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Here's info on how to respond to Red Lobster:


In my opinion, Barry Kent MacKay is brilliant. See his remarks interspersed

below in the original post from Red Lobster.




See below for some ideas....


> April 18, 2005



> Dear Mrs. Warnock,


> Thank you for contacting Red Lobster. Comments from our guests are

> taken very seriously, and your feedback will be used to help us improve.


It is difficult for me to believe that a person who only signs a first name

is in a position to cause improvement.


> We appreciate your sharing your thoughts with us and for giving us an

> opportunity to respond. We respect your feelings about the seal harvest

> and we respect the Humane Society of the United States.


Were that true, you would understand the necessity of forcing the government

of Canada to end the seal hunt. As the major importer of the most

profitable seafood product shipped from Canada to the U.S., you are in a

singularly good position o make that happen.


> However, we believe it is inappropriate to boycott Canadian seafood.

> That would harm tens of thousands of innocent people who make their

> living in the Canadian seafood industry and have nothing to do with the

> Newfoundland seal harvest.


On the contrary, the seal " harvest " is part of an overall fishery regulated

by and promoted by the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans on behalf

of the Canadian fishery industry. That is something that is made quite

clear by the government of Canada, that seals are considered a part of the

fishery, and it is a fishery made possible, to a very large degree, by the

support of Red Lobster.


> For generations Red Lobster has worked to ensure the sustainability of

> marine life and promoted humane harvesting practices. We believe that

> it is important to be good stewards of the world's resources and that

> sustainable seafood helps ensure long term success in feeding a growing

> world population.


Then you should understand that you have failed. The world's fisheries are

in grave trouble, with most, and that most particularly includes the

northwest Atlantic fishery which is source to such species as Snow Crabs and

Harp Seals, have been devastated by a long succession of bad management

decisions and over " harvest " fuelled by the rapacious demands of consumers,

such as Red Lobster. We have seen the collapse of the Northern Cod,

historically the most valuable of all fish species in the region, and it's

failure to respond to inadequate conservation measures imposed too late by

an agency in whom you seem to have blind faith. Far from long-term success

in feeding a growing world population, Red Lobster is an seems determined to

remain a part of an ongoing process of unsustainable " harvesting " of ever

smaller population of commercial fish species, from sharks to tuna to hake

to dolphin.


Ironically the Canadian fishermen, in switching so much of their efforts to

crustaceans -- Snow Crabs and Atlantic Lobster -- that they are both

figuratively and literally scraping near the bottom of the ecological food

chains that, until recent times, really did sustain viable fisheries. No

longer. There are already indications that over- " harvest " of lobsters, for

example, has pushed the " resource " past sustainability, and we have seen

violence break out in Canadian waters between different factions fighting

over the very animal your company is named after.


At the very least, you can take a stand to protect, if not the crustaceans,

a marine mammals that is itself innocent of any part in this charade, and as

a consumer of predatory fish and competing species, could conceivably, as

some scientists have argued, by salutary to the rebound of " commercial " fish

stocks lost to the kind of bad management we urge you to join us in



> In regards to the Newfoundland seal harvest, even if the Canadian

> Government correctly believes that it needs to thin out the seal

> population in order to avoid outstripping their food supply, we have

> concerns about some of the harvesting practices. Therefore, we are

> reaching out to the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans to help

> influence and effect positive change. We have invited any interested

> organizations or companies to join us in this effort.


Please send me the names of such organizations. So far all organizations

dedicated to the sustainable use of fisheries around the world have largely

failed in their efforts.


If seals are " outstripping their food supply " they will fail to gain the

weight needed for successful breeding, and could even fail to survive, in

which case we can conclude that the Northwest Atlantic's marine life is in

worse shape than we can dare to imagine. Predators are indicators of robust

populations of prey, and since seals are opportunistic feeders, a lack of

sufficient quantities of any prey suitable to their needs would be

indicative of widespread ecological collapse.


Please understand, though, that the fat-driven energy that fuels the

whelping seals and feeds their young was largely obtained in waters to the

north, outside the areas of seal " harvest " . During the whelping season the

mother seals, at least, generally fast, as do the young, once weaned, until

they enter the water and began their northword migration.


As for the " harvesting practices " you profess to have concern about, please

tell me those concerns are, and how you envision them being resolved. There

surely is no better way to prevent brutality than to simply stop doing it.

For three decades, now, millions of people have tried every method to end

this unnecessary animal abuse, and the one thing we know will work is

economic pressure. We would hope that as a consumer of marine species, Red

Lobster would join in this effort.


> Thank you again for taking time to contact us with your concerns. We

> understand your convictions and hope that in the future we may welcome

> you back to one of our restaurants.




> We certainly value your patronage, and look forward to serving you in

> the future.


> Sincerely,


> Nissy

> Guest Relations Representative


You can vary it any way you want, use your own words, and answer the last

two points however you like (most of us don't frequent RL anyway).


If time permits I'll try to do this again, with different language.





> 1. Canadian Seal Hunt

> " Frank " <seaterrapin

> 2. Re: Gyspy, Extremely sad case of abuse, Dog fighting in NC

> *genesis! <genesisfour67



> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 1

> Thu, 21 Apr 2005 21:51:47 -0000

> " Frank " <seaterrapin

> Canadian Seal Hunt



> Although I know you guys all know about this I just wanted to post the

> response that I received from company that owns Red Lobster and Olive

> Garden and some others, when I requested that they consider boycotting

> Canadian fish products. It is of course a form letter but they seem non

> to

> concerned about what is happening. Of course if nothing else I hope you

> all

> boycott RedLobster, Olive Garden and others that are owned by this company

> (although most of you are porbably vegetarian).




> " April 21, 2005


> Dear Mr. Balle,


> Thank you for your interest in Red Lobster; it is always a pleasure to

> hear from

> our guests.


> We appreciate your sharing your thoughts with us and for giving us an

> opportunity to respond. We respect your feelings about the seal harvest

> and

> we respect the Humane Society of the United States.


> However, we believe it is inappropriate to boycott Canadian seafood. That

> would harm tens of thousands of innocent people who make their living in

> the

> Canadian seafood industry and have nothing to do with the Newfoundland

> seal harvest.


> For generations Red Lobster has worked to ensure the sustainability of

> marine life and promoted humane harvesting practices. We believe that it

> is

> important to be good stewards of the world's resources and that

> sustainable

> seafood helps ensure long term success in feeding a growing world

> population.


> In regards to the Newfoundland seal harvest, even if the Canadian

> Government correctly believes that it needs to thin out the seal

> population in

> order to avoid outstripping their food supply, we have concerns about some

> of

> the harvesting practices. Therefore, we are reaching out to the Canadian

> Department of Fisheries and Oceans to help influence and effect positive

> change. We have invited any interested organizations or companies to join

> us

> in this effort.


> Thank you again for taking time to contact us with your concerns. We

> understand your convictions and hope that in the future we may welcome you

> back to one of our restaurants.


> Again, thank you for taking the time to contact us.


> Sincerely,


> Stephen

> Guest Relations Supervisor "






> ______________________


> Message: 2

> Thu, 21 Apr 2005 15:15:06 -0700 (PDT)

> *genesis! <genesisfour67

> Re: Gyspy, Extremely sad case of abuse, Dog fighting in NC


> It's always extremely sad to see such abuse in this world that we

> wittiness today! Whether it's human abuse or animal abuse! I don't quite

> understand how or why someone could be so cruel & not have a conscience

> about such a cruel act, because if the tables were turned on them, all of

> a sudden they have conscience in what's happening to them. People say,

> people like that are not all there, their mental & /or confused, high on

> drugs & waiting for their next fix, and maybe in their minds, they're

> suffering too. Regardless, of how much we suffer today there is no-excuse

> for abuse!!! My prayers will aways be for those who suffer, whether human

> or animal of any sort.

> * Every dog must have a soul, somewhere deep inside

> Where all his hurts and grievances are buried with his pride.

> Where he decides the good and bad, the wrong way from the right,

> And where his judgement carefully is hidden from our sight.

> A dog must have a secret place, where every thought abides,

> A sort of close acquaintance that he trusts in and confides.

> And when accused unjustly for himself, He cannot speak,

> Rebuked, He finds within his soul, the comfort he must seek.

> He'll love, tho'he is unloved, and he'll serve tho'badly used,

> And one kind word will wipe away the times when he's abused.

> Altho' his heart may break in two, his love will still be whole,

> Because God gave to every dog an understanding Soul!

> Unknown

> For The Blood Is The Life. And Life = Soul

> 13. Anyone, whether an Israelite or a foreigner living among you, who

> goes hunting and kills an animal or bird of a kind permitted for food,

> must pour out the blood and cover it with dust,

> 14. for the blood is the life. That is why I told the people of Israel

> never to eat it, for the life of every bird and animal is its blood.

> Therefore, anyone who eats blood must be excommunicated.

> (Leviticus 17:13-14)


> , " chelsea " <wildraven87>

> wrote:


>> WBTV News station out of Charlotte did a special this morning on the

>> news, WARNING the second link has extremely GRAPHIC PICTURES.


>> Please read and help, we need better laws here.


>> Help Pay For Gypsy's Vet Bills

>> Thursday, April 14, 2005

>> An elderly woman found " Gypsy " Monday morning on Wilkinson Boulevard

>> near Belmont. She thought the dog was dead, but when she looked

>> closely Gypsy was alive.


>> Gypsy was immediately taken to Eastridge Animal Hospital in

>> Gastonia. Doctors did not know if Gypsy was going to die. At first,

>> the elderly woman thought Gypsy was hit by a car, but doctors say

>> she was used in dog fighting, then left for dead.


>> Her ears have been cropped down to her head probably by her

>> old " owners " in the typical " pit bull " mutilated fashion.


>> WBTV News spoke to Gaston County Animal Control Thursday night. They

>> said it's difficult to charge someone with animal fighting, because

>> you need a witness or videotape to document the staged event.


>> Most are charged with animal cruelty.


>> In Gypsy's case, no one has even come forward to claim her


>> If you would like to donate money toward " Gypsy's " recovery please

>> visit;


>> http://www.tricountyanimalrescue.net/




>> http://www.tricountyanimalrescue.ne...orcritters.aspx


>> Here is updated link with new pictures of Gypsy, VERY GRAPHIC, OMD

>> words cannot describe how bad off she is.


>> http://www.tricountyanimalrescue.net/gypsy.aspx


>> I am posting the link to WBTV newsstation, this link should take you

>> to the story ideas page, please take a moment to write them asking

>> that they run a news story on dog fighting and the lack of laws to

>> protect them.

>> Plese write to them for Gyspy ;

>> http://www.wbtv.com/contact_us/index.cfm


>> This is the news station that ran the story.


>> Please crosspost, Gyspy's story should serve as a wake up call about

>> dog fighting to all people





> My Praize webpage: http://www.praize.com/people/lostlamb1 " And

> Remember! How can we exspect The Almighty God to help us in our lives if

> we wont do as HE says! " Genesis4:6-7

















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> ______________________

> ______________________




> ------


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