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Today for you 39 news items about Mama Earth's trees. Location, number

and subject listed below. Condensed / abbreviated article is listed

further below.Can be viewed on the web at http://www.livejournal.com/users/olyecology or by sending a blank email message to


Columbia: 1) studying reproductive secretions in conifers, 2) Alder's

don't suppress conifers in the long run, 3) people battling bugs

destroy old forests, 4) birds affected by ponderosa and lodgepole pine

loss, 5) yellow cedar marketing project, 6) old growth areas need to be

logged because of bugs? 7) Crown land sell off on southeastern

Vancouver Island, 8) BC Supreme Court decides if 'professional

reliance' can ignore public concerns and log anyways, 9) Great Bear

agreement not based on science, --Montana: 10) Middle East Fork court proceeding continue, 11) Logging rec. areas,--Ohio: 12) Coal miners take land and clearcut around seeps and springs--USA:

13) Western governors endorse plan to step up thinning, 14) Wilderness

acres protected by congress, 15) 109th congress ends and so do many bad

bills, --Canada: 16) Grassy Narrow logging to increase, 17) 300 GE

trees to be destroyed, 18) Save the Caribou, 19) Native people have the

right to log crown land, 20) Aroland First Nation object to logging,

21) 800 hectares of Crown land for sustainable forestry project,--Nigeria: 22) Forest reserves and logging plans, 23) 25% of land ought to be forest, --Ghana: 24) Forest reserves are established to generally conserve the flora and fauna

--Liberia: 25) French-based timber company zeroing in on forests--Uganda: 26) Banana waste for paper instead of trees--Congo: 27) The battle to stop Elephant poaching in the forest--India: 28) Evicting tribes from their native land, 29) 4 million living in National Parks,

--China 30) Fast becoming the largest log importer in the world--Thailand: 31) Krabi Governor to enforce deforestation laws,--New Zealand: 32) $3,000 for for using an unregistered sawmill--Indonesia:

33) Greenpeace protest of Kayu Lapis, 34) New forest patrol technology,

35) forest destruction has downgraded international confidence, --Australia: 36) Pat protests Gunns, 37) How much damage does Gunns cause? 38) Plantations are not forests, --World-wide: 39) Some unique features of trees

British Columbia:1)

Poulis is a biologist with the Centre for Forest Biology at UVic, where

most of the award-winning research was done. "We were studying

reproductive secretions in conifers that are basically involved with

protecting the tree when they're being pollinated," he explains. "When

the pollen comes in, it's totally coated with bacteria, viruses and

fungi, so we were studying defensive compounds in these ancient trees."

A tree has to remain "receptive" to pollen for reproduction to be

successful, but that means it also gets exposed to lots of microbial

agents that could potentially cause disease. The secretions that Poulis

is studying help protect the tree from those "foreign invaders."

Although the substances are produced by fir trees, Poulis postulates

that their germ-fighting characteristics may offer benefits to people

as well. "When you study things that are anti-viral, anti-bacterial or

anti-fungal, they have certain traits that are applicable across all

different types of viruses, fungi and bacteria," he explains. "If you

can find some broad-spectrum anti-microbials, then there's definitely

an application to human health – for pathogens that affect us... "We

found some anti-microbial compounds that definitely show some potential

for protecting (people) from certain disease pathogens. We're also

developing a method to make them on a commercial relevant scale."

Poulis recently teamed up with his former PhD advisor (Patrick von

Aderkas) to form a new company called FloraPure BioSciences Inc., in

order to take advantage of the commercial potential of his findings. http://www.saanichnews.com/portals-code/list.cgi?paper=28 & cat=23 & id=788786 & more=


Mr Disney's hare-brained scheme has been the butt of scorn among those

people on the Charlottes who are knowledgeable about Forestry ever

since he first began dreaming it up a couple of years ago. The first

critique is that removing ANY forest cover, deciduous or coniferous,

means adding CO2 in the short term, and is at best CO2 neutral in the

most optimistic long term. Planting trees is CO2 positive only in the

case of NSR areas, disused farms, and urban areas. And since it will be

only a matter of time before our Alder - which here has a 40 – 120 year

lifespan – is commercially valuable, wasting them today is economically

unsound, justifying bad forest practice. In this instance, removing

established Alder stands only means interfering with the normal

successional cycle, since those areas would now be naturally stocked

with conifers if conditions were correct, and Alder's role in

"reconditioning" the soil is well-known and scientifically proven. Mr.

Disney's claim that Alder defeats conifer regeneration is simply wrong.

Studies done (quite a while ago, in fact) in the US have shown that

though conifers in Alder stands may be delayed in growth by ca 20 yrs

or more, once they overtop the Alder, they quickly regain the lost

volumes and more, plus being far healthier (and with no "leader

whiplash" effects. The primary forestry problem we have on the

Charlottes is with deer browsing – not Alder. Reports assembled by the

Research Group on Introduced Species (RGIS), note that where hunting

pressure on these deer is heavy, the majority of the problems which

originate with deer browsing on conifer seedlings and brush disappear.

Therefore, if Mr Disney wishes support for a Haida initiative to

control deer (such as through a commercial hunt), I'll be among the

first to support him. OTOH, if he finds further support for his present

environmentally destructive scheme, I will be among the many who will

vigorously oppose it. --Jack Miller3) It's not the few fir

trees he finds attacked by beetles in his woodlot that has him

concerned. Blake says he can take care of those himself. But if

beetle-attacked Douglas fir trees in old growth management areas

(OGMAs) next to his woodlot are not addressed, he says the infestation

could escalate beyond his ability to control it. "With the pine all

dead, all we have left are fir and spruce," Blake says. "It'll be a

shame if we lose them as well." He says there are three OGMAs in the

crown forest near his woodlot where the fir beetles are getting a

foothold. "I know they are not being dealt with. The ministries are

supposed to be managing the resource. If they are not doing it then the

public needs to push them a bit." Like the salvage loggers, Blake is

concerned that no one in government is taking responsibility. "There's

a lot of buck passing between ministries. If they don't clean up the

OGMAs we're in trouble. If I get two green-attack trees in my woodlot

and don't deal with them, I've got 10 green-attack trees next year."

Put plainly, he says the government ministries are not using best

practices to manage the forest. http://www.wltribune.com/portals-code/list.cgi?paper=37 & cat=23 & id=787680 & more=


The loss of so many ponderosa and lodgepole pine trees around the city

[of Kamloops] isn't only devastating for homeowners and park users, it

could mean drastically reduced numbers of some overwintering birds.

Clark's Nutcrackers rely on the seeds of ponderosa pines almost

exclusively, and help in the regeneration of stands by burying seeds in

the fall, but then not eating them all during the winter. The Pygmy

Nuthatch may be one of the bird species that will be most dramatically

affected by the absence of a large seed crop. This is because the

entire life history of these nuthatches seems geared to the

availability of a Ponderosa seed crop. Indirect evidence of this

dependence comes from the absolute spatial congruence of the nuthatch

with that of long-needled pines--in BC the range does not extend at al

beyond the distribution of Ponderosa Pines. It is possible that the

population of Pygmy Nuthatches could decline by a huge percentage (80%)

in the winter of 2007-2008. A careful monitoring program for these

species should begin almost immediately. Now is the time to start

keeping track of the numbers of birds we see in our pine forests and

trying to document changes in population. For those with a backyard

feeder, a great way to do this is by joining Project FeederWatch. Just

note the birds at your feeders on two days each week then compile them

on the Project FeederWatch website. Everything you need to know about

this continent-wide project is at: http://www.birds.cornell.edu/pfw/index.html5)

"Vancouver Island Association of Wood Processors (VIAWP) is requesting

your support for its yellow cedar marketing project in New Orleans and

the southern U.S.," wrote VIAWP director George Cousineau in a letter

to the regional board. The project would develop a business that would

encourage small independent sawmills, shingle mills, dry kilns and

remanufacturing facilities to use low grade yellow cedar and blue

stained wood that would be snapped up in a southern U.S. market

expected to boom next spring, says Cousineau. "This yellow cedar

marketing initiative is very important to all forestry dependent

communities on Vancouver Island, the Mid Coast and North Coast, as it

creates an employment opportunity for loggers, salvagers and wood

processors to utilize a species that is often left in logging slash or

yarded roadside and burnt," said Cousineau. Based in Nanaimo, the

association started the yellow cedar project with Forest Renewal BC

funding. The association proved yellow cedar is resistant to Formosan

termites that infest the southern U.S., and is ideal for wet conditions

in places like New Orleans, and started an American company called

Island Cypress to market the product, says Cousineau. http://www.northislandgazette.com/portals-code/list.cgi?paper=21 & cat=43 & id=787770 & more=


Zirnhelt and Carlson have been hired by the Cariboo Chilcotin Beetle

Action Coalition (CCBAC) to study impacts of the mountain pine beetle

on the people and economy of the region. Eric Brigden, Leonard Teppema

and Jim Dickie of the Small Scale Salvage Loggers Association say

there's been a startling expansion of Douglas fir bark beetles

infesting trees in the Williams Lake area. Yet they say they can't get

access to log most of the affected trees because they lie in old growth

management areas (OGMAs) where logging is prohibited. Special

permission has to be granted to take infected trees out of these

protected old growth areas, but the salvage loggers say the government

isn't acting fast enough. They say if something isn't done soon, all

the trees inside the OGMAs will be dead. Leonard Teppema, chair of the

salvage loggers association, says OGMAs are managed by the local

biodiversity committee. "They (the biodiversity committee) are more

interested in keeping us out of the OGMAs than getting the beetles

out," he says. He warns the infestation is getting so big it could

become an epidemic on the scale of the mountain pine beetle infestation

if something isn't done quickly. http://www.wltribune.com/portals-code/list.cgi?paper=37 & cat=23 & id=787677 & more=


Since 2001 the provincial government has tried to sell off Crown land

on southeastern Vancouver Island to an odd assortment of hockey players

and political friends wanting to get rich on a rising wave of golf

course developments. Rare ecosystems have been turned into a lawn

fertilizer salesman's dream. But the golf wave flattened, concerned

citizens exposed questionable deals, and now the government may be

about to announce the sell-off-and the secret deals that went with

it-are over. This is one of those good news-bad news stories. The bad

news is that the provincial Liberal government's policy, in place since

2001, of creating a revenue stream by disposing of Crown landsoften

with little or no public input in the process-has resulted in further

erosion of endangered ecosystems on southeastern Vancouver Island. The

good news is that as a result of the continued engagement of thousands

of Vancouver Island citizens in community by community battles with

politicians and bureaucrats over the privatization of these public

lands, the provincial government may soon announce a significant shift

in policy. http://www.focusonline.ca8)

In July 2003, the Sunshine Coast Conservation Association (SCCA) filed

a complaint to the Association of BC Forest Professionals (ABCFP) about

the ethics and professional practices, primarily in regard to issues of

environmental stewardship, of a Registered Professional Forester

working in the Jervis Inlet area of the Sunshine Coast Forest District.

The registrar of the ABCFP refused to allow the complaint to be

referred into the legislatively mandated complaint process. Two

subsequent appeals to the registrar to have the complaint heard failed.

In May 2005 a judicial review was convened in the BC Supreme Court to

determine if the registrar erred in his decision not to allow the

complaint to be referred for investigation. In August 2005 the court

determined that the registrar had erred by making his determination

under the old Foresters Act. The decision of the registrar was quashed

and the registrar was ordered to make a new determination under the

current Forester's Act. In this re-determination, the registrar again

decided not to allow the SCCA's complaint to proceed. On December 8,

2006, the registrar's decision will once again come under scrutiny in

the BC Supreme Court. At stake in this proceeding is the right of the

public to make complaints to the foresters' professional association

about stewardship practices on public lands and the right to see these

complaints dealt with fairly and appropriately. The findings of the

court may add clarity to government's new regulatory regime of

" professional reliance " and may determine whether foresters can or can

not be held accountable for their stewardship ethics and professional

practices. The original complaint to the ABCFP involved four examples

of alleged failure to comply with then Bylaws 14 (professional ethics)

and 17 (standards of professional practice). These examples all involve

stewardship of environmental resources, i.e., an alleged failure to

adequately manage and conserve: Marbled Murrelet nesting habitat,

Mountain Goat winter range, Old growth resources, and Land protecting

the Ambrose Lake Ecological Reserve. http://www.thescca.ca9)

As an ecologist working in the Great Bear Rainforest, I am compelled to

respond to claims that " science formed the basis for negotiations "

leading to the Great Bear Rainforest Agreement. Contrary to assertions

by representatives of Greenpeace Canada and ForestEthics, virtually no

intersection exists between the political strategy they negotiated and

what science is saying needs to happen to conserve B.C.'s old-growth

temperate rainforests and associated biological diversity. The dilemma

in the conservation community is that there is a huge gap between what

these neo-environmentalists say is the best we can do and what

scientists say we must do. The guiding principles expressed by

Greenpeace and ForestEthics are laudable but have nothing to do with

the use of ecological science to ensure an environmentally sustainable

global or regional economy that might support those ideals. The

disconnect between science and policy reflects the ignorance and hubris

that influenced the secretive negotiation of this ecologically

untenable agreement. Many policies outlined by the agreement seem

little more than impromptu experiments in faith-based conservation.

From a scientific perspective, the agreement fails profoundly as a

conservation strategy for coastal British Columbia. Marketing

hyperbole, exaggerated claims and putatively sustainable industrial

forestry cannot salvage the negotiated destruction and loss of a

substantial portion of the world's last remaining intact temperate

rainforest. ---University of Calgary © The Ottawa Citizen 2006Montana: 10)

After nearly eight months of debate, the fate of Montana's first

Healthy Forests Restoration Act timber sale rests in the hands of U.S.

District Court Judge Donald Molloy of Missoula. On Friday, Molloy heard

a last hour of arguments over the Bitterroot National Forest's Middle

East Fork Hazardous Fuel Reduction Project. He promised a prompt

decision. Missoula's WildWest Institute and Friends of the Bitterroot

sued the U.S. Forest Service last April over the agency's proposal to

reduce fuels on a little over 4,000 acres in the Middle East Fork of

the Bitterroot. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last week that

Molloy didn't abuse his discretion in turning down the preliminary

injunction. The two environmental groups want the court to set aside

the Forest Service's decision and grant a permanent injunction. On

Friday, the environmental groups' attorney, Thomas Woodbury, argued the

agency had neither properly addressed the cumulative impacts of

historical logging in the area nor properly assessed the remaining

old-growth timber. At the core of the group's complaint, Woodbury said

the agency failed to address a federal requirement that says management

actions can't create irreversible damage to soils. The agency's

threshold for irreversible damage to the soil is 15 percent, Woodbury

said. Since the area was logged heavily in the 1960s - a time when

logging technology was heavier on the land - Woodbury contends that

threshold has already been met in the watersheds. The Forest Service

calculated its soil measurements inside the units planned for thinning.

"That's cherry picking," he said. "It doesn't address the cumulative

impacts basinwide." Woodbury said the agency also used a subjective

technique to decide which trees were alive and which had been killed by

bark beetles. Woodbury said the agency guessed which of the infected

trees would survive and that decision skewed which acres were

considered as old-growth habitat. "It's all guess work," he said. "We'd

like to know how many live trees were called dead. We'd like to see

surveys and data sheets that indicate how many trees were imminently

dead, dead and alive." http://www.missoulian.com/articles/2006/12/09/news/mtregional/news03.txt11)

We want them to stop, look, listen and yield," he said. "People are

paying attention. They've really co-existed much better than we thought

they would." The signs let people know that logging is under way and

where it's occurring. Most importantly, it reminds them to be aware.

This winter, cross-country skiers looking for freshly groomed tracks

will need to look elsewhere. None of the steady stream of skiers,

hikers and dog walkers seems to pay the racket any notice. Two weeks

ago, after the ground froze solid, crews from Missoula's Johnson Bros.

Contracting moved into the area just across the road from Crazy Canyon

to start thinning the last 80 acres of a 1,000-acre contract. As the

equipment rolled in, Ronck gathered up a pair of maps and an orange

crayon. He drew an outline around the area where the work will occur

and posted the maps at popular trailheads.Over the past few years,

loggers have thinned national forest lands in both Pattee Canyon and

Blue Mountain recreation areas. "We ask them to stay at least one

football field length away from the work area. Hopes are the logging

portion of the fuels reduction project at Pattee Canyon will wrap up

this winter. Cleanup work will probably continue through a portion of

the summer. http://www.missoulian.com/articles/2006/12/08/news/local/news02.txtOhio:12)

We have a coal company coming through Meigs doing a lot of underhanded

land-buying in preparation for filing permits to mine, build coal

processing facilities etc. We hadn't seen this kind of stuff for a long

time, the last people who came in to do this kind of coal rights

acquisition was in the 1890's. Gatling is telling people here that they

own all the coal rights in the county (not true) and they are going to

long wall under us whether we sell or not, and that it's up to the

owner of surface rights to prove that a company that may or may not

have coal rights DOESN'T have the right to mine under them. One of the

things they are doing on land that industry has already gotten people

to sell out is clear cutting in advance of filing mining permits. It's

pre-permit work, but because they haven't filed the mining permit and

logging is not regulated we appear to have no recourse to get this

stopped. We do have known endangered species here - Indiana bat,

spayed-toed frog, etc., and when I got in touch with DNR about this

they said since AEP owned the piece of land in question where Gatling

wants to put the coal processor, it is not state owned land and they

have no jurisdiction. Is this true? Is there no protection of

endangered species habitat if it is privately (industry) owned land? It

seems obvious to me that they are removing the habitat, and thus the

species (including us - they want people out by the first of the year

and then file their permits) so that there will be nothing left to

stand in the way of the mining and construction permits. Endangered

species and forests - now you see it, now you don't. We need some

advice on how to protect this. I'll send a photo on a flyer for the

community group I've started here that shows a small piece of the clear

cut. They are getting ready to start clear cutting Sue Rice's old place

next week. There are also springs on this land - one woman had 23

(twenty-three) on her place. We are trying to get people's contacts

that are being forced off before they go, so that there will be local

people who can help us go over the hydrology maps and challenge them.

On the piece of clear cut land where I took the picture for the flyer,

there was water bubbling up in the tire tracks of the logging equipment

- huge - where there had been springs on the hillsides. -- Elisa Young

-- elisayUSA:13) Western governors

endorsed a plan Thursday to step up thinning of U.S. forests and

improve the accounting of those projects to better reduce wildfire

risks while protecting homes and natural ecosystems. The proposal calls

for better sharing of information and monitoring of accomplishments as

well as forest conditions to make the most of scarce dollars and

" improve transparency " in decisions about where and how to do the

logging. " Governmental and non-governmental entities are collaborating

and making significant progress on the ground and in management to

address this nation's fire and forest health needs, " four Western

governors, federal and state officials said in a letter Thursday to

congressional leaders. " Yet, despite our best efforts thus far,

substantial work on our forest and rangeland remains, " they said. U.S.

Agriculture Undersecretary Mark Rey said the proposal represented " a

midcourse correction " to the association's earlier document approved in

2002, " A Collaborative Approach for Reducing Wildland Fire Risks to

Communities and the Environment: 10-Year Comprehensive Strategy

Implementation Plan. " http://kvoa.com/Global/story.asp?S=578600214)

The 109th Congress early this morning passed its sixth bill to protect

wild public lands under the National Wilderness Preservation System.

The White Pine County Conservation, Recreation and Development Act of

2006, designating more than a half million acres of new wilderness, was

included in omnibus tax legislation that cleared the House and Senate

in the final hours of the 109th Congress and heads next to the

President's desk for his signature. " What was shaping up to be a good

year for wilderness turned into a great year, when Congress today

designated 557,000 acres of public land in Nevada as part of the

National Wilderness Preservation System, " said Mike Matz, executive

director of the Campaign for America's Wilderness. " As we head into the

holidays, Congress has given future generations of Americans the very

special gift of wilderness. " The Nevada bill is the sixth wilderness

bill passed during the 109th Congress, which had already achieved an

impressive bipartisan record of conserving public land. In the past two

years, this Congress voted to safeguard in perpetuity more than 76,000

acres of forested hills and valleys in New Hampshire and Vermont (Wild

River and Glastenbury Wilderness and others), some 275,000 acres of

coastal forests in northwest California (King Range Wilderness and

others), more than 100,000 acres of windswept peaks in Utah (Cedar

Mountain Wilderness), 10,000 acres of tropical rainforest in Puerto

Rico (El Toro Wilderness) and 11,000 acres of desert canyonlands in New

Mexico (Ojito Wilderness). The Nevada wilderness bill passed as part of

a larger package, H.R. 6111, the House and Senate overwhelming approved

in the final hours of the 109th Congress. " The Campaign for America's

Wilderness wishes to extend our profound thanks to Nevada Senators

Harry Reid and John Ensign and their staffs, who worked tirelessly to

develop and guide this impressive legislation through Congress

demonstrating the highest level of bipartisanship, " Matz said. http://www.usnewswire.com/15)

Members of Congress returned to Washington on December 4th for a short

week of work which will undoubtedly result in the passage of a

Continuing Resolution (CR). A Continuing Resolution is a mechanism that

Congress uses to continue funding the government without passing the

annual appropriations bills. The CR is scheduled to fund the government

at 2006 funding levels until mid February, 2007. The outgoing

Republican leadership has no plans for finishing the remaining nine

" must-pass " spending bills. Republicans have been unable to agree on a

strategy for handling the appropriations bills, with a rift between

leadership and fiscal conservatives on spending, forcing Republican

leaders to leave the bills for next year. Some pundits feel that this

is a calculated strategy by the Republicans, designed to muddy the

waters of the Democratic majority's agenda when they come into power in

January. By leaving so much unfinished business, the Republicans will

be forcing the Democrats to clean up their mess. The incomplete fiscal

2007 spending bills cover all key energy and environmental agencies,

including Interior (Forest Service and BLM), Agriculture, U.S. EPA, the

Army Corps of Engineers, and the Department of Energy. To date,

President Bush has signed only two spending bills into law: Defense and

Homeland Security. Before the election, American Lands reported on what

was at risk heading into the lame duck. Now that Congress is poised to

sign a CR and go home, without taking any real legislative action, the

risks outlined in our earlier report have been downgraded. The Walden

Logging Bill (HR 4200) is dead. No poison pill on County Payments.

Anti-public participation under NEPA proposal has expired. Threat to

overturn the Roadless Rule Victory is dead. Bush's Proposed " Healthy

Forest Partnership Act " is motionless.


Last month, the government of Ontario, Canada, proposed plans to

increase clear-cut logging in the traditional territory of the Grassy

Narrows First Nation. This week, the community needs your help to stop

it. Please call Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty and tell him to stop

the planned increase in logging in Grassy Narrows' traditional

territory. Your call matters. Without significant outside pressure,

sources close to the negotiations expect the logging deal to close

before the end of the year. If you live in Ontario, be sure to say so!

The planned logging increase shocked Grassy Narrows community leaders.

Following logging blockades by the community earlier this year,

Minister of Aboriginal Affairs David Ramsay said that he was " certainly

committed to deal with the issues that Grassy Narrows is bringing up. "

Despite this commitment, provincial officials failed to consult the

community regarding the logging increase. Call Ontario Premier Dalton

McGuinty to demand that he honor Aboriginal rights and stop clear-cut

logging in Grassy Narrows. While the province ignores Grassy Narrows'

concerns, industrial loggers appear to be calling the shots. According

to the government's own labor bulletin, logging companies proposing the

deal " originally approached the Ministry in the fall of 2005." With no

apparent plans to consult the community regarding the expansion of

logging within their traditional territory, the bulletin states that

new mills are already planned to begin processing the increased volume.

According to government documents, logging companies counting on the

deal will " begin construction in the spring of 2007." http://www.freegrassy.org17)

QUEBEC CITY -- When Christmas snows thaw this spring, Armand Seguin

will cut down a stand of about 300 trees outside Quebec City. Although

he spent years growing these spruce and poplars, he will take care to

completely burn their trunks, branches, leaves and roots. And

environmental groups such as Greenpeace can hardly wait for the

chainsaws to rev up. That's because these are Canada's first and only

genetically modified trees to be grown outdoors. While some scientists

believe that they represent the future of our forests -- and a

forest-product industry that accounted for nearly 60 per cent of our

$55.1-billion trade balance in 2005 -- others fear the fallout from

experimenting with " frankenpines. " These environmentalists say trees

with novel traits could spell the end of tree biodiversity and threaten

the larger ecosystem. They point to scientific studies suggesting that

animals developed abnormalities after being fed crops genetically

engineered by biotech giant Monsanto. In short, they cannot fathom Mr.

Seguin's argument that GM trees could be good for the environment. Mr.

Seguin works for the Canadian Forest Service, a federal government

agency, and is one of the country's foremost experts in tree

biotechnology. In 1997, he planted poplars engineered to contain a gene

from an E. coli bacterium. These acted as a marker to show whether the

trees could be successfully genetically altered. He then followed that

experiment in 2000 by planting spruce trees that were genetically

engineered to contain DNA from the insecticide Bt (Bacillus

thuringiensis), a bacterium used to control plant pests. Mr. Seguin

needed to know that when these genes were introduced, they would

persist long enough to have the desired effect. But, now that he can

confirm that genes were expressed throughout these trees' lives, they

must be destroyed. Still, Mr. Seguin has high hopes for his work going

forward. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.20061209.TREES09/TPStory/Environment18)

Environmental activists visited the Ontario legislature Thursday to

raise awareness of a threat to the province's population of woodland

caribou. One activist dressed as Santa Claus passed out stuffed animals

(caribou) - also known as reindeer - to members of provincial

parliament. The CPAWS Wildlands League says woodland caribou are

predicted to become extinct within the next 80 years. The group wants

the Ontario government to protect the species by halting logging in

their habitat and passing tougher endangered species legislation. The

activist dressed as Santa says `Rudolph will be devastated if his

Ontario cousins lose their home.' http://www.tbsource.com/Localnews/index.asp?cid=8986419)

Native people have the right to log Crown lands for personal use, the

Supreme Court ruled Thursday in a unanimous judgment on two New

Brunswick cases. 'A practice undertaken for survival purposes can be

considered integral to an aboriginal community's distinctive culture.'

-Supreme Court decision The high court judges decided three New

Brunswick men who took Crown wood to make furniture, build a home and

burn as firewood were exercising their treaty rights, not stealing. The

ruling upholds the decision of the lower courts in New Brunswick, who

also ruled in the men's favour. " The respondents possessed an

aboriginal right to harvest wood for domestic use, " the judges wrote in

their summary. In 2005, the Supreme Court has ruled against aboriginal

people's rights to log Crown lands for commercial purposes — but these

men were clearly logging for personal use, the court said. Darrell

Gray, who is Mi'kmaq, was originally charged in 1999 for taking maple

trees from Crown lands near three reserves. Clark Polchies and Dale

Sappier, both Maliseet, were charged two years later for harvesting

trees on Crown land without a licence. The Supreme Court judges ruled

that both Mi'kmaq and Maliseet people logged wood on those lands long

before Europeans arrived in North America. The judges said records show

the wood was historically used for shelter, transportation, tools and

fuel. It was key to native people's survival. " A practice undertaken for

survival purposes can be considered integral to an aboriginal

community's distinctive culture, " the judges wrote in their summary.

The judges said the right to harvest the wood must be allowed to evolve

with the times. Historically, natives used the wood to build temporary

shelters, but now the right must be allowed to evolve to the

construction of modern homes, they wrote. They stressed that the wood

cannot be sold, traded or bartered for money, even if the money is used

to build another home. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/british-columbia/story/2006/12/07/native-court.html20)

Buchanan Forest Products is facing more opposition to its logging

efforts in the Kenogami Forest. Aroland First Nation issued a news

release Friday and Band Chief Sam Kashkeesh threatened to shut down

logging operations unless his people were given a role in talks with

the MNR to transfer the forest licence for the region to Buchanan.

Kashkeesh says while they don't want to disrupt operations at the

former Neenah Paper mill, his people also depend upon the forest

industry for their livelihood. They believe they have a right to help

make decisions about their traditional territory. Buchanan's logging of

the area is also being opposed by Neenah's former woodland's workers.

The Steelworkers Union members say under their collective agreement,

the company must employ them to conduct logging operations in the

Kenogami Forest. http://www.tbsource.com/Localnews/index.asp?cid=8996821)

The government of P.E.I. has set aside about 800 hectares of Crown land

for a sustainable forestry project, with an eye towards harvesting

high-value trees instead of knocking down forests for pulp. Well-known

Island environmentalist Gary Schneider has taken on the project.

Schneider, who received a Canadian Environment Award in 2004 for his

work managing a 60-hectare woodlot surrounding the MacPhail Homestead

in Orwell, will attempt to apply lessons learned there to the piece of

Crown land in Valley, in the southeast corner of the province. " They're

pretty beat-up woodlands, " Schneider told CBC News during a tour of the

forest earlier this week. " They've been over-harvested and haven't been

treated that well. " Despite that, Schneider sees signs of hope.

Typically weedy, less valuable species such as balsam fir can overwhelm

more valuable trees as it regenerates. The regeneration of the forest

is at an early stage, but Schneider said the forest is moving more

toward the natural Acadian forest — the kind that existed before the

Europeans arrived — than he would have expected. " I look around here,

and even though there's a lot of balsam fir, there's more hemlock and

white pine and red spruce than I'll actually need growing up in these

areas, so it saves us a lot of work, " said Schneider. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/prince-edward-island/story/2006/12/07/schneider-crownland.html


Speaking at a press briefing on the state of the Ministry of Forestry,

the Commissioner for Forestry, Chief Dele Odulaja, noted that at the

creation of the state in 1976, a total of nine forest reserves were

inherited from the former western state, which covered about 16 per

cent of the total land mass of Ogun State, but since the administration

of Governor Daniel came on board, there had been broad policy

objectives at the ministry. The objectives included, ensuring adequate

and continuous supply of forest products through the development and

orderly exploitation of the state's forest resources in order to

protect the environment and ecology; providing employment opportunities

for youths, rural and urban dwellers through the encouragement and

development of timber and non-timber related industries; protecting

forest estates against any form of encroachment, damage or destruction,

while also developing, managing and protecting wildlives in order to

prevent the extinction of rare or endangered species. There had been

the establishment of 1,200 hectares of forest reserves namely: Omo

Forest Reserves (J1, J3, J4, J6), Olokemeji, Ilaro, Arakanja, Eggua,

Ohunbe, Edun, Aworo and Abeokuta/Sagamu Express Road Forest Reserves.

The ministry is looking beyond its present success, thereby focusing on

sustained production of 2.5 million forest seedlings. It is also

planning the establishment of additional 1,200 hectares of new forest

plantation, while the war against illegal timber felling and wanton

destruction of mature timber trees by cocoa/kolanut farmers would be

intensified. The adoption of non-timber forest projects, such as snail

rearing, bee-keeping, cane rat production, mulberry plantation

(sericulture) for silk production, mushroom production, medicinal

plants/gardenings bamboo production etc would be encouraged. There will

also be development of industrial forestry plantation to supply

pulpwood to Iwopin Pulp and Paper Mill and other allied wood-based

industries, which is expected to contribute to import substitution of

pulp, paper prints and other related products. http://www.tribune.com.ng/07122006/features.html23)

The food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) recommended that at least

25 per cent of a country's land area should be put under forest cover

in perpetuity for the well-being of its citizenry and for the local,

national and global environment. However, recent studies have shown

that forest cover has declined while biodiversity is under threat all

over the world, especially in the sub-Sahara Africa. To buttress the

need for urgent action to tackle the issues of forest degradation and

desertification, president of the Forestry Association of Nigeria

(FAN), Alhaji Abdullahi Hassan Mohammed, Wambai of Jema'a, said the

consequences have caused "great fears and anxiety to both government

and individuals as poverty has set in and the prospects of life here on

earth have become increasingly frightening and very difficult." FAN, in

search of solutions to the phenomena, organised its 31st annual

conference with the theme: "Forestry at cross road in Nigeria." The

conference held in Makurdi, Benue State, between November 20 and 24,

2006. 75 technical papers which addressed different aspects of the

conference theme were delivered on the occasion and the highlights of

the papers include that the federal government should: Promote

community participation in forest management and private sector

investment to develop forest estate, eco-tourism and wood-based

industries in Nigeria. Pursue to a logical conclusion, the on-going

review of the National Forestry Law and Policy and to enforce it in all

the states in order to strengthen and regulate forestry practice in

Nigeria. Address urgently the issue of poor funding of forestry

research, training and development with NGO's and other organisations.

Reactivate and protect the pulp and paper industry through appropriate

fiscal policies so as to effectively utilize the abundant forestry

resources in Nigeria. Encourage the promotion of ecotourism by both the

Federal and States government. http://www.tribune.com.ng/10122006/features.htmlGhana:24)

Forest reserves are established to generally conserve the flora and

fauna, especially the endangered species in the reserves. Besides,

reserves have a significant influence on the ecological system of the

area where they are located. Therefore, people have every right to

express concern when those reserves are rampantly being devastated

through human activities such as mining and logging. Individual farmers

living along the fringes of the forest reserves have also contributed

to the destruction of these reserves through illegal farming activities

in the reserves. Furthermore, illegal chain-saw operators have

contributed immensely to the destruction of many reserves in the

country. It is in view of these that some measures are being taken to

protect the Ankasa Conservation Area from facing a similar fate. The

Ankasa Conservation Area, now an ecotourism facility located in the

Jomoro District of the Western Region, covers a total land area of 508

square kilometres and it was gazetted in 1976. It is believed that

about 24,000 settler farmers live along the conservation area. The area

is said to be the most significantly protected area in the country

because of its high biological diversity. It is home to the forest

elephant, the bango and some other West African primates, including the

chimpanzee, 600 butterfly species, over 800 vascular plants, as well as

a long list of birds. Its conservation should, therefore, be of

paramount interest. However, the major threat to the survival of the

Ankasa Conservation Area is the pressure arising from the increasing

human population living along the area. http://www.graphicghana.info/article.asp?artid=14736Liberia:25)

A French-based timber company, Groupe Rougier, is in the country to

explore the possibility of investing in the forestry sector of the

Liberian economy. " Being a long-term commitment, our vision allows the

Rougier Group to make ambitious investments in forest, industry,

training, and social activities by carrying out very thorough forestry

management programs " , the Group's Press Statement affirming the

assertions of Mr. Rougier said here yesterday. The statement said that

while the Groupe Rougier was in the country to do business, it would be

part of its corporate responsibility to invest in the Liberian peace

process while taking active part in the welfare and safety of employees

and residents of the operational areas. " Researchers and engineers will

ensure training in forest botany, non-timber-forest-products inventory,

social services, workers' safety, and health. It will also relate to

the conflict-resolution techniques, essential to avoid possible drifts

and mutual misunderstandings with local populations in the working

areas " , the company's statement emphasized. With 83 years of timber

investment experience behind it, Groupe Rougier, which began investment

in Africa in 1954, has since taken world center stage in timber

investment through the local production of timber products as opposed

to 100% export of round logs by its competitors. The company, which is

currently operating a plywood factory in Gabon and a sawmill each in

Gabon, Cameroon, and the Congo, said its vision is " to be a leader and

integrated producer and global marketer of African tropical timber

coming from forests under Sustainable Management " . http://allafrica.com/stories/200612081121.htmlUganda:26)

"If banana waste were recycled into paper and cloth, an enormous amount

of industrial resources would be created. We developed a world-first

manufacturing technique of environment-friendly, chemical-free and

energy-free banana paper and cloth by mixing traditional Japanese paper

making art and high technology," Morishima said.A banana plant, once

planted, grows within 3 to 6 months and dies as soon as it bears fruit.

But it sprouts again from the side and bears fruit again. This process

is repeated over 20 years. According to the FAO 2004 Report the total

amount of banana waste produced in 129 countries and regions in the

world exceeds 100 million tonnes, "If the project is adopted worldwide,

it would contribute to reducing poverty and to preservation of forest.

The fruit becomes food; stems become paper and cloth as alternative

sources to timber; and huge leaves become carbon dioxide (CO2

absorbers), enabling the recovery of green areas and economic

independence in developing nations. The more we plant banana trees, the

more the global warming is avoided." http://www.andnetwork.com/index?service=direct/0/Home/recent.titleStory & sp=l79348


Since 1994 Gulick has been helping the US-based Wildlife Conservation

Society (WSC) to patrol the area in an effort to thwart these illegal

hunters. It has been an unequal contest. Poachers target elephants

under the cover of dense rainforest to avoid being detected from

aircraft, and patrols like Gulick's have to trek through the forest on

foot. Killings can go undetected for months or even years, and during

one sweep, Gulick's patrol found more than 200 elephant carcasses in

various stages of decomposition. Now he and others are fighting back,

using adapted military technology to listen in on elephants and monitor

their behaviour. They are also borrowing data from environment

monitoring satellites to spot illegal logging that can devastate the

animals' habitats. " There's a real need to transform wildlife

observation techniques into real-time warning systems, " Gulick says. To

help achieve that Gulick has set up Wildland Security, a company based

in New York City that specialises in sensors to detect wildlife crime.

One of its products, a small seismic detector called TrailGuard, can be

buried along forest pathways to pick up the footfalls of people as they

pass. " It's based on military technology used to detect enemy troop

movements, " he says. To distinguish hunters from harmless passers-by,

the devices also contain magnetometers that can detect iron in guns

several metres away. Once triggered, the TrailGuards transmit a radio

signal to an antenna at the top of the forest canopy, which relays it

to a hub to be sent to forest rangers over a satellite phone link. An

additional line of defense could come from acoustic sensors being

developed by Mya Thompson and colleagues at Cornell University in

Ithaca, New York. These so-called " autonomous recording units " were

originally designed to monitor elephants communicating with each other

in Kakum National Park, Ghana. The devices pick up the elephant calls

using specialised low-frequency microphones hidden in trees, and record

the signal onto a laptop computer. Installing the microphones 100 to

200 metres apart ensures that each call is picked up at a minimum of

three points. The millisecond differences in the time it takes to reach

each sensor can then be used to locate the origin of the sound. http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg19225816.000-invented-for-the-military-used-to-defend-wildli

fe.htmlIndia: 28)

The official version is that the tribals were cultivating land which

belongs to the forest department and therefore they had to be evicted.

Bhanvar Singh, an activist with 'Aasthaa', an organisation fighting for

the land rights of tribal peasants in Rajasthan, differs. " The forest

department has ignored the rights of many small tribal peasants

cultivating this land. For these people this is the main or the only

source of livelihood. " For many years the issue of tribal rights over

forests remained low-key as petty officials collected bribes and

chickens from tribals and in return allowed them to cultivate the

fields. Now the same officials are busy carrying out evictions across a

rapidly industrialising India.According to R.D. Vyas, an Aasthaa

activist, with international funding available for forest management

and plantations, the forest department is more interested in evicting

the tribals to get hold of vacant land. " But equally, a strong struggle

by tribals and forest-dwellers has emerged to demand regularisation of

their land, " he told IPS. http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=3576829)

An estimated four million people live in India's national parks and

sanctuaries alone. Many more, some say up to 50 million people, inhabit

the reserved and protected forests and have been there for generations,

eking out livelihoods from forest produce such as honey, herbs and

fruit and basic farming. But no forest management plan recognises this

and present law deems the tribals to be encroachers and poachers. The

result is that forest guards extort bribes from tribals and

forest-dwellers with impunity, and when they cannot pay, collaborate

with the owners of commercial plantations and land grabbers to take

over large chunks of land. India's tribals are increasingly taking

their demands to the national capital and other cities. On Nov. 29,

thousands of tribals marched through the wide boulevards of New Delhi

to press for the quick passage of the Scheduled Tribes (Recognition of

Forest Rights) Bill, pending in parliament since 2005. Activists see

the pending bill as the last hope for both the tribals and the

environment since its stated aim is to give tribals the legal right to

the land and the resources that they have been using and protecting for

generations. " This is a very important bill dealing with the

livelihoods of over 2 million households, or over 10 million people

that live in forest areas, " said Bhanwar Singh, an activist with the

Campaign for Survival and Dignity (CSD), a national platform for

tribals and forest dwellers, which organised the November rally in New

Delhi. http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=35768China:30)

" In many cases, China is eating our lunch, " said Cohen, a professor at

the university's forestry department. Cohen said China is becoming the

largest log importer in the world, with neighbouring Russia as its

biggest source of softwood. China imported some 25 million cubic meters

of logs per year from Russia to produce plywood, wood flooring and

furniture-making, he said. He added that China has become a large

supplier of plywood for the Japanese and South Korean markets, cutting

into Canadian producers' efforts to tap those markets. Besides the

advantage of having significantly lower labour costs, some Chinese

mills can offer cut-rate prices because they operate using loans that

they don't have to pay back, Cohen said. This is sometimes the case for

state-controlled companies that are granted loans by state-controlled

banks, he said, adding that it's difficult to determine which Chinese

operations are in this situation. China has also surpassed Italy as the

world's largest wood furniture manufacturer, while Canada's furniture

production is stable or declining, Cohen said. He said that China's

rise is putting pressure on Canadian furniture manufacturers to change

the way they do business. http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/business/story.html?id=bcee71ba-4e66-4802-8267-eb0e46db94e6

& k=98392Thailand:31)

Emphasizing his policy on protecting the forest area, the Krabi

Governor Siwa Sirisaowalak said he will strictly ensure that the laws

against deforestation are strictly imposed. A special task force team

will be set up in each community to help keep watch he stated. Touching

on the forest land encroachment on Ao Nang beach, Mr. Siwa said he has

to await the committee's investigation results. The cases include the

walkway project and road construction on hills. If found guilty, all

wrongdoers must be brought in for legal procedure. In the past about 10

years ago, Krabi had around 1.7 million rai of forest, but now only

about 7 million left. http://www.thaisnews.com/news_detail.php?newsid=197723New Zealand:32)

MAF WELCOMES the sentence handed down on Monday in the Wanganui

District Court to Peter Michael Knuth for using an unregistered sawmill

to mill indigenous timber. Native timber may only be milled in

registered mills after consent is granted by the Ministry of

Agriculture and Forestry's IFU – and then only timber from registered

sustainable forest management plans, permits or other approved sources

may be legally milled in them. The defendant admitted he knew the mill

should be registered and that it was not, a statement from MAF said. He

was fined $3000. MAF's Indigenous Forestry Unit manager, Rob Miller,

said harvesting and milling indigenous timber without the appropriate

consent threatened the sustainability of New Zealand's private

indigenous forests, a scarce resource. Everyone in the industry –

including harvesters, millers, transporters and purchasers – should be

aware that their activities must comply with the requirements of the

Forests Act to ensure a sustainable resource for all. Some operators

were attempting to profit through illegal logging methods, but Mr

Miller said the majority of indigenous forest owners in the country who

harvested timber managed their forests responsibly. Indonesia:33)

Greenpeace activists today poured dried leaves and tree branches all

over Kayu Lapis Indonesia's (KLI) headquarters in Jakarta in a symbolic

act to return to the company remains of logged trees from Papua. The

activists also presented the company a large flower bouquet inscribed

with "Congratulations Kayu Lapis Indonesia, Forest Killer in Papua" for

operations that totally disregard Indonesia's logging laws, thus

destroying Indonesia's last ancient forests. "KLI is responsible for

destroying big parts of the last ancient forests in Papua and

Kalimantan," said Hapsoro, Forest Campaigner of Greenpeace Southeast

Asia. "If no immediate action is taken to stop illegal and destructive

logging practices, the future of Indonesia's forests is bleak. The

government must urgently prevent the further destruction of our already

diminishing forests," he added. Deforestration rates in Indonesia are

among the highest in the world. In 2005, an estimated 2.8 million

hectares of forests have been destroyed, according to the Minister of

Forestry. In April 2006, Greenpeace released the report entitled

"Forest Crime File: Kayu Lapis Indonesia – Untouchable God of

Indonesian Ancient Forest Destruction" containing evidence that KLI and

its subsidiaries have been repeatedly involved in illegal logging

activities, along with serious violations of Indonesian forestry

regulations. Evidence found by Greenpeace were, among others, logging

within buffer zones of small waterways and cheating local communities

out of agreed royalties. KLI is one of the largest logging and timber

processing companies in Papua. "KLI is killing the forests in Papua.

KLI's destructive logging operations should not continue in Papua, or

else Indonesia stands to lose its forests forever," Hapsoro added.

Greenpeace earlier asked the Ministry of Forestry to officially audit

KLI's operations. One of the audit results showed that KLI had cleared

land in order to open new palm oil concessions, which clearly violated

governmental regulations. http://www.infoshop.org/inews/article.php?story=20061207211211571 34)

Up to no good and think the dense, steamy jungle is the best place to

hide? Think again. For smugglers, illegal immigrants and loggers with

theft on their minds, the forests' thick green canopy is no longer the

perfect camouflage for their dirty deeds. From a thousand feet above

ground, mounted on a modified fixed-wing aircraft, the kit has mapped

smuggling trails less than a metre wide in some jungles surveyed over

the past few years. Better known as lorong tikus (rat lanes) for its

narrow, winding nature, the lanes would be easy to miss if someone

searched on foot, explains Professor Dr Kamaruzaman Jusoff. Flying on a

routine research survey over a state forest reserve some years ago, the

sensor was able to pick up logging outside licensed concession area.

These were in hard-to-reach mountainous areas that enforcement officers

couldn't get to. More recently an illegal settlement in the heart of

the Air Itam Forest Reserve, near the university, turned up bright and

clear on the sensor's reading. " No one even guessed an entire colony of

illegal immigrants was living in the forest, but there it was, on the

images on the screen, " said Kamaruzaman, whose report led authorities

to the precise site. The system was born from a challenge thrown to the

scientist who had been researching satellite and radar systems for some

years. When he told Forestry Department officers he could create a

sensor that could count individual trees and tell them apart by their

species, they flatly refused to believe him. A sensor in the clouds

taking an inventory of a dense, multi-layered forest sounded like

complete nonsense. Listing tree species is painstaking work, done on

foot, by experts with years of learning, they told the lecturer who has

also served as deputy director at the Malaysian Centre for Remote

Sensing. But the soft-spoken Kelantanese politely disagreed and went on

to create the kit specifically for timber inventory and species

mapping. The forestry-engineering professor from Universiti Putra

Malaysia, who put together the system, is reluctant to divulge more

saying only that the technology will be useful in surveillance of our

forested border areas. http://www.nst.com.my/Current_News/nst/Sunday/National/20061210085550/Article/index_html


Forestry Minister MS Ka`ban has said Indonesia`s continued forest

destruction has downgraded the international confidence in the country.

" As the world`s biggest tropical forest owner, Indonesia has been under

the international spotlight because of its forest destruction, leading

to a drop in the international confidence in Indonesia, " he told around

100 heads of forestry services attending a workshop on managing

sustainable forests here on Thursday night. Indonesia`s damaged forests

currently covered an area of 59.3 million hectares, he said. He noted

that illegal logging, forest fires and nomadic farming were responsible

for the forest destruction. " The practices have led to degradation of

forest function, shrinkage in forested land, and disappearance of some

flora and fauna species, " he said. The degradation of forest function

had destroyed the ecology, he added. The fact that forestry officers

had not implemented forestry policies well was another cause of the

forest destruction, he said. " The paradigm of forest management in

regions does not work. Many forestry officials still take advantage of

their tenure, " he said. Forestry regulations would become strong if

human resources had strong commitment to managing forests well, he

said. http://www.antara.co.id/en/seenws/?id=24509Australia:36)

Last month I delivered to the CEO of GUNNS at their shareholder meeting

in Launceston, Tasmania hundreds of signatures on a petition that I

collected as Dana Lyons and I did concerts from Vancouver Island

through BC, Washington, Oregon and northern California. I also

delivered 4000 letters from children around the world calling on GUNNS

to stop clearcutting old growth forests to chip and send to Japan to be

made into paper, stop using napalm to burn the forest after they

clearcut it, stop putting out 1080 poison to kill all mammals that

return to the forest and cancel plans to build a pulp mill that would

seriously exacerbate logging of native forests in Tasmania. As I

traveled around Tasmania, I saw the damage GUNNS is doing and intends

to increase. You can see a map of the destruction planned for 2006-2007

at http://www.wilderness.org.au/campaigns/forests/tasmania/tas-forests-google/ You can see photos of the firebombing with napalm on http://www.treesnotgunns.org

and photos of the animals killed by 1080 poisoning, a painful way to

die. And you can see how 60 police broke the public blockade in the

World Heritage class forests of the Weld Valley the morning after our

Hobart concert at http://www.huon.org

80-90% of the trees from that cut would go to GUNNS to be chipped and

sent to Japan. The public responded by lockdowns on the bulldozers,

public walk-ins into the closed exclusion zone, and protests at the

Parliament. The Tasmanians have asked for our help to stop GUNNS, stop

the clearcutting of their ancient forests. I say let's help them all we

can!!! http://www.temperaterainforests.org37)

GUNNS clear-cuts and then firebombs the equivalent of 44 football

fields per day of some of the most unique and ancient old-growth

forests on Earth. These include the majestic Eucalyptus regnans (the

world's tallest hardwood tree, soaring up to 90m) and areas with

documented World Heritage value. GUNNS turns over 90% of the forests it

destroys into woodchips that largely become disposable paper products.

Now, GUNNS is poised to double its destruction of the forests with the

construction of a pulp mill. The pulp mill, to be located at Bell Bay,

would consume up to 4.5 million tons of woodchips annually. GUNNS

presently exports around 4 million tons of woodchips each year. The

construction of the mill would increase the clearfelling of Tasmania's

native forests to supply enough trees to create roughly 8 million tons

of woodchips each year. http://treesnotgunns.org/about_gunns/38)

It is sad to see the lie that the forests are regrown (anonymously) on

this site. The truth is that native forest, a mix of rainforest and

tall eucalypts, takes thousands of years to form, with its rich

ecosystems brimming with biodiversity. These areas are being destroyed

and replaced by crops, by plantations of eucalypt designed to feed the

woodchippers. The ancient, diverse forest does not grow back. It is

gone forever. Many species are threatened by extinction. Please

everybody, wherever you are, pressure the Tasmanian and Australian

governments to stop this industrial horror. ONE of Gunns Ltd's largest

woodchip customers has announced it will no longer buy product sourced

from old-growth forests, a move heralded as a victory by

conservationists. Mitsubishi Paper Mills is one of three Japanese

companies that take the bulk of Gunns' woodchip exports. The company

has released a conservation policy saying it will only buy woodchips

from plantations and regrowth forests. http://www.sprol.com/?p=202 http://www.wilderness.org.au/campaigns/corporate/gunns/whatisgunn/



tallest, most massive, longest-lived organisms ever to grow on earth.

Trees, like other plants, cannot move. However, trees, unlike other

plants, are big, woody, and perennial, which means they are easy

targets for constant wounding. Trees are super survivors mainly because

they grow in ways that give them defense systems that are highly

effective against infections from wounds. Trees have the capacity to

adjust rapidly to changes that threaten their survival. Animals move to

get food, water, and shelter. They move to avoid destructive agents.

When animals are injured and infected, processes of restoration and

repair start. Animals heal after wounding. When trees are injured and

infected, processes of boundary formation start. Trees do not restore

or repair wood that is injured and infected. In this sense, trees do

not heal. Instead, trees compartmentalize wound infections.

Compartmentalization is the tree's defense process after injuries where

boundaries form that resist the spread of infections. The boundaries

also protect systems involving water, air, energy storage, and

mechanical support. In a sense, the boundaries are like an inside bark.


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