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REMINDER!! Flood the lines with calls voicing our opposition Bill HR 4239 / S1926 * ANIMAL TERRORIST ACT

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email a friend SITE CREATED BYROCKNEY SHEPHEARDLEFTWINGER DESIGN GROUP814-742-8679ROCKY (AT) STOPAETA (DOT) ORG SITE BEST VIEWED AT 1280 X 1064 DOWNLOAD H.R. 4239 IN PDF FORMAT DOWNLOAD SENATE BILL S3880 IN PDF FORMAT GET ACROBAT Unfortunately the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA) has passed unamimously in Senate, late last night. But it's still not too late to change the path we are on. We need to flood the lines with calls voicing our opposition and disgust! Contact your House Reps now at 202-224-3121 to urge them to oppose

HR 4239. Contact your Senators now at 202-224-3121Contact co-sponsors Senators Inhof & Feinstein at 202-224-3121 Forward this message to friends, the ACLU & social advocacy groups. Details & Talking Points:. The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act drastically expands the Animal Enterprise Protection Act of 1992. •AETA labels the tactics of Martin Luther King and Gandhi as “terrorism.†It spells out penalties for “an offense involving exclusively a nonviolent physical obstruction of an animal enterprise or a business having a connection to, or relationship with,

an animal enterprise, that may result in loss of profits but does not result in bodily injury….†In other words any act that causes a loss of profits to animal-exploiting industries (like a reduction in meat consumption) can be treated as terrorism. •AETA risks the prosecution of undercover investigators, whistle-blowers and other activists as “terrorists.†It defines economic damage†as including “the loss of profits.†The extremely vague and broad sweeping language puts all animal advocates at risk. Causing the loss of profits is NOT terrorism. It’s effective activism. And even activists that are not prosecuted under the law will be affected by the extreme rhetoric. •AETA is unnecessary. There are already laws to protect industries against illegal actions, regardless of who commits the

acts. All Americans should be concerned about this gross infringement on the first amendment. The term terrorism should not be used against peaceful social justice advocacy. Who will be next? *********************************************************************** For more in-depth information, visit http://www.GreenIsTheNewRed.com For more in-depth information, visit: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=s109-3880 To read HR 4239, see: http://www.thomas.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c109:H.R.4239: To read S. 3880, see: http://www.thomas.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c109:S.3880: SEND A MESSAGE TO CONGRESSPreferred method:Please click on the red button to your leftcalled "find your representatives". Then click onthe second link and enter your zip code only.Then for each of your representatives shown, fill out their form using either your own words orcopying the text below into the form.Alternate method:For those who find this difficult, just enter yourinfo in the form below (you may edit the text)and click the submit button. Our staff will thentake your informtion and apply it to each ofyour representative's forms. Message Message to Send: Bills H.R. 4239 and S1926, which have been introduced in the current session of Congress are of great concern to many of your constitutents. I speak for hundreds of your constituents in your district concerning HR4239, aka The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. If this bill goes into law, it may make it a crime to engage in non-violent actions similar to those employed by civil rights heroes such as Martin Luther King, Jr., Susan B.Anthony, and Mahatma Gandhi if those actions result (albeit indirectly) in loss of profits for the affected business(es)<wbr>. This law would make it illegal to cause a loss of profits to any business which is considered an "animal enterprise," including factory farms, vivisection labs, circuses, fur farms and other businesses which routinely inflict unimaginable suffering on animals who cannot speak to defend themselves. Even if the loss in profits to the company results from

peaceful protests, effective boycotts, or media campaigns, under the language of this law, it could be interpreted as a violation which could impose a hefty prison sentence of many years. This proposed law is clearly unconstitutional and violates First Amendment freedom of speech. If the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act becomes law, it will set a dangerous precedent that may lead to even more repressive legislation being passed in the future. It will lead to a "slippery slope" of increasingly repressive laws which will hamper the ability of other social justice movements to speak out without fear of unjust punishment. If we do not fight the passage of this repressive and unconstitutional law, many people who care deeply about the plight of animals abused for food production, fur, experimentation, and entertainment, will be scared or reluctant to speak out on their behalf and the animals will suffer more as a result. I urge you to act swiftly and without

hesitation to defeat H.R. 4239 and S1926. Sincerely, Title & First Name: Last Name: E-mail: Street: City: State: Postal Code: Fill out this form (you may even

personalize the letter) then click Submit to send your concerns to the people you've elected to represesnt you. *Congress now requires a Title when correspondence is initiated online.Your email will be sent to your U.S. Senators and Representatives. Tell them not to take away your constitutional rights. PRIVACY STATEMENT • READ THE BILL • CONTACT • NEWS • EMAIL A FRIEND • FIND YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS • STOPAETA HOME © 2006 STOPAETA ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Patricia Breen


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