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Today for you 41 news items about Earth's trees. Location, number and

subject listed below. Condensed / abbreviated article is listed further

below.Can be viewed on the web at http://www.livejournal.com/users/olyecology or by sending a blank email message to

earthtreenews---Alaska: 1) Pellet plant uses dead trees--British Columbia: 2) Save forest photos, 3) Thrillcraft, 4) Timber towns to ghost towns, --Washington:

5)Chuckanut and Blanchard mountains, 6) Land trust land turned into a

mine? 7) Grassy Narrows First Nation's resist Weyco, --Oregon: 8) Delist Murrelet? 9) illegal lumber, 10) land use planning, 11) Save Rogue,--California: 12) Citizens for Greenspace, 13) 1 millionth dead tree cut down,

--Arizona: 14) 9th circuit protects San Francisco Peaks from sewer snow--Canada: 15) logging practices in the boreal, 16) Matawa First Nation blockade,--UK: 17) Making red squirrel habitat--Poland: 18) Europe's last great wilderness

--Bulgaria: 19) Protest takes it to the streets--Israel: 20) predator wasps arrive to save non-native trees--Ghana: 21) All nine forest reserves depleted--Ethiopia: 22) Three pulp mills to use 363,000 hectares of lease free land

--South America: 23) Evidence of seasonality, 24) Analysis of new deforestation data,--Jamaica: 25) Alcoa threatens last wild forest--Brazil: 26) Ecoagents educating aboriginal tribes about their rights--Peru: 27) Deforestation causes drought

--China: 28) Save the Giant Panda--Thailand: 29) State of emergency caused by forest fires--Vietnam: 30) New pulp mill to use 400,000 hectatres--Sarawak: 31) Penan blockade is gone--Indonesia: 32) Save Lorentz National Park, 33) Palm oil, 34) Loggers to be jailed,

--Borneo: 35) Origins of Mongabay.com. 36) New species of leopard discovered, --Malaysia: 37) Malaysian Timber Certification Council, 38) Forest cover rates,--Australia: 39) Big log supply deal

--World-wide: 40) Google mapping adds World Wildlife Fund, 41) Deforestation rates,Alaska:1)

The pellet plant is still being designed, but in general, Hughes will

selectively harvest the dead trees, slice them into 40-foot logs and

truck them back to the Old Gates mill just off the Sterling Highway.

Then, the trees are ground into dust and rolled into the dense pellets.

Mackay said the plant runs on excess biomass energy from the forest.

Two plants will be in operation, one for producing the power, and one

plant for producing the pellets. And if neighbors can handle the

emissions of steam, there shouldn't be any pollution complaints.

Activity onsite will pick up once the plant is designed and approved.

Once it gets rolling, the company may cherry pick timber throughout

Alaska for the next 50 to 100 years. Once Hughes starts producing

pellets, the land will become improved in accordance to defensible

space because the dead, combustible trees will be replaced with a new

generation of timber. Hughes will be doing the work that the state,

Kenai Peninsula Borough and private entities are already paying to do

in forests that stretch from Nikiski to Anchor Point. The state has

identified priorities including salvaging useable trees and reducing

fire hazards by removing combustible fuel. Third, the state is

interested in renovating those tree stands — a priority Hughes Pellets

shares. http://www.homertribune.com/article.php?aid=1374British Columbia:2)

If you live in Victoria, Vancouver, or Vancouver Island, we need YOU on

Sat. Mar.24 at this pivotal rally for Vancouver Island's vanishing

old-growth forests and milling jobs - ENOUGH is ENOUGH! Please EMAIL US

BACK ON HOW MANY OF YOU ARE COMING so we can get a sense of our numbers

(our goal is to have 500 people) We have a first class line-up of

speakers (see below), a drumming band for the march, and we'll make a

fantastic " aerial art " image with hundreds of people sitting in

formation in the shape of an old-growth tree in front of the

Legislature to creatively send a message to the BC government. WE

REALLY NEED HELP phoning thousands of supporters, putting up posters,

and handing out our new educational newsletter. Please email us if you

can spare 1 hour or more, at wc2vic See our previous aerial

art images at: http://www.wildernesscommitteevictoria.org/gallery.php3)

" We are strengthening government's ability to deal with people who

damage our forest or range resources, " said Coleman. " This should serve

as notice that we will not tolerate the actions of those who wilfully

run machines through sensitive areas. " Under new provisions of the

Forest and Range Practices Act, people causing damage that adversely

affects an ecosystem, such as driving four-wheel drive vehicles in

wetlands, or riding ATVs irresponsibly in alpine terrain or range

lands, will face penalties of up to $100,000. Cases prosecuted in the

criminal courts carry maximum fines of $100,000, up to one year in

jail, or both. Bill 18 also contains provisions to other statutes,

including the Forest Act, Wildfire Act, Range Act and Forestry

Revitalization Act to: 1) enable local governments to reduce the threat

of interface wildfires to their communities through changes to the

Forestry Licence to Cut; 2) streamline government's ability to increase

the volume and area of a First Nation tenure, and to protect potential

Aboriginal rights and title; 3) provide woodlot operators with greater

operational flexibility to improve their economic stability; and 4)

make changes to provisions governing cutting permits to facilitate the

prompt harvesting of mountain pine beetle-attacked timber. http://www.gov.bc.ca.4)

Five British Columbia communities top the list of mid-size urban

centres with the fastest-shrinking populations in the country,

reflecting a struggling forestry sector and regional economies that

rise and fall with timber prices. " There's no surprise in the list,

given the difficulties in the northwest part of the province, " Jock

Finlayson, executive vice-president of the Business Council of British

Columbia, said yesterday. " It's really been the last area to experience

any sort of rebound since the economy of B.C. as a whole began to move

into an upswing phase in 2002. " It's harder to explain population

declines in the Interior cities of Quesnel and Williams Lake, Mr.

Finlayson and others said, as that region is experiencing a burst of

activity related to harvesting pine-beetle-killed wood before it rots

and warps, losing any economic value. In Quesnel, housing prices are

healthy, retail performance is strong and " we're in the midst of a

mini-boom because of the pine beetle, " said Jim Savage, executive

director of Quesnel Community and Economic Development Corp. The

northwest communities of Kitimat, Prince Rupert and Terrace (ranked 1,

2 and 4) are joined by the Interior towns of Quesnel and Williams Lake

(ranked 3 and 5) on the list of centres with the fastest population

decline since 2001. Cities in New Brunswick, Saskatchewan and Ontario

round out the fastest-shrinking 10. The northern B.C. city of Prince

George, with a decline of 2.1 per cent over five years, is at No. 16.

In Kitimat, the population declined by 12.6 per cent, slipping below

the 10,000 mark. The city has seen several major businesses close or

scale back operations in recent years. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.20070314.CENSUSSHRINK14/TPStory/National


The satellite pictures contain a single sizable splotch of green

between Seattle and Vancouver. That's Chuckanut and Blanchard

mountains, south of Bellingham, one place where the Cascades extend to

salt water. Aided by a public " strategies group, " the state Department

of Natural Resources has sought to develop " consensus management " plans

for 4,800 acres of state-owned lands on Blanchard Mountain. In seeking

peace, however, the DNR has set off a nasty brawl among environmental

activists in northwest Washington. The landscape is worth scrapping

over. A dream of the Bellingham area has been to protect Blanchard

Mountain and link up its forests with Larrabee State Park and city and

county parklands on Chuckanut Mountain. " We have one DNR natural

resource conservation area in Whatcom County totaling just 137 acres.

It's nothing nearly as extensive as the Issaquah Alps, " said Ken

Wilcox, a conservation activist and trail planner. In King and

Snohomish counties, the DNR has set aside 42,000 acres as conservation

areas, including popular trails on Tiger Mountain, Rattlesnake Mountain

and Mount Si. One problem: Blanchard Mountain is in Skagit County. The

4,800 acres are state trust lands, expected to provide timber

production and dollars for local schools and services. As the DNR puts

it in old-time logger jargon, Blanchard Mountain is a " working forest. "

The " strategies group " produced a controversial compromise. It would

create a 1,600-acre " core zone " emphasizing wildlife, vistas and

non-motorized recreation. But some logging -- and construction of

temporary logging roads -- would be allowed. Forests outside the core

would be " harvested " in line with DNR statewide standards. The plan

vaguely links the future of state-owned Blanchard Mountain to pending

decisions on what logging to allow on nearby Mount Baker-Snoqualmie

National Forest lands. The cry of " sellout " has come from the venerable

North Cascades Conservation Council. But Skagit County

photographer-environmentalist Lee Mann sympathizes with the agreement.

" It gets our nose in the tent, " he said. " If the DNR does something

bad, we can immediately call out to everyone from hang gliders to

horsemen. 'Help!' A veteran of the 1960s battle to create North

Cascades National Park, Mann now sees threats greater than continued

timber cutting. " I fear us getting inundated with people more than I

fear the logging industry, " he said. Big, showy and often unsightly

homes are spreading up privately owned slopes of Chuckanut and

Blanchard mountains. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/connelly/307413_joel14.html6)

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced it plans to issue a lease

for 217 acres of land critical to the project, proposed by

Spokane-based Idaho General Mines. But the agency promised not to allow

any work there until further studies show it could be done without

harming the surrounding environment. At this point, " we're not

analyzing whether a mine should be there or not, " said BLM spokesman

Michael Campbell. Although the land is part of the Gifford Pinchot

National Forest, the BLM has authority over mining on federal lands.

Environmentalists quickly condemned the agency's decision, saying a

mine simply doesn't belong there. The site is near a national monument,

as well as the source of the Green River, which eventually flows into

the Cowlitz River. The land originally was bought by the environmental

group Trust for Public Land, then turned over to the Forest Service.

" This is just a proposal that shouldn't even get off the ground, " said

Ryan Hunter, program director for the environmental group Gifford

Pinchot Task Force. " The fact that the federal government is giving

this the time of day .. is really frightening. " Mine-company officials

could not be reached for comment Wednesday. In a past interview, a

company executive said it would use modern, environmentally friendly

mining methods, and that the proposal was being unfairly prejudged by

some. The company is looking at possibly mining for copper, gold,

molybdenum and silver. In addition to the 217 acres, the BLM postponed

a decision about roughly 700 nearby acres, saying it would first look

at the company's mining plans. People now have 30 days to comment on

the proposed lease. They can write to U.S. Department of the Interior;

Bureau of Land Management; Oregon State Office; P.O. Box 2965;

Portland, OR 97208. To view the lease proposal, go to

www.blm.gov/or/index.php http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2003618833_mine15m.html


After traveling 3,000 miles from northern Ontario, Grassy Narrows First

Nation community members have reached Seattle. Their mission? To demand

that logging giant Weyerhaeuser work to stop the clear-cutting in

Grassy's ancestral homeland. On Monday morning, Grassy community

members Warren Ashopenace, Gloria Kejick, and Maria Swain met

face-to-face with top Weyerhaeuser executives. They shared stories of

how the unauthorized logging on their territory has disrupted their

ability to trap animals and collect medicinal herbs. They spoke of the

wild berries and streams poisoned by herbicides used in logging

operations. The Weyerhaeuser executives were rendered speechless as

these folks spoke truth to power. Yet, Weyerhaeuser still has not

committed to help stop the logging. That's why Grassy Narrows and RAN

are increasing the pressure on Weyerhaeuser, and we need your help.

Please call CEO Steve Rogel and demand an " exit strategy " from Grassy

Narrows. RAN and the Grassy community members remain busy in the

Seattle area. Today, we'll be at the Built Green conference in Everett,

Wash., where Weyerhaeuser subsidiary Quadrant Homes is receiving an

award. Recent research conducted by RAN documents that Quadrant homes

are constructed with Weyerhaeuser building materials made from wood

clear-cut and taken without consent from Grassy Narrows. To expose the

hypocrisy of Quadrant's award, we'll dress as homeless caribou and

wander around tree stumps in front of the conference. http://ga3.org/campaign/roadtoseattle_callOregon:8)

Marbled Murrelets -- a robin-sized seabird that lays eggs in old growth

woods -- is at risk of extinction in the lower 48, but is it special

enough to protect? The American Forest Resource Council, an

Oregon-based non-profit representing timber companies, filed suit in

federal court Wednesday to undo federal protections for the vanishing

birds. The murrelet population has shrunk to about 24,400 birds in

Washington, Oregon and California, where they were deemed " threatened "

by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 1992. In the suit filed in

U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., the timber group is arguing

that the birds are not different enough from populations in Canada and

Alaska to merit protection under the Endangered Species Act. The

black-and-white, rubber ducky-shaped birds feed on small fish and

microscopic sea life. They nest in old-growth woods, particularly mossy

trees or sometimes on the ground. In August 2004, the Fish and Wildlife

Service issued its conclusions from the review. " The threat situation

has not changed such that the murrelet (distinct population segment) is

no longer likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable

future throughout all or a significant portion of its range, " the

scientists stated. They noted, however, that the birds did not qualify

as unique from their Alaskan relations, and called for a range-wide

review of their status. That review has not been done, though a study

of the birds in Alaska and Canada was completed this year. But in

September 2004, the Bush administration recommended that the birds be

cut from the endangered species list. West's group wants the government

to follow through on that advice. With the murrelet on the list,

logging is restricted and additional hoops are required to gain

permission to cut down trees where it is allowed. " It's the bureaucracy

and waste of money that's the real issue here, " West said. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/307500_murrelet15.html9)

It could be your new hardwood floor or coffee table, with a rich

mahogany hue. While the wood may look good, there is a strong chance it

came from timber harvested illegally in places such as Honduras,

Indonesia or Peru, labor and environmental groups say. Now some

lawmakers want to crack down on illegal logging around the world. Led

by Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., the group is seeking support for a

bill to ban U.S. imports of wood products derived from illegally

harvested timber. Much like the movie " Blood Diamond, " which portrays

diamonds as fueling a brutal civil war in West Africa, lawmakers hope

to make U.S. consumers more aware of where their new bedroom dresser or

hardwood floor comes from. " Illegal logging is a problem that crosses

national boundaries to affect communities, companies and ecosystems

alike, " Blumenauer said. As much as 30 percent of U.S. hardwood imports

are from suspicious or illegal sources, according to the U.S.

International Trade Commission. Much of the wood is sent to China,

where it is processed at low cost and then exported to the United

States and other countries. Illegal logging costs U.S. companies as

much as $1 billion a year in lost exports and reduced prices for timber

products, according to the American Forest and Paper Association, a

trade group that represents the wood products industry. " I can't stress

enough how pervasive this problem is, " Blumenauer said at a Capitol

news conference Tuesday. " It's destabilizing the environment,

destabilizing trade opportunities and literally robbing national

governments " of millions of dollars in lost taxes. http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/news/politics/16895962.htm10)

Statewide land use planning came in response to the steady loss of farm

and forest lands - particularly in the Willamette Valley, which lost

nearly 1 million acres of farm land between 1950 and 1974. That erosion

needed to be arrested if Oregon hoped to have agriculture and timber

industries in the future. Gov. Tom McCall, the Legislature, the Oregon

Farm Bureau and the Oregon Forest Industries Council supported the

landmark 1973 legislation that zoned 15.6 million acres for farm use

and 7.9 million acres for forest use. The restrictions have had the

desired effect: Between 1974 and 2002, farm acreage in the Willamette

Valley actually increased slightly, and agriculture and forestry remain

vital components of the state's economy. Also in 1973, the Legislature

approved Senate Bill 101 to provide property tax breaks for the newly

zoned farm and forest lands. The change was required as a matter of

fairness - land that could no longer be developed for residential or

commercial purposes should no longer be taxed on the basis of that

potential. It was a deliberate attempt to compensate landowners for the

burden of zoning. Then-Sen. Vic Atiyeh, who carried SB 101 and later

became governor, called the bill " goodies for being in a farm zone. "

The American Land Institute calculates that the cumulative value of tax

reductions on rural land between 1974 and 2004 is nearly $4.9 billion.

Those taxes were largely shifted to properties in urban areas. Richmond

calls it the largest single public investment in Oregon history -

Interstate 5 cost less than half as much. The benefits of the tax

reductions are shared by a relatively small number of rural land

owners, while the costs are borne by large numbers of people in urban

areas. As a consequence, between 1974 and 2002 farm land values in the

Willamette Valley rose by 480 percent, faster than the rate of

inflation. At the same time, farmers and foresters were protected

against the development of adjacent lands that would result in limits

on agricultural or timber practices. But now the bargain is in danger

of breaking down as owners of rural land demand compensation or waivers

of zoning rules under Measure 37. Local governments can't afford to

compensate landowners, so waivers are the usual response to Measure 37

claims. Perhaps the response would be different if compensation took

into account the property tax benefits that have accompanied zoning. http://www.registerguard.com/news/2007/03/13/ed.edit.landvalue.0313.p1.php?section=opinion


The campaign to protect the Wild Rogue area is gaining momentum!

Already, a coalition of eight local and national conservation groups,

including Oregon Wild, has formed to save the Wild Rogue. And last

week, the Eugene Register Guard printed an editorial calling for new

Wilderness and Wild and Scenic Rivers in the Wild Rogue. To read the


The Wild Rogue area is one of Oregon's most pristine, scenic, and

rugged landscapes. Located in southern Oregon and nestled in the

Siskiyou Mountain Range, the Wild Rogue area is home to the famous

Rogue River, the Zane Grey Roadless Area, and a diversity of fish and

wildlife, including bald eagles and salmon. Oregon Wild and our

coalition partners are calling for approximately 60,000 acres of new

Wilderness areas and 100 miles of new Wild and Scenic Rivers. Increased

protection would permanently protect this ecologically rich area, which

has one of Oregon's most important fisheries and generates millions of

dollars from tourism. To view pictures of the Wild Rogue and a map of

the proposed Wilderness and Wild and Scenic Rivers: http://www.savethewildrogue.infoCalifornia:12)

Citizens for Greenspace is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to

an improved environment through community green-space projects and

education, according Mary Stephan, president. Founded in 1988 in

Carmel, the group's projects have resulted in the planting of over

4,500 trees in Carmel's parks and along our streets, the distribution

of over 18,000 tree seedlings to grade-school students for our annual

Arbor Day celebration, and the creation of five public gardens and

prairies. The group's newest project has been the creation of a

Woodland Garden in the new Central Park in Carmel. The group's budget

for this garden is $35,000. With over 1,300 perennials, numerous trees

and shrubs, and 1,000 daffodil bulbs planted in the fall of 2006, the

garden promises to be spectacular in time for its dedication on April

22. Funding for the group's community projects comes from the perennial

plant sale, the Greenspace Garden Faire, held each year in May at the

Gazebo at Carmel City Hall. http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070312/LOCAL010106/703120490/1015/LOCAL01


With a crackling thunder, local officials today symbolically felled the

1 millionth dead tree in the San Bernardino Mountains and shifted focus

to thinning projects to help make area forests healthy. The tree came

down in Sky Forest just east of Lake Arrowhead, near where firefighters

stopped the spread of the Old fire in 2003. Thanks to $70 million in

federal aid, work crews have removed most of the large stands of dead

and dying trees left stricken by years or drought and a bark beetle

infestation. Now, the county and individual property owners must work

to remove live trees and vegetation, said Peter Brierty, San Bernardino

County's assistant fire chief. " A thin forest is a healthy forest and a

thin forest is a fire-resistant forest, " Brierty said today at a news

conference in Sky Forest. http://www.pe.com/localnews/inland/stories/PE_News_Local_D_webtree.25fe8d3.html


Today, the San Francisco 9th Circuit Court of Appeals delivered justice

to the sacred San Francisco Peaks and the Southwest tribes that

consider it sacred by stopping the development of the Arizona Snowbowl

Resort and Coconino National Forest Service's proposed artificial

snowmaking plan. Sierra Club, various tribes and other appellants

argued successfully that using treated sewage to make artificial snow

would violate the environmental justice of the tribal communities and

would pollute the land, air and water."This is a national wake up

call for those that will try to desecrate sacred mountains like the San

Francisco Peaks," said Robert Tohe, Environmental Justice Organizer for

the Sierra Club in Flagstaff, Arizona. "We will not allow our voices to

be ignored." The San Francisco Peaks, north of Flagstaff, Arizona, are

sacred to13 tribes, and are important spiritual and geographic

boundaries. "I am really thankful and deeply appreciate the 9th circuit

court's decision," said Bucky Preston, one of the Hopi plaintiffs.

"Some of thejudges in the courts must have a good heart and looked

deeply into themselves to realize that the Peaks are so sacred to us

and they understood our beliefs." This overruling of a district court

decision is one of the most important in recent years under the

Religious Freedom Restoration Act. In addition to finding that the plan

would have desecrated this sacred area, the court decided that the U.S.

Forest Service failed to fully disclose the risks posed by human

ingestion of artificial snow. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2007/03/13/national/a103833D57.DTLCanada: 15)

A report that suggests Ontario's logging practices in the boreal forest

are contributing to climate change is ``laughable,'' according to

Minister of Natural Resources David Ramsay. In a report released

Tuesday, Vancouver-based ForestEthics says continued logging of the

intact boreal forest is causing more carbon dioxide to enter the

atmosphere and escalates climate change. Ramsay says that doesn't make

any sense. He says only two per cent of trees in northern Ontario are

logged each year, an area that covers nearly 50-million hectares.

Ramsay went on to say, the few trucks and harvesters in the bush are

not an issue. Ontario's boreal forest region covers 49.9 million

hectares andextends from the northern limits of the Great Lakes-St.

Lawrence forest to the Hudson Bay Lowlands. The ForestEthics report,

entitled ``Robbing the Carbon Bank:Global Warming and Ontario's

Forests,'' said protecting boreal forests ``must be a key component of

any government climate plan.'' The group said the vast forest stores

billions of tonnes of carbon dioxide. Not only does logging release

much of the carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, current harvesting

practices reduce the forest's ability to retain it, the report said. http://www.tbsource.com/localnews/index.asp?cid=9351216)

Matawa First Nation wants to have their rights in the Kenogami Forest

protected and have filed legal action in order to do so. The first

nation has commenced legal proceedings through a judicial review

application. It seeks to set aside the transfer of the Sustainable

Forest License in the Kenogami forest, from Neenah Paper to

Buchanan-owned Terrace Bay Pulp. Matawa First Nation is claiming they

have not been properly consulted about the transfer. They also feel

that the MNR has not met requirements for including the first nation in

the planning process, or done enough to ensure they receive proper

benefits from the harvesting of woodlands. The group has reserves

either in or adjacent to the Kenogami Forest. They have filed their

legal challenge against Minister of Natural Resources David Ramsay, the

director of industry relations for the ministry, Terrace Bay Pulp and

Neenah Paper. http://www.tbsource.com/Localnews/index.asp?cid=93350UK:17)

In the early 1800s, red squirrels were found throughout England and

were certainly widespread in Yorkshire. However, due to reasons not

exactly understood, but probably associated with habitat loss and

disease, populations began to decline. This was exacerbated by the

introduction of the larger, non-native grey squirrel from North America

from 1876. By 1906 the greys had arrived in Yorkshire and the fate of

the county's red squirrels was ostensibly sealed. Fortunately, pockets

of red populations managed to survive in Cumbria, the North East and

Merseyside – but why after decades in exile did the reds decide to

venture back into Yorkshire? The answer, it seems, is thanks to the

inadvertent intervention of the Kemps. Forty or so years ago when they

first moved to the remote settlement of Snaizeholme, there was plenty

of open grazing suitable for sheep and cattle, but little wildlife

habitat. Hugh and Jane decided to establish a plantation of spruce, fir

and Scots pine on several acres of land to sell as Christmas trees. The

couple had begun an arboreal version of a clear-out and a lot of trees,

particularly a variety known as sitka spruce, were felled so just a few

clumps of forestry were left standing. These included a two-acre block

of sitka close to the Kemps' house which they thought would provide a

good dormitory for roe deer. It was a great surprise, therefore, when a

neighbour told them she had seen a red squirrel hopping out of the

plantation. Soon the Kemps were seeing reds themselves. http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/viewarticle.aspx?articleid=2115840 & sectionid=105


It's one of Europe's last great wildernesses. But now economic progress

threatens the primeval forest of Poland's Rospuda valley. Local opinion

is bitterly divided. On one side of the argument there are eagles,

wolves and orchids; on the other side there are endless heavy lorries

and burgeoning economic growth. Welcome to Europe's new environmental

battleground. The conflict is coming to a head for the first time in a

pristine valley in north-east Poland, crammed with spectacular

wildlife, which has been earmarked as the route for a badly-needed

motorway to the Baltic states. The clash of priorities has bitterly

divided public opinion in Poland itself and has now set the country on

collision course with the European Union. Yet the struggle to save the

Rospuda valley is only the first of many conflicts likely to arise

between economic development in the new EU member nations of central

and eastern Europe, and their wildlife heritage. Species which have

long been rare or extinct in western European countries, such as lynx,

elk, wolf and beaver, along with scores of uncommon bird species, from

eagles to corncrakes, still have substantial populations in the 10

central and eastern European nations which have recently joined the EU.

In Poland and the other member states which joined in 2004 (the Czech

Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and the three Baltic countries of

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania), as well as in Bulgaria and Romania,

which joined this year, two remarkable habitats in particular act as

giant wildlife reservoirs for Europe as a whole.One is the vast extent

of ancient forests, some of which are still primeval - meaning they

have never been cut down and replanted - and the other is the great

range of wetlands in river valleys, flood plains and deltas. The

Rospuda valley combines both. The Rospuda river flows through the

ancient Augustow Forest near Poland's border with Lithuania, one of the

most pristine forest regions in all of Europe; and the river's course

is bracketed by a peat bog which is astonishingly rich in mammals, rare

birds, plants and insects. http://news.independent.co.uk/environment/article2359088.eceBulgaria: 19)

Eco activists took to the streets of Sofia, Bulgaria to demand

inclusion of Bulgarian areas in the NATURA 2000 Program. Earlier

European Green Party (EGP) MEPs sent 17 questions to the European

Commission (EC) about the Bulgarian Government's omissions from the

list of sites proposed for inclusion in the Natura 2000 ecological

network, the Bulgarian Green Party (BGP) said in a media statement on

March 1. Natura 2000 is a European network of protected sites which

represent areas of the highest value for natural habitats and species

of plants and animals which are rare, endangered or vulnerable in the

European Community.The World Wildlife Federation (WWF) says that in

Bulgaria almost half of the most important sites identified by

scientists, including nearly the entire Black Sea coast, have been

removed from the list due to " investors " interests. " We expected the

government to cut some sites from its list of proposals for the Natura

2000 network, but what remains has been seriously compromised in terms

of both quantity and quality, " said Vesselina Kavrakova, Bulgaria

country manager for the WWF Danube-Carpathian Programme. With its

decision, the Bulgarian government has officially introduced

" investment interests " as criteria for defining the network. Many local

people have expressed their support for Natura 2000 sites in their

area, including the town of Assenovgrad in the Rhodope Mountains, the

village of Skrino for the Skrino Gorge site and the town of Zemen for

the Zemen Gorge site. In January, WWF and NGO partners delivered a

petition with 50,000 signatures that called for urgent action to stop

illegal construction in protected areas in a number of areas on the

Black Sea coast and in the mountains. OreadDaily/Israel:20)

A shipment of predator wasps arrived in Israel two months ago to take

on the gall wasp pests that have been ravaging Israel's eucalyptus

trees. The predator wasps have already successfully routed one pest

species, Ophelimus maskellis. " We had real concerns about the threat of

extinction for Israel's eucalyptus groves, " said David Brand, manager

of the Jewish National Fund's Department of Forestry and Development.

" Fifty percent of the problem has been taken care of now, " said Brand,

referring to the success with fighting Ophelimus maskellis. JNF

researchers plan to have the predators ready for the other pest,

Leptocybe invasa, within a year. The recent shipment of predator wasps

from Australia is part of this effort, and is currently undergoing

testing in Israel. http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1173879085888 & pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull


All the nine forest reserves of Offinso in the Ashanti Region have been

depleted due to activities of illegal chainsaw operators. What is

speeding the process is desire of operators now to fell immature teak

trees planted under the government's plantation programmes to replenish

the reserves. These operators, according to the Offinso Forestry

Manager, Godfred Kofi Afrifa operate mainly during the night and are

armed to the teeth to even put the fear of God into security agencies.

Mr. Afrifa told newsmen about the development at the weekend following

the seizure of 24 vehicles which were fully loaded with logs, lumber

and billets. Among the vehicles were articulated trucks, KIA trucks and

long cargo trucks. They were seized within a period of one month

between January and February, this year. The Forestry Manager said

officials of the division were at risk as the illegal operators had

been threatening them. Mr. Afrifa urged the government to ensure

stringent measures to stem the use of chainsaw else the plantation

programmes would be a mirage. According to him a District Task Force

with the support of the police had been formed and last year, succeeded

in forwarding 12 cases of illegal operators to the courts after making

some arrests. http://www.myjoyonline.com/archives/news/200703/2531.aspEthiopia:22)

Three pulp mills are to be constructed in Ethiopia jointly with Land

and Sea Development- Ethiopia (LSDE), and Chinese and Indian companies.

LSDE started undertaking bamboo development in Benshangul-Gumz State

with a capital of 136 million dollars on a plot of 393,000 hectares of

lease free land. The company has also secured another 50,000 hectares

in the state for plantation and harvesting eucalyptus trees. At the

official inaugural ceremony of the company's office at Assosa, Founder

and CEO of the company, Dr. E. Druce Fisher told Capital that the

company is in final negotiations with a Chinese company MCC

International and an Indian company, Andhra Paper Mills Ltd. for the

construction of pulp mills in Benshangul-Gumz State and Oromia Regional

State. The mills have a capacity of producing 100,000 and 75,000 tons

of pulp respectively. The mills are scheduled to come on line in two

years and would cost about 360 million dollars, which would be a 50/50

joint venture between LSDE and the other parties. http://nazret.com/blog/index.php?title=ethiopia_three_pulp_mills_are_to_be_cons & more=1 & c=1 & tb=1

& pb=1South America:23)

A new study using NASA satellite images found evidence of seasonality

in the Amazon rainforest. The results, published in the March 20 issue

of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, show that the

Amazon had 25 percent more leaf coverage in the dry season and 25

percent less in the rainy season. "Our finding is similar to the

discovery of a large green continent, nearly a third the size of South

America, appearing and disappearing each year," explained Ranga Myneni,

professor of geography and environment at Boston University, the lead

author of this study. " This has very important consequences for

weather, atmospheric carbon, water and nutrient cycling, given that

leaves are the air purifiers and food factories of our planet. " The

paper indicates that rainforest itself plays an role in initiating the

transition from the dry to the wet season. " Rain forests sprout new

leaves in anticipation of the coming dry season, " stated a release from

Boston University. " The greener forests capture more sunlight, absorb

more carbon dioxide and evaporate more water during the dry season

compared to the wet season... By gradually humidifying the atmosphere,

the forests play an integral role in the onset of the wet season. " http://news.mongabay.com/2007/0312-amazon.html24)

While the FAO's Assessment may be better than past forestry data

collections, and the confidence level of experts may be high for the

data on some or many of the LAC nations, I still have my reservations

about LAC entries. For example, just how credible is it that forest

cover has not changed even 1,000 hectares over 15 years in Antigua, the

Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, the Caymans, the Dominican Republic,

Grenada, Guyana, Martinique, Saint Lucia or Suriname? Or that Haiti has

only lost 11,000 hectares over that same period (have you seen a

satellite image of Haiti lately?). That said, what does the FAO data

set for LAC suggest? Let's first look at the subregional breakdown —

Caribbean v. Central America v. South America. In absolute area terms,

South America showed the largest deforestation by far, 8.053 million

hectares lost, 72% of that from Brazil alone. But in percentage terms,

the biggest loss was in Central America: percentage loss there in the

1990s was 1.5% per year compared to 0.44% for all of South America, and

in the 2000-2005 period, the difference was 1.2% to 0.5%, respectively.

This is because the forest cover in South America was so vast to begin

with that areas as large as whole American states can disappear and

still represent just a percentage point or two.Meanwhile the World

Resources Institute (WRI) reportedly is working with some countries to

develop a forest mapping tool utilizing satellite imagery to help track

illegal logging operations and guide enforcement officials. Currently

Brazil is the only LAC nation aggressively using " realtime "

high-resolution satellite imaging and its analysis to track

deforestation and target its enforcement efforts. http://www.temasactuales.com/temasblog/?p=91Jamaica:25)

In July 2005, Alcoa's Board of Directors approved plans to join with

the government of Jamaica to expand the Jamalco alumina refinery in

Clarendon. Jamalco is owned 50 percent by the Jamaican government and

50 percent by Alcoa Minerals of Jamaica. Environmental groups say such

damage would be irreparable. " Unfortunately for the birds, landscape,

and many communities Jamaica is pushing hard to extract every bit of

bauxite from her soils to export for aluminum production, "said Susan

Koenig of the Cockpit Country Stakeholders Group, a coalition of

environmentalists, tourism industry representatives and schools. " The

ecological damage wrought by the industry is astounding for a medium

sized island, " said Koenig. Koenig argues that damaging one of the

worlds most important and spectacular karst landscapes to get at the

bauxite underneath makes no long-term economic sense. Tourism generates

45 percent of Jamaica's foreign earnings and directly or indirectly

provides jobs for around a quarter of the working population she

claims, adding that mining employs far fewer people and is not

sustainable. The Cockpit Country is in northwestern Jamaica near the

tourist resorts of Montego Bay and Ocho Rios. It is about 130 miles

(209 kilometers) from the capital city of Kingston. Central Jamaica was

once blanketed with wet limestone forests. The 173 square miles (450

square kilometers) of Cockpit Country represent the largest and most

intact portion left it is a rugged remote area of western Jamaica that

has the world's most outstanding karst topography – steep-sided hills

and deep, round valleys eroded from the limestone bedrock. The wildlife

of the Cockpit Country is specially adapted to this unique landscape

and numerous species occur here that are endemic, found nowhere else in

the world. This is the largest remaining area of intact wet limestone

forest in Jamaica and is a refuge for at least 79 of the 100 bird

species found in the island, including Jamaica's two endemic parrot

species (the black-billed parrot, the yellow-billed parrot), also the

ring-tailed pigeon and the plain pigeon The Cockpit Country is home to

perhaps the only viable population of the endemic Giant Swallowtail

butterfly; with a wingspan of up to 8 inches (20 cm) it is the largest

butterfly in the Americas. http://cockpitcountry.blogspot.com/2007/03/bauxite-mining-poses-major-threat-to.htmlBrazil:


As Ecoagents, our goal is to protect the Amazon Rainforest by educating

the aboriginal tribes about their rights & benefits. The tribes of

the Amazon are the key to its survival. With this knowledge the tribes

do not sign their land away and the Amazon Rainforest is preserved for

the future of mankind. We are extremely excited to announce that all

proceeds from this March 15th Ecoagents Rainforest Benefit will go to

open the 1st Institute of Tribal Rights in the Amazon Rainforest! The

Institute of Tribal Rights will be an educational hub and a pivotal

point for furthering the preservation of the Amazon, creating a voice

for the indigenous people and as well establishing global presence. http://nyc.metblogs.com/archives/2007/03/feeling_generou.phtmlPeru:


There are wide ranging ecological issues facing the San Martín region.

Perhaps the most significant of these is an ongoing drought that is

threatening crops and harvests, as well as water supplies in some parts

of the region, and could threaten to expand to the whole region. The

amount of rainfall in February was significantly lower than the usual.

February is traditionally a rainy month. Although it is predicted by

the Peruvian government's meteorological department to end in March, it

has been a cause for concern for many people. The authorities assert

that the cause of drought is the ongoing destruction of the regions

forests. It is estimated that 15 hectares of forest are destroyed every

day in the region, and in the previous 36 years, over 1.3 million

hectares, or 26.41% of the total forest area were destroyed according

to a local ecological and economic study conducted by the 'Instituto de

Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana' in 2006. Destruction proceeded

at a rate of 40 hectares a day, until the regional government began to

take action. These estimates can be considered conservative, more

recent media reports claim that up to 1.9 million hectares, in excess

of a third of the regions forests have been logged, making San Martín

the most deforested region in Peru. Deforestation is increasingly a

political issue. Environmental issues in general are widely forgotten

by the people and the press, but as they begin to hold consequences for

daily lives, the press at least, and the authorities are taking notice,

although the issues remain very low in the conscience of the

population. In spite of that, in January a new regional president,

council and new mayors at almost all levels of regional and local

government took office following elections in November 2006. The

political party that assumed office in many cases was an independent

regional party called 'Nueva Amazonia'. This party came into office

with strong commitments to tackle ecological issues such as

deforestation. Whether they will make a difference is yet to be seen. http://greenblog.wordpress.com/2007/03/12/deforestation-in-san-martin/


Despite adaptations to facilitate the consumption of bamboo, its

dietary staple, the giant panda still retains the digestive system of

its carnivore past and is unable to digest cellulose, a primary

component of bamboo. To deal with this problem, the giant panda rapidly

passes large quantities of bamboo grass through its digestive tract

every day, but as a consequence it can be susceptible to a variety of

digestive disorders. Giant pandas are also afflicted by reproductive

problems and low birth rates. The female breeds only once a year, for

two or three days, and may not mate successfully within that time. The

panda's most serious problems, however, and the ones most responsible

for its near extinction, are poaching and deforestation of its natural

habitat. Fossils from northern Myanmar (Burma), Vietnam, and much of

China as far north as Beijing reveal that the giant panda existed

throughout much of eastern Asia during the Pleistocene Epoch (1,800,000

to 10,000 years ago). In modern times, human destruction of its forest

habitat has restricted the species to remote mountain areas in Sichuan,

Shaanxi, and Gansu provinces in China. In addition, periodic mass

flowering and die-offs of bamboo have caused starvation for some

populations. (Bamboo forests require 5 to 10 years to recover from such

events.) The good news is that efforts to save the giant panda, though

still at a critical stage, have been meeting with success. Since the

1990s China has greatly expanded its conservation efforts and now

regards the giant panda as a national treasure. The country's reserve

system has grown from 14 to more than 40 sites, and it has cooperated

internationally to provide training in reserve-management and

captive-breeding programs. http://advocacy.britannica.com/blog/advocacy/2007/03/saving-the-giant-panda-success-still-not-a


Thailand may declare an environmental emergency in tourist hotspot

Chiang Mai and two other northern provinces after a thick smog

blanketed the region, the environment minister said Tuesday. Kasem

Snidwong Na Ayuttaya said air quality in three provinces was double the

hazardous level after widespread forest fires and farmers setting

blazes to clear land. The health ministry said it had already

distributed 130,000 masks, with another 170,000 being passed out

Tuesday. Kasem said northern army units were working with the forestry

department to control the forest fires, which began in late February

and have been reported in about 1,340 locations. The fires in northern

Thailand, as well as neighbouring Laos and Myanmar, were caused by

farmers trying to clear land and by people burning the forest to make

scavenging for wild mushrooms easier, Kasem said. All flights from

Chiang Mai to Mae Hong Son town were suspended for the second day

running Tuesday because of bad visibility. Other flights in the region

were operating as usual. http://www.terradaily.com/reports/Thailand_Considers_Declaring_Emergency_Over_Haze_999.html


Interested private investors may have to take part in an 'informal'

bidding process to build a pulp factory in central Binh Dinh province

as a result of limited local land reserved for growing forests. The

bidding process is set to happen because a number of private investors

are working on independent plans, which will help Vietnam to reduce

reliance on foreign imports. In accordance with the local land-use

plan, of Binh Dinh's 400,000 hectares of forests, 60,000ha will be used

to grow trees to provide timber for pulp making facilities. "Both

proposals of Saigon Invest Group and the Japanese consortium are merely

in paper and we hope they have real intentions for their projects.

Several foreign investors had studied developing pulp making facilities

in Binh Dinh, but no projects were finalised because, as we know,

investments in pulp factories are huge," said the official. http://www.vir.com.vn/Client/VIR/index.asp?url=content.asp & doc=12382


The blockade the Penan had erected looked pitiful in the rain, a few

bamboo poles strung together across the muddy logging road that cuts

through the rainforest near Long Benalih in the upper Baram River

region of Malaysian Sarawak, near the Kalimantan border in Borneo. This

flimsy structure was never going to stop Samling, with its fleets of

bulldozers and trucks, from entering the region. But for almost exactly

three years, since February 2004, the barricade had stood at the end of

the road, symbolically blocking entry to the last remaining stand of

the Penan's ancestral rainforest land. Steadily the loggers have moved

east from the Sarawak coast and now they are at the last blockade. In

October 1987 the Penan, Kayan and Kelabit communities erected their

first barriers, shutting down roads at over 20 sites in the Baram and

Limbang river districts, about 100km to the west of the current

barrier. About 2500 Penan took part in the eight-month-long protests,

enduring harsh conditions and harassment from the logging industry, but

maintaining a peaceful campaign. Samling controls a 70km-long road that

cuts west through to the latest blockade site at Long Benalih. Loggers

fan out from the road to feed the timber jinkers that run non-stop,

taking huge trees to the staging post of Lapok on the Tinjar River.

Representatives of some tribes have accepted payments for their land

along the way but the Penan the original forest nomads have refused any

offers. Their last stand is a claim on the 30km by 20km stretch of

pristine forest around the Selungo River, covering such settlements

such as Long Kerong, Long Benalih and Long Sait. The Penan are widely

regarded as having the greatest knowledge of the forest's plants and

animals. They recognise more than 100 fruiting trees, 50 medicinal

plants and eight blowpipe dart poisons, including one that is far more

potent than anything used by any other Borneo tribe. The Penan are

known for their ability to fire three darts in quick succession down

the pipe, a skill members of the other tribes have not mastered. And in

the lower Baram I wouldn't find any forest either. There the loggers

had been through, changing the life of the longhouse people forever. It

is only in the upper Baram, where the Penan still hold out, that the

forest, and a unique lifestyle that goes with it, still survives. http://canberra.yourguide.com.au/detail.asp?class=news & subclass=environment & story_id=564774 & cat


The Lorentz National Park near Mimika regency, Papua, is under threat

from illegal logging, an official of the Mimika Forestry and

Agriculture Office said. Benny Renyaan, head of the office's forest

resources agency, said in Mimika's capital Timika on Monday that the

central government had not paid much attention to the 2.5 million

hectare park, which is located in five regencies -- Mimika, Asmat,

Yahukimo, Jayawijaya and Puncak Jaya. Renyaan said, based on

information from people living near the park, illegal logging was

damaging the local ecosystem and threatening endangered wildlife. " The

illegal logging is taking place near Fanamo and Omawita villages at the

Fareast Mimika district at a time when control from both the

administration and security officers is weak, " he said. Renyaan urged

the government to take stern action against illegal loggers in order to

save the park. " The park is known as the conservation center with the

most complete varieties of flora and fauna in Indonesia, " Renyaan said.

Despite the park's natural importance, it still lacks clear-cut

boundaries, a management plan and any technical body to manage it, he

said. Renyaan said the park was also under the threat from mining by

the company Freeport Indonesia, which dumps its tailings in the western

part of the park. http://www.thejakartapost.com/misc/PrinterFriendly.asp33)

More than 85 percent of the world's supply of palm oil comes from two

nations _ Indonesia and Malaysia. The rainforests on the islands of

Borneo and Sumatra are ground zero in the dispute over expanding palm

plantations. The forests are logged and burned to make way for the

plantations, at times producing a thick blanket of smog that can cover

parts of Southeast Asia for weeks and release millions of tons of

greenhouse gases. The plantations also are moving into peat swamps,

which are drained. As the peat dries, it also releases tons of carbon

dioxide. The trend is accelerating. Indonesia is already the

third-largest producer of carbon dioxide in the world, behind the

United States and China. By 2015, an area of Indonesia the size of West

Virginia is expected to be covered with palm plantations. "It's

absolutely disingenuous to suggest that biodiesel made from palm oil is

green or sustainable," said David Waskow, international program

director for Friends of the Earth. Some 8,000 miles away from

Indonesia, on the Washington coast, Imperium's plant is 60 percent

complete and expected to start producing biodiesel in July. The plant

eventually will produce 100 million gallons of fuel a year. The company

also is constructing or plans similar sized plants in Hawaii, Argentina

and an undisclosed site on the East Coast. http://www.savetheorangutan.co.uk/?p=26634)

Public Prosecutor Kardinal demanded Wednesday the Jambi District Court

sentence the director of CV Sengketi Jaya, Salim, to five years in jail

for stealing 1,556 logs. Kardinal said the logs in Salim's possession

were not accompanied by the appropriate paperwork. Salim, who is head

of the branch office of the National Mandate Party, is also facing a

fine of Rp 500,000 (US$52.63). " The defendant has taken part in the

destruction of the environment, " Kardinal said, alleging that Salim

violated Article 78 Paragraph 7 of Law No. 41/1999 on forestry. Salim's

lawyer Edi Sam rejected the accusation. He said he would give his

defense statement on March 22. Other defendants in the same case,

Arnoldi and M. Yusuf, are facing five and three years in jail

respectively for their alleged involvement in the log thefts. http://www.thejakartapost.com/detailnational.asp?fileid=20070315.G08 & irec=7


Mongabay.com was born out of a personal experience on the island of

Borneo, when a beautiful tract of lowland forest was converted into

wood chips for a paper pulp mill. This was not the first time I had

lost such a special place, but the loss of that small section of forest

in Borneo created the urgency to start writing about wild lands and

wildlife. I wanted to share my experiences with those who hadn't yet

witnessed the magnificence of these places. Thus the initial mission of

Mongabay was to make people aware of the significance of rainforests

and the biodiversity they contain. While they may be hot, bug-ridden,

and remote, these forests have a lot to offer. Deforestation is

expected to have a significant impact on both global climate and

biodiversity. Deforestation currently contributes about one-fifth of

greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere. Because of deforestation,

countries like Brazil and Indonesia are some of the largest emitters of

carbon dioxide even though their industrial capacity is not as high as

other countries. Indonesia may in some years be the third largest

greenhouse gas producer because of deforestation and forest fires. It

is unclear when we can expect to see significant impact from climate

change in the tropics. Some researchers say 10 years while others say

50. In the Amazon, models indicate that the rainforest is likely to

become drier and more susceptible to forest fires. Some of the

rainforest may be replaced by savanna. http://journalperu.com/?p=51836)

Scientists have identified a leopard found on the islands of Borneo and

Sumatra as a new species of great cat. It's been named the Bornean

clouded leopard or Neofelis Diardi. Genetic and skin tests on the

creature show it's almost as different from clouded leopards found on

the Asian mainland as lions are from tigers. The announcement follows a

December report from WWF that dozens of new animal, fish, plant and

tree species have recently been found on Borneo. The island is one of

the world's last frontiers for biodiversity but under threat from

deforestation. http://www.smh.com.au/news/science/spot-the-difference-its-a-new-leopard/2007/03/15/11737226196


Getting timber to be certified as legally and sustainably harvested is

tough in Malaysia. In fact, the process is one of the most rigorous in

South-East Asia. Just ask Chew Lye Teng, chief executive officer of the

Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC). MTCC carries out the

process to make sure that timber products are made using logs that have

been legally harvested. But it does not stop there. The logs must also

come from a forest area which is managed sustainably. He explains that

certification is voluntary, but it is also market-driven. This means

that if a company wants to sell its products at better pricing, it

needs the certification. There are two steps to the process. One is

forest management certification: an independent assessment that

balances economic value, environmental and social aspects of a forest

area. Then, the chain-of-custody certification traces certified

plywood, mouldings and wooden furniture back to logs harvested from

MTCC-certified forests. Chew said that in MTCC-certified logging

concessions, fruit trees and other trees that are important to the

indigenous communities are protected from being logged. The indigenous

people can move freely to gather sago, rattan, wild fruits, and hunt

wild animals which are not on the protected list. http://www.btimes.com.my/Current_News/BT/Monday/Column/BT538452.txt/Article/


Forestry Deputy Director General (Planning & Development) Datuk Hj

Dahlan Hj Taha told Bernama in a recent interview that available

figures point to the fact that Malaysia's forest cover is estimated at

19.5 million hectares or 59.5 percent from the country's total land

area. Out of this, 14.4 million hectares have been gazetted as

Permanent Reserve Forests managed under the sustainable forest

management programme and another 2.15 million hectares have been turned

into National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuary. This makes the total forest

cover under full protection at 16.5 million hectares.According to

Dahlan, the balance of 2.94 million hectares from the total has been

set-aside as State Land Forest to be used for agriculture, industries

and other uses. Malaysia's forests are referred as tropical

rainforests. For management purposes, the forests in Peninsula Malaysia

are classified into the Dry Inland Forests or Dipterocarp Forests, Peat

Swamp Forests and Mangrove Forests. The Dry Inland Forests are

important in terms of the country's economy and ecology as they are

often the primary source of the country's timber. It has most of the

main timber species and some of them can grow even up to 80 metres

tall. Mangrove forests are equally important in terms of conserving and

protecting the coastal ecosystem for fishery purposes and act as the

first stronghold against tidal waves or tsunami while Peat Swamp

Forests produce wood, especially for making firewood and charcoal.

Besides the valuable timber, other products that can be harvested from

the forest are aromatic oils and resin. News on forest encroachment and

illegal logging always receive wide coverage. Besides timber, rampant

theft of aloewood has been reported with some even penetrating the

Permanent Reserve Forest in the southern part of Peninsula Malaysia.

Those involved include foreigners from neighbouring countries. However,

Dahlan clarified that most of the news reports aired on television

recently did not involve the Permanent Reserve Forest but state land

forests and land owned by individuals. " However, to say there are no

cases involving Permanent Reserve Forest is incorrect but the situation

is under control." http://www.bernama.com.my/bernama/v3/news.php?id=250888Australia:39)

Forestry group Lignor's proposed $300 million timber engineering

project has moved a step closer with the signing of a big log supply

deal with ITC. Under the contract, ITC will initially supply Lignor

with 100,000 tonnes of blue gum logs a year, starting in 2009, for the

proposed plant at Albany in Western Australia. Lignor is developing

Australia's first stranded timber mill that will use German technology

to produce engineered wood products from local hardwood eucalypts and

native forest residues. The products will be used in housing and

construction, and are expected to compete against steel. Plant output

is expected to reach 240,000 cubic metres year by 2011. The contract

with ITC will supplement Lignor's existing supply agreements. Great

Southern Plantations also has a contract to supply 200,000 tonnes of

timber a year to the company. Lignor managing director Glyn Denison

said these would be complemented by more contracts with log suppliers

in the near future to provide the plant's total requirements. http://www.theage.com.au/news/business/lignor-timber-project-growing/2007/03/13/1173722467814.h


Google on Monday added details of World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

environmental projects to its popular global online mapping service.

The Mountain View, Calif., Internet search powerhouse wove WWF images,

information and website links into its Google Earth program. " This

joint initiative will allow WWF to spread its conservation message to a

vast new audience, " said WWF director general James Leape. " People

interested in conservation and the environment now will be able to

visit WWF projects in some of the worlds most threatened and

biologically diverse places from their home computers. " Google added

150 projects of Switzerland-based WWF to a showcase of the world's

natural wonders, famous haunts, and man-made changes that it debuted in

its global mapping service in September of 2006. Google provides the

information in " multimedia overlays " that users can trigger while

viewing a virtual globe. Icons designate natural wonders, major

landmarks or cities, and environmental changes such as deforestation in

the Amazon and a shrinking glacier in Iceland. " Were pleased that the

WWF has chosen Google Earth as a platform for sharing their incredibly

important conservation work, " said Google Earth and Maps director John

Hanke. http://www.smh.com.au/news/Technology/Google-maps-World-Wildlife-Fund-efforts/2007/03/13/1173548132009.html#


An area of forest twice the size of Paris disappears every day although

the rate of global deforestation has started to slow, according to a

United Nations report issued on Tuesday. " Deforestation continues and

it continues at an unacceptable rate, however there are signs of

potential change, " said Wulf Killmann, a forestry expert at the Food

and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) which published the report. The

destruction of forests not only reduces habitat available for wildlife

but also adds to the greenhouse effect because the carbon stored in

trees is released into the atmosphere. Deforestation accounts for 18

percent of the carbon dioxide produced each year, a significant

proportion of the emissions scientists say are causing global warming

which also poses risks to forests via increased fires and the spread of

pests. Demand for agricultural land is one of the main reasons that

forests continue to be erased at the rate of 13 million hectares a

year, an area about the size of England. However, moves by some

countries to replant forests has meant the annual net loss has dropped

from around 9 million hectares in the 1990s to 7.3 million, according

to the " State of the World's Forests 2007 " report. A huge tree planting

programme in China, for example, more than offset large-scale

deforestation in other parts of Asia such as Indonesia, to produce a

net increase in the amount of forested land in the Asia-Pacific region

during the first five years of the decade. China's economic boom has

driven demand for wood and the country has adopted a tree planting

policy, not only to reduce its reliance on imported timber, but also

for soil protection, especially in areas near the Gobi desert, Killmann

said. http://www.planetark.org/dailynewsstory.cfm/newsid/40837/story.htm

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