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proper fasting

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Hey Attila and other self-healers,


I close my eyes (for quite awhile ; ) in salute to Dr. Bernarr's



Not unlike many of us, though, Dr. Bernarr is not without his humorous

inconsistencies as noted below. Again, all the more reason to do what he

says... when he's not 'teaching', of course, about listening to our own

bodies... the only true teachers.


Dr. Bernarr quotes '... George Bernard Shaw wrote: " Those who can, do. Those


can't, teach or write. "


He then soon says '...Contact me NOW and I will personally teach you and

supervise you how to

heal yourself, your loved ones and your animals, via the Internet.'


And let's remember nature, meditation, and exercise to help (proactively!)

cultivate that 'healer within'.


: ) Mark

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Thank you for posting that Attila. I had never heard that and it makes a lot of sense.





attila madaras

[RawSeattle] proper fasting


hi,good people, read this, and get well soon...HOW TO FAST PROPERLY TO HEAL ONESELF IMMEDIATELY By Dr. Bernarr, D.C., D.D.Most people do not know how to properly fast.None of the so-called supervised fasting practitionersknow how to properly fast. None of these so-calledfasting practitioners remain in bed, feelinglymeditating on their symptoms when they fast themselvesnor do they insist on such with their patients. Neither did recent, late Natural Hygienecontemporaries like Drs. Herbert Shelton, ChristopherGian-Cursio, Bob Gross, John Mega, Marvin Telmar,Jesse Mercer Gehman, Max Warmbrand, John Brosius, JackGoldstein, etc., and lay people, T. C. Fry, R. J.Cheatham, Dave Stry, Hereward Carrington, ArnoldEhret, Paul Bragg, Paavo Airola, Simon Gould, TedPort, Jack Trop, Irving Davidson, Hannah Allen,Bernarr McFadden, Mahatma Gandhi, etc., understand howto properly fast. They all mistakenly contended thatthey were experts on fasting.When one fasts, one should eat nothing and drinknothing but water. One must lie down, close one's eyesand keep them closed, 24 hours a day, 7 day a week,i.e., every moment one can! One should just drink onlyas much water as one's thirst demands.Closing the eyes, rests the brain and mind. Anelectric rhythm starts as soon as the eyes are closedand ceases immediately when they are opened. Thisrhythm serves to clear "negative charges" from thebrain. Activity of the eyes prevents recuperation fromoccurring. When one's eyes are closed and one is at completerest, bodily energies rejuvenate, cells replenish,tissues repair and organs refresh themselves and aremade ready for renewed activity.When one is sick, one is greatly devitalized andenervated from overactivity, excesses, stimulation andemotional excitement. One should close one's eyes andkeep them closed, for completely resting every part ofone's body.Animals and babies instinctively know that they mustclose their eyes to feel better. The most common, difficult to manage diseases, areoften related to a sleep deficiency. If one is sick ortired, one has a sleep deficiency. Healing takesplace, when one is asleep or when one's eyes areclosed. If one is sick, one has a deficiency ofhealing, therefore a deficiency of sleep. The body makes the healing of a bone, a priority, asopposed to doing other things that are not quite asimportant. With additional sleep, and/or closing ofone's eyes, the quicker one will heal. It does notmatter what is or what causes one's health problem,whether it is because of lifestyle abuse or externaltrauma. One needs more sleep and/or closing one'seyes. That is the most important thing one can do tomake oneself well. Vital energy is produced by the blessed elixir ofsleep and/or closing of one's eyes. Sleep and/orclosing one's eyes are nature's great restorativehealing processes.Vital energy is used up by all the activities of life.Vital energy is used up by physical activity, bytalking, by digestion, by emotions, by thinking, byseeing, by hearing, by smelling and by sex. After activity, the brain grows weary and the physicaldemand for sleep and/or closing the eyes is great.Nerve cell fatigue or exhaustion is deep seated andmuch time is required to recover. It is the loweringof vital energy in the nerve cells which leads tophysical and mental trouble. Carried to an extreme, itleads to a "nervous breakdown". Close one's eyes toreplenish one's nerve cells and one's nerves will getbetter and feel better. The actual storing up of the energy reserves or theenergy sources, takes place during rest. Activityexpends and rest restores the bodily resources. Themore the body is stimulated, the sooner it completelycollapses. The weaker the body, the less it is able towithstand the action of stimulants. The weaker thebody, the greater the necessity of "doing nothing"intelligently, just closing one's eyes.When one closes one's eyes and pain, discomfort ordepression prevents one from sleeping, keep one's eyesclosed, until the pain, discomfort or depressionleaves. One should concentrate, meditate, feel, thinkon the pain, discomfort or depression as intensely asone can. As long as one continues to do this, one willawaken as refreshed as if one slept for that sameperiod of time as when one's eyes are closed.One's brain and body are always talking to one and onemust learn to listen and do what one's brain and bodytell one to do. To better listen to one's brain andbody, one can concentrate best, if one keeps one'seyes closed. To heal oneself of disease, one should rest one'sbrain and body, by keeping one's eyes closed. Everyactivity of one's eyes, depletes one's vitality andinhibits restoration of one's health.In every moment of one's 24 hours, keep one's eyesclosed, just like dogs, cats and other pets do, andopen one's eyes only to satisfy one's needs, whetherone's needs be biological, physical, social, economicor spiritual.When one is sick, one should lie down, keep one's bodyinactive, keep one's eyes closed and concentrate,meditate, think on, keep one's mind on one's pain anddiscomfort, till one's pain and distress completelydisappear. All fasting doctors and practitioners who personallyfast their own bodies, who supervise patients who fastand all people who fast themselves, all make the samemistake. They do not keep their eyes closed everymoment of the 24 hours, every day that they fast. Many of our fasting doctors, practitioners andauthorities have died prematurely because they did notknow how to properly fast. They fasted and expendedvital nerve energy unnecessarily by keeping their eyesopen and were unnecessarily active during theirrespective fasts.Many of these fasting doctors, practitioners andauthorities wrote and lectured eloquently aboutfasting, but they never really understood the what,why, when, where and how to apply fasting. GeorgeBernard Shaw wrote: "Those who can, do. Those whocan't, teach or write."The purpose of a fast is to completely rest the body,not to just eliminate toxins nor to just rest thedigestive tract. The purpose of fasting is to conservevital energy and to replenish vital energy. Everymoment that one fasts and that one simultaneouslyopens one's eyes, one is preventing oneself fromgetting healed as rapidly and as well as possible. Oneis wasting vital energy when one opens one's eyes. Every bit of vital energy is needed by sick persons torecover their health. During a fast, one must have total rest. One can onlyaccomplish total rest, by keeping one's eyes closed.Lie down and close one's eyes, every time one can. Itis the most important thing one can do to get well andkeep well.Some people question my suggestion, "For a chroniccondition, you should not fast."Some people ask, "Why not? Aren't chronic conditionssimply acute conditions that were never properlyresolved? Why not give the body every opportunity toresolve them?"Some people are contending that they are moreintelligent than the inherent intelligence withintheir bodies, their God within. The cells of ourbodies have been around for billions of years onearth. The optimum thing for our bodies to do at anymoment is already built into our genes, ourchromosomes and our DNA. We are but passengers on the train of life, not theconductors. Our inherent intelligence, our God within,is always talking to us. All one need do is listen anddo what it tells one to do. One should just lie down,close one's eyes and do whatever one's body tells oneto do. If one needs to fast, one's body will tell oneto do so. If one needs to eat, one's body will tell one to doso. If there are any other biological activities thatone's body needs one to do, it will tell one to do so.Do only what one's inherent intelligence, one's Godwithin one's body, tells one to do. One should nothave delusions of grandeur that one or any otherliving being or hypothesis knows more than what one'sbody tells one at any moment of one's life.I havehelped thousands of people and animals, world-wide,heal themselves of all kinds of "hopeless" healthproblems, physical, mental and spiritual, completelyand permanently, via the Internet. Contact me NOW andI will personally teach you and supervise you how toheal yourself, your loved ones and your animals, viathe Internet.YOU ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL. I LOVE YOU!Dr. Bernarr, D.C. D.D. Greetings - Send FREE e-cards for every occasion!http://greetings.

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To both Attila and Zita, thank you! I, too, am " suffering " from this

" creeping crud " , and found both of your messages timely and appropriate.

This particular case of it has been more demanding of my attention than what

I'm used to, i.e. I'm finding that my body is wanting LOTS more sleep and

definitely less food. And shutting the eyes is exactly what's in order! Of

course, considering the metaphysical aspects of this is also in order, as

I'm all too aware of a necessary shift happening within me. Thanks again

for your love and wisdom.








" attila madaras " <Attila86

<RawSeattle >

Wednesday, February 27, 2002 9:51 AM

[RawSeattle] proper fasting



: hi,good people, read this, and get well soon...




: By Dr. Bernarr, D.C., D.D.


: Most people do not know how to properly fast.


: None of the so-called supervised fasting practitioners

: know how to properly fast. None of these so-called

: fasting practitioners remain in bed, feelingly

: meditating on their symptoms when they fast themselves

: nor do they insist on such with their patients.




: Neither did recent, late Natural Hygiene

: contemporaries like Drs. Herbert Shelton, Christopher

: Gian-Cursio, Bob Gross, John Mega, Marvin Telmar,

: Jesse Mercer Gehman, Max Warmbrand, John Brosius, Jack

: Goldstein, etc., and lay people, T. C. Fry, R. J.

: Cheatham, Dave Stry, Hereward Carrington, Arnold

: Ehret, Paul Bragg, Paavo Airola, Simon Gould, Ted

: Port, Jack Trop, Irving Davidson, Hannah Allen,

: Bernarr McFadden, Mahatma Gandhi, etc., understand how

: to properly fast. They all mistakenly contended that

: they were experts on fasting.




: When one fasts, one should eat nothing and drink

: nothing but water. One must lie down, close one's eyes

: and keep them closed, 24 hours a day, 7 day a week,

: i.e., every moment one can! One should just drink only

: as much water as one's thirst demands.




: Closing the eyes, rests the brain and mind. An

: electric rhythm starts as soon as the eyes are closed

: and ceases immediately when they are opened. This

: rhythm serves to clear " negative charges " from the

: brain. Activity of the eyes prevents recuperation from

: occurring.

: When one's eyes are closed and one is at complete

: rest, bodily energies rejuvenate, cells replenish,

: tissues repair and organs refresh themselves and are

: made ready for renewed activity.

: When one is sick, one is greatly devitalized and

: enervated from overactivity, excesses, stimulation and

: emotional excitement. One should close one's eyes and

: keep them closed, for completely resting every part of

: one's body.




: Animals and babies instinctively know that they must

: close their eyes to feel better.

: The most common, difficult to manage diseases, are

: often related to a sleep deficiency. If one is sick or

: tired, one has a sleep deficiency. Healing takes

: place, when one is asleep or when one's eyes are

: closed. If one is sick, one has a deficiency of

: healing, therefore a deficiency of sleep.




: The body makes the healing of a bone, a priority, as

: opposed to doing other things that are not quite as

: important. With additional sleep, and/or closing of

: one's eyes, the quicker one will heal. It does not

: matter what is or what causes one's health problem,

: whether it is because of lifestyle abuse or external

: trauma. One needs more sleep and/or closing one's

: eyes. That is the most important thing one can do to

: make oneself well.

: Vital energy is produced by the blessed elixir of

: sleep and/or closing of one's eyes. Sleep and/or

: closing one's eyes are nature's great restorative

: healing processes.

: Vital energy is used up by all the activities of life.

: Vital energy is used up by physical activity, by

: talking, by digestion, by emotions, by thinking, by

: seeing, by hearing, by smelling and by sex.




: After activity, the brain grows weary and the physical

: demand for sleep and/or closing the eyes is great.

: Nerve cell fatigue or exhaustion is deep seated and

: much time is required to recover. It is the lowering

: of vital energy in the nerve cells which leads to

: physical and mental trouble. Carried to an extreme, it

: leads to a " nervous breakdown " . Close one's eyes to

: replenish one's nerve cells and one's nerves will get

: better and feel better.




: The actual storing up of the energy reserves or the

: energy sources, takes place during rest. Activity

: expends and rest restores the bodily resources. The

: more the body is stimulated, the sooner it completely

: collapses. The weaker the body, the less it is able to

: withstand the action of stimulants. The weaker the

: body, the greater the necessity of " doing nothing "

: intelligently, just closing one's eyes.




: When one closes one's eyes and pain, discomfort or

: depression prevents one from sleeping, keep one's eyes

: closed, until the pain, discomfort or depression

: leaves. One should concentrate, meditate, feel, think

: on the pain, discomfort or depression as intensely as

: one can. As long as one continues to do this, one will

: awaken as refreshed as if one slept for that same

: period of time as when one's eyes are closed.




: One's brain and body are always talking to one and one

: must learn to listen and do what one's brain and body

: tell one to do. To better listen to one's brain and

: body, one can concentrate best, if one keeps one's

: eyes closed.




: To heal oneself of disease, one should rest one's

: brain and body, by keeping one's eyes closed. Every

: activity of one's eyes, depletes one's vitality and

: inhibits restoration of one's health.

: In every moment of one's 24 hours, keep one's eyes

: closed, just like dogs, cats and other pets do, and

: open one's eyes only to satisfy one's needs, whether

: one's needs be biological, physical, social, economic

: or spiritual.




: When one is sick, one should lie down, keep one's body

: inactive, keep one's eyes closed and concentrate,

: meditate, think on, keep one's mind on one's pain and

: discomfort, till one's pain and distress completely

: disappear.




: All fasting doctors and practitioners who personally

: fast their own bodies, who supervise patients who fast

: and all people who fast themselves, all make the same

: mistake. They do not keep their eyes closed every

: moment of the 24 hours, every day that they fast.

: Many of our fasting doctors, practitioners and

: authorities have died prematurely because they did not

: know how to properly fast. They fasted and expended

: vital nerve energy unnecessarily by keeping their eyes

: open and were unnecessarily active during their

: respective fasts.




: Many of these fasting doctors, practitioners and

: authorities wrote and lectured eloquently about

: fasting, but they never really understood the what,

: why, when, where and how to apply fasting. George

: Bernard Shaw wrote: " Those who can, do. Those who

: can't, teach or write. "

: The purpose of a fast is to completely rest the body,

: not to just eliminate toxins nor to just rest the

: digestive tract. The purpose of fasting is to conserve

: vital energy and to replenish vital energy. Every

: moment that one fasts and that one simultaneously

: opens one's eyes, one is preventing oneself from

: getting healed as rapidly and as well as possible. One

: is wasting vital energy when one opens one's eyes.


: Every bit of vital energy is needed by sick persons to

: recover their health.

: During a fast, one must have total rest. One can only

: accomplish total rest, by keeping one's eyes closed.

: Lie down and close one's eyes, every time one can. It

: is the most important thing one can do to get well and

: keep well.




: Some people question my suggestion, " For a chronic

: condition, you should not fast. "

: Some people ask, " Why not? Aren't chronic conditions

: simply acute conditions that were never properly

: resolved? Why not give the body every opportunity to

: resolve them? "

: Some people are contending that they are more

: intelligent than the inherent intelligence within

: their bodies, their God within. The cells of our

: bodies have been around for billions of years on

: earth. The optimum thing for our bodies to do at any

: moment is already built into our genes, our

: chromosomes and our DNA.




: We are but passengers on the train of life, not the

: conductors. Our inherent intelligence, our God within,

: is always talking to us. All one need do is listen and

: do what it tells one to do. One should just lie down,

: close one's eyes and do whatever one's body tells one

: to do. If one needs to fast, one's body will tell one

: to do so.


: If one needs to eat, one's body will tell one to do

: so. If there are any other biological activities that

: one's body needs one to do, it will tell one to do so.

: Do only what one's inherent intelligence, one's God

: within one's body, tells one to do. One should not

: have delusions of grandeur that one or any other

: living being or hypothesis knows more than what one's

: body tells one at any moment of one's life.I have

: helped thousands of people and animals, world-wide,

: heal themselves of all kinds of " hopeless " health

: problems, physical, mental and spiritual, completely

: and permanently, via the Internet. Contact me NOW and

: I will personally teach you and supervise you how to

: heal yourself, your loved ones and your animals, via

: the Internet.




: Dr. Bernarr, D.C. D.D.








: Greetings - Send FREE e-cards for every occasion!

: http://greetings.




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