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Marjorie Roswell

3443 Guilford Terrace

Baltimore, MD 21218







---------- Forwarded message ----------

Sat, 22 Apr 2006 12:02:06 -0400 (EDT)

Jim Carey <editor


chi Living Foods News



Wellness That Works

" Good health is a habit, not an event. Address your health or it will address

you. "


You can view this newsletter online at



Previous issues of the newsletter, indexed and searchable, are available at

http://chiDiet.com/news. Subscription and publisher

information is at the end of this newsletter.




In This Issue


Helping, Healing and Greed

The Doctor of the Future

Hands-On Living Foods Lifestyle Classes

Aspartame - The World's Best Ant Poison

The Mail Room

In The News

Backslider's Corner

chi Diet Lifestyle Home Study and Certification

April Specials

Water or Coke

Raw Family's All New, Stupendously Magnificent, Outstandingly Exceptional, Green

Spinach Soup Recipe

Upcoming Events

Ongoing Events

Raw Living Food Information and Resources

Raw Vegan Recipes

Andressohn Family Update

Andressohn Family Fundraiser

Diabetes and Living Foods Research


Customer Service Department (, , contact the editor, etc.)






Helping, Healing and Greed

By Dr. James E. Carey, Ph.D.

former Director of Creative Health Institute

former Executive Trustee, Creative Health Institute Trust, chiDiet Home Study Program


Those of you who have been rs for a while know that this newsletter

supports all raw fooders, living fooders and raw food

organizations. Last week we had an essay by Brenda Cobb

(chidiet.com/news/LivingFoodsNews20060415.htm#brenda) about how the Ann

Wigmore Foundation in New Mexico (http://www.wigmore.org/) is suing her for

using the terms " Living Food " and " Living Foods

Lifestyle " in her 2002 book, The Living Foods Lifestyle.


We've had SO many emails and calls on the subject that we'd like to share some

of the background on the subject, since so many

different rumors are flying around.


Susan Lavender is the Director of the Ann Wigmore Foundation. According to

Donald Haughey, cofounder of Hippocrates Institute of the

Midwest, later renamed Creative Health Institute, Susan came to Creative Health

in '99 as a garden worker. After a few months Don

agreed that it would be better for everyone if Susan were to take a position at

another Wigmore center, and he arranged for Susan to

transfer to the Ann Wigmore Foundation in New Mexico.


Susan arrived at a time of transition. Dr. Ann had perished in a fire at the

Hippocrates Institute in Boston back in '94 (she was

83), and the insurance money would not cover the cost of rebuilding the

Institute. Thus it was decided by the Board of Trustees to

move out West where property was cheaper and the climate milder (Dr. Ann had

always kept Hippocrates at 85 degrees, year-around).


Within a few months of Susan's arrival in San Fidel all of the staff, including Shu Chen, had left for other opportunities.

Susan found herself promoted to Director by default, according to Donald

Haughey. Don also says that Susan became involved with the

Wigmore program five years after Dr. Ann had passed over; Susan had never met,

much less known, Dr. Ann Wigmore.


In '02 Susan contacted Creative Health because she was having financial

troubles, and was several years behind in her legal

paperwork. Mary Jane Moore, Director of Creative Health for a decade, went down

to the Foundation's center in New Mexico and brought

all of the legal paperwork up-to-date, securing concessions and forgiveness from

the State of Massachusetts. At that time Donald

Haughey was named to the new Board of Trustees of the Ann Wigmore Foundation.


In '03 Susan contacted Creative Health, along with numerous other raw living

fooders including Hiawatha Cromer and Victoria Boutenko,

and strongly suggested that each of us donate $1,000 a year to the Foundation

because it was, again, having financial difficulties,

and it was " Oh, so important to keep Dr. Ann's legacy alive. " In that year

Hiawatha Cromer went down to New Mexico to assist as a

volunteer. Within a few weeks she contacted me, and asked if I could donate or

raise $20,000 for emergency property repairs for the

Foundation's center. I demurred because my support is with Creative Health, a

group that actively hosts and trains hundreds of people

a year; Susan wasn't doing a fraction of that many.


In '04 I was contacted again by the Foundation, first by Susan and later by her

attorneys. They demanded that all sales and assets of

chiDiet.com be turned over to the Foundation because we were using the

copyrighted terms " Ann Wigmore " and " Living Foods Lifestyle. "

My attorney found that " Ann Wigmore " never was a registered trademark as far as

we can tell; " Ann Wigmore Foundation " had been

registered at one time, but had been allowed to lapse in '99. " Living Foods

Lifestyle " had also been allowed to lapse in '99. This

can be easily verified at http://www.uspto.gov/.


Furthermore, since chiDiet.com was part and parcel with Creative Health

Institute Trust, and since we were operating under a Charter

originally granted by Dr. Ann Wigmore and Hippocrates Institute of Boston (the

predecessor of the Ann Wigmore Foundation), we had

full right and permission to use Dr. Ann's name, phrases and teachings. Upon

advice of attorney we told them to " buzz off. "


Susan contacted Donald Haughey, and by the end of that conversation Don had

resigned from the Ann Wigmore Foundation Board of

Trustees, and Susan was going to sue Don and Creative Health, a threat that

Donald laughed at.


As an aside, my attorney recommended that I file for the trademark names myself.

We considered it, but didn't do so for two reasons.

We were concerned that others would perceive such a move as a power or money

grab by Donald and/or myself. It was also felt that the

terms " Wigmore Diet, " " Living Foods, " " Raw Living Foods " and " Living Foods

Lifestyle " had entered the public lexicon.


When a name enters the public lexicon it means that it's of such common usage

that it's a generic term and, thus, can't be

copyrighted or trademark registered because it would cause a confusion for the

public. Could you imagine what shopping would be like

if the term " water " was a trademark? Nobody would be able to use that name on

their product. They could sell " H2O, " or " stuff that

comes out of taps, " but they wouldn't be able to call their product " water. "


In addition, it's the legal responsibility of the trademark registrant to

rigorously enforce usage of their trademark. Since the '60s

Xerox has done just that with their name. Everybody else had to sell " copiers; "

to sell a " xerographic copier " was a trademark

infringement (it's correctly written as " Xerographic copier " - I don't need THEM

mad at me! <g>).


It doesn't take much digging around on the Internet to see that " Living Foods

Lifestyle " is a generic term that describes the way we

live our lives. I got 17,100 hits on it this morning, and 3,900 on .


There was a third consideration. Anyone who knew Dr. Ann Wigmore also knew that

it was her dream and intention that any and all who

learned the lifestyle from her go forth and share it with the world. That's why

we've always been so supportive of all raw and living

fooders in this newsletter. That's what Brenda Cobb learned from Shu Chen,

that's what she went out and did, and that's why she's now

being sued.


Apparently in the last 18 months Susan found an attorney to get her trademarks

current. While the original intention was to sue

Donald Haughey, chiDiet.com and Creative Health Institute, any good attorney

knows that it's hard to win a case when someone has been

using the term since before it was registered as a trademark, or if they have

permission to use the term.


So, good attorney that I'm sure he is, he chose Brenda Cobb's book as his

target. Interestingly enough, when her book went to press

" Living Foods Lifestyle " didn't show up as a registered trademark.


In good faith Brenda went forth from her life-saving training at the Ann Wigmore

Foundation, doing what they (Shu Chen and staff)

encouraged her to do - share this knowledge with the world - and then somebody

else comes along, takes over the Foundation, and

proceeds to make money with it any way they can.


The best way to help Brenda right now is to convince the judge that the terms

" Living Food " (currently expired), " Living Foods, "

" Living Foods Lifestyle " (some searches show it as expired, others as renewed),

" Raw Living Foods, " and all combinations of those

words are part of the common lexicon, in the public domain, and should not be

used as trademarks.


Email Brenda a letter, then mail a copy of it to:

Living Foods Institute

560 Elmwood Drive

Atlanta, GA 30306



Direct office line: 404-607-1816

Cell: 404-625-1956


Brenda needs to have these letters by April 25th. Even if you can't get a

hardcopy to her in time, at least email and tell her what

you think.


Susan Lavender and the Ann Wigmore Foundation can be contacted at

livingfood and their website is



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The Doctor of the Future

>From www.snopes.com


Inventor Thomas Edison said: " The doctor of the future will give no medicine but

will interest his patients in the care of the human

frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. "


But did Edison really say it? Beyond the invocation of his name, the " doctor of

the future " statement appears unaccompanied by any

other details, such as when, where, and in what context Thomas Edison supposedly

spoke these words. In the 1989 book They Never Said

It, the authors noted that no one had yet been able to trace the quote back to

Edison himself.


Researchers turned up several newspaper articles from late 1902 and early 1903

that reprinted Edison's predictions for the upcoming

year, including some comments from him about the future of medicine, a portion

of which includes the " doctor of the future " statement

now attributed to him:


" Nineteen hundred and three will bring great advances in surgery, in the

study of bacteria, in the knowledge of the cause and

prevention of disease. Medicine is played out. Every new discovery of

bacteria shows us all the more convincingly that we have

been wrong and that the million tons of stuff we have taken was all


" The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his

patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in

the cause and prevention of disease.

" They may even discover the germ of old age. I don't predict it, but it

might be by the sacrifice of animal life human life

could be prolonged.

" Surgery, diet, antiseptics - these three are the vital things of the

future in preserving the health of humanity. There were

never so many able, active minds at work on the problems of diseases as

now, and all their discoveries are tending to the

simple truth - that you can't improve on nature. "


The bold passage is rendered slightly differently in various newspaper accounts

(e.g., " The doctor of the future - there will always

be doctors - will instruct his patient how to care for the human frame and how

to diet himself instead of giving him medicine " ),

perhaps due to the vagaries of transcribing from an oral statement (or from

memory), but it's clear that the statement in question

(or something very much like it) was widely reported as something Thomas Edison

himself said in late 1902.


For the complete story visit http://www.snopes.com/quotes/edison.asp.


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Hands-On Raw Vegan Food Prep and Internal Cleansing Classes


Now is the time to visit Creative Health Institute and learn about Dr. Ann

Wigmore's Raw Living Foods Lifestyle.


Some try to heal you with vitamins or herbs, others with drugs or surgery. But

the Dr. Ann Wigmore program is different - We Don't

Wait to get sick. The Wigmore Program & #147;tunes up & #148; your entire body,

now, so you won't get sick in the first place!


We've been teaching the benefits of a plant-based diet for almost 30 years in an

intensive, two-week hands-on program of health

education and raw foods preparation. The testimonials of former CHI students

speak volumes about the Living Foods Lifestyle that we

teach - CreativeHealth.us/testimonials.htm.


The best way to get to know us it to come visit for an afternoon. Alternate

Sundays we have a wonderful raw gourmet vegan buffet at

2:30 pm. Call us at (866) 426-1213 for dates. For driving directions and maps

visit CreativeHealth.us/directions.htm.


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Aspartame - The World's Best Ant Poison

By Author Unknown; contributed by Jan Jensen of WELLthy Choices

[-- I tried it, and it works - JC.]


We live in the woods, and carpenter ants are a huge problem. We have spent

thousands of dollars with Orkin and on ant poisons trying

to keep them under control but nothing has helped.


So when I read somewhere that aspartame (Nutrasweet sweetener) was actually

developed as an ant poison, and only changed to being

considered non-poisonous after it was realized that a lot more money could be

made on it as a sweetener than as an ant poison, I

decided to give it a try.


I opened two packets of aspartame sweetener, and dumped one in a corner of each

of our bathrooms. That was about 2 years ago and I

have not seen any carpenter ants for about 9 to 12 months. It works better than

the most deadly poisons I have tried. Any time they

show up again, I simply dump another package of Nutrasweet in a corner, and they

will be gone for a year or so again.


Since posting this information I have had many people tell me of their success

solving ant problems with this substance, when nothing

else worked.


We found later that small black ants would not eat the aspartame. It was

determined that if you mixed it with apple juice, they would

quickly take it back to the nest, and all would be dead within 24 hours,

usually. I have found that sometimes it will kill them, and

sometimes it does not. Not sure why, may be slightly different species of ants

or something.


Fire Ants


We got our first fire ant hill about 2 weeks ago. My son had tried Terro Outdoor

ant poison on some hills near his house some time

ago without success, so I figured I would give aspartame a try.


I opened 4 packets and scattered the aspartame over the mound. The ants seemed

to be ignoring it, but a storm came in in about an

hour, and washed it all away. So the following week I tried again. Once again

they ignored it for 24 hours although some very small

black ants found it and begun carrying it off. Then we got a light rain. It was

just a sprinkle, enough to moisten the Nutrasweet and

ground, but not enough to wash it away. They went crazy, hundreds of them

grabbing it and taking it back into the mound. When I

checked the mound 2 days later, there was no sign of the fire ants. I even dug

the mound up some, and still saw none of them.


How does it Work


Aspartame is neuropoison. It most likely kills the ants by interfering with

their nervous system. It could be direct, like stopping

their heart, or something more subtle like killing their sense of taste so they

can't figure out what is eatable, or smell, so they

can't follow their trails, or mis-identify their colonies members, so they start

fighting each other. Not sure what causes them to

end up dieing, just know that for many species of ants it will kill the quickly

and effectively.


As with any poison I recommend wearing gloves and washing any skin areas that

come in contact with this poison, and avoid getting in

your mouth, despite anything the labeling may indicate.


I suspect it will work for other insects such as yellow jackets as well, but

have not tested that yet.


More information on this fantastic poison can be found at: http://www.dorway.com


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" Liberty means responsibility. That's why most men dread it. " - George Bernard

Shaw (1856-1950)






The Mail Room


Hi Jim,


I really appreciate your articles and editing of the chi newsletter.


I was so inspired by your review of Victoria's book that I purchased the book. I

also bought a vita-mix from her and have been

incorporating more greens into my smoothies.


Mark Rieke

Board Member and Past President of the St. Louis Vegetarian Society



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You must become the change you want to see in the world. - M. K. Gandhi






In The News


(Charlotte Observer) " Who are vegans, and what makes their diet so healthy? "

http://www.charlotte.com/mld/charlotte/living/food/13986848.htm?source=rss & chann\



(HealthDay News) Teaching your young children to eat right is an important way

to ensure their health well into adulthood. But

convincing them to choose carrots over chips may be easier said than done.

Children learn by watching their parents, so setting a

good example of healthy eating is important, the Nemours Foundation says.

Children who participate in family meals are more likely to

eat more fruits and vegetables, and less likely to snack on unhealthy foods.

They are also less likely to indulge in smoking, drug

and alcohol abuse:



The health risks of being overweight, by the National Institute of Diabetes and

Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK):



(BBC) Changes to diets over the last 50 years may be playing a key role in the

rise of depression and memory problems, a study says.

Researchers said the proliferation of industrialized farming had introduced

pesticides and altered the body fat composition of

animals due to the diet they are now fed:



(Oregon Health Science University) Staying active may be more of a factor in

fending off weight gain for adults than cutting

calories, according to a new study. The study on monkeys at the Oregon National

Primate Research Center found no strong relationship

between the level of food intake and weight gain:



(AP) Mushrooms may soon emerge as an unlikely but significant source of vitamin

D, the sunshine vitamin that helps keep bones strong

and fights disease. New research, while preliminary, suggests that brief

exposure to ultraviolet light can zap even the blandest and

whitest farmed mushrooms with a giant serving of the vitamin:



Can dogs detect cancer? I first heard of this over 20 years ago. Researchers

study reports:



Flaxseed may slow breast cancer, according to a recent study at the University

Health Network in Toronto:






(ENS) - Broccoli and cabbage contain chemicals that appear to enhance DNA repair

in cells, which could lead to protection against

cancer development, say Georgetown University Medical Center researchers:



This couple adopted a vegetarian diet following Mr. Brown's cancer diagnosis. In

1992, Barry Brown, 58, was diagnosed with

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and given five years to live. Fourteen years later, he's

still around, and credits much of his successful

cancer story with a radically changed diet. He has been in clinical remission

for the past five years. Both he and his wife Chris,

61, have become vegans, and believe it is a healthy diet choice:



Over the years we've printed a large number of articles about the importance of

clean, pure water for our bodies. We've also given a

lot of coverage to the dangers of microwave ovens. Now here's a pictorial report

about what microwave ovens do to our water:





(Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine) New survey shows cardiologists

aware of life-saving diet, yet failing to recommend

it. Wider use of vegetarian diet would result in fewer surgeries and deaths from

heart disease; Studies show patients transition

easily to new diet:



" Results suggest a lower risk of diabetes and heart disease in persons who

consume diets high in whole grains, " said the study

published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition:



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" Healing is Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual. " - Dr. Ann Wigmore.






Backslider's Corner

- by Jim Carey


This is a lifestyle choice, not a religion. Even if you're not eating 100% raw,

how much better are you doing than when you were on

the SAD (Standard American Diet)? Eating outside of the program is nothing to

feel guilty about.


One big Green Smoothie a day is a great start... By that we mean lots of greens,

and just a bit of fruit. The rest of your healthier

lifestyle will come with time.


My personal Green Smoothie/Energy Soup recipe (about halfway down the page):



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chi Diet Lifestyle Home Study and Certification


It's Springtime -- Invest that Tax Refund in yourself -- It's time to get

yourself ready for a happy, healthy, energetic, extra,

Extra-Special Summer. Make this the year YOU TAKE CONTROL of your health, life

and well-being!


There's a lot more to being a Raw Fooder than eating fruits and veggies. Now you

can learn about the Raw Living Foods Lifestyle in

the comfort and convenience of your home. Learn how to detox your body, what to

eat, why to eat it, and how to prepare yummy raw food

meals that leave you feeling full and satisfied. The Home Study version of the

Dr. Ann Wigmore Raw Living Foods Lifestyle includes

over 45 hours of video instruction, and a comprehensive manual.


The Raw Living Foods Lifestyle was developed by Dr. Ann Wigmore in the 50's and

refined over the years at Hippocrates Institute in

Boston and Creative Health Institute in Michigan (formerly Hippocrates Institute

of the Midwest, one of several founded by Dr. Ann).


If you can't get into a residential program, then the home study program is for

you. There's so much material in the home study

program - 15 lessons, 30+ videos, 350+ page handbook - that you'd have to spend

at least a month at a place like Creative Health to

learn as much.


First Lesson Free- Examine the program in your home for 30 days, and even if you

don't elect to continue, keep the first lesson plan,

the two videos, and the inspirational book Why Suffer?: How I Overcame Illness &

Pain Naturally, by Dr. Ann Wigmore, with our

compliments: chidiet.com/lessons.htm.


 Complete Lifestyle Education Package




Bonus Offer:

If you order the complete Raw Living Foods Lifestyle Home Study Program this

month we'll also include, at no extra charge, over $100

worth of bonus materials:

Bonus Book: " Green for Life, " by Victoria Boutenko (read the Book Review)

Bonus Video: " Greens can Save Your Life, " with Victoria Boutenko (2 Tapes or


Bonus Video: " Dr. Ann Wigmore's Kitchen, " with Dr. Ann and Dr. Flora van Orden

Bonus Video: " Out of the Ordinary, " with Robert Taylor, Steven Gibb and Dr.

James Carey

Bonus Book: " Finding Health in Hodunk, " by Thom Hartmann

Bonus Video: A surprise title.


For more information about what's contained in these comprehensive Raw " Living "

Foods Lesson Plans, please visit





In The Mail


Hello, Jim:


Received the 1st month's chiDiet program info and am loving it.

Any chance I might " upgrade " to every 2 weeks?





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" There are, in effect, two things: to know, and to believe one knows. To know is

science. To believe one knows is ignorance. "


- Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine (460-357 BC).






Water or Coke?




1. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.

2. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often

mistaken for hunger.

3. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as much as 3%.

4. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of

the dieters studied in a University of Washington


5. Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

6. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could

significantly ease back joint pain for up to 80% of


7. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble

with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer

screen or on a printed page.

8. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%,

plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%,

and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.


And now for the properties of COKE


1. In many states (in the USA) the highway patrol carries two gallons of coke in

the truck to remove blood from the highway after a

car accident.

2. You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of coke and it will be gone in two days

3. To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl and let the

" real thing " sit for one hour, then flush clean. The

citric acid in Coke removes stains from vitreous China.

4. To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers: Rub the bumper with a

rumpled-up piece of Reynolds Wrap aluminum foil dipped in


5. To clean corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour a can of Coca-Cola over

the terminals to bubble away the corrosion.

6. To loosen a rusted bolt: Applying a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the rusted

bolt for several minutes.

7. To bake a moist ham: Empty a can of Coca-Cola into the baking pan, wrap the

ham in aluminum foil, and bake. Thirty minutes before

the ham is finished, remove the foil, allowing the drippings to mix with the

Coke for a sumptuous brown gravy.

8. To remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of coke into a load of greasy

clothes, add detergent, and run through a regular cycle.

The Coca-Cola will help loosen grease stains.

9. It will also clean road haze from your windshield.


For Your Information


1. The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid. Its pH is 2.8. It will

dissolve a nail in about 4 days. Phosphoric acid also

leaches calcium from bones and is a major contributor to the rising increase in


2. To carry Coca-Cola syrup (the concentrate) the commercial truck must use the

Hazardous material place cards reserved for Highly

corrosive materials.

3. The distributors of coke have been using it to clean the engines of their

trucks for about 20 years!


Now the question is, would you like a coke or a glass of water?


back to the index






Raw Family's All New, Stupendously Magnificent, Outstandingly Exceptional, Green

Spinach Soup Recipe

from Victoria Boutenko and family at www.RawFamily.com


3 Small avocados (or one extra large)

2 Red Bell Peppers

1/2 Bunch cilantro

1/2 Bunch Organic Spinach

2 Small lemons (without seeds)

3 Cups pure water

1 Small jalapeno pepper

1/2 Teaspoon Celtic sea salt (optional)


Put all the ingredients in a Vita-Mix blender and blend well using the tamper.

Once the ingredients are well blended, pour the soup into a large bowl.

Add thinly sliced napa cabbage or red cabbage and dulse leaves or flakes.


Serves 6


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-- Working Together to Help Others --






Andressohn Family Update


Flora wrote on 4/18: Today I was picked up by Joe in his old van (it had to stop

and cool off 5 times before we got to the family

court!) and after we picked up Lamoy and the adults went into the court, I

played with 11 month old Joy for a few hours until they

came out, beaming!


The judge listened to their baby's doctor and listened to the results of their

psychological tests and the therapists who have

monitored their family visitations and got word to everyone that they will be

able to have weekend visits from their children and

that things are moving so quickly because they are such good parents.


The baby is so healthy, although petit, and Lamoy is fixing food for the

pediatrician and his wife. As I told them, the more people

who are touched by their lives, and the more people who eat their food and who

get to know them, the more they will be loved and



That their baby was born with a birth defect (diGeorge syndrome) is nothing that

anyone can undo and so they are moving on to family

reconciliation because everyone knows how nutritious their food is for their



Bless everyone who has helped them financially.


They looked at a van today. Perhaps someone has an old vehicle large enough for

4 children out there that they are not using?


Peace and Love,

Dr. Flora Flora




Andressohn Family Fundraiser


Flora wrote on 3/30: " Went with Lamoy today for her to take a psychological

evaluation test. I played with her precious Joy, who is

10 months old now, for 2 1/2 hours. She is walking and is so smart. Taking apart

things, putting them back together. A petit princess

who never cried once and who is so loved that she smiles freely with everyone

who sees her. "


Your continuing support is needed as we pay off the Andressohn's bail bond fees.

For more information please visit

chiDiet.com/news/LivingFoodsNews20060304.htm. Thank you to Steven Gibb, Donald

Zabinski, Jennie Wilson, Gerald Perry, Steve Parker,

S. Davidson, Z. Tettelaar, J. Wilson, F. Daley, Susana Veda, Ted Watkin and Mary

Jane Moses for your generous contributions.


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Diabetes and Living Foods Research


My name is Aimee Perrin. I would love to communicate with other diabetics or

former diabetics who are on a raw food diet:



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Upcoming Events


Chicago, Illinois - Saturday, April 22, 5 - 8 pm Sunday Night Live Raw Food

Potluck on Saturday night at the Funky Buddha on Grand

and Milwaukee in Chicago: www.rawfoodchicago.com.


Chicago, Illinois - FUNdamentals of Raw Living Foods - One-Day Intensive

Certification Courses. Look Good, Feel Great, Lose Weight

and Experience the Magic of Raw Living Foods! Saturday, April 22, with Jenny

Cornbleet, Jenny or call 773-677-6401

or visit www.RawFoodChef.com.


Kansas City, Kansas - Raw Vegan Kitchen Demo April 22 - 3 pm to 5 pm

Reservations are required. During this raw and vegan kitchen

demo you will see and use all of the latest kitchen equipment needed for a raw

and vegan kitchen. We will show you how, with the

right tools you can prepare both raw and vegan meals easier, faster and more

efficient. The demo concludes with a tasting of the

foods prepared during the show and our new pre-packaged line of raw foods!! The

demo is FREE and all of the products will be

available for sale at the end of the show! If you'd like to get together with

your friends and host a kitchen demo while enjoying

great food and fun call me and I'll tell you how you can receive FREE products

from the demo! 913.281.3848 or email Kimse at



Palm Beach Gardens, Florida - Rene Oswald will have a Living Foods Buffet class

on Saturday, April 22nd from 1-6 pm. She will share

her secrets of making delicious living foods in a fast and easy way. The class

will be followed by a Living Foods Buffet. She will be

preparing smoothies, breakfast ideas, dehydrated cookies and crackers, soups,

appetizers, entrees, salads, dips and spreads, and

desserts. Rene will demonstrate how to make enough food for 4 days in 3 hours!

Email rene.oswald or call 561-775-4867 for

more information.


Winona, Ontario - (just east of Hamilton) Raw Pot Luck on Saturday, April 22

from 5:30 to 7:00 PM. We would love to see you there. We

are located on Highway 8 in Winona, just West of Fifty Road. The studio is in

the lower level of Natural Therapies Clinic. Please go

around the right side of the building to find our entrance. Follow the links

provided, if you require further directions. BEAMS OF

LIGHT, 1304 Highway #8, Winona, ON, 905-520-7932, 905-643-6298,



Palm Beach Gardens, Florida - Rene Oswald's April Living Foods Seminars and Food

Prep Classes in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. The

following classes are FREE! For more information contact Rene at

rene.oswald. Monday, April 24th from 6:30-7:30 PM or

Wednesday, April 26th from 12 Noon to 1 PM - Living Foods Healthy Snack.


Sanford, Maine - Goodall Library, Thursday, April 27, 6-8pm. Southern Maine

Chapter of the National Health Federation -

(www.thenhf.com) Free Film- " We Become Silent; The Last Days of Health Freedom "

(http://www.welltv.com/) narrated by Dame Judith

Dench. For more info contact Regional Rep Pamela Gerry at 207 459 4146 or email



Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - April 27th 28th 29th & 30th Living on Live Foods

Certified Teacher Schall Adams will be teaching the

Living on Live Food Chef and Instructor Certification Classes. Learn for

yourself how to prepare delicious raw food meals or become

certified to teach this lifestyle. Classes are taught hands on. For more info:

http://www.whatisrawfood.com or (775) 412-1891.


Canton, Michigan - Michael Dwyer's Chef level certification classes are on

Saturday - April 29th. Six hours for $125; at the Good

Food Company in Canton, MI. Michael has studied under Alissa Cohen, and is

certified to teach you how to become certified also. He is

planning a 2 & 1/2 day Instructor-Level certification sometime in May for $650.

If you are interested, either go to his website at

www.rawdwyer.com, email him at rawdwyer or call him at



Sacramento, California - Salud! Cooking and Lifestyle School, Whole Foods

Market, Sunday, May 5, 8:00 AM - 6:30 PM with Alicia Ojeda,

Alicia, call 707-964-2420 or visit www.RawFoodChef.com .


Watervliet, Michigan - Ronora Lodge Presents: " Eating Raw, Living Well Health

Retreat, " May 5 through 14. May 12th: Mehmet Ak,

Executive Chef and owner of Cousins Live Eatery in Chicago. May 11th: Jenny

Cornbleet, raw foods chef and author of Raw Foods Made

Easy for 1 or 2 People. Come for the day (only $25) or a 2-night, 3-night or

9-night stay. Ronora Lodge and Retreat Center is

situated on 425 acres of private nature conservancy land surrounding the shining

sapphire waters of Lake Sherwood. Internationally

known Hiawatha Cromer will lead this magical living foods retreat which will

feature hands-on classes, nature walks, and daily yoga

classes. S. Hunter Leggitt, PsyD, psychologist and organic gardener, will lead

healing visualizations and journaling classes, along

with hands-on organic gardening lessons. Prepare wild herb teas after a wild

edible herb lecture and walk. Create your journal and

spirit beads in arts and crafts classes. Join in drumming circles and take part

in an optional three-day partial fast. Help us

inaugurate rustic Ronora Lodge in its first of many living foods lifestyle

wellness retreats. www.ronoralodge.com or phone



Roseburg, Oregon - The Raw-Raw Girls Present Be Your Own Cheerleader. " Dr. Ann

Wigmore said, " Be Your Own Doctor " . The Raw-Raw Girls

say, " Why stop there? " Learn what equipment to not be without, which drills are

mandatory, how to identify who or what needs to be

" cut " from your team, winning strategies to defeat any perceived " opponent " , how

to throw your own " pep rallies " and of course, how

to cheer for yourself! Paul Fieber and his wife Suzie are leaders of the

Roseburg Group and their telephone number for more

information is (541) 860-5258. May 11, 2006. Location: Mercy Education

Bldg, 2459 Stewart Parkway, next to Parkway Medical

Supply. Time: The potluck begins at 6:30 pm and the talk about 7:30 pm. For more

info contact therawgirls.


Lanark, Ontario - You are invited to join a very inspiring permaculture workshop

from May 19 to May 22. The workshop will be led by

Dave Jacke, a well known author and teacher of ecological design and

permaculture. www.newliferetreat.com


Kittery, Maine - a Raw Food Potluck. I am really looking forward to building a

raw food community in the area. Our first potluck will

be the last Thursday of May, the 25th. My house is easy to find and is very

close to Portsmouth, NH and the interstate. I am really

excited to hold these potlucks. In the future (June, July and August) we will

have guest speakers! Please call for directions 207 409

0899 or you could email me, if that is better for you, at aimeefields.

Directions are also accessible on my website at

livingandhealingraw.com - Aimee Perrin.


Chicago, Illinois - Sunday, May 28th Raw-B-Que in Chicago, private residence,

must R.S.V.P. for more info: www.rawfoodchicago.com


Watervliet, Michigan - Ronora Lodge Presents: " Eating Raw, Living Well Health

Retreat, " June 6 through 12. Choose a 2-night or

6-night stay and rejuvenate with the living foods lifestyle program developed by

Ann Wigmore, while enjoying the serenity of rustic

Ronora Lodge and Retreat Center. Optional three-day partial fast.

www.ronoralodge.com - 269-463-6315.


back to the index






" He who does not know food, how can he understand the diseases of man? & #148; -

Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine (460-357 BC).






Ongoing Events


Raw Vegan Radio - A radio show that will open your mind to holistic health,

nutrition, and the connection between mind, body, and

spirit. With your host, Steven Prussack, MS. Lots of interviews with " Who's Who

in Raw Living Foods. " www.RawVeganRadio.com.


The Naked Vegan - Kimberly Mac, on Alternative Talk Radio, Seattle; a segment

called Positive Choice Radio at 1 pm Thursdays. KKNW

Radio: www.newschannel1150.com.




British Columbia, Courtenay - Raw vegan potluck on the 4th Sunday of every month

at the Florence Filberg Centre. Raw & Cooked vegan

potluck on the 2nd Sunday of each month at the same location. Note that

Courtenay is the home of ZenZero Raw Food Oasis, a cafe with

tasty raw foods. Sign up for RawRose's Uncooking Classes held regularly at

ZenZero. Contact Rose Vasile at (250) 334-2251 for more

info (Rose was the Director of Creative Health Institute in 2003).


Florida, Delray Beach - Circle of Life Holistic Events:



Florida, Orlando - I really would like to learn more about preparing raw meals,

but cannot travel to a residential program right now.

Is there anything available in the Orlando area?? Thanks, Judith A. Sackett -



Georgia, Atlanta - Support Group and Potluck every Monday, 6:30 - 8:00 pm at the

Natural Market Place www.naturalmarketplace.net.


Georgia, Atlanta - Life Grocery and Cafe, 1453 Roswell Road, Marietta (770)

977-9583 (1/2 mi. E of the Big Chicken). My favorite

Organic Market. Lots and lots of produce, tasty treats for Vegans, wonderful

meals, and fresh, fresh, fresh. Free events all month

long. Say " Hi " to Mandy for us!


Illinois, Chicago - Chicago has three monthly raw events/potlucks: one in Hyde

Park, usually the first Sunday of the month, one on

the north side, usually the third Sunday of the month and one at our new raw

food restaurant, Cousin's at 3038 W. Irving Park Road,

schedule varies. www.rawfoodchicago.com for info. (Check out our new website for

the raw scoop of Chicago!)


Kansas City, Kansas - Living Right Raw Food Cafe 7:00 pm; Meets every third

Thursday of the month This group meets monthly and is

totally centered on Raw Living Food ideas. Each member of the cafe brings a dish

to share. The meeting includes the sharing of food,

great conversations, planning of raw food events and possible trips, on occasion

there are guest speakers, or demonstrations. Open to

all! You do not have to be Raw nor do you have to be 100% raw to join us. This

is lots of fun! Come join us. Meetings are FREE for

more information call Kimse at 913.281.3848 or kimse.


Kansas City, Kansas - 2:00 pm Live Food Kitchen Show - This potluck meets the

second Saturday of every month at Wild oats in Overland

park KS. I will be doing a presentation on how to stock your Living Food

Kitchen. I will cover types of food, how to store them and

equipment information like what type of equipment you need form the big to the

small and how to use basic kitchen equipment for a

live food diet. You will be able to view and sample some of the products. After

the presentation you will also be able to order any

of the products we have available. The presentation will be followed by the

Living Food Potluck. There is no fee for this event. If

you would like to attend email me for more information! Hope to see you there!

For more information contact Kimse at 913.281.3848 or



Massachusetts, Boston - New Boston Area Raw Vegan Pot Luck Schedule: Every third

Tuesday of the month. Feb. 21st 6 - 9 pm.

Contact: Adrienne Martin - 617.222.0491. Email: aemartin04. Address:

28 Everdean Street, Boston, Massachusetts.


Massachusetts, Boxborough - Raw Vegan Pot Luck - Wednesday Feb 15th, 6:30 - 9

PM. Location: - 118 Cobleigh Road, Boxborough. Contact

info: Andy Migner, andy. Regular Schedule: The third Wednesday of

the month.


Michigan, Ann Arbor - Monthly potluck. Contact Ellen Bogard at (734) 995-0875

for more information. John Rasmussen and Marilyn

Wedenoja (734) 995-8483.


Michigan, Detroit - Veggies in Motion calendar of events:

www.veggiesinmotion.org/calendar. They have all kinds of things going on in

the Metropolitan Detroit area. Nice newsletter, too.


Michigan, Lansing - Living Food Group gathering and living food (raw vegan)

potluck. We always meet the 1st Monday of the month

(unless it is a holiday) from 6 - 8 p.m. Our coordinator is Cricket Lott. Here

is our website: www.livinghiho.com.


Michigan, Union City - Creative Health Institute - alternate Sundays we have a

wonderful raw gourmet vegan buffet at 2:30 pm.

Suggested donation $10. For driving directions please visit

CreativeHealth.us/directions.htm. Call (866) 426-1213 for dates and



Michigan, Union City - Vadim Guchinskiy, Nutritional Microscopist trained by Dr.

Robert O. Young, PhD (author of the pH Miracle book

series) is making weekly and bi-weekly trips to Creative Health Institute to do

Blood Analysis. The Director, Darcy Flynn, is

scheduling appointments for Wednesdays and Saturdays. Alternate Mondays he will

be giving an educational presentation. Contact Darcy

at (866) 426-1213.


Missouri, St. Louis - Raw Vegan Potluck - When: 1st Sunday each month - 5 pm at

Wild Oats on Ladue. Contact Terry at

rawlivingfood for information.


Missouri, St. Louis - St. Louis Vegetarian Society (they also support Vegans):



New Hampshire, Manchester - Raw Food Potluck - The first Sunday of the month at

5:30 pm, usually. Contact info: Jude -

naturallyjude - 603-666-7010.


North Carolina, Cornelius - WELLthy Choices Potlucks on the 3rd Thursday each

month 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Please bring a healthy potluck

dish (raw foods encouraged) to share with at least 10-12 people, plus your

recipe (we're compiling UNcookbooks!). RSVP: 704-892-9478.


Ontario, Greensville - The Spring Raw Fiesta will be this Sunday (4/9) at 2 PM

at the O'Conner residence in Greensville. The raw

dishes at the past few potlucks have been extraordinary in appearance and taste

worthy of the best raw chefs. If any of you want to

try something different you can check out the recipes at

http://www.fresh-network.com/recipes/index.htm. Some of these are by Cherie

Soria who has trained many of the best raw chefs. David Wolfe was especially

enlightening at the Toronto Total Health. The Canadian

premiere of the movie Breakthrough will be shown at Lorenna and Shantree's

Living Centre near London on Friday night. It's about a

family raising raw kids. See the newsletter on their website -

www.thelivingcentre.com . Don and Anne O'Conner, 16 Wesite Avenue,

Greensville, ON (905-628-2058); DonOConner.


Ontario, Ottawa - SimplyRaw promotes better health & quality of life through

eating nutritious raw plant food. We offer raw food prep

and healing workshops, monthly potlucks, raw coaching, support, products,

book/video lending library and online bulletin board.



Oregon, Portland - Weekly raw vegan potlucks and gatherings -



Tennessee, Nashville - Free How to Eliminate Sickness Seminar every Saturday

morning at 10:00 am, followed by healthy lunch. Free

Support Group Meetings every Monday night at 6:00 pm (Pot Luck ) or pay our Chef

$7 and he will prepare one for you. Free 24 Carrot

Club meeting: A support group and candle light dinner meets the 4th Thursday of

every month. Hear testimonies from cancer survivors

and other adverse health issues. Contact Brenda Lee Reed at

yourhealthcoach2003, (615) 217-7814, or visit



Texas, Houston - Raw Potluck, 1225 Taft Street (Taft Coffeehouse) at 6:30 pm.

The second Wednesday and fourth Thursday of every

month. Contact: tonyacolelightfoot (AT) hotmailcom (DOT)




Chase Sammut's ongoing recovery from a brain tumor, using Raw Living Foods:





Want to see your event listed? Email the info to editor, preferably

in the format used above.


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Raw Living Food Information and Resources


We should regularly remind ourselves of why we're aspiring to a plant-based

diet. Here's a list of articles that you can use to

reinforce your own aspirations, as well as share with others.


(Battle Creek Enquirer) Trendy " raw food " diets, recently made popular by

celebrities who seemingly eat nothing but celery and

sprouts, stemmed from places like Creative Health Institute:




Living Foods Defined, by Dr. Ann Wigmore:



Ten Advantages of Eating Raw, by Susan Jorg:



Raw Vegan vs. Raw Living Foods vs. the Dr. Ann Wigmore Diet - The Differences:



Raw and Living Foods - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): rawfoods.com/faq.html.


Unexpected Benefits of Being Raw, by Jim Carey:




The Benefits of Raw Foods, by Paul Nison:


Other articles: chiDiet.com/benefits-of-living-foods-links.html.


The Value of Eating Fresh Sprouts (Scotland):



Scientific Studies of Diet and Nutrition, by Dr. T. Colin Campbell, MD, PhD.

Excerpts from The China Study:






Things to be Aware of in the Raw Food Arena, by Nomi Shannon:

Part A: chiDiet.com/news/CHInewsletter05272003.txt

Part B: chiDiet.com/news/CHInewsletter06032003.txt

Part C: chiDiet.com/news/CHInewsletter06102003.txt


Vegetarian Resources: creativehealth.us/links/links27.htm.


Living Foods Resources: creativehealth.us/links/links4.htm and



Living Foods Recipes: creativehealth.us/links/links5.htm.


Meat in our Midst; Voices of Vegetarians, Messages from Meat-eaters:



Coping techniques to stay on living foods, by Victoria Boutenko:



Why resolutions fail, and what to do about it:



86 things that help people stay Raw: curezone.com/blogs/m.asp?f=67 & i=247.


Raw Vegan Recipes




http://www.rawtimes.com (challenging to navigate to Recipes... but it's there)





I hope these articles and links help, and keep you inspired.

Personally, when my lifestyle choices are questioned I just look at how much

better I'm doing now that I'm living on living foods,

than when I was on the SAD.

Jim Carey


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This week's contributors include Flora van Orden III, Steven Gibb, Gerald Perry,

Victoria Boutenko, Donald Haughey, Kristin Stivers,

Mark Rieke, Erica Albanese, Larry Meggs and Jan Jensen.


We're always on the lookout for appropriate material. If you see or have an

article or website that you think should be in the chi

Living Foods News, please pass it along to Jim Carey as editor.



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You can contact the editor of the newsletter for comments, suggestions or

submissions by e-mailing editor or by writing

to Jim Carey - editor, chi Living Foods News, 5678 W. Old Savannah Rd., PO Box

321, Midville, GA 30441.


About the editor: www.jcarey.com.




This newsletter is an expression of opinions and not professional medical or

dental advice. You are solely responsible for the use of

the ideas, concepts and content, and agree to hold the publishers and their

associates and affiliates harmless in any event or claim.

The information in this newsletter is not meant to be a substitute for

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