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Dear Caring friend,


Your have helped President Bush and the Senate on the

Japanese whaling issue. The US Congress had sent a letter to

urge President Bush to take action on whaling. House and Senate

both initiated Resolution on Whaling issue.

(click : http://www.ifaw.org/page.asp?unitid=332 )


President Bush also urged Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi

to abandon Japan's expanded whaling program and said failing to do so

may lead to U.S. trade sanctions. However, it is still a long way to

stop Japan killing whales.


The Japanese Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Tsutomu Takebe will visit U.S. Agriculture Minister Ann Veneman

(Tel: 202-720-3631) on July 8th till July 11th, 2001.

(see profile: http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cabinets.htm )

Please PROTEST on the Japanese Fishery Minister coming if you can.


Your hard work and persistence also greatly helped to push Burger King

to finally announce it will comply With Demand for Improved Animal

Welfare Standards. (please see Issue # 3 below ).



Today, we have some important letters to write :

1: Happy Birthday to President Bush.

2: Demonstrate for the Whales.

3: Thank to Burger King and urge them to do more for animals.


All issues are separated with " @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ " .


Thanks for your caring and urgent help.






Please let's send a " Happy Birthday " (July 6th) letter to President Bush

and continue to urge him to impose Trade Sanctions on Japan whaling.

You may use our Sample letter or write your own letter if you wish

(do not forget the key points).

Please do NOT forget your Name, Address, City, State, Zip, and

U.S. CONSTITUENTS, if you live in USA.

If you are an organization, you may sign with your Group's name too.


We also urge you to send a FAX/Call to President Bush .






Your name,


City , State, Country

U.S. Constituents.



1: Happy Birthday to Mr. President.

2: Please impose Trade Sanctions on Japanese and Norwegian whaling.

3: Please oppose RMS(Revised Management Scheme)

4: Please provide " Policing power " to protect whales in unprotected



Dear Mr. President,


While celebrating on your Birthday and just a few days before

the next IWC(International Whaling Commission) meeting on July 23rd,

I'm urging you

1: Please impose Trade Sanctions on Japanese and Norwegian whaling.

2: Please oppose RMS(Revised Management Scheme) in next IWC meeting.

3: Please provide " Policing power " to protect whales in unprotected



On June 26, 2001, the US House introduced the Whaling Resolution :

H. Con Res 180 from both parties. A Senate version of the Whaling

Resolution, S Con Res 121, was also introduced on June 28, 2001 by

Senator John Kerry (D-MA). Please click :

http://www.house.gov/georgemiller/rel62501.html ,(see Reference # 1 )


On June 28, 2001, the United States Senate with ALL Parties strong

support sent a letter to President Bush to urge him to take tough

actions against Japanese whaling on the eve of Japanese prime minister

visiting President Bush.(June 30, 2001).


On June 26, 2001, the Poll shows a wide majority of American voters are

opposed to commercial whaling by Japan and Norway . 83 percent of

American voters are opposed to the killing of whales. Republican pollster

Fred Steeper of Market Strategies, Inc. conducted the survey in May.

Steeper said : " What impressed me is that the results cut across age,

gender, regional and party lines. They cut across all major demographic

groups - Democrats and Republicans. "


On June 30, while the anti Japanese whaling actions going on from U.S.

Congress, Japan suddenly released a story while its Prime Minister

just arrived in U.S. saying that US Serviceman raped one Japanese

woman in Okinawa. The US Serviceman denied any wrong doings

and insisted that they had been drinking together and he had consensual

sex with the Japanese woman. (see Reference # 8)


Many intelligent analysts suspected the shameless Japanese Whaling

industry had purposely " set the trap " for the U.S. seviceman to have

" sex " act with Japanese woman in the attempt to embarrass the U.S.

President and Congress while US Congress accusing Japan's sadistic,

ruthless whaling activities and further to " silent " the US objection and

interference on Japanese attempt to legalize the World Commercial

Whaling in this coming IWC meeting just a few days from now !


Japan is now using " ALL OUT EFFORTS " to send all its Government

top officials to the United States to strengthen the " relationship " with

the US on the surface, right before the IWC meeting .


Many intelligent Americans predicted that Japanese whaling industry's

" spy " network had far reaching influences. Japan had spent more

than 70 million dollars in Caribbean Island countries in the attempt to

bring them to IWC(International Whaling Commission) to vote in Japanese

favor to legalize the World Commercial whaling . They now are bribing and

buying the countries in Africa too ! (see Reference # 3, # 9 ).


Many concerned Americans have been suspecting that the Japanese

whaling industry's " MONEY " bribing may have already reached many

of the major U.S. media in the attempt to " silent " US media on Japanese

cruel whaling issues. The truth is that despite the public outcry, all

of the major U.S. media failed to even make reports on Japanese sadistic

whaling nor did report on Congress strong objection on Japanese whaling

just a couple of days ago. Ironically, it was reported in the foreign

countries news reports. Just as shockingly, all of the major US media

are reporting on the meaningless single questionable Okinawa " rape " case

all over the United States as if they work for Japanese Government !


Now, the Japanese government is committing a big Atrocity on the

fragile whales despite the international outcry and plea!

Again, as an U.S. Constituent, we strongly urge you to:


1: To impose major Trade Sanctions against Japan .

Without major sanctions, the US is in fact financially supporting

Japan to kill whales.

2: Please urge IWC Representatives from all countries to strongly

oppose RMS (Revised Management Scheme) in next IWC meeting.

Because RMS will effectively end the 16-year global moratorium on

Commercial Whaling. (see Reference # 10 )

3: Please provide " POLICING POWER " to protect vulnerable whales in

the un-protected oceans. Without the " policing power " , Japanese

government continues to kill massive number of whales even in the

Antarctic Southern Ocean designated " Whale Sanctuary " area ! They

just returned in April, 2001 with the killing of 440 whales from

whales Sanctuary. Japan is stealing the world Oceans for their own

selfish , private use by killing whales for " profits " .



Thank you for your urgent action on Japanese and Norwegian's Whaling .


Sincerely ,


Your Name,


City, State,



P.S.: Enclosed important References :

1: http://www.house.gov/georgemiller/rel62501.html





2: http://www.stopwhalingnow.com/

3: http://www.hsus.org/specials/whaling/prowhaling.html



4: http://www.hsus.org/specials/whaling/pelly061301.html

5: http://www.ifaw.org/page.asp?unitid=325

7: http://www.greenpeace.org.au/globalwhalesanctuary/petition.html

8: http://www.latimes.com/print/asection/20010630/t000054028.html






10: http://www.hsus.org/specials/whaling/rms.html

11: http://www.greenpeace.org.au/globalwhalesanctuary/petition.html





(***** Letter Ends here . ******)



CONTACT INFORMATION : (for Issue # 1 )


1: The President George W. Bush

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW

Washington, DC 20500

Tel: 202-456-1414 ( 9am-5pm, please stay on the line to talk to

the Operator. )

Fax: 202-456-2461 (in U.S.A.)

E-mail :

president (@whitehouse.gov )



Please also CC to First Lady Laura Bush and

Vice President Dick Cheney and Mrs. Cheney

as well as come cabinet members :

(copy the following address list and paste to CC field. ) :

note: must have comma between addresses.


The following two addresses has @whitehouse.gov


first.lady ,

vice.president ,

mrs.cheney ,




ann.veneman ,

Gale_Norton ,

AskDOJ ,





ISSUE # 2 :




Demonstrations will be taking place at Talbots across America to

save the world's whales. Peaceful demonstrators will be holding

signs and distributing flyers to inform shoppers about Talbots's

connection to Japan's whaling industry.


If you would like to speak out against whaling by holding a

demonstration at your local Talbots, please contact us at

UN_Treaties (@hsus.org )


for more information and to request

signs and flyers or visit



for more information.

(Reference Source: HUMANElines, Issue 152--- July 3, 2001)




ISSUE # 3 :





PETA just announced it halted the campaign against Burger King.

Click: http://www.peta-online.org/news/0601/0601HaltBK.html


Please send a letter enclosed below or write your own

letter if you wish. If you would like to include some specific

suggestions for additional ways Burger King can continue improving

conditions for farmed animals, refer to the PETA factsheets at:





Remember to add your name & address and change a few of the words.

To send fax for free, Go to: http://www.hotcorp.com



Mr. John Dasburg, CEO

Burger King Corporation

17777 Old Cutler Rd.

Miami, FL 33157

Tel.: 305-378-7011 (in USA )

Fax: 305-378-7262 (in USA )



RE: Thank you for improving conditions for the animals


Dear Mr. Dasburg:


I was pleased to hear about Burger King's announcement that

it will exceed the animal welfare standards that PETA negotiated

with McDonald's. Thank you for this compassionate decision.


I would also like to urge Burger King to offer more vegetarian

menu choices, including a vegan burger like the one Burger King

sells in the U.K. A 1997 Roper Poll estimated the number of

vegans in the U.S. is growing very fast. Because ordinary people

do have the compassion for animals life and death.

Offering vegan choices would be a smart business decision.


Thank you again for the new animal welfare standards, which will

improve the living and dying conditions of millions of animals every



I encourage you to continue working to improve the conditions for

farmed animals in their breeding, warehousing, transportation and

especially slaughterhouses. Numerous slaughterhouses in this country

do " chop " animals heads off without any stunning or the equipment is

so old and futile and they " dismember " the animals while they are fully

conscious. I urge you to insure the " un-announced " audit to be

implemented accurately, precisely and honestly. I urge you to invite

the animal rights groups (eg. PETA) to join your " un-announced "

slaughterhouse audits to be trustworthy. Thank you again.




Your name


City, State.




(Reference Source : Barbara Biel

Please Write to Burger King's President )




" Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens

can change the world...indeed, it is the only thing that ever has! "

-- Margaret Mead





Thanks so much for your caring, compassion and urgent help.

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