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Foster Farms announces so-called ''excellent'' humane practices

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Foster Farms announces so-called ''excellent'' humane practices


On November 25, 2005, Foster Farms--the largest poultry producer in the

Western United States-- announced its ''excellent'' record of humane

practices. Don Jackson, president of Foster Farms, said, " With all of

the noise and mis-characterization of the facts in today's marketplace,

we want consumers to know that Foster Farms is absolutely committed to

the humane treatment of all animals. "


The Foster Farms press release (available at

http://home.businesswire.com/portal/site/google/index.jsp?ndmViewId=news_view & ne\

wsId=20051125005042 & newsLang=en)

was broadcast on the same day East Bay Animal Advocates (EBAA Online:

www.eastbayanimaladvocates.org) demonstrated at six Safeway stores in

the San Francisco Bay Area. Safeway is one of Foster Farms’ largest

retailers. Yesterday, CBS-5 (http://www.cbs5.com/) covered the Foster

Farms demonstrations on 11 PM News Lead Story.


Recently, EBAA unveiled the findings of its cruelty investigation of

Foster Farms. The group’s graphic documentation (available at

www.fosterfacts.net) reveals systematic animal neglect at Foster Farms’

poultry operations. In addition, EBAA interviewed employees and union

organizers, revealing shocking labor practices at Foster Farms.


Now Available: Foster Farms Mini-Documentary

" Fostering Cruelty in Chicken Production " , a six-minute film developed

by EBAA and VegVideo, features interviews with Foster Farms employees

and scenes of animal cruelty at Foster Farms. For a VHS copy of the

film, email info.



East Bay Animal Advocates

P.O. Box 1406

Martinez, CA 94553

(925) 487-4419



*Visit EBAA Online*








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