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22/02/2002 01:59 PM


Japan - the fight continues to end the slaughter

Representatives of environmental groups are visiting in the Japanese fishing

village of Taiji this month in a continuing attempt to end the brutal

slaughters of dolphins and small whales in the drive fisheries.


During recent months BlueVoice.org (http://www.bluevoice.org) and the Whale

and Dolphin Conservation Society (http://www.wdcs.org) have monitored the

fishing villages and have initiated inquiries in the United States Congress

into the barbaric slaughter of living dolphins. The dolphins are captured

and killed both for meat and to provide animals for the growing trade

associated with aquariums and solphin swim-with programs.


The return to Taiji follows attacks made on members of the BlueVoice.org

team in October, 2001. Fishermen attacked the team as they were videotaping

the killing of some thirty pilot whales. The fishermen fear exposure of

their cruel and brutal methods, especially as new regulations forbid the

killing of dolphins in plain view.


Source: Bluevoice



21/02/2002 02:02 PM


Please help us stop dolphin captures in Chile!

WDCS has received reports that the construction of a new dolphinarium is

underway in Iquique, Chile and that the project proposes to hold six

bottlenose dolphins and six sea lions.


The proposal reportedly includes the capture of dolphins off the coast of

Iquique and would thus open the first dolphin capture operation in Chile

since 1983. According to the newspaper " Diario El Nortino " , permits to

capture the dolphins in Chilean waters have been awarded by Chile's National

Fisheries Service SERNAP (Servicio Nacional de Pesca).


Surveys or assessments of dolphin populations off Iquique (and virtually

almost off the entire Chilean coast) are reportedly non-existent.


In 1995, two dolphins were imported to Iquique from Cuba for public display.

Within only a few weeks, one of the dolphins had died. With conditions

worsening at the facility and concern for the plight of the remaining

dolphin 'Menique' raising international interest, the Chilean Authorities

allowed Menique to return to Cuba in 1997 to enter a rehabilitation

programme pending release into the wild. This was only made possible with

the co-operation of the Chilean government. Sadly, Menique died at the

Acuario Nacional in Havana, Cuba in 1998, never having recovered from the

conditions he had suffered in captivity.


In 1999, the Chilean authorities again acted responsibly, preventing the

import of three dolphins to Santiago for a captive facility.


Please write polite letters to express your concerns to the Chilean

Fisheries authorities and ask if it is true that they have authorised

dolphin and sea lion captures and under what justifications, despite the

fact that surveys on dolphin populations in Chilean waters are virtually

non-existent and that sealion displays across Chile are closing down.


Please send urgent letters and faxes to both Fisheries agencies (details



Mr. Felipe Sandoval Precht

Subsecretario de Pesca

Ministerio de Economía

Teatinos 120, Piso 11

Santiago, Chile

FAX: + 56 2 671 8143


Mr. Sergio Mujica Servicio Nacional De Pesca - SERNAP

Bellavista 168, Piso 16,

Valparaíso, Chile

Email: direccion

FAX: (56-32) 819400


Thank you very much for your help!


News provided by WDCS - Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society


Monday February 18, 2002

18 stranded blind Dolphins rescued


LAHORE: Eighteen stranded blind Dolphins have so far been rescued from the

distributaries of Sindh under a United Nations project.


On his return from a joint venture of Lahore Zoo and Wildlife Department

Sindh, Director Lahore Zoo Raja Muhammad Javed said that the team -- headed

by Director General Wildlife Punjab MD Chaudhry -- during recent operation

rescued two dolphins, one male and one female, from Rohri Canal.


He informed that 110 kg and 7 feet 6 inches long female dolphin was released

in River Indus near Rohri after tagging and taking all necessary

measurements and samples of blood while 75 kg and 6 feet 8 inches long male

dolphin died soon after rescue because of shocks stress.


The director Lahore Zoo said that the joint team of Lahore Zoo and Wildlife

Department Sindh took skin, kidney, liver, lungs and blood samples and also

undertook post-mortem of the dolphin.


He informed that the blind Indus dolphin is the second most endangered

species in the world and purpose of this operation was to rescue the

stranded dolphin, which travels in distributaries in search of food.



http://www.reuters.com/news_article.jhtml?type=sciencenews & StoryID=618860

WWF Calls for Saving Harbor Porpoise in Europe


February 21, 2002 04:35 PM ET


GENEVA (Reuters) - The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) on Friday warned

that the harbor porpoise faced possible extinction in the North and Baltic

Seas, where thousands die each year trapped in fishing nets.


At least 7,000 harbor porpoises, among the smallest members of the cetacean

family of aquatic mammals which also includes dolphins and whales, perish

annually in nets set at the bottom of the North Sea to catch cod, turbot and

plaice, a WWF statement said.


The Swiss-based conservation group urged European Union (EU) ministers to

agree on measures to reduce this " bycatch. "


" The level of bycatch is very high -- most of the harbor porpoises have

drowned by the time the nets are pulled in, " said Julian Scola, WWF's

European fisheries campaign spokesman.


" There have been fewer and fewer sightings in recent years, so there is good

reason to be concerned, " he told Reuters.


WWF's recommendations include using " pingers " -- boxes attached to fishing

nets which emit a sound that discourages porpoises from entering the net.

Further research was also needed on acoustically reflective nets, it added.


" If some of these measures are not implemented urgently, the harbor porpoise

will face extinction, " said Heike Vesper, fisheries officer at WWF-Germany.


It also called for sighting surveys to be done to determine the surviving

population. In 1994, a survey estimated the number of harbor porpoises in

the North Sea at between 267,000 and 465,000, while only 599 were believed

to be in the Baltic Sea.


WWF said that in the last eight years " a serious depletion of population is

highly probable. "



DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 50

CFR Part 226 Endangered and Threatened Species; Determination on a Petition

to Revise Critical Habitat for Northern Right Whales in the Pacific



Story Filed: Thursday, February 21, 2002 4:05 PM EST


Washington, DC, Feb 21, 2002 (FedNet via COMTEX) -- On October 13, 2000,

NMFS received a petition dated October 4, 2000, requesting that NMFS revise

the present critical habitat designation for the northern right whale under

the Endangered Species Act (ESA) by designating a new area within the

eastern Bering Sea as critical habitat for right whales in the North

Pacific. NMFS has determined that the petition is not warranted at this

time. NMFS recognizes that the revision of critical habitat may be prudent,

but finds that the extent of critical habitat cannot be determined at this

time because the essential biological requirements of the population in the

North Pacific Ocean are not sufficiently understood. NMFS will continue to

analyze issues raised by the petition following the completion of planned

2002 right whale surveys and research.


NOAA says that the Makah's request for

$1.3 million dollars for a " research " vessel has been denied due to a lack

of funds. This story did get some local coverage and it was nice to see that

most folks had the same opinion we did. No tax dollars should be spent to

kill whales! However, the Makah's request for $70,000 for their whaling

management program is still under consideration. This money is for a salary

for their whaling chairperson, to talk to their elders (this part they

wanted $11,000) and fringe benefits. For anyone who would like to send

another email about this portion feel free to send another email to

Conrad.C.Lautenbacher and express your opinions about tax money for

whale slaughter.





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