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Advice? Gabriel Cousens Phase 1?

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Hi guys. I have been raw for over a year (95 to 100%, with three or four

glitches), but have only recently started on Gabriel Cousens' Phase One

diet (Rainbow).


Does anyone have any wisdom as to how to survive the next three months of

no fruit at all? I mean, I thought I had trouble staying on the diet

before! I stuck to it for my health, doggedly. Having apples for

breakfast every day helped a lot.


But now . . . I can barely stand to look at my food. In this house of

carnivores, I stare at their delicious-smelling and -looking food across

the table from me and I want to grab it off their plates.


And the holidays are here . . .


Though I lost weight, I have not had a huge increase in vitality or

energy. I am still sick. And that makes my family not want to go onto the

diet, because it's obviously not working, according to them. It's been 14

months. Is it all detox that I'm experiencing? I mean, I have been very

sick. Does it take that long?


Would anyone be willing to give me a kind word on the subject?


Is there anyone out there who has actually graduated from Phase One? And

lived to tell the tale?


-- Corrie


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I have not done Cousens diet but I too live in a houseful of cooked food eaters

and I know that it can be challenging. If I show any sign of illness or

anything else viewed as faulty, my family is quick to pounce on it and to say

that my lifestyle is to blame.


I offer support to you in proof that it is possible to change and maintain that

change even when surrounded by the " old ways " . I have been raw for over 3



I changed my whole outlook on what food is and how and why it is prepared. I

made my choice to follow where my Heart guides me and if those around me are

threatened by it that is their problem not mine.


I had been vegetarian then vegan before becoming raw so I did not have the long

detox or cravings that others had.


I encourage you to be gentle with yourself and do not fear any set backs that

may crop up. Instead focus on how far you have come and let your diligent

efforts continue in what you believe in.


Follow your inner voice and Heart


Light and Love



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I hope what I have to offer will help you, and others. And let me

say to begin with, my comments are my own opinions and best

reasoning. I consider it to be " kind words " what I have to say (as

per your request), and hope that other readers won't take me to be

unkind in my disagreements with certain health philosophies. I know

there are different " camps " , so some people will agree with my

beliefs and others will disagree. However, I'd like everyone to

understand there can be differences/disagreements, but that doesn't

entail hostility or " unfriendliness " .


OK, with that out of the way, I'll get on with it. :-) The thing

about not eating fruit has never really made much sense to me.

Humans are frugivores. A frugivore is a creature whose natural diet

consists predominantly of fruit. Our closest relative is the bonobo,

which eats over 90% fruit, consuming only small amount of greens and

concentrated proteins. Now, sheep and cows are different, but

they're similar in that they're designed to eat the same type of

diet, right? Well, humans are even *more* similar to bonobos than

sheep are to cows. I even heard that male humans have more in

common, genetically, with male bonobos, than with female humans!

That fact alone is pretty huge to me. Darwin, the immortalized

evolutionary biologist, himself stated that humans are frugivores.

And even if all you take into account is your own sensory experience

and natural instinct, what foods in their natural, plain state are

you most attracted to, and feel is easiest on your digestion? Ripe,

beautifully colored, succulent, aromatic, sweet FRUIT.


My own experience bears this out. I've easily eaten more fruit than

any other food group over my lifetime. I have never had any major

health problems, and since going down the raw path, my life has

improved significantly more quickly.


Bless their intentions, but I tend to get lost trying to follow many

of the things Cousens and Wolfe and others say. I don't find it a

good use of my time to try to read over a lot of detailed info. I

don't believe we need to get so complicated. I believe

natural " laws " are simple; ever heard of E=mc^2? Or F=ma (one of

Newton's laws)? Pi being a constant? The Golden Ratio? The

molecular structure of DNA? etc....


I think an alternative way I heard of to go about moving toward ideal

health that makes a lot of sense to me, is cutting down on *fats*

rather than fruits. I understand that doing this has been shown over

and over again to deal really well with whatever problems are going

on. It makes a lot of sense, because fats are not a significant part

of a natural human diet (considering the bonobo diet as a good

reference point again), plus it's been shown over and over again the

link between ill health and high fat consumption.


The points I'm making would be considered some of the main tenets in

Natural Hygiene. There are many raw foodists who to this

philosophy, including a significant number of the Seattle/PNW crew.

Nora Lenz would be a great resource to consult with, in my opinion.

You can find her posting here regularly.


Good luck, and hopefully all this helps!


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