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FYI:Sprout Raw Food <info wrote: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 10:17:23 -0500 (EST)Sprout Raw Food <infoshortydempSubject: 80/10/10 Doug Graham Presentation Detox, the 80/10/10 Diet and The Real World Thursday, December 21, 2007 A Presentation with Dr. Doug Graham Detox, the 80/10/10 Diet, and the Real World Holiday Party Half Day Class Understand What Constitutes Optimal Diet For HealthDear Elaine, Please join us for a rare occasion, a presentation by Dr. Doug Graham on his new, just published 80/10/10 book. We are very fortunate to have the opportunity to host our dear friend and mentor, Doug Graham in Atlanta. If you heard Doug in one of his past visits, you would want to be with him again. If you never had the chance to listen to his presentation, don't miss this one. In addition, we still have room for the half day holiday party class on December 3rd. We also start taking registration for the "Get Helathy - Stay Balanced" nine weeks program that we will start on January 16. This will be the best way to make sure that your new year resolutions wil become a reality. We like to invite you to participate in the January 16th introduction class, complementary, but you need to register early, as space is limited. We wish you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving Holiday. Peace and love, Jackie &

Gideon Graff Detox, the 80/10/10 Diet, and the Real World Thursday, December 21st, at our Roswell Residence 1085 Lake Charles Drive Roswell, Georgia 30075 December 21, 2006 7:00PM-9:30PM About Dr. Graham Dr. Douglas Graham, a lifetime athlete and twenty-seven year raw fooder, is an advisor to world-class athletes and trainers from around the globe. He has worked professionally with top performers from almost every sport and every field of entertainment, including such notables as tennis legend Martina Navratilova, NBA pro basketball player Ronnie Grandison, track Olympic sprinter Doug Dickinson, pro women's soccer player Callie Withers, championship bodybuilder Kenneth G. Williams, Chicken Soup for the Soul coauthor Mark Victor Hansen, and actress Demi Moore. As owner of a fasting retreat in the Florida Keys for ten years, Dr. Graham personally supervised thousands of fasts. He was in

private practice as a chiropractor for twenty years, before retiring to focus more fully on his writing and speaking. Dr. Graham is the author of many books on raw food and health including The High Energy Diet Recipe Guide, Nutrition and Athletic Performance, Grain Damage, and the forthcoming books, Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries and The 80/10/10 Diet. He has shared his strategies for success with audiences at more than 4,000 presentations worldwide. Recognized as one of the fathers of the modern raw movement, Dr. Graham is the only lecturer to have attended and given keynote presentations at all of the major raw events in the world for each of the last eight years. Dr. Graham has served on the board of governors of the International Association of Professional Natural Hygienists and the board of directors of the American Natural Hygiene Society. He is a founder of and is currently serving his third term as President of Healthful Living

International, the world's only international Natural Hygiene organization. He is on the board of advisors of Voice for a Viable Future, Living Light Films, Vegetarian Union of North America, and EarthSave International and serves as nutrition advisor for the magazine Exercise, For Men Only. Dr. Graham is the raw foods and fitness advisor for VegSource.com, the largest vegetarian website on the internet. He taught the Health Educator program at Hippocrates Institute, served as the "source authority" for Harmonious Living, and authors a column for the magazines Get Fresh! and Living Nutrition. Dr. Graham is the creator of "Simply Delicious" cuisine and director of Health and Fitness Weeks, which provide Olympic- class training and nutrition for people of all fitness levels in beautiful settings around the world. He will inspire, motivate, educate, and entertain you like no one else in the health movement can. Only $10 to participate. Use paypal.com and send $ to gideongraff Click here to send us a message with your information Holiday Party Half Day Class Our Last Class in 2006 1085 Lake Charles Drive Roswell, Georgia 30075 Sunday, December 3, 2006 1:30PM-5:30PM Learn to make delicious party food! Learn how to prepare incredible and amazing raw Holiday food. Avoiding unhealthy food during the holidays is difficult, Knowing how to prepare holiday favorites in the raw, will make it possible for you to enjoy the holidays while keeping your body healthy and your immune system strong.

Now you will have delicious food to serve, or to take to a party. On the menu are the following great dishes and treats: Negg Nog, Cucumber and Dill stuffed Tomatoes, Stuffed Mushrooms, Faux Salmon Croquettes, Horseradish Sauce, Nori Rolls, Collard Spring Rolls, Sweet & Sour Sauce, Oriental Nut Butter, Spinach Dip and Vegetable Plate, Coconut Cream and Fruit Plate, Carob Orange Balls, Coconut Balls, Holiday Fruit Cake. Call now and register for this class, space is limited and this class will fill fast. The cost of the class includes fabulous food and a complete recipe booklet is $75 Call Gideon, 770 992-9218 or email info We look forward to seeing you there! RSVP for this Event NOW! send us a message here! Raw Healing Retreat, Taylor Made for Your Needs Jump start you journey. We now offer personal, raw food and juice detox and helaing programs at our Roswell residence. Spacious guest rooms, delux spa bathroom, hot tub, far infra red sauna, fast internet connection, beautiful lake setting, walking trails, a library of books on diet and fitness, and more. The personal program will start with a consultation with Jackie Graff R.N. B.S.N to detirmine which program and protocol will work for you. We will provide you with the food and juice that you require for your personal program. Supervise your fitness program and assist with all other needs. We can take care of your transportation from the train station to the residence for

free. $75 per day $100 for consultation with Jackie Graff Click here to contact us The Social Aspects of Eating a Raw Food Diet. - By Paul Nison I have been eating a raw food diet for more than 12 years now, and teaching about making the transition to a raw food diet for about 7 years now. As I travel across the world, one of the questions I get most often is: “How does someone consume a raw food

diet, while not being considered an outcast by society?” I thought when I first started eating this way many years ago, that this was going to be an issue for me as well. But to my pleasant surprise, I have found it to be very easy. Like any change, at first it can be a challenge, especially when most of the world doesn’t understand the reason for the change or anything about it. The raw diet is different than any other way of eating. It is becoming the new “in thing” so it is not as challenging to be accepted by many people today as it was just a few years ago. However, when ever anyone makes a change in their daily diet, not only is it weird or different to the person making the change, but the response from friends and family can be difficult to deal with. In this article I want to give suggestions on how to be accepted by your friends, family and the world after making the decision to start eating a raw food diet. It is good to know that years ago,

consuming a vegetarian diet was considered weird or different. But today it is pretty much accepted all over the world. Today, the raw food diet is becoming accepted and there are more and more raw food, vegetarian restaurants opening all over the world, many in the United States. First, if you plan to consume anything less than a 100% raw food diet (which is fine), you won’t run into the challenges as someone who wants to go 100% raw. You can just simply have cooked food on those occasions when you can’t get raw. If doing so, do your best to make sure the food is as healthy as possible. Now, if you plan to go 100% raw, not to worry. Just like making the change from an animal eater to a vegetarian or vegan, how we handle the situation can make all the difference. If someone tells you that you are sick, you might say to them, “How do you know how I feel?” But if 100 people come to you in one day and tell you that you are sick, you might start to think, am I?

When first starting to eat a raw food diet, many people are going to tell you things like, “You are crazy; That’s dangerous; You need cooked food, or You can’t do that.” The more you hear it, the more you might believe it. As long as you thought through the reason and purpose for going on an all raw diet, you should not be bothered too much by what others say. But if you are in doubt before they say anything, their words might take you over the edge. Rule #1 Don’t go beyond your understanding. Do the research before changing your diet so when you get these comments, you will know you are doing the right thing. Rule #2 Make the choice yourself and not because someone else talked you into it. As long as it is your choice to change, that will help keep you strong. But if you try to change for someone else, it will make it harder to stick with it when the pressure is on. Even if you have the knowledge and you made the choice yourself, their words still might make you second

guess your choice to go on an all raw diet. We are human and we have feelings and emotions. It’s like if you get a new haircut and think it looks great. You could be pretty confident in that feeling. But the more people tell you, your hair looked better before you cut it, or something like that. you will start to think, maybe you made a mistake. It goes the same way with the raw food diet. The most important rule we have to learn is we cannot let our feelings override our decision. I call this decision over emotion. It is hard to be consistent if we are living off of “how we feel.” Just a few days on a raw diet, many of us will feel the need for cooked food. Also many of us will base our feelings on what other people tell us. This is why once we make a decision, we should learn to stick to it. Make a promise to yourself that your faith is so strong in what you are doing that you are going to stick with it, and no one is going to talk you out of it. Once you

feel confident in what you are doing, how do you deal with friends, family and others who think you have went off the wall. *Do not get over zealous. It’s easy to believe so strong in the message that you just want to push it on everyone else. You and I most likely know, that the raw food diet is the healthiest way to eat our food, but it took us a while to learn this, and it might take other people a while. Accept all people where they are. *Live by example. Let people see how great you feel and look. And how much energy you have. Then they will start to ask questions. That will open the door for you to give them the answers. *Pray for them. I can tell you first hand, you cannot change anyone, but by prayer, you can help everyone. The strongest thing you can do for the people you love is not create separation in your differences, but pray that they will come to see and understand the message about the healing foods and why the sooner they start eating a raw diet, the

better their health will be. There is a great saying I once heard that says, “Do your best and leave the rest up to God.” Well I can change that a little and say, “Pray for them, and leave the rest up to God.” *How do you eat when you travel? This is a question I get most often. I have never had an issue with these because I can get fruits and vegetables everywhere. The most amazing advice you will ever get on how to socially fit into society on a raw food diet. Three magic words, will make this path so much easier for you. No matter who it is, or where you are, these three words will work for you. Do not tell people you are eating a raw diet because most people do not care about health or understand it, and they will think you are crazy. Here are the three magic words: “My doctor said” If you tell them that, then they can accept it with no problem. (You really don’t have to try to find a doctor to say that. Most doctor’s will never say a raw diet is best, but just saying

that will help them accept you. Understand, most people do not eat for health. They eat for taste. If you are making food for your family, don’t put the food on the table and give them a health lesson. Just make the food taste great, and they will enjoy it, and you will enjoy most people accepting the way you eat. If anyone tells you how to eat, just tell them nicely, “If you do not want me to tell you how to eat, please don’t judge my eating habits.” That should keep them quiet. If not, just shove a carrot in their mouth. *If you liked this article, a CD will be available on this topic of a lecture recently given by Paul Nison. If you are interested in purchasing the CD, please go to www.paulnison.com and contact Paul. To contact Paul Holiday Party and Thanksgiving Recipes Get it in time for Thanksgivings and the holidays. Delicious recipes by Jackie Graff R.N. B.S.N Guaranteed success, Jackie's recipes contain no "fillers" if you get the right ingredients and follow the directions, you will get great results. Join the thousands of people who already got Jackie's recipes and are enjoying the best raw food for the holidays, and for the rest of the year. Our Price: $7.00 each Click to order Delicious Raw Brownies, Cookies, Energy Bars, and Crackers Order our line of great raw treat, for you and your family and friends. These foods are a great fill in the gap foods, for when you want to break away from the monotoy of simple eating, and still avoid losing your raw taste buds. Our Price: $4.95 Purchase online Sprout Raw Food 1085 Lake Charles Drive Roswell, Georgia 30075 info http://www.sproutrawfood.org Sprout Raw Food is dedicated to teaching and promoting the living foods lifestyle for mind, body and spiritual awareness. We offer classes, private consultations, gourmet raw recipes, community connections, and a variety of raw food items and equipment for purchase. "God said, 'See, I give you every seed-bearing plant that is upon all the earth, and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit;

they shall be yours for food. And to all the animals on land, to all the birds of the sky, and to everything that creeps on earth, in which there is the breath of life, [i give] all the green plants for food.' And it was so. And God saw all that He had made, and found it very good." [Genesis, 1:29-31] Forward email This email was sent to shortydemp, by info Update Profile/Email Address | Instant removal with SafeUn™ | Privacy Policy. Powered by Sprout Raw Food | 1085 Lake Charles Drive | Roswell | GA | 30075

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No need to travel that far folks - Doug will be in Maryland December 9-12th. He'll be speaking on the 9th at Earth Save, the 10th at a home in Balt. and the 12th in Ellicott City, 7 pm. I'll have more details to come.




Nancy Parlette HEALTHY LIVING STRATEGIES Natural Health Counselor Nutrition Educator ENERGIZING YOU FOR LIVING!

(410) 531-2410 http://www.healthylivingstrategies.net/



On Behalf Of E. Rice-FellsMonday, November 13, 2006 2:03 PM Group Fwd: 80/10/10 Doug Graham Presentation


FYI:Sprout Raw Food <info (AT) sproutrawfood (DOT) org> wrote: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 10:17:23 -0500 (EST)Sprout Raw Food <info (AT) sproutrawfood (DOT) org>shortydemp Subject: 80/10/10 Doug Graham Presentation


















Detox, the 80/10/10 Diet and The Real World


Thursday, December 21, 2007







A Presentation with Dr. Doug Graham



Detox, the 80/10/10 Diet, and the Real World Holiday Party Half Day Class


Understand What Constitutes Optimal Diet For HealthDear Elaine, Please join us for a rare occasion, a presentation by Dr. Doug Graham on his new, just published 80/10/10 book.

We are very fortunate to have the opportunity to host our dear friend and mentor, Doug Graham in Atlanta. If you heard Doug in one of his past visits, you would want to be with him again. If you never had the chance to listen to his presentation, don't miss this one.

In addition, we still have room for the half day holiday party class on December 3rd. We also start taking registration for the "Get Helathy - Stay Balanced" nine weeks program that we will start on January 16. This will be the best way to make sure that your new year resolutions wil become a reality. We like to invite you to participate in the January 16th introduction class, complementary, but you need to register early, as space is limited.

We wish you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving Holiday.

Peace and love,


Jackie & Gideon Graff



Detox, the 80/10/10 Diet, and the Real World








Thursday, December 21st, at our Roswell Residence




1085 Lake Charles Drive

Roswell, Georgia 30075


December 21, 2006


About Dr. Graham

Dr. Douglas Graham, a lifetime athlete and twenty-seven year raw fooder, is an advisor to world-class athletes and trainers from around the globe. He has worked professionally with top performers from almost every sport and every field of entertainment, including such notables as tennis legend Martina Navratilova, NBA pro basketball player Ronnie Grandison, track Olympic sprinter Doug Dickinson, pro women's soccer player Callie Withers, championship bodybuilder Kenneth G. Williams, Chicken Soup for the Soul coauthor Mark Victor Hansen, and actress Demi Moore.

As owner of a fasting retreat in the Florida Keys for ten years, Dr. Graham personally supervised thousands of fasts. He was in private practice as a chiropractor for twenty years, before retiring to focus more fully on his writing and speaking. Dr. Graham is the author of many books on raw food and health including The High Energy Diet Recipe Guide, Nutrition and Athletic Performance, Grain Damage, and the forthcoming books, Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries and The 80/10/10 Diet. He has shared his strategies for success with audiences at more than 4,000 presentations worldwide. Recognized as one of the fathers of the modern raw movement, Dr. Graham is the only lecturer to have attended and given keynote presentations at all of the major raw events in the world for each of the last eight years.

Dr. Graham has served on the board of governors of the International Association of Professional Natural Hygienists and the board of directors of the American Natural Hygiene Society. He is a founder of and is currently serving his third term as President of Healthful Living International, the world's only international Natural Hygiene organization. He is on the board of advisors of Voice for a Viable Future, Living Light Films, Vegetarian Union of North America, and EarthSave International and serves as nutrition advisor for the magazine Exercise, For Men Only. Dr. Graham is the raw foods and fitness advisor for VegSource.com, the largest vegetarian website on the internet. He taught the Health Educator program at Hippocrates Institute, served as the "source authority" for Harmonious Living, and authors a column for the magazines Get Fresh! and Living Nutrition. Dr. Graham is the creator of "Simply Delicious" cuisine and director of Health and Fitness Weeks, which provide Olympic- class training and nutrition for people of all fitness levels in beautiful settings around the world. He will inspire, motivate, educate, and entertain you like no one else in the health movement can. Only $10 to participate. Use paypal.com and send $ to gideongraff (AT) charter (DOT) net Click here to send us a message with your information



Holiday Party Half Day Class








Our Last Class in 2006




1085 Lake Charles Drive

Roswell, Georgia 30075


Sunday, December 3, 2006


Learn to make delicious party food!

Learn how to prepare incredible and amazing raw Holiday food. Avoiding unhealthy food during the holidays is difficult, Knowing how to prepare holiday favorites in the raw, will make it possible for you to enjoy the holidays while keeping your body healthy and your immune system strong.

Now you will have delicious food to serve, or to take to a party.

On the menu are the following great dishes and treats: Negg Nog, Cucumber and Dill stuffed Tomatoes, Stuffed Mushrooms, Faux Salmon Croquettes, Horseradish Sauce, Nori Rolls, Collard Spring Rolls, Sweet & Sour Sauce, Oriental Nut Butter, Spinach Dip and Vegetable Plate, Coconut Cream and Fruit Plate, Carob Orange Balls, Coconut Balls, Holiday Fruit Cake.

Call now and register for this class, space is limited and this class will fill fast.

The cost of the class includes fabulous food and a complete recipe booklet is $75 Call Gideon, 770 992-9218 or email info (AT) sproutrawfood (DOT) org

We look forward to seeing you there! RSVP for this Event NOW! send us a message here!



Raw Healing Retreat, Taylor Made for Your Needs




Jump start you journey. We now offer personal, raw food and juice detox and helaing programs at our Roswell residence. Spacious guest rooms, delux spa bathroom, hot tub, far infra red sauna, fast internet connection, beautiful lake setting, walking trails, a library of books on diet and fitness, and more.

The personal program will start with a consultation with Jackie Graff R.N. B.S.N to detirmine which program and protocol will work for you. We will provide you with the food and juice that you require for your personal program. Supervise your fitness program and assist with all other needs.

We can take care of your transportation from the train station to the residence for free.

$75 per day $100 for consultation with Jackie Graff

Click here to contact us




The Social Aspects of Eating a Raw Food Diet. - By Paul Nison




I have been eating a raw food diet for more than 12 years now, and teaching about making the transition to a raw food diet for about 7 years now. As I travel across the world, one of the questions I get most often is: “How does someone consume a raw food diet, while not being considered an outcast by society?” I thought when I first started eating this way many years ago, that this was going to be an issue for me as well. But to my pleasant surprise, I have found it to be very easy. Like any change, at first it can be a challenge, especially when most of the world doesn’t understand the reason for the change or anything about it. The raw diet is different than any other way of eating. It is becoming the new “in thing” so it is not as challenging to be accepted by many people today as it was just a few years ago. However, when ever anyone makes a change in their daily diet, not only is it weird or different to the person making the change, but the response from friends and family can be difficult to deal with. In this article I want to give suggestions on how to be accepted by your friends, family and the world after making the decision to start eating a raw food diet.

It is good to know that years ago, consuming a vegetarian diet was considered weird or different. But today it is pretty much accepted all over the world. Today, the raw food diet is becoming accepted and there are more and more raw food, vegetarian restaurants opening all over the world, many in the United States. First, if you plan to consume anything less than a 100% raw food diet (which is fine), you won’t run into the challenges as someone who wants to go 100% raw. You can just simply have cooked food on those occasions when you can’t get raw. If doing so, do your best to make sure the food is as healthy as possible.

Now, if you plan to go 100% raw, not to worry. Just like making the change from an animal eater to a vegetarian or vegan, how we handle the situation can make all the difference. If someone tells you that you are sick, you might say to them, “How do you know how I feel?” But if 100 people come to you in one day and tell you that you are sick, you might start to think, am I? When first starting to eat a raw food diet, many people are going to tell you things like, “You are crazy; That’s dangerous; You need cooked food, or You can’t do that.” The more you hear it, the more you might believe it. As long as you thought through the reason and purpose for going on an all raw diet, you should not be bothered too much by what others say. But if you are in doubt before they say anything, their words might take you over the edge. Rule #1 Don’t go beyond your understanding. Do the research before changing your diet so when you get these comments, you will know you are doing the right thing. Rule #2 Make the choice yourself and not because someone else talked you into it. As long as it is your choice to change, that will help keep you strong. But if you try to change for someone else, it will make it harder to stick with it when the pressure is on. Even if you have the knowledge and you made the choice yourself, their words still might make you second guess your choice to go on an all raw diet. We are human and we have feelings and emotions. It’s like if you get a new haircut and think it looks great. You could be pretty confident in that feeling. But the more people tell you, your hair looked better before you cut it, or something like that. you will start to think, maybe you made a mistake. It goes the same way with the raw food diet. The most important rule we have to learn is we cannot let our feelings override our decision. I call this decision over emotion. It is hard to be consistent if we are living off of “how we feel.” Just a few days on a raw diet, many of us will feel the need for cooked food. Also many of us will base our feelings on what other people tell us. This is why once we make a decision, we should learn to stick to it. Make a promise to yourself that your faith is so strong in what you are doing that you are going to stick with it, and no one is going to talk you out of it.

Once you feel confident in what you are doing, how do you deal with friends, family and others who think you have went off the wall. *Do not get over zealous. It’s easy to believe so strong in the message that you just want to push it on everyone else. You and I most likely know, that the raw food diet is the healthiest way to eat our food, but it took us a while to learn this, and it might take other people a while. Accept all people where they are. *Live by example. Let people see how great you feel and look. And how much energy you have. Then they will start to ask questions. That will open the door for you to give them the answers. *Pray for them. I can tell you first hand, you cannot change anyone, but by prayer, you can help everyone. The strongest thing you can do for the people you love is not create separation in your differences, but pray that they will come to see and understand the message about the healing foods and why the sooner they start eating a raw diet, the better their health will be. There is a great saying I once heard that says, “Do your best and leave the rest up to God.” Well I can change that a little and say, “Pray for them, and leave the rest up to God.” *How do you eat when you travel? This is a question I get most often. I have never had an issue with these because I can get fruits and vegetables everywhere. The most amazing advice you will ever get on how to socially fit into society on a raw food diet. Three magic words, will make this path so much easier for you. No matter who it is, or where you are, these three words will work for you. Do not tell people you are eating a raw diet because most people do not care about health or understand it, and they will think you are crazy. Here are the three magic words: “My doctor said” If you tell them that, then they can accept it with no problem. (You really don’t have to try to find a doctor to say that. Most doctor’s will never say a raw diet is best, but just saying that will help them accept you. Understand, most people do not eat for health. They eat for taste. If you are making food for your family, don’t put the food on the table and give them a health lesson. Just make the food taste great, and they will enjoy it, and you will enjoy most people accepting the way you eat. If anyone tells you how to eat, just tell them nicely, “If you do not want me to tell you how to eat, please don’t judge my eating habits.” That should keep them quiet. If not, just shove a carrot in their mouth.

*If you liked this article, a CD will be available on this topic of a lecture recently given by Paul Nison. If you are interested in purchasing the CD, please go to www.paulnison.com and contact Paul.


To contact Paul



Holiday Party and Thanksgiving Recipes




Get it in time for Thanksgivings and the holidays. Delicious recipes by Jackie Graff R.N. B.S.N

Guaranteed success, Jackie's recipes contain no "fillers" if you get the right ingredients and follow the directions, you will get great results. Join the thousands of people who already got Jackie's recipes and are enjoying the best raw food for the holidays, and for the rest of the year.

Our Price: $7.00 each

Click to order



Delicious Raw Brownies, Cookies, Energy Bars, and Crackers




Order our line of great raw treat, for you and your family and friends. These foods are a great fill in the gap foods, for when you want to break away from the monotoy of simple eating, and still avoid losing your raw taste buds.

Our Price: $4.95

Purchase online






Sprout Raw Food


1085 Lake Charles Drive

Roswell, Georgia 30075


info (AT) sproutrawfood (DOT) org



Sprout Raw Food is dedicated to teaching and promoting the living foods lifestyle for mind, body and spiritual awareness. We offer classes, private consultations, gourmet raw recipes, community connections, and a variety of raw food items and equipment for purchase.

"God said, 'See, I give you every seed-bearing plant that is upon all the earth, and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit; they shall be yours for food. And to all the animals on land, to all the birds of the sky, and to everything that creeps on earth, in which there is the breath of life, [i give] all the green plants for food.' And it was so. And God saw all that He had made, and found it very good." [Genesis, 1:29-31]









Forward email


This email was sent to shortydemp , by info (AT) sproutrawfood (DOT) org

Update Profile/Email Address | Instant removal with SafeUn™ | Privacy Policy.


Powered by


Sprout Raw Food | 1085 Lake Charles Drive | Roswell | GA | 30075



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I need address and more details on where and when he

will be in case I want to attend. Fay


--- pnparlette wrote:


> No need to travel that far folks - Doug will be in

> Maryland December

> 9-12th. He'll be speaking on the 9th at Earth Save,

> the 10th at a home

> in Balt. and the 12th in Ellicott City, 7 pm. I'll

> have more details

> to come.

> Nancy




> Nancy Parlette


> Natural Health Counselor

> Nutrition Educator



> (410) 531-2410

> http://www.healthylivingstrategies.net/




> On Behalf

> Of E. Rice-Fells

> Monday, November 13, 2006 2:03 PM

> Group

> Fwd: 80/10/10 Doug Graham

> Presentation




> FYI:


> Sprout Raw Food <info wrote:



> Mon, 13 Nov 2006 10:17:23 -0500 (EST)

> Sprout Raw Food <info

> shortydemp

> 80/10/10 Doug Graham Presentation





<http://rs6.net/on.jsp?t=1101453363532.0.1101399202142.551 & ts=S0209 & o=ht

> tp://ui.constantcontact.com/images/p1x1.gif>


> Dr. Doug Graham Prsentation



> 63532>






> Detox, the 80/10/10 Diet and The Real World

> Thursday, December 21, 2007





> A Presentation with Dr. Doug Graham


> * Detox, the 80/10/10 Diet,


<http://us.f526.mail./ym/Compose?box=Inbox & Mid=4341_22974923_18


4984_1653_17130_0_223799_59208_3949256375 & inc= & Search= & YY=15520 & y5beta=y

> es & y5beta=yes & order=down & sort=date & pos=0#event1> and

> the Real World


> * Holiday Party Half Day


<http://us.f526.mail./ym/Compose?box=Inbox & Mid=4341_22974923_18


4984_1653_17130_0_223799_59208_3949256375 & inc= & Search= & YY=15520 & y5beta=y

> es & y5beta=yes & order=down & sort=date & pos=0#event2>

> Class

> Understand What Constitutes Optimal Diet For Health

> Dear Elaine,

> Please join us for a rare occasion, a presentation

> by Dr. Doug Graham on

> his new, just published 80/10/10 book.

> We are very fortunate to have the opportunity to

> host our dear friend

> and mentor, Doug Graham in Atlanta. If you heard

> Doug in one of his past

> visits, you would want to be with him again. If you

> never had the chance

> to listen to his presentation, don't miss this one.

> In addition, we still have room for the half day

> holiday party class on

> December 3rd. We also start taking registration for

> the " Get Helathy -

> Stay Balanced " nine weeks program that we will start

> on January 16. This

> will be the best way to make sure that your new year

> resolutions wil

> become a reality. We like to invite you to

> participate in the January

> 16th introduction class, complementary, but you need

> to register early,

> as space is limited.

> We wish you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving

> Holiday.

> Peace and love,




> 63532>

> Jackie & Gideon Graff


> * Detox, the 80/10/10 Diet, and the Real World



<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=mkcz8zbab.0.5zsp5zbab.5kgeiybab.551 & ts=S0209 & p=

> http%3A%2F%2Fdoctorgraham.cc%2F> Dr. Doug Graham



> Thursday, December 21st, at our Roswell Residence


> 1085 Lake Charles Drive

> Roswell, Georgia 30075

> December 21, 2006

> 7:00PM-9:30PM

> About Dr. Graham

> Dr. Douglas Graham, a lifetime athlete and

> twenty-seven year raw fooder,

> is an advisor to world-class athletes and trainers

> from around the

> globe. He has worked professionally with top

> performers from almost

> every sport and every field of entertainment,

> including such notables as

> tennis legend Martina Navratilova, NBA pro

> basketball player Ronnie

> Grandison, track Olympic sprinter Doug Dickinson,

> pro women's soccer

> player Callie Withers, championship bodybuilder

> Kenneth G. Williams,

> Chicken Soup for the Soul coauthor Mark Victor

> Hansen, and actress Demi

> Moore.

> As owner of a fasting retreat in the Florida Keys

> for ten years, Dr.

> Graham personally supervised thousands of fasts. He

> was in private

> practice as a chiropractor for twenty years, before

> retiring to focus

> more fully on his writing and speaking. Dr. Graham

> is the author of many

> books on raw food and health including The High

> Energy Diet Recipe

> Guide, Nutrition and Athletic Performance, Grain

> Damage, and the

> forthcoming books, Prevention and Care of Athletic

> Injuries and The

> 80/10/10 Diet. He has shared his strategies for

> success with audiences

> at more than 4,000 presentations worldwide.

> Recognized as one of the

> fathers of the modern raw movement, Dr. Graham is

> the only lecturer to

> have attended and given keynote presentations at all

> of the major raw

> events in the world for each of the last eight

> years.

> Dr. Graham has served on the board of governors of

> the International

> Association of Professional Natural Hygienists and

> the board of

> directors of the American Natural Hygiene Society.

> He is a founder of

> and is currently serving his third term as President

> of Healthful Living

> International, the world's only international

> Natural Hygiene

> organization. He is on the board of advisors of

> Voice for a Viable

> Future, Living Light Films, Vegetarian Union of

> North America, and

> EarthSave International and serves as nutrition

> advisor for the magazine

> Exercise, For Men Only. Dr. Graham is the raw foods

> and fitness advisor

> for VegSource.com, the largest vegetarian website on

> the internet. He

> taught the Health Educator program at Hippocrates

> Institute, served as

> the " source authority " for Harmonious Living, and

> authors a column for

> the magazines Get Fresh! and Living Nutrition. Dr.

> Graham is the creator

> of " Simply Delicious " cuisine and director of Health

> and Fitness Weeks,

> which provide Olympic- class training and nutrition

> for people of all

> fitness levels in beautiful settings around the

> world. He will inspire,

> motivate, educate, and entertain you like no one

> else in the health

> movement can.

> Only $10 to participate. Use


<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=mkcz8zbab.0.4e98hzbab.5kgeiybab.551 & ts=S0209 & p=

> http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sproutrawfood.org%2Fcontact.htm>

> paypal.com and send $

> to gideongraff Click here to send us a

> message with your

> information


=== message truncated ===








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Greetings Omu,Please forgive me for the delay. The Blessed Raw Deal's regular service has been temporarily suspended. I will post more information after contacting LaVerne.Good Health to YouElaine , "omushaho nelson" <orchid56 wrote:>> Hi Elaine,> > Does anyone know if the Blessed Raw Deal is still in service?> > Thanks,> Omu>

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