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URGENT - Help stop the cruel seal massacre in Canada.

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...:: TAKE ACTION - HELP STOP THE SEAL SLAUGHTER ::..More than 300.000 seals and baby seals are to be brutally killed for the fur and fish industry


























This year, you can do even more to help save the baby seals. Click here to email Canada's Minister of International Trade and tell him to end the seal hunt now.

Trouble with links or images? View this message online:https://community.hsus.org/humane/notice-description.tcl?newsletter_id=8059695



















This year, you can do even more to help save the baby seals. Tell Canada's Minister of International Trade to stop the hunt!







In just days, Humane Society International will again be on the front lines in Canada, fighting to stop the largest commercial slaughter of marine mammals on the planet: the annual seal hunt.


You’ve stood with us, and thanks to you and more than 340,000 others, our boycott of Canadian seafood is working. Since we began the boycott, Canada’s fishing industry has experienced a $350 million (Canadian) decline in the value of snow crab exports to the United States alone. But today the news from Canada remains bleak, as Canadian fishermen prepare to club and shoot hundreds of thousands of baby seals over the next few months. That’s why I ask you to take the next steps toward saving the seals from slaughter: Urge Canada's Minister of International Trade to heed international outrage.




Tell Canada's Minister of International Trade, David Emerson, that the seal hunt damages Canada's international reputation, and remind him that it has resulted in ongoing global boycotts of Canadian seafood and tourism. Tell him it’s time to end the commercial seal hunt for good and that a hunt opposed by most Canadian citizens shouldn't be allowed to harm Canada's economy. Click here to contact Canada’s Minister of International Trade now!

Ask your friends to take action.




Don’t let false reports from the Canadian government’s spin doctors fool you: Governments around the world are banning their trade in seal products. We are so close to ending the seal hunt for good -- we must keep up the pressure! Ask your friends and family to help us now. When the first stage of the hunt unfolds this March in the North Atlantic, HSI will once again be there with our cameras to show the world the ugly truth from the ice.Stay in touch with our campaign to end the seal hunt and find up-to-the-minute news, videos, and actions you can take at www.ProtectSeals.org.Your involvement is critical to ending the hunt. Thank you for joining us today in our fight to abolish the seal hunt forever. Sincerely,Andrew RowanChief Executive OfficerHumane Society InternationalP.S. During the hunt, you can get frequent email updates from Rebecca Aldworth, our director of Canadian Wildlife Issues, who will be on the ice to witness and report on the slaughter. Visit her online journal, Live from the Ice.



2007 Humane Society International (HSI) | .Humane Society International | 2100 L Street, NW | Washington, DC 20037 USAinfo | 301-258-3010 | www.hsi.org
















If you can’t see the images in this email, please click here to view it as a Web page.











International Fund for Animal Welfare March 23, 2007




300,000 actions for 300,000 seals




















With the seal hunt now just a few days away, it’s time to unveil the new StoptheSealHunt.org campaign site.

In the next few weeks, hundreds of thousands of baby seals will be cruelly clubbed or shot—an annual harp seal slaughter endorsed by the Canadian government. Scores of baby seals, some as young as three weeks old, will be beaten or shot and left to die. Some will even be skinned alive.

StoptheSealHunt.org is your number one resource to stay up to date on what’s happening at this year’s hunt and to meet other seal activists from around the world.

The new interactive site features a Seal Hunt blog with daily updates from Canada, audio podcasts, and videos and photos from IFAW hunt monitors at the scene of the hunt. You’ll also receive information on how to take action as well as multiple ways to enlist others to support our fight against this inhumane practice.

Join the fastest-growing online community fighting to end the seal hunt

Add your voice along with thousands of others from around the globe to create a unique online community that celebrates your participation in putting an end to this cruel hunt.


1) Act: Visit StoptheSealHunt.org to take action or make a donation.2) Join: Upload your photo and protest message.3) Share: View images and comments from other activists around the world.

Your photo will join together with thousands of other profiles to create a new, surprise image when we reach our goal of 300,000 actions and/or donations.

By taking action now, you’ll help bring us one step closer to reaching our goal and completing this unique representation of the global community dedicated to ending the seal hunt. So please speak out against the unnecessary slaughter of baby seals today!

Let’s win this,Fred O’ReganPresident and CEO

P.S. Please forward this email to as many friends and family members as you can in order to help get the new StoptheSealHunt.org community off to a huge start!







All gifts to IFAW represent a contribution to IFAW’s entire mission. Donations will be used where they are most needed to help animals.



PO Box 193 • 411 Main Street Yarmouth Port, MA 02675www.ifaw.org




























March 23, 2007













Don't let the seal hunt go on without an enormous outcry. You can help stop the slaughter of baby harp seals.The Canadian seal hunt is scheduled to start in just days. Last year, the Canadian government permitted the slaughter of more than 330,000 harp seals in the most barbaric manner imaginable--with spiked clubs. Please join me in saying ENOUGH! Let's work together to help end this terrible cruelty once and for all.Take these three easy steps today: 1. Sign PETA's petition to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. We only need a few thousand more people to sign in order to reach our goal of 100,000.2. Make as generous a gift as you can afford to PETA today to support our work to stop the fur trade. The sealing industry claims that it is killing more seals because of an increased demand for the fur. Ending the use of fur in fashion will stop the slaughter of seals, minks, foxes, rabbits, and all the other animals killed for their fur.3. Ask your friends and family members to sign the petition. Remember, we only have days before the hunt starts. The seals need as many people as possible to stand up for them and tell Prime Minister Harper that we want this horror to end.Only when caring people like you come together and demand change are we able to accomplish great victories for animals. Please do everything you can today. This is not an easy task. Time is short, and animals' lives are depending on our action. For all animals,Ingrid E. NewkirkPresident














Add your voice to the tens of thousands of others demanding that Prime Minister Harper end the cruel baby harp seal hunt.Make a gift to PETA so that we can end the horrifically cruel fur trade once and for all. Urge your friends and family members to sign the petition before the hunt begins.













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