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PETA Action Alert: Universities: Big Cats Aren't Props

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Thanks to Elizabeth for this alert. - Paul.






Despite the fact that most college and all professional sports teams

use only costumed human mascots, four universities-the University of

Memphis, Southern University and A & M College, the University of North

Alabama, and Louisiana State University-still rely on the use of live

big cats as mascots.


Please remind each school that big cats like tigers, jaguars, and

lions are wild animals, not props. In addition to being cruel, the

use of big cats poses a danger to students, spectators at sports

events, and staff alike. The recent mauling of Roy Horn, of Siegfried

& Roy fame (for more

information, http://www.circuses.com/sr.html) makes it clear that no

amount of training can

remove the instincts from these dangerous exotic animals. Tell the

schools that the animals deserve to live out the remainder of their

lives in TAOS-accredited sanctuaries. http://www.taosanctuaries.org/




Dr. Shirley C. Raines, President

University of Memphis

341 Administration Bldg.

Memphis, TN 38152


901-678-5065 (fax)


(Tom the tiger)


Edward R. Jackson, Chancellor

Southern University and A & M College

P.O. Box 9374

Baton Rouge, LA 70813


225-771-2018 (fax)




Robert L. Potts, J.D., LL.M., President

University of North Alabama

University Station

Florence, AL 35632-0001


256-765-4644 (fax)


(Leo the lion)


Mark A. Emmert, Chancellor

Louisiana State University

Office of the Chancellor

156 Thomas Boyd Hall

Baton Rouge, LA 70803


225-578-5982 (fax)


(Mike the tiger)






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