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Today for you 36 new articles about earth's trees! (206th edition)

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--British Columbia: 1) Beatle salvage ends the logging's future, 2)

100 year-old garden,

--Washington: 3) 4,000 mile hike from South Puget Sound to Bering Sea,

--New Jersey: 4) Save Seton Hall old growth

--North Carolina: 5) State allowances for forest conservation

--USA: 6) Road removal funds might fly

--Canada: 7) Save the Cumberland Wilderness

--UK: 8) Save Gillies Hill, 9) Strategy for Trees, Woods and Forests,

10) Treesit ends,

--Iraq: 11) $4.6 million for forest recovery

--Macedonia: 12) police detected wrongdoings for personal gain

--Mozambique: 14) New forest cover numbers

--Namibia: 15) Teak trees logged despite newly established UN project,

--Uganda: 16) internally displaced people clash with forestry authority

--Brazil: 17) Brazilian Movement of Landless Rural Workers,

--Costa Rica: 18) Clouds and amphibians vanish from cloud forest,

--Chile: 19) Pinochet's legacy lives on to the destroy 12,600 hectares

--India: 20) Brunei to maintain forest cover, 21) Crocodiles as forest defense,

--Burma: 22) Digging up live ancient trees to sell to affluent Chinese

--Bhutan: 23) Logging will not be privatized

--Cambodia: 24) Deaths threats from Global Witness

--Vietnam: 25) A migration back to the forests

--Malaysia: 26) illegal logging in the Sungai Menyala

--Indonesia: 27) CPAWS Wildlands League, 28) Visit Indonesia Year " in

2008, 29) Orchid forest, 30) endangered Oranguntans

--Australia: 31) tropical rainforests more important in 'cleaning'

than previously thought, 32) Chopping down protected trees as a from

of protest,

--World-wide: 33) biological corridors, 34) Kapok tree can travels

across the ocean, 35) Geographic Information Science Center of



British Columbia:


1) The cookie-cutter response to dealing with the infestation is to

dramatically increase logging rates and replicate the same kind of

logging virtually everywhere. Consequently, millions of living trees

fall along with the dead ones. This is one reason why five of B.C.'s

leading environmental groups have joined with five labour

organizations, including three unions representing forest industry

workers, in a call to radically rethink the response to the

infestation. In a co-published report released today, the unions and

environmental groups point to a host of disturbing trends that have

emerged during the current beetle-fuelled salvage logging boom.

Perhaps the most significant finding is that while there is clear

evidence that the logging of beetle-attacked pine trees has increased,

live spruce and fir are also being cut. In fact, for every two pine

trees logged, one or more spruce or fir come down. Compounding

worries, in many " pine-leading " forests large numbers of trees have

survived the attack unscathed. These so-called " understorey " trees are

smaller than the surrounding dead, older pine, and they are

flourishing. When such sites are logged, all those healthy trees are

levelled in the name of salvaging economic value from the dead pine.

This is a horrendous waste. First, forests that sustain wildlife and

moderate water flows -- helping to mitigate catastrophic floods -- are

wiped away. Second, all the years that it took those healthy

understorey trees to grow is wiped away, too. Fieldwork by provincial

and federal forest scientists suggests that if the dead pine were just

left alone on such sites, it would take as few as 20 years for the

living trees in their midst to reach a commercial size. That's far

more desirable than logging such sites today, destroying all the

trees, setting the reforestation clock back to zero, and having no

economic prospects for 80 or more years. The same scientists say that

if we left these and other sites alone for now, only about one-quarter

of forests where pine trees dominate would make sense to log and

replant. The other troubling thing about the current logging boom is

that more and more usable wood is getting wasted. The sharp increase

in waste over the past three years correlates with changes to

provincial forest policies that essentially allowed companies to take

the best logs and leave much of the rest behind provided a token

payment was made to the province.





2) Peter Buckland and I are wandering the five-acre garden whose care

he has inherited on a remote inlet on the west coast of Vancouver

Island, B.C. Giant rhododendrons stretch around gnarled fruit trees;

roses roam willy-nilly over gates, garden sheds and fences. And all

around, pushing in on the garden's tenuous margins, is some of the

densest rain forest this rugged western edge of British Columbia's

Vancouver Island has to offer. The area qualifies as one of the

world's most unlikely spots for a garden, yet within its confines more

than 100 species of imported trees, shrubs and plants have been

identified. Some have survived in the wet, acidic soil for some 90

years. I've come to the garden because of a book I discovered in a

Victoria bookshop, " Cougar Annie's Garden, " by Vancouver Island

resident Margaret Horsfield. She writes of " a half-lost garden walled

in by tall trees and taller tales, " and of the " small and strong and

grittily determined " woman, Ada Annie Rae-Arthur, who carved it out of

the rain forest. A tiny orange floatplane delivers me to a curve in

the sea known as Boat Basin, a 35-minute flight out of the village of

Tofino. Our route was identical to that taken by Ada Annie and her

husband, Willie Rae-Arthur, their three children and all the family's

worldly goods in April 1915 aboard the steamer Princess Maquinna. By

any reckoning few places on Earth are less suited for farming. But

that is what the provisional government encouraged settlers to do at

the turn of the century with the offer of up to160 free acres to those

able to tame the land. Most of the would-be farmers took one look at

the unwelcoming terrain and threw up their hands; others gave it a

valiant but short-lived try. Ada Annie was the exception. Her pioneer

effort is the only one that endured. " It was her life, her passion, "

Buckland says. When Cougar Annie died, Buckland began coming to the

garden monthly, hacking away at the tangle of the now overgrown

garden. Then, in 1987, he built a house near the beach and moved

permanently to Boat Basin. " A lot of people thought I was completely

nuts, " he says. " But all I knew was that I had to let the garden

breathe again. " Buckland established the nonprofit Boat Basin

Foundation for the purpose of drawing attention to the botanical

diversity and historical importance of the garden and to provide a

field center for temperate rain forest ecology study. Annie's Garden

is now part of the Temperate Rainforest Field Study Centre.


100.xml & coll=7




3) From the Puget Sound to the Bering Sea: Four thousand miles along

the edge of the Pacific, by foot, raft, and skis. An expedition to

explore and communicate the broad environmental issues facing this

region: Halfway through our first packrafting day on the upper Sauk

River, we came to a bridge, only to run into a group of folks in

wetsuits, helmets, and very large rafts - heading for the class IV

rapids below. That was our signal to walk for awhile. A little while

later, we were back in the rafts. We ended up on a Sunday night at one

of Darrington, Washington's three bars (pop 1200), chatting with the

bartender and the locals. We're talking about the trip, being

distracted by television poker, and an old retired logger (drunk),

turns to Hig and says " You guys are tree-huggers, aren't you? " . Hig

replies with " Yeah, kind of… " - and the logger goes off into his rant

about old-growth forests. He feels that we should cut the old growth,

because it's all rotten, and allow the new trees to grow. We've

wandered through a lot of these " new " forests on this trip - stick

straight skinny trees, all the same height, growing so closely that

almost nothing grows underneath. Hig's favorite analogy is to suburban

housing developments. Second growth forests - at least the young ones

- are like those cookie-cutter housing developments (always called

something like " Ridgeview " ) where each house is exactly the same.

Old-growth forests are like old European cities - diverse and

interesting, a mix of old and new. The big old snags and rotten logs

are part of the history and part of the charm (in addition to being

important ecologically). They've got more culture. I think we should

get bumper stickers for our rafts: " I like my forests rotten. "

Floating down the Sauk and Skagit Rivers from Darrington, we increased

our average daily speed by leaps and bounds. The sun came out, burning

the backs of our hands, and leading me to conclude that it's always

rainy in the mountains, and only sunny when we approach human

civilization. The Skagit River is wide, and pretty, but the dams

upsteam keep it much more tame, and we were beginning to tire of the

constant green corridor - smooth river, houses and trees on the banks,

and clearcuts on the hillsides. So yesterday, we increased the

interest a bit by having a flotilla of media along. Ok, it was only 2

more boats - a reporter and photographer from the Seattle PI, showing

up to float with us between Lyman and Sedro Wooley.



New Jersey:


4) Several years ago, the Sierra Club was involved in the effort to

keep the forest at Seton Hall Preparatory School standing. We were

successful, but it looks like the old growth forest is threatened

again. Seton Hall Preparatory School is planning to clear-cut 22 acres

that contain 1000 trees with 33 different tree species, an old growth

forest of 50 trees 150 -240 years old, an arboretum of rare tree

species, and the historic remains of the estate of George McClellan

(Governor of New Jersey 1878-1881, Civil War general, candidate for

President). The school's Headmaster, Michael E. Kelly wants to cut the

forest to add 2 parking lots, bleachers, athletic fields, tennis

courts and a hamburger stand to an existing athletic facility. Please

take a minute to send a letter to those who would rather see athletic

fields than one of the few old-growth forests left in New Jersey.

Follow this link: http://actionnetwork.org/campaign/SetonHall2


North Carolina:


5) Last week, the House Agriculture Chairman's Draft Conservation

Title was released, with allowances for increased opportunities for

forest conservation programs. That's great news, but Congress has a

long way to go to ensure there is sufficient funding for important

conservation programs for family forest landowners. These family

forest landowners face economic challenges such as increasing property

taxes, pressure to develop their land and loss of markets for wood

products. They also face ecological threats such as exotic pests and

disease that are forcing some landowners to abandon their forest

heritage.Why should protecting these forests matter to all of us in

North Carolina? More than 118,000 North Carolinians are employed in

the forestry industry; more than 1.9 million people visit our state's

private forests each year to hunt, fish and observe wildlife. Our

forests provide habitat for wildlife and fish, including the eastern

wild turkey, black bear, and short-nose sturgeon. Bird-watching and

photography alone contribute $510 million annually by attracting more

than 2.4 million people to North Carolina. In addition, nearly 1.9

million people hunt or fish here each year, spending more than $2

billion annually. North Carolina is the fourth most forested state in

the United States. Of our 31.7 million acres of land, 18 million acres

is forest land — that is 56 percent of the state. Families and

individuals own nearly 89 percent of North Carolina's forests. We have

more private landowners than all other states in the nation — over

700,000. They produce 81 percent of the wood used by North Carolina's

forest industry. From an environmental perspective, forestlands

contribute to cleaner air, help reduce global warming, reduce damage

from flooding, foster groundwater recharge and address sediment and

nutrient issues. And North Carolina's forests serve as compatible

buffers around the many Department of Defense test and training

ranges, such as our own Fort Bragg, to help protect them from

encroachment. The 2007 Farm Bill can and should be structured and

funded to support the stewardship of these important resources.

Family-owned forested lands are a mainstay of our vibrant rural

economies. http://www.fayobserver.com/article?id=265351




6) By the Forest Service's count, there are nearly 25,000 miles of low

standard or unauthorized roads on the 13 national forests that span

the agency's Northern Region. The Wilderness Society's Joe Kerkvliet

calls them " ticking time bombs. " Without proper maintenance, forest

roads can spew sediment that harms fish habitat and water quality.

" When a road starts falling apart, it begins to deliver tons of

sediment into nearby streams, " Kerkvliet said. " Heavy rains or rain on

snow can cause massive failures or landslides. These roads have the

potential to create serious environmental damage. " Congress is

considering a new $65 million program to decommission roads the Forest

Service either doesn't want or didn't authorized. The " Legacy Roads

and Trails Remediation Initiative " under consideration by the House

would set aside funding for road decommissioning, road and trail

repair and maintenance, and the removal of fish barriers. The program

is part of a bill that funds the Interior Department and U.S. Forest

Service. It successfully passed the full House Appropriations

Committee the first week of June and could be considered by the full

House as early as next week. The Senate version of the general funding

bill also includes language addressing the issue of decommissioning

roads. " This is the first time Congress would set aside money

specifically for decommissioning roads, " said Bob Ekey, regional

director of The Wilderness Society. " It's a very important issue for

the Northern Rockies. The Forest Service doesn't have the funding to

keep up with road maintenance. A lot of these roads just continue to

bleed sediment into streams. "





7) The sun pierces the forest's canopy, sending down rays of light to

reveal a lush undergrowth of green plants, small white flowers and a

single lady's slipper. A few metres away, an idyllic little pond is

surrounded by a lush forest that stretches toward the sky, so high

it's difficult to crane the head back far enough to see the treetops.

Near it is a pile of bear scat that reminds us that we're not alone.

These luxuriant scenes differ vastly from a clearcut that is barely

half a kilometre away. Here, greyness predominates. Large tree trunks

left behind by loggers are bleached nearly white. Branches are strewn

about, dozens of tree stumps dot the field as far as the eye can see.

Both scenes were found during a recent visit to the Chignecto Game

Sanctuary, a 25,000-hectare piece of wilderness that sits in the

middle of Cumberland County. " We want this practice stopped, " author

and environmentalist Harry Thurston said as his arm arced over the

clearcut. " We want the province to immediately place a moratorium of

logging inside the game sanctuary. " Mr. Thurston is referring to

Cumberland Wilderness, a group of Cumberland County citizens concerned

about conserving wilderness areas for outdoor recreation and wildlife

habitat. http://thechronicleherald.ca/NovaScotia/842510.html




8) With its historic woodland, stunning scenery and protected

wildlife, Gillies Hill is a well known and popular site for locals and

visitors alike. Rare red squirrels, Peregrine Falcons, Buzzards and

Roe Deer have been regularly spotted in the vast area of woodland near

Cambusbarron, in Stirling. In addition it boasts Wellingtonia Firs and

a Scots Pine which the Forestry Commission has designated as one of

Scotland's top 100 heritage trees. But the hill is also steeped in

history. Gillies Hill is reputedly where Robert the Bruce's camp

followers took shelter during the battle until their famous charge

against the enemy on 24 June, 1314. The followers emerged from the

woods and the English army took fright, mistaking them for Scottish

reinforcements. More than 600 years later, battle is about to commence

again. This time, however, campaigners are fighting to stop the land

from being demolished, not taken over. Two major companies are

planning to restart quarrying on the site and their plans could see

the whole woodland area being razed to the ground. Permission for

small scale quarrying was granted by the then Stirling District

Council in 1982 but for the last 10 years there has been little

activity on the site. Now Tarmac and German giants Heidelberg Cement,

which recently bought Hanson Aggregates, the company which had

announced its intention to recommence quarrying work, are planning to

restart quarrying on a much larger scale. Local residents have set up

the Save Gillies Hill Campaign group and have organised a two mile

march over the hill on Sunday to coincide with the 693rd anniversary

of the Battle of Bannockburn.



9) A vision of how England's trees, woods and forests can yield

environmental, social and economic benefits for future generations was

set out today by Barry Gardiner, Minister for Biodiversity, Landscape

and Rural Affairs. From helping to combat climate change to boosting

business opportunities, a new Strategy for England Trees, Woods and

Forests -http://www.defra.gov.uk/wildlife-countryside/rddteam/forestry.htm

- highlights the potential of these important natural resources to

improve life for people and wildlife. The strategy shows how long-term

sustainable management of trees, woods and forests can help people and

wildlife adapt to a changing climate and how people can make the most

of their local woodlands. It also highlights the way in which

woodlands protect and enhance natural resources, improve urban

environments, and promote better markets for sustainable woodland

products and services. Many schemes around the country are already

helping to meet the strategy's objectives. Barry Gardiner today

visited a former Nottinghamshire coalfield community where local

people have play a vital role in the Sherwood Forest Community Rangers

Project to transform 2,000 acres of collier waste into community woods

with 30 miles of footpaths and tracks and spectacular views across

open countryside. http://media.netpr.pl/notatka_79786.html


10) The last demonstrator has been removed from woodland near Brecon,

Powys, where protesters chained themselves to trees to try to stop a

gas pipeline. Six were arrested when the operation began on Tuesday,

and the last three have now been taken away. Dozens of people who

wanted to stop the pipe crossing a historic woodland had set up a camp

at Penpont, with some there for several months. National Grid won a

court order allowing it to evict the protesters. The penultimate

protester, a woman, was brought down and arrested at lunchtime on

Wednesday after she had complained of feeling unwell. They object to

this section of the £840m pipeline, planned to stretch from

Pembrokeshire to Gloucestershire, cutting through the Brecon Beacons

National Park. Five men and one woman were questioned on suspicion of

obstructing a High Court enforcement officer after police moved in on

Tuesday. Two were appearing before Llandrindod Wells magistrates on

Wednesday, and others were cautioned. One protester had chained

himself to a bicycle and was hanging from a chain from the branches.

Others had built platforms more than 20 feet (6m) into the trees.

Bailiffs had to stop work overnight because it was considered too

difficult and dangerous to reach the remaining protesters in the dark.

The woodland, at Penpont, between Brecon and Sennybridge, has been

fenced off and police stayed at the site throughout the night. More

than 100 police, court officials and National Grid security guards

have been involved. Farmer Glyn Powell told BBC Radio Wales he

understood the need to protest at times, but said there was little

sympathy for the protesters locally. However, he described the

operation to remove the protesters as " overkill " . " Generally people

have not been particularly favourable towards the protesters although

this saga seems to have given them a higher profile, " he said.





11) The Ministry of Agriculture's Public Company for Horticulture and

Forestry have started executing its national project for developing

Iraq's forests. The project will take four years to complete and has

received allocations of more than six billion dinars (approximately

US$4.5 million). A ministry source said a plan was devised last year

to compensate for scores of trees that were randomly torn down during

the last two decades. Most of these areas are in the artificial

forests which, before the fall of the regime exceeded 60,000 dunums

(one dunum equals about 2500 square metres). The project will

introduce new species to better the environment and will also have

economic benefits from the production of commercial woods. The source

pointed out that last year's project for developing and improving

forests was completed with allocations of more than 810 million

dinars. In related news, 180 agriculture departments throughout Iraq's

provinces have started planting 50 dunums in each province with trees.

The total area to be planted exceeds 9,000 dunums.






12) Macedonian police detected wrongdoings for personal gain in the

public enterprise Makedonski Shumi (Macedonian Forests). The first

case is linked to two employees in the enterprise's Strumica office,

who are suspected of fraud in connection with the number of timbers.

They have embezzled more than 12.000 euros and later they also

misappropriated additional 2.000 euros. This is a second case of

embezzlement in " Makedonski Shumi " Strumica Office, and a third-in-row

fraud in the past two weeks. Makedonski Shumi is in charge of huge

natural resources and is one of the most indebted public enterprises

in the country. It owes the state hundreds of millions of denars.

http://www.makfax.com.mk/look/agencija/article.tpl?IdLanguage=1 & IdPublication=2 & \


& NrIssue=377 & NrSection=10




13) The first Mozambican national forest inventory in more than a

decade has shown that 51 percent of the country's surface is covered

with forest, and a further 19 per cent by other types of woodland.

Agriculture Minister Erasmo Muhate unveiled the survey results in

Maputo on Wednesday. The inventory, he said, provided " valuable data

about the extent of forest resources, their composition in terms of

tree species, the commercial amounts of wood, and the distributions of

these resources throughout the country " . The survey took two years to

compile, and cost about 2.5 million US dollars, mainly provided

through an Italian grant. Previous forest surveys, in 1980 and 1994,

have been less ambitious. The survey document distributed at the

Wednesday ceremony described them as " basically exploratory

inventories, with limited field work " . But the new inventory has

produced detailed maps of Mozambique's vegetation cover, based on

satellite images. These were backed up by field visits throughout the

country. A representative sample of 650 forest areas were surveyed, to

provide detailed quantitative and qualitative analyses of forest

resources. The inventory, said Muhate, " will facilitate planning,

aimed at the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources " .

In addition to the 70 per cent of the land (or 54.8 million hectares)

that is classified as forested or wooded, 12 per cent is grassland, 15

per cent is used for agriculture, and three per cent is classed as

" other areas " . The most heavily forested areas are north of the

Zambezi river. 77 per cent of Niassa province (9.4 million hectares)

is forested and 61.7 per cent (4.8 million hectares) of Cabo Delgado.

The provinces with most forest loss are Maputo and Inhambane in the

south, and Nampula in the north. Only just over a third of these three

provinces is forested. The current rate of deforestation is 0.58 per

cent annually - which means that Mozambique is losing 219,000 hectares

of forest and woodland per year.





15) San people in the area are shocked and upset by the wholesale

onslaught on trees for which they feel responsible. By Sunday

afternoon, 12 of the teak trees had already been chopped down and sawn

into planks. The shocked residents of Nhoma village, who are about to

proclaim their area as a conservancy, said they were never asked

permission. The loggers, who reportedly work for Petrus Sipipa, came

all the way from Rundu to chop down the trees. On Friday theycould not

produce a permit. Their activities were put on hold until Sunday, when

the loggers produced a permit issued by the forestry office at

Tsumkwe, allowing them to chop down 100 Zambezi teak trees. The

newspaper was unable to confirm when the permit was signed. According

to a lodge owner at Tsumkwe, Estelle Oosthuysen, the residents of

Nhoma told her they were not even asked if the trees could be chopped.

" They are very upset and informed me that two weeks ago a forestry

official came around to have a look at some trees, but did not say for

which purpose. " The wood fellers set up camp just 10 metres way from a

village hut and are using water from the community tap without being

given permission, " the lodge owner added. Ironically, Government is

implementing a programme funded by the World Bank called the

Indigenous People Development Plan (IDPD). The IPDP targets San people

living within conservancies and community forests in Namibia.

According to a brochure published by the Ministry of Environment and

Tourism, the World Bank defines indigenous peoples " as a group with a

social and cultural identity distinct from the dominant society that

makes them vulnerable to being disadvantaged in the development

process. " The IPDP must ensure that indigenous people benefit from

development projects, and that potential adverse effects of

development on indigenous peoples are avoided or mitigated. Another

project, the Integrated Community-Based Ecosystem Management (ICEMA)

project, supports activities within the larger framework of a national

Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM)





16) The internally displaced people (IDP) living in Omee Upper Camp in

Wiceri Central Forest Reserve in Amuru district over the weekend

clashed with the National Forestry Authority officials who were

demarcating the boundaries of the forest. Armed with spears, pangas,

arrows and bows and axes, the IDPs chased away the forestry authority

officials, whom they accused of grabbing their land. The army, the

Police and local authorities intervened and quelled the riot. The

security team, lead by the officer in charge of the district Police

station, Charles Okullu, advised the National Forestry Authority (NFA)

officials to suspend the exercise. The IDPs, who placed big logs

across the road, vowed to set ablaze the NFA vehicles if they

attempted to reach the camp. " The staff wanted to open the forest

boundary so that we know how many people are living in the reserve. We

were not going to evict anybody now. I appeal to the people not to

look at NFA as land grabbers, " the NFA Aswa range manager, Jimmy Ouna,

told the IDPs during a meeting. He said the forest reserve, which

measures 6507.6 hectares, was gazetted on April 1954. The LC3 chairman

of Pabbo sub-county, Christopher Ojera, accused NFA officials of

inciting people against the Government. " NFA should stop their

operations until all the problems are sorted out. " He added that NFA

should first sensitise the area leaders about their activities before

they demarcate the boundaries of the forest. Amuru sub-county

councillor Gilbert Olanya said NFA should show them evidence from

Parliament showing that Wiceri is a forest reserve.





17) Last week the Brazilian Movement of Landless Rural Workers (MST)

held its fifth National Congress in Brasília, the country's capital.

The power the MST has garnered throughout its 23 years was palpable,

as more than 17,500 delegates from 24 states and almost 200

international guests marched to the Square of the Three Powers,

situated between the buildings of the executive, judicial and

legislative branches of government. Marchers hung a huge banner in the

square that read, " We accuse the three powers of impeding agrarian

reform. " In the minds of most MST members, President Luiz Inácio Lula

da Silva and the Workers' Party (PT) have failed to implement the

radical economic and social reforms that were promised, especially

agrarian reform. According to José Maria Tardin, who was elected as

the first PT mayor in the state of Paraná in 1989, and now works in

the MST, " For the left, Lula is the biggest political tragedy in the

history of Brazil. " In a discussion with reporters, founder and

national organizer of the MST João Pedro Stedile recalled that when

Lula was elected in 2003, the MST hoped that Brazil would overturn

many of the neoliberal policies imposed on the country by Washington

and institutions like the International Monetary Fund. However,

" nobody can say that Lula is implementing an alternative project, "

said Stedile. " We cannot be so simplistic as to say that everything is

Lula's fault, but the Lula government does not represent the working

class, and is not on the left. " He pointed out that during Lula's

first four-year term, the financial sector accumulated more capital

than it did during the previous eight years under President Fernando

Henrique Cardoso. This public acknowledgement of the fracture in the

MST's historic alliance with Lula and the PT represents a major shift

toward a more confrontational stance.



Costa Rica:


18) " We lived in cloud forest when we first arrived, " Mr. Fogden says.

" It's not cloud forest anymore, really. " Besides losing potential

ingredients for new drugs or other useful compounds, scientists worry

about more lost benefits as species vanish. Healthy ecosystems are

complex. Complexity lends resilience, the ability to ride out

disturbances. A resilient ecosystem will continue delivering the

" services " humans expect, whether it's harvesting abundant tuna from

the sea or tapping fresh water as it tumbles down a mountainside. Each

species removed from an ecosystem brings it closer to a largely

invisible threshold of collapse. Scientists tend to use this economic

reasoning about nature's importance when talking with journalists.

When pressed, though, they make a different argument. Species " should

be preserved because of their intrinsic value, " says Kayri Havens,

director of the Institute for Plant Biology and Conservation at the

Chicago Botanic Garden, " because they deserve to exist. Just as we

do. " Resplendent quetzals, iridescent tropical birds that he used to

observe feeding frogs to their young, are scarcer. Quetzal hatchlings

may have lost a vital source of protein and calcium with the

disappearance of once-abundant amphibians, he reasons. Keel-billed

toucans, meanwhile, have moved up from the foothills to the mountain,

perhaps competing with the quetzal. So has the morpho, a bright blue

lowland butterfly. Snakes, which also fed on the frogs, are much

harder to come by even as lowland honeybees that previously avoided

the mountain's hive-infesting fungi now swarm up the





19) Last month, on Endesa's behalf, a woman named Maria Teresa Cañas

Pinochet - niece of Chile's recently deceased former dictator Augusto

Pinochet - filed more than 50 mining exploration petitions that

together correspond to 12,600 hectares of land in the vicinity of the

Puelo. The river, which begins in Argentina's Lake Puelo and flows

west, eventually depositing in the Pacific Ocean, happens to be

Chile's second most voluminous river, after the Baker River. War Drums

Against Endesa The move has immediately put area environmentalists on

alert. According to Mauricio Fierro of the Puerto Montt-based

environmental group Geoaustral, in obtaining those exploration rights,

Endesa is taking a classic step toward exerting control over the river

valley. " What normally happens in Chile with any project, whether it's

real estate development, or constructing a hotel or building,

whatever, is that people ask first for a mining exploration right and

later an exploitation right. Why? In order to have control over the

property and so that no one can come and stop what you're doing, " says

Fierro. Not coincidentally, Cañas Pinochet filed similar mining

petitions last year for territory in Aysén's Baker and Pascua river

valleys. " It's all based on something called the Mining CodeŠIt's the

most important and powerful law that exists in Chile, " says Fierro.

" To put it simply, anyone who has those rights, who pays for the

licenses, can enter on a property and look around, excavate, do

whatever they want on the property. That's why Endesa uses that method

for taking control of properties. " Endesa's interest in the powerful

Puelo is nothing new. The company, which has held the river's water

rights since 1990, at one point contemplated building what would have

been Chile's largest dam and reservoir, a project so grand it would

have dwarfed Region VIII's Ralco dam. Currently the biggest in the

country, the 690 MW-Ralco dam is also owned by Endesa. Last year,

however, the Spanish company hinted it now plans to construct one

large dam and reservoir, plus two smaller " run-of-the-river " dams. The

large, 320 MW-facility would dam the Puelo River and hold back an

estimated 5,000-hectare reservoir. The smaller, non-reservoir dams

would be built along the nearby Manso River. In total the project

would produce roughly 720 MW and could cost as much as US$650 million.







20) Brunei's success in maintaining its 55 per cent forest cover is

commendable and it is a " realistic " goal to keep this figure and guard

against any diminution of the sultanate's rainforest area. This was

the consensus at the wrap-up session of the plenary meeting yesterday

on Brunei's forestry policy held with the participation of a team of

experts pooled under a mechanism called Asean Peer Consultation

Framework (PCF) in Forestry. Participants of the two-day meeting,

however, initially considered a proposal to raise the sultanate's

forest cover to as high as 90 per cent. But after a long and drawn out

debate, a guest participant from Germany pointed out that Brunei is

already doing an exemplary job maintaining a 55 per cent forest cover.

Participants eventually settled for the original figure of 55 per cent

forest area to be gazetted as permanent forest estate. Participants of

the meeting held at The Empire Hotel & Country Club stressed the

importance of maintaining " realistic " goals and interdepartmental

cooperation. 'At this meeting we are aware of our goals. We're

securing forest conservation through achievable targets, " said an

employee of the Department of En vironment, Parks - and Recreation. In

addition, the participants discussed a plan to set local standards on

monitoring logging damages.



21) The next time the poachers are out to plunder the mangrove inside

Bhitarkanika wildlife sanctuary, they have to be ultra careful lest

they lose a limb or two. In a unique experiment, the forest department

last week set at large 48 crocodiles bred in captivity into the water

bodies of Bhitarkanika to ward off human interference into its

fast-depleting mangrove forests. " The fear of marauding crocs who have

been seemingly performing the role of " honorary forest guards " in the

core area of the wildlife sanctuary, greatly regulates human

intrusion. Now the crocs' habitat is being expanded to areas subjected

to wanton tree felling, " forest officials said. The crocs were

released in Kharinasi and Jamboo areas of the sanctuary, said the

officials. These pockets located on the southern-most part of the 672

square-kilometre sanctuary are visibly marked by skeletal forest

cover. A number of thickly populated human settlements dot the area

within the sanctuary, resulting in rampant felling of mangrove and

conversion of green field into paddy and shrimp cultivation. " We are

pressing into service these reptiles for forest conservation. Once the

crocs are firmly ensconced in the water inlets, human intrusion would

greatly be curtailed. As the people here take the water route to sneak

into the forest, we feel the crocs will come in handy to protect the

greens, " said Golakh Rout, additional conservator of forest, Rajnagar

Mangrove (wildlife) Forest Division. The mangroves along the Orissa

coast are threatened by high density of population and competing

demand for land for agriculture and prawn farming. As many as 410

revenue villages comprising two lakh population thrive on the

encroached forestland. Most of the settlers are from neighbouring

states and Bangladesh.





22) Not content with selling huge quantities of timber to China,

Burmese businesses are now digging up whole trees and exporting them

to Chinese customers who pay up to 100,000 Yuan (US $13,000) for a

good specimen. The prized trees are Ye-Htin-Shu (known by their Latin

name 'Podocarpus nerrifolia'), believed by the Chinese to bring good

luck. " Wealthy people buy the trees and replant them in their

gardens, " said Aung Kyaw Zaw, a Burmese analyst who lives o¬n the

China-Burma border. Trees were also offered as gifts to gain favor

with high-ranking officials, he said. The more mature the tree the

higher the price. Some of them are 100 years old. An official of o¬ne

Burmese company involved in the sale of trees to China compared the

business with jade-trading. " The price depends o¬n the tree's

appearance, size and quality, " said the official, who works for the

Maha-Kywe Company, based in Naung Cho, near Lashio Township. The

company has exported about 30 trees to China, and has permission to

sell a further 70. Special heavy machinery is employed to dig up the

trees, complete with roots, and transport them by road through the

border trading town of Muse to Ruili, in China's Yunnan province.

Ye-Htin-Shu are rare trees and grow in lowland and valley areas of

Burma's Shan State, near Naung Cho, Kutkhai and Hsipaw Township. They

serve a valuable purpose in water and soil preservation, according to

Hkun Seng, a Kachin environmentalist who recently conducted field

research in northern Shan State. Many Ye-Htin-Shu trees were destroyed

because they were clumsily uprooted and inexpertly packed for

transport, Hkun Seng said. The trees are a lucrative source of income

not o¬nly for the export companies but for local government officials

who man checkpoints o¬n the road to China and demand transit fees,

taxes and even bribes before allowing the unusual freight to pass.

Traders have to pass through about eight check points between Naung

Cho and Muse. The junta's paramilitary militia groups in northern Shan

State http://www.unpo.org/article.php?id=6855




23) Following a long drawn debate, which saw the house expressing two

opposing views the National Assembly, on June 15, resolved that

logging would not be privatised. The Speaker, Dasho Ugen Dorje, said

that the government must follow the resolution passed by the 50th

session of the National Assembly and maintain 60 percent forest cover

at all times. The 50th session of the National Assembly in 1979 had

resolved that all logging activities were to be done by the government

and no private businessmen would be granted forest coups as per His

Majesty the King's command. A complete ban on commercial felling was

also imposed in southern Bhutan. The Assembly, however asked the

government to look into ways to ensure that supply was not erratic.

The BCCI chimi, Zhamling Dorji, had submitted that with logging

monopolised by the Forestry Development Corporation Ltd. (FDCL),

prices of sawn timber was escalating because of an acute shortage of

sawn timber. The supply was also erratic.





24) Piseth, aged 38, was on his way to Kompong Speu in southern

Cambodia on 16 June 2007 when he received a call on his mobile phone

from a number he did not recognise. When he replied, a man's voice

said to him: " Is that you Lem Piseth? " --Yes. Who are you? – " You are

insolent. Do you want to die? Why are you insulting me like this?

Because of the story about the forest and, know this, there will not

be enough land to bury you in. " The unknown caller then hung up and

when the reporter tried to call the number back, he reached a call

centre. " It is obvious that the Global Witness report on the

over-exploitation of the Cambodian forests is upsetting some people, "

the worldwide press freedom organisation said. " Since this report was

released, all media have been subjected to unjustified state

censorship. We urge the authorities to identify those who made these

threats so that Lem Piseth can safely resume his work. " Following

publication of the Global Witness report, Piseth wrote four articles

on the damage resulting from deforestation in Kampong Thom province,

particularly in the Tumring region, where it has been particularly

disastrous. While reporting in Kampong Thom, the reporter said he was

followed by police and the military. He had to leave the hotel room he

was staying in for several nights at the request of the owners, who

gave him no explanation. Information Minister Khieu Kanharith said on

8 June that " the media has had a week to put out news [about the

report] and that is more than enough. Newspapers can refer to it, but

not reproduce it. If this ban is not respected, we will take the

necessary legal steps. "





25) DAK LAK — Rising migration to Central Highlands provinces is

leading to increasing deforestation, particularly in the provinces of

Dak Lak and Dak Nong. Local authorities in Dak Lak said they were

concerned the influx of people was getting out of hand as many move

into the forests to make a living by cutting down trees. The Director

of the Planning Office under the Dak Lak Settlements Committee, Pham

Van Ngan, said local forests were in danger of disappearing. " The

situation is becoming uncontrollable, " said Ngan. " The Government

should help us find a solution or we will see our forests gradually

disappear. According to Ngan the flood of immigrants coming to the

province started in 2005. Dak Lak authorities recorded 2,321 people or

500 new households settling in the province during the last two years.

There were 256 new households or 1,188 immigrants in 2005, 186 new

households or 821 immigrants in 2006, and 67 new households with 312

immigrants in the first quarter this year. However, local authorities

said the real number was much higher as many people who settle down in

the forest come in small groups of ten to 20 and not all family

members are noted by authorities. According to statistics from the Dak

Lak Forest Management Department, nearly 100ha of forest have been

occupied for cultivation by migrants. According to the head of the

department, at least 20ha of forest have been cut down by immigrants

in the first four months this year. The department said officers had

recently discovered eight Mong ethnic minority households with 50

members from the northern province of Ha Giang had settled in the

jungle at Lak District's Dak Nue Commune.





26) Forest rangers and the police are investigating illegal logging in

the Sungai Menyala forest reserve near here, after finding a cache of

logs a week ago. Patrolling rangers looking for trespassers found some

30 logs worth about RM500,000 in an area more than three kilometres

from the Port Dickson-Sua Betong. They also found four heavy machinery

nearby, believed to have been used to move the logs. The logs may have

been left there, ready to be moved out of the reserve at the right

time. The rangers, from the Negri Sembilan-Malacca Forestry

Department, immediately set up a round-the-clock surveillance at the

area, and lodged a police report on Thursday. The department is

investigating the matter, said Negeri Sembilan/Malacca Forestry

Department director Ahmad Zainal Mat Isa when contacted. Port Dickson

police chief Superintendent Mazlan Othman, said the police are

assisting in the investigation, focussing on trespass of the forest








27) A leading conservation group urges the province to protect carbon

stores and biodiversity in addition to setting targets for reducing

greenhouse gas emissions. " The public does not realize that there is

so much carbon stored in our natural wild forests, " says Janet Sumner,

Executive Director, CPAWS Wildlands League. " If we were to foolishly

convert these carbon rich forests and peatlands into industrial

developments, then we would undo our emission reductions, " Ms. Sumner

adds. Yesterday, the province announced its intentions to achieve

aggressive emissions reductions. In response, CPAWS Wildlands League

urges the province to address two outstanding areas that are part of

an effective approach to reducing the dangerous effects of climate

change: 1) Securing our current carbon stores. The province must

safeguard the current carbon stores residing in terrestrial ecosystems

such as the Boreal Forest. Carbon rich forests and peatlands are also

home to Woodland Caribou and Polar Bear. So protecting these forests

would also have additional biodiversity benefits; and, 2) Protecting

intact ecosystems so they may help shield us from global warming. Not

only do natural wild forests store more carbon than managed ones, but

they also represent the timeliest and most cost effective approach to

keeping carbon stored.



28) Indonesia has announced it will stage a " Visit Indonesia Year " in

2008 -- but tourist packages may not include visits to its once

pristine tropical forests, savanna grasslands, and lowland forests, as

unprecedented deforestation threatens to wipe out these magnificent

habitats. The Culture and Tourism Ministry hopes to attract 6 million

foreign tourists and generate around US$5 billion in foreign exchange

earnings. As part of the promotion, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

officiated at the opening ceremony of the annual Bali Arts Festival in

Denpasar on Saturday, and the national airline Garuda sponsored a

" Bali Food Festival " in Beijing. The Indonesian Arts Institute is

planning an International Arts Festival in November, to draw experts

in arts and culture from Europe, Australia, the United States and

other Asian countries. Environmental groups hope some of this revenue

will go toward protecting Indonesia's unique natural assets. Rully

Sumada, forest expert at environmental group Walhi, says that 60

percent of the country's protected and conservation areas have been

badly damaged by illegal logging and palm oil plantations. She

believes that at the current rate of deforestation, at 2.8 million

hectares a year, forests in Sumatra, Borneo, and Sulawesi will be gone

by 2012 while forests in Papua and elsewhere will be wiped out by 2022

due to the continued felling of trees.




29) Imagine an orchid forest with more than 45 different species

including dancing and dragon scale varieties, sambas breeding deer,

flying fox, short- and long-tailed macaque birds, wild boar and

40-meter-high, 150-year-old bangkirai trees. A forestry student's

dream come true and a native bird-watcher's paradise. And now it's

accessible to those of us without hiking boots. This is one of the

world's most beautiful virgin conservation forests -- and it is at

Jakarta's front door, in East Kalimantan. It is the Bukit Bangkirai

forest and conservation parkland, located in Samboja district, Kutai

Kartanegara regency. There are three roads that lead to this

incredible 1,500-hectare wonderland as well as wide-ranging

accommodation to suit just about anyone. Bukit Bangkirai forest is

internationally recognized yet still one of Indonesia's best kept

tourism secrets. It boasts various species of hardwood trees --

including the bangkirai tree (Shorea laevis), which can survive for

more than 150 years and will usually grow as high as 50 meters. Bukit

Bangkirai is a tropical rainforest and natural monument, and home to

other woods including ulin (Eusideroxylon Zwageri), blackwood or ebony

(Ebenaceae), red meranti (Shorea smithiana), kempas (Koompassia

malaccensis) and kruing (Dipterocarpus). A two-ha area within the

forest has been intentionally filled with jungle fruit tree species in

a bid to preserve the mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana), the durian

family, including lai (Durio kutejensis), and the mentega (magarine)

fruit (Diospyros). Bukit Bangkirai's orchid forest provides orchid

lovers with the opportunity to feast their eyes on a collection

consisting of 45 species, including the black orchid (Coelegyne

pandurata), sugarcane orchid (Grammatophyllum speciousum), dragon

scale orchid (Cymbidium antropurpureum) and dancing orchid (Bromheadia

fynlaysoniana). A 3.5-ha breeding ground for deer from the sambas

family (Corvus unicolor) was cleared but sadly locals today say it has

been neglected for too long and is now overgrown with underbrush. " I'm

not sure when, but the deer breeding activities stopped long ago, "

said Nyoman Suterini, owner of a food stall in the area.



30) Indonesia's efforts to crack down on illegal logging are holding

out some hope for endangered oranguntans, the red-haired apes that

inhabit the Indonesian rainforest, the UN Environment Programme says.

But hundreds of orangutans have fled their homes and ended up in

" refugee " camps as illegal logging rapidly destroys the last remaining

rainforests of Southeast Asia. UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner

says, " Indonesia cannot and should not have to deal with this issue

alone. " International support and regional cooperation, especially

from timber importing countries, is essential to preserve the

remaining orangutans, the rainforests of Southeast Asia, and the

people whose livelihoods rely on these ecosystems, he says. In recent

weeks, Indonesian authorities have stepped up action against the

illegal timber trade, arresting six people and seizing 30,000 cubic

meters of processed wood in Nunukan, East Kalimantan province on the

island of Borneo. Another 40,000 cubic meters of processed wood was

confiscated in Kutai, East Kalimantan and several more arrests were

made. The seizure of 70,000 cubic meters of illegal wood represents

around 3,000 truck loads of timber, but Steiner points out that by

some estimates illegal logging is clearing 2.1 million hectares of

forest in Indonesia worth an estimated $4 billion every year. " This

may equate to several hundred thousand truckloads - corresponding to a

continuous line of trucks from Paris to Bangkok, " said Steiner,

speaking at the conference of Parties to the Convention on

International Trade in Endangered Species, CITES, that concluded

Friday in The Netherlands. More wardens on the ground as well as

improved policing and customs operations are needed, he said.





31) Scientists have found that Australia's tropical rainforests are a

lot more important in 'cleaning' the earth's environment than anyone

previously thought. All trees absorb carbon dioxide from the

atmosphere but until now, scientists had thought the temperate forests

found in the northern hemisphere were better at sucking up CO2 than

the tropical rainforests of South-East Asia. Environmental scientist

at Charles Darwin University in the Northern Territory, Lindsay

Hutley, says the new research turns the traditional view of global

carbon patterns on its head. " This new work is kind of reversing that,

suggesting that actually there's quite a significant sink from the

tropics and much weaker sink from the northern hemisphere, " he said.

Dr Hutley says the new paper, published in the journal Science,

reinforces what he has been finding in his own work on tropical

savannas in north Australia. It turns out tropical savannas are also

good at taking carbon out of the atmosphere. " I guess it just

reinforces how important tropical ecosystems are, " he said. " We know

how important they are in terms of biodiversity but now this work

suggests that they're having a major impact on the global carbon

balance and perhaps a more significant impact on it than what we

previously thought. "




32) Hundreds of Australian farmers are planning to chop down protected

trees on their properties in a day of protest against strict

land-clearing laws, prompting public condemnation on Wednesday from

environment groups. Fed up with government restrictions on the use of

their land, the farmers in New South Wales state are organising a day

of civil disobedience on July 1, with proposals to cut down a tree on

each property. " It's been a long campaign by farmers who have been

sidelined by the government. This day of clearing a tree, taking a

tree out, has been bandied about for a long time, " local farmer

Alistair McRoberts told Australian radio on Wednesday. The move comes

as the Australian and New South Wales governments continue their

investigation into whether one farmer in the Gwydir Valley bulldozed

part of an internationally protected wetland and cleared it of

vegetation. Australian Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull has

warned farmers against breaking any laws on land clearing or tree

felling, saying that this would constitute criminal action rather than

an act of civil disobedience. " The proposition that we're all entitled

to do with our land whatever we like is simply not true, whether you

live in the country or the city, " Turnbull said on Tuesday. McRoberts

said his group represented a minority of farmers, but after more than

a decade of talks with governments and environment groups, many

farmers in the Gwydir Valley had not been properly compensated for

locking away large tracts of land. He said the government wanted to

stop land clearing because it wanted the vegetation to be used to

offset carbon pollution from the country's vast coal industry. In a

joint statement, Australia's Wilderness Society, WWF Australia and the

Australian Conservation Foundation said the planned protest should be

condemned. http://www.forests.org/articles/reader.asp?linkid=76479




33) As the world warms from human-emitted greenhouse gases during this

century, one-quarter of all living things could disappear, says the

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Robust, genetically diverse

populations have a much better chance of weathering this climate

change than those that are inbred and few in number, scientists say.

So the best way to help wildlife persist through this trying time is

to give it ample room to feed, breed, and multiply. This means

preserving tracts of wilderness large enough to establish healthy

populations. And it means establishing " biological corridors " between

wilderness areas - especially up mountainsides and through north-south

pathways - so wildlife can move as climate changes. Groups around the

world are working to establish these wildlife highways, with varying

degrees of success. In North America, the Wildlands Project is pushing

for a huge " Yellowstone-to-Yukon " wildlife corridor. In Central

America, conservationists are slowly and sporadically working on the

Meso-American Biological Corridor. The dream: A monkey should be able

to go up a tree in Panama and not have to climb down until it reaches

Mexico. The grand vision of the IUCN is an uninterrupted connection

between Argentina and Alaska along the hemisphere's western mountain

ranges. But the golden toad's disappearance has weakened one of the

assumptions underlying these efforts: Setting aside a reserve doesn't

necessarily shield species from extinction. Wildlife is vulnerable

even in protected areas. " And for highly specialized animals, like

those trapped atop tropical mountains, corridors will help little. In

these cases, some scientists call for an " amphibian ark, " a network of

zoos that breed amphibians in captivity with the goal of one day

reestablishing wild populations. At El Valle Amphibian Conservation

Center (EVAC) in Panama, researchers recently succeeded in breeding

the golden frog (not to be confused with the extinct golden toad), a

species native to the area - and none too soon. Last year, the frog

disappeared from the wild. " Chytrid came and basically gave the last

blow, " says EVAC director Edgardo Griffith.




34) Celebrated in Buddhist temples and cultivated for its wood and

cottony fibers, the kapok tree now is upsetting an idea that

biologists have clung to for decades: the notion that African and

South American rainforests are similar because the continents were

connected 96 million years ago. Research by University of Michigan

evolutionary ecologist Christopher Dick and colleagues shows that

kapok---and perhaps other rainforest--trees colonized Africa after the

continents split when the trees' seeds traveled across the ocean. The

findings, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), appear

online this week in the journal Molecular Ecology. " This research

provides vital information for one of the most highly threatened areas

of the planet, tropical rainforests, " said Sam Scheiner, program

director in NSF's Division of Environmental Biology, which funded the

research. " In order to plan for and mitigate global climate change, we

need to understand the history of life on Earth through studies like

this one. " Oceanic dispersal links the world's rainforests, said Dick,

" and this study is one of the first to catch that process in action at

the species level. Although single seeds are very unlikely to survive

an oceanic voyage and then successfully become established elsewhere,

such improbable events become probable over 10 to 15 million years. "

Dick studied the rainforest form of Ceiba pentandra, a species of

kapok that grows taller than a 16-story building, its head poking

above the forest canopy. Its flowers produce more than 50 gallons of

nectar per tree in a season, attracting bats that travel as far as 12

miles between trees and transfer pollen in the process. When the seed

pods ripen, they break open to reveal fluffy fibers that are used to

stuff pillows and mattresses. The seeds, which are about the size of a

sunflower seed, are buoyant and able to float down rivers along which

the colossal trees grow. Dick and colleagues investigated which of

several possible scenarios could be the reason for the current

distribution of Ceiba pentandra. Dick concluded that extreme long

distance travel by wind or ocean currents explains how the trees

spread from South America to Africa. He plans to continue

investigating the role of oceanic dispersal to see if the same is true

for other species and for entire plant communities.

http://www.nsf.gov/news/news_summ.jsp?cntn_id=108787 & org=NSF & from=news



35) On any given day, Professor Matthew Hansen might study

deforestation within the rain forests of the Congo River Basin in

Zaire, or on the scattered islands of Indonesia. The irony is that he

does this work in a lab at South Dakota State University, in the heart

of a prairie ecosystem that is about as far removed from rain forest

as anyplace on earth. Hansen is co-director of the Geographic

Information Science Center of Excellence at SDSU. It's a new research

center that has been at full staff for less than two years but has

already brought in about $4 million in grants —mostly from NASA, the

National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Monitoring changes to

the land surface, also called terrestrial monitoring, is important as

many aspects of the earth system are affected by natural and human

disturbance. Hansen said SDSU is an ideal place to do such work

because it has close ties to the U.S. Geological Survey Center for

EROS, near Sioux Falls. EROS — the Center for Earth Resources

Observation and Science — is the largest archive in the world for

satellite and aerial images of the earth's surface. Hansen knows what

the rain forest is like because he worked a few years as a Peace Corps

volunteer in Zaire. It is virtually impossible to track deforestation

in the Congo River Basin from the ground, he said — there is simply no

way to find all the farmed clearings, mining operations or settlements

that are nibbling away at the forest over time. But having the

expertise and resources to analyze satellite images makes such

monitoring possible and adds an element of transparency to what's

going on in any given region. " If you cut down a rain forest, you've

changed many aspects of the earth system. The exchanges of energy

between the land and atmosphere are altered, carbon previously fixed

in the form of trees released to the atmosphere through burning, the

local hydrologic cycle disrupted, and local floral and faunal

biodiversity permanently changed. As this happens repeatedly, the

effects of these changes are manifested at regional, continental and

global scales, " Hansen said.


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