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Body Mind And Spirit Expo in Chicago March

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March 17-18

Midwest Conference Center

401 West Lake St

(Northlake, IL)


Sat 10-7, Sun 11-6

Weekend Admission $10


Chicago Lecture Schedule



Annette Donaldson Psychic Development

Discover the process of opening to your psychic

potential. Join one of the nation's best-known

mediums, Annette Donaldson, as she lets you experience

the feeling of accessing your own psychic source. Let

her guide you through this process during this amazing

lecture. Annette has spent 25 years demonstrating her

enormous talent throughout the country. Meet her today

and take the first steps into your psychic


Saturday 10:15 AM Room 1


Laurel Izard Power Animals & Shamanic Healing

For millennia, animals have served as the core of

shamanic healing. This lecture will show you how power

animals protect, teach and heal us, even today. Laurel

Izard, shaman, artist, hypnotherapist and intuitive

reader, has worked extensively with animals as a

healer, reader and artist, even designing her own

divination deck " The Animal Oracle Cards. " Join her

and learn how a shaman uses animal powers to connect

to spirit and heal others. Find out what animal

energies operate in your life and how you benefit from

their presence.

Saturday 10:15 AM Room 2


Darragh Hodges Wisdom Through Visionary Art

Darragh Hodges, visionary artist, teacher and

intuitive painter for forty years, simplifies your

life through her art. Darragh's new language of

spiritual interpretation through painting helps you in

your search for truth. Angels, dolphins, fairies and

spirit guides represent just a few of the delightful

images that may appear. By using your life events,

Darragh offers in depth readings while illustrating on

canvas her visions of the beauty and wisdom of your

inner spirit.

Saturday 10:15 AM Room 3


Dolly Mae Joy! Getting Happy Now

Dolly Mae’s astonishing book " Choosing Joy in the

Midst of Crisis, " introduces a groundbreaking approach

for creating a joy-filled reality. She reveals

amazingly simple ways to move through personal blocks

with her ten secrets to choosing joy. Create joy

filled relationships, finances, career and health.

Learn how to end conflict and emotional pain and live

in a state of conscious joy.

Saturday 10:15 AM Room 4


Elizabeth Sedeno Pranic Healing

Come hear Elizabeth Sedeno’s lively discussion of the

book “Your Hands Can Heal You,” coauthored by Master

Stephen Co, one of only four master Pranic healers in

the World. Elizabeth, a student of Pranic Healing and

Arhatic yoga, has studied for the past 11 years under

Master Stephen Co and his teacher grand master Choa

Kok Sui, the founder of Pranic healing, . She will

offer mini Pranic sessions at her booth.

Saturday 11:00 AM Room 1


Dianne Warren Tarot & You

The origin of tarot seems unknown. Some legends say

that the cards originated in ancient Egypt, derived

from mystery religions to help people in their daily

lives. Today, with the assistance of clairvoyance and

spirit communication, each tarot card symbolism opens

up the psyche to new feelings, ideas, concepts and

spiritual opportunities. Find out what the tarot

reveals for you and add to the rich history of Tarot


Saturday 11:00 AM Room 2


Toni Ann Winninger Channeling the Ascended Masters

After spending 27 years as a prosecutor for the Cook

County State's Attorneys office, the Ascended Masters

and the Archangels " recruited " Toni Ann Winninger to

serve as a gatekeeper to other dimensions. Toni

receives answers to questions presented before her,

and she will demonstrate this power in an open group

channeling. Come ask your pressing questions about

love, health or cosmic events, and also receive a

message from loved ones beyond the veil.

Saturday 11:00 AM Room 3


Omar Multi-Dimensional Natural Healing

As multi-dimensional beings, we need

multi-dimensional experiences to support natural

healing. Omar will teach you how to release inner

records of tightness and pain by bringing love (the

only real and lasting power in the universe) into your

mind and body. Experience natural healing at its best

as 50 empowering modalities integrate into one system,

developed by Omar over 30 years and thousands of hours

of practice. Come with your tightness, aches and pains

for a life-transforming experience!

Saturday 11:00 AM Room 4


Ed Campbell Palmistry in One Easy Lesson

If you ever wanted to learn palmistry for yourself,

here’s your chance. Ed’s system incorporates

traditional interpretation of palm lines with a host

of additional information hidden in how you hold your

hand, and in what jewelry you choose to wear. Ed,

author of the definitive work " Encyclopedia of

Palmistry, " will share his fascinating insights into

modern palmistry and innovative uses of palmistry for

the future. His more than 20 years experience

lecturing, reading palms and consulting throughout

North America, China, Taiwan and Egypt make this an

eye-opening class.

Saturday 12:00 PM Room 1


Chris Burnett Meeting Your Higher Self

Join Chris Burnett as she reveals the journey she

took with her guides in meditation that uncovered and

healed childhood trauma. In Chris’ psychic readings,

she converses with a person’s higher self, gaining

valuable guidance and insights. People describe her

efforts as “mindblowing and deeply personal.” She will

draw names for on the spot messages from the Higher

Self and Guides! Come in and meet your higher self.

Saturday 12:00 PM Room 2


Nancy Campoy Discover The Akashic Records

Develop an understanding of the Akashic Records and

how they can support you on your path through this

life. Nancy Campoy, a teacher of the Akashic Records,

shares her insights and experiences of soul enrichment

through the records. Questions you have about your

life purpose, relationships, career or creative

process can be explored in the Akashic Records where

compassionate guidance can light your soul’s path. The

records bring light to your life’s issues, access them


Saturday 12:00 PM Room 3


Thomas Morton Use The Planet's Energy

Join this discussion of energy points on the planet,

their location and how to utilize them to your

benefit. Learn how to balance noxic laylines and

disharmonious energies, creating sacred space. Thomas

Morton awakened spiritually at an early age and has

served in the field ever since. Having traveled the

world speaking and working directly with the earth’s

grid, people recognize him as one of the world’s

leaders in sacred geometry and its applications.

Saturday 12:00 PM Room 4


Keith Heimpel Illuminate Your Life Force Now

Instantly experience your health leap to a higher

plane. Infusing ancient rainforest healing wisdom in

vegan Liquizons, Amazon Herb Company has insured that

they do not waste any part or lose any essence of the

plant. Ancient Spagyric process retains the plant's

original constitution and healing potential, wasting

no part or essence of the raw plant. Attend this

lecture and receive a free Liquizon sample: you will

feel the difference. Taste for yourself the pure

rainforest nutrition.

Saturday 01:00 PM Room 1


Debbie Smith Charting Your Life

If you ever think about the events in your life and

wonder why certain things happen to some people and

not to others, you will not want to miss this

intriguing lecture. Debbie Smith brings you a lively

discussion of exactly how we created the plan that

determines what we do in this lifetime. Debbie leads a

guided meditation journey to the other side, where you

may read your own plan. Meet this internationally

known psychic, trained as a mystical traveler by

Sylvia Browne and Francine.

Saturday 01:00 PM Room 2


Atala Dorothy Toy Gemstones & Geometrics

Whether labyrinths, DNA encoding, a mandala or a

stone, our world consists of structures with a

resonant light-energy base. Join Atala Dorothy Toy,

president of Crystal Life Technology, to learn why we

humans find these visions and forms so attractive.

Each participant will receive one brochure listing

gemstones and their qualities and another showing

various geometric light structures and their

functions. In this class, you will work with this

information, learning how the two interrelate and

discovering how you can improve your life via their


Saturday 01:00 PM Room 3


Rachel Madorsky Create Your Own Destiny

If you have interest in the preservation of your

karma and opening yourself to energy healing, don't

miss this presentation. Rachel Madorsky, an

internationally known expert on natural healing,

considers the whole person - body, mind and spirit -

as one. Working with traditional medicine, not against

it, the integrative concepts of her lecture give

strength and focus to the person battling the

challenges of life. Gain focus on achieving wellness

and understanding illness and its origins.

Saturday 01:00 PM Room 4


Guy Spiro Set The Aquarian Stage

Discover where we now lie in the change-over period

between the ages of Pisces and Aquarius. According to

Guy Spiro, “We are in perhaps the most exciting time

in all of recorded history. What the generations that

are alive now do will determine how the next 2000

years will be lived. Those who do not see a new age

are missing the forest for the trees.” Guy Spiro has

published The Monthly Aspectarian magazine for the

past 25 years, and authors Astro-Weather, a new level

of daily astrological forecast.

Saturday 02:00 PM Room 1


Çarolina Niebres Embrace Health With Pleasure

Enjoy 24 karat healthy chocolate and find out how you

can enhance your health, wealth, and well-being with

our ForeverFit body transformation program. Join

Carolina Niebres as she introduces unique, life

enhancing products that address the health and

vitality interests of mankind at every stage of life.

ForeverGreen products help people experience the joy

of living in their prime, regardless of the season of

their life. Come learn about seven elements to health

and how ForeverGreen products can help you get

healthy, pleasurably.

Saturday 02:00 PM Room 2


Sage Victims -- Know More

Sage, author of " Mirror of Love, " travels the country

teaching seminars and sharing Essene Higher

Consciousness truths and techniques. The ancients

understand 3D on Earth is a game of virtual reality.

You make up the center of your own universe and create

your own reality -- all of it. Sage will offer state

of the art techniques and technology, fine tuning what

you think you know and challenging you to see what you

don't know. Go beyond the " secret " with this

life-changing information.

Saturday 02:00 PM Room 3


Ehryck Gilmore The Law of Attraction 101

They call him a soul man, because plainly and simply,

that’s what he does. Ehryck, author of the critically

acclaimed book " Why Am I Stuck? " , has the unique

ability to see past all of the roadblocks, denials and

hidden agendas of the conscious mind. Ehryck sees and

speaks to your soul. As seen in Newsweek, Ehryck will

delve into his new book, " The Law of Attraction 101, "

to tell you about this miraculous law and how it

affects you and everything in your life. This

certified life coach uses his " take no prisoners "

style to empower seekers of new goals, dreams and


Saturday 02:00 PM Room 4


Debbie Bryk-Serva Art of Spiritual Dreaming

Many of us have felt profound love or joy from a

dream, or have woken up with an idea that helped to

solve a problem. Join Debbie Bryk-Serva and discover

spiritual exercises that can help you tap into your

dreams, a source of divine love and wisdom. Enjoy this

lecture, based on the teachings of Eckankar, Religion

of the Light and Sound of God and the books " The Art

of Spiritual Dreaming " and " Past Lives, Dreams, And

Soul Travel " by Harold Klemp.

Saturday 03:00 PM Room 1


Elaine Turczynski Essential Oils - Ancient Wonders

For centuries people have healed themselves with

essential oils. From the flu to cancer, essential oils

can help you clean, balance, and energize your body.

Explore how to use essential oils with Elaine

Turczynski, a nurse for more than 20 years. Elaine

discovered the therapeutic benefits of essential oils,

and has incorporated them in her personal and

professional life for over five years, helping people

with imbalances in their whole being. Come find out

how to safely use these ancient wonders for today’s


Saturday 03:00 PM Room 2


Anita Ryan-Revel Be A Modern Goddess

Best-selling author and Australian " Goddess Guru, "

Anita Ryan-Revel explores ways in which you can

connect with your inner goddess. Take a journey

through the chakras and enjoy connecting with goddess

archetypes who have messages for you. Anita's book

" The Goddess Guide to Chakra Vitality " gives insight

into awakening and revitalizing your energy centers.

Join Anita and discover your place as a modern


Saturday 03:00 PM Room 3


Bill Schwingel Introduction To Feng Shui

Chi, the life force within all of us, permeates

everything in our world. In Feng Shui, understand how

Chi flows allows you to create a more balanced

environment. Feng Shui master teacher Bill Schwingel

of In Balance Interior Alignment will present this

introduction to Feng Shui principles. During this

lecture, you will learn to identify how Chi flows

through your home and how you can direct it to support

your intentions.

Saturday 03:00 PM Room 4


Felicitas Tobias Breakthrough Technology From Japan

Learn more about a breakthrough technology, coming

directly from Japan. You will find this technology so

powerful that you'll wonder how you lived without it

all these years. Marketed in Japan as a medical

device, it has the potential to enhance and improve

your health almost instantly. If you value your health

as your first priority, you will consider this

technology a godsend.

Saturday 04:00 PM Room 1


Patty Kumm Do-Overs

New frequencies on earth bring new opportunities,

such as the ability to begin again. All attending this

lecture will receive a healing " jump start " to assist

in the process. Gain insight and effective tools to

deal with these new energies. Patty, raised in

Southern California, has had the gift of clairvoyance

since childhood. A conscious channel, certified in The

Reconnection, master reiki and hypnotherapy, Patty's

study and work with spirit continues. Join Patty and

begin your " do-over. "

Saturday 04:00 PM Room 2


Josh Schwartzbach Co-Creating Peace With SOTU

Join a lively discussion with the Soul of the

Universe, SOTU, channeled by Reverend Josh

Schwartzbach. SOTU, the consciousness of growth in our

physical universe, will unmask hidden keys to deep

personal peace. Discover how to move beyond your life

lesson, and learn your active, metaphysical role in

co-creating the new paradigm of real and lasting

planetary peace. Get hands on, pragmatic advice from a

consciousness here to help us create a world of

safety, peace and plenty.

Saturday 04:00 PM Room 3


Maria Brazas Do You Tarot?

Tarot card spreads give direction and insight often

hidden from the individual asking the questions. Using

allegorical images and ancient symbols pertaining to

both the universal and the earthly plane, the

questioner's consciousness has an immediate connection

to the ever-flowing river of consciousness that exists

everywhere. Join Maria Brazas for an exploration of

Tarot, and learn how the cards tell the reader -

without guesswork or further inquiry - the answers to

your questions.

Saturday 04:00 PM Room 4


Christine Sonnen Experience Theta Healing

Learn how you can experience instant healing and

discover what might block your ability to heal.

Experience the " theta " state for yourself, feeling

energetic downloads of unconditional love from Creator

and receiving teachings from Source to clear

rejection, resentment, regret and scarcity. Also learn

about clearing aging programs, gene replacement,

pulling radiation, clearing a coma and balancing brain

chemicals. You can change core beliefs, clear psychic

hooks and psychic attacks. Join Christine Sonnen and

start improving your life!

Saturday 05:00 PM Room 1


Yasushi Fukimoto


Saturday 05:00 PM Room 2


Dona Murphy Tarot: Guiding Your Destiny

Through more than 30 years of tarot practice and

study, Dona has developed Destiny Tarot as a style of

reading focused on empowerment and insight for her

clients. Learn how to get the most benefit from this

time-honored form of divination, use it to help you

make positive choices and changes in your life, and

discover the power to help create your own destiny.

This lecture will include one card mini-readings for

those attending.

Saturday 05:00 PM Room 3


James Phillips Healing The Healer Seminar

This powerful, entertaining and experiential seminar

does wonders for healers of any level. With James

Phillips, founder of Total Mind LLC, as your host, you

will reduce stress while enjoying effortless

relaxation to increase your energy and vitality. You

will practice deep breathing exercises, tone out loud

and receive several positive affirmations while

learning to get in touch with your own body's immune

system. A graduate of the prestigious Monroe

Institute, James has spent the last 15 years traveling

the world, presenting workshops on the fundamental

dynamics of healing to thousands of healers wishing to

empower and rejuvenate themselves. Discover greater

mental clarity and more intuition for healing in the

amazing 2-hour " Healing The Healer " seminar!

Saturday 05:00 PM Room 4


Christopher Valentine & Christian von Lähr Nature

Spirits Surround You

Discover how to recognize gnomes, leprechauns,

faeries and elves. Christopher Valentine & Dr

Christian von Lähr will show you how to improve your

home and garden in special ways to attract and delight

the little people and begin a bond of love and joy.

Realize how to lead a more positive, meaningful and

magical life of wonder and manifestation as the Nature

People awaken your inner child and show you how to

live happily in the " now. "

Saturday 06:00 PM Room 1


Gary Champion Being A Medium

Enjoy this question and answer session with a real

medium! Instead of lecturing about being a medium,

Gary will demonstrate actual gallery style readings.

While not everyone attending will be read, they can

all benefit from the experience. Additionally Gary

will answer any audience questions about his personal

experiences serving as a medium.

Saturday 06:00 PM Room 2


Fritz Bachmann Reincarnation and Polar Shift

As the magnetic poles shift, a physical shift will

also occur. For many of us, reincarnation will no

longer remain an option, possibly for a long time. In

order for us to not get caught in the web of

unpleasant surprises, the Spirit of God has once again

given us the Inner Path. Fritz Bachmann, born in

Zurich, Switzerland, will show a video and discuss

what the scientists know, and how it confirms past

knowledge of this important time.

Saturday 06:00 PM Room 3


Anne Kent Quantum Biofeedback

Experience the future of energetic medicine! Anne

Kent will introduce Quantum Biofeedback (QXCI/SCIO)

technology that can find energetic imbalances and

health risks occurring in both humans and animals.

With the capability of accessing 240 different health

programs ranging from homeopathy to dark field

analysis to energetic acupuncture, it stands as the

largest medical software system of its kind in the

world. The device will give an assessment on the

body's cellular vitality, vitamin/mineral levels and

so much more.

Sunday 11:15 AM Room 1


Barry Helm Channeled Healing Meditation

Barry Helm utilizes psychic reading, spiritual

channeling, bodywork and metaphysical healing as he

guides the individual into a place of aliveness and

ease. Join him as he presents a channeled healing

meditation assisting those present in their

transformational process. Barry has traveled

throughout the United States sharing his unique style

of healing work with many.

Sunday 11:15 AM Room 2


Glenn Kolleda Mystic's Garden

Glenn had an NDE (near death experience) on 3/3/95 in

Houston, TX. This event greatly expanded his working

knowledge of metaphysics. Come and hear his account

first hand. He will share the wisdom of life review,

and other surprising events on the other side. Delve

deep into the reasons to develop your talents. Glenn

tailors each session to the needs of the participants.

So enter the room prepared to make the mystic journey


Sunday 11:15 AM Room 3


Swami Discover Pyramid Yantra

Discover quick and easy ways to control and use the

world's oldest successful tool. With the power of

pyramid, you can explore many ways to attain health,

wellness and all-around prosperity. Swami will

introduce you to the different Pyramid Yantra, showing

how they can help you in all phases of your life

including Vastu and Feng Shui correction, your

personal life and your professional life. Join Swami

as he demonstrates different types of pyramids for

personal and everyday uses.

Sunday 11:15 AM Room 4


Joanne Macko Raise Your Frequencies

Joanne Macko, a dynamic speaker, healer and

international artist, will speak with her quantum

generation 23-year old son Bob and touch on many

aspects of their work. Bob will share more information

from the Council of Nine, and Joanne will unveil some

of her newest art! She has had her work presented to

world leaders and at the United Nations. Joanne will

also share some of her high-frequency " Sandalphon " oil

with the audience. Prepare for an enlightening


Sunday 12:00 PM Room 1


Bluehawks Stec Experience the Medicine Wheel

See a demonstration of the energy healing techniques

of the portable medicine wheel developed by Dr. Stec,

who requests feedback from people experiencing it. Dr.

Stec, certified hypnotherapist, member of the

International Association of Counselors & Therapists

and reiki master/teacher, currently develops and tests

effective uses of the medicine wheel and other

symbology healing techniques. Try this technique for


Sunday 12:00 PM Room 2


Scott Alexander King The Symbolic & Spiritual Language

of Animals

Animals hold the key to unlocking our pathways to

success, healing and growth. Scott Alexander King,

teacher, animal spirit intuitive and author of " Animal

Dreaming, " harbors the unique talents of a zoomancer,

examining the habits and appearance of animals to help

explain and reveal the future path of humans.

Australian born, Scott trained under a recognized

medicine woman and has practiced Animal Dreaming since

childhood. During this exciting seminar, Scott will

show you how to recognize and interpret the presence

of animals and birds in nature. He will introduce you

to Animal Dreaming, giving you a unique opportunity to

broaden your ability to interpret the symbolic

language of the animal kingdom. Learn how to invoke

the animal spirits to aid healing, for protection and

much more. Don't miss this amazing experience! A book

signing will follow.

Sunday 12:00 PM Room 3


George Cox Aromatherapy Made Easy

Experience 17 essential oils and learn methods of

using them and simple ways to easily and effectively

incorporate them into your life. George Cox has taught

aromatherapy for 11 years, including classes for

beginners, seminars at hospitals, and at Cincinnati

State College.He will lead you in this experiential

lecture, showing you basic blending and precautions

you should take. Learn how to help everything from

burns, fibro, arthritis, psoriasis, mirgaines and much

more in this practical, hands-on, " how to " course.

Sunday 12:00 PM Room 4


Patricia Caldwell Healing Sound Bath

Once you experience Patricia Caldwell's voice and

presence, your heart will change forever. Patricia

will speak briefly about Tibetan Singing Bowls, their

origin and their purpose. But one does not find the

enchantment of the bowls in the telling, but in the

experiencing. Patricia will join in, singing along

with the sound of the bowls. Hear their combined

voices create a mystical sound experience that you

will find a profoundly peaceful medium for enhanced

healing, clarity and joy.

Sunday 01:00 PM Room 1


Keith Heimpel See, Taste & Smell the Rainforest

Amazon Herb Company invigorates your life now with

powerful offerings from the ancient healing wisdom of

the rainforest. Let Keith Heimpel show you how health,

vitality, beauty and prosperity can come to you.

Amazon Herb makes the world a better place with their

rainforest preservation by sharing with you the

powerful secrets from their indigenous partners.

Experience a higher plane of life vitality with free

samples given during the lecture. Commit today to

protecting Mother Earth.

Sunday 01:00 PM Room 2


Thomas Morton Use The Planet's Energy

Join this discussion of energy points on the planet,

their location and how to utilize them to your

benefit. Learn how to balance noxic laylines and

disharmonious energies, creating sacred space. Thomas

Morton awakened spiritually at an early age and has

served in the field ever since. Having traveled the

world speaking and working directly with the earth’s

grid, people recognize him as one of the world’s

leaders in sacred geometry and its applications.

Sunday 01:00 PM Room 4


Guy Spiro Viewing The Universe

Of the many ways of viewing the universe, it becomes

confusing as one tries to decide how to approach the

Is. Guy Spiro has published The Monthly Aspectarian

magazine for the past 25 years, and authors

Astro-Weather, a new level of daily astrological

forecast. In this lecture, Guy lays out a simple

framework for making sense of the Is and presents a

way of dealing with it. We can and should have it all.


Sunday 02:00 PM Room 1


Terry Taylor 2012: Are You Ready?

Many wonder about the world coming to an end in our

time. The Mayan Calendar shows time will speed up to

the point that the world as we know it will not exist.

Science has determined that the planets will line up

with the sun and earth, creating planetary changes on

February 18th, 2013. Join Terry Taylor of the

Spiritual Awakening Center and prepare yourself for

this moment. Ascend to a higher vibrational way of

existence within a higher level of consciousness.

Sunday 02:00 PM Room 2


Diana Payne The Magic of The Moon

For centuries the moon has symbolized the feminine

mystic and hidden power. With the new need to embrace

the Goddess in our culture, more people acknowledge

the influence and power of this little satellite. In

honor of the lunar eclipse occurring on Sunday, Diana,

an occultist for more than 30 years, will give this

special class on the magic of the moon, teaching

special techniques for harnessing its power to

optimize your life.

Sunday 02:00 PM Room 3


Bernadette Akroush Good For You Sugars

Learn about one of the most analyzed, scrutinized and

validated scientific discoveries ever made. This

nutrient can help your body fight allergies, stomach

problems, depression, diabetes and many other diseases

and health problems. Join Bernadette Akroush and find

out how to help your body function the way it should.

Adults, children and even animals can benefit from

this amazing nutrient. Don't just feel better, live


Sunday 02:00 PM Room 4


Steven Rosley Intuitive Crystal Healing

While in Africa, Steven Rosley discovered a stone

called Infinite, the healer’s stone. In this exciting

discussion, Steven will use Infinite to send energy to

each participant. Giving each person a chakra stone,

Steven will share his unique intuitive techniques to

help you in fulfilling your life’s purpose. Learn the

healing qualities of different stones and crystals and

how they work on the seven chakras. Uncover the gift

innate in you, your intuition.

Sunday 03:00 PM Room 1


Tao Huang Spiritual Anatomy

In Tao Huang's latest book, " Spiritual Anatomy, " he

teaches you to read your body, follow your breath,

sense your feelings, utilize your unconscious

abilities and empower your living reality. This

lecture will define your body structure, examine your

vital characteristics, map your spiritual journey and

direct your mystic potential. You will return your

biological essence to its spiritual eternity -- the

space from which you came and to which you must

return. Discover the purpose of your earthly


Sunday 03:00 PM Room 2


Susan Wisehart Past & Between Life Journeys

Past life and between life journeys can relate

powerful experiences which deepen understanding of

your life purposes and soul lessons. Learn how

forgiveness can help heal karmic memories. Many people

have resolved phobias, relationship issues, physical

ailments and repeating life patterns through past life

regression. Between-lives regressions involve

connecting with the “in between” state in the spirit

realm prior to incarnation which involves doing a

compassionate life review with the soul council,

meeting with your primary soul group and spirit


Sunday 03:00 PM Room 3


Markus Schramm Balancing Body, Mind & Soul

Most people attempt to lead a balanced life,

developing their body and mind, while seeking success

in the world. Yet unhappiness still persists. Markus

Schramm, industrial engineer and father of two, has

practiced meditation for 25 years and will share how

to live a positive lifestyle to balance the body, mind

and soul. In this session, you will learn the

effective technique of Jyoti (light) meditation to

help you achieve a life of happiness, peace and

spiritual fulfillment.

Sunday 03:00 PM Room 4


Ruby Starr Edgar Cayce, The Man

Most people will recognize Edgar Cayce as " The

Sleeping Prophet, " the greatest mystic that American

has ever known. Kind and humble, he always believed

that through God he would find a way to do his work

and help people in need. Meet Ruby, a Christian

Intuitive, who spent her adolescent years residing in

Mr. Cayce's home with her parents. Hear her thoughts

and perspectives on her experiences while there, what

she learned and how it affected her life forever.

Sunday 04:00 PM Room 1


Barb Brokaw Fashion Feng Shui

Learn how to use style to express your intentions.

Barb Brokaw, a certified Fashion Feng Shui consultant

will introduce you to the elements of Feng Shui. You

will discover how they manifest in fabrics, colors,

texture and design and how you can use these elements

to express your intentions in a manner balanced with

your innate and physical energies. Experience Fashion

Feng Shui today in this fun and informative lecture.

Sunday 04:00 PM Room 2


Anita Ryan-Revel Reconnect With Your Inner Goddess

Goddess resides within every woman! Reconnect with

your inner goddess in a Goddess Playshop with the

Australian " Goddess Guru " Anita Ryan-Revel. Anita

conducts this transformational Goddess Playshop

throughout Australia, the USA and many countries

throughout the world. This amazing workshop will help

you understand your own femininity, strength and

wisdom and give yourself permission to assert these

gifts to empower your life. Join Anita and tune into

your natural intuition, take an inner goddess tour and

play affirmation games. You will energize your

chakras, have a healthy laugh, get your goddess glow

and walk out feeling invincible!

Sunday 04:00 PM Room 3


Felicitas Tobias Healthful Hope From Japan

A new health discovery from the land of the rising

sun has spread rapidly throughout the United States

over the past 18 months. This breakthrough technology

from Japan brings the opportunity for consumers

worldwide to change, improve and enhance their health

-- all without behavior modification, crazy lifestyle

changes or a special health regimen. If you make

health your first priority, don't miss Dr. Felicitas

Tobias. You must see this lecture to believe it.

Sunday 04:00 PM Room 4


Gael Riverz Cardiovascular Health Naturally

Dr. Gael Riverz, a board certified Iridologist, will

present exciting information about how you can prevent

our nation's number one killer - heart disease! It

seems we can only lose with hardened, inflamed and

clogged arteries that can lead to a stroke or heart

attack. Discover effective natural therapies based on

the Nobel Prize of Medicine that help to open and

cleanse the arteries easily and naturally. Affordable

screening checks and monitors arterial health and

aging. Don't miss this important information!

Sunday 05:00 PM Room 1


Jennifer Farmer You Are Not Alone

If you have lost someone close to you from death or

seek to heal yourself or a relationship, don't miss

this amazing lecture. Join Jennifer Farmer, a psychic

medium, in a gallery group reading. During Jennifer's

intuitive reading, she will help you through these

situations in your life. Jennifer will use her talents

and experiences to assist you in uncovering the causes

and conditions that bring you mental, physical,

spiritual and emotional pain.

Sunday 05:00 PM Room 2


Jordan Lome Fresh Air For Life

Healing your home environment enhances your inner

healing. Experience the benefits of vibrant fresh air

and clean, pure water in supporting your conscious

lifestyle. Discover proven, creative technologies,

used world-wide, that effectively, easily and

inexpensively transform your indoor environment.

Breathe deep with Jordan Lome, The Pollution Solution,

a natural health, environmental and spiritual

consultant since 1971. Jordan's clients include

healers, medical professionals, green businesses and

individuals throughout the United States.

Sunday 05:00 PM Room 4




The measurement of wo(man) is not where s(he) stands in times of COMFORT and

CONVENIENCE. But where s(he)stands during times of TRIAL and TRIBULATION..


-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


Empress Rain


Nigist Zenab







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