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Animal cruelty on the Montel Williams show.

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Montels show on Friday is featuring the link between animal/human cruelty and abuse. On the video clip at, http://www.montelshow.com/featured_promo/promo_detail_friday.htm there among various cruelty cases, is a segment showing the killing of seals in Canada.



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Thanks, Rita










May 14












ANIMAL CRUELTYAnimal cruelty in children and teens is oftentimes linked to future violence against human beings. Today we'll explore this link by meeting a family mourning the loss of their pet after a teen attacked it. We'll also talk to the brother of an alleged serial killer, and even meet a reformed animal abuser. Our first set of guests were horrified to discover that their beloved dog had been severely beaten by a teen. Although the teen's attack on their dog was caught on a surveillance camera, the abuse was only labeled as a misdemeanor in court. We'll then talk to the younger brother of alleged serial killer, David Maust. His brother will recall David's cruelties as a child towards birds and squirrels, as well as David's abuse of our guest. A former animal abuser will share with us his reasons for beating on

his family pets and why he was able to change his ways so that now he spends his time caring for animals at an animal shelter. We'll hear from a representative at the! Humane Society for the United States and find out what they are doing to increase knowledge of police officers and legal prosecutors about the link between animal cruelty and human violence. Watch a clip!




















Jeffery: Brother of alleged serial killer, David Maust, who will talk about his brother's childhood tendencies toward animal crueltyEva: Jeffery and David's motherRick: A reformed animal abuser who said his previous violence towards animals may have stemmed from his own abuseLucky (On tape): Dog from New Jersey who was rescued from a group of teens who were beating himRandall Lockwood, Ph.D.: Vice president for research and educational outreach for the Humane Society (1-800-HUMANE-1) (Humane Society)Rebecca: Activist devoted to the rights of seals

who are being clubbed and murdered on the coasts of Canada for their furs (www.protectseals.org) (www.Ifaw.org)Ed & Alicia: Their family dog, Rakim, was brutally beaten with a bat in an incident that was caught on tape in a laundromat




International Fund for Animal WelfareOn this Friday's show about animal cruelty, we'll meet Rebecca who is an animal activist working for International Fund for Animal Welfare, or IFAW. Founded in the 70s by local citizens, IFAW's original goal was to stop the brutal commercial hunting of white-coat harp seals on the eastern coat of Canada. Their goals have expanded since that time, their efforts now spread across the globe to provide aid for bears, whales, elephants as well as dogs and cats. However, their campaign to put an end to the inhumane treatment of seals during commercial hunting is still their main focus. The IFAW seal campaign features video footage IFAW has recorded of the commercial hunt. These videos show an array of brutality towards baby and adult seals, including dragging wounded and bleeding animals through the snow, repeated blows to their heads and bodies before they die, and even

skinning the animals for the valuable furs – while the! y're still alive! Although IFAW made a small victory when the hunting of whitecoat seal pups for commercial purposes became illegal on the Canadian ice floes; the commercial hunting of seals at large is still sanctioned by the Canadian government.If you are interested in becoming involved in the campaign to save Canadian seals from this cruelty you can log on to www.ifaw.org. On their website, they provide names and email addresses for you to write to the US Senate to help pass a resolution calling on Canada to end the commercial seal hunt. There are also links that allow you to donate funds to their cause.





















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