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CRITICAL for ALL Animal People (from Dawnwatch)

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There is a saying: " One person can do almost anything. No person can

do everything. " That's why DawnWatch focuses strictly on media and

almost never sends out alerts that are not media based. I make an

exception today in order to tell people about a piece of legislation

that could undo all of the good work so many others have done on the

legislative front. There is a provision tucked into the pending Farm

Bill designed to prohibit states and localities from banning

activities they deem to be contrary to public health, safety, or

morals. If it passes, it will nullify gains made by activists across

the 50 states.

If you respond to just one alert this year, please make it this one,

so that others can keep fighting.

Please read the alert below from HSUS and take five minutes to make

two phone calls and send two emails. Your five minutes will enable

activists to continue to devote their lives to easing animal suffering.


Here is the HSUS alert:



Don't Let Congress Undo State and Local Animal Laws


Dear Friend,


Some of our most important victories for animals have been state laws

barring cruel practices—such as horse slaughter, confining young

calves and breeding pigs in crates so small they can't even turn

around, and force-feeding of ducks and geese to make foie gras. Should

Congress be able to block all such laws? Tell your federal legislators NO!


The federal government shouldn't be able to trump the will of the

states when it comes to animal welfare. Yet that's exactly what

legislation now making its way through Congress would do. A small

provision—Section 123—tucked into the pending Farm Bill would prohibit

states and localities from banning activities they deem to be contrary

to public health, safety, or morals. It's an outrageous power grab

that would undermine the democratic process and deny citizens the

right to pass state or local laws on issues of humane treatment or

food safety.


If passed, this provision would nullify bans on horse slaughter in

states including Illinois, Texas and California, bans on gestation

crates in Florida and both gestation and veal crates in Arizona, and

bans on foie gras in California and Chicago. Tell Congress not to mess

with state and local animal protection laws!





Please take a moment to make brief, polite phone calls to your federal

legislators about this issue. You can reach your federal legislators

by calling the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121, or go to

https://community.hsus.org/humane/leg-lookup/search.html to find their

Capitol office phone numbers.


Making a phone call is easy. You will speak to a staff person who can

take your message and pass it along to your legislator. You can say:


" Hello, my name is [your name] and I'm a constituent from [your town

and state]. I'm calling to urge [your legislator's name] to oppose any

effort to preempt state and local laws through the Farm Bill. I'm very

alarmed about Section 123 of the pending House Farm Bill, which would

prevent states and localities from passing laws to protect animals

from inhumane treatment and to protect food safety. When citizens

decide a practice is too cruel or dangerous to allow in their state,

Congress has no business forcing them to allow it. Thank you. "


After you make your calls, please send a follow-up email to further

encourage your legislators to keep this dangerous provision out of the

Farm Bill. Go to

https://community.hsus.org/campaign/FED_2007_farmbill/nza38t3te to

send your emails.


Finally, please tell your friends and family about this important

issue and ask them to help. We need lots of calls and letters flooding

Congress right away to stop this awful legislation. You'll find a form

that helps you send the alert on to friends at



Thank you for all that you do for animals!




Mike Markarian

Executive Vice President

The Humane Society of the United States


(End of HSUS alert)


(DawnWatch is an animal advocacy media watch that looks at animal

issues in the media and facilitates one-click responses to the

relevant media outlets. You can learn more about it, and sign up for

alerts at http://www.DawnWatch.com. You may forward or reprint

DawnWatch alerts if you do so unedited -- leave DawnWatch in the title

and include this parenthesized tag line. If somebody forwards

DawnWatch alerts to you, which you enjoy, please help the list grow by

signing up. It is free.)


To discontinue DawnWatch alerts go to


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