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> Bio-fuel: savior or disaster?



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> <DIV><STRONG>Editor's Note:</STRONG> <STRONG>There

> is a lot of talk these days

> about biofuels as one part of a solution to global

> warming and to decrease

> dependency on oil. But do prospects of the

> widespread use of biofuels bring all

> good news? Not according to George Monbiot who is

> especially concerned with the

> land required to produce these fuels and the

> potential for this to take priority

> over food supplies. We need to have dialogue on this

> issue of using farmed

> products for transportation fuel. We welcome your

> contributions to the

> dialogue. </STRONG></DIV>

> <DIV> </DIV>

> <DIV> </DIV>

> <DIV><A


href= " http://www.monbiot.com/archives/2004/11/23/feeding-cars-not-people/ " ><FONT


> face= " Times New Roman "





> face= " Times New Roman " size=3>Feeding Cars, Not

> People<BR><BR>December 12,

> 2004<BR><BR>By George Monbiot<BR><BR>The adoption of

> biofuels would be a

> humanitarian and environmental disaster<BR><BR>By

> George Monbiot. Published in

> the Guardian 22nd November 2004<BR><BR>If human

> beings were without sin, we

> would still live in an imperfect<BR>world. Adam

> Smith's notion that by pursuing

> his own interest a man<BR> " frequently promotes that

> of society more effectually

> than when he<BR>really intends to promote it " and

> Karl Marx's picture of a

> society in<BR>which " the free development of each is

> the condition for the

> free<BR>development of all " are both mocked by one

> obvious constraint.

> The<BR>world is finite. This means that when one

> group of people pursues

> its<BR>own interests, it damages the interests of

> others.<BR><BR>It is hard to

> think of a better example than the current

> enthusiasm<BR>for " biofuels " .

> Biofuels are made from plant oils or crop wastes

> or<BR>wood, and can be used to

> run cars and buses and lorries. Burning

> them<BR>simply returns to the atmosphere

> the carbon which the plants extracted<BR>while they

> were growing. So switching

> from fossil fuels to biodiesel<BR>and bio-alcohol is

> now being promoted as the

> solution to climate<BR>change.<BR><BR>Next month the

> British government will

> have to set a target for the<BR>amount of transport

> fuel that will come from

> crops. The European Union<BR>wants 2% of the oil we

> use to be biodiesel by the

> end of next year,<BR>rising to 6% by 2010 and 20% by

> 2020.(1) To try to meet

> these targets,<BR>the government has reduced the tax

> on biofuels by 20 pence a

> litre,<BR>while the EU is paying farmers an extra 45

> euros a hectare to

> grow<BR>them.<BR><BR>Everyone seems happy about

> this. The farmers and the

> chemicals<BR>industry can develop new markets, the

> government can meet

> its<BR>commitments to cut carbon emissions, and

> environmentalists

> can<BR>celebrate the fact that plant fuels reduce

> local pollution as well

> as<BR>global warming. Unlike hydrogen fuel cells,

> biofuels can be

> deployed<BR>straight away. This in fact was how

> Rudolf Diesel expected

> his<BR>invention to be used. When he demonstrated

> his engine at the

> World<BR>Show in 1900, he ran it on peanut oil. " The

> use of vegetable oils

> for<BR>engine fuels may seem insignificant today, "

> he predicted. " But

> such<BR>oils may become in course of time as

> important as petroleum. " (2)

> Some<BR>enthusiasts are predicting that if fossil

> fuel prices continue

> to<BR>rise, he will soon be proved right.<BR><BR>I

> hope not. Those who have been

> promoting these fuels are<BR>well-intentioned, but

> wrong. They are wrong because

> the world is<BR>finite. If biofuels take off, they

> will cause a global

> humanitarian<BR>disaster.<BR><BR>Used as they are

> today, on a very small scale,

> they do no harm. A few<BR>thousand greens in the

> United Kingdom are running

> their cars on used<BR>chip fat. But recycled cooking

> oils could supply only

> 100,000 tonnes<BR>of diesel a year in this

> country,(3) equivalent to one 380th

> of our<BR>road transport fuel.<BR><BR>It might also

> be possible to turn crop

> wastes such as wheat stubble<BR>into alcohol for use

> in cars - the Observer ran

> an article about this<BR>on Sunday.(4) I'd like to

> see the figures, but I find

> it hard to<BR>believe that we will be able to

> extract more energy than we use

> in<BR>transporting and processing straw. But the

> EU's plans, like those

> of<BR>all the enthusiasts for bio-locomotion, depend

> on growing

> crops<BR>specifically for fuel. As soon as you

> examine the implications,

> you<BR>discover that the cure is as bad as the

> disease.<BR><BR>Road transport in

> the United Kingdom consumes 37.6 million tonnes

> of<BR>petroleum products a

> year.(5) The most productive oil crop which

> can<BR>be grown in this country is

> rape. The average yield is between 3 and<BR>3.5

> tonnes per hectare.(6) One tonne

> of rapeseed produces 415 kilos of<BR>biodiesel.(7)

> So every hectare of arable

> land could provide 1.45<BR>tonnes of transport

> fuel.<BR><BR>To run our cars and

> buses and lorries on biodiesel, in other

> words,<BR>would require 25.9m hectares.

> There are 5.7m in the United

> Kingdom.(8)<BR>Switching to green fuels requires

> four and half times our arable area.<BR>Even the

> EU's more modest target of 20%

> by 2020 would consume almost<BR>all our

> cropland.<BR><BR>If the same thing is to

> happen all over Europe, the impact on global<BR>food

> supply will be

> catastrophic: big enough to tip the global

> balance<BR>from net surplus to net

> deficit. If, as some environmentalists demand,<BR>it

> is to happen worldwide,

> then most of the arable surface of the<BR>planet

> will be deployed to produce

> food for cars, not people.<BR><BR>This prospect

> sounds, at first, ridiculous.

> Surely if there was unmet<BR>demand for food, the

> market would ensure that crops

> were used to feed<BR>people rather than vehicles?

> There is no basis for this

> assumption.<BR>The market responds to money, not

> need. People who own cars have

> more<BR>money than people at risk of starvation. In

> a contest between

> their<BR>demand for fuel and poor people's demand

> for food, the car-owners

> win<BR>every time. Something very much like this is

> happening already.

> Though<BR>800 million people are permanently

> malnourished, the global

> increase<BR>in crop production is being used to feed

> animals: the number

> of<BR>livestock on earth has quintupled since

> 1950.(9) The reason is

> that<BR>those who buy meat and dairy products have

> more purchasing power

> than<BR>those who buy only subsistence

> crops.<BR><BR>Green fuel is not just a

> humanitarian disaster; it is also

> an<BR>environmental disaster. Those who worry

> about the scale and intensity<BR>of today's

> agriculture should consider what

> farming will look like<BR>when it is run by the oil

> industry. Moreover, if we

> try to develop a<BR>market for rapeseed biodiesel in

> Europe it will immediately

> develop<BR>into a market for palm oil and soya oil.

> Oilpalm can produce

> four<BR>times as much biodiesel per hectare as rape,

> and it is grown in

> places<BR>where labour is cheap. Planting it is

> already one of the world's

> major<BR>causes of tropical forest destruction. Soya

> has a lower oil yield

> than<BR>rape, but the oil is a by-product of the

> manufacture of animal feed.

> A<BR>new market for it will stimulate an industry

> which has already<BR>destroyed

> most of Brazil's cerrado (one of the world's most

> biodiverse<BR>environments)

> and much of its rainforest.<BR><BR>It is shocking to

> see how narrow the focus of

> some environmentalists<BR>can be. At a meeting in

> Paris last month, a group of

> scientists and<BR>greens studying abrupt climate

> change decided that > Blair's two<BR>big ideas - tackling global warming

> and helping Africa - could

> both be<BR>met by turning Africa into a biofuel

> production zone. This

> strategy,<BR>according to its convenor, " provides a

> sustainable development

> path<BR>for the many African countries that can

> produce biofuels

> cheaply " .(10)<BR>I know the definition of

> sustainable development has been

> changing,<BR>but I wasn't aware that it now

> encompasses mass starvation and

> the<BR>eradication of tropical forests. Last year

> the British

> parliamentary<BR>committee on environment, food and

> rural affairs, which is

> supposed to<BR>specialise in joined-up thinking,

> examined every possible

> consequence<BR>of biofuel production - from rural

> incomes to skylark numbers -

> except<BR>the impact on food supply.(11)<BR><BR>We

> need a solution to the global

> warming caused by cars, but this<BR>isn't it. If the

> production of biofuels is

> big enough to affect<BR>climate change, it will be

> big enough to cause global

> starvation.<BR><BR></FONT><A

> href= " http://www.monbiot.com " ><FONT

> face= " Times New Roman "

> size=3>www.monbiot.com</FONT></A><BR><BR><FONT

> face= " Times New Roman " size=3>References:<BR><BR>1.

> The European Union, 8th May

> 2003. Directive 2003/30/EC: On the<BR>Promotion of

> the Use of Biofuels or Other

> Renewable Fuels for<BR>Transport. Official Journal L

> 123 , 17/05/2003 P. 0042 -

> 0046.<BR><BR>2. Eg Monsanto, no date. The Biodiesel

> Revolution.<BR></FONT><A


href= " http://www.monsanto.co.uk/biofuels/071202.html " ><FONT


> face= " Times New Roman "




> face= " Times New Roman " size=3>.<BR><BR>3. British

> Association for Biofuels and

> Oils, no date. Memorandum to<BR>the Royal Commission

> on Environmental

> Pollution.<BR></FONT><A


href= " http://www.biodiesel.co.uk/press_release/royal_commission_on_environment " >\



> face= " Times New Roman "





> face= " Times New Roman " size=3>a.htm<BR><BR>4. Robin

> McKie, 21st November 2004.

> Forget the tiger. Put some<BR>mushrooms in your tank

> . The Observer.<BR><BR>5.

> Department for Transport, 2004. Petroleum

> Consumption: by Transport<BR>Mode and

> Fuel Type.<BR></FONT><A


href= " http://www.dft.gov.uk/stellent/groups/dft_transstats/documents/page/dft " ><\



> face= " Times New Roman "





> face= " Times New Roman "

> size=3>_<BR>transstats_031767.pdf<BR><BR>6.

> Department

> for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Crops

> for<BR>Energy Branch, 17th

> November 2004. Pers comm.<BR><BR>7. ibid.<BR><BR>8.

> Department for Environment,

> Food and Rural Affairs, 2004.<BR>Agriculture in the

> UK 2003.<BR></FONT><A


href= " http://statistics.defra.gov.uk/esg/publications/auk/2003/chapter3.pdf " ><FO\



> face= " Times New Roman "





> face= " Times New Roman " size=3>9. Lester R. Brown,

> 1997. The Agricultural Link:

> How Environmental<BR>Deterioration Could Disrupt

> Economic Progress. Worldwatch

> Paper 136.<BR>The Worldwatch Institute, Washington

> DC.<BR><BR>10. Dr Peter Read,

> 20th October 2004. Good news on climate

> change.<BR>Abrupt Climate Change

> Strategy Workshop. Press Release.<BR></FONT><A


href= " http://www.accstrategy.org/goodnews.html " ><FONT

> face= " Times New Roman "




> face= " Times New Roman " size=3>11. House of Commons

> Committee on Environment,

> Food and Rural Affairs,<BR>29 October 2003.

> Seventeenth Report.<BR></FONT><A


href= " http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200203/cmselect/cmenvfru/929/ " >\



> face= " Times New Roman "





> face= " Times New Roman " size=3>92902.htm</FONT></DIV>

> <DIV><FONT face= " Times New Roman "

> size=3></FONT><BR> </DIV>

> <DIV><STRONG>WHO WE ARE: This e-mail service shares

> information to help more

> people discuss crucial policy issues affecting

> global food security.  The

> service is managed by Amber McNair of the University

> of Toronto in partnership

> with the Centre for Urban Health Initiatives (CUHI)

> and Wayne Roberts of the

> Toronto Food Policy Council, in partnership with the

> Community Food Security

> Coalition, World Hunger Year, and International

> Partners for Sustainable

> Agriculture.  <BR>Please help by sending information

> or names and e-mail

> addresses of co-workers who'd like to receive this

> service, to </STRONG><A


href= " foodnews " ><STRONG>foodnews</STRONG></A><B\


> <p>


I have decided to do the CN Tower

Climb for World Wildlife Fund. this link should take you to the 'sponsor a

climber' page, where you can search by name for someone. search for my name

(alison syer) and you should be able to find it.


https://wwfcentral.ca/NetCommunity/SSLPage.aspx? & pid=232 & srcid=232 & tab=1






























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