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Distant chi session, no charge

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Dear Everyone on my Qigong Mailing List, I am sending a reminder out about the free healing session on Monday Dec. 11. Sometimes people forget about the session when the notice goes out too early. Also you can give energy sessions as a unique Christmas gift. If you purchase one for someone else then I can e-mail you a gift certificate usually the same day. You can pay through my website and then e-mail me the name of the person to whom you are giving the gift certificate. I am going to do a free Christmas season energy healing session for everyone on my e-mail list and all their friends and

families. If you would like to be removed from my mailing list please put remove in the subject line and return this e-mail to me. You can join this energy session by using your intention. If you wish to join then when you receive this e-mail, just sit quietly for a moment and mentally say I want to join this energy session. Energy can begin to flow to you soon after you do this as many people who have worked with me before have reported. Because there will be many people in the session, I please ask that you don’t call or write to join this session. I wouldn’t be able to handle all the e-mails unless it is done this way. You join simply by using your intention after reading this e-mail. I would also use your intention to join on the night of the main session on Monday Dec. 11 at 7pm-8pm Pacific Time. You can forward this e-mail to your friends and loved ones. They can join the session even if they haven’t worked with me before. They join the session the same way by using their intention. Even though there is a main date for the energy session I will also be doing unscheduled intermittent adjustments for everyone on a daily basis so you can get energy before the main energy session day on Monday Dec. 11 at 7pm Pacific or Ca. Time. Sensitive people can feel these adjustments very strongly. There is no set time for the unscheduled adjustments and you don’t sit quietly for them. You only sit quietly on the main session date on 12/11 if you want to. This is not a phone session, you just sit quietly on the scheduled date

for best results but you don’t even have to be quiet for it to be beneficial. For those of you who are not familiar with my work I suggest that you read my website, http://www.qigongenergyhealing.com . I do distant energy healing work and realized that I had a gift for distant energy healing after recovering from a serious spinal cord injury. I found that I could work on large groups of people simultaneously anywhere in the world. The energy sessions work on many levels and will work with everyone individually. The energy is intelligent and knows best how to work with your energy system. The

energy infuses light and energy into the energy system and can clear and balance the chakras, acupuncture meridians and other energetic channels. Here are some comments from people who have participated in my previous distant energy sessions. Sandy Johnson, is the author of “The Brazilian Healer with the Kitchen Knife and other Stories of Mystics, Shamans, and Miracle-Makers”, a book about healers with unusual abilities including John of God. She wrote this about this energy work after the book was published; "Even with all my exposure to healers of all types, this work leaves me amazed.” Michael, Thank you for offering this healing. The healing I received was more profound than I could have imagined and I thank you for sending it. Joy “WOW!! I could really feel what you were doing, Michael...” “I felt energy first in my crown chakra, then in my third eye, then throat chakra, and navel chakra. The chakra feeling was one of very strong powerful energy swirling around in the chakra. Between each chakra was a feeling of peacefulness and clearing. The energy was very powerful and very good.” Pam Michael. “These sessions have been astonishing - I am still feeling major affects in all categories. Astonishing! I truly wonder what this last one will bring.” Posey The unscheduled adjustments (no set time) go out on a daily basis and you can receive this energy before the main session on Dec. 11, whenever your energy system needs more energy. Many people will feel the energy before the main session. Michael “I realized after the session on Wed night that I had been affected by the energy ever since I signed up the week before.” Michael “This is my first experience with this type of healing and I was skeptical. I am sensitive and from the time I sent the e-mail in I have felt this flow of energy and coolness. It's quite

interesting.” This year anyone who receives this e-mail can pass it on to their friends to join in this energy session. It doesn’t make any difference if you have worked with me before. I want to reach as many people as possible. Once I have worked with someone then I can always reach them energetically no matter where they are. If there are future disasters like Hurricane Katrina or 9/11 then I can send energy to those people in the disaster areas that I have worked with before to help them get through the difficult times. I am just a conduit for the energy to come through. The universe and the people that I work with are the

healers. The energy helps people to adjust their energy field so that they can heal themselves. A useful analogy of what I do might be like what a relay or substation from the power company does. I don’t make the energy, I just pass it on. The energy comes through me and I transmit it to the people that I am connected with. If you pass this e-mail on to your friends then you are doing something similar. We all would be passing on energy. I have to give credit to the Universe, the Divine or whatever universal principle one may want to call it. I feel my mission is to help as many people as I can in these transformative and uncertain times. If you send this e-mail to others

of like mind then it could help a lot of other people. The other thing that I do with the energy sessions is an Energetic Feng Shui to help clear and balance the energy field of your living space. This energy also goes to the earth and plants around your home and could help balance earth energies if disasters hit certain areas. People report that their plants often do better after the energy sessions. Christina wrote this after a recent session; I also wanted to thank you for all the energy. I'm really noticing the effects on some of my flowers that stopped blooming, they started again. Someone else wrote this about the sessions; “I actually start feeling stuff way before you start. It’s like the energy in the room changes.” To include your family members living at home just intend to include them in the session. To include anyone else outside your home, send them this e-mail and they will have to use their intention to join. I will include all your animals at your house in the session. Even though this is a large group energy session it can work very powerfully with you on an individual basis. The energy does not

get dissipated with a large group and can actually get stronger with more people. I am going to include some other information about the sessions. After the sessions I would love to hear people’s experiences especially from people that I haven't worked with before. If you write me, I may have some feedback for you. Again to join the session you just use your intention when you receive this e-mail. It is not a phone in session, you just sit home or wherever to receive the energy. You don’t have to be at home to get the energy. The energy will find you no matter where you are, once you intend to join. Please don’t e-mail me to join the session or to add others because I won’t be able to answer all the

e-mail. Hopefully my website http://www.qigongenergyhealing.com and this e-mail will answer most of your questions. I wish everyone many blessings for the New Year, Michael ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE ENERGY SESSION Usually a large majority of people will notice very positive effects from the session. Some people are more sensitive and can feel a lot of energy moving in their body. Others may not feel the energy but will notice good effects. Before and after the sessions

people can feel calm, centered energized and balanced. They can also feel their pain greatly reduced or eliminated. Don’t worry if you feel odd pains come and go leading up to the main session. This is good. As the energy clears the blockage in an area it can result in temporary pain. Also people can feel extra emotional during this time which is very good. From a Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medical perspective much dis-ease is caused by emotional repression. The energy from these repressed emotions get stored in the organs and tissues of the body. The energy from the sessions can help to release these stored emotions. When we release repressed emotions then we can bring about deep healing. It takes a lot of energy to hold down the emotions and when they are released we can have much more energy available to us. Sometimes people can have very beautiful and peaceful dreams during the sessions. Others can have some strange dreams. This is also good. The sessions can assist people to release old stagnant energy. The energy works like a virus detection program on a computer and can remove and cancel negative energy patterns, beliefs and programming. Some people will notice that some of their old negative ways of thinking will simply be gone. If you have scary dreams it is probably because you are releasing fear that is held in the kidneys. If you have sad dreams then you can be releasing sadness that is held in the lungs or angry dreams can mean that you are releasing anger from the liver. As these repressed emotions are released from the psyche then the mind gives a symbol or meaning to the emotion or event. One could have dreams that someone

is chasing them if they are releasing old fear. Any of these symbols are coming from your own mind so don’t be worried if it seems unusual. The sessions also help to purify, cleanse and detoxify the body and mind. As the energy works through the energy blockages it can cause toxins to be released that are stored in the area. Some people may feel achy or lethargic at times leading up to the session. This is good and very, very helpful in the healing process. Many modalities recognize the positive effects from detoxification. During the purification process your organs of elimination will be energetically supported to help them release the toxins. I have done this process with thousands of people and the energy always works for people’s highest good. If you don’t feel good some of the time try and hold the thought that

you are healing. The time leading up to and a little while after the main energy session can be a little bit like a roller coaster ride. You can feel very energized one day and then tired the next day as you release more toxins. Just realize that every time you don’t feel good that it is a powerful time for healing. QIGONG ENERGY SESSION INFORMATION: For main session on Monday Dec. 11 at 7pm Pacific time. The optimal way to receive the energy is to be in a quiet receptive place. It is not necessary to do this as many people have to work and be busy during the sessions. One

still receives great benefit if they have to be busy during this time and energy is going out at other unscheduled times as well. It is also ok to sleep during the sessions. YOU DO NOT CALL IN FOR THE SESSIONS. Please do not compare what you get out of the sessions with what other people write. Some people have strong reactions and others do not. It is all valid and everyone is different. Some people may have a strong session one time and more quiet the next time as the energy works on different levels. When the energy is working more on the mental level the sessions will tend to be more quiet than if working on the emotional or physical level. It is best to sit quietly with eyes closed during the session and imagine that energy is coming into your body. One can still receive good benefit by

being active but the session is greatly enhanced by sitting quietly during the session. It is ok to fall asleep during the session but it is good to try and stay awake for the first 15 minutes. First begin by imagining that energy is coming into your body. Put your attention inside your body and notice what is happening for the rest of the session. People will feel the chi or energy differently. Some may experience tingling, electrical type sensations, heat, cold, pressure, lightness and heaviness All of these are signs of chi movement. Some people may see lights or have visual effects. One can also feel intensification of their symptoms or some pain as the energy works through the blockages in their body. Usually any pain that was not there before the session will clear up during the session but occasionally it can last through the day

until the energy clears the blockage or can no longer do any more work Some people may not feel anything during the session but the energy is still working. Some people are just more sensitive and can feel the subtleties of the chi. It is good if you try and not have any expectations of the session. Just observe and feel the energy. The energy will work where it needs to work to be most effective and it may work on an unrelated area and help the issue you would like worked on, though seemingly unrelated. After the session some people will feel very energized and relaxed. Sometimes because they have a lot of extra energy they will tend to go out and be a lot more active than usual. It is best to take it easy after a

session, not overdo it and let the energy continue to work. It can continue to work in your body several days after the session and one can notice changes after a week or more. Try and avoid other energy work for 2 days after the session, massage and acupuncture included. It is best to try and not alter the energetic patterns set up during the session The energy session can cause a purification/detoxification process. It is not uncommon for some people to feel tired and lethargic after a session. This is good and take it as a positive sign. The chi or energy acts like a rotor rooter in the energy system and starts to clean out the energetic blockages. Toxins accumulate around energy blockages for a number of reasons, one of them being poor blood circulation in the area. As the energy moves through these areas and releases

the toxins, they need to be released by the body. They are eliminated through the organs of elimination. This can cause some people to temporarily feel tired and achy. Some people may experience a headache or joint or muscle pain as the toxins are released from the tissue. This will usually pass in a day and afterwards one should feel more energetic. Ginger tea can help neutralize toxins. Many alternative healing practices recognize the effects of detoxification and all look on it as being very positive even though it can be uncomfortable while going through it. Try not to suppress the symptoms. From a Qigong and Traditional perspective, a majority of dis-ease is caused by emotional repression. One

may feel emotional during or after a session. This is good and can be very healing to completely experience the emotion and not repress it both during and after a session. If you feel like laughing or crying during the session, please allow yourself to do it. This can be very healing. If your body wants to move, let it do what it wants and don’t repress any movement or emotion. Sometimes during the session one may find an intensification of their symptoms or feel pain in certain areas of the body. When this is happening it is good to just be aware of the sensations and gently breathe into the area to help release the symptoms. The pain is caused by the energy moving through the resistance of the blockages. You can also place your hands over the area and that will also help to move energy through the blockage. If you

suddenly feel more pain, do not be alarmed and welcome the sensations and know it is part of the healing process. It is best not to shower or bathe after the session for that day. If you are going to bathe for the day, please do it before the session. A shower can wash away some of the energy. Also try and stay warm for the day and get plenty of rest if possible ( this is not always possible but try and not over do anything). Try and stay out of the wind and if you are going outside, stay covered up as the wind can also blow away some of the energy. Try and avoid a lot of exercise for 24 hours after a session, light walking is ok. It is best not to drink cold drinks after the session because then some of the energy goes

towards warming the body instead of for healing. Drink at least room or body temperature drinks. And it is good to drink lots of warm water but don’t over do it to help with the detoxification effects. It is also good to stay away from cold foods. These principles are recognized by both Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine and people’s health can be improved by following these principles in general. It is also good to try and avoid sex and alcohol the day of the session. This helps maintain the energy in the body. Resume normal activity the next day. It is helpful to write down your experience after the session. This can help to ground the energy. All of the above mentioned items are suggestions only. Michael Mohoric 949 939-8019 http://qigongenergyhealing.com Please call or e-mail me with any questions or feedback. Avalaura Gaither Beharry, MSW, LGSW Healer * Spiritual Teacher Avalaura's Healing Center College Park, MD 20740 Phone: 301-675-8723 http://avalaura.com/ http://crystalhealingcenter.com/

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