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COCA-COLA'S "PROJECT MOTHER" INITIATIVE TO DEVELOP COW'S MILK PRODUCTS ! NOW, LET'S POLITELY STOP IT !SAMPLE LETTER STARTS:(note: if you can, please write your own letter, it could be better than our sample letter. Thanks. All contact info follows the letter.)Dear Mr. ......... , I am writing to express our deep concern over the Coca-ColaCompany's proposed initiative, titled "Project Mother," to developand market a line of cow's milk products targeting children. I'm seriously protesting and politely demanding that you stop anyof your products associated with Cow's milk or any of its relatedingredients. Instead , we encourage Coca Cola company to producethe world's most nutritious and most delicious "SOY" beverageswhich is so important to our "Heart" health and fight cancers too !There are many Oriental companies produce canned Soy beveragewhich is very delicious and increasingly profitable and popular !

Also, the canned fruit juice is excellent low fat and no cholesterol

healthful juices too.

The following are the reasons why I'm demanding Coca Cola tostop any product which is related with Cow's milk in any form:

Corporate-owned factories where cows are warehoused in huge shedsand treated like milk machines have replaced most small family farms.With GENETIC manipulation and intensive production technologies,it is common for modern dairy cows to produce 100 pounds of milk aday--10 times more than they would produce in nature. To keep milkproduction as high as possible, farmers artificially inseminate cowsevery year. Growth hormones and unnatural milking schedules causedairy cows' udders to become painful and so heavy that they sometimesdrag on the ground, resulting in frequent infections and overuse ofantibiotics. Cows -- like all mammals -- make milk to feed their ownbabies --not humans.(Please click this photo: http://www.milksucks.com/downbig.jpg ) "I realized there's even more suffering in a glass of MILK than in apound of Meat." says Dr. Francione, Law Professor at Rutgers University. Few people realize cows have to be subjected to pregnancy every yearso that MILK, CHEESE, BUTTER, ICE CREAM may be produced.In order to continue producing high volume milk as much as possible,in the modern commercial dairy factory farms cows are constantly keptpregnant. Their babies are dragged away within 1 to 2 days of birth, sothat milk can be sold and humans can drink MILK intended for the calves.Giving birth is a prolonged and painful business for the cow, to berewarded only by separation from her baby. Cows often cry out andsearch for their calves for days after their babies are taken away.(*The attachment between the calf and mother is particularly strong). Male calves are sold to feed lots and put into tiny veal crates,fatten and chained to endure 16 weeks of hell in the dark, confined tostalls so small they can not even make a turn, then slaughtered and soldas 'Veal ' , "Beef", "Hamburger" or "Pet Food"........ Female calves follow in their mother's hoofprints, slaughtered whentheir milk production wanes, usually before their 4th birthday to becomehamburger or pet food. Normal healthy cows can live up to 26 years old.The DAIRY industry is inseparable from the cruel exploitation anddegradation of helpless, highly intelligent animals.(Note: Witnesses at the auction said numerous calves in the pan , someare sold for $0.50 to $8 per live calf. Their umbilical cord are stillattached. They suckle humans hands like puppies.)DAIRY AND BEEF GOES HAND IN HAND. The following are onlysome of million cases every year regarding the cruelty of theindustries. Here is an account of Calf slaughter( By-products of milk) : "To get done with them faster, we'd put eight or nine of them in theknocking box at a time...You start shooting, the calves are jumping,they're all piling up on top of each other. You don't know which onesgot shot and which didn't.... They're hung anyway, and down the linethey go, wriggling and yelling" (to be slaughtered while fullyconscious). (Reference Source: "Slaughterhouse" documentarybook by Gail Eisnitz). According to one of the Special Reports by Humane FarmingAssociation (http://www.hfa.org ) :Some of the slaughterhouse workers described : "When a conscious cow arrives at the first hind-legger hangingupside down , usually the legger tries to make a cut to start skinningout the leg. Unfortunately, it is very difficult and dangerous to do thatwhen an animal is kicking violently. So the legger will cut off thebottom part of the animal's leg he's working on with a pair of clippers."(Reference Source: Slaughterhouse" documentary book, by Gail Eisnitz) Female calves often replace their old, worn-out mothers, or areslaughtered soon after birth for the rennet in their stomachs (aningredient of most commercial cheeses). They are often kept in tinycrates or tethered in stalls for the first few months of their lives,only to grow up to become "milk machines" like their mothers.The dairy industry abandons live cows at stockyards when they are nolonger "profitable" and drags cows to slaughter with chains when they canstill be sold for human consumption. The male offspring of dairy cows areoften considered "useless" that they are discarded, often alive, on dairyfarms or clubbed to death with canes.(source: http://www.farmsanctuary.org , http://www.nodowners.org/ ). "Dragging cattle with a chain and forklift is standard practice atthe plant," explained a long-term inspector at a large beef operation inNebraska. "And that's even after the forklift operator rolled over andcrushed the head of one downer while dragging another." ."[T]hey'll go through the skinning process alive. I saw that myself,a bunch of times. I've found them alive clear over to the rump stand."."And that happens in every plant. I've worked in four large ones and abunch of small ones. They're all the same." . "[E]verybody gets so used to it that it doesn't mean anything."."[W]orkers drag cripples with a garden tractor and a chain ." (Ref Source: "Slaughterhouse" documentary book by Gail Eisnitz ,P. 196). Former Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman conceded on Feb 11, 1999in an interview with C-SPAN Washington Journal that the ENFORCEMENTof the Humane Slaughter Act is almost NON-EXISTENT !As far as the health aspects of Cow's milk , there are many researchreports stated that Cow's milk is linked to Breast Cancer, ProstateCancer, Juvenile Onset Diabetes, Overian Cancer, even OSTEOPOROSIS.Please refer the following web sites to get the inside story of Cow'smilk:http://www.pcrm.org/health/Info_on_Veg_Diets/dairy.htmlhttp://www.pcrm.org/health/Info_on_Veg_Diets/milk.htmlhttp://www.pcrm.org/health/Info_on_Veg_Diets/lactose_intolerance.htmlhttp://www.pcrm.org/news/lawsuit_cofi.html Now, you should understand the Cruelty from Dairy industry .As we all know, Coke is one of the most well-marketed productsin the world. We are your loyal customers. And we all love and enjoyCoca Cola very much. However, your new line with Cow's Milkproducts is no different from promoting the "ANIMAL CRUELTY"to the society and to millions of young children. The selling ofalready so saturated cow's milk products(including cheese) have beenpushing dairy and meat industries to torture and kill millions ofinnocent and sentient dairy cows and their babies each year ! Yourproducing or planned to produce those new products involving Cow'smilk will push millions more animals to be tortured and killed in theexcruciating painful way further each year ! Again, I'm demanding that you stop any of your products associatedwith Cow's milk or any of its related ingredients. Instead , weencourage Coca Cola company to produce the most nutritious,delicious canned "SOY" beverages which is so important to our"Heart" health and fight cancers too ! We would be very grateful to you for your kindness, compassion,insight and help for the plight of millions of suffering dairy cowsand their babies (calves) as well as help to stop spreading the deadlydiseases to millions of young children and adults from consuming thedairy products. I'm looking forward to hear from you. Thanks.Very Truly Yours,Your name(s),Address,City, State and Zip.Country.P.S.: I am enclosing some of the important references regardingthe cruelty of dairy industry . We appreciate your review them. thanks.References :http://www.milksucks.com/index2.htmlhttp://www.milksucks.com/downbig.jpghttp://www.meatstinks.com/VegKit/meetmeat.htmlhttp://www.hfa.orghttp://www.farmsanctuary.orghttp://www.madcowboy.com/"SLAUGHTERHOUSE" book by Gail Eisnitz.http://www.king5.com/investigators/storydetail.html?StoryID=2944http://www.king5.com/investigators/storydetail.html?StoryID=1719http://www.upc-online.orghttp://www.hsus.orghttp://www.pcrm.org/health/Info_on_Veg_Diets/dairy.htmlhttp://www.pcrm.org/health/Info_on_Veg_Diets/milk.htmlhttp://www.pcrm.org/health/Info_on_Veg_Diets/lactose_intolerance.htmlhttp://www.pcrm.org/news/lawsuit_cofi.htmlhttp://www.notmilk.comhttp://www.preventcancer.com by Dr. Samuel Epstain.www.pcrm.orghttp://www.newcenturynutrition.comhttp://www.cancer.orghttp://www.cspinet.org ( **** letter ends **** )======================================CONTACT INFORMATION FOR COCA COLA COMPANY :1: Trey Paris, Manager Issues Communication Global Communications Coca-Cola Company P.O. Box 1734 Atlanta, GA 30301 U.S.A. Email: tparis (@na.ko.com ) FAX: 404-515-6428 (in USA ) (note: Mr. Paris is in charge of this project.

However, he takes the order from the top.)2: We also need to write/fax to following important Heads of Coca Cola co.. Not only to request them to stop such evil project but also to educate them the cruelty of the dairy industry. (usually, the CEOs have no idea what is going on behind the meat,

dairy industries. This is true for all of the commercial companies ) : a: Douglas Daft, Chairman, CEO Coca Cola Company, P.O. Box 1734, Atlanta, GA 30301 U.S.A. Fax: 404-515-7099 (in USA ) b: Joesph Gladden, Jr., Exec. VP and Gen. Counsel Coca Cola Company, P.O. Box 1734, Atlanta, GA 30301 U.S.A. c: James Chestnut, Exec. VP, Operations Support Coca Cola Company, P.O. Box 1734, Atlanta, GA 30301 U.S.A. d: Charles Frenette, Exec. VP & Pres of the Greater Europe Group Coca Cola Company, P.O. Box 1734, Atlanta, GA 30301 U.S.A. e: Carl Ware, Exec. VP Coca Cola Company, P.O. Box 1734, Atlanta, GA 30301 U.S.A.NOTE: If you have further questions, you maycontact Coca Cola Headquarters yourself.at : Tel: (404) 676-2121 (in USA ) BE POLITE ALWAYS !!!!! Thanks so much for your caring, compassion and help.Humanity

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