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New 'reality' show...bad idea for dogs

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We got this on another list I belong to-people are

emailing and calling not only Animal Planet but also

the Humane Society who apparently is endorsing such an

astrosity. Permission to cross-post was given.

Thanks for reading

dee moscoso



Call to action (sorry if you already know about this):


Animal Planet is 'casting' for a new 'reality' show

called " Who Gets the

Dog? " .


Basically they pull a dog out of a shelter, shuffle it

around for 3 days

with 3 different families (24 hours each), and then

somehow the dog is

supposed to " pick " which family it wants to live with.

The only

safeguard it offers the dog is that " You must not have


(my caps) of (a) any crime that includes cruelty to

animals, or (b) any

felony under any jurisdiction in the United States or

any other Country.

And " You must be ready, willing and able to adopt and

care for the dog

involved in the production of the series. "


Here is the website:



If you think that this is not the best thing to put a

dog through for

the sake of 'entertainment', please send a comment to

them to let them

know what a stupid idea this is and how inhumane it is

to put a dog

(particularly a shelter dog with who knows what having

happened to end

him up in a shelter in the first place) through this

kind of stress and

confusion. Can you imagine the health and behavior

problems something

like this could cause the " lucky dog " , as they say on

their website. I

wonder if they would do this to a four year old foster

child. And we all

know that it's not likely to be dog savvy people who

would do this. What

happens to the dog after the show and the novelty has

worn off with the

family " required " to adopt the dog? And not being

" convicted " of an

animal crime is little reassurance since most animal

abusers are never

caught, much less convicted.


Here is the form where you can let your feelings be

known about this to

Animal Planet at:



Please spread the word.








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I sent them a message about 3 hours ago & already got a response.

They say that they DO have a screening process for these potential

adopters that consists of an application similar to what you would

have to fill out when adopting a dog from a shelter & a home visit.

They also say that their team of " experts " who will decide who gets

the dog includes a professional dog trainer & a veternarian. IF what

they say is true, maybe this isn't such a bad idea. We all know

there are so many dogs in shelters who need homes, maybe it will

bring this to the attention of the public & some people who would

otherwise " buy " dogs from breeders, pet stores, etc. will decide to

adopt instead. JMO.



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