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Animals In Print is an animal rights organization dedicated to educating

others about cruelty towards animals. Animals In Print provides a free online

newsletter for responsible and effective animal rights advocacy.


Founded in September of 1997, we exist to educate and motivate you to do all

within your power to end animal abuse and spread compassion. We support and

encourage cruelty-free living ( i.e.; not eating, wearing or using animals or

animal byproducts). We do this in an attempt to lessen the intense miseries,

cruelties, torture and deaths billions of other non human animals needlessly

suffer at the hands of humans every year (i.e., " factory farming " , trapping,

hunting, maiming - debeaking and castration without anesthesia,

electrocution, death by suffocation, life in solitary confinement, death by

drowning, neglect, force-feeding, etc......)


We wholeheartedly support choosing a vegan lifestyle; using no animal

products; eating a healthy diet free from animals and animal products; using

everyday household products that do not contain animal byproducts and which

are not tested on animals; and spaying and neutering all companion animals.

We encourage exploring a vegan diet for your companion animals as well

(instead of feeding them the brand-name slaughterhouse byproduct pet foods

that dominate the market. Check out this web site for alternatives:



We have no affiliation with any religious, racial or political organizations

and respect all individuals.


To sign up for our free newsletter send an email to: LjBeane1 .


There is no expressed or implied endorsement by Animals In Print staff of

articles, stories, petitions or reported activities.


As an example of the quality, professionalism and educational value of our

articles I would like to present one of our monthly columns, Etceteras.




Dr. Zimmerman discusses the mental-health benefits for children and adults

that result from playing with dogs.

- Margery Glickman, Etceteras editor




Kids and Dogs at Play

by Matt Zimmerman, Psy.D.


What could be more natural than a child and a dog playing together? Since the

beginning of recorded time and likely long before that, kids and dogs have

bonded easily and quickly to one another, often becoming best friends or

" brothers " within hours of meeting. This should be of no surprise to those

who understand the complex social structures on which both of our species are

based. Humans form intricate communities and elaborate societies based on

social rules and connections, as do dogs. Play serves to teach us many of

those social rules and acts as an excellent model for connecting to other

social animals. Furthermore, because play is such a natural part of being

human, or dog for that matter, there are significant physical and

mental-health benefits for children and adults alike.


A dog represents the near-perfect tool for teaching a child important social

skills. A child who plays too roughly with his dog, pinches, hits or even

yells loudly, will quickly find the game over because his pet most likely

will just walk away. On the other hand, following the unspoken rules of

playing hard without hurting usually results in a positive response from the

dog, and the game (as many of you know) can go on and on. The child has

learned from these lessons. He has learned that hurting will end the " social

contract " and that aggressiveness is okay within reason and if the contract

is respected. Consider how important a lesson that is in a society that

rewards assertiveness and aggressiveness to some degree, but punishes

breaking the rules. In this regard, playing with our dogs teaches us limits.

It is for this reason that pet therapy is employed with children who struggle

with appropriate social skills, including those suffering from autism or

developmental delay. In fact, some research suggests that pet therapy with

autistic children is as effective as any other treatment model being used



A kid who plays with a dog is also learning, without his or her knowledge of

course, how to connect with others. The child learns to observe social cues

in the dog, for instance whether or not the dog is in the mood to play.

Sometimes this is easy to determine, but at other times subtleties need to be

noticed, such as whether or not the dog is tired, in need of a water refill,

or has to go out. In these cases the dog usually will not engage in play.

Social cues are also necessary to observe during play. Again without

awareness, a child-dog pair forms a cooperative style of play. This becomes

obvious if you watch the same dog play with two different children and notice

how differently the dog plays. Sometimes a family dog will expect to wrestle

with one child, but will only bring the fetch ball to another child.

Sometimes the stylistic differences are more subtle. Either way, the child is

learning to pay attention to a significant level of detail that will help him

or her later in life, whether trying to make friends, talk to a teacher or

coach, interview for college admittance or have a professional discussion

with a boss. Reading the facial and body language of a dog is essential,

since they have no words. Reading the facial and body language of an

11-year-old peer is essential, because so much of social acceptance is based

on accurately comprehending such information. When it comes to people, of

course, the task is more complex, because words and nonverbal language do not

always line up. This is important information to a child also, and will often

serve to protect against embarrassment or rejection.


In addition to all the learning that takes place for a child when playing

with a dog, there are substantial health benefits. First of all, and perhaps

most important, is fun. Fun is a basic human need, regardless of age, and

those who deny themselves of it frequently develop some type of physical or

emotional health problem over time. And in this era and culture in which fun

can be viewed as frivolous or a " waste of time, " it is all the more

important. Playing with a dog simply feels good. There are clear physical

benefits as well. Dog play provides much exercise to a child and, because it

is so rewarding to children, play sessions can last for a good duration.

Because there are more and more leisure choices for children, such as ample

video games and computer activities, it can be harder to motivate children to

exercise. A dog is a natural draw for children, and if a parent gets involved

in the play also, an amazing bonding experience can take place. Dog play is a

major stress reducer, too, and when stress is reduced there are significant

health benefits. Stress can cause fatigue, compromised immunity, headaches,

general aching in the muscles, gastrointestinal difficulties, rashes, warts,

increased blood pressure and is a major contributor to the development or

worsening of many more serious illnesses. Therefore, a reduction in stress

through dog play can increase energy and reduce pain and risk of disease. A

child who practices stress reduction through play will learn the difference

between what it feels like to be stressed and what it feels like to be

relaxed. Regardless as to whether or not the child ends up owning a dog as an

adult, he will always be drawn to lower his stress level simply because he

knows it feels good.


So encourage your children to play with the dog, and feel free to get

yourself involved in the mix, too. And when your child is making friends

easily, working out a problem or conflict with a teacher, or applying

successfully for that first job, know that your family dog, all slobbery,

panting and goofy, helped in an immeasurable but substantial way through



-Dr. Matt Zimmerman is a licensed psychologist in private practice at Feiner

& Associates, located at 2291 N. University Drive, Pembroke Pines, Fla. He

provides grief counseling and pet euthanasia counseling on an individual

basis. He can be reached at (954) 962-3855.


Submissions to Etceteras should be e-mailed to Margery Glickman at





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the future, send email to Ljbeane1 and write SUBSCRIBE in the



If you would like to be removed from the email list, write UNSUBSCRIBE in the

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Animals In Print provides a free newsletter for responsible animal rights

advocacy. There is no expressed or implied endorsement by Animals In Print

staff of articles, stories, petitions or reported activities. We exist to

educate and motivate you to do all within your power to help end animal abuse

and spread compassion.

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