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Diet for a Dead Planet...doesn't look vegan--but I am* plus I'm new in town, so...'hello!'

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Hi Warren et al, {a brief bio/introduction followsfyi}


A lengthy reply to your short email, half in reply and half (my aforementioned

intro) so you know

who I am (in case anyone wants to network):


I found this " Diet for a Dead Planet " review/synopsis/recommendation online:


The 'Grotesque Global Food Industry' We all attempt at the start of a new year

to make

resolutions. It is also a propitious time for evaluating where we're at and

focusing on new ideas

and approaches for the future. I could not recommend for food activists - most

of my readers,

hopefully - a better source of inspiration and information than to read Diet for

a Dead Planet –

How the Food Industry is Killing Us, by Christopher D Cook (The New Press,

£14.99). Read the

excellent review of it here on The Herald (Scotland) today

http://www.theherald.co.uk/features/30692.html .


A taste; Cook argues that single issue activism about organic food or GM crops

is ultimately a

waste of time and energy. The big boys playing the globalisation game are

already winning the GM

debate and indeed even cornering the markets for organic food. Forget your

romantic fantasies

about farmers' markets and such, he says; if you really want to make a

substantial difference to

the overall situation, you must concentrate on creating coherent, national and


policies. Health, affordability, ecological sustainability and economics should

be the new areas

of focus.

There's more of course - perhaps read and discuss.You know where I am.


[This is basically the only hit that turned up when I searched for the title of

the book in

conjunction with " veg " on Google--the other was a tiny blurb from NorthWest


newsletter, attached for the heckuvit.]


[Ed.--So...how could it *not* be pro-vegan??? It looks more

organic/GMO-oriented of course,

rather than specifically vegan.]


Let me know what you think of it, if anyone here reads it...


For reference, in case anyone's interested, I thought I'd take this opportunity

to 'pre-introduce

myself' to the area online, and specifically you 'San Francisco Bay



I am visiting the area for at least a month or so, and I'd like to help promote

vegetarianism if

possible, AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, among the Christians here--via the existing

vegetarian community if

possible-- and so if anyone would like to meet--or even just talk online--

please drop me a line.



I plan on visiting several of the local vegetarian restaurants, and would love

to meet esp. the

more active vegetarian activists and authors here...


Here's why (more exactly):



I am a young graduate student (in religion and ethics) at a Canadian university,

and my first book

(just republished by Lantern Books, http://www.lanternbooks.com ) Good News for

All Creation,

grows out of work I did 5 years ago when I first set up the Christian Vegetarian


(http://www.christianveg.com), and published our pamphlet (What Would Jesus Eat

Today, recently

retitled Honoring God's Creation) while I was then an undergraduate

'presidential scholar' at

Augustana, a University of Alberta campus (just south of Edmonton, Canada).


For the record, I am actually rather eclectic and inclusivist spiritually. I do

not adhere

rigidly or strictly to any one spiritual tradition (eg I am also a founder of

the Society of

Ethical and Religious Vegetarians, http://www.serv-online.org ). I 'belong' to

all religions and

none, simultaneously.. : (I certainly interact with them all!)


Sooooooooo.... If you'd like me to help out, volunteer, speak, sign books, etc.

anywhere around

here, please let me know!


I would love to meet each and every one of you, . ideally . Yours,


¡Paz Inverencial!




http://www.serv-online.org &


[where you can download a free PDF copy of my book, and pamphlet]


PS FYI (contact/mtg purposes) I am staying in the Marina District, near Ft

Mason. I'll also be

going to PETA's HelpingAnimals101.com thingy Feb 5-6... (I look forward to

hearing from




--- biguyskrsf wrote:


> Does anyone know if the new book " Diet for a Dead Planet " is pro-vegan?


> Warren



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