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Well, Ariana, I'm just not sure what to tell you. I'm still so new at this.

Maybe your healing crisis is coming around the bend, but I'm not sure. I know my

healing crisis started one week ago today and though my heinous headache is a

thing of the past, I still have this horrible stuffy nose and my tongue is just

" coated " ! Ewwww! Sorry to be graphic, but really! It's gross! And now on top of

all that I have to worry about these silver fillings in my mouth which are

probably, as we speak, giving me Alzheimers or something. Anyway, sorry to run

off at the mouth like that. Another thought: Are you young? Maybe you don't have

as many toxins in your body that need to be purged? Have you eaten " pretty

healthy " until now? I'm 43. I ate wickedly for 43 years. My dad was a meat

cutter. We had meat and dairy every single freaking day of my life, not to

mention that my mother has always had some kind of perverse obsession with

doctors and hospitals and I was always on some kind of " medicine " . Then during

my teenage years and early twenties, I experimented with all kinds of weird

street drugs AND I smoked AND drank alcohol AND " pop " . So you kind of get the

idea... I figure I'm going to be " detoxing " for the rest of my life. Oh, and

sugar. Let's not forget that. By my calculations, I ate sugar every single day

of my life since the day I was born. I'm not exaggerating either. Anyway, maybe

you will start feeling crappy soon. Or maybe your detox will not be bad at all.

I heard one time that some people detox and don't even know they're detoxing!

Wouldn't that be nice? Keep us posted!

Peace, ~*~Mary Ellen~*~


Lopez, Ariana


Thursday, April 29, 2004 11:13 AM

[Raw Food] Detoxing



Hey Everyone,

I was wondering why I haven't experienced a detox crisis. I did a fast and

have been raw since. I've lost 20lbs., and have never had a headache or

situation like the one May Ellen has been experiencing. I did get very dizzy one

day, but tossed it up to not having consumed enough calories and ate a couple of

bananas. Should I be expecting something to hit me soon? or am I just really


Thank you all for your responses!




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When I began my cleansing and dietary changes (20

years ago), I did not have any cleansing crisis for

about 7 years. Then is was a bad cold that did not

incapacitate me. Rather, it was more of an annoying

than anything as it came at a very busy time in my

life. Since then, the only times I have experienced

major cleansing crises were when on a 100% fruitarian

diet. I was on such a diet several times for short

periods. Since fruit is not only a nutritive food but

also a very powerful cleanser, this was not

surprising. IMO, if you are losing weight, feeling

good, and have no significant cravings, you must be

doing something right. Keep doing it and your body

will let you know when it's time for another





--- " Lopez, Ariana " <alopez wrote:

> Hey Everyone,

> I was wondering why I haven't experienced a detox

> crisis. I did a fast and have been raw since. I've

> lost 20lbs., and have never had a headache or

> situation like the one May Ellen has been

> experiencing. I did get very dizzy one day, but

> tossed it up to not having consumed enough calories

> and ate a couple of bananas. Should I be expecting

> something to hit me soon? or am I just really weird?

> Thank you all for your responses!

> Ariana



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]








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Not to worry. Just keep eating the best you know how. People's detox

are different. As mentioned before, some people are likely more toxic

than others. People have different metabolisms. i have been 100% raw

for 3 years (to the day!) and while I have had improvements to my

health, I have not had any healing crisis. I was 80% raw for 4 months

before that and have been vegan since 1997. I'm sure our bodies clean

up as much as they can as we go (as we allow them).


I'm sure your fasting also helped. Over the years, prior to going

raw, I did a great many juice " fasts " . While not " true " fasts, I know

they helped.


So, I suggest just enjoying the ride and don't have any expectation

of any healing crisis. If you have one, you have one.




>I was wondering why I haven't experienced a detox crisis. I did a

>fast and have been raw since.

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100% raw for 3 years? Congratulations!! You are an inspiration to me!

Peace, ~*~Mary Ellen~*~



Jeff Rogers


Friday, April 30, 2004 8:56 PM

[Raw Food] Re: Detoxing



i have been 100% raw

for 3 years (to the day!) and while I have had improvements to my

health, I have not had any healing crisis.



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You are not weird. I had very minor detox symptoms. I had mouth sores and

mouth biting but none of the other multitude of things that can happen. Nor

did I get cravings or lapsing binges which seem to plague so many.





Lopez, Ariana [alopez]

29 April 2004 17:14


[Raw Food] Detoxing




Hey Everyone,

I was wondering why I haven't experienced a detox crisis. I did a fast and

have been raw since. I've lost 20lbs., and have never had a headache or

situation like the one May Ellen has been experiencing. I did get very dizzy

one day, but tossed it up to not having consumed enough calories and ate a

couple of bananas. Should I be expecting something to hit me soon? or am I

just really weird? Thank you all for your responses! Ariana




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Another thought: Are you young? Maybe you don't have as many toxins in your body

that need to be purged? Have you eaten " pretty healthy " until now?


Hey Mary Ellen,

I'm sorry for not responding to your post earlier. I've been busy with school

and work, and I'm just now catching up with everything. Yes, I am young. I'm 22

but I have heart issues up the wazoo. I always ate pretty healthy, not much red

meat...was a vegetarian for 3 years after I found out I had a blood disorder.

But even while I ate meat it was as healthy as you can get eating that stuff. So

with the exception of this past year (injecting depo, working in a restaurant

and eating anything and everything I never did) I have had a healthy diet.










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  • 4 months later...



I've been eating raw for about 6 weeks now. Recently, I've developed a rash

under my chin that itches like crazy. Has anyone had this detox symptom?

What did you do, that's non-toxic, to manage the discomfort as you detoxed?


Any suggestions would be helpful.


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Try the Master's Miracle Gel, the products work to balance Ph. Works on

bites, rashes, blemishes, etc.

Go to 182728.themastersmiracle.



<RawSeattle >

Sunday, September 05, 2004 7:38 PM

[RawSeattle] detoxing




> Hi,


> I've been eating raw for about 6 weeks now. Recently, I've developed a


> under my chin that itches like crazy. Has anyone had this detox symptom?

> What did you do, that's non-toxic, to manage the discomfort as you



> Any suggestions would be helpful.

> Jocelyn






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Hmmmm, selling your multi level marketing opportunity eh?




Try the Master's Miracle Gel, the products work to balance Ph. Works on

bites, rashes, blemishes, etc.

Go to 182728.themastersmiracle.



<RawSeattle >

Sunday, September 05, 2004 7:38 PM

[RawSeattle] detoxing




> Hi,


> I've been eating raw for about 6 weeks now. Recently, I've developed a


> under my chin that itches like crazy. Has anyone had this detox


> What did you do, that's non-toxic, to manage the discomfort as you



> Any suggestions would be helpful.

> Jocelyn






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I use the Arise and Shine cleanses. I have done the intestinal cleanse, Liver

Cleanse, and am doing the Candida Cleanse now.


Dr. Anderson is the originator of the products. You can read a little about the

products at www.ariseandshine.com The products can be ordered off the internet

or from a Naturopath if you can actually find one that knows about cleansing.

Also, Dr. Anderson has a website that has some info about cleansing at



I am always available to talk about cleansing, too. Just contact me off the


Good luck!! Paula






I've been eating raw for about 6 weeks now. Recently, I've developed a rash

under my chin that itches like crazy. Has anyone had this detox symptom?

What did you do, that's non-toxic, to manage the discomfort as you detoxed?


Any suggestions would be helpful.




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<<< " I've been eating raw for about 6 weeks now. Recently, I've developed a rash

under my chin that itches like crazy. Has anyone had this detox symptom?

What did you do, that's non-toxic, to manage the discomfort as you detoxed?

Any suggestions would be helpful. "



Hi Jocelyn,

In regular cooked people, the primary organs of elimination become

overburdened because, although all food creates waste in the body, *cooked* food

creates such a large amount that these organs become backlogged. When this

happens, the body must enlist secondary means of eliminating waste, and this

sometimes includes the

skin. Over the decades, these secondary elimination mechanisms become

habituated. Our bodies get a lot of practice at using them, much like our legs

get good at walking and our fingers get good at typing, and they become our

bodies' preferred ways to dispose of excess waste when the organs can't handle

it all. This is why we

may continue to experience some of the same symptoms we had when we were cooked

(for me it was cold sores) as we transition to a healthy lifestyle and our

organs are attempting to heal. The difference is that if you keep moving in the

right direction, you can look forward to a day when your primary organs of

elimination will be

functioning optimally and will be able to handle all the waste your body

generates. These secondary elimination habits your body had formed will die

away from lack of use.

This doesn't explain ALL the symptoms we might experience during transition,

of course. When we make radical changes to our diets, our bodies must

completely re-adjust their chemistry. While this re-balancing is taking place,

we can notice lots of strange things happening, some of which we might not have


before. The worst thing to do is to assume that our bodies are making mistakes.

Our bodies don't make mistakes. Since our minds DO, our mental ideas about

symptoms are what needs to be remedied, not the symptoms themselves.

Here's what I do when I notice a symptom of cleansing (which all symptoms

are, btw): I stop eating or eat very lightly, knowing that digestion is work

for my body that will require it to divert its available resources away from the

task at hand (eliminating waste). I don't take remedies or cleanses because I

know these only

give my body something more important to do (expel the remedy or herbs) and will

force it to retain the waste it's trying to dispose of. I am patient, because I

understand that outward symptoms are signs of inward healing. I also assess

what I've been eating lately to see if something may be giving my body problems

(too many

nuts or dried fruit, vinegar, salt, spices, etc.) and resolve to further

simplify my diet, even if it's only a small step in that direction.

Hope this is helpful.



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