed very

> easily and don't know how else to express myself. If you're son is

> like me, the appearance of overdramatising might just be his way of

> trying really hard to translate his feelings and thoughts. Often

> words are inadequate, so emoting is the only way to push it past

> simply stating and being understood. (Wow -- this is the first time

> I'M putting this into words..... it's interesting at times just how

> putting things into words clarifies things for me in a concrete

> way... but I digress....)


> (Funny -- while I'm writing this, one of those awful medication for

> ADHD commercials is on the " tube " . I hate medication. I think


> do it for their own convenience rather than what is best for the

> ADDer. I think the school system is failing ADDers, the Hyperactive

> type and the Inattentive type. Instead of trying to encourage and

> stimulate us, they try to drug us into submission -- I don't like

> this at all. Benjamin Franklin never took ritalin. Thomas Edison

> never took ritalin. Where would this world be if they had???? I

> shudder to think..... Ok, stepping off my soapbox....)


> Debbie


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Not sure where Debbie is, but here in the US they advertise



The commercials are outrageous too!


Drug Blahblahblah


proven effect to give your sinuses a break and works in every

condition - more speal - more speal - can use underwater! - more

speal - more speal - can be used fer allergies - la de dah


and at the end of the commercial a quiet voice goes


some side effects shown are vomiting, diarhhea, impotence in men,

hair loss, sweating, fevers, cramps, yer left eye falls out......


it's UNREAL!!!!



who does not let her dear boy near commercials nor the news!



, " Heartwork " <Heartwork@b...> wrote:

> They advertise it???


> Jo


> > (Funny -- while I'm writing this, one of those awful medication


> > ADHD commercials is on the " tube " . I hate medication. I



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i like the ones which are vague

" proactin makes your life better, you need proactin, to improve your quality of

life "

but they don't tell you wot the drug does!!!!

" proactin has caused a limited number of side effects including shortness of

breathe, amnesia, and the urge to to give all your money to drug companies "

*rolls eyes*




" nikki_mackovitch " <nikkimack wrote:


>Not sure where Debbie is, but here in the US they advertise



>The commercials are outrageous too!


>Drug Blahblahblah


>proven effect to give your sinuses a break and works in every

>condition - more speal - more speal - can use underwater! - more

>speal - more speal - can be used fer allergies - la de dah


>and at the end of the commercial a quiet voice goes


>some side effects shown are vomiting, diarhhea, impotence in men,

>hair loss, sweating, fevers, cramps, yer left eye falls out......


>it's UNREAL!!!!



>who does not let her dear boy near commercials nor the news!



>, " Heartwork " <Heartwork@b...> wrote:

>> They advertise it???


>> Jo


>> > (Funny -- while I'm writing this, one of those awful medication


>> > ADHD commercials is on the " tube " . I hate medication. I






>To send an email to -



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Hi Debbie


> <eyes rolling up into back of head>


Wow - that's a neat trick - wherdidyoureyesgo?







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Oh my goodness! He is not exaggerating either!!!

That is a real commercial!

I fergot about that one!




anywho, signing off now but will be back tonight

which i believe will be some of yer mornings'


have a great (enter time slot here)everyone!


nikki :)


, EBbrewpunx@c... wrote:

> i like the ones which are vague

> " proactin makes your life better, you need proactin, to improve

your quality of life "

> but they don't tell you wot the drug does!!!!

> " proactin has caused a limited number of side effects including

shortness of breathe, amnesia, and the urge to to give all your money

to drug companies "

> *rolls eyes*

> fraggle




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B " H


Don't forget the old " 1% may experience coma or death by lethal

injection..... "


Who decided that perscription drugs should be able to advertise? It's

majorly dangerous. People hear about these things and pressure their

docs to give them prescriptions (whether they need it or not) since

the quack down the street will give anyone any prescription if they

pay him enough........


(BTW, I'm one of the [New] Jersey Jews....)





i like the ones which are vague

" proactin makes your life better, you need proactin, to improve your

quality of life "

but they don't tell you wot the drug does!!!!

" proactin has caused a limited number of side effects including

shortness of breathe, amnesia, and the urge to to give all your money

to drug companies "

*rolls eyes*




" nikki_mackovitch " <nikkimack wrote:


>Not sure where Debbie is, but here in the US they advertise



>The commercials are outrageous too!


>Drug Blahblahblah


>proven effect to give your sinuses a break and works in every

>condition - more speal - more speal - can use underwater! - more

>speal - more speal - can be used fer allergies - la de dah


>and at the end of the commercial a quiet voice goes


>some side effects shown are vomiting, diarhhea, impotence in men,

>hair loss, sweating, fevers, cramps, yer left eye falls out......


>it's UNREAL!!!!



>who does not let her dear boy near commercials nor the news!

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B " H


My almost 5-year-old niece is actually better at this than I -- she

does that rolling eyes thing in such a way that you know she just

thinks you said the absolutely stupidest thing in the entire world ;-)


(BTW, she thinks she's my little girl ;-)





Hi Debbie


> <eyes rolling up into back of head>


Wow - that's a neat trick - wherdidyoureyesgo?




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That's terrible. I thought we were bad enough here for advertising cold

cures etc.




> Not sure where Debbie is, but here in the US they advertise

> everything!


> The commercials are outrageous too!





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the drug companies figured they have hit a bonanza..screw having to work on

physicians..advertise on tv, radio, magazines, then the fickle public will be

clamouring fer the newest chemical happiness in a bottle

" are you unhappy? do you sufer from periodic episodes of depression? do you have

extra cash? are you extremely gullible? do you sometimes sleep?

well, then you need our product, we'll come up with a catchy name later, but,

trust us, you need it

brought to you by the marketers and CEO's of america's finest multinationals... "




" compugraphd " <compugraphd wrote:


>B " H


>Don't forget the old " 1% may experience coma or death by lethal

>injection..... "


>Who decided that perscription drugs should be able to advertise? It's

>majorly dangerous. People hear about these things and pressure their

>docs to give them prescriptions (whether they need it or not) since

>the quack down the street will give anyone any prescription if they

>pay him enough........


>(BTW, I'm one of the [New] Jersey Jews....)





>i like the ones which are vague

> " proactin makes your life better, you need proactin, to improve your

>quality of life "

>but they don't tell you wot the drug does!!!!

> " proactin has caused a limited number of side effects including

>shortness of breathe, amnesia, and the urge to to give all your money

>to drug companies "

>*rolls eyes*




> " nikki_mackovitch " <nikkimack wrote:


>>Not sure where Debbie is, but here in the US they advertise



>>The commercials are outrageous too!


>>Drug Blahblahblah


>>proven effect to give your sinuses a break and works in every

>>condition - more speal - more speal - can use underwater! - more

>>speal - more speal - can be used fer allergies - la de dah


>>and at the end of the commercial a quiet voice goes


>>some side effects shown are vomiting, diarhhea, impotence in men,

>>hair loss, sweating, fevers, cramps, yer left eye falls out......


>>it's UNREAL!!!!



>>who does not let her dear boy near commercials nor the news!




>To send an email to -



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  • 3 years later...

Does anyone have experience treating ADHD-the innattentive type? My

six year old has been diagnosed by two different doctors and so I've

tried a natural remedy recommended by an aromatherapist and it did

nothing. Treatment consisted of five Bach Flower remedies-vervain,

white chestnut,clematis,chestbut bud, impatiens. I also used roman

chamomile and lavender oils on the hands and chest. Plan b was neural

depolarization with an organic vegetarian diet. That did nothing. I

tried mineral supplements combined with reflexology-nada. He is also

developmentally delayed. Any suggestions?


Tina Davis

Certified Reflexologist

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He's only been on a strict organic vegetarian diet for 3 months. The only dairy he eats is eggs. It's very hard to get him to eat much of anything since he is so picky. He says he doesn't like things before he even tries them. He always wants to eat the same things. I had his food allergies tested with the prick tests on the back and he wasn't allergic to anything as far as that test could tell. Tina Davis Certified ReflexologistAnne Marie Sadler <anny54321 wrote: How long did you try the organic vegetarian diet? Our 5 year old had to be on a vegan diet for several months before we saw a noticeable improvement in her behavior and health etc.. --- starlightearthchild <starlightearthchild wrote: > Does

anyone have experience treating ADHD-the innattentive > type? My > six year old has been diagnosed by two different doctors and > so I've > tried a natural remedy recommended by an aromatherapist and it > did > nothing. Treatment consisted of five Bach Flower > remedies-vervain, > white chestnut,clematis,chestbut bud, impatiens. I also used > roman > chamomile and lavender oils on the hands and chest. Plan b was > neural > depolarization with an organic vegetarian diet. That did > nothing. I > tried mineral supplements combined with reflexology-nada. He > is also > developmentally delayed. Any suggestions? > > Tina Davis > Certified Reflexologist > > > > > > > Anne Marie Sadler (Anny) 410-900-0011 "The highest wisdom is

kindness." -Yiddish proverb "...consumption of livestock products is clearly linked to... risk of transmissible encephalopathies...coronary artery disease, colon and possibly other forms of cancer, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and infection with salmonella, campylobacter, and E.coli O157:H7, among others. Making meat “safe” is not a realistic or attainable goal. Ironically, while the feeding of animal remains to other animals is now acknowledged as a dangerous practice that is restricted in some countries, the feeding of animal remains to humans is encouraged by government programs and massive industry efforts." -Tabrizi SJ, Scaravilli P, Howard RS, Collinge J, Rossor MN. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in a young woman. ****************************************************************

for Good - Make a difference this year. http://brand./cybergivingweek2005/

for Good - Make a difference this year.

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