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9/29 URGENT, PLEASE HELP TODAY Animal lover=being a terrorist?!?

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****Cross Post Widely & Freely****


Note from WAR: We have heard from good sources, that the Animal

Enterprise Terrorism Act, is being " fast-tracked " with the help of

the white house and at the urging of the lobbying groups that

represent all of the animal exploitation industries (pharmaceutical,

biomedical, agribusiness, furriers, hospitality, tourism and

entertainment). The list of groups and companies promoting this

legislation include all of the most notorious targets of the animal

rights movement including Huntingdon Life Sciences, Covance, Charles

River Labs, GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Roche and Wyeth.


If you have never made a call to your legislator, now is the time to

get on the phone. If you need help finding your senators or

congressperson, let us know and we will help you. Write to us at:



Also, if you donate to one of the large animal advocacy groups that

have been silent on this issue, please contact then NOW and urge them

to make a strong statement against this bill. Calls are especially

needed to those groups that specialize in legislative action.


This bill has the potential to send effective activists to

jail....labeled as terrorists....for many years. We must stop this

bill, for the animals and for ourselves.





The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act

<http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h109-4239> is

currently pending in Congress, and industry groups are doing their

best to push it through quickly and with little public scrutiny,

Patriot Act style, before Fall recess.


Please act now to make sure that the War on Terrorism, and the

tragedy of 9/11, isn’t used to push a political agenda and silence



The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act expands the Animal Enterprise

Protection Act of 1992 <http://www.greenisthenewred.com/blog/aepa>.

Supporters say it is meant to stem illegal actions taken against

controversial animal enterprises, or any company that does business

with an animal enterprise. But the sweeping language in the bill goes

much, much further.


* AETA labels the tactics of Martin Luther King and Gandhi as

“terrorism.†It spells out penalties for “an offense


exclusively a nonviolent physical obstruction of an animal

enterprise or a business having a connection to, or relationship

with, an animal enterprise, that may result in loss of profits but

does not result in bodily injury…†In other words, a terrorism


includes nonviolent civil disobedience.


* AETA risks the prosecution of undercover investigators,

whistle-blowers and other activists as “terrorists.†It defines

“economic damage†as including “the loss of profits.†The

extremely vague and overly broad language in the bill puts all

activists at risk. Causing the loss of profits isn’t terrorism.

It’s effective activism. And even activists that aren’t


under the law will feel the chilling effect of its “terroristâ€



* AETA isn’t needed. Existing laws are already overly broad: the

Animal Enterprise Protection Act was used to successfully convict

the SHAC 7 this year on “terrorism†charges for running a


And AETA’s penalties for violence aren’t needed, because the

animal protection movement has never killed a human being.


All Americans should be concerned, regardless of how they feel about

animal issues. The word terrorism should not be batted around against

the enemy of the hour, to push a partisan political agenda. Who will

be next?


What you can do:


* Contact U.S. representatives and urge them to oppose HR 4239.

* Contact U.S. Senators and urge them to oppose S 3880 (previously



* Contact animal advocacy and environmental organizations, which

have overwhelmingly remained silent on this legislation, and

demand that they help defeat it.





For more in-depth information, please visit

http://www.GreenIsTheNewRed.com <http://www.greenisthenewred.com/>


To read S. 3880, see: http://www.thomas.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?



To read HR 4239, see: http://www.thomas.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?






For more info contact Win Animal Rights at: centcom

Call: 646.267.9934 or visit the WAR website at: http://war-online.org

AR-NYS: Use www.GoodSearch.com as your search engine and select Pets

Alive (Middletown, NY) as the charity you want to help and Pets Alive

gets a contribution for every search you run





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