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Today for you 44 news items about Earth's trees. Location, number and

subject listed below. Condensed / abbreviated article is listed further

below.Can be viewed on the web at http://www.livejournal.com/users/olyecology or by sending a blank email message to

earthtreenews---British Columbia: 1) Save the last old growth, 2) Nature Trust, 3) Pine Beetle mania,--Washington: 4) DNR adopts FSC, 5) Palm oil for Bio-diesel is discouraged,


6) Blue Mountains Biodiversity Project, 7) Weyco donates land, 8) Mt.

Hood timber sale shut down, 9) Collawash timber sale, --California: 10) Bohemian Grove threatened again, 11) Humboldt cuts the most, --Montana: 12) Black is beautiful, 13) Slide show of recent logging, 14) Biofuels,

--New Mexico: 15) Mexican Spotted Owl--Colorado: 16) 10 days to cut dead trees or else--USA: 17) ADM to destroy South East Asia, 18) Northern Rockies Protection,--Canada: 19) Spruce taking over tundra, 20) Boycott of Kimberly-Klark grows,

--Uganda: 21) NatureUganda against government give away, 22) Save Mabira,--Congo: 23) Million hectares of forest lost per year, 24) US$16,645,840 in timber taxes,--Chile: 25) Speak out for the temperate rainforest

--Colombia: 26) What cocaine is doing to my country--Brazil:

27) Ethanol enslaves and makes more poverty, 28) 500 farm workers

oppose plantation, 29) Not as populated by humans as once thought,--Madagascar: 30) aye-aye going extinct because it's ugly, 31) Deforestation=extinction,--India: 32) Save the Trees of Delhi', --Philippines: 33) Petroleum nut trees for fuel

--New Zealand: 34) Trees coming down to avoid Kyoto rules, 35) Condeming Anderton,--Indonesia:

36) Survey of Gibbons, 37) More APRIL fraud, 38) Edge of disaster, 39)

logging blamed on landslides, 40) logging moratorium in Aceh, 41) Eyes

on the Forest,--Australia: 42) FSC-accredited forest management, --World-wide: 43) Most proficient microbial fermenter, 44) Who is Boreal?British Columbia:1)

Would you like to see Vancouver Island's spectacular old-growth forests

protected? If so, please support the Western Canada Wilderness

Committee's campaign to end old-growth logging on Vancouver Island! How

is this campaign different from previous efforts? All previous efforts

focused on protecting specific valleys and places, such as the Upper

Walbran Valley, Clayoquot Sound, the East Creek Rainforest, and the

Nahmint Valley. Our new campaign seeks to end ALL old-growth logging on

Vancouver Island. This will require that the logging industry on

Vancouver Island only logs second-growth forests, ideally at a slower,

more sustainable rate of cut. We're calling for an immediate ban on

logging in the most endangered old-growth forest types (egs. valley

bottoms, East Side forests, south of Barkley Sound/ Horne Lake) and a

phase-out of old-growth logging across the rest of Vancouver Island by

2015. Isn't that pretty impossible, given the timber industry's

reliance on cutting old-growth forests? Definitely not! If there's one

place on the BC coast where it's feasible, practical, realistic, and

most urgent to end old-growth logging, it's on Vancouver Island. How

much old-growth forests remain on Vancouver Island? Recent satellite

photos taken in 2004 show that 73% of Vancouver Island's productive

old-growth forests have already been logged, including 90% of the

valley bottoms where the largest trees grow and the most biodiversity

is found. 99% of the Coastal Douglas Fir forests on the dry East Side

have already been logged. Unfortunately, only 6% of the productive

forests (old-growth and second-growth) on Vancouver Island are

protected in our parks. http://www.wcwcvictoria.org2)

Over the past 35 years, The Nature Trust of British Columbia has

acquired 34 properties (2,147 hectares/5,300 acres) to protect fragile

ecosystems, making it the largest conservation organization on

Vancouver Island. " Old growth forests, estuaries, wetlands, and

riparian lands have topped our 'need to conserve' list since 1971, "

said Doug Walker, Chief Executive Officer of The Nature Trust. " Now,

with increasing land costs and population growth on Vancouver Island,

we're expanding our programs and raising awareness about conservation

options for corporations and private citizens. " " Our goal is to ensure

Vancouver Island retains much of its natural wonder and diversity, "

said Walker. " We're confident this can be done, but it will require a

higher level of stewardship from all of us – conservation groups,

governments, the private sector and the public. " New initiatives

include: 1) The 17th Annual Brant Wildlife Festival in

Parksville/Qualicum Beach, 2) More conservation youth crews and

monitoring programs, 3) A pilot program to create more Wildlife

Management Areas (WMAs), 4) More high-profile land acquisitions, 5) A

public awareness campaign of the new federal capital gains tax rules. http://www.naturetrust.bc.ca3)

" Our intent was to keep as many trees as possible. This was a tough

pill to swallow but our forester said if we don't do something, there

won't be a tree left. " The developers of Vernon Hill Ranch, off Galiano

Road, have removed about 400 ponderosa pines in an attempt to slow the

damage caused by the western pine beetle. " Even with this aggressive

action, we could still have no pines left in 10 years, " said Darren

Mead-Miller, project manager. Crews are busy harvesting the trees and

storing the lumber for construction purposes, but a giant pile of

debris is fuelling the smoke hanging over the hillside. The impact of

the beetles became obvious early this winter. " You could see trees all

over turning yellow and then brown, " said Mead-Miller. And because

western pine beetle don't start flying until April, it won't be known

for some time if the tree removal has been effective. " Only time will

tell, " said Mead-Miller. The bottom third of the 680-acre site consists

of ponderosa pine while the upper levels consist of fir and cedar. As

trees are removed, the plan is to replant them with Douglas fir. But

removal isn't the only tactic being used to stop the beetles. Netting

specific trees may be considered. " We want to try and keep some of the

old growth, " said Mead- Miller. Netting is also being considered by the

City of Vernon to try and preserve ponderosa pines on public and

private land within its boundaries. Boss Creek Development, which owns

Vernon Hill Ranch, is currently seeking approvals from the North

Okanagan Regional District for 120 to 130 homes on the site. Most lots

would be about five acres in size. http://www.vernonmorningstar.com/Washington:4)

The state Department of Natural Resources has decided to seek the

greenest of the green seals of approval for some of its logging

operations. Across 141,000 acres at Tiger Mountain and other

state-owned timberlands in the southern Puget Sound region, the agency

will seek certification from the Forest Stewardship Council that its

timber is being cut in a " sustainable " way. That means that logging --

on as many acres as half of Mount Rainier National Park -- will be done

at a pace that can go on indefinitely without exhausting the forests.

The move should help timber producers that bid on state logging

contracts market the wood as environmentally friendly, state Lands

Commissioner Doug Sutherland told the state Board of Natural Resources

Tuesday. " I'm excited about this, " said Becky Kelley of the Washington

Environmental Council. " We worked for years to try to convince DNR this

is a good thing, and I'm pleased to see them warming to the idea. " What

will the state have to do differently? That's unclear for now. But when

council auditors visited two years ago, they said it would mean: 1)

Waiting longer before logging any given area, or leaving more trees

behind. 2) Permanently preserving old-growth forests. 3) Hiring more

biologists. Kelley, the environmentalist, said, " They're not getting

the gold star today. They're saying they want it. It will be real

interesting to see the next step. " http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/306404_timber07.html5)

OLYMPIA — Coastal Caucus legislators are scrambling to remove a

last-minute amendment that would prevent biodiesel companies like

Imperium Renewables from using the most popular kinds of palm oil.

Imperium Renewables' new Hoquiam plant — rapidly taking shape at the

Port Dock — is set to produce 100 million gallons of biodiesel

annually. Company officials have said they would like to use canola

oil, from Washington-grown crops, but in order to make their quota

they'll have to use palm oil from Malaysia and Indonesia simply because

there isn't enough local canola being raised. But environmentalists

have long argued that rainforests in that part of the world are being

razed to make way for the palm fruit and seeds, which become palm oil.

"It's very difficult to say we're opposed to drilling in ANWR — the

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge — but we're OK with cutting down

rainforests," said state Rep. Doug Ericksen, a Ferndale Republican who

is the minority party's deputy leader. Ericksen said his amendment

won't create an outright ban on the use of palm oil. The Legislature

can't dictate what companies can and cannot use in this case. But the

measure does say that Imperium Renewables will lose much-coveted tax

credits the state is giving the biodiesel industry if it insists on

using a palm oil that's linked to the destruction of rainforests. http://www.thedailyworld.com/articles/2007/03/06/local_news/01news.txt


Blue Mountains Biodiversity Project (BMBP) has been working hard on a

couple projects, and has made it easy for folks to write a public

comment on each of them -and maybe this will make it even easier. The

first, with a comment deadline of March 18th for RECEIPT of letters, is

of extreme concern, as it deals with an ongoing policy over all areas

in the Deschutes and Ochoco forests, and how they will be using

herbicides to deal with invasive plant species. I've written a brief

comment, and others can either use this as a template or read the

entire description put out recently by BMBP, attached. Please consider

sending this in within the next week so it will arrive in time. The

next one is the Five Buttes sale , a sale that BMBP has worked

extensively on for quite some time. (For those who got the recent

mailing about this, the comment deadline has been extended to April

2nd) The Five Buttes sale has now resurfaced in it's current form, and

it's still horrific. I also commented on that one and had Karen look

over it, so folks can also just cut and paste from that one if you

want, or read the entire description that's attached. Sending a comment

letter is a good way to support BMBP. Another way is to find places

where the recent booklet written by Karen Coulter, called The Rule of

Property, published by Apex Press, can be sold. It " challenges current

conventional approaches to private property versus the public good,

explores ways in which the U.S. Constitution was framed to protest

private property, and advocates organized resistance to corporate

enclosures of the modern commons. " Or order one yourself! Also, a full

time intern is needed for the summer to work in eastern Oregon with

BMBP. For more info call BMBP at (541) 385-9167.7) The Yamhill

County commissioners have formalized a deal with timber giant

Weyerhaeuser Co. for a land donation to enlarge Charles Metsker Park.

The Washington-based company, which owns nearly 30,000 acres in Yamhill

County, tentatively agreed last summer to donate 12 acres. In the end,

it donated 15 acres, which figures to boost the park from 35 acres to

50. The county lacks funds for acquisition, so is dependent on

donations. However, this is the first donation it's received in more

than 20 years. The county parks program is so strapped for money, in

fact, that officials recently were forced to cut a forest education

employee whose salary was paid for entirely out of federal forest

receipts. Metsker Park is a gated facility that was frequently used by

educator Jeffry Gottfried. The park is used exclusively for chaperoned

youth groups and students. Located about 10 miles west of McMinnville,

the park abuts Rainbow Lake, just past Rainbow Lodge. It was named for

Charles and Ann Metsker, who created its centerpiece lake from a log

pond operated by White's Mill in the 1930s. The Metskers sold their

1,600-acre holding to Willamette Industries in 1959. Three years later,

the company donated 20 acres to the county to create Charles Metsker

Park. Weyerhaeuser acquired Willamette Industries six years ago. 8)

Bark stopped the Slinky Timber Sale! On Saturday Judge Michael Mosman

of the U.S. District Court ruled in our favor, stopping 184 acres of

old growth from being cut. Please visit Bark's home page for details on

the ruling and stories by OPB radio and the Oregonian. While this

doesn't mean that Mt. Hood's forests and rivers are safe, it does mean

that for now it is time to celebrate a hard won victory. As always a

big thank you to our attorneys Erin Madden and Scott Jerger. Huge

thanks to the amazing Groundtruthers and volunteers who made the

challenge possible, and enormous thanks to the Bark members who keep

our office running and Mt. Hood's forests standing! Not a member? Click

here to support Bark today. http://www.bark-out.org9)

On Monday the Collawash Timber Sale got its day in court. United States

Magistrate Judge Donald C. Ashmanskas (what is a magistrate?) walked

into the austere federal court room and we all rose to welcome him;

filled with excitement at our chance to protect this forest. But Judge

Ashmanskas had something else on his mind as he looked around for a

Bark representative in the room, " Mr. Brown? " " Yes, Your Honor? " Is

that a dog or a wolf in the Bark logo?" Alex looked to our attorneys,

Brian Litmans and Chris Winter from the Crag Law Center, then back to

the microphone on the plaintiff's table. " Your honor, it's a wolf,

which no longer exists on Mt. Hood. " We do not usually get the chance

to begin litigation with such a true reminder of the repercussions of

human use, such as habitat destruction. And for the next two hours,

Brian Litman went valiantly head to head with the Forest Service

attorneys, making the case for not destroying the forests of the

Collawash Timber Sale. The Collawash is a fork of the Clackamas River,

and is considered the " most unstable " watershed in Mt. Hood National

Forest according to the Forest Service. One reason is the presence of

earthflows, massive soil movements left over from the last ice age that

can be magnified through logging. But when deciding to log 292 acres in

the watershed, the Forest Service ignored their own regulations for

limiting logging on earthflows. Brian was concise and kept the judge's

close attention throughout his presentation. In response, the Forest

Service's attorney couldn't come up with enough fingers to plug the

holes we poked in their analysis. In closing, he shuffled between pages

and argued that Bark's claim on earthflows should be dismissed because

we were selectively knowledgeable on the issues around this sale - we

were general in raising some issues but expertly challenged others. He

pointed out all the places in our appeal that was even over his head.

It may be weeks before we hear a decision on Collawash. We'll keep you

updated. Near the end of the hearing, Judge Ashmanskas turned to Alex

once again. " In the book Silver Blaze do you know how Sherlock Holmes

knew the culprit was the dog's owner? " " I don't, Your Honor. " " Nobody

heard the dog bark when he broke into the house... " We're not sure how

Judge Ashmanskas wanted us to take this riddle, but I'll tell you one

thing, you'll always hear us Bark Out! http://www.bark-out.orgCalifornia:10)

Forest Unlimited will host an informational and organizing meeting

regarding the Bohemian Grove Non-Industrial Timber Management Plan

(NTMP) on March 18 at 2 PM at 900 Austin Creek Rd. in Cazadero. This

plan is a disaster in the making. The Bohemian Grove proposes to triple

the cut from previous levels and log above homes on Railroad Ave. in

Monte Rio. Old growth is slated for removal. Such severe cutting will

increase fire danger and contribute sediment to both the Russian River

and Dutch Bill Creek. Even Boho's former forester quit in protest. A

Non-Industrial Timber Management Plan is a logging plan that receives

one approval by CDF and can be logged in perpetuity without additional

approval . The plan is so bad that even members of the Bohemian Grove

have donated money to stop the plan. But we need your help. If you are

interested, please attend the March 18 meeting. If you cannot attend

the meeting please contact Forest Unlimited and find out how you can

stay informed, wirte letters of protest, and help Save the Redwoods.

For more information call Rick Coates Phone: 632-6070 or email:

rcoates11) "In recognition of the role of the forest

product industry in Humboldt County, we recognize the week of March 7

through 14 to celebrate Arbor Day," said 2nd District Supervisor Roger

Rodoni, who invited the group to the meeting. "Humboldt County is by

far the leading county for timber harvesting in California, yet we

continue to enjoy forested lands all around us," Lima said. "Not only

are we stewards of the land, we provide thousands of jobs in our local

communities." Lima said forest landowners plant more than 2 million

seedlings each year to replenish the forestland, and said the forest

products industry contributed more than $300 million to the economy in

2004. Women in Timber is a statewide organization that focuses on

education, legislation and advocacy concerning the forest industry,

Lima said, and the local chapter has approximately 35 members. Lima

said the Women in Timber will be presenting scholarships to two local

college students at the upcoming 69th annual Redwood Region Logging

Conference, which the Women in Timber have a role in organizing. A

female student from Humboldt State University will receive a $1,000

scholarship, and a female student from College of the Redwoods will

receive a $500 scholarship, she said. http://www.eurekareporter.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?ArticleID=21308Montana:12)

At the heart of most resistance to fire use are basic social value

structures. Fire has been considered an enemy to be fought for 400

years in this country. Values tend to change slowly. If a community has

had no positive experience with fire use or prescribed fire, it may

take a brush with wildfire to change their minds. Worse yet, they may

have had bad experiences with escaped prescribed fires, or grown

distrustful of fire managers due escaped burnout or backfiring

operations. Most people simply don't like the black, charred appearance

of the landscape. To these folks, I would like to pitch a "Black is

Beautiful" campaign. The following excerpt from an article written in

the Missoulian by writer Michael Jamison on August 11, 2005 could kick

it off quite nicely: "Most folk know about lodgepole pine and their

serotinous cones that open only under the heat of wildfire. But beyond

the lodgepole, almost all Western landscapes are fire-adapted to some

degree, from the soil beneath to the plants and animals above. Western

larch, for instance, hate the shade. They need a fire to create a

clearing, and then they have about three to five years to take root

before the window of opportunity is shaded over by competitors. Fire is

also critical for red-stemmed ceanothus, a plant whose seeds can lay

dormant for centuries while waiting for the flames. It's a favorite of

deer and elk and moose, popular big-game species that gobble it down

like so much leafy ice cream. Spirea loves fire, as does fireweed and

arnica and dragontail mint and pine grass. Bicknell's geranium, like

ceanothus, only appears in burns. Western tanagers, for instance,

thrive in low-severity fires. Juncos prefer medium-severity burns.

Black-backed woodpeckers, mountain bluebirds and olive-sided

flycatchers like their forests well done. And the woodpeckers generally

prefer thick-barked trees, ponderosa pine and Douglas fir, trees that

withstand all but the hottest fires".


http://www.democracyinaction.org/dia/organizations/WildWest/blog/comments.jsp?key=333 & blog_entry_KEY=22522 & t=13)

A short slideshow/movie that WildWest put together following our March

4, 2007 monitoring trip of the Bitterroot National Forest's Middle East

Fork Logging Project near Sula, MT.

This is one of the first Healthy Forest Restoration Act projects in

Montana. About 500 acres was logged earlier in the winter. While we

support efforts in that area to reduce fuels near homes we believe much

of the " fuel reduction " logging the Forest Service proposed would

target larger trees, including live, green trees. Our trip,

unfortunately, confirmed this belief. The major themes that emerged

from our weekend monitoring efforts were: 1) Lots of big Doulgas-fir

trees have been cut down throughout the logging units we visited,

including lots of live, big Douglas-fir that sure calls into question

that just dead trees are being logged, as the Forest Service has

repeatedly stated. 2) The Forest Service has marked " Wildlife " trees

(standing snags) in the units with an orange " W. " The specifications

differ for each logging unit, but the Forest Service is typically

required to leave 5 to 10 of these " Wildlife " trees in each acre they

log. Without question, we noticed a pattern where the largest, best

" Wildlife " trees (ie large, standing snags) have been cut. Meanwhile

these huge stumps surrounded by scrawny, dead trees marked with " W " .

This seems disingenuous at best. 3) The areas logged were

unquestionably hotter, windier and drier...not a good combo come July

and August, especially if the goal is to help protect the community

from wildfire. http://www.wildwestinstitute.org14)

It used to be the stuff that went up in smoke after logging companies

finished a job in the woods. Those tree tops, saplings, branches and

needles loggers call slash were little more than a nuisance to be piled

up and burned. With the advent of a growing interest in alternative

energy, that's all changed. Companies are cashing in on slash. Pulling

grinding machines deep into the woods, these ever-more-numerous

entrepreneurs are chipping their way into the emerging market of

biomass that's fueling boilers used to heat schools, generate

electricity and dry lumber. "This is a market that's definitely

growing," said Bryan Vole, a forester with Tricon Timber in St. Regis.

"My advice to loggers is don't burn those piles of slash. They're worth

some money." A few years back, Tricon Timber spent more than $500,000

on a grinding machine the size of a D-8 Caterpillar that can grind

upward of 50 tons of slash every hour. "It can flat go through it,"

Vole said. Right now, 99 percent of the hog fuel Tricon's grinder

creates is sold to Smurfit-Stone Container Corp. in Frenchtown. A

proposed co-generation plant in the Columbia Falls area could more than

double the market for the ground-up material. "Plum Creek is planning

on building a co-generation plant that will use 900 to 1,000 tons of

hog fuel a day," Vole said. "That's 30 to 35 loads every day. It's

going to keep a lot of people busy. This material is in pretty high

demand right now." That fact creates a daily challenge for

Smurfit-Stone Container's Rick Franke, who is charged with finding

enough hog fuel to keep the company's boiler running 24 hours a day,

365 days a year. The company uses about 350,000 tons of hog fuel to

produce the steam that turns the turbine used to create about 17

megawatts of electricity every year. Steam is also used in the

company's papermaking process. When Franke started in 1996, the company

got nearly all of its hog fuel from nearby lumber mills. Back then,

wood chips and bark were a waste product the mills gladly sold for next

to nothing. Those days are ancient history. "Right now, about a quarter

of the hog fuel we use comes from in-the-woods grinders," Franke said.

"Ten years ago, that number would have been zero. Supplies are tight

and we have to travel a lot further to get what we need." http://www.missoulian.com/articles/2007/03/06/news/local/znews02.txtNew Mexico:


After doing battle with the Forest Service over Mexican spotted owls

for almost a decade, Forest Guardians is back in court with the feds to

protect this species on the brink. The agency is mismanaging livestock

grazing on the Sacramento Allotment in southern New Mexico, and harming

owls in the process. The allotment encompasses more than 110,000 acres,

and provides vital, protected habitat for the owls. Forest Guardians

seeks to force the agency to re-consult with the U.S. Fish &

Wildlife Service on how grazing is impacting both the owls and their

critical habitat, and we've asked the federal district court to remove

all livestock from the allotment until that consultation has been

completed. http://www.fguardians.org/es/issue_mexican-spotted-owl.aspColorado:16)

Silverthorne is cracking down on residents, requiring them to remove

dead trees and pine beetle infested trees within 10 days of receiving

notice. Town officials said the new rules are in place to help prevent

the spread of the pine beetle. They hope to reduce the number of

infected trees to try and stop the beetle before it flies out to

another tree. Some people are worried that 10 days isn't enough time to

respond and get the work done. " I'm not a full-time resident, " said

Neil Boyd, one homeowner. " By the time correspondence gets to Iowa and

we get back again, that 10 days is pretty much elapsed. " Silverthorne

officials said they plan to educate homeowners in every way possible

before it starts enforcing the law. The town said in the worst case

scenarios, homeowners who don't comply will have the infected trees

removed for them by the town. The town could then charge homeowners

twice the rate of removal.http://cbs4denver.com/local/local_story_065085509.htmlUSA:17)

Last November, Patricia A. Woertz, the CEO and president of Archer

Daniels Midland, outlined a new growth strategy for the food-processing

giant. ADM, America's biggest producer of corn ethanol, will expand its

biofuel production, moving into Brazilian sugarcane for ethanol and

Indonesian palm oil for biodiesel. Woertz, a former high-ranking

official at Chevron, said ADM will get "long-term growth and returns by

capitalizing on our global strengths and the changing dynamics of the

global energy and food markets." As ADM, one of the world's largest

food companies, seeks to increase profits, the continuing push into the

tropics by it and other biofuel producers will only accelerate a

potential ecological catastrophe. Vast tracts of Malaysian and

Indonesian forest have already been lost, and the increasing demand for

palm oil for biodiesel will cause further losses of tropical forests in

these and other equatorial countries. This deforestation will likely be

devastating. And yet, despite the global push for biofuels, the

potential damage – increased soil erosion, huge carbon dioxide

emissions, biodiversity loss, and desertification – is largely being

ignored. Here in the U.S. there has already been ample discussion about

biofuels in Brazil, so let us concentrate on Indonesia and the oil

palm. http://www.energytribune.com/articles.cfm?aid=40318)

Based on sound biological and economic science, the Northern Rockies

Ecosystem Protection Act is an ecosystem approach to protecting and

restoring the U.S. Northern Rockies bioregion. When enacted, it will

protect almost 20 million acres of intact wild lands that provide

essential habitat to countless species of plants, animals, fish, birds and

insects, as well as to people who depend on the wild and majestic

Northern Rockies for their economic and spiritual well-being. This bill

seeks to protect the heart of Wild America, the Northern Rockies,

including the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Greater Glacier Ecosystem,

the Greater Salmon-Selway Ecosystem, and the Greater Cabinet / Yaak /

Selkirk Ecosystem. This area supports the most diverse array of intact

wildlands left in our nation. Protection measures include designation

of Wilderness Areas, Biological Connecting Corridors, Wild & Scenic

Rivers, as well as a National Wildland Restoration and Recovery Zone.

Many of these new wilderness areas are currently roadless areas, only

partially protected and subject to political whim and rule-making. Many

roadless areas remain uninventoried after arbitrary omission during the

RARE (Roadless Area Review and Evaluation) 1 and RARE 2 processes,

which occurred in 1971-73 and 1979, respectively. http://lowbagger.org/nowtime.htmlCanada:19)

Forests of spruce trees and shrubs in parts of northern Canada are

taking over what were once tundra landscapes--forcing out the species

that lived there. This shift can happen at a much faster speed than

scientists originally thought, according to a new University of Alberta

study that adds to the growing body of evidence on the effects of

climate change. The boundary, or treeline, between forest and tundra

ecosystems is a prominent landscape feature in both Arctic and mountain

environments. As global temperatures continue to increase, the treeline

is expected to advance but the new research shows that this shift will

not always occur gradually but can surge ahead. " The conventional

thinking on treeline dynamics has been that advances are very slow

because conditions are so harsh at these high latitudes and altitudes, "

said Dr. Ryan Danby, from the Department of Biological Sciences. " But

what our data indicates is that there was an upslope surge of trees in

response to warmer temperatures. It's like it waited until conditions

were just right and then it decided to get up and run, not just walk. "

Danby and Dr. David Hik, also from the Faculty of Science,

reconstructed changes in the density and altitude of treeline forests

in southwestern Yukon over the past 300 years. Using tree rings, they

were able to date the year of establishment and death of spruce trees

and reconstruct changes in treeline vegetation. The study is published

in the Journal of Ecology. http://www.terradaily.com/reports/Forest_Replacing_Tundra_At_Rapid_Rate_999.html20)

Aspen Skiing Co. is removing all Kimberly-Clark products from its

resorts, hotels and restaurants because of Kimberly-Clark's sustainable

forestry practices, the company said in a letter to Greenpeace. In the

letter, the company said it was switching to other paper tissue

suppliers, " whose operations are more environmentally sound. " Aspen is

among more than 700 businesses that have pledged not to use

Irving-based personal products maker Kimberly-Clark's products,

Greenpeace says. " Businesses and the public alike are making the right

decision to use products from companies that are not destroying our

last remaining forests, " said Greenpeace spokeswoman Ginger Cassady in

a prepared statement. Greenpeace contends that all of the Kleenex brand

products sold in North America are made from 100 percent virgin tree

fiber, much of it from unsustainably managed forests in Ontario and

Alberta, Canada. Kimberly-Clark spokesman David Dickson said the

company has one of the most aggressive sustainable forestry practices

in the country. " We are committed to preserving economically

significant old growth forests, " Dickson said. He added that the

company has a corporate policy that prohibits the use of fiber from

tropical rainforests or ecologically significant old growth strands,

including designated areas in Canada's Boreal Forest. In addition,

Dickson noted that the company was named to CRO magazine's " 100 Best

Corporate Citizens " list for 2007. The magazine evaluates more than

1,100 of the largest U.S. publicly traded companies in a range of areas

including environmental factors. Kimberly-Clark (NYSE:KMB) makes the

Kleenex, Scott and Huggies brands, as well as other personal care

products. Snowmass Village, Colo.-based Aspen Skiing operates four ski

resorts in Colorado. The company hosts about 1.4 million skiers each

winter. The company was founded by Olympic skier Bill Janss. http://www.bizjournals.com/dallas/Uganda:21)

NatureUganda (BirdLife in Uganda) are among a number of organizations

putting forward their defence to the Ugandan government over the

apparent 'give-away' of forest reserves for large-scale production of

sugarcane and palm oil. The events follow months of speculation

surrounding the government's attempts to push for forest 'give-aways'

in the country, whereby government licenses allow private companies to

convert gazetted forest reserves for intensive agricultural use.

"Losing these forests, particularly the Mabira Forest Reserve, would

have enormous repercussions for both people and wildlife in Uganda."

said Achilles Byaruhanga, Executive Director of NatureUganda (BirdLife

in Uganda). "As a result, we are working hard to ensure the government

understands that holding onto these sites is of utmost importance, both

in terms of conserving biodiversity and in terms of poverty reduction

and economic growth." Mabira Forest Reserve is listed by BirdLife

International as an Important Bird Area (IBA). The forest contains over

300 species of bird, including the Endangered Nahan's Francolin

Francolinus nahani. The forest also supports nine species of primate, a

recently identified new mangabey subspecies in Uganda, Lophocebus

albigena johnstoni and a new species of Short-tailed Fruit Bat. "The

fact that we are still discovering new species of large animals in this

forest is a pointer to its value for biodiversity." commented

Byaruhanga. "The forest also serves as catchment for many of the

region's rivers, providing freshwater for over one million people

before joining the Nile." http://www.birdlife.org/news/news/2007/03/mabira_forest_giveaways.html22)

Ugandans living in areas around the reserve have been particularly

angry. Since last autumn, there have been a number of protests against

Sugar Corporation's expansion, which have been forcibly broken up by

the police. "We shall continue demonstrating peacefully, because Mabira

is a cultural heritage,'' said William Okwala, a street vendor who led

one of the protests. "There are many tourists coming here. I don't

think they come because of the sugar plantation. If the forest is cut

down, tourism will die completely." Other residents say the forest

provides a livelihood, food, shelter and medicine for the surrounding

communities. But the president has said that jobs created by the sugar

plantation would outweigh losses caused by the clearing of forest land.

The government has also said new trees can be planted elsewhere, but

there are no other suitable locations for the factory. Further progress

in the project has been halted pending the completion of the ministry's

study. The NFA study initially commissioned by Museveni concludes that

the ecological and economic losses from destroying part of Mabira would

be devastating. The report says the plan endangers 312 species of tree,

287 species of bird and 199 species of butterfly. Nine species found

only in Mabira and nearby forests risk becoming extinct. Economic

losses as a result of the destruction of part of the reserve include

lost revenue from logging and eco-tourism, the main source of tourist

revenue in Uganda. http://www.mg.co.za/articlePage.aspx?articleid=300968 & area=/insight/insight__africa/


Abundant rain, a seemingly endless canopy of dense vegetation, and full

rivers give the impression that there is no threat of deforestation in

the Central African Republic (CAR). Yet the country loses up to one

million hectares of forest a year, to loggers and firewood collectors.

Trees are also being felled to produce charcoal, officials said. Areas

that have lost forest cover are giving way to cassava and groundnut

farms. Twenty years ago, 60 percent of the country was forest,

according to Florent Zowoya, former national director of natural

resource management. That figure has shrunk to only 15 percent,

prompting the government to turn to the country's youth – more than 50

percent are younger than 20 – to help preserve this resource. The loss

of forest cover has been accompanied by degradation of the savannas,

extinction of some animal species, impoverished soil and drainage of

water catchments, more bush fires, increased flooding and local climate

changes, said Jean-Claude Bomba, [a] director in the Ministry of the

Environment. The consequences are likely to be food shortages, which

successive governments have tried to avert at one level through better

land-management practices. http://platform.blogs.com/passionofthepresent/2007/03/fighting_to_pre.html24)

Congo government earns about 8.3 billion CFA francs (US$16,645,840)

each year from forestry taxes. In addition, the sector employs 4,000

regular staff and several thousand seasonal workers, according to the

Ministry of Water Resources and Fisheries. The forests are also a

source of food and medicine for many rural dwellers. Increasingly,

urban dwellers may turn to the forest for these items as incomes

diminish at least among the civil servants, who often also have to care

for extended families. Despite this, senior citizens in some parts of

the country have periodically resisted attempts at sustainable forest

management. This is because they have been expelled from their

ancestral lands during 50 years of arbitrary logging by large timber

firms, and have had their land titles revoked by the state. It is

perhaps for this reason that the government has decided to put more

emphasis on the youth to protect the vital resource. Experts also point

out that to have a greater impact, it is necessary to involve citizens

of neighbouring countries that together make up the Congo River Basin -

the world's second-largest forest land mass, after South America's

Amazon. http://platform.blogs.com/passionofthepresent/2007/03/fighting_to_pre.html Chile:25)

More than one-quarter of the world's remaining temperate rainforests

are in Chile. The alerce trees have lived 3,000 years -- will they make

it to 3,001? During the next two weeks, Chile's legislature will be

considering a law that relates to the country's globally rare and

endangered native forests. We want a law that will help protect these

forests. Our concern is that, without your help, the law that is

finally approved will actually accelerate the destruction of these

forests. Many of Chile's forests are unique to the southern cone of

South America and can't be found anywhere else in the world. The

animals that depend on Chile's native forests for survival are equally

rare: ninety percent of them are unique to Chile. The Chilean

government is failing to protect Chile's native forests. For too long,

the laws have promoted the planting of non-native trees like pine and

eucalyptus, creating industrial tree farms that are displacing poverty

stricken rural and indigenous communities, destroying their water

resources and contaminating their air with toxic chemicals -- all for

the sake of rich foreign markets in places like the U.S., Europe and

Asia. We need your help to hold the Chilean government accountable. http://www.democracyinaction.org/dia/organizationsORG/forestethics/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=2


COCAINE fiends Kate Moss and Pete Doherty have been invited to Colombia

by the country's government to see the bloody mayhem caused by the

drug. Vice President Francisco Santos exclusively told The Sun: "I wish

they'd come to see what cocaine is doing to my country. They'd be

ashamed." The invitation comes as The Sun launches a major probe into

the scourge of cocaine, here and in South America. Here on Day One, our

Chief Feature Writer reports from the drugs front line in Colombia's

rainforest. THERE should be an unbroken canopy of lush rainforest

stretching as far as the eye can see. But Colombia's jungle — which

acts as the Earth's lungs, combating global warming — is being

destroyed by Britain's craving for cocaine. More than 7,700 square

miles of forest — an area the size of Wales — have already been

levelled to make way for coca plants, whose leaves are the raw material

of cocaine. Colombia's Vice President Francisco Santos told The Sun:

"It is an environmental catastrophe. "We are losing our rainforests to

cultivate cocaine for UK users, which is then aiding global warming." http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2007100425,00.htmlBrazil:27)

There is concern that while expansion of the ethanol industry may boost

Brazil's GDP and some Brazilians will become very wealthy in the

process, the majority of the population will not benefit from the

ethanol export boom. Given U.S. plans to increase imports of Brazilian

ethanol and the alliance slated to be forged during Bush's South

America visit in March, it is likely the livelihoods of many

Brazilians, especially the rural poor, will be subordinated to maintain

U.S. consumption. Many citizen organizations in Brazil are concerned

that what appears to be an economic panacea may be a social and

ecological disaster. They claim that as the industry expands and more

hectares are planted mono-cropping sugarcane, existing problems in

rural areas of landlessness, hunger, unemployment, environmental

degradation, and agrarian conflicts will be exacerbated. Isabella

Kenfield is a freelance journalist based in Brazil and a contributor to

the IRC Americas Program www.americaspolicy.org.28) About 500

farm workers staged a protest at a tree plantation in the south of

Brazil, owned by the Finnish paper manufacturer Stora Enso. The

plantation is about 1,000 kilometres south of São Paulo. Also occupied

in the protest was a plantation owned by the Brazilian company

Votorantim Celulose e Papel SA. The peaceful protests were organised by

the Via Campesina organisation, which works for farm workers' rights.

The protesters said that they oppose the plantations, which they say

are creating a " green desert " in the south of Brazil by blanketing the

area with eucalyptus trees and reducing biodiversity. Via Campesina is

also working for land reform in Brazil. http://www.hs.fi/english/article/Demonstration+at+Stora+Enso+forest+plantation+in+Brazil/1135225


Much of the Amazon rainforest was not heavily populated by

pre-Colombian indigenous cultures argues a new paper published in the

journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological

Sciences. The work challenges an increasingly accepted theory --

popularized in Charles C. Mann's 1491: New Revelations of the Americas

Before Columbus -- that the Amazon supported dense, sedentary

populations prior to the arrival of Europeans. The theory -- based on

the discovery of a series of villages and a network of roads --

suggests that much of the Amazon is " anthropogenic in nature " meaning

that the distribution of forest species across the vast Amazon Basin

has been influenced by mankind. It also holds that pre-Colombian

populations suffered greatly from diseases introduced by Europeans,

which may have wiped out 95-99 percent of the population within a

century of " first-contact " . Abandoned settlements and agricultural

areas would have been reclaimed by tropical rainforest. Since most

structures would have been constructed of wood and bone which would not

have lasted long in the hot and humid conditions of the Amazon, little

archeological evidence would remain. The new paper, authored by Dr.

Mark Bush of the Florida Institute of Technology and colleagues, argues

that while there may have been large populations living along the

Amazon river, most of the rainforest had low population density and

little of it could be considered " built " landscape. The conclusions are

based on analysis of pollen and charcoal samples from upland forest

areas in two lake districts in central and western Amazonia. http://news.mongabay.com/2007/0306-amazon.htmlMadagascar:30)

While millions of dollars have gone into saving the last three thousand

pandas just because they're cute, at least one sorry creature—the

aye-aye—is bound for extinction because it's ugly. The aye-aye looks

like a balding, emaciated gremlin. So even though it minds its own

business in life, foraging for bugs in tree bark with claws bigger than

its face, superstitious people in Madagascar go out of their way to

kill it on sight. " Aye-aye, aye-aye, " indeed, as the maudlin Ranchero

song goes, " Canta y no llores. " The world is not fair. Not even

environmental philanthropists are. After pointing out injustice,

fortunately, the writer poses solutions. Savvy conservationists can

market the most charismatic creatures to raise money for the rest. The

World Wildlife Federation already does so with its panda logo. " One

lovable animal might stand in for an entire ecosystem—the jaguar, for

example, could serve as a spokesmodel for the Amazon rainforest where

it lived, " Michael Levitin writes. To summarize the argument of

biologist David Stokes, conservationists " must understand the ways that

aesthetic appeal can be used to motivate the public—and then try to

promote the " less attractive " creatures by highlighting their most

endearing feature. " http://www.motherjones.com/blue_marble_blog/archives/2007/03/3737_survival_of_the.html


Deforestation has already caused the extinction of a large number of

endemic insect species on the island of Madagascar, according to new

research published in the March edition of the journal Biology Letters.

The work suggests that only half the species confined to these forest

areas will survive. Madagascar has lost about half of its forest cover

since 1953 including most of its coastal lowland forests, which have

been diminhsed by about 90 percent. Species-area math, which holds that

there exists a non-linear relationship between land area and the

resident number of species, suggests that this habitat loss would

result in the eventual extinction of about half the plants and animals.

Now, a team of researchers lead by Ilkka Hanski, a biologist from the

University of Helsinki in Finland, has found evidence of extinction

amoung endemic forest-dwelling Helictopleurini dung beetles. The

beetles, which are generally large and colorful, feed on droppings of

other animals. The researchers report that extensive surveys conducted

between 2002 and 2006 found only 29 of the 51 previously documented

species. Modeling the apparent absense of the 22 species, their work

indicates that deforestation is the " best predictor of whether a

species was collected. " http://news.mongabay.com/2007/0307-madagascar.htmlIndia:32)

Government, concerned citizens and environmentalists have come together

under a unique initiative called ``Trees of Delhi''. Several thousand

trees across the city face the threat of being cut down to make way for

widening of roads for new " High Capacity Buses " , building new flyovers

and expansion of the Delhi Metro railway network. Says well-known

environmentalist Pradip Krishen: " Trees don't just add to the beauty of

the city but also keep it environmentally healthy. We have got together

to ensure that people of the city know what is at stake. People should

have a voice and we will try and highlight the issue. We have already

lost several thousand trees in the name of development and are in

danger of losing several more.'' The new group, comprising various

non-government organisations, environmentalists and concerned citizens,

will work actively towards creating awareness about the issue among the

public and putting pressure on the Government to try and save the trees

of Delhi. http://www.hindu.com/2007/03/07/stories/2007030718060100.htmPhilippines:33)

Growers undertook the planting of the first batch of petroleum nut

trees at the Philippine Tobacco Production Training Center (PTPTC) in

Tabaan Sur, Tuba last week. Trans Manila International (TMI) vice

president Matthew Diong said extracts from the nuts of petroleum nut

would be the better alternative fuel for firewood and more economical

as he led TMI and Philip Morris executives in the ceremonial tree

planting at TMI's demo farm in Tabaan Norte. He said it would be a

better move as farmers would not only save at least eight percent of

the cost of firewood but also be a clean fuel that is environmentally

friendly. It would also reduce tree cutting, as a hectare of tobacco

plant would require at least 20-25 cubic meters of firewood. TMI and

main buyer Philip Morris Philippines Manufacturing, Inc. (PMPMI) are in

the middle of a reforestation drive that saw them planting at least

three million trees at present. Diong said full production of petroleum

tree would be in two years. The training center in Tabaan Sur was

constructed four years ago as Diong was looking for the best place to

plant quality tobacco. http://www.sunstar.com.ph/static/bag/2007/03/07/bus/farmers.to.plant.petroleum.nut.trees.html

New Zealand:34)

For the first time in recent history, New Zealand cut down more trees

last year than were planted. According to Agriculture and Forestry

Ministry figures, planting of new forests declined from 34,000 hectares

in 2001 to 6000ha in 2006. An estimated 5000ha is forecast this year.

At the same time deforestation - taking land out of forestry into

another land use - was less than 1000ha a year from 2001 to 2004,

rising to 7000ha in 2005 and an estimated 12,700 hectares last year. http://www.stuff.co.nz/3979848a13.html 35)

Forestry Minister Jim Anderton's strategy of continual personal attacks

on the forestry industry does not obscure the political and

deforestation crises his policies and approach to the job have caused,

the Kyoto Forestry Association (KFA) said today. "Nearly 2,000 forest

owners and forestry investors have already turned out to MAF

consultation meetings and passed near-unanimous resolutions condemning

Mr Anderton's confiscation of their carbon credits and his plans for

massive new taxes on the industry," KFA Spokesman Roger Dickie said.

"These are the people Mr Anderton is meant to be working with as

Forestry Minister and their lack of confidence in him represents a

political crisis in the portfolio." Mr Dickie said criticism of Mr

Anderton was intensifying through the consultation round, partly as a

result of him not attending a single meeting. "In Mr Anderton's home

town of Christchurch yesterday, the 300-plus forestry investors passed

a resolution calling on him to resign. Personal attacks on one

individual are really a bit politically silly when our industry is

speaking with one voice like never before," Mr Dickie said. http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/BU0703/S00116.htmIndonesia:36)

Pre-dawn interview with Susan in Sebangau National Park This is the

first film Pram has made in his role at Cockroach Indonesia http://www.cockroach.org.uk

Below is an extract from the film: SC: " We're now at the junction of

transect zero, which is our main transect into the forest, and transect

B. We're more or less in the centre of group C's territory, so, because

we don't know exactly where they are going to sing, we wait in the

middle of the territory and that means when they do start singing we're

very well placed to go after them. Most of the 11 gibbon species… 9 of

them have these duets where the male and female have very distinct

songs. The Javan gibbon doesn't and the Kloss gibbon doesn't, we're not

entirely sure why, but the rest of them have these very distinct male

and female parts and within that the female's the most distinctive, she

has the longest and loudest call, that part of the song is called the

"great call". " Pram: " How many gibbons in this area, Susan? " SC: " In

the grid system, which is 2km2, we have 12 groups, and if we average 4

gibbons per group – that's 48. It's not high-density forest, but there

are definitely gibbons here and we reckon this is probably the largest

population of gibbons in Indonesia at around 30,000 animals, if you

include the whole Sebangau, not this particular area. " http://indonesiangibbons.blogspot.com/2007/03/dawn-with-gibbons-central-kalimantan.html


The police suspected APP and APRIL companies commit document fraud in

several administrative tasks such as in type and size of timber

reporting, logging result reporting and, in paying provision fee (PSDH)

and rehabilitation fee (DR). Both companies committed illegal export to

gain more profit. "Based upon our investigation on the ground, it is

strongly alleged that both big companies export illegal timbers in the

form of processed timber; because it will be a low profit gained if log

is processed for pulp. Otherwise, if it is produced for processed

timber, they will gain high profit," General Sutanto said as quoted by

Riau Tribune as saying. "Inside PT IKPP mill [APP], we found moulding

product and sawn mill that allegedly export processed wood to companies

in Pekanbaru area. The mills also allegedly produced flooring and

moulding products that exported to overseas through its own port.

While, both mills allegedly have no license for processed timber

export," the Chief said. The Indonesian police turn their attention now

to illegal logging practices conducted by forest companies as last week

its top officers in Riau disclosed a finding on such a crime allegedly

perpetrated by PT RAPP. Meanwhile, WALHI (Friends of Earth Indonesia)

issued a press release friday saying the NGO supported the Indonesian

Police's action in seizing timber inside mills of PT RAPP (APRIL) and

PT IKPP (APP) in Riau that allegedly illegal for having no export

license. http://appwatch.blogspot.com/2007/03/app-april-export-illegal-wood-police.html38)

We are at the edge of ecological disaster because rapid environmental

destruction is occurring everywhere in the country. Our forests have

been exploited through destructive logging, industrial timber

plantations and massive conversion of forest land into palm oil

plantations, as well as through massive coal mining exploration. In

coastal areas, the land has been converted into fishponds and shopping

centers. Most of the rivers in places like Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi

and Nusa Tenggara are in very critical condition, with a high level of

pollution and decreasing volume of water because of the exploitation of

water catchment areas. Our sea is also facing a huge threat, with only

6 percent of the country's total of 60,000 square kilometers of coral

reef in good condition. While only 30 percent of mangrove forests are

in good condition. Coastal erosion, which is occurring in more than 60

locations throughout 17 provinces in Indonesia, is also a big problem. http://www.thejakartapost.com/misc/PrinterFriendly.asp39)

Illegal logging has been blamed for Saturday's landslides and floods in

Flores Island's Manggarai regency, while the death toll from the

disaster now stands at 34 with 40 more people still missing. Three days

after the disaster in East Nusa Tenggara province, most relief aid from

the central government and humanitarian groups remains stranded in

provincial capital Kupang due to the lack of direct flights to the

regency. Planes have to fly to the town of Ende on Flores, where the

aid is unloaded before a 10-hour overland trip to the regency capital

Ruteng. From there it takes another day to reach the disaster sites.

East Nusa Tenggara Deputy Governor Frans Lebu Raya told State Minister

for the Environment Rachmat Witoelar in Kupang on Monday that based on

the reports he had received, much of the forest in Manggarai regency

had been stripped bare due to illegal logging. " I received this

information from Manggarai Regent Christian Rotok, " he said. During the

meeting, the state minister urged people to stop cutting down forests

to ensure a balanced ecosystem. He blamed the extreme weather of the

past several years on environmental degradation and unchecked

industrialization. http://www.thejakartapost.com/misc/PrinterFriendly.asp40)

Aceh - The Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) provincial administration

will soon declare a moratorium on logging in an effort to preserve the

province`s forest ecosystem, Governor Irwandi Yusuf said here on

Saturday. " We are going to declare a moratorium on logging as soon as

possible because most of the land in this province was deforested in

the past decade, " Irwandi said in his address at the installation of

Tagore and Sirwandi as Bener Meriah district head and deputy district

head respectively. The governor said the provincial administration was

committed to stopping both legal and illegal logging activities in

Aceh. " Logging is not the only way to feed the 4.2 million people of

Aceh, " Irwandi said. Irwandi had on various occasions repeatedly stated

that the natural disasters that had hit Aceh many times in the recent

past, especially the recent massive flash floods that swept through

seven districts in January, were the result of uncontrolled logging.

Therefore, he pledged the provincial government would take serious

action against whoever was engaged in illegal logging. According to

Irwandi, forest resources in Aceh, including Leuser National Park that

covers the districts of Bener Meriah, Aceh Tengah, Aceh Tenggara, Gayo

Lues, and Aceh Selatan, should be protected and preserved for the

welfare of the Acehnese people. He said the way to improve the local

people's economy was developing the potentials of the province`s

natural resources. Therefore, the governor called on the new Bener

Meriah district head and deputy district head to invite investors to

develop plantations, agriculture and tourism in the district. http://www.indianmuslims.info/news/2007/march/04/international/aceh_to_declare_moratorium_on_lo


Pekanbaru – Eyes on the Forest, a coalition of three environmental NGOs

in Riau, Sumatra releases its Investigative Report today. The EoF

Investigation found Asia Pacific Resources International Holdings

(APRIL) to be involved in forest clearance operations in two

concessions in the Kampar Peninsula forest block. EoF considers these

operations illegal as well as destroying potential High Conservation

Value Forests (HCVFs) despite APRIL's own publicly announced policy to

protect HCVFs. EoF strongly calls all the concession holders involved

and APRIL to immediately stop their logging and timber sourcing

operations to prevent questionable clearing of natural forests which

is/are(1) still in good condition, (2) on peat soil deeper than 3m, (3)

designated as Protection Forest in the currently active Provincial Land

Use Plan, (4) lack approval by the Ministry of Forestry of their

invalid, locally issued conversion licenses, and (5) its industry

timber plantation (HTI) developed on active selective logging

concession (HPH). PT Triomas FDI belonging to APRIL fails to obtain

valid logging license, even a dispensation from the Ministry of

Forestry, therefore the timbers felled from its operation are illegal. http://aprilwatch.blogspot.com/2007/03/indonesian-ngos-consider-aprils-forest.html


FSC Australia chief executive Michael Spencer said the group was

seeking support for a two-year program to develop an FSC-accredited

Australian forest management standard. This would involve building

consensus on key issues, he said, including a definition of high

conservation value Australian forests, appropriate forest management

practices and community benefit from forestry operations. FSC maintains

its standards ensure sustainable forest management and a rigorous chain

of custody system that allows tracking of certified wood and wood

products from FSC-certified forests from manufacture to the retailer

and customer. Mr Spencer said the number of Australian companies with

FSC chain of certification had grown from about 10 in November 2005 to

more than 30. FSC Australia is supported by environment groups, several

forest products companies and community groups. Environmental members

include WWF-Australia, the Wilderness Society, Friends of the Earth,

the Australian Conservation Foundation and Greenpeace. Business members

include ITC, Hancock Victorian Plantations, Australian Paper and

Timbercorp. In Australia, more than 650,000 hectares of forest have

been certified to FSC standards. Globally, more than 80 million

hectares have been certified in 70 countries to FSC standards, and

about 5000 companies are participating in the FSC chain of custody

system. http://www.fscaustralia.orgWorld-wide:43)

P. stipitis is the most proficient microbial fermenter in nature of the

five-carbon "wood sugar" xylose—abundant in hardwoods and agricultural

leftovers, which represent a motherlode of bioenergy fodder.

"Increasing the capacity of P. stipitis to ferment xylose and using

this knowledge for improving xylose metabolism in other microbes, such

as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, brewer's yeast, offers a strategy for

improved production of cellulosic ethanol," said Eddy Rubin, DOE JGI. "In addition, this strategy could enhance the productivity

and sustainability of agriculture and forestry by providing new outlets

for agricultural and wood harvest residues." Ligonocellulosic biomass,

a complex of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, is derived from such

plant-based "feedstocks" as agricultural waste, paper and pulp, wood

chips, grasses, or trees such as poplar, recently sequenced by DOE JGI.

Under current strategies for generating lignocellulosic ethanol, these

forms of biomass require expensive and energy-intensive pretreatment

with chemicals and/or heat to loosen up this complex. Enzymes are then

employed to break down complex carbohydrate into sugars, such as

glucose and xylose, which can then be fermented to produce ethanol.

Additional energy is required for the distillation process to achieve a

fuel-grade product. Now, the power of genomics is being directed to

optimize this age-old process. http://www.physorg.com/news92326594.html44)

BOREAL - Named for Boreas, the Greek god of the north wind, the boreal

forest encircles the earth just below the treeless tundra of the polar

region. This vast ecosystem is easily seen from space and is sometimes

referred to as Earth's green halo. Overall the boreal forest spans

12,000 kilometres, covering nearly 11 per cent of our planet's total

surface. This makes it the biggest terrestrial ecosystem on Earth. The

boreal forest is home to hardwood trees like birch and trembling aspen

but is dominated by coniferous trees such as spruce, fir, and pine.

North America's largest owl, the great gray, prefers the seclusion of

coniferous and mixed wood forests and is a year-round resident of

Manitoba and Ontario's boreal. Most of the region's bald eagles fly

south for the winter. In the spring, they return to the same nest with

their lifelong mate. http://visitredlakeregion.blogspot.com/2007/03/boreal-quick-facts-named-for-boreas.html

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