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Fwd: Billy's Bar--the power bar with vegan honey

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From a representative of the company.


--- " Alison Vercruysse (Divinely D'lish) "

<alison wrote:


> Sun, 06 Nov 2005 21:14:12 -0800

> Billy's Bar

> " Alison Vercruysse (Divinely D'lish) "

> <alison

> Vegan Living <veganliving, (and

other email addresses removed here)


> Thank you all for your helpful suggestions. We

> respect your input.


> Billy¹s Bar was created as a special request, and as

> such is only sold to

> two yoga studios in Marin at present. Before it

> hits the market en masse,

> we will change the label to identify it as

> Wheat-free, Dairy-free and

> Egg-Free.


> Alison

> ****************************

> Divinely D¹lish

> Alison Bailey Vercruysse

> E-mail: alison

> Phone: (415) 307-7342








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Kudos to Warren for taking the time to talk to vendors at the Green Festival, and then alerting us to this company's mis-use of the word "vegan" on their new product.

This is a great example of how one individual can make a difference by speaking up -- this also includes everyone who took the time to write in response to Warren's alert.


Is there a lot of strong sentiment against mis-use of the words vegan and vegetarians by restaurants, businesses, and others when it comes to selling food products? Just wondering if there is enough energy (and commitment from individuals) to make a concerted effort/campaign to educate local businesses about appropriate labelling and advertising.









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Hello fellow veg*ns,


From my experiences, it seems that there is disagreement even within the vegan community, as to whether vegan means excluding honey. I have had this conversation with many vegans, including people on this list, and always get differing viewpoints. I have even seen PETA contradict itself regarding this. On their list of companies that don't test on animals they list companies as vegan that make products containing honey. Possibly a typo? I'll be contacting them next...


Here is the response I got back from Vital Vittles when I contacted them back in September regarding thier labeling their breads as "vegan," though they contain honey:


Thank you for your email to Vital Vittles regarding labeling of our bread as vegan, while using honey as a sweetener. You are correct in believing that many vegans consider that honey is not permissible in a vegan product. However, there is a respectable contrary view. For example, you may want to check out www.friendsofanimals.org/actionline/fall-2004/is-honey-vegan.html The article posted there acknowledges that ...



The folks at Tom’s of Maine, a manufacturer of natural hygiene products, claim their products contain no animal ingredients even though they use beeswax in their dental floss and propolis — created by bees from tree sap to repair and maintain their hive — in some of their toothpastes. According to company publications, “Both the beeswax and propolis are bee products. These ingredients are removed from the hive and neither the bees nor the hive are harmed in any way during the process. While some people do consider these ingredients to be animal derivates, others do not.”[2] Why the uncertainty as to whether a bee derivative is, in fact, an animal derivative?


You might also want to consider http://www.thevegetariansite.com/ed_nolonger.htm , where there is a thought-provoking discussion of the issue you've raised.

While it may be true that many/most vegans do not eat honey, I believe it is also true that some peole who consider themselves to be vegan do eat honey. And, as you yourself have observed, we clearly acknowledge that we use honey, so those who don't eat it, for whatever reason, will know to avoid the product. By the way, we sell delicious vegan cookies, which don't have honey and thus may be of interest to you.


Thanks again for your email.






"Tammy, Bay Area Vegetarians" <t wrote:


Just wondering if there is enough energy (and commitment from individuals) to make a concerted effort/campaign to educate local businesses about appropriate labelling and advertising.







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The bottom line for me is whether a product causes harm or suffering to any living creature. Even the most disciplined, scrupulous and conscientious vegan (or non-vegan, for that matter) who cares about leading a compassionate lifestyle, by the mere fact of living in our modern, industrial, high-tech driven society, is responsible, directly or otherwise, for soem degree of destruction to the Earth and living things, no matter how inadvertent or unintended those consequences may be. Remaining conscious of this fact and how we adjust our behavior as well as attitudes is in the long run far more significant than philosophical hair-splitting or squeaky clean self-righteousness. My two cents.



Ron Landskroner






Tammy, Bay Area Vegetarians;Bay Area Vegetarians

11/9/2005 10:07:59 AM

RE: Fwd: Billy's Bar--the power bar with "vegan" honey


Hello fellow veg*ns,


From my experiences, it seems that there is disagreement even within the vegan community, as to whether vegan means excluding honey. I have had this conversation with many vegans, including people on this list, and always get differing viewpoints. I have even seen PETA contradict itself regarding this. On their list of companies that don't test on animals they list companies as vegan that make products containing honey. Possibly a typo? I'll be contacting them next...


Here is the response I got back from Vital Vittles when I contacted them back in September regarding thier labeling their breads as "vegan," though they contain honey:


Thank you for your email to Vital Vittles regarding labeling of our bread as vegan, while using honey as a sweetener. You are correct in believing that many vegans consider that honey is not permissible in a vegan product. However, there is a respectable contrary view. For example, you may want to check out www.friendsofanimals.org/actionline/fall-2004/is-honey-vegan.html The article posted there acknowledges that ...



The folks at Tom’s of Maine, a manufacturer of natural hygiene products, claim their products contain no animal ingredients even though they use beeswax in their dental floss and propolis — created by bees from tree sap to repair and maintain their hive — in some of their toothpastes. According to company publications, “Both the beeswax and propolis are bee products. These ingredients are removed from the hive and neither the bees nor the hive are harmed in any way during the process. While some people do consider these ingredients to be animal derivates, others do not.”[2] Why the uncertainty as to whether a bee derivative is, in fact, an animal derivative?


You might also want to consider http://www.thevegetariansite.com/ed_nolonger.htm , where there is a thought-provoking discussion of the issue you've raised.

While it may be true that many/most vegans do not eat honey, I believe it is also true that some peole who consider themselves to be vegan do eat honey. And, as you yourself have observed, we clearly acknowledge that we use honey, so those who don't eat it, for whatever reason, will know to avoid the product. By the way, we sell delicious vegan cookies, which don't have honey and thus may be of interest to you.


Thanks again for your email.






"Tammy, Bay Area Vegetarians" <t wrote:


Just wondering if there is enough energy (and commitment from individuals) to make a concerted effort/campaign to educate local businesses about appropriate labelling and advertising.







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