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On April 14, 2006 many of you received an e-mail explaining a law suite that

had been issued by Susan Lavendar of the Ann Wigmore foundation in New

Mexico. While some of these facts may have been true...most were not.




Then on April 22, 2006 the CHI newsletter displayed yet another onslaught of





This letter is to share with you, the conscious reader, the other side of

the story.




As most of you know, Dr Ann is truly a pioneer of the " living foods

lifestyle. " She dedicated most of her life to serving mankind and enjoyed

every moment she served. Her life was about God's people and how to help

them achieve a better way of life in all regards! She was truly an angel

from the heavens!




Dr. Ann herself invested into her own trademarks as her name (Ann Wigmore

Foundation) and the " Living Foods Lifestyle " in 1993. This came about when

her lifetime dream was stolen by the people who she trusted the most at

Hippocrates Health Institute in Boston. Her heart was crushed by these

individuals who literally slipped her papers to sign off her farm and

business and even the very books she authored. This was a very difficult

lesson for her and she felt she had to take action to protect herself. This

is when she created her own trademarks and took her power back. This is all

verifiable at:








Through the years there have been other centers claming to be Ann Wigmore

Foundations, but the only institutes that are true to Dr. Ann's teachings

are the " Ann Wigmore Foundation of New Mexico " and the " Ann Wigmore

Institute of Puerto Rico. " Other institutes may teach " some " of the

teachings of Dr Ann but most fall short of the original Hippocrates

Institute of Boston.








Susan Lavendar is currently the Director and caretaker of the Ann Wigmore

Foundation in New Mexico. Susan has held this position since August 17, 2000

to keep Dr Ann's vision alive. She has accomplished this on her own accord

with very little help from others. Hard work and love is what has kept the

original Institute alive and flourishing. Without Susan, Ann Wigmore's dream

would have slowly faded into the background!




Susan Lavendar is an old Essene sister who has been behind the scenes as an

organic farmer, healer, and assistant to natural hygienist Ray Kent, with a

sum total experience in the raw lifestyle of over 26 years.




Susan Lavendar worked personally with Dr Ann Wigmore at Hippocrates Health

Institute in Boston.










Below is the original letter sent out by The Raw Raw Girls (Liz and Erica)

of Eugene, OR 514-343-6530. Unfortunately they did NOT speak with Susan

Lavendar before printing these skewed facts. Our investigators called both

Susan Lavendar and Brenda Cobb to get the both sides of the story!








What we discovered~




Our first call was to Brenda Cobb so we asked her to comment on how she felt

about the lawsuit and allegations. She replied by saying she was surprised

that this happened and she didn't feel she was doing anything wrong by using

the term " Living Foods Lifestyle " and that everyone was using it. We then

asked her if Susan Lavendar had made any attempt to contact her in the past

to discuss the use of the name and her answer was clearly no. She even went

so far as to say that had Susan contacted her she would have gladly worked

it out.




Our next phone call was to Susan Lavendar inquiring about her lack of

contact with Brenda Cobb. We shared what we had heard and she was quick to

point out that there had been several phone calls to Brenda Cobb discussing

the use of the phrase of " Living Foods Lifestyle. " In fact, Leola from

Puerto Rico called Brenda Cobb regarding the matter and Brenda implied she

wanted to learn the program, and would even consent to a licensing









Please find below an article from the CHI newsletter published on 4/22/06

which demonstrates an unsubstantiated and slanted viewpoint!


Helping, Healing and Greed

By Dr. James E. Carey, Ph.D.

former Director of Creative Health Institute

former Executive Trustee, Creative Health Institute Trust, chiDiet Home Study Program


Those of you who have been rs for a while know that this newsletter

supports all raw fooders, living fooders and raw food organizations. Last

week we had an essay by Brenda Cobb (


chidiet.com/news/LivingFoodsNews20060415.htm#brenda) about how the Ann

Wigmore Foundation in New Mexico ( <http://www.wigmore.org/>



STATEMENT: is suing her for using the terms " Living Food " and " Living Foods

Lifestyle " in her 2002 book, The Living Foods Lifestyle.




FALSE: The phrase living food was never included in the dispute.


We've had SO many emails and calls on the subject that we'd like to share

some of the background on the subject, since so many different rumors are

flying around.


Susan Lavendar is the Director of the Ann Wigmore Foundation. According to

Donald Haughey, cofounder of Hippocrates Institute of the Midwest, later

renamed Creative Health Institute,


STATEMENT: Susan came to Creative Health in '99 as a garden worker.




FALSE: Susan Lavendar was at Creative health Institute working the garden

in 1989




STATEMENT: After a few months Don agreed that it would be better for

everyone if Susan were to take a position at another Wigmore center, and he

arranged for Susan to transfer to the Ann Wigmore Foundation in New Mexico.




FALSE: Susan Lavendar left on her own accord. In fact, Susan went to

Virginia where for over 5 years she worked on a living food garden school

ministry project.


Don Haughey never had anything to do with a transfer of any kind!!!








Susan arrived at a time of transition. Dr. Ann had perished in a fire at the

Hippocrates Institute in Boston back in '94 (she was 83), and the insurance

money would not cover the cost of rebuilding the Institute. Thus it was

decided by the Board of Trustees to move out West where property was cheaper

and the climate milder (Dr. Ann had always kept Hippocrates at 85 degrees,



Within a few months of Susan's arrival in San Fidel all of the staff,

including Director Shu Chen, had left for other opportunities.


STATEMENT: Susan found herself promoted to Director by default,




FALSE: Susan wanted to expand her garden school. So, she called Hiawatha for

ideas of where to relocate. Hiawatha encouraged her to go to New Mexico to

help Grace and Bill the caretakers of the Wigmore Foundation. Susan arrived

in NM on August 17th, 2000 only to discover 8 months earlier Shu abandoned

the project after a love triangle with the handyman and the lawyer. Shu left

with most of the goods, and the accounts (money) and God knows all else!




according to Donald Haughey. Don also says that Susan became involved with

the Wigmore program five years after Dr. Ann had passed over;


STATEMENT: Susan had never met, much less known, Dr. Ann Wigmore.




FALSE: Susan personally worked with Ann Wigmore herself at the Hippocrates

in Boston during 1990-1991.




In '02 Susan contacted Creative Health because she was having financial

troubles, and was several years behind in her legal paperwork. Mary Jane

Moore, Director of Creative Health for a decade, went down to the

Foundation's center in New Mexico and brought all of the legal paperwork

up-to-date, securing concessions and forgiveness from the State of

Massachusetts. At that time Donald Haughey was named to the new Board of

Trustees of the Ann Wigmore Foundation.


In '03 Susan contacted Creative Health, along with numerous other raw living

fooders including Hiawatha Cromer and Victoria Boutenko, and strongly

suggested that each of us donate $1,000 a year to the Foundation because it

was, again, having financial difficulties, and it was " Oh, so important to

keep Dr. Ann's legacy alive. " In that year Hiawatha Cromer went down to New

Mexico to assist as a volunteer. Within a few weeks she contacted me, and

asked if I could donate or raise $20,000 for emergency property repairs for

the Foundation's center. I demurred because my support is with Creative

Health, a group that actively hosts and trains hundreds of people a year;

Susan wasn't doing a fraction of that many.


FACT: Susan did NOT contact CHI to tell them of any financial troubles. Mary

Moore (former Director) was an old friend. Susan called her to ask if she

would be the president of the foundation because she needed support to be

there to keep the memorial foundation going in Dr Ann's honor. Don Haughey

was never named to the board, was never legally placed on the board, and

never visited NM ever!


In '04 I was contacted again by the Foundation, first by Susan and later by

her attorneys. They demanded that all sales and assets of chiDiet.com be

turned over to the Foundation because we were using the copyrighted terms

" Ann Wigmore " and " Living Foods Lifestyle. " My attorney found that " Ann

Wigmore " never was a registered trademark as far as we can tell; " Ann

Wigmore Foundation " had been registered at one time, but had been allowed to

lapse in '99. " Living Foods Lifestyle " had also been allowed to lapse in

'99. This can be easily verified at http://www.uspto.gov/.


FACT: All trademarks are current






Furthermore, since chiDiet.com was part and parcel with Creative Health

Institute Trust, and since we were operating under a Charter originally

granted by Dr. Ann Wigmore and Hippocrates Institute of Boston (the

predecessor of the Ann Wigmore Foundation), we had full right and permission

to use Dr. Ann's name, phrases and teachings. Upon advice of attorney we

told them to " buzz off. "


FACT: Dr Ann was well aware of CHI doing well, but she did not give

permission to use her business name because they needed to have their own

name. CHI locally may own the use of the Living Foods Lifestyle name, they

cannot however, sell it or give permission for anyone else to use it. They

don't have full authority. Only Puerto Rico and NM have control over the



FACT: The charter was dropped when the name change happened due to the

threats by the AMA in 1982. All were separate businesses and Dr Ann was

doing battle with Brian Clements and registered her own name and trademarked

it and that's when it became official.


Susan contacted Donald Haughey, and by the end of that conversation Don had

resigned from the Ann Wigmore Foundation Board of Trustees, and Susan was

going to sue Don and Creative Health, a threat that Donald laughed at.


FACT: Dr Ann's personal attorney who registered her trademark names in

Boston, wrote a demand letter to cease and desist use of the trademark

name-Ann Wigmore and to simply transfer over the domain name. Carey has

ignored Susan just as Cobb has. Susan requested nothing in return other than

CHI use their own name.


FACT: Don could not resign because he was never on the board


As an aside, my attorney recommended that I file for the trademark names

myself. We considered it, but didn't do so for two reasons. We were

concerned that others would perceive such a move as a power or money grab by

Donald and/or myself. It was also felt that the terms " Wigmore Diet, "

" Living Foods, " " Raw Living Foods " and " Living Foods Lifestyle " had entered

the public lexicon.


When a name enters the public lexicon it means that it's of such common

usage that it's a generic term and, thus, can't be copyrighted or trademark

registered because it would cause a confusion for the public. Could you

imagine what shopping would be like if the term " water " was a trademark?

Nobody would be able to use that name on their product. They could sell

" H2O, " or " stuff that comes out of taps, " but they wouldn't be able to call

their product " water. "


In addition, it's the legal responsibility of the trademark registrant to

rigorously enforce usage of their trademark. Since the '60s Xerox has done

just that with their name. Everybody else had to sell " copiers; " to sell a

" xerographic copier " was a trademark infringement (it's correctly written as

" Xerographic copier " - I don't need THEM mad at me! <g>).


It doesn't take much digging around on the Internet to see that " Living

Foods Lifestyle " is a generic term that describes the way we live our lives.

I got 17,100 hits on it this morning, and 3,900 on .


There was a third consideration. Anyone who knew Dr. Ann Wigmore also knew

that it was her dream and intention that any and all who learned the

lifestyle from her go forth and share it with the world. That's why we've

always been so supportive of all raw and living fooders in this newsletter.

That's what Brenda Cobb learned from Shu Chen, that's what she went out and

did, and that's why she's now being sued.


Apparently in the last 18 months Susan found an attorney to get her

trademarks current. While the original intention was to sue Donald Haughey,

chiDiet.com and Creative Health Institute, any good attorney knows that it's

hard to win a case when someone has been using the term since before it was

registered as a trademark, or if they have permission to use the term.


So, good attorney that I'm sure he is, he chose Brenda Cobb's book as his

target. Interestingly enough, when her book went to press " Living Foods

Lifestyle " didn't show up as a registered trademark.


In good faith Brenda went forth from her life-saving training at the Ann

Wigmore Foundation, doing what they (Shu Chen and staff) encouraged her to

do - share this knowledge with the world - and then somebody else comes

along, takes over the Foundation, and proceeds to make money with it any way

they can.


FACT: This isn't about money


The best way to help Brenda right now is to convince the judge that the

terms " Living Food " (currently expired), " Living Foods, " " Living Foods

Lifestyle " (some searches show it as expired, others as renewed), " Raw

Living Foods, " and all combinations of those words are part of the common

lexicon, in the public domain, and should not be. used as trademarks








* Susan Lavendar contacted Brenda in 2003 and personally spoke to





* Brenda Cobb called and spoke to Leola at the Ann Wigmore Institute

in Puerto Rico saying she wanted to do all the classes and


participate as part of the team.




* Leola told Brenda Cobb, in a phone conversation she did NOT want

Brenda using the terms or phrase " Living Foods Lifestyle. "








Brenda Cobb has been very misleading is her approach to the raw/living food

community with her letter request. Please ask yourself if you are supporting

someone who is being totally ethical and honest? Ask yourself these



* Has Brenda Cobb been forthright in presenting herself and all of

the facts?


* Has Brenda Cobb done anything misleading or wrong?


* Has Brenda Cobb said one thing and done something else?


* Have you heard or read both sides of the story to get the whole









Susan Lavendar has worked extremely hard, often on her own, for the last 6

years to keep the Ann Wigmore Foundation and Dr Ann's dream alive. She's

not about money and she only has a desire to keep what belongs rightfully

and legally to the Foundation. If it wasn't for Dr Ann Wigmore creating

this foundation...many of us (thousands) would still be suffering from poor

heath or even death! We feel you're obligated to support the very essence of

what raw/living food brings to the people!






Grab your pen or keyboard and type the " real " letter to Susan Lavendar at...




The Ann Wigmore Foundation®

P.O. Box 399 San Fidel, New Mexico 87049




Or you may e-mail her at lavendargreens2004




Thank you for your support!






Note: Click the links below to view the official trademarks.





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> FALSE: The phrase living food was never included in the dispute.


Then what is the dispute?


I realize there are several opposing views here.


I'll be honest about my bias in assessing this situation: I favor keeping

these terms in the public lexicon.


If the phrase " living food " is not in dispute, is the problem term " living

food lifestyle? as in, if you add the word lifestyle you get into trouble?


I want to understand this.





Marjorie Roswell

3443 Guilford Terrace

Baltimore, MD 21218






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Thank you for all of this detailed information.


I was at Ann Wigmore in Puerto Rico this past January

and I noticed how very particular the living the foods

lifestyle was. It was developed by Dr. Ann and is

uniquely hers. She gives credit to many others along

the way, but the research she did was so unique and

the information is very enlightening.


Anyone interested in Ann Wigmore MUST read the paper

back book titled " Why Suffer? " which is an account of

her life starting when she was a child in Lithuania

helping her Grandmother heal the sick, to when she

came to NYC as an immigrant, and then on into her

research to help the sick through diet and nutrition

in Boston. It is a beautiful book. You can get it by

calling the Ann Wigmore Institute in Puerto Rico.


all the best,



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