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Pro-hunt protesters storm Commons

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Wednesday, September 15, 2004 5:29 PM


Pro-hunt protesters storm



Last Updated: Wednesday, 15 September, 2004, 22:08 GMT 23:08 UK













Pro-hunt protesters storm Commons









Protesters entered the chamber where MPs were

debating the bill




Parliament was

suspended after five protesters burst into the Commons chamber while MPs

debated whether to ban hunting with dogs.

Four of the men ran out from behind the speaker's chair - another

wrestled past a doorkeeper from a different entrance.

Once the Commons resumed business, MPs voted, as expected, to back a

ban on hunting with dogs by 339 to 155 votes.

It later emerged the intruders had probably been aided by a Commons passholder. Police are investigating.

'Carefully planned operation'

Commons Speaker Michael Martin told MPs: " Eight protesters were

let into the House of Commons using a forged letter inviting them to a

meeting in the Committee corridor.

" Once there, they were led into the small stairway to the north

end of the corridor - probably by a passholder who

was clearly exceeding his or her authority. "

It was not clear whether the passholder who

apparently helped the intruders was an MP, a reporter or an employee of a

member, he said.

The intrusion was a " carefully planned operation " and the

police are investigating, he added.

'Dry run'

Increased security measures and extra police officers would be in

place for Thursday's parliamentary session, he said.

It has also emerged that one of those who burst into the Commons had

contacted a BBC reporter before the protest to say they had staged a

" dry run " on Tuesday.

It is understood campaigner Otis Ferry told the reporter how he and

others planned to access the Commons but the information was not acted on by

the BBC.








15 Sept 2004:

MPs vote

Oct: Lords debate

Nov: Bill forced through using Parliament Act

Feb 2005: Hare coursing ban

Autumn 2006: Fox hunting banned

All dates assume Commons votes

in favour of ban and Lords votes against


Watch the Commons break-in



how events unfolded around Parliament


vote for hunting ban




Mr Ferry, son of rock star Bryan Ferry,

said the group planned to dress as builders and gain access using a letter

purportedly from an MP.

The BBC said in a statement: " A BBC journalist was contacted by

someone they had never met before.

" The information they received was passed into our newsgathering


" The decision not to act on it further was taken at an

operational level and in any respect no violence was threatened. Indeed the

source made it clear no violence would be used.

" It was not clear to those handling the information that the

demonstration would in fact definitely take place. "

Security 'more obtrusive'

BBC political editor Andrew Marr said it was of concern that the

protesters' dry run on Tuesday had not been spotted.

He said security forces faced a difficult task balancing public

access with a greater threat from intruders.

He said: " I'm afraid what will happen now is there will be even

tighter security.

" It will be even clunkier, it will be

more obtrusive and ordinary members of the public who simply want to come to

talk to their MPs, as they ought to be able to do in an open parliamentary

democracy, will find it even harder. "

The MPs' debate on the ban was suspended for 20 minutes after the

unprecedented security breach.

'Deadly serious'

Outside Parliament, police estimate there were between 8,000 and

10,000 protesters but the organisers put it at


The protest comes only two days after a Fathers 4 Justice campaigner

got onto the balcony of Buckingham Palace.

MI5 is already reviewing security at Parliament after a protester in

May threw a flour bomb at Tony Blair as he was speaking in the Commons


Wednesday's invasion of the chamber is a security breach which

Commons leader Peter Hain said could have been

" deadly serious " .









government has chosen the path of prejudice and spite - the reaction it

unleashes will be entirely its own responsibility


Simon Hart

Countryside Alliance




The real battle begins


at hunt protest


attack protester convicted




It was shortly after 1620 BST that the protesters rushed

in, with one shouting at Rural Affairs Minister Alun

Michael: " This isn't democracy. You are overturning democracy. "

The men were bundled out of the chamber, which is now being guarded

by armed police, and later led away handcuffed by


As the sitting resumed, Labour MP Stuart

Bell said such an invasion had not happened since the time of Charles I.

Inquiry call

Shadow home secretary David Davis condemned the protest and demanded

an urgent security review and Labour MP Clare Ward

suggested somebody must have given them access.

Derek Conway, Tory chairman of the Commons Administration and Works

Committee, said the intruders would have needed a clear idea of the layout of

the Commons to reach the Chamber.

A Countryside Alliance spokeswoman said some of those who went into

the chamber were members, but they were acting as individuals.

" In fact, we condemn this demonstration, which was selfish and

self indulgent and took away from the actions of 20,000 law abiding

protesters. "

But the move was applauded by protesters outside Parliament, with the

rally's compere saying: " Well done, you have

suspended business in there and that can only be good. "





Some protesters have been hurt




The demonstration in Parliament Square, organised

by the alliance, broke up at about 1800 BST.

Van loads of police in riot gear were sent into the area to bolster

the hundreds of officers already there, after scuffles in one corner of the square

as police sought to keep demonstrators penned in.

Some bottles and fireworks were thrown and some protesters were

filmed with bloodied heads after the clashes, but the protests were

overwhelmingly peaceful.


Scotland Yard says a small section of the crowd tried to break

through the police cordon but it was " in the main... a peaceful

demonstration " .

Commander Rose Fitzpatrick said: " We had to deal quickly and

effectively with that situation, in order to make sure the peaceful protest

could carry on in safety, and to allow Parliament and London to go about its normal business with

the minimum of disruption. "

But some protesters accused the police of being heavy handed.

Some 11 people were arrested outside Parliament for various offences,

including affray and using threatening words or behaviour.


It is understood 16 members of the public and one police officer have

been injured, none of them serious.









is all about class warfare and very little to do with animal welfare


Richard, England



Send us your comments




Some critics say the two year delay before the ban

would come into force is to avoid pro-hunt protests in the build-up to the

election expected next spring.

The minister said the election gave opponents of a ban the chance to

register their protest at the ballot box rather than on the streets.

No date has been given for a Lords debate, but this is expected to

take place in October.

The government has said that it will force the ban into law using the

rarely used Parliament Act even if the House of Lords once again votes

against a ban.







1: Pro-hunting

demonstration takes place in Parliament Square


2: Police

cordon to block-off Houses of Parliament

3: Scuffles

involving police and small numbers of protesters break out

4: Four

protesters enter Commons from 'no' voting lobby running alongside chamber

5: One

protester enters chamber from separate door to same voting lobby




















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