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Join PURPOSE on the Hill in DC for 2 events taking on Climate Change

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Join PURPOSE on the Hill in DC for 2 events taking on Climate Change


Dear PURPOSE Members and Friends,


It's history in the making! On March 20th, members of PURPOSE

(People United Rightly Protecting Our Sacred Earth) and many of our

friends will be joining thousands of people from across the country

to demand that Congress take action on the looming crisis of global

climate change. And then on April 20th, in support of Earth Day

(April 22nd), we will join the Earth Day Network (EDN) in demanding

that our representatives do more to protect our Sacred Earth, our

home… for all of us, all life, and for all generations to come.


Will you come with us to Washington D.C.?


For the March 20th event, you can find out more and sign up at:



For the Earth Day event, EDN has opportunities available April 16-20,

but PURPOSE is only getting together on April 20th, so when you sign

up, please mark Friday, April 20th. You can sign up for this event

at: http://action.earthday.net


We're seeing record temperatures across the globe, and the impacts

are devastating. Polar bears are drowning due to the melting Arctic

ice shelf. Sea levels are rising. We can't afford another minute of

complacence. It's time for Congress to pursue sensible solutions and

start us on the path to a clean energy future, one that allows for

the protection of special places like the Arctic Wildlife Refuge.


Congress is beginning to act to address Global Climate Change but it

will be too little too late unless we rally together now. Global

warming and the climate change crises must become a top priority.

Today, with the lack of the political will needed in Washington to

make adequate changes, Americans must come together again to demand

that our elected officials take immediate action. We must have a

greenhouse gas emissions cap -- at 1990 levels by 2020, then 80

percent below 1990 levels by 2050 -- or the future will look very

bleak for polar bears, for all of us, for future generations, for our

Sacred Earth.




There is now absolutely no doubt…Global Warming is real and humans

are the cause. So it's time to wake up and do something about the

Climate Change Crises happening as you read this… Start living your

life with PURPOSE - People United Rightly Protecting Our Sacred

Earth… Find out more by visiting http://FreedomExpress.net/PURPOSE.


Begin helping by writing the media and your government

representatives. Use the following website to contact your elected

leadership right now: http://www.congress.org.


Please repost everywhere and tell your entire address book, all your

friends and family, about PURPOSE. If we stay united in our cause,

together, we all can truly make a difference and help protect our

Sacred Earth! It's time to wake up and take action today!

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