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[Peta] Take a Stand Against Cruel Animal Tests. Zoophilia

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Hello all


I was interested to hear a rumour that PETA advocates

zoophilia/bestiality (human sex with animals). Surely this is not the



From what I understand, even though an animal may not be harmed

physically, and that animals may even appreciate the affection (the

pro-pedophile argument), it is surely not in the best interests of the

animal to have sexual relations with it.


If zoophilia is legalized, then animals (just like infants) are left

completely defenseless. People will abuse the rights of animals, and

animals will suffer as a result.


What are your views?







, natura_ng <natura_ng wrote:


> Dear friend,


> Would you want someone you love and care about—or even a stranger—to

> spend most of his or her life imprisoned, alone, and subjected to

> outdated and horrific experiments for frivolous products?


> For tens of millions of animals in laboratories, including dogs, cats,

> rabbits, mice, monkeys, birds, and turtles, there is no choice, because

> they are used in cruel and unnecessary product-testing experiments.

> These innocent animals die in pain, alone, often without ever feeling

> the warmth of the sun or the companionship of other creatures.


> All these animals feel pain and fear just as cats, dogs, and other

> companion animals do. And they, too, need our help and compassion.


> *In fact, in just the last minute since you opened and started reading

> this e-mail, approximately 219 animals have died in labs in the U.S.

> alone. *


> The truth is that animal tests teach us next to nothing about the health

> of humans because other species react differently. They absorb,

> metabolize, and eliminate substances differently than humans do. Testing

> on animals isn't just unreliable, it's also unnecessary. There are more

> effective—and often, less expensive—non-animal alternatives that can be

> used instead.


> *Three Ways to Take a Stand Against Animal Tests Right Now*


> *1.*Buy Cruelty-Free Products!

> <http://getactive.peta.org/ct/q1wn7V510zWV/> Download PETA's list

> of companies that do and that don't test on animals. Let

> corporations that test on animals know why you won't buy their

> products. The threat of consumer boycott was a crucial part of

> PETA's recent victories in halting ludicrous animal tests by two

> major juice companies, Welch's and Ocean Spray—tests that can be

> done without harming a single animal.


> *2.*Speak up for animals

> <http://getactive.peta.org/ct/qdwn7V510zWC/> with the help of our

> Top 10 Things to Know About Animal Testing list. Keep this list

> handy when talking with friends and coworkers about animal



> *3.*Support our work to end animal experiments by making a

> donation to PETA. <http://getactive.peta.org/ct/q7wn7V510zI1/>

> PETA is fighting 24-7 against companies that maim and kill animals

> in cruel and unnecessary animal experiments. We've persuaded more

> than 550 companies to stop, but there are others that continue to

> conduct these tests.


> Even if it's one company at a time, this is a fight that can be won. But

> only if we have your support.


> Thank you for your action and for your concern for all animals.


> Kind regards,


> Ingrid E. Newkirk

> President


> P.S. Please help PETA stop animal tests by taking all three action

> points mentioned in this e-mail. Animals, who are all loving individuals

> just like the ones we share our homes with, are counting on our—on

> your—help. Thank you!


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