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PETA Petition

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I found this petition AGAINST PETA online and wondered

if anyone else had run across it. I also read some of

the information the site advertised about PETA and was

very offended. I wrote them an email supporting the





I spoke with a vegan friend today and she said she

didn't support PETA -- are there other vegans who feel

the same way?



L. E. F.

Lauren Everett Farnsworth

Save Lives, Save the Earth, Save Yourself: GO VEGAN!





Are your products tested on animas?? FIND OUT!!! at...







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Lauren wrote:



>I spoke with a vegan friend today and she said she

>didn't support PETA -- are there other vegans who feel

>the same way?


I loathe PETA. I think they do more harm than good. And I used to

be a card-carrying, leaflet-giving-out member. Some of their recent

ad campaigns are disgusting and I won't be a part of the way they do






I'm selling some stuff on eBay, and I add new stuff every day or two

-- books, CDs, videos, etc. -- If you want some of my stuff for cheap

(all auction prices start at $.01),


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Yeah, this is basically just a lobbying group for the junk food and

meat industries. Their own page admits: " The Center for Consumer

Freedom is supported by restaurants, food companies and more than 1,000

concerned individuals. From farm to fork, our friends and supporters

include businesses, employees, and consumers. "

It's a bogus, pseudo-libertarian group whose sole mission is to

discredit vegetarianism and health-food-ism, to give people a " choice. "

(I assume they're against the laws prohibiting consumption of cats and

dogs?) They target all the major AR groups. They also do smear

campaigns against the ALF and its supporters. They even suggested

trying to get a professor's tenure revoked for openly supporting direct

action. (So much for " freedom " in regards to the First Amendment...)

I don't really know how successful this anti-PETA campaign has been,

but they're trying to get their 501©(3) status revoked, which would

mean PETA would no longer be tax-exempt, a serious economic blow, for

sure. You could contact PETA to see if they're worried about it.






On Jun 21, 2004, at 8:56 PM, Lauren wrote:


> I found this petition AGAINST PETA online and wondered

> if anyone else had run across it. I also read some of

> the information the site advertised about PETA and was

> very offended. I wrote them an email supporting the

> group.


> http://www.consumerfreedom.com/petaPetition.cfm


> I spoke with a vegan friend today and she said she

> didn't support PETA -- are there other vegans who feel

> the same way?


> =====

> L. E. F.

> Lauren Everett Farnsworth

> Save Lives, Save the Earth, Save Yourself: GO VEGAN!

> http://www.sunflourbaking.com

> http://www.sunkingpublishing.com

> http://www.vegnews.com

> http://www.peta.org

> Are your products tested on animas?? FIND OUT!!! at...

> http://www.caringconsumer.com/searchcompany.html










> BAY AREA VEGETARIANS (BAV) is a community group for veggies to network

> & find support.


> Event Calendar, Charter, FAQ and More!

> http://www.bayareaveg.org/


> Bookmark this page! Don't miss local events!

> http://www.bayareaveg.org/events.php


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Wow, I'm actually a huge supporter of PETA. I'm part of their streetteam and I like helping them out. How come some people don't support PETA?Lau, AngieI stare as my weak knees wilt & #8729; longing trying to touch the embrace that has left me & #8729; and I had you & #8729; and your kindness was there & #8729; now pieces of you hate me & #8729; I am not a portrait on your heart no more & #8729; but I still kiss the feelings that emerge from my pulse & #8729; and memories seep from my eyes & #8729; knowing that love has gone further & #8729; than my soft hand can reach & #8729; the utmost apology is what I can lay on your face but & #8729; will you still swallow me whole? & #8729; nothing can compare & #8729; and you continue to dance in me & #8729; and I continue to bleed & #8729; but nothing can compare & #8729; I have killed the one thing that exceeds my existence


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the Center for Consumer Freedom is a lobby organization representing

restaurants, food service, and tobacco corporations, and are largely

funded by companies such as Monsanto, Tyson Foods, Outback Steakhouse,

Coca-Cola, etc.


considering they (like PETA) are also incorporated as a 501©(3), it

would be easy to organize a counter petition asking that their books

are audited and their tax exempt status removed.


i wouldn't bother emailing them with support for PETA. their entire

existence revolves around hatred for any science and health

information that threatens the profits of their donors. they're

basically a tax exempt PR firm with an important sounding name.


the best way to stop them is to support groups that expose their

fraudulent activities, and start a campaign to have them audited.


more info:






On 06/21/04, Lauren <lef288 wrote:


> I found this petition AGAINST PETA online and wondered

> if anyone else had run across it. I also read some of

> the information the site advertised about PETA and was

> very offended. I wrote them an email supporting the

> group.


> http://www.consumerfreedom.com/petaPetition.cfm


> I spoke with a vegan friend today and she said she

> didn't support PETA -- are there other vegans who feel

> the same way?


> =====

> L. E. F.

> Lauren Everett Farnsworth

> Save Lives, Save the Earth, Save Yourself: GO VEGAN!

> http://www.sunflourbaking.com

> http://www.sunkingpublishing.com

> http://www.vegnews.com

> http://www.peta.org

> Are your products tested on animas?? FIND OUT!!! at...

> http://www.caringconsumer.com/searchcompany.html










> BAY AREA VEGETARIANS (BAV) is a community group for veggies to network

> & find support.


> Event Calendar, Charter, FAQ and More!

> http://www.bayareaveg.org/


> Bookmark this page! Don't miss local events!

> http://www.bayareaveg.org/events.php


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Hi Serene:


I respect that you have more experience with them directly; I've never

leafletted for them or anything. But I just cannot agree that they do more

harm than good. I'm not arguing your own bad experiences, I'm just not

convinced that personal experience, no matter how bad, is statistical enough

to imply any broader truth for the rest of us. I continue to believe they

are a well-intentioned, empathic group overall. Though as I said earlier I

personally question the effectiveness of some of their methods...





> I loathe PETA. I think they do more harm than good. And I used to

> be a card-carrying, leaflet-giving-out member. Some of their recent

> ad campaigns are disgusting and I won't be a part of the way they do

> activism.

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I would encourage those who have strong negative feelings about PETA to

re-explore PETA, their mission and their history and re-examine your

response or at least keep negative thoughts about PETA less public. PETA

does what it does because it feels so strongly about the cruelty against

animals and they do attention grabbing campaigns because that is often the

only way the public will pay attention. Enough humans despise AR activists

and our movement. I feel we only need more support. I don't think PETA

deserves such strong negative public commentary from the AR movement when

they work so hard on animals' behalf as I believe all tactics are necessary

in this fight. -k





on 6/21/04 10:01 PM, serene (Sandra Vannoy) at serene wrote:


> Lauren wrote:



>> I spoke with a vegan friend today and she said she

>> didn't support PETA -- are there other vegans who feel

>> the same way?


> I loathe PETA. I think they do more harm than good. And I used to

> be a card-carrying, leaflet-giving-out member. Some of their recent

> ad campaigns are disgusting and I won't be a part of the way they do

> activism.


> serene





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> Some of their recent ad campaigns are disgusting and I won't be a part of the way they do> activism.


I would encourage everyone to find the type of activism that they are comfortable with. If you don't like the PETA campaigns, check out what another group is doing... Or think about what you personally would find rewarding.


It might be writing letters FOR the animals, taking a meat-eating friend out for a veg meal, putting 'Why Vegans' out at your local library or Jiffy Lube -- there are many ways to make a difference... and I think we make the biggest difference when we work together.


So for those folks wanting to connect with others who want to make a difference, join Gabe this Thursday at MaggieMudd in SF for a letter-writing party. See event calendar for details...









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Bruce wrote:



>I respect that you have more experience with them directly; I've never

>leafletted for them or anything. But I just cannot agree that they do more

>harm than good. I'm not arguing your own bad experiences, I'm just not

>convinced that personal experience, no matter how bad, is statistical enough

>to imply any broader truth for the rest of us.


No, their own ad campaigns tell the truth about them -- they

terrorize children with pictures of bloody animals, promote hatred of

fat people and women, and just are not anyone I want to deal with.

It's fine with me if other people like them -- I just don't. Vive la






I'm selling some stuff on eBay, and I add new stuff every day or two

-- books, CDs, videos, etc. -- If you want some of my stuff for cheap

(all auction prices start at $.01),


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Tammy wrote:


I would encourage everyone to find the type of activism that they are

comfortable with. If you don't like the PETA campaigns, check out

what another group is doing... Or think about what you personally

would find rewarding.


Exactly. One can dislike one group's way of doing activism, and

still be effective in one's own kind of activism. The way I put it

is " the world needs shouters AND whisperers. " I don't like Peta and

what they stand for, so I don't support them -- instead I do stuff I

think is more effective and compassionate. The folks who feel PETA

is right on can continue supporting them. That's what diversity is






I'm selling some stuff on eBay, and I add new stuff every day or two

-- books, CDs, videos, etc. -- If you want some of my stuff for cheap

(all auction prices start at $.01),


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I find the criticisms of PETA interesting. As far as I can make out, one

set of criticisms aims at gory pictures or allegedly offensive analogies

in print ads. Another set of criticisms aims at actions of vandalism

supposedly perpetrated by members of PETA. To me these two sets are very



We are all victims of the sanitizing tendency of education in the United

States. *All* of the struggles that have given us the modest freedoms we

(may be about to lose completely but at present seem to still) enjoy, the

protections in the legal system, and so forth, were obtained by bloody

conflict. Leaders of the civil rights movement of the 1960s consciously

placed *children* in physical danger in order to win the hearts and minds

of the nation. The union movement was resisted by heartless capitalists

who seized the government, killed activists, and banned organizing. It

took major economic dislocation for change to occur, and that change was



Animals--regarded as completely alien by most in this country--are *not*

going to be liberated from their predicament by coffee-table conversation

alone. Yet, it is unclear whether outright violence--instigated by

activists--is the best approach. Scholars disagree vehemently on the role

of violence and the threat of violence for progressive social change.

One of the difficulties is that violence may aid progressive change under

some conditions, while greatly hindering it in others. It is unlikely

that activists' impatience is an effective guide to just when propitious

conditions prevail. And, of course, there is the moral argument,

especially germane here--how can one support violence as part of a

movement to end the violence?


These complexities, I think, make conversation imperative, if we are to

build a society that nurtures the capacities of living beings. This

remains true even though conversation alone is insufficient. The only

hope is that people will act in accord with their values, and continue

talking with a diverse set of others. Given these complexities, it is

probably not helpful to make short, unqualified, denounciations of the

various positions. An open mind, a desire to understand others' reasoning

and experience, is the best approach.


We are *all* impatient and frustrated about animals' plight, including the

plight of humans around the globe. But, none of us has an unfiltered

access to TRUTH. Nothing above denies the moral absolute imperative

against killing. Yet, what does one do when one is dealing with mass

murderers? No clear answer has yet emerged; hence, open-minded discussion

seems a useful interim response.





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