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RE: help! raw foods causing more harm than good

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Tina, can you post a 3-day food diary? The " devil is in the details. "


Maybe we can figure it out.



On Sat, 22 Apr 2006, starlightearthchild wrote:


> Hello Everyone!

> I have read all kinds of wonderful stories about how raw foods can

> cure everything from candida (which I have) to cancer. I decided to go

> raw a year ago and I've had more problems escalate than I originally

> started with! I know this is not typical but they just keep getting

> worse and I'm very discouraged. I'm about to give up on the raw foods

> diet altogether because I just haven't seen results. I mean, why

> should I continue if my health is not what I want it to be? Over the

> past year, I have ended up with a severe case of acne that started on

> my right cheek and has ended up covering my entire face. I did not

> have acne before going raw. I have diarrea everyday now, which I did

> not have before either. I notice when I eat cooked bread that the

> diarrea goes away, until I eat raw again. I still have candida,

> despite a raw diet and 12 acidophilus a day. What am I doing wrong here?


> Tina Davis

> Certified Reflexologist




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Good post Tina ...most important, you're not doing something wrong... What is an ideal raw diet will vary from person to person, based on many things ex; constitution, genetics, emotional spiritual conditioning, activity level.... For me starting gradually and transitioning to all raw worked the best...It allowed my body to adjust...i also desire different foods at different times.........A couple of great books for me is Consious Eating, and spiritual nutrition..both by Cousens... Be willing to experiment and not make yourself right or wrong...... Many of the folks who have the right raw food diet look unhealthy... Keep in mind we cleanse different ways... My skin tends to stay unblemished when I'm detoxing, although when metals and drugs are coming out of my body my armpits are........(you know what I mean)... My youngest son age 6, has been raw for about 2 1/2 years and his diet and needs is completly different than mine... I might consider going gradually and getting re- aquainted w/ your inner body, and use your intuition.....Most important, if going raw is not for you at this time and space..that's also ok...."don't push it don't force it, let it happen naturally"...Al Hudson and one way

please feel free to email me if I can assist in any way..





"starlightearthchild" <starlightearthchild help! raw foods causing more harm than good Sat, 22 Apr 2006 12:22:42 -0000>Hello Everyone!>I have read all kinds of wonderful stories about how raw foods can>cure everything from candida (which I have) to cancer. I decided to go>raw a year ago and I've had more problems escalate than I originally>started with! I know this is not typical but they just keep getting>worse and I'm very discouraged. I'm about to give up on the raw foods>diet altogether because I just haven't seen results. I mean, why>should I continue if my health is not what I want it to be? Over the>past year, I have ended up with a severe case of acne that started on>my right cheek and has ended up covering my entire face. I did not>have acne before going raw. I have diarrea everyday now, which I did>not have before either. I notice when I eat cooked bread that the>diarrea goes away, until I eat raw again. I still have candida,>despite a raw diet and 12 acidophilus a day. What am I doing wrong here?>>Tina Davis>Certified Reflexologist>>>>>>>>>

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Hi Tina...Also thank you for the post. I wonder if a year is long enough to

decide about the raw food lifestyle. I don't know whether or not you

are doing 100% raw, but maybe the 80%, 20% like the Hallelujah Diet

could work.

I also started having skin problems after 2 and one-half years of

raw.I had severe acne as a teen after I started eating junk food

at age 13 (before that I didn't). Recently, my nose and

my cheeks have a reddish flush every now and then.

I know that it's time for me to do some colonics, but it's not in

my budget right now. I figure that doing colonics frequently for

a few years will be part of doing the healing for my body. I am

saving for a colema board so I can do regular colonics at home...


I also wondered about the kind of fiber you get, I had an old e-mail

posted from on my bulletin board about soluble and insoluble

fibers..It was written by James Garrett on July25, 2005 where he explains

the difference and the types of food for both types of fiber...I figure

my cat knocked it off the bulletin board and now it's by the computer!!!

I'm going to read it.....I think you can look it up with the information


Your body will tell you what you need to do...although I will say

several years ago I was doing raw foods for a few years in the early

90's, felt similarly to you and stopped....only to pick up again a couple of

years ago and then have more cleansing to do!!!

Blessings, Ashtarra



>starlightearthchild <starlightearthchild

>Apr 22, 2006 8:22 AM


> help! raw foods causing more harm than good


>Hello Everyone!

>I have read all kinds of wonderful stories about how raw foods can

>cure everything from candida (which I have) to cancer. I decided to go

>raw a year ago and I've had more problems escalate than I originally

>started with! I know this is not typical but they just keep getting

>worse and I'm very discouraged. I'm about to give up on the raw foods

>diet altogether because I just haven't seen results. I mean, why

>should I continue if my health is not what I want it to be? Over the

>past year, I have ended up with a severe case of acne that started on

>my right cheek and has ended up covering my entire face. I did not

>have acne before going raw. I have diarrea everyday now, which I did

>not have before either. I notice when I eat cooked bread that the

>diarrea goes away, until I eat raw again. I still have candida,

>despite a raw diet and 12 acidophilus a day. What am I doing wrong here?


>Tina Davis

>Certified Reflexologist










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There may be foods you are eating that you are allergic too. Also, you may have trouble digesting carbs - thus the diarrhea. You may want to be muscle tested to see what you might be allergic to and/or you can start taking digestive enzymes. I sell them, but you can also get a general one at most health food stores.


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Hi Margie and thanks EVERYONE who responded. I really appreciate the loving time that everyone took out of their day to respond. I will respond one at a time and for starters yes Margie I will post a 3 day diary starting today- orange, strawberries, granny smith apple, maple arrowroot cookies (not raw), Gerelsteiner water, organic chocolate (not raw), banana, chocolate chip cookie (not vegan), small glass of blush wine, and a few minutes of sunshine. This is not a typical day but it's the TRUTH. This is what I had today. Tomorrow will look better I promise. Tina Davis Certified ReflexologistMargie Roswell <mroswell wrote: Tina, can you post a 3-day food diary? The "devil is in the details." Maybe we can figure it out. On Sat, 22 Apr 2006, starlightearthchild

wrote: > Hello Everyone! > I have read all kinds of wonderful stories about how raw foods can > cure everything from candida (which I have) to cancer. I decided to go > raw a year ago and I've had more problems escalate than I originally > started with! I know this is not typical but they just keep getting > worse and I'm very discouraged. I'm about to give up on the raw foods > diet altogether because I just haven't seen results. I mean, why > should I continue if my health is not what I want it to be? Over the > past year, I have ended up with a severe case of acne that started on > my right cheek and has ended up covering my entire face. I did not > have acne before going raw. I have diarrea everyday now, which I did > not have before either. I notice when I eat cooked bread that the > diarrea goes away, until I eat raw again. I still have candida, >

despite a raw diet and 12 acidophilus a day. What am I doing wrong here? > > Tina Davis > Certified Reflexologist > > > > > > > > >

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I am having a conflict about this, too. Having had dramatic results in healing fibromyalgia through Ayurveda, I recently learned that people who are excess vata types (like me) benefit from avoiding raw foods. Here's what I do: I eat lots of fruit but NOT raw veggies. Raw veggies make me feel awful, physically. I am being honest here. I HAVE BEEN A RAW FOODS ENTHUSIAST FOR THIRTY-THREE YEARS, so I am not new to the theory. My challenge now is to incorporate the raw foods philosophy and the Ayrurvedic philosophy into something that works for me. Love Always.

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day 2- green smoothie(baby romaine and frozen raspberries), pear, granny smith, salad(baby romaine, chick peas, lentils, cherry tomatoes, Braggs, carrots), green smoothie(kale, frozen raspberries), Gerrelsteiner water, gluten free cookie (not raw) and I forgot yesterday-daily:12 acidophilus, frozen wheat grass cube in water, best of greens(chlorophyll, algae, spirulina, etc), 6 fast acne relief tablets (herbals), and some sun.tina davis <starlightearthchild wrote: Hi Margie and thanks EVERYONE who responded. I really appreciate the loving time that everyone took out of their day to respond. I will respond one at a time and for starters yes Margie I will post a 3 day diary starting today- orange, strawberries, granny smith apple, maple arrowroot cookies (not raw), Gerelsteiner water, organic chocolate (not raw),

banana, chocolate chip cookie (not vegan), small glass of blush wine, and a few minutes of sunshine. This is not a typical day but it's the TRUTH. This is what I had today. Tomorrow will look better I promise. Tina Davis Certified ReflexologistMargie Roswell <mroswell wrote: Tina, can you post a 3-day food diary? The "devil is in the details." Maybe we can figure it out. On Sat, 22 Apr 2006, starlightearthchild wrote: > Hello Everyone! > I have read all kinds of wonderful stories about how raw foods can > cure everything from candida (which I have) to cancer. I decided to go > raw a year ago and I've had more problems escalate than I originally > started with! I know this is not typical but they just keep getting

> worse and I'm very discouraged. I'm about to give up on the raw foods > diet altogether because I just haven't seen results. I mean, why > should I continue if my health is not what I want it to be? Over the > past year, I have ended up with a severe case of acne that started on > my right cheek and has ended up covering my entire face. I did not > have acne before going raw. I have diarrea everyday now, which I did > not have before either. I notice when I eat cooked bread that the > diarrea goes away, until I eat raw again. I still have candida, > despite a raw diet and 12 acidophilus a day. What am I doing wrong here? > > Tina Davis > Certified Reflexologist > > > > > > > > >

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I too have read up on my Ayurvedic literature. I am a Pitta-Vata-Kapha (go figure, the 3 dosha combination is the most imbalanced by nature). I was confused by the conflict between raw foods and the ayurvedic treatment of disease since in ayurveda it DOES say to avoid raw foods at certain times of the year and for certain constitutional types. It also says it's OK to eat dairy, which doesn't always agree with me. When I go against the raw diet and bulk up on bread, I do notice that the diarrea goes away. When I eat green smoothies in the morning only, it comes right back. Maybe I should combine both philosophies. I'm just so dead set right now that the raw diet has to work, I'm just overlooking something that doesn't work for me. Tina Davis Certified Reflexologist Certified Reflexologistsatvic vegan <satvicvegan wrote: I am having a conflict about this, too. Having had dramatic results in healing fibromyalgia through Ayurveda, I recently learned that people who are excess vata types (like me) benefit from avoiding raw foods. Here's what I do: I eat lots of fruit but NOT raw veggies. Raw veggies make me feel awful, physically. I am being honest here. I HAVE BEEN A RAW FOODS ENTHUSIAST FOR THIRTY-THREE YEARS, so I am not new to the theory. My challenge now is to incorporate the raw foods philosophy and the Ayrurvedic philosophy into something that works for me. Love Always. Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low rates.

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About "the raw diet HAS to work" -- yes, but that doesn't mean that everything agrees with YOU just because it's raw. Find which raw foods agree with you and which to avoid. I do believe that we're, by nature, fruitarian. Many foods that we think of as veggies are really fruits. If it has a seed in it, IT'S A FRUIT! So, a zucchini is a fruit but a carrot is not. Would like to discuss more about Ayurveda with people who know about it AND are into raw foods, like Tina and myself. Namaste, H.tina davis <starlightearthchild wrote: I too have read up on my Ayurvedic literature. I am a Pitta-Vata-Kapha (go figure, the 3 dosha combination is the most imbalanced by nature). I was confused by the conflict between raw foods and the ayurvedic treatment of disease since in ayurveda it DOES say

to avoid raw foods at certain times of the year and for certain constitutional types. It also says it's OK to eat dairy, which doesn't always agree with me. When I go against the raw diet and bulk up on bread, I do notice that the diarrea goes away. When I eat green smoothies in the morning only, it comes right back. Maybe I should combine both philosophies. I'm just so dead set right now that the raw diet has to work, I'm just overlooking something that doesn't work for me.Tina DavisCertified ReflexologistCertified Reflexologistsatvic vegan <satvicvegan wrote: I am having a conflict about this, too. Having had dramatic results in healing fibromyalgia through Ayurveda, I recently learned that people who are excess vata types (like me) benefit from avoiding raw foods. Here's what I do: I

eat lots of fruit but NOT raw veggies. Raw veggies make me feel awful, physically. I am being honest here. I HAVE BEEN A RAW FOODS ENTHUSIAST FOR THIRTY-THREE YEARS, so I am not new to the theory. My challenge now is to incorporate the raw foods philosophy and the Ayrurvedic philosophy into something that works for me. Love Always. Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low rates. How low will we go? Check out Messenger’s low PC-to-Phone call rates.

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Thanks Ashtarra, I too have cleansed the colon-with herbs though since I am leary of doing colonics. I'm not 100% raw but I would like to be. The colon cleanses haven't seemed to really do anything-I didn't see anything unusual when I did them and my skin certainly didn't clear up. I'm thinking that initially when I first started the raw foods diet that there was WAY too much fat/oil in my diet so I have cut fats and oils out for the most part in an attempt to clear up the acne but it's still hangin around. I did a cleansing diet a few months ago which seemed to clear it up but when I went off the cleanse, the acne came right back. The cleanse consisted of only oranges, grapefruits, lemon and lime water, and leafy greens. That was it! That was all I could eat for two whole weeks. It was tough but I'm thinking that I might try it again. Thanks for your help Tina Davis Certified Reflexologist

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day 3- 2 bananas, granny smith apple, 2 vegan veggie burgers, navel orange, trinity and Gerrelsteiner water, daily supplements listed for day two. sigh. still an unsolved mystery.tina davis <starlightearthchild wrote:Hi Margie and thanks EVERYONE who responded. I really appreciate the loving time that everyone took out of their day to respond. I will respond one at a time and for starters yes Margie I will post a 3 day diary starting today- orange, strawberries, granny smith apple, maple arrowroot cookies (not raw), Gerelsteiner water, organic chocolate (not raw), banana, chocolate chip cookie (not vegan), small glass of blush wine, and a few minutes of sunshine. This is not a typical day but it's the TRUTH. This is what I had today. Tomorrow will look better I promise. Tina Davis Certified Reflexologist

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Tina, I wonder if you are allergic to some of those herbs you are taking? That could be the skin and diarrhea problem?


Nancy Parlette HEALTHY LIVING STRATEGIES Natural Health Counselor Nutrition Educator ENERGIZING YOU FOR LIVING!

(410) 531-2410 http://www.healthylivingstrategies.net/



On Behalf Of tina davisTuesday, April 25, 2006 8:28 PM Subject: Re: help! raw foods causing more harm than goodday 3- 2 bananas, granny smith apple, 2 vegan veggie burgers, navel orange, trinity and Gerrelsteiner water, daily supplements listed for day two.sigh. still an unsolved mystery.tina davis <starlightearthchild wrote:

Hi Margie and thanks EVERYONE who responded. I really appreciate the loving time that everyone took out of their day to respond. I will respond one at a time and for starters yes Margie I will post a 3 day diary starting today- orange, strawberries, granny smith apple, maple arrowroot cookies (not raw), Gerelsteiner water, organic chocolate (not raw), banana, chocolate chip cookie (not vegan), small glass of blush wine, and a few minutes of sunshine. This is not a typical day but it's the TRUTH. This is what I had today. Tomorrow will look better I promise.Tina DavisCertified Reflexologist

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Hi Tina, I am sorry to hear that this past year of live foods has not been the best of experiences. I hope that what I have to say is helpful to you. Raw foods are so healing that a person automatically starts detoxing when they switch over this diet, and it sounds to me like that is what you have been experiencing. A large number of people changing over to the raw foods diet experience this. Some don't hang in there for a year, so give yourself a great big pat on the

back!! Many have the same experience you described about the bread stopping the diarrhea. This happens because cooked food stops the detoxing process in the body. People start identifying that they feel better on cooked food than raw because their detoxing symptoms stop. They make a decision not to eat raw foods anymore - that the diet must just not be for them. Why do some people experience horrible detox symptoms and other hardly any or not at all? There are many variables; one of the biggest is how quickly a person is eliminating the toxins released into the system. Dr Anderson, creator of the Arise and Shine products notes that anyone having 2 or less bowel movements a day is considered constipated. A person should have a bowel

movement upon awakening, and one 30 - 60 minutes after every meal. That’s 4 a day if a person is eating 3 meals! As far as the acne goes.....this is another symptom of detoxing. The first organ of elimination that the body uses is the colon. If this path is not clear, then the second course of elimination is through the skin - it's the second largest organ. Also, liver toxicity has a direct effect on your skin. My suggestion is to do an intestinal cleanse. As a health coach, I always recommend that people start an

intestinal cleanse the same day they start eating raw foods. The cleanse that myself and associates work with the most is Arise and Shine. We've tried others and have found that our clients have had the best results with this particular cleanse. Here is a link to the website: www.ariseandshine.com One of our clients had very bad acne on her face all her life – she was in her early 50’s. Her face was always broken out, red, and painful. After about 10 days on the cleanse the acne had reduced to less than half. At the end of the 30 days, it

was almost completely gone – only one or two left. Cleansing is powerful! And it’s the fast track to health. About the acidophilus… in his book, “Cleanse and Purify Thyself”, Dr. Anderson states the importance of probiotics, and speaks of the misconception around acidophilus…. Pg. 133: “What are the correct friendly bacteria? Some persons have taken large amounts of acidophilus, thinking they were helping their bodies. Yet

even doctors disagree about the uses of Lactobacillus acidophilus. In my opinion, acidophilus should be used as an agent to remove pathogenic bacteria, or sparingly, in combination with other bacteria that produce a higher pH. Everyone agrees that Lactobacillus, such as acidophilus, has an important role in the treatment of pathogenic bacteria such as E. coli, Salmonella, etc. However, it also produces an acid by-product with a pH between 3.0 and 4.5. Because of this extreme acidity, bowel problems are likely to occur if a more alkaline-forming formula, such as one containing Bifidobacterium, is not used after taking acidophilus.” “My experience indicates that the best

general probiotic formula consist of Bifidobacterium infantis, along with a variety of other fifidobacteria, as well as a small percentage of acidophilus…..” Dr. Anderson has his own formula, but my personal favorite is from Garden of Life, and is called “Primal Defense”. It’s awesome, and it’s actually what I tell my clients to purchase instead of Dr. Anderson’s even though

they are ordering his cleansing products. Primal Defense is more powerful. Garden of Life also makes a product called “Fungal Defense”. You can take this for a 14 day period (directions on the bottle) to help get the Candida under control. I don’t think it’s a ‘cure’, but I know from my own experience it gets it under control. Speaking of Candida, Dr. Cousens has written a book called “Rainbow Green Live Food Cuisine”. I suggest you read it to learn more about what you can do about the Candida. He outlines three phases of a diet that is supposed to help a great deal. In the first phase you eat little to no sugars – no fruit, not even carrots for three months, then if you feel good enough you can move into the second phase, and so on. It’s ideal to incorporate a cleanse along with the Phase 1 of the diet. Candida is very toxic and even more toxic as it dies off. The mild phase of the Arise and Shine cleanse would assist the body in releasing the candida in a very gentle

matter. There would be a few additional products taken in conjunction, call Arise and Shine to find out more about it. Hopefully this was helpful, Paula www.iamhealthyinc.com starlightearthchild <starlightearthchild wrote: Hello Everyone!I have read all kinds of wonderful stories about how raw foods

cancure everything from candida (which I have) to cancer. I decided to goraw a year ago and I've had more problems escalate than I originallystarted with! I know this is not typical but they just keep gettingworse and I'm very discouraged. I'm about to give up on the raw foodsdiet altogether because I just haven't seen results. I mean, whyshould I continue if my health is not what I want it to be? Over thepast year, I have ended up with a severe case of acne that started onmy right cheek and has ended up covering my entire face. I did nothave acne before going raw. I have diarrea everyday now, which I didnot have before either. I notice when I eat cooked bread that thediarrea goes away, until I eat raw again. I still have candida,despite a raw diet and 12 acidophilus a day. What am I doing wrong here?Tina DavisCertified ReflexologistWhen it is dark enough you can see the stars

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I just started the herbal skin care regimine a week or so ago. The acne and diarrea started a year ago when I started the raw foods diet and they haven't stopped. One thing I have been doing since day one is frozen smoothies and green smoothies for breakfast and sometimes lunch and/or dinner. I stopped doing that for now to see if it helps. This morning I had a banana for breakfast instead of a smoothie and no diarrea. Yesterday I skipped the smoothie as well and no diarrea. I can't digest all that sugar in the morning maybe? I used to take saliva tests and (if you know anything about insulin) my insulin levels after fasting i.e. just after waking, were below normal. This was interpreted as an inability to properly digest carbohydrates. I was put on some herbals but they didn't help. Also, my sIGA levels were WAY below normal. sIGA is a mucus barrier that the body secretes in the intestines to prevent overgrowth of viruses, bacteria, fungus, molds, yeasts,

etc. I've tried lots of herbs and supplements to correct that as well but to no avail. I think maybe I will try some digestive enzymes again since I don't have hardly any. Before going raw, I would continually bloat to the size of a four month pregnant lady by the end of the day. The raw diet has beat most of the bloating, so I know that my digestive juices need to repair themselves. Thanks Tina Davis Certified Reflexologistpnparlette wrote: Message Tina, I wonder if you are allergic to some of those herbs you are taking? That could be the skin and diarrhea

problem? N. Nancy Parlette HEALTHY LIVING STRATEGIES Natural Health Counselor Nutrition Educator ENERGIZING YOU FOR LIVING! (410) 531-2410 http://www.healthylivingstrategies.net/ On Behalf Of tina davisTuesday, April 25, 2006 8:28 PM Subject: Re: help! raw foods causing more harm than goodday 3- 2 bananas, granny smith apple, 2 vegan veggie burgers, navel orange, trinity and Gerrelsteiner water, daily supplements listed for day two.sigh. still an unsolved mystery.tina davis <starlightearthchild wrote: Hi Margie and thanks EVERYONE who responded. I really appreciate the loving time that everyone took out of their day to respond. I will respond one at a time and for starters yes

Margie I will post a 3 day diary starting today- orange, strawberries, granny smith apple, maple arrowroot cookies (not raw), Gerelsteiner water, organic chocolate (not raw), banana, chocolate chip cookie (not vegan), small glass of blush wine, and a few minutes of sunshine. This is not a typical day but it's the TRUTH. This is what I had today. Tomorrow will look better I promise.Tina DavisCertified Reflexologist

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Yes, you sound like a prime candidate for both digestive enzymes and probiotics (good gut bacteria) to help your digestion. If I eat watermelon, for example, I usually go to the bathroom within 10 minutes and if I eat a lot of it I'll get diarrhea and gas & bloating. If you would like more info about them, please feel free to email me privately.


Nancy Parlette HEALTHY LIVING STRATEGIES Natural Health Counselor Nutrition Educator ENERGIZING YOU FOR LIVING!

(410) 531-2410 http://www.healthylivingstrategies.net/

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Hi Tina,


Jumping into the middle of the discussion here, I thought of my own

experience with digestive problems -- cycles of diarrhea and

constipation -- that didn't stop for a LONG time (3 years?) after I

went raw. One of the things that I did that had a huge impact was

an herbal/spice colon cleanse recommended by Hulda Clark in " The

Cure for All Cancers " . It's focus is killing parasites of all types

in the colon. She recommends doing it after you've done an overall

parasite cleanse, kidney cleanses, etc.


Here's the stuff she sells

http://www.drclarkstore.com/labocoincl.html but google " hulda clark

colon cleanse " to see if you can find a description of it. It's

very easy to follow and doesn't disrupt your entire life to do it.


After I did the colon cleanse, my entire digestive tract got much

more stable and happier. I also take acidophilus/bifidophilus

capsules once in a while, which seem to help my digestive system.


These days I can still get constipated occasionally, mainly if I eat

very little fat and very little fruit, but the diarrhea is

completely gone. I think it could come back if I ate a fatty/sweet

diet for an extended period.


I have NO idea if this is helpful to you, but it's another

perspective. Take care!



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Thank you, Steve!sseuser <sseuser wrote: Hi Tina,Jumping into the middle of the discussion here, I thought of my own experience with digestive problems -- cycles of diarrhea and constipation -- that didn't stop for a LONG time (3 years?) after I went raw. One of the things that I did that had a huge impact was an herbal/spice colon cleanse recommended by Hulda Clark in "The Cure for All Cancers". It's focus is killing parasites of all types in the colon. She recommends doing it after you've done an overall parasite cleanse, kidney cleanses, etc.Here's the stuff she sells http://www.drclarkstore.com/labocoincl.html but google "hulda clark colon cleanse" to see if you can find a description of it. It's

very easy to follow and doesn't disrupt your entire life to do it.After I did the colon cleanse, my entire digestive tract got much more stable and happier. I also take acidophilus/bifidophilus capsules once in a while, which seem to help my digestive system.These days I can still get constipated occasionally, mainly if I eat very little fat and very little fruit, but the diarrhea is completely gone. I think it could come back if I ate a fatty/sweet diet for an extended period.I have NO idea if this is helpful to you, but it's another perspective. Take care!Steve

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I was not having a good experience with digestion on

raw foods, and this was after eliminating many of the

problem foods associated with digestive problems like

dried fruit, and too much fruit, unsoaked nuts, greens

that are not chopped up enough, etc...


I have added sprouted whole grain bread to my raw food

regime and it has brought me back to regular digestion

and elimination. I eat a low glycemic diet, low in

fruits and sugars, high in good fats, and high in

greens. The addition of sprouted grain (ekekial type)

bread has made all the difference in the world for me.



I hope that helps.



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Yes it does. I eat sprouted grain bread too and lately I haven't had any diarrea. The acne and diarrea is said to be the result of the body detoxing so I am just supposed to wait until all the candida is dead I guess but this has been going on for a year and I don't think I can deal with it anymore. My acne just gets worse and worse. My face looks horrible and before going raw I had a perfect complexion. Tina Davis Certified ReflexologistMichael Harris <bossalingo wrote: I was not having a good experience with digestion on raw foods, and this was after eliminating many of the problem foods associated with digestive problems like dried fruit, and too much fruit, unsoaked nuts, greens that are not chopped up enough, etc... I have added sprouted whole grain bread to my

raw food regime and it has brought me back to regular digestion and elimination. I eat a low glycemic diet, low in fruits and sugars, high in good fats, and high in greens. The addition of sprouted grain (ekekial type) bread has made all the difference in the world for me. I hope that helps. Michael

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greetings tina i pray all is well with you dont give up, remember any issues that you had before you became raw took time to manifest and they will take time to dissipate, have you been cleaning out on a regular basis, as that would help with the detoxing and are you drinking at least a gallon of water each day? peace belit tina davis <starlightearthchild wrote: Yes it does. I eat sprouted grain bread too and lately I haven't had any diarrea. The acne and diarrea is said to be the result of the body detoxing so I am just supposed to wait until all the candida is dead I guess but this has been going on for a year and I don't think I can deal with it anymore. My acne just gets worse and worse. My face looks horrible and before going raw I had

a perfect complexion.Tina DavisCertified ReflexologistMichael Harris <bossalingo wrote: I was not having a good experience with digestion onraw foods, and this was after eliminating many of theproblem foods associated with digestive problems likedried fruit, and too much fruit, unsoaked nuts, greensthat are not chopped up enough, etc...I have added sprouted whole grain bread to my raw foodregime and it has brought me back to regular digestionand elimination. I eat a low glycemic diet, low infruits and sugars, high in good fats, and high ingreens. The addition of sprouted grain (ekekial type)bread has made all the difference in the world for me.I hope that helps.Michael Talk

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Be sure the bread does not contain wheat gluten as an

ingredient. I heard this can break the skin out.

Many things can break out the skin during detox. Make

sure you eliminate the use of lotions and rinse well

when taking showers. Use a nuetral oil for the skin

instead of lotions like jojoba oil. All of those

products we put on our skin become absorbed into the

body. So look on the ingredient label. They can

cause breakouts when you detox because your body

becomes more sensitive to chemicals.


If you take baths, be sure to do another rinse with

cool water before you get out. Also, it is very

helpful if you sweat at some point during the day

doing exercise, and/or a sauna, or steam room. The

skin really needs to sweat in order to cleanse. Try

not to drink a lot of fruit juice. The acid can cause

more breaking out.


all the best-Mike

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Hi Mike! Thanks again for your response. Actually, since you metioned fruit juice I realized that the one thing I have been doing since day one of going raw was fruit smoothies. Lightbulb moment! Candida sufferers aren't supposed to eat fruit anyway. The only fruit I have been eating now has been oranges, grapefruit, lemon/lime in my water. The break outs have stopped. The diarrea has stopped. I have been doing H2O2 therapy for the past week so I will continue with that and see how it goes. Not 100% raw but I hope to be again soon, once I get myself motivated. TinaMichael Harris <bossalingo wrote: Be sure the bread does not contain wheat gluten as an ingredient. I heard this can break the skin out. Many things can break out the skin during detox. Make sure you

eliminate the use of lotions and rinse well when taking showers. Use a nuetral oil for the skin instead of lotions like jojoba oil. All of those products we put on our skin become absorbed into the body. So look on the ingredient label. They can cause breakouts when you detox because your body becomes more sensitive to chemicals. If you take baths, be sure to do another rinse with cool water before you get out. Also, it is very helpful if you sweat at some point during the day doing exercise, and/or a sauna, or steam room. The skin really needs to sweat in order to cleanse. Try not to drink a lot of fruit juice. The acid can cause more breaking out. all the best-Mike

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Hi Tina, I am so happy the suggestions helped you.


I would strongly recommend you try including a raw

spinach (or other green) salad when you eat your

oranges. The oranges are very sweet and acidic and

turn to glucose in the bloodstream very quickly when

they are eaten alone. The spinach slows down this

process so that the sugar and acid is released slowly.

Don't listen to those who claim that raw spinach is

harmful because it contains oxcylic acid. I did some

research because the folks at Wigmore

(www.annwigmore.org) told me that raw spinach was very

good. True, it does have oxcylic acid, but it only

becomes harmful when cooked. The acid transforms into

a crystal form when cooked and it is this crystalline

form which contributes to stones in the gull bladder

or kidney (one of the two,I forgot). But the acid is

assimilated when eaten raw and it actually has a

cleansing effect in its raw form.


The main thing is that greens (and whole grains if you

eat those) can have a slowing effect of the glucose,

making the nutrients more available and decreasing any

toxic effects that the orange alone may have. This

applies to any sweet fruit. Moderation is always

good, and combining with greens is even better.


Contrary to popular opinion, limes and lemons are not

as acidic because they are metabolized into a non-acid

as long as we do not eat too much. They are sour

anyway, so chances are that we will not eat much of

these. But some people do drink too much lemon water,

or they use too much citrus in everything. But normal

amounts get turned into alkaline or non-acid in the

digestion. Whereas oranges stay quite acidic and also

turn quickly to glucose in the digestion process.


100 percent raw is not as important as finding out

what works for you! -all the best.






--- tina davis <starlightearthchild wrote:


> Hi Mike!

> Thanks again for your response. Actually, since

> you metioned fruit juice I realized that the one

> thing I have been doing since day one of going raw

> was fruit smoothies. Lightbulb moment! Candida

> sufferers aren't supposed to eat fruit anyway. The

> only fruit I have been eating now has been oranges,

> grapefruit, lemon/lime in my water. The break outs

> have stopped. The diarrea has stopped. I have been

> doing H2O2 therapy for the past week so I will

> continue with that and see how it goes. Not 100%

> raw but I hope to be again soon, once I get myself

> motivated.


> Tina

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