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Some INTERESTING Reading PETA On Shelter Dogs

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Permission to CROSS POST!! This are some very good reasons for NOT supporting PETA!! Read and judge for yourself, these documents do not lie!!! DeafdogsX2 Sun, 28 Jan 2007 17:32:09 EST[animals-in-need] PETA On Shelter Dogs _http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html_ (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html) January 28, 2007Better Off Dead - PETA On Shelter DogsBetter Off Dead! (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/furisdeadpetabutton_1.jpg) (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/furisdeadpetabutton.jpg) Fur is dead? You got that

right, are so are at least 96 healthy cats and dogs. How come? Because PETA made damn sure of it. (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead17.jpg) (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead20.jpg) (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead20_1.jpg) PETA crusaders Adria Hinkle and Andrew Cook scoured Hertford County, (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/070123_pka_photo1_000.jpg) NC looking to save helpless and homeless shelter dogs and cats from a fate worse than death. (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead17_2.jpg) (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/070123_pka_photo1_000.jpg) They were armed with a twisted sense of morality and a belly full of kindness - not to (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead17.jpg) mention a _tackle box full of _ (http://www.petakillsanimals.com/index.cfm) (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead17_2.jpg) _syringes_ (http://www.petakillsanimals.com/index.cfm) loaded with sodium pentobarbitol. (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead17_2.jpg)

And save these helpless and the homeless little dogs and cats (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead17_2.jpg) they did. And to save them, these (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead18.jpg) PETA employees did the kindest (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead19.jpg) thing they could do....... (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead13.jpg) They killed them. Killing Them Softly Two mercy-killing Angels Of Death - aka PETA employees - are on trial this week in North Carolina for killing innocent animals and then unceremoniously dumping their little dead (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pigglywigglyselfservicelogo.jpg) bodies - with their pink little tongues sticking out - in black trash bags in a shopping center dumpster down in Ashokie, NC. (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pigglywigglyselfservicelogo.jpg) But not just any shopping center dumpster - they pick the _Piggly Wiggly_ (http://www.pigglywiggly.com/cgi-bin/home) shopping center. Talk about irony - or is that that PETA has a wacky sense of humor? What's even more ironic is the fact that PETA readily admits that....... They killed those helpless, healthy, and perfectly adoptable animals - all 96 of them in fact. (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/petakillsanimals_250x250_1.gif) (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/petakillsanimals_250x250_2.gif) That's not even being debated. (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/petakillsanimals_250x250.gif) (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/petakillsanimals_250x250_2.gif) (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/petakillsanimals_250x250_2.gif) If you'd like to read the day-by-day trial updates - you'll want to pop on over to _PetaKillsAnimals.com_ (http://www.petakillsanimals.com/) for the latest coverage and and a tom more photos (photos here are from the PetaKillsAnimals.com site). Then make sure that you stop on over to _NoKillNow.com_ (http://www.nokillnow.com/) for an in-depth look at PETA's killing policies (they're calling for Ingrid Newkirk's resignation) and what you can do to save more dogs. Killing Them Kindly (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/petakillsanimals_250x250.gif) PETA's defense is that it was the "kindest thing to do". Phil Hirschop, a PETA attorney, told the _News & Observer_ (http://www.newsobserver.com/102/story/534959.html) , "the only crime Hinkle and Cook committed was throwing the animals in a trash bin, an act for which PETA President Ingrid Newkirk has apologized and offered to pay. (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/crematorium.jpg) Hirschkop said the pair dumped the animals because they had other

stops to make and the animals often started to smell before they got back to Norfolk, where PETA has facilities for cremating animals". Lemme get this straight - not only does PETA think killing these animals was "kind" - PETA has its own animal crematorium??? OK -so what animal organization has their own cremation ovens ........ ? Hey - wasn't PETA doing that Holocaust campaign comparing dead chickens to Holocaust victims? Maybe they wanted to get all the details juuuuuuuust right. Do you think maybe the PETA crematorium doubles as a tanning bed? Oooops! 'My Bad? (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/070124_pka_photo2.jpg) (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead14.jpg) It would seem PETA employees Adria Hinkle and Andrew Cook made an oooopsie. A big one. But they're not sorry for killing these animals. They're only sorry for dumping them in the dumpster! In PETAland - the only thing they're guilty of is using the wrong trash receptacle. Ooops - 'my bad? No Protest For Puppy Killers? (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/peta_protest.jpg) The PETA trial has commenced in North Carolina , but unlike other animal cruelty trials where PETA is involved - this one is missing something............. Oh! I know! (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/peta_protest.jpg) (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/peta_protest.jpg) Where are all the PETA protesters? You know - the ones that usually stand outside of courtrooms demanding justice for the innocent victims of animal cruelty? (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead20_2.jpg) What - no PETA protesters out front of the courthouse caged up and playing dead? Where are they? Are they all on vacation? Off on a

cruise? Busy fighting other (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead20_2.jpg) injustices elsewhere? Gas prices still too high to make the drive? Where are the PETA protesters for these puppykillers? Hey PETA - what's the matter - cat got your tongue? Unlicensed Angels Of Death There's one other little problem that I forgot to mention. It seems that the DEA has a a bit of an issue with PETA's Angels Of Death cruising around North Carolina dispensing kindness through a syringe full of sodium pentobarbitol. That's because sodium pentobarbitol is a controlled substance, like cocaine or morphine. And PETA skipped over those teensy details, like obtaining a federal license to dispense the stuff. So the question is - just how did Adria Hinkle and Andrew

Cook get their hands on such a controlled substance - AND - just what made them think is was OK to go cruising for looking for victims? Milking The Cash Cow The defendants Hinkle and Cook - and PETA - the world's largest and richest animal rights organization may get their asses royally whooped by the prosecutor and the press . And that may throw a hypothetical folding metal chair through the plate glass window of PETA's carefully crafted and highly polished brand image built on "kindness". But these Adria Hinkle and Andrew Cook will have some of the best defense lawyers that PETA (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/bessycc.jpg) money can buy. After all - in addition to mounting a defense for felony charges, PETA also needs to defend their reputation. Above

all else - they've gotta protect that revenue stream built on "kindness" - you'll forgive me - that cash cow, so PETA can keep on milking money out of people who really want to save animals. Stop Making Sense! (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/peta_elephant_protest.jpg) Like a giant purple sodium pentobarbitol haze -Does anything about PETA does make any sense? Nagging questions linger, like........... (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/peta_elephant_protest.jpg) Why is PETA - the organization that's out there demanding that we all stop killing animals, for food, for

clothing - out there actually killing animals? Why do _PETA people protest 19 dead circus elephants_ (http://en.epochtimes.com/news/5-3-26/27343.html) yet their (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/newkirk.gif) employees go out and kill 95 defensless, healthy and ADOPTABLE cats and dogs? Why does PETA insist that the kindest way to save the animals is to KILL the animals? From NoKillNow: "‘PETA believes euthanasia is the kindest gift to a dog or cat unwanted and unloved.’ _Ingrid Newkirk at a press conference following the arrest of two employees._ (http://www.nokillnow.com/PETAIngridNewkirkResign.htm)

Ingrid's Busy Schedule Why just look at Ingrid's Calendar - she certainly has her work cut out for her. All those cats and dogs and kittens and puppies out there in shelters are just waiting to be killed out of kindness! * MONDAY - Order Sodium Pentobarbitol and Syringes (get volume discount) * TUESDAY - Hire Mercy Killers (offer on-the-job training) * WEDNESDAY - Kindly Kill Helpless Shelter Animals (share the kindness!) * THURSDAY - Locate Dumspters & Dump the Dead (saves precious fuel for the ovens back at PETA headquarters) * FRIDAY - Repeat Kindness! (Note! Keep the legal team on standby)With such a busy schedule, poor Ingrid must be simply exhausted! I'm The Decider (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/im_the_decider.jpg) Move over

George Bush - Ingrid's just declared that she's the real "The Decider"! (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/im_the_decider.jpg) (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/im_the_decider.jpg) Ingrid's decided that if any killing of any animals was to be done - only PETA people could kill animals - because the kind of killing that PETA does is done out out kindness. And Ingrid's decided that it's not OK to eat pork chops or fried chicken (killing animals), or wear leather sandals or Prada (killing animals) or eat Ben & Jerry's ice cream or put honey in your tea or wear silk or wool (exploiting (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/ingridnewkirk.jpg) animals) - and that instead - everyone should give PETA money to stop that cruelty (snicker, snicker) - so they can kill animals. Apparently PETA has decided that they have been endowed by a higher authority. And if anyone is gonna exploit animals and profit from that - it will be PETA. Is everyone clear on that? PETA - Death To All PitBulls PETA's Angel Of Death routine may shock the uninformed, but there are those on the front lines of saving dogs that already have PETA's number - I'm talking about pitbull owners. That's because if you own a pitbull (like me) , love a pitbull (like me), or rescue or rescued a pitbull (like me), you already know PETA's official stance on pitbulls - which is, according to

fearless leader Ingrid Newkirk - that pitbulls are better off dead. What's that? You DIDN'T already know PETA's position on pitbulls? Then let me enlighten you - my pitbull loving friends - and share with you Ingrid Newkirk's "kind words" about pitbulls............... "Those who argue against a breeding ban and the shelter euthanasia policy for pit bulls are naive", and "People who genuinely care about dogs won't be affected by a ban on pit- bull breeding. They can go to the shelter and save one of the countless other breeds and lovable mutts sitting on death row". _Ingrid Newkirk, in the San Francisco Chronicle in June 8, 2005._ (http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2005/06/08/EDGDLD4G1S1.DTL) Let there be no doubt that PETA not only fully supports euthanizing pitbulls in shelters,

but also supports completely wiping the breed from the face of the earth through a breeding ban, breed bans, and breed-specific mandatory spay neuter laws. It's called breed extermination. And that, Ingrid, makes it personal. Real personal. Animal Rights Vs. Human Rights According to Ingrid Newkirk, “There’s no rational basis for saying that a human being has special rights. A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. They’re all animals.†(http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/enthanasiepropaganda.jpg) QUESTION: if we are indeed all animals, and as PETA sees it - humans and animals are endowed with the same legal rights and status, what does PETA's killing agenda then bode for humans? (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/enthanasiepropaganda.jpg)Let's extrapolate that out, shall we? (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/enthanasiepropaganda.jpg) (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/enthanasiepropaganda.jpg) If homeless shelter animals are better off dead, would PETA then advocate for the ethanization (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/enthanasiepropaganda.jpg) of homeless people? If those same homeless animals are to be euthanized because they may not be adopted, would PETA then advocate for the euthanization of children in foster care? And if those homelss shelter animals less likely to be adopted because they were sick, or abused or elderly, would PETA also advocate for the euthanization of the elderly in nursing homes? Or the sick or infirm in hospitals? QUESTION: Is euthanasia the "kindest gift" for those who are alone, unwanted, unloved, whether human or not??? According to PETA - the answer is yes. Gee, Ingrid, that sorta sounds eerily familiar - I dunno - maybe like the _Nazi euthanization_ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-4_Euthanasia_Program) program of 1939? Better Off Dead As an organization, PETA is better off dead. So sick, so twisted, that the only kind thing for PETA at this point would be a quick, painless death. You can help PETA shorten their stay on the planet, and kindly help them gasp their last breaths by giving your money, your time, and your support to your LOCAL shelter, and those organizations involved in legimate animal rescue efforts. Then demand that celebrities like Pamela Anderson and Alex Baldwin stop raising money for hypocritical puppykillers like Ingrid Newkirk. Repeat after me - Friends don't let friends donate to PETA. I'll close my eyes and say a prayer for the helpless, innocent animals that PETA killed so mercilessly - without even trying to find homes for them. And here's my prayer for the Adria,

Andrew and Ingrid and the rest of the PETA crew......... Even though you walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, may Goodness and Mercy follow you all the days of your lives - and may they be armed with a syringe filled with Sodium Pentobarbitol.Amen. _Technorati Tags_ (http://www.technorati.com/search/http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html) : _anti-cruelty_ (http://technorati.com/tag/anti-cruelty) , _anti-fur_ (http://technorati.com/tag/anti-fur) , _dangerous dogs_ (http://technorati.com/tag/dangerous+dogs) , _dog_ (http://technorati.com/tag/dog) , _dog politics_ (http://technorati.com/tag/dog+politics) , _goveg.com_ (http://technorati.com/tag/goveg.com) , _ingrid newkirk_ (http://technorati.com/tag/ingrid+newkirk) , _kindness_ (http://technorati.com/tag/kindness) , _peta_ (http://technorati.com/tag/peta) , _petakillsanimals.com_ (http://technorati.com/tag/petakillsanimals.com) , _piggly wiggly_ (http://technorati.com/tag/piggly+wiggly) , _pit bull_ (http://technorati.com/tag/pit+bull) , _pitbull_ (http://technorati.com/tag/pitbull) , _vegetarian_ (http://technorati.com/tag/vegetarian) Posted on January 28, 2007 | _Permalink_ (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html) CommentsPeta is a sick group who's main goal is to eradicate every animal, breed by breed. They are pushing laws that have caused thousands of Pitbull's and Rotties to die for no just cause. Peta has caused a nationwide fear of the breed.All part of the grand plan.It is time to vote out all legislators than vote to ban any canine or remove our right to own and breed animals. Get Peta backers out of

office.The people that ordered Hinkle to kill and dump animals needs to be on trial with her. Conspiracy to commit a crime. They should all be facing charges.Posted by: _jj_ (bigharrydeal2005 ) | _January 28, 2007 at 04:42 PM_ (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html#comment-28371484) oy...but who could be surprised? you could say the of Newkirk's acolytes that they are "sheep following the sheep" but only humans are so mindlessly cruel if anything postive comes out of this it will be the exposure of PETA for the monsters they are. it's extremists like this that make it impossible to advance beyond the "animals are property; our only responsibility is minimal humane treatment" mode

we're stuck on. are there any animal rightists who aren't blatent hypocrites?Posted by: _pitbullEmily_ (http://www.typepad.com/t/comments?__mode=red & id=28371270) | _January 28, 2007 at 04:35 PM_ (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html#comment-28371270) I dont know what to say to this other than " Live an let Die "doesnt mean to " Live an KILL "screw PeTA I may not be a proud pitbull owner however i'm a proud Dogo Argentino that IS classified as a pit I dont know how you may have been brought up in this world however my mother always told me to " NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER "why am i saying this? people get scared as soon as they see the size of a dog

regardless what breedPosted by: _Tank_ (http://www.typepad.com/t/comments?__mode=red & id=28369920) | _January 28, 2007 at 03:49 PM_ (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html#comment-28369920) not tryint to make waves, but when did PETA ever call itself a 'rescue' ? Posted by: _Kathryn Smith_ (landsharkinnc (AT) suddenlink (DOT) net) | _January 28, 2007 at 02:55 PM_ (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html#comment-28368420) Thank you! If a rat is a chicken is

a fish is a child. . .I understand that everyone left homeless in this country--Hello? Katrina?--is "better off dead". Think about it. How sick can you get? Sign me. . .one more outraged pit bull ownerPosted by: _Mahlon Goer_ (goerm) | _January 28, 2007 at 01:39 PM_ (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html#comment-28366346) _http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html_ (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html) [Non-text portions of this message

have been removed] Don't get soaked. Take a quick peak at the forecast with the Search weather shortcut. Now that's room service! Choose from over 150,00 Looking for earth-friendly autos? Browse Top Cars by "Green Rating" at Autos' Green Center.

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Yiikes! i have heard about PETA doing this from a friend. wow....I

am stunned. Is this being covered on CNN, FoxNews, etc? Just

wondering. I am overseas so limited to news coverage of a lot of


So does anyone know what the ASPCA or HSUS have to say or are they

saying anything?

That's a shame what PETA has done. Man, so crazy!

PETA is violating its own motto or beliefs that all animal life is

precious. What a let down.




, Joanie Stambaugh

<the_hardluck_hounds wrote:


> Permission to CROSS POST!! This are some very good reasons for

NOT supporting PETA!! Read and judge for yourself, these documents

do not lie!!!


> DeafdogsX2

> Sun, 28 Jan 2007 17:32:09 EST

> [animals-in-need] PETA On Shelter Dogs









> January 28, 2007



> Better Off Dead - PETA On Shelter Dogs



> Better Off Dead!







zed/furisdeadpetabutton.jpg) Fur is dead?

> You got that right, are so are at least 96 healthy cats and dogs.

How come?

> Because PETA made damn sure of it.







> (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos

> /uncategorized/pkadead20_1.jpg) PETA crusaders Adria Hinkle and

Andrew Cook scoured Hertford

> County,



zed/070123_pka_photo1_000.jpg) NC looking to save helpless and

homeless shelter

> dogs and cats from a fate worse than death.







zed/070123_pka_photo1_000.jpg) They were armed with a twisted sense

of morality and a

> belly full of kindness - not to



zed/pkadead17.jpg) mention a _tackle box full of _

> (http://www.petakillsanimals.com/index.cfm)



zed/pkadead17_2.jpg) _syringes_

> (http://www.petakillsanimals.com/index.cfm) loaded with sodium





> )

> And save these helpless and the homeless little dogs and cats




> they did. And to save them, these



zed/pkadead18.jpg) PETA employees did the kindest




zed/pkadead19.jpg) thing they could do.......




> They killed them.

> Killing Them Softly

> Two mercy-killing Angels Of Death - aka PETA employees - are on

trial this

> week in North Carolina for killing innocent animals and then


> dumping their little dead



zed/pigglywigglyselfservicelogo.jpg) bodies - with their

> pink little tongues sticking out - in black trash bags in a

shopping center

> dumpster down in Ashokie, NC.




zed/pigglywigglyselfservicelogo.jpg) But not just any shopping

center dumpster -

> they pick the _Piggly Wiggly_ (http://www.pigglywiggly.com/cgi-


> shopping center. Talk about irony - or is that that PETA has a

wacky sense of

> humor?

> What's even more ironic is the fact that PETA readily admits



> They killed those helpless, healthy, and perfectly adoptable

animals - all 96

> of them in fact.







> That's not even being debated.











> if) If you'd like to read the day-by-day trial updates - you'll

want to pop

> on over to _PetaKillsAnimals.com_

(http://www.petakillsanimals.com/) for the

> latest coverage and and a tom more photos (photos here are from


> PetaKillsAnimals.com site).

> Then make sure that you stop on over to _NoKillNow.com_

> (http://www.nokillnow.com/) for an in-depth look at PETA's killing

policies (they're calling for

> Ingrid Newkirk's resignation) and what you can do to save more


> Killing Them Kindly




zed/petakillsanimals_250x250.gif) PETA's defense is that it was

the " kindest thing

> to do " . Phil Hirschop, a PETA attorney, told the _News & Observer_

> (http://www.newsobserver.com/102/story/534959.html) ,

> " the only crime Hinkle and Cook committed was throwing the animals

in a

> trash bin, an act for which PETA President Ingrid Newkirk has

apologized and

> offered to pay.




> Hirschkop said the pair dumped the animals because they had other

stops to

> make and the animals often started to smell before they got back

to Norfolk,

> where PETA has facilities for cremating animals " .

> Lemme get this straight - not only does PETA think killing these

animals was

> " kind " - PETA has its own animal crematorium???

> OK -so what animal organization has their own cremation

ovens ........ ? Hey

> - wasn't PETA doing that Holocaust campaign comparing dead

chickens to

> Holocaust victims?

> Maybe they wanted to get all the details juuuuuuuust right. Do you


> maybe the PETA crematorium doubles as a tanning bed?

> Oooops! 'My Bad?







zed/pkadead14.jpg) It would seem PETA employees Adria Hinkle and

> Andrew Cook made an oooopsie. A big one.

> But they're not sorry for killing these animals. They're only

sorry for

> dumping them in the dumpster!

> In PETAland - the only thing they're guilty of is using the wrong


> receptacle. Ooops - 'my bad?

> No Protest For Puppy Killers?




zed/peta_protest.jpg) The PETA trial has commenced in North

Carolina , but unlike

> other animal cruelty trials where PETA is involved - this one is


> something............. Oh! I know!







> Where are all the PETA protesters? You know - the ones that

usually stand

> outside of courtrooms demanding justice for the innocent victims

of animal

> cruelty?




> What - no PETA protesters out front of the courthouse caged up and


> dead? Where are they? Are they all on vacation? Off on a cruise?


> fighting other



zed/pkadead20_2.jpg) injustices elsewhere? Gas prices still too high

to make

> the drive?

> Where are the PETA protesters for these puppykillers? Hey PETA -

what's the

> matter - cat got your tongue?

> Unlicensed Angels Of Death

> There's one other little problem that I forgot to mention.

> It seems that the DEA has a a bit of an issue with PETA's Angels

Of Death

> cruising around North Carolina dispensing kindness through a

syringe full of

> sodium pentobarbitol.

> That's because sodium pentobarbitol is a controlled substance,

like cocaine

> or morphine. And PETA skipped over those teensy details, like

obtaining a

> federal license to dispense the stuff.

> So the question is - just how did Adria Hinkle and Andrew Cook get


> hands on such a controlled substance - AND - just what made them

think is was OK

> to go cruising for looking for victims?

> Milking The Cash Cow

> The defendants Hinkle and Cook - and PETA - the world's largest

and richest

> animal rights organization may get their asses royally whooped by


> prosecutor and the press .

> And that may throw a hypothetical folding metal chair through the

plate glass

> window of PETA's carefully crafted and highly polished brand image

built on

> " kindness " .

> But these Adria Hinkle and Andrew Cook will have some of the best


> lawyers that PETA



zed/bessycc.jpg) money can buy.

> After all - in addition to mounting a defense for felony charges,

PETA also

> needs to defend their reputation.

> Above all else - they've gotta protect that revenue stream built


> " kindness " - you'll forgive me - that cash cow, so PETA can keep

on milking money out

> of people who really want to save animals.

> Stop Making Sense!




zed/peta_elephant_protest.jpg) Like a giant purple sodium

pentobarbitol haze -Does an

> ything about PETA does make any sense? Nagging questions linger,

> like...........




zed/peta_elephant_protest.jpg) Why is PETA - the organization that's

out there

> demanding that we all stop killing animals, for food, for

clothing - out there

> actually killing animals?

> Why do _PETA people protest 19 dead circus elephants_

> (http://en.epochtimes.com/news/5-3-26/27343.html) yet their



zed/newkirk.gif) employees go out and kill 95

> defensless, healthy and ADOPTABLE cats and dogs?

> Why does PETA insist that the kindest way to save the animals is

to KILL the

> animals?

> From NoKillNow:

> " ‘PETA believes euthanasia is the kindest gift to a dog or cat

unwanted and

> unloved.’

> _Ingrid Newkirk at a press conference following the arrest of two

> employees._ (http://www.nokillnow.com/PETAIngridNewkirkResign.htm)

> Ingrid's Busy Schedule

> Why just look at Ingrid's Calendar - she certainly has her work

cut out for

> her. All those cats and dogs and kittens and puppies out there in


> are just waiting to be killed out of kindness!

> * MONDAY - Order Sodium Pentobarbitol and Syringes (get volume

> discount)

> * TUESDAY - Hire Mercy Killers (offer on-the-job training)

> * WEDNESDAY - Kindly Kill Helpless Shelter Animals (share the

> kindness!)

> * THURSDAY - Locate Dumspters & Dump the Dead (saves precious fuel

> for the ovens back at PETA headquarters)

> * FRIDAY - Repeat Kindness! (Note! Keep the legal team on standby)

> With such a busy schedule, poor Ingrid must be simply exhausted!

> I'm The Decider




zed/im_the_decider.jpg) Move over George Bush - Ingrid's just

declared that she's

> the real " The Decider " !







zed/im_the_decider.jpg) Ingrid's decided that if any killing of any

> animals was to be done - only PETA people could kill animals -

because the

> kind of killing that PETA does is done out out kindness.

> And Ingrid's decided that it's not OK to eat pork chops or fried


> (killing animals), or wear leather sandals or Prada (killing

animals) or eat

> Ben & Jerry's ice cream or put honey in your tea or wear silk or


> (exploiting



zed/ingridnewkirk.jpg) animals) - and that instead - everyone should

give PETA

> money to stop that cruelty (snicker, snicker) - so they can kill


> Apparently PETA has decided that they have been endowed by a


> authority. And if anyone is gonna exploit animals and profit from

that - it will be

> PETA. Is everyone clear on that?

> PETA - Death To All PitBulls

> PETA's Angel Of Death routine may shock the uninformed, but there

are those

> on the front lines of saving dogs that already have PETA's number -


> talking about pitbull owners.

> That's because if you own a pitbull (like me) , love a pitbull

(like me),

> or rescue or rescued a pitbull (like me), you already know PETA's


> stance on pitbulls - which is, according to fearless leader Ingrid

Newkirk -

> that pitbulls are better off dead.

> What's that? You DIDN'T already know PETA's position on pitbulls?

Then let

> me enlighten you - my pitbull loving friends - and share with you


> Newkirk's " kind words " about pitbulls...............

> " Those who argue against a breeding ban and the shelter euthanasia


> for pit bulls are naive " , and

> " People who genuinely care about dogs won't be affected by a ban

on pit-

> bull breeding. They can go to the shelter and save one of the

countless other

> breeds and lovable mutts sitting on death row " .

> _Ingrid Newkirk, in the San Francisco Chronicle in June 8, 2005._

> (http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?


> Let there be no doubt that PETA not only fully supports

euthanizing pitbulls

> in shelters, but also supports completely wiping the breed from

the face of

> the earth through a breeding ban, breed bans, and breed-specific


> spay neuter laws. It's called breed extermination.

> And that, Ingrid, makes it personal. Real personal.

> Animal Rights Vs. Human Rights

> According to Ingrid Newkirk, “There’s no rational basis for

saying that a

> human being has special rights. A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy.

They’re all

> animals.â€




zed/enthanasiepropaganda.jpg) QUESTION: if we are indeed all

animals, and as PETA

> sees it - humans and animals are endowed with the same legal

rights and status,

> what does PETA's killing agenda then bode for humans?




> Let's extrapolate that out, shall we?







zed/enthanasiepropaganda.jpg) If homeless shelter animals are

> better off dead, would PETA then advocate for the ethanization




> .jpg) of homeless people?

> If those same homeless animals are to be euthanized because they

may not be

> adopted, would PETA then advocate for the euthanization of

children in foster

> care?

> And if those homelss shelter animals less likely to be adopted

because they

> were sick, or abused or elderly, would PETA also advocate for the

> euthanization of the elderly in nursing homes? Or the sick or

infirm in hospitals?

> QUESTION: Is euthanasia the " kindest gift " for those who are


> unwanted, unloved, whether human or not??? According to PETA - the

answer is yes.

> Gee, Ingrid, that sorta sounds eerily familiar - I dunno - maybe

like the

> _Nazi euthanization_ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-


> program of 1939?

> Better Off Dead

> As an organization, PETA is better off dead. So sick, so twisted,

that the

> only kind thing for PETA at this point would be a quick, painless


> You can help PETA shorten their stay on the planet, and kindly

help them

> gasp their last breaths by giving your money, your time, and your

support to

> your LOCAL shelter, and those organizations involved in legimate

animal rescue

> efforts.

> Then demand that celebrities like Pamela Anderson and Alex Baldwin


> raising money for hypocritical puppykillers like Ingrid Newkirk.

> Repeat after me - Friends don't let friends donate to PETA.

> I'll close my eyes and say a prayer for the helpless, innocent

animals that

> PETA killed so mercilessly - without even trying to find homes for


> And here's my prayer for the Adria, Andrew and Ingrid and the rest

of the

> PETA crew.........

> Even though you walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death,

may Goodness

> and Mercy follow you all the days of your lives - and may they be

armed with

> a syringe filled with Sodium Pentobarbitol.

> Amen.


> _Technorati Tags_



eblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html) : _anti-cruelty_

> (http://technorati.com/tag/anti-cruelty) , _anti-fur_

(http://technorati.com/tag/anti-fur) ,

> _dangerous dogs_ (http://technorati.com/tag/dangerous+dogs) ,


> (http://technorati.com/tag/dog) , _dog politics_

> (http://technorati.com/tag/dog+politics) , _goveg.com_

(http://technorati.com/tag/goveg.com) , _ingrid newkirk_

> (http://technorati.com/tag/ingrid+newkirk) , _kindness_

> (http://technorati.com/tag/kindness) , _peta_

(http://technorati.com/tag/peta) ,

> _petakillsanimals.com_

(http://technorati.com/tag/petakillsanimals.com) , _piggly wiggly_

> (http://technorati.com/tag/piggly+wiggly) , _pit bull_

> (http://technorati.com/tag/pit+bull) , _pitbull_

(http://technorati.com/tag/pitbull) , _vegetarian_

> (http://technorati.com/tag/vegetarian)

> Posted on January 28, 2007 | _Permalink_





> Comments




> Peta is a sick group who's main goal is to eradicate every animal,

breed by

> breed. They are pushing laws that have caused thousands of

Pitbull's and

> Rotties to die for no just cause. Peta has caused a nationwide

fear of the

> breed.All part of the grand plan.

> It is time to vote out all legislators than vote to ban any canine

or remove

> our right to own and breed animals. Get Peta backers out of office.

> The people that ordered Hinkle to kill and dump animals needs to

be on trial

> with her. Conspiracy to commit a crime. They should all be facing


> Posted by: _jj_ (bigharrydeal2005) | _January 28, 2007


> 04:42 PM_






> oy...

> but who could be surprised?

> you could say the of Newkirk's acolytes that they are " sheep

following the

> sheep " but only humans are so mindlessly cruel

> if anything postive comes out of this it will be the exposure of

PETA for the

> monsters they are.

> it's extremists like this that make it impossible to advance

beyond the

> " animals are property; our only responsibility is minimal humane

treatment " mode

> we're stuck on.

> are there any animal rightists who aren't blatent hypocrites?

> Posted by: _pitbullEmily_

> (http://www.typepad.com/t/comments?__mode=red & id=28371270) |

_January 28, 2007 at 04:35 PM_






> I dont know what to say to this other than " Live an let Die "

> doesnt mean to " Live an KILL "

> screw PeTA I may not be a proud pitbull owner however i'm a proud


> Argentino that IS classified as a pit

> I dont know how you may have been brought up in this world however

my mother

> always told me to " NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER "

> why am i saying this? people get scared as soon as they see the

size of a

> dog regardless what breed

> Posted by: _Tank_ (http://www.typepad.com/t/comments?

__mode=red & id=28369920)

> | _January 28, 2007 at 03:49 PM_






> not tryint to make waves, but when did PETA ever call itself

a 'rescue' ?

> Posted by: _Kathryn Smith_ (landsharkinnc) | _January

> 28, 2007 at 02:55 PM_






> Thank you!

> If a rat is a chicken is a fish is a child. . .I understand that


> left homeless in this country--Hello? Katrina?--is " better off

dead " .

> Think about it.

> How sick can you get?

> Sign me. . .

> one more outraged pit bull owner

> Posted by: _Mahlon Goer_ (goerm) | _January 28, 2007 at

> 01:39 PM_












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The original story was broken open by the national news stations like CNN and FOX. Everyone knows that PETA is doing this and that it does violate their premise. I find that many are finally figuring out that PETA is in this for the money and the glory and not the animals they claim to help. What a shame that so many animals have to die because they do not do what they initially set out to do. Yes, they may be doing a service to those dogs and cats who would die in the gas chambers and by heartstick, but what about those who are highly adoptable and PETA just kills them too? I think PETA should be more concerned with education and altering existing pets instead of killing those they can not make money off of, which is what they seem to be doing these days. I have contacted PETA several times about

things and NEVER heard from them. Why? There was no glory in what I was doing and there was no money to be made. HSUS was just the oppposite. They assisted us when we requested it. I was pleased with the response I got from HSUS. I think if PETA were to lose their tax exempt status and not get all those huge donations, they would go back to working FOR the animals instead of taking this easy way out as they have chosen to do. Joanie mori3cats <mori3cats wrote: Yiikes! i have heard about PETA doing this from a friend. wow....I am stunned. Is this being covered on CNN, FoxNews, etc? Just wondering. I am overseas so limited to news coverage of a lot of things. So does anyone know what the ASPCA or HSUS have to say or are they saying anything? That's a shame what PETA has done. Man, so crazy!PETA is violating its own motto or beliefs that all animal life is precious. What a let down. , Joanie Stambaugh <the_hardluck_hounds wrote:>> Permission to CROSS POST!! This are some very good reasons for NOT supporting

PETA!! Read and judge for yourself, these documents do not lie!!!> > DeafdogsX2 > Sun, 28 Jan 2007 17:32:09 EST> [animals-in-need] PETA On Shelter Dogs> > _http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html_ > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html) > > January 28, 2007> > > Better Off Dead - PETA On Shelter Dogs> > > Better Off Dead! > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/furisdeadpetabutton_1.jpg) > > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/furisdeadpetabutton.jpg) Fur is dead? > You got that right, are so are at least 96 healthy cats and dogs. How come? > Because PETA made damn sure of it. > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead17.jpg) > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead20.jpg) > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos> /uncategorized/pkadead20_1.jpg) PETA crusaders Adria Hinkle and Andrew Cook scoured Hertford > County, > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/070123_pka_photo1_000.jpg) NC looking to save helpless and homeless shelter > dogs and cats from a fate worse than death. > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead17_2.jpg) > > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/070123_pka_photo1_000.jpg) They were armed with a twisted sense of morality and a > belly full of kindness - not to > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead17.jpg) mention a _tackle box full of _ > (http://www.petakillsanimals.com/index.cfm) > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead17_2.jpg) _syringes_ > (http://www.petakillsanimals.com/index.cfm) loaded with sodium pentobarbitol. > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead17_2.jpg> ) > And save these helpless and the homeless little dogs and cats > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead17_2.jpg) > they did. And to save them, these > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead18.jpg) PETA employees did the kindest > > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead19.jpg) thing they could do....... > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead13.jpg) > They killed them. > Killing Them Softly > Two mercy-killing Angels Of Death - aka PETA employees - are on trial this > week in North Carolina for killing innocent animals and then unceremoniously > dumping their little dead > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pigglywigglyselfservicelogo.jpg) bodies - with their > pink little tongues sticking out - in black trash bags in a shopping center > dumpster down in Ashokie, NC. > > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pigglywigglyselfservicelogo.jpg) But not just any shopping center dumpster - > they pick the _Piggly Wiggly_ (http://www.pigglywiggly.com/cgi-bin/home) > shopping center. Talk about irony - or is that that PETA has a wacky sense of > humor? > What's even more ironic is the fact that PETA readily admits

that....... > > They killed those helpless, healthy, and perfectly adoptable animals - all 96 > of them in fact. > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/petakillsanimals_250x250_1.gif) > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/petakillsanimals_250x250_2.gif) > That's not even being debated. > > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/petakillsanimals_250x250.gif) > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/petakillsanimals_250x250_2.gif) > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/petakillsanimals_250x250_2.g> if) If you'd like to read the day-by-day trial updates - you'll want to pop > on over to _PetaKillsAnimals.com_ (http://www.petakillsanimals.com/) for the > latest coverage and and a tom more photos (photos here are from the > PetaKillsAnimals.com site). > Then make sure that you stop on over to _NoKillNow.com_ > (http://www.nokillnow.com/) for an in-depth look at

PETA's killing policies (they're calling for > Ingrid Newkirk's resignation) and what you can do to save more dogs. > Killing Them Kindly > > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/petakillsanimals_250x250.gif) PETA's defense is that it was the "kindest thing > to do". Phil Hirschop, a PETA attorney, told the _News & Observer_ > (http://www.newsobserver.com/102/story/534959.html) , > "the only crime Hinkle and Cook committed was throwing the animals in a > trash bin, an act for which PETA President Ingrid Newkirk has apologized and > offered to pay. > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/crematorium.jpg) > Hirschkop said the pair dumped the animals because they had other stops to > make and the animals often started to smell before they got back to Norfolk, > where PETA has facilities for cremating animals". > Lemme get this straight - not only does PETA think killing these animals was > "kind" - PETA has its own animal crematorium??? > OK -so what animal organization has their own cremation ovens ........ ? Hey > - wasn't PETA doing that Holocaust campaign comparing dead chickens to > Holocaust victims? > Maybe they wanted to get all the details juuuuuuuust right. Do you think > maybe the PETA crematorium doubles as a tanning bed? > Oooops! 'My Bad? > >

(http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/070124_pka_photo2.jpg) > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead14.jpg) It would seem PETA employees Adria Hinkle and > Andrew Cook made an oooopsie. A big one. > But they're not sorry for killing these animals. They're only sorry for > dumping them in the dumpster! > In PETAland - the only thing they're guilty of is using the wrong trash > receptacle. Ooops - 'my bad? > No Protest For Puppy Killers? > > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/peta_protest.jpg) The PETA trial has commenced in North Carolina , but unlike > other animal cruelty trials where PETA is involved - this one is missing > something............. Oh! I know! > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/peta_protest.jpg) > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/peta_protest.jpg) > Where are all the PETA protesters? You know - the ones that usually stand > outside of courtrooms demanding justice for the innocent

victims of animal > cruelty? > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead20_2.jpg) > What - no PETA protesters out front of the courthouse caged up and playing > dead? Where are they? Are they all on vacation? Off on a cruise? Busy > fighting other > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead20_2.jpg) injustices elsewhere? Gas prices still too high to make > the drive? > Where are the PETA protesters for these puppykillers? Hey PETA - what's the > matter - cat got your tongue? > Unlicensed Angels Of Death > There's one other little problem that I forgot to mention. >

It seems that the DEA has a a bit of an issue with PETA's Angels Of Death > cruising around North Carolina dispensing kindness through a syringe full of > sodium pentobarbitol. > That's because sodium pentobarbitol is a controlled substance, like cocaine > or morphine. And PETA skipped over those teensy details, like obtaining a > federal license to dispense the stuff. > So the question is - just how did Adria Hinkle and Andrew Cook get their > hands on such a controlled substance - AND - just what made them think is was OK > to go cruising for looking for victims? > Milking The Cash Cow > The defendants Hinkle and Cook - and PETA - the world's largest and richest > animal rights organization may get their asses royally whooped by the > prosecutor and the press . > And that may throw a hypothetical folding metal chair through the plate glass

> window of PETA's carefully crafted and highly polished brand image built on > "kindness". > But these Adria Hinkle and Andrew Cook will have some of the best defense > lawyers that PETA > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/bessycc.jpg) money can buy. > After all - in addition to mounting a defense for felony charges, PETA also > needs to defend their reputation. > Above all else - they've gotta protect that revenue stream built on > "kindness" - you'll forgive me - that cash cow, so PETA can keep on milking money out > of people who really want to save animals. > Stop Making Sense! > > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/peta_elephant_protest.jpg) Like a giant purple sodium pentobarbitol haze -Does an> ything about PETA does make any sense? Nagging questions linger, > like........... > > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/peta_elephant_protest.jpg) Why is PETA - the organization that's out there > demanding that we all stop killing animals, for food, for clothing - out there > actually killing animals? > Why do _PETA people protest 19 dead circus elephants_ > (http://en.epochtimes.com/news/5-3-26/27343.html) yet

their > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/newkirk.gif) employees go out and kill 95 > defensless, healthy and ADOPTABLE cats and dogs? > Why does PETA insist that the kindest way to save the animals is to KILL the > animals? > From NoKillNow: > "‘PETA believes euthanasia is the kindest gift to a dog or cat unwanted and > unloved.’ > _Ingrid Newkirk at a press conference following the arrest of two > employees._ (http://www.nokillnow.com/PETAIngridNewkirkResign.htm) > Ingrid's Busy Schedule > Why just look at Ingrid's Calendar - she certainly has her work cut out for > her. All those cats and dogs and kittens and puppies out there in

shelters > are just waiting to be killed out of kindness! > * MONDAY - Order Sodium Pentobarbitol and Syringes (get volume > discount) > * TUESDAY - Hire Mercy Killers (offer on-the-job training) > * WEDNESDAY - Kindly Kill Helpless Shelter Animals (share the > kindness!) > * THURSDAY - Locate Dumspters & Dump the Dead (saves precious fuel > for the ovens back at PETA headquarters) > * FRIDAY - Repeat Kindness! (Note! Keep the legal team on standby)> With such a busy schedule, poor Ingrid must be simply exhausted! > I'm The Decider > > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/im_the_decider.jpg) Move over George Bush - Ingrid's just declared that she's > the real "The Decider"! > > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/im_the_decider.jpg) > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/im_the_decider.jpg) Ingrid's decided that if any killing of any > animals was to be done - only PETA people could kill animals - because the > kind of killing that PETA does is done out out kindness. > And Ingrid's decided that it's not OK to eat pork chops or fried chicken > (killing animals), or wear leather sandals or Prada (killing animals) or eat > Ben & Jerry's ice cream or put honey in your tea or wear silk or wool > (exploiting > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/ingridnewkirk.jpg) animals) - and that instead - everyone should give PETA > money to stop that cruelty (snicker, snicker) - so they can kill animals. > Apparently PETA has decided that they have been endowed by a higher > authority. And if anyone is gonna exploit animals and profit from that - it will be > PETA. Is everyone clear on that? > PETA - Death To All PitBulls > PETA's Angel Of Death routine may shock the uninformed, but there are those > on the front lines of saving dogs that already have PETA's number -I'm > talking about pitbull owners. > That's because if you own a pitbull (like me) , love a pitbull (like me), > or rescue or rescued a pitbull (like me), you already know PETA's

official > stance on pitbulls - which is, according to fearless leader Ingrid Newkirk - > that pitbulls are better off dead. > What's that? You DIDN'T already know PETA's position on pitbulls? Then let > me enlighten you - my pitbull loving friends - and share with you Ingrid > Newkirk's "kind words" about pitbulls............... > "Those who argue against a breeding ban and the shelter euthanasia policy > for pit bulls are naive", and > "People who genuinely care about dogs won't be affected by a ban on pit- > bull breeding. They can go to the shelter and save one of the countless other > breeds and lovable mutts sitting on death row". > _Ingrid Newkirk, in the San Francisco Chronicle in June 8, 2005._ > (http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2005/06/08/EDGDLD4G1S1.DTL) > Let there be no doubt that PETA not only fully supports euthanizing pitbulls > in shelters, but also supports completely wiping the breed from the face of > the earth through a breeding ban, breed bans, and breed-specific mandatory > spay neuter laws. It's called breed extermination. > And that, Ingrid, makes it personal. Real personal. > Animal Rights Vs. Human Rights > According to Ingrid Newkirk, “There’s no rational basis for saying that a > human being has special rights. A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. They’re all > animals.†> > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/enthanasiepropaganda.jpg) QUESTION: if we are indeed all animals, and as PETA > sees it - humans and animals are endowed with the same legal rights and status, > what does PETA's killing agenda then bode for humans? > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/enthanasiepropaganda.jpg)> Let's extrapolate that out, shall we? > > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/enthanasiepropaganda.jpg) > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/enthanasiepropaganda.jpg) If homeless shelter animals are > better off dead, would PETA then advocate for the ethanization > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/enthanasiepropaganda> .jpg) of homeless people? > If those same homeless animals are to be euthanized because they may not be > adopted, would PETA then advocate for the euthanization of children in foster > care? > And if those homelss shelter animals less likely to be adopted because they > were sick, or abused or elderly, would PETA also advocate for the > euthanization of the elderly in nursing homes? Or the

sick or infirm in hospitals? > QUESTION: Is euthanasia the "kindest gift" for those who are alone, > unwanted, unloved, whether human or not??? According to PETA - the answer is yes. > Gee, Ingrid, that sorta sounds eerily familiar - I dunno - maybe like the > _Nazi euthanization_ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-4_Euthanasia_Program) > program of 1939? > Better Off Dead > As an organization, PETA is better off dead. So sick, so twisted, that the > only kind thing for PETA at this point would be a quick, painless death. > You can help PETA shorten their stay on the planet, and kindly help them > gasp their last breaths by giving your money, your time, and your support to > your LOCAL shelter, and those organizations involved in legimate animal rescue > efforts. > Then demand that

celebrities like Pamela Anderson and Alex Baldwin stop > raising money for hypocritical puppykillers like Ingrid Newkirk. > Repeat after me - Friends don't let friends donate to PETA. > I'll close my eyes and say a prayer for the helpless, innocent animals that > PETA killed so mercilessly - without even trying to find homes for them. > And here's my prayer for the Adria, Andrew and Ingrid and the rest of the > PETA crew......... > Even though you walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, may Goodness > and Mercy follow you all the days of your lives - and may they be armed with > a syringe filled with Sodium Pentobarbitol.> Amen. > > _Technorati Tags_ > (http://www.technorati.com/search/http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html) : _anti-cruelty_ > (http://technorati.com/tag/anti-cruelty) , _anti-fur_ (http://technorati.com/tag/anti-fur) , > _dangerous dogs_ (http://technorati.com/tag/dangerous+dogs) , _dog_ > (http://technorati.com/tag/dog) , _dog politics_ > (http://technorati.com/tag/dog+politics) , _goveg.com_ (http://technorati.com/tag/goveg.com) , _ingrid newkirk_ > (http://technorati.com/tag/ingrid+newkirk) , _kindness_ > (http://technorati.com/tag/kindness) , _peta_ (http://technorati.com/tag/peta) , > _petakillsanimals.com_ (http://technorati.com/tag/petakillsanimals.com) , _piggly wiggly_ > (http://technorati.com/tag/piggly+wiggly) , _pit bull_ > (http://technorati.com/tag/pit+bull) , _pitbull_ (http://technorati.com/tag/pitbull) , _vegetarian_ > (http://technorati.com/tag/vegetarian) > Posted on January

28, 2007 | _Permalink_ > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html) > > Comments> > > > Peta is a sick group who's main goal is to eradicate every animal, breed by > breed. They are pushing laws that have caused thousands of Pitbull's and > Rotties to die for no just cause. Peta has caused a nationwide fear of the > breed.All part of the grand plan.> It is time to vote out all legislators than vote to ban any canine or remove > our right to own and breed animals. Get Peta backers out of office.> The people that ordered Hinkle to kill and dump animals needs to be on trial > with her. Conspiracy to commit a crime. They should all be facing charges.> Posted by: _jj_ (bigharrydeal2005) |

_January 28, 2007 at > 04:42 PM_ > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html#comment-28371484) > > > oy...> but who could be surprised? > you could say the of Newkirk's acolytes that they are "sheep following the > sheep" but only humans are so mindlessly cruel > if anything postive comes out of this it will be the exposure of PETA for the > monsters they are. > it's extremists like this that make it impossible to advance beyond the > "animals are property; our only responsibility is minimal humane treatment" mode > we're stuck on. > are there any animal rightists who aren't blatent hypocrites?> Posted by: _pitbullEmily_ > (http://www.typepad.com/t/comments?__mode=red & id=28371270) | _January 28, 2007 at 04:35 PM_ > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html#comment-28371270) > > > I dont know what to say to this other than " Live an let Die "> doesnt mean to " Live an KILL "> screw PeTA I may not be a proud pitbull owner however i'm a proud Dogo > Argentino that IS classified as a pit > I dont know how you may have been brought up in this world however my mother > always told me to " NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER "> why am i saying this? people get scared as soon as they see the size of a > dog regardless what breed> Posted by: _Tank_ (http://www.typepad.com/t/comments?__mode=red & id=28369920) > | _January 28, 2007 at 03:49 PM_ > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html#comment-28369920) > > > not tryint to make waves, but when did PETA ever call itself a 'rescue' ? > Posted by: _Kathryn Smith_ (landsharkinnc) | _January > 28, 2007 at 02:55 PM_ > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html#comment-28368420) > > > Thank you! > If a rat is a chicken is a fish is a child. . .I understand that everyone > left homeless in this country--Hello?

Katrina?--is "better off dead". > Think about it. > How sick can you get? > Sign me. . .> one more outraged pit bull owner> Posted by: _Mahlon Goer_ (goerm) | _January 28, 2007 at > 01:39 PM_ > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html#comment-28366346) > _http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html_ > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html) > >

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You know, I have to agree with you! PETA is really letting the animals down! I contacted them about what can be done here in Japan and I got a reply eventually. But what bothered me was that it was routine. I filled out a form and then got another e-mail in response to that asking me to be on the look out for any news papers that mention PETA in my area- stuff like that. I guess they would want me to share/send in the clippings? So very disappointed. What a let down and not just for people who want to help animals, BUT for the animals! Where does PETA get off doing this?! Killing adoptable animals?! Wow, isn't that what animal control does already? So guess Hollywood can continue to embrace PETA. Guess I need to stick with the HSUS. Just thought PETA could/would do more as they had more of a voice. It's a damn shame! Thanks for the

additional info! Will be sure to let my friends know! moriJoanie Stambaugh <the_hardluck_hounds wrote: The original story was broken open by the national news stations like CNN and FOX. Everyone knows that PETA is doing this and that it does violate their premise. I find that many are finally figuring out that PETA is in this for the money and the glory and not the animals they claim to help. What a shame that so many animals have to

die because they do not do what they initially set out to do. Yes, they may be doing a service to those dogs and cats who would die in the gas chambers and by heartstick, but what about those who are highly adoptable and PETA just kills them too? I think PETA should be more concerned with education and altering existing pets instead of killing those they can not make money off of, which is what they seem to be doing these days. I have contacted PETA several times about things and NEVER heard from them. Why? There was no glory in what I was doing and there was no money to be made. HSUS was just the oppposite. They assisted us when we requested it. I was pleased with the response I got from HSUS. I think if PETA were

to lose their tax exempt status and not get all those huge donations, they would go back to working FOR the animals instead of taking this easy way out as they have chosen to do. Joanie mori3cats <mori3cats > wrote: Yiikes! i have heard about PETA doing this from a friend. wow....I am stunned. Is this being covered on CNN, FoxNews, etc? Just wondering. I am overseas so limited to news coverage of a lot of things. So does anyone know what the ASPCA or HSUS have to say or are they saying anything? That's a shame what PETA has done. Man, so crazy!PETA is violating its own motto or beliefs that all animal life is precious. What a

let down. , Joanie Stambaugh <the_hardluck_hounds wrote:>> Permission to CROSS POST!! This are some very good reasons for NOT supporting PETA!! Read and judge for yourself, these documents do not lie!!!> > DeafdogsX2 > Sun, 28 Jan 2007 17:32:09 EST> [animals-in-need] PETA On Shelter Dogs> > _http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html_ > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html) > > January 28, 2007> > > Better Off Dead

- PETA On Shelter Dogs> > > Better Off Dead! > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/furisdeadpetabutton_1.jpg) > > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/furisdeadpetabutton.jpg) Fur is dead? > You got that right, are so are at least 96 healthy cats and dogs. How come? > Because PETA made damn sure of it. > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead17.jpg) > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead20.jpg) > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos> /uncategorized/pkadead20_1.jpg) PETA crusaders Adria Hinkle and Andrew Cook scoured Hertford > County, > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/070123_pka_photo1_000.jpg) NC looking to save helpless and homeless shelter > dogs and cats from a fate worse than death. > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead17_2.jpg) > > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/070123_pka_photo1_000.jpg) They were armed with a twisted sense of morality and a > belly full of kindness - not to > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead17.jpg) mention a _tackle box full of _ > (http://www.petakillsanimals.com/index.cfm) > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead17_2.jpg) _syringes_ > (http://www.petakillsanimals.com/index.cfm) loaded with sodium pentobarbitol. > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead17_2.jpg> ) > And save these helpless and the homeless little dogs and cats > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead17_2.jpg) > they did. And to save them, these > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead18.jpg) PETA employees did the kindest > > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead19.jpg) thing they could do....... > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead13.jpg) > They killed them. > Killing Them Softly > Two mercy-killing Angels Of Death - aka PETA employees - are on trial this > week in North Carolina for killing innocent animals and then unceremoniously > dumping their little dead > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pigglywigglyselfservicelogo.jpg) bodies - with their > pink little tongues sticking out - in black trash bags in a shopping center > dumpster down in Ashokie, NC. > > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pigglywigglyselfservicelogo.jpg) But not just any shopping center dumpster - > they pick the _Piggly Wiggly_ (http://www.pigglywiggly.com/cgi-bin/home) > shopping center. Talk about irony - or is that that PETA has a wacky sense of > humor? > What's even more ironic is the fact that PETA readily admits

that....... > > They killed those helpless, healthy, and perfectly adoptable animals - all 96 > of them in fact. > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/petakillsanimals_250x250_1.gif) > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/petakillsanimals_250x250_2.gif) > That's not even being debated. > > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/petakillsanimals_250x250.gif) > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/petakillsanimals_250x250_2.gif) > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/petakillsanimals_250x250_2.g> if) If you'd like to read the day-by-day trial updates - you'll want to pop > on over to _PetaKillsAnimals.com_ (http://www.petakillsanimals.com/) for the > latest coverage and and a tom more photos (photos here are from the > PetaKillsAnimals.com site). > Then make sure that you stop on over to _NoKillNow.com_ > (http://www.nokillnow.com/) for an in-depth look at

PETA's killing policies (they're calling for > Ingrid Newkirk's resignation) and what you can do to save more dogs. > Killing Them Kindly > > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/petakillsanimals_250x250.gif) PETA's defense is that it was the "kindest thing > to do". Phil Hirschop, a PETA attorney, told the _News & Observer_ > (http://www.newsobserver.com/102/story/534959.html) , > "the only crime Hinkle and Cook committed was throwing the animals in a > trash bin, an act for which PETA President Ingrid Newkirk has apologized and > offered to pay. > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/crematorium.jpg) > Hirschkop said the pair dumped the animals because they had other stops to > make and the animals often started to smell before they got back to Norfolk, > where PETA has facilities for cremating animals". > Lemme get this straight - not only does PETA think killing these animals was > "kind" - PETA has its own animal crematorium??? > OK -so what animal organization has their own cremation ovens ........ ? Hey > - wasn't PETA doing that Holocaust campaign comparing dead chickens to > Holocaust victims? > Maybe they wanted to get all the details juuuuuuuust right. Do you think > maybe the PETA crematorium doubles as a tanning bed? > Oooops! 'My Bad? > >

(http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/070124_pka_photo2.jpg) > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead14.jpg) It would seem PETA employees Adria Hinkle and > Andrew Cook made an oooopsie. A big one. > But they're not sorry for killing these animals. They're only sorry for > dumping them in the dumpster! > In PETAland - the only thing they're guilty of is using the wrong trash > receptacle. Ooops - 'my bad? > No Protest For Puppy Killers? > > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/peta_protest.jpg) The PETA trial has commenced in North Carolina , but unlike > other animal cruelty trials where PETA is involved - this one is missing > something............. Oh! I know! > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/peta_protest.jpg) > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/peta_protest.jpg) > Where are all the PETA protesters? You know - the ones that usually stand > outside of courtrooms demanding justice for the innocent

victims of animal > cruelty? > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead20_2.jpg) > What - no PETA protesters out front of the courthouse caged up and playing > dead? Where are they? Are they all on vacation? Off on a cruise? Busy > fighting other > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/pkadead20_2.jpg) injustices elsewhere? Gas prices still too high to make > the drive? > Where are the PETA protesters for these puppykillers? Hey PETA - what's the > matter - cat got your tongue? > Unlicensed Angels Of Death > There's one other little problem that I forgot to mention. >

It seems that the DEA has a a bit of an issue with PETA's Angels Of Death > cruising around North Carolina dispensing kindness through a syringe full of > sodium pentobarbitol. > That's because sodium pentobarbitol is a controlled substance, like cocaine > or morphine. And PETA skipped over those teensy details, like obtaining a > federal license to dispense the stuff. > So the question is - just how did Adria Hinkle and Andrew Cook get their > hands on such a controlled substance - AND - just what made them think is was OK > to go cruising for looking for victims? > Milking The Cash Cow > The defendants Hinkle and Cook - and PETA - the world's largest and richest > animal rights organization may get their asses royally whooped by the > prosecutor and the press . > And that may throw a hypothetical folding metal chair through the plate glass

> window of PETA's carefully crafted and highly polished brand image built on > "kindness". > But these Adria Hinkle and Andrew Cook will have some of the best defense > lawyers that PETA > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/bessycc.jpg) money can buy. > After all - in addition to mounting a defense for felony charges, PETA also > needs to defend their reputation. > Above all else - they've gotta protect that revenue stream built on > "kindness" - you'll forgive me - that cash cow, so PETA can keep on milking money out > of people who really want to save animals. > Stop Making Sense! > > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/peta_elephant_protest.jpg) Like a giant purple sodium pentobarbitol haze -Does an> ything about PETA does make any sense? Nagging questions linger, > like........... > > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/peta_elephant_protest.jpg) Why is PETA - the organization that's out there > demanding that we all stop killing animals, for food, for clothing - out there > actually killing animals? > Why do _PETA people protest 19 dead circus elephants_ > (http://en.epochtimes.com/news/5-3-26/27343.html) yet

their > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/newkirk.gif) employees go out and kill 95 > defensless, healthy and ADOPTABLE cats and dogs? > Why does PETA insist that the kindest way to save the animals is to KILL the > animals? > From NoKillNow: > "‘PETA believes euthanasia is the kindest gift to a dog or cat unwanted and > unloved.’ > _Ingrid Newkirk at a press conference following the arrest of two > employees._ (http://www.nokillnow.com/PETAIngridNewkirkResign.htm) > Ingrid's Busy Schedule > Why just look at Ingrid's Calendar - she certainly has her work cut out for > her. All those cats and dogs and kittens and puppies out there in

shelters > are just waiting to be killed out of kindness! > * MONDAY - Order Sodium Pentobarbitol and Syringes (get volume > discount) > * TUESDAY - Hire Mercy Killers (offer on-the-job training) > * WEDNESDAY - Kindly Kill Helpless Shelter Animals (share the > kindness!) > * THURSDAY - Locate Dumspters & Dump the Dead (saves precious fuel > for the ovens back at PETA headquarters) > * FRIDAY - Repeat Kindness! (Note! Keep the legal team on standby)> With such a busy schedule, poor Ingrid must be simply exhausted! > I'm The Decider > > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/im_the_decider.jpg) Move over George Bush - Ingrid's just declared that she's > the real "The Decider"! > > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/im_the_decider.jpg) > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/im_the_decider.jpg) Ingrid's decided that if any killing of any > animals was to be done - only PETA people could kill animals - because the > kind of killing that PETA does is done out out kindness. > And Ingrid's decided that it's not OK to eat pork chops or fried chicken > (killing animals), or wear leather sandals or Prada (killing animals) or eat > Ben & Jerry's ice cream or put honey in your tea or wear silk or wool > (exploiting > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/ingridnewkirk.jpg) animals) - and that instead - everyone should give PETA > money to stop that cruelty (snicker, snicker) - so they can kill animals. > Apparently PETA has decided that they have been endowed by a higher > authority. And if anyone is gonna exploit animals and profit from that - it will be > PETA. Is everyone clear on that? > PETA - Death To All PitBulls > PETA's Angel Of Death routine may shock the uninformed, but there are those > on the front lines of saving dogs that already have PETA's number -I'm > talking about pitbull owners. > That's because if you own a pitbull (like me) , love a pitbull (like me), > or rescue or rescued a pitbull (like me), you already know PETA's

official > stance on pitbulls - which is, according to fearless leader Ingrid Newkirk - > that pitbulls are better off dead. > What's that? You DIDN'T already know PETA's position on pitbulls? Then let > me enlighten you - my pitbull loving friends - and share with you Ingrid > Newkirk's "kind words" about pitbulls............... > "Those who argue against a breeding ban and the shelter euthanasia policy > for pit bulls are naive", and > "People who genuinely care about dogs won't be affected by a ban on pit- > bull breeding. They can go to the shelter and save one of the countless other > breeds and lovable mutts sitting on death row". > _Ingrid Newkirk, in the San Francisco Chronicle in June 8, 2005._ > (http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2005/06/08/EDGDLD4G1S1.DTL) > Let there be no doubt that PETA not only fully supports euthanizing pitbulls > in shelters, but also supports completely wiping the breed from the face of > the earth through a breeding ban, breed bans, and breed-specific mandatory > spay neuter laws. It's called breed extermination. > And that, Ingrid, makes it personal. Real personal. > Animal Rights Vs. Human Rights > According to Ingrid Newkirk, “There’s no rational basis for saying that a > human being has special rights. A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. They’re all > animals.†> > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/enthanasiepropaganda.jpg) QUESTION: if we are indeed all animals, and as PETA > sees it - humans and animals are endowed with the same legal rights and status, > what does PETA's killing agenda then bode for humans? > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/enthanasiepropaganda.jpg)> Let's extrapolate that out, shall we? > > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/enthanasiepropaganda.jpg) > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/enthanasiepropaganda.jpg) If homeless shelter animals are > better off dead, would PETA then advocate for the ethanization > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/enthanasiepropaganda> .jpg) of homeless people? > If those same homeless animals are to be euthanized because they may not be > adopted, would PETA then advocate for the euthanization of children in foster > care? > And if those homelss shelter animals less likely to be adopted because they > were sick, or abused or elderly, would PETA also advocate for the > euthanization of the elderly in nursing homes? Or the

sick or infirm in hospitals? > QUESTION: Is euthanasia the "kindest gift" for those who are alone, > unwanted, unloved, whether human or not??? According to PETA - the answer is yes. > Gee, Ingrid, that sorta sounds eerily familiar - I dunno - maybe like the > _Nazi euthanization_ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-4_Euthanasia_Program) > program of 1939? > Better Off Dead > As an organization, PETA is better off dead. So sick, so twisted, that the > only kind thing for PETA at this point would be a quick, painless death. > You can help PETA shorten their stay on the planet, and kindly help them > gasp their last breaths by giving your money, your time, and your support to > your LOCAL shelter, and those organizations involved in legimate animal rescue > efforts. > Then demand that

celebrities like Pamela Anderson and Alex Baldwin stop > raising money for hypocritical puppykillers like Ingrid Newkirk. > Repeat after me - Friends don't let friends donate to PETA. > I'll close my eyes and say a prayer for the helpless, innocent animals that > PETA killed so mercilessly - without even trying to find homes for them. > And here's my prayer for the Adria, Andrew and Ingrid and the rest of the > PETA crew......... > Even though you walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, may Goodness > and Mercy follow you all the days of your lives - and may they be armed with > a syringe filled with Sodium Pentobarbitol.> Amen. > > _Technorati Tags_ > (http://www.technorati.com/search/http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html) : _anti-cruelty_ > (http://technorati.com/tag/anti-cruelty) , _anti-fur_ (http://technorati.com/tag/anti-fur) , > _dangerous dogs_ (http://technorati.com/tag/dangerous+dogs) , _dog_ > (http://technorati.com/tag/dog) , _dog politics_ > (http://technorati.com/tag/dog+politics) , _goveg.com_ (http://technorati.com/tag/goveg.com) , _ingrid newkirk_ > (http://technorati.com/tag/ingrid+newkirk) , _kindness_ > (http://technorati.com/tag/kindness) , _peta_ (http://technorati.com/tag/peta) , > _petakillsanimals.com_ (http://technorati.com/tag/petakillsanimals.com) , _piggly wiggly_ > (http://technorati.com/tag/piggly+wiggly) , _pit bull_ > (http://technorati.com/tag/pit+bull) , _pitbull_ (http://technorati.com/tag/pitbull) , _vegetarian_ > (http://technorati.com/tag/vegetarian) > Posted on January

28, 2007 | _Permalink_ > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html) > > Comments> > > > Peta is a sick group who's main goal is to eradicate every animal, breed by > breed. They are pushing laws that have caused thousands of Pitbull's and > Rotties to die for no just cause. Peta has caused a nationwide fear of the > breed.All part of the grand plan.> It is time to vote out all legislators than vote to ban any canine or remove > our right to own and breed animals. Get Peta backers out of office.> The people that ordered Hinkle to kill and dump animals needs to be on trial > with her. Conspiracy to commit a crime. They should all be facing charges.> Posted by: _jj_ (bigharrydeal2005) |

_January 28, 2007 at > 04:42 PM_ > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html#comment-28371484) > > > oy...> but who could be surprised? > you could say the of Newkirk's acolytes that they are "sheep following the > sheep" but only humans are so mindlessly cruel > if anything postive comes out of this it will be the exposure of PETA for the > monsters they are. > it's extremists like this that make it impossible to advance beyond the > "animals are property; our only responsibility is minimal humane treatment" mode > we're stuck on. > are there any animal rightists who aren't blatent hypocrites?> Posted by: _pitbullEmily_ > (http://www.typepad.com/t/comments?__mode=red & id=28371270) | _January 28, 2007 at 04:35 PM_ > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html#comment-28371270) > > > I dont know what to say to this other than " Live an let Die "> doesnt mean to " Live an KILL "> screw PeTA I may not be a proud pitbull owner however i'm a proud Dogo > Argentino that IS classified as a pit > I dont know how you may have been brought up in this world however my mother > always told me to " NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER "> why am i saying this? people get scared as soon as they see the size of a > dog regardless what breed> Posted by: _Tank_ (http://www.typepad.com/t/comments?__mode=red & id=28369920) > | _January 28, 2007 at 03:49 PM_ > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html#comment-28369920) > > > not tryint to make waves, but when did PETA ever call itself a 'rescue' ? > Posted by: _Kathryn Smith_ (landsharkinnc) | _January > 28, 2007 at 02:55 PM_ > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html#comment-28368420) > > > Thank you! > If a rat is a chicken is a fish is a child. . .I understand that everyone > left homeless in this country--Hello?

Katrina?--is "better off dead". > Think about it. > How sick can you get? > Sign me. . .> one more outraged pit bull owner> Posted by: _Mahlon Goer_ (goerm) | _January 28, 2007 at > 01:39 PM_ > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html#comment-28366346) > _http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html_ > (http://dogpolitics.typepad.com/my_weblog/2007/01/peta_is_dead_me.html) > >

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