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Whale hunt update

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===== A message from the 'makahwhaling' discussion list =====





Sekiu, WA: 9:00pm PDT


No hunting today: Bad weather has set in again, although forecasters call

for improved weather by the weekend. Let's all hope for high seas, strong

winds and lots of rain!


Visit http://www.stopwhalekill.org for the latest info!









MAY 11, 2000



Feeding Resident Whales Targeted


In a letter to the National Marine Fisheries Service, the Progressive Animal

Welfare Society (PAWS) today charged the Makah tribe and the National Marine

Fisheries Service with violating a Management Plan signed by the two

governments on how to conduct the killing of gray whales In a marine

sanctuary. The Agreement specifies that, " Whaling permits

shall be issued with the intent of targeting migrating whales. "


PAWS Advocacy Department Director Will Anderson has been at sea documenting

the Makah hunt efforts. He has personally observed the plumes of sediment

related to gray whale feeding which is inconsistent with migratory behavior.

Research data indicates most, if not all, of the truly migratory males have

already passed by Washington. Remaining are the residents and offshore

females with calves.


Said Anderson, " That harassment is illegal as the agreement calls for the

Makah to avoid hunting and killing resident whales. The five days of the

hunt has resulted in every visible resident whale being chased repeatedly.

Excessive use of a powerboat to tow the whaling canoe each time they see a

whale surface has created this large-scale impact. The Makah have not made

an effort to whale further offshore as their ancestors did where resident

whales are less likely to be. "


PAWS has long held that the Makah hunt is illegal since the US government

claimed the IWC approved a quota for the Makah. " I was there in Monaco, "

said Anderson. " After the Makah quota was soundly rejected the year before

at the IWC meeting in Scotland, the US brokered an illegal exchange of five

endangered bowhead whales given to Russia for the Makah quota. The Makah

have never, and still do not, meet the criteria that allow whaling under

aboriginal rules. "


The IWC requires a subsistence need that the Makah cannot demonstrate.

Instead the US government unilaterally created a new " cultural " category of

whaling in its domestic whaling regulations (CFR, Part 230), long desired by

commercial " cultural " whalers. " There is a long list of illegal and

questionable acts in the administration of this hunt, " Anderson continued.

" Now even humpback calves are being killed in the Caribbean and no one fears

retaliation because the U.S. moral authority and transparent double

standards have corrupted our leadership on whale protection. "


" The Makah do not seem to be giving due consideration to their widespread

impacts on resident whales, agreements made or their international impacts

on whaling, " continued Anderson. " Last year, the Makah killed the whale

equivalent of a female child less than three years old. That whale was

curious and looked up without fear as the Makah let loose with their harpoon

and .50 caliber anti-tank gun. Where is the honor in that? " he concluded.










In discussion with various gray whale experts and whale watching companies

along the Oregon, Washington and Vancouver Island coasts, we have been

advised that the migration of the gray whales is 90% complete. This would

leave primarily only suckling calves, females accompanied by calves and

resident whales in the hunting area off the Makah reservation at Neah Bay,



This in mind, it is curious why NMFS is not making any statements about the

end of the migration or the restrictions on hunting the remaining whales.


Please write, or call NMFS and ask the following questions:


1. What is the criteria for determining the " official " end of the gray whale

migration off Washington State?


2. What are the NOAA representatives observing the hunt doing to ensure that

the Makah are not targeting residents, suckling calves, females accompanied

by calves or resident whales? (Which is prohibited in the agreement between

the Makah whalers and NMFS)


3. Are the NOAA observing rep's checking the harpoon each time it is thrown

to determine if there has been a strike to a whale? (The Management plan

indicates that if the harpoon strikes a whale and falls out the permit is no

longer valid)


4. What is the position of NMFS that the Makah are now saying publically

that all whales are migratory and insinuating that there are no residents?


Note: We have not seen any evidence that NMFS is evaluating any strikes or

moving in as the harpoon is raised to determine if they are hunting babies.

On a number of occasions the Makah have chased down and thrown a harpoon at

whales that were smaller than the hunting canoe.


Please contact Donna Wieting of the National Marine Fisheries Service at:


HQTR Route: F/PR2

BLDG: SSMC3 RM: 13142


PH: (301) 713-2322 x108

FAX: (301) 713-0376

Internet Address: Donna.Wieting


For further information please do not hesitate to contact us at:


Julie Woodyer or Bill Moss

Land line: (360) 963-0717

Cell: (360) 561-7492

Cell: (416) 451-5976

E-Mail: whalesavers







" People tend to give Al Gore the benefit of the doubt. They assume that

anybody so dull and awkward must at least be upright and honest. Big

mistake. In the current issue of National Review, that magazine's superb

national political correspondent John J. Miller documents 40 bold and brazen

lies told by Al Gore over his long political career. (The on-line edition,

www.nationalreview.com, presents a 41st.) "


David Frum

National Post






" What we have done to the great whales in the sacred name of commerce is an

affront to human dignity, a debasement of human values and sensibility. In

the light of present knowledge of these intelligent mammals, no civilized

person can contemplate the whaling industry without revulsion and shame at

the insensitivity of our own species. "


Sir Peter Scott, from address to the International Whaling Commission,

London, July 1979




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