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The Climate Change Crises is Happening Now - We Need You to Help Us

Stop Global Warming - Add PURPOSE to Your Life Today


How much more warning do we need…


* An enormous ice shelf breaks away in the Canadian Arctic.


* The average temperature in Britain for 2006 was higher than at any

time since records began in 1659. Globally, it looks set to be the

sixth hottest year on record.


* This past year also found little winter snow in the Alpine ski

resorts, continuing droughts in Africa, mountain glaciers melting

faster than at any time in the past 5,000 years and Greenland's ice

sheet sliding toward the sea.


* In March, NASA satellites monitored a 28-year record low for

winter sea ice. Normally sea ice recovers during the long Arctic

winter, but this was the second consecutive year that the ice failed

to re-form fully to is previous winter extent.


* The world's oceans may rise up by more than four and a half feet

by 2100 due to global warming, according to Stefan Rahmstorf of the

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. This would threaten

low-lying coasts from Florida to Bangladesh.


A middle-of-the-range projection is that the homes of 13 to 88

million people around the world would be flooded by the sea each

year beginning in the 2080s, due to Global Warming and Climate

Change melting the Polar and Artic ice caps. A report commissioned

by the British government says coastal flooding and a shortage of

drinking water could turn 200 million people into refugees. Poorer

countries and small island nations will have the hardest time

adapting. Scarcity of water and food could lead to major conflicts

with broad ripple effects throughout the globe.


The most respected scientific organizations have stated

unequivocally that global warming is happening, that we have a

climate changing crises, and people, with their addiction to power

and speed, are causing it by burning fossil fuels and cutting down

forests. The consequences of continued warming at current rates will

be dire.


" What we are doing now to the Earth is unprecedented, " said

Professor Chris Rapley, Director of the British Antarctic

Survey. " So we cannot rule out the possibility that we are doing

something… which will push the Earth into a domain where things will

happen that have never happened before. "


According to the British government, if we continue as we are, by

2050, the probability of dangerous climate change (a temperature

change of 2 C to 5 C) is over 90 percent. This would have

implications for human health, agriculture and economies, as well as

for politics and security. For example, we can expect more floods

and desertification, an increase in tropical diseases such as

malaria, and the need to construct new coastal defenses to protect

cities against rising sea levels.


Addressing a United Nations Conference in Nairobi on Nov. 15, then

U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan castigated people who still hold

some clouds of doubt about climate change and its effects

irrespective of scientific proof, calling them " out of step, out of

argument and out of time.'' He said that scientific arguments not

withstanding, events taking place in various parts of the world

provide enough proof that climate change exists and the " doubting

Thomases " are only retarding progress to combat climate change.


According to the Alliance for Climate Protection, " We are at the

crossroads of very serious problems confronting America and the

world that are rooted in how we fuel and power our economies.

Decades in the making, how we respond to global warming and our

dependence on heavily polluting and insecure sources of energy - and

whether we respond in time - will determine what kind of future and

world we will have for decades and generations to come. "


" Global warming is not only the number one environmental challenge

we face today, but one of the most important issues facing all of

humanity, " said actor and environmentalist Leonardo DiCaprio. " We

all have to do our part to raise awareness about global warming and

the problems we as a people face in promoting a sustainable

environmental future for our planet. "


It is not enough to be just environmentalists, we must all become

Earth Warriors, Earth Warriors living with a PURPOSE. It is time to

add PURPOSE to your life. We need you now to help us stop Global

Warming, to help us battle this Climate Change Crises. Please join

PURPOSE - People United Rightly Protecting Our Sacred Earth. Visit

our websites today:


PURPOSE Website (http://FreedomExpress.net/PURPOSE) -- Learn more

about Climate Change and Global Warming, Pollution and Environmental

Concerns, Wildlife Protection and Endangered Species, Ocean Dead

Zones, Nonviolence and Human Rights. Find links to the best

nonprofit organizations fighting the good battle, and find good

sources for Global Warming and Environmental News. Get great Tips

on what you can do to help save the planet, become Earth friendly

and to start living with PURPOSE. These ideas include Consuming

Less and Conserving More, Getting Around on Less, Saving Energy at

Home, Switching to Greener Power, using your Purchasing Power and

Voting With your Dollars, hopping at Earth Friendly Companies, and

Being a Catalyst for Change.


PURPOSE Discussion Group

(CommittedPURPOSE/) -- Join our

discussion group and exchange ideas on how to fight Global Warming

and Climate Change, how to save the planet and become Earth

friendly, and how to start living with a PURPOSE.


PURPOSE on MySpace (http://www.myspace.com/committedpurpose) --

Connect with PURPOSE on MySpace. Join more than 50 friends. Add us

as a friend or a favorite. Watch our favorite PURPOSE Videos. Check

out our Bulletins and Subscribe to our PURPOSE Blogs. Current Blogs



Immense ice shelf breaks off in Canadian Arctic


Global Warming: Our worst fears are exceeded by reality


Green States - Not Red and Blue States


Combating global warming and climate change: A matter of urgency


Cities, towns step up global warming fight


Earth Warrior living with PURPOSE

(http://360./committedpurpose) -- Similar to MySpace but

listed on 360. Check out our friends, groups, feeds, photos

and blogs.


Global Warming Petition

(http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/890510358) -- Sign our

petition to Congress making " Climate Change, Global Warming and

Saving the Planet " this country's top priority.


With the beginning of a New Year, instead of making resolutions to

loose weight or get in shape, why not make a resolution that really

matters, a resolution to help save the planet, to help save the

future. What could be more worthwhile. It's not a just a political

issue, it's a moral issue. If we don't stop Global Warming, if we

don`t start caring about the Climate Change Crises, all other

problems and concerns won't matter. Begin now by living your life

with PURPOSE - People United Rightly Protecting Our Sacred Earth.



Bill and Priscilla Johnson-Miles

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