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Roger Powell BUSTED in Enfield N.C. ( zoophile case )

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May 30 2000

by Kathryn Bridges


ENFIELD -- A 59-year-old Enfield man was arrested for his unnatural love of

animals Thursday night by Halifax County Sheriff's Deputy Gregory Richardson.

Richardson received what he thought was a 911 call for a dog bite in Enfield

at 6 p.m. Wednesday evening. But when he picked up the call, he was advised

that a man was having sex with his female pig in the woods of a residential



According to Capt. C.E. Ward, the deputy walked down the street to Winter


where the incident was allegedly taking place, and caught Roger Powell in the

act of [ bestiality ] his pig. The man was talking to the pig while taking

part in the act, said Ward.


A 10-year-old boy reported to his mother that it was the third time he had


the man having sexual relations with his pig.

According to unofficial reports, Powell explained that he had been engaging

in sex with the pig twice per day for the last year, because he was afraid he

might catch AIDS from his human girlfriend who he described as a " crack

whore. "


Powell was charged with a crime against nature, a felony in North Carolina.

The magistrate set a $1,000 unsecured bond.

Powell will be evaluated by Mental Health on June 12 " To find out why he like

to do that, " Ward said.



The court date was set for;


July 5 in Halifax county.


The other information obtained making calls, was that the accused zoophile

was caught showing *children* how to engage in this activity with animals, a

ten year old boy witnessed acts of bestiality between the accused and a pig

and reported them to his mother. (The ten year old in the report told his



We are forwarding all of this, including his home address, phone etc to the

HSUS, ASPCA and other forums.

There is only one Roger Powell listed, in the 800 block of Dennys shore rd,

Roxboro N.C., not sure if this is him, will check it out.


As the only law protecting animals in the state of North Carolina on this was

" crimes against nature, " activists need to help animals as well as children

exposed to this by contacting the judge with your concerns and asking for the

maximun penalty along with mandatory psychiatric treatment, and prohibition

from owning animals.



Here is part of what I sent the newspaper, various city and county agencies

and others involved so they can be aware of what zoophiles do:


To Whom it may concern,


Regarding the story in your local paper on the matter of the zoophile who

was arrested for sexually abusing a pig in front of children, I have two

reasons for writing to you:


1) I would like to get some additional resources and information to you


2) I wanted to inform you that a " friend " of the arrested called you on

Thurday about this case, I noticed he posted to an animal sex forum the

details a reporter gave him over the phone (which is why I thought you would

want to know WHO called you)

I will enclose his post below.



On item 1) I am Mike Rolland, the founder and director of ASAIRS, a

grass-roots animal welfare group who educates the public about sexual abuse

of animals, and promotes legislation in states where bestiality has no laws

(some 24 states HAVE laws, yours is among them)

A person who sexually abuses animals is known as a zoophile, or " zoo " for

short, and there is a growing cult-like group of people who do this.


Much like the pedophile who abuses children, the zoophile has many similar

background causes, effects and oftens uses the same justification/minimizing

excuses pedophiles do. Only the victims are different.


Sexual assaults on animals is a warning sign of some serious mental and

emotional problems, low self esteem, social problems and anti-social


The following groups have publically deemed sex with animals to be animal

abuse and signs of serious problems society must address:


The Humane Society of the US

American Humane Association

Humane Farming Association



And a number of others.


The ASPCA has on staff a psychiatrist in New York who also treats sex

offenders of animals; Dr Stephanie Lafarge.


The HSUS has a very informative animal sex-abuse information packet they can

send you if you contact firststrike


Here is the main URL for this:




Statements from mental health and other professionals



Zoophile cases in the news



Your town is not alone in this, SEVERAL other animal sex-assaults have been

in the news recently, and arrests have been made,

here are some links to news items regarding these:



Dan House case, repeated sexual assaults on horses at a boarding stable,

repeat offender.



James D.Ray convicted of assaulting and killing 4H project sheep belonging to

school students, repeat offender


Sterling Rachwal case documents




Plumas county Calif case involving two men and six dogs, scroll down to

" Bestiality horror "



Some other newspaper articles:




St. Louis Post-Dispatch 4/00



RiverFront Times editorial



RiverFront Times article



Joplin Globe (Missouri)



Michael Carney article


If we can be of further assistance please feel free to ask, we also have a

very detailed web site on this:




As the accused has involved children, your office may want to look into this

matter further

since pedophilia is likely involved which is related to zoophilia.


On item #2, here is the post the individual made after phoning the Herald





Dear Fellow Zoos,


First off, to those Doubting Thomases among you all, let me say the PigSex


was pulled directly off the Roanoke Rapids Daily Herald homepage,


Check it out. Although I may put my tongue firmly in my cheek now and then,

as a former investigative reporter I don't lie or make up stuff like that.


Now, here is the latest on the case of Robert Powell, alleged pig penetration

perp and sow sodomizer, gathered at no inconsiderable cost or risk to life and

limb by yours truly.


I called the reporter, Kathyrn Bridges, Thursday. " There's a lot I left out

of the story, because we live in the Bible Belt, " she said.


Powell apparently WAS doing this in a very indiscreet location. Bridges said

he was showing the local kids how to have sex with a pig.


Now, That's reprehensible, but those same

kids will probably see something like 11,000 murders on TV and the movies


they grow up, so what's more traumatic?


So far, the local DA has not received the mental evaluation on Powell, but


doubted Powell would stand trial on the felony charge of " Crime Against

Nature "

(can't you just see Mother Nature in the courtroom, " Yes, your honor, the man

who biffed my pig is sitting right there! " )


Powell is represented by an attorney. Of the Crimes against Nature law,


said " There's millions of laws on the books in this state that don't make any

sense. "


She did not know what happened to the pig, and the Halifax County Sheriff


to send me a complete copy of the complaint. This is extremely unusual, as

police complaints are public records, and ANYBODY should be able to get a




Powell has a hearing set for July 5. Might I respectfully suggest we all try

to send him some prayers or healing energy or something, and some for the


and some for the pig too, if she isn't already in shrink-wrap on the shelf at

your local supermarket?




Mike Rolland

ASAIRS Administrator

Help stop sexual abuse of animals:


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