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Today for you 40 new articles about earth's trees! (214th edition)

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--British Columbia: 1) Seeing land with new eyes, 2) Save Blackwater,

3) Morice LRMP,

--Oregon: 4) Sten Timber Sale update, 5) Mt. Hood wilderness

--California: 6) Trees for children, 7) Public land stats, 8)

Self-serving experts,

--Nevada: 9) Exasperated newcomers think logging is immoral

--Arizona: 10) Sky Island Alliance

--Colorado: 11) A bill to help local communities deal with wildfire threats

--Minnesota: 12) Lake Vermilion to be a new state park, 13) positive changes?

--Vermont: 14) Gypsy Moth stats

--Virginia: 15) Hunting Hills Country Club logging 3,000 trees

--New York: 16) Cut the best, leave the rest

--USA: 17) USFS draft Open Space Conservation Strategy, 18) Mark Rey,

--Netherlands: 19) Deforestation at the airport

--Germany: 20) G8 postponed deforestion prevention, 21) Forest

protection 20 years ago,

--Iraq: 22) Turks bombing of Northern Iraq is burning all the forests down

--Mexico: 23) Research for tree growing on mars,

--Brazil: 24) Stora Enso has Eucalyptus on a third of a million acres

--Peru: 25) FSC certifies illegal logging as a sustainable forestry

--India: 26) Illegal logging in Guwahati and Meghalaya

--Vietnam: 27) Paper maker shortage turns to a glut

--Malaysia: 28) Yayasan Sabah forest reserve logged, 29) Moratorium,

30) 1,300 arrests, 31) Chior Forest Reserve logging put on hold, 32)

Sarawak police are using helicopters,

--Indonesia: 33) government encourages deforestation, 34) World Bank'

palm plan slammed, 35) Illegal logger trial delayed due to protest,

--Australia: 37) Save the Red Gum, 38) Enviros meet with labor leader,

--Artic Circle: 39) Genetic tree research

--World wide: 40) Terrascope is a Google Earth implementation


British Columbia:


1) It's depressing. From our perspective, we're seeing this land with

new eyes - with no knowledge of what it used to be. Perhaps that makes

it easier to be optimistic. But for someone who's been around a long

time, it doesn't look like there's much left to save. In the U.S.,

some people think of Canadians as our " kinder gentler neighbors to the

north " - wanting to believe that some folks are better, or greener,

than us. I think we're all screw ups. And with a relatively small

population in an enormous area, it's easy for a lot of damage to

happen in B.C. with little oversight, and not many people paying

attention. http://www.groundtruthtrekking.org/blog/?p=145


2) In at least one important sense, Norm LeBlanc was outspoken this

week in expressing his feelings about demonstrations in opposition to

a logging project his company, Lizzie Bay, is planning in the

Blackwater Creek area near Devine. But when asked about when the

company plans to begin work on the project, LeBlanc played his cards

chose to his chest. " I'm not really going to comment on that, " LeBlanc

said on Monday (July 16), the day members of the protest group had

been led to believe that tree-falling on the first cutblock of the

31-hectare project would begin. As for his feelings about the issues

being raised about environmental values on the land in question — most

of them related to pine mushrooms and spotted owls — LeBlanc said, " We

should keep the issues clear and precise and not muddy the waters with

all sorts of fabricated environmental issues. I hope that I can be

part of some sort of political solutions between N'Quatqua and B.C.

Timber Sales (BCTS), but I don't have time for the issues that the

protesters are raising. " BCTS officials have so far rejected the

demonstrators' pleas and affirmed the company's tenure to log in the

area. Members of the Blackwater Stewardship Group camped out alongside

the road on Sunday night in what they called a peaceful protest

against the logging project. The group, which included both First

Nations and non-First Nations people, have the support of the

N'Quatqua Band, which claims the land as part of its traditional

territory and also opposes the project. Rebecca Barley, a N'Quatqua

Band councillor, last week confirmed that she was trying to set up a

meeting with Rich Coleman, B.C.'s minister of forests and range, in an

effort to avert a potential showdown over the project.





3)The Morice Land and Resource Management Plan (LRMP) area, located to

the north of Tweedsmuir Park, is 1.5 million hectares in size, nearly

three times the size of Prince Edward Island. Approximately 5,200

people reside in the plan area, with Houston as the main community.

The decisions will provide certainty and sustainability guidelines for

resource industry sectors and will preserve approximately 123,000

hectares of pristine natural habitat as protected areas, including the

majestic Nadina Mountain overlooking Owen Lake. The Morice LRMP is a

result of the Province's collaborative partnerships with the Office of

the Wet'suwet'en, Lake Babine Nation, Nedo'ats Hereditary Chiefs and

Yekooche First Nation, as well as industry and local communities.

Highlights of the agreement include: 1) 8.2 percent of the total plan

area, or approximately 123,000 hectares, more than 300 times the size

of Vancouver's Stanley Park, set aside as protected areas (PAs). 2)

74.6 percent of the plan area open to selected forestry. 3)

Development of water management objectives and an ongoing water

quality monitoring framework.4) Certainty principles for responsible

mineral exploration and the mining sector. 5) Targets established

around treatment of detected mountain pine beetle infestations. 6)

Objectives for the protection of First Nations' traditional land uses,

cultural sites and features. 7) Best management practices for

important wildlife habitat areas, fish habitat, water quality and rare

and endangered ecosystems. 8) Continued partnerships with local First

Nations to ensure effective and ongoing plan implementation and

monitoring. -- " This agreement will provide certainty for resource

development while ensuring sustainability, " said Dennis MacKAY, MLA

for Bulkley Valley-Stikine. " I am pleased to see that Aboriginal

people, local government and industry groups have come together to

make this plan a reality and promote economic development in the

region. " http://www.gov.bc.ca




4) In 2005, unit 43 of the Sten Timber Sale on the McKenzie River

watershed was the site of yet another chapter in the ongoing protest

against old growth logging. Local activists made a valiant effort to

save one of the few pristine old growth ecosystems left in the

McKenzie watershed by setting up treesits. Freres Lumber responded

with hired thugs who repeatedly visited the treesits and issued death

threats, firing both live ammunition and razor sharp broadhead arrows

at protestors. Forest Service law enforcement personnel did nothing to

pursue these criminals, instead concentrating on harassing the

protestors and issuing petty citations. For more information, go to

www.eugeneweekly.com/2005/09/22/coverstory.html One activist lived on

a small platform in the upper canopy for over two months, while

loggers endangered his life by falling trees around him. Hired

climbers and Forest Service personnel threatened to physically remove

him. During his extended stay in an old growth tree, " Katrina " , the

Forest Service stole his bicycle, trailer, identity papers, and all

his possessions. " Katrina " is now dead. Eighty-five percent of the

trees in the project are either standing dead or blackened stumps.

According to a Forest Service spokesperson, a " prescribed burn " ,

started with drip torches by Forest Service personnel, got out of hand

" when the wind shifted " . The Forest Service inadvertently " missed its

target " of 10 to 20 percent mortality. Seventy percent of the trees

that remained after logging were killed by the fire. The destruction

of a once healthy forest ecosystem is now complete. What is next for

unit 43 of the Sten timber sale? Salvage logging?



5) Now it is 2007, and Mount Hood Wilderness legislation is again

moving in the US Senate. In May, the Senate held a hearing on the

Lewis and Clark Mount Hood Wilderness Act of 2007. If Oregon's

senators and representatives act quickly, key wildlands may still be

protected as a legacy for future generations--we could preserve the

rugged backcountry of the Roaring River watershed, the scenic beauty

of Mirror Lake, and the cold, clean water of Fifteenmile Creek. Given

the changes in Congress, there may be a chance to protect other

important wildlands around the state, such as Copper Salmon and the

Wild Rogue Wilderness as well. Please take a few moments to send a

quick and easy email thanking Oregon's senators and representatives

for their past efforts on Mount Hood Wilderness and encourage them to

act quickly to pass a strong Wilderness and Wild and Scenic Rivers

bill this summer!


Encourage them to protect areas beyond Portland's backyard, including

Copper Salmon, Soda Mountain, Spring Basin, and the Wild Rogue! To

learn more about why Wilderness protection is important and the

history of legislation to protect Mount Hood:





6) New Cuyama: Trees for Children offers relevant solutions in

reducing the causes of human created global warming. We are a part of

local and global movements that are leading the way in restoration

ecology and carbon sequestration using permaculture understandings and

applications and the hands-on sharing of stewardship ethics with the

next generation of caretakers...our children. We are asking people

around the globe to take responsibility for their lifestyles through

the planting of the trees that were used in the construction of their

homes, or to offset the carbon imprint of the miles they drive, or

plant trees and/or groves ito honor people they care about. Also,

Trees for Children directly benefits Quail Springs, as much of the

reforestation will happen here on the 450 acres of Quail Springs in

need of restoration after hundreds of years of degradation. We intend

to turn this desert back into a forest, and to provide even more

abundance than it did before as we demonstrate responsible land

stewardship! And the project will contribute financially to the

community programs offered at Quail Springs for low-income youth and


http://www.treesforchildren.org/cms/index.php?option=com_content & task=view & id=88\

& Itemid=90


7) California's largest forest landowner is the American public. There

are 13.2 million acres, equal to 44 percent of the state's total

timberland, which is overseen by the U.S. Forest Service. A network of

national forests covers extensive areas of the Sierra Nevada and coast

ranges, abutting state forestland and private timber holdings. The

concern right now is that a wildfire--like the recent Angora fire west

of Lake Tahoe that seared more than 3,100 acres and destroyed or

damaged nearly 350 structures--will rampage in other parts of the

state. The Angora fire in El Dorado National Forest burned onto

private property and forced the evacuation of hundreds of people.

Early estimates put the firefighting cost at more than $11.7 million.

Recovering from the damage will cost additional millions in tax

dollars. Added to that are the untallied environmental impacts and

costs, not to mention the shattering effects on those who lost

everything in the fire. True recovery will take decades. Experts say

the reasons for the increasingly great losses due to wildfire are

numerous and well-known. Fire has always been part of California's

forest landscape. Lightening fires and those set by Native Americans

helped keep fuel loads down. " There are more trees growing around Lake

Tahoe now than at any time in the last 150 years, " said Dave Bischel,

president of the California Forestry Association. " With neither

low-intensity fire nor timber harvests on California's public

forestland, many Sierra Nevada forests are straining to support more

than 10 times their natural number of trees per acre. " On publicly

owned lands that translates into dense brush buildup, sick and

weakened trees, degraded habitat, threats to water quality, as well as

posing a real danger to life and property, according to the California

Forests Products Commission.But, while forestry research and

management practices have advanced dramatically, applying practical,

science-based solutions to reduce fuel loads and ensure healthy

forests is harder to accomplish. One of the aspects of the forest

management issue that can't be ignored, forest experts say, is the

impact of numerous lawsuits brought by environmental organizations to

halt harvest and forest cleanup activities on public forestland.

http://www.cfbf.com/agalert/AgAlertStory.cfm?ID=864 & ck=1FC214004C9481E4C8073E853\



8) Self serving " experts " in fire hazard ignore the change in stand

structure that resulted from removing the original forest and

replacing it with a regrown stand that is inherently more crowded that

was the old growth. Generally it was clearcut and is probably the most

dangerous now (depending on the years elapsed) due to reduced spacing

within the replacement stand. If that replacement stand is then

selectively cut, then the forest has its dominant trees removed

because they are the largest and most commercially valuable. This

resets the stand structure back toward its previous crowded condition

plus the forest floor is now covered in logging slash left behind from

the last logging entry. The general public does not usually understand

the difference between logging slash and the normal accumulation and

processing of dead fallen wood that is done by termites and fungus at

a steady balanced rate. This is what rebuilds soil productivity. Since

it is not economically advantageous to remove, chip or pile and burn

the slash, selection logging does nothing to reduce fire hazard.

However it is being " sold " by the Farm Bureau_Timber Industry_Chamber

of Commerce gang and accusations are hurled at environmentalists for

opposing logging plans that had nothing to do with reducing fire

hazard other than PR bullshit. The mantra of " management " is used to

promote logging as a solution to fire risk when it has nothing

inherently to do with fire hazard reduction and usually increases fire

hazard particularly in regions where invasive exotic plants grow

rapidly in the cut areas. " Dog hair " clear cuts burn real fast in the

Sierra. If people were just to stop building houses out of kindling

and start using fire proof roofs (steel) and walls (stucco or

synthetic cement and fiber siding) that would be a start. We are going

to loose this argument unless we get out there and demand to be heard.

Kevin Collins bats3




9) Exasperated newcomers who have just moved into dream homes in rural

Nevada County call me every year at this time. The calls go something

like this: " There's logging trucks going down my road! " - " Yes ma'am.

That happens here, " I reply. " You don't understand. I worked my entire

life to buy this place, and now there's loud logging trucks roaring

down my road, raising dust and scaring my kittens! " No one told us

they would be cutting trees when we bought here. Can't you do

something? This is horrible! " I break the news to them, as kindly as

possible, that logging has been known to happen in these woods and was

once a staple of the Sierra economy. I also tell them logging jobs on

private property are still somewhat common here, and that ompanies

often start cutting when the price for lumber goes up. I'm surprised

at how many of the callers assume logging is illegal or morally wrong.

They do not equate timber harvesting with their new decks, hardwood

floors and the aper in the phone book they used to find my number.

http://www.theunion.com/article/20070721/OPINION/107210153 & SearchID=732878242988\






10) " Believe it or not, there are more mammals here in southeastern

Arizona than anywhere else in the United States, " says Matt Skroch,

head of the Sky Island Alliance. The group is trying to protect the

intersection between tropical species on the northern end of their

range, such as jaguars, ocelots, greyhawks, Mexican possums, and

temperate species on the southern end of the Sky Islands' range, like

the black bear and the northern goshawk — not to mention 20 species of

hummingbird. But, just like oceans are rising and claiming some

seaside habitat, hotter and drier conditions brought about by global

warming are moving up the slopes. Driving from the heat of Tucson to

the top of the Santa Catalina Mountains takes less than an hour. Yet,

the 7,000-foot climb is the ecological equivalent of going from the

desert to northwestern Canada. You pass giant saguaro cactus, then oak

woodlands. Then, about halfway up, there's the first sign of a cooler

climate — ponderosa pines in a small canyon. Matt Skroch says it's the

perfect place to see change. A look across the canyon shows, he says,

" that about 80 percent of the pines are dead, and that's because it's

getting hotter. " This is gradual change creeping up the mountainside

like a rising tide. The farther up the mountain, the fewer trees there

are alive. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=12126474




11) The entire Colorado congressional delegation Tuesday signed onto a

bill that proposes to help local communities deal with wildfire

threats posed by trees killed by bark beetles. Conservation groups,

however, are afraid the bill will reduce environmental and public

review of the forest thinning and treatment projects it supports. The

legislation, introduced Tuesday in the House and Senate, would, among

other things, allow the U.S. Forest Service to spend $22 million to

help communities cope with wildfire threats, create wildfire response

plans and provide grants for beetle-killed trees to be used for energy

production. It also provides tax credits for people who complete

approved forest thinning projects on either public or private land.

Rep. Mark Udall, D-Colo., said he wants to reduce wildfire risks that

have been exacerbated by bark beetles and drought. " More and more of

our mountain communities find themselves in uncomfortable proximity to

these infested areas, which has added to their concerns about the

danger of catastrophic wildfires, " Udall said in a news release. " This

legislation takes an important step toward addressing that problem. "

The bill falls under the jurisdiction of more than one House

committee, but Rep. John Salazar, D-Colo., said in an e-mail he's

confident the bill will be successful despite the number of hearings

that it has to go through before a final vote. Sen. Wayne Allard,

R-Colo., is optimistic about the prospects of the bill, which has been

in the works for several years, now that the entire Colorado

congressional delegation is on board, Allard spokesman Steve Wymer

said. He said Allard is confident the bill will pass as long as a

" national environmental group " doesn't oppose it. But local and

national environmental groups are wary of the bill. " I think the bill

is very well- intentioned, " Wilderness Society Assistant Regional Steve Smith said. " It wants to respond to a magnified natural

cycle. It wants to respond to communities who are worried about fire.

We think in this package they've made some good starts, but they've

made some real mistakes. " Those mistakes, he said, include allowing

environmental review of the forest treatment projects to be rolled

back. Smith said he fears the bill may toss out a forest planning

provision in the National Forest Management Act and a public review

provision of the National Environmental Policy Act.







12) There could be a new state park in outdoors-obsessed Minnesota's

near future, its first in three decades. Minnesota officials are

negotiating with US Steel to acquire about 2,500 acres, including

about 5 miles of lakeshore on Lake Vermilion in northern Minnesota.

The potential for a deal surfaced abruptly within the last five weeks.

Officials from the Department of Natural Resources and the steel

company began talks on turning over the property, situated on the

eastern shores of Lake Vermilion adjacent to the existing Soudan

Underground Mine State Park. While negotiations are tentative, Gov.

Tim Pawlenty said on Tuesday the purchase would likely cost " tens of

millions " of dollars but predicted quick bipartisan approval from the

Legislature. Portions of the park could be up and running in about

three years, DNR officials said. In the meantime, US Steel will

continue with its plans to develop the parcel for 150 private homes.

The company has given the state a window of about one year to complete

a deal. In announcing the plan, state officials acknowledged they

expected " robust " discussions about uses in the park, which will be

adjacent to portions of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and

Superior National Forest. As a state park, the new property would be

expected to accommodate multiple uses, including snowmobile trails and

possibly ATV trails, always a contentious proposition in that region.

If it goes through, the Vermilion proposal would become the first new

major state park since Tettegouche was established on the North Shore

of Lake Superior in 1979.



13) In his comment to my " Obeying Nature " blog post, Sierra Club's

Clyde Hanson expresses his disappointment that Blandin Foundation's

Vital Forests/Vital Communities Initiative is " avoiding addressing the

root cause of the forest biodiversity crisis. " I agree with Hanson

that one of the fundamental challenges we all share is to help create

and promote culture change that recognizes and values biodiversity as

a public good. In our market-based economy, this involves creating

incentives and rewards for economic activities that protect and

promote biodiversity. I do think there are some positive developments

– in terms of culture change and economic mechanisms to support it –

from which we can all take heart: 1) The profound shift by the US

Forest Service, as described by former US forest Service chief Dale

Bosworth in the June issue of Journal of Forestry, from a focus on

commercial resource extraction to restoring healthy, functioning

ecosystems. The result: restoration and outdoor recreation have

supplanted timber extraction as the agency's main focus. 2) The 2001

congressional mandate that each state develop a comprehensive strategy

for conserving wildlife. The resulting " wildlife action plans " at the

state level reflect a growing consensus in the conservation community

about the wisdom of moving away from the charismatic " poster critter "

approach spawned by the Endangered Species Act ( " Save the Spotted

Owl! " ) and toward a more holistic appreciation, reflective of

Leopold's wisdom, of the importance of protecting all species. 3)

Progress in translating the value that people get from ecosystem

services into dollars and sense. 4) Progress in the application of

innovative conservation tools. According to the newly released SAF

report, " The State of America's Forests, " on average 11 percent of the

worlds' forestland benefits from some type of conservation effort. 5)

New appreciation for the possible synergies between the economy and

ecology. Examples include new work on biomimicry.





14) The leaf-eating gypsy moth caterpillars that infested parts of the

state again this spring defoliated 90,574 acres of forest in

Burlington County this year, nearly four times the total damage last

year, state officials said yesterday. Statewide, the caterpillars

defoliated 320,610 acres, trumping last year's totals by more than

190,000 acres, according to the state Department of Agriculture's

aerial defoliation survey for 2007. By comparison, the caterpillars

ate 125,743 acres in 2006, 44,000 in 2005 and 6,500 in 2004. The

damage this spring is the most since 1990, when 431,000 acres of trees

statewide experienced leaf loss, officials said. This year, Burlington

County was the second hardest-hit in the state behind Sussex County,

which sustained 96,655 acres of damage, according to the department.

Ocean County was third with 50,077 acres defoliated. About 96 percent

of the damage in Burlington County is considered severe. Damage is

considered severe if at least three-quarters of the leaves on the

trees are defoliated, according to the survey. Zoltowski said the

caterpillar damage is cyclical and there are generally about three to

four consecutive years of extensive damage. Based on those statistics,

Zoltowski said he expects about the same damage next year, if not

more. http://www.phillyburbs.com/pb-dyn/news/112-07202007-1380704.html





15) Chain saws now buzzing around Hunting Hills Country Club will take

down about 3,000 trees, many of them healthy, edging the private

club's 18-hole golf course. Exclamation points punctuated reactions by

tree lovers in the region. Julia Smith reacted passionately when

informed by a reporter about the cutting. " Holy crap! " she said.

Charlie Blankenship, a retired employee of the U.S. Forest Service and

an avid tree canopy booster, was another. " Good grief! " he said. But

before rallying to save the course's trees, ardent advocates might

first consider the country club's side of the story. On July 6, a

logging crew started sawing. It will selectively cut down oaks,

maples, Virginia pines and other species along the golf course, which

meanders through the affluent Hunting Hills subdivision in Roanoke

County. Trees and golf courses have a complicated relationship,

sliding along the same continuum accompanying many marriages. Course

superintendents have a love/hate relationship with trees, according to

Sharon Lilly's book " Golf Course Tree Management. " Trees beautify and

cool a course. They aid a golfer's depth perception, create doglegs

and separate fairways. But trees also hobble work to grow and maintain

a course's key asset -- its turf. " Golf courses are designed to be

aesthetically pleasing, but their primary function is to serve as the

arena for a sport, " wrote Lilly, a director for the International

Society of Arboriculture.



New York:


16) It is not at all unusual for forest landowners to be approached by

loggers looking to harvest timber on their land. Nor is it unusual for

landowners to agree to have their timber cut based solely on the

promise of an immediate and lucrative cash return. Unfortunately,

short term economic considerations coupled with a lack of knowledge of

forestry and silviculture practices all too often gives rise to timber

harvests that result in long term negative environmental impacts and

that degrade the future timber value of forest lands. Some of the

private forest owners that I talk with have inherited land that has

been in their family for generations. Others have more recently

purchased their property for recreation or investment. Almost all

enjoy, among other things, walking their land, hunting, taking

pictures of wildlife and wildflowers, picking berries, sitting beside

a campfire and cutting firewood. And almost all are interested in

harvesting and marketing their timber. Many, however, do not fully

understand the concept of sustainable forestry and its basic elements.

Unfortunately, much of the private forest in our region has been

relentlessly mismanaged for generations due to high grading and other

poor forestry practices. High grading is the practice of cutting the

best and most valuable timber and leaving the rest; often focusing on

removal of the most valuable species and thereby reducing diversity

within the stand. What's more, sizeable quantities of timber are cut

prior to becoming grade one sawtimber, a practice often referred to as

diameter limit cutting or selective cutting.





17) Last month, the US Forest Service released the draft version of

its Open Space Conservation Strategy to address the daily loss of

6,000 acres (about 250 football fields-worth every hour) of open space

and forests due to commercial and residential sprawl. The draft

strategy explains the threat our nation's natural heritage faces from

development sprawl, the harmful impacts the loss of these lands has

for the nation and its wildlife, and proposes comprehensive solutions

to address this problem. Click here to send your comment letter to the

Forest Service. Increasing population and expanding commercial and

residential development threaten to undo America's conservation

accomplishments. The Forest Service strategy warns that we are losing

not only our ability to manage public lands to maintain healthy

forests and public recreation, but critical ecosystem services, too,

such as wildlife habitat, clean drinking water, natural

resources-based jobs, and a sustainable output of forest products.

Forest Service research has determined that: 1) 34 million acres of

open space (the size of Illinois) were lost to development between

1982 and 2001. 2) 64 million acres of open space (the size of

Colorado) is projected to be developed by 2020. 3) 10 million acres of

forests were lost to development from 1982 to 1997. 4) 26 million more

acres of forests is expected to be developed by 2030 (close to the

size of Tennessee). 5) 57 percent of US forest lands are privately

owned and unprotected from development. -- It is imperative that the

US Forest Service understands that in order to protect our public

lands, appropriate funding must be included in the strategy.





18) A former timber lobbyist, Rey has been undersecretary for natural

resources and environment at the Agriculture Department for six years.

He oversees the Forest Service and the administration's decisions

about where and how to cut forests -- and, according to

environmentalists, he has opened deep areas of forest to loggers

instead of concentrating on thinning underbrush near homes and other

property. " I think it would be safe to say that if for the last six

years he had focused on forest-fuel reduction solely around people's

homes, instead of commercial-scale timber reduction, then fewer homes

would be at risk -- communities would be safer, people's lives and

property would be protected, " said Myke Bybee, a public lands lobbyist

for the Sierra Club. This week's fires have threatened California's

Santa Barbara wine country and forced the evacuation of hundreds of

homes, including Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch. More than 3.1

million acres have burned this year, and forecasters are saying

weather conditions are such that the wildfire spread may exceed last

year's 4 million acres. About 25 million of 80 million acres of

forests identified for thinning and controlled burning have been done

in the past six years. And more than half of that area has been on the

edge of forestland closest to new homes and other structures. " We've

taken the equivalent of the present population of California and

sprinkled it all across the woodlands -- in the Southeast, in the West

and in areas where fire is a natural component of the normal

environment, " Rey said. Environmentalists say that all of the Forest

Service's fuel-clearing efforts should be directed at areas close to

homes. They charge that some of the agency's activities are driven by

commercial interests, not safety concerns. Rey has been in the middle

of debates over the nation's forests for years. Even his critics

consider him a straight talker, and many say he has unparalleled

knowledge and understanding of American forests. His timber industry

credentials stretch back to 1976 when, after graduating from the

University of Michigan with a master's degree in natural resources

policy and administration, he went to work for the American Paper







19) For two years GroenFront! - Dutch & Belgian EarthFirst! - have

been fighting with the local community in Schinveld, in the southeast

of the country, to preserve a forest that would be destroyed for the

sake of the NATO airforce base across the German border. A direct

action camp was evicted in January, and 15 acres were destroyed, but

35 acres saved. GroenFront! was preparing to reoccupy the woods

awaiting the final outcome of a legal battle between the local council

and national government, but now to great surprise, the protestors

have been vindicated and the forests are definitely saved from NATO's

bloody claws. On July 18th the Dutch highest administrative court

ruled that the logging of Schiveld forest is illegal. This means the

ministry of defence cannot continue the logging of the forest as

requested by NATO, it also means the logging of the first six hectares

in January 2006 was illegal. The forest would need to be destroyed to

allow AWACS radar planes to lift off with more fuel in order to fly

directly to Afghanistan and Iraq.





20) So far-reaching is the impact of illegal logging that consumer

countries are seeing the need to take the lead in stemming the flow of

timber and timber-based products into their markets. Unlawful

deforestation has been propelled onto the agenda of the world's most

powerful political grouping. Recently, during a meeting in

Heiligendamm, Germany, the Group of Eight (G8) was presented with a

set of policies to tackle the problem. However, the wealthy nations'

club is only expected to deliberate and endorse the policies at the

next annual summit in Japan. (G8 brings together the United States,

Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Canada and Russia with a

yearly rotational presidency.) There is increasing recognition that

the higher value which timber products fetch in international market

is fuelling illegal logging in the forests of Asia, Africa and South

America. There is also the added urgency brought by climate change;

illegal logging is said to remove trees which could counter at least

20% of greenhouse gas emissions that's heating up the planet.

Eco-savvy consumers in G8 countries are demanding for greater

political leadership from their respective governments in tackling not

only illegal but unsustainable forestry practices. Ahead of the

Heiligendamm meeting, legislators from each of the G8 countries and

all major tropical timber producers from Brazil, Cameroon, Democratic

Republic of Congo, Ghana, Malaysia and Indonesia attended the G8

Illegal Logging Dialogue to resolve the menace.

http://thestar.com.my/lifestyle/story.asp?file=/2007/7/17/lifefocus/17993601 & sec\



21) In Germany more than 20 years ago, private landowners noticed that

their treasured forests were dying. They appealed to the government to

do something about the tragedy. Germany then began an all-out effort

to cut down power plant emissions to reduce acid rain in an effort to

save the Black Forest. Later, that urge to protect and prevent was

translated into a formal principle of German law, the lovely

Vorsorgeprinzip, literally, the " forecaring principle. " In the years

that followed, the German idea became enshrined in international law

as the precautionary principle. Vorsorge incorporates the notion of

preparing for a difficult future, the way one might buy extra food and

candles before a blizzard. http://www.yesmagazine.org/





22) Iraq has sent a note to Ankara following Turkey's bombardment of a

PKK camp in Northern Iraq on Wednesday. The note, delivered to the

Turkish embassy in Baghdad, contained claims that many forest fires

had occurred as a result of the bombing. Baghdad administration

claimed that Turkey had fired over 100 bombs into Northern Iraq. " The

Turkish army bombs this area every day. There is no settlement.

Nothing has happened to our civilians, " said Nevzat Hadi Mevlud, the

governor of Erbil.






23) Scientists are using the pine-forested slopes of a Mexican volcano

as a test bed to see if trees could grow on a heated-up Mars, part of

a vision of making the chilly and barren red planet habitable for

humans one day. Planetary scientists at NASA and Mexican universities

believe if they can warm Mars using heat-trapping gases, raise the air

pressure and start photosynthesis, they could create an atmosphere

that would support oxygen-breathing life forms. Getting trees growing

would be a crucial step. The scientists' quest has taken them to the

snow-capped Pico de Orizaba — a dormant volcano and Mexico's tallest

mountain — to examine trees growing at a higher altitude than anywhere

else on Earth. By pumping in highly insulating gases like methane or

nitrous oxide, the scientists think they could heat Mars to 41 degrees

Fahrenheit from minus 67 F now. That would match temperatures where

trees grow at 13,780 feet on Pico de Orizaba. Having trees on Mars, as

opposed to only simple plant forms like algae or lichens, would open

the possibility of humans one day being able to breathe Martian air.





24) ``Stora Enso has replaced virtually all its short fiber with

eucalyptus at its Oulu plant, which is quite remarkable considering it

was built there because of the wood,'' S & P's Christie said. Stora now

owns about 333,450 acres in Brazil and Uruguay, some of which has been

set aside for conservation. ``By planting eucalyptus in what is

basically degraded pasture, they can get 10 times the yield gotten in

Scandinavia,'' said Kurt Schaefer, vice president of fiber at RISI, a

forestry consultancy based in Bedford, Massachusetts. Stora has said

it is contemplating doubling its production at Veracel with a second

line. The company also is planting some of its Brazilian land with

15-year pine trees to lower costs for softwood pulp.

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601109 & sid=augClYJXaLAM & refer=home




25) Rainforest Alliance's previous track-record of detecting

illegality had been so dismal that there is no reason to believe that

they are capable of identifying even gross breaches of the law. Now we

have received information of yet another case where SmartWood appears

to have 'turned a blind eye' to serious illegalities in one of the

logging companies it has certified under the FSC scheme. In early

July, flying over the western reaches of the Brazilian state of Acre,

Ashaninka indigenous leaders and officials from the Brazilian Federal

Environmental Agency (IBAMA) confirmed what had been suspected for

some months: workers from the Peruvian company Venao Forestal had

illegally crossed into Brazil, and were now felling CITES-listed

mahogany there. The company's illegal activities were captured in

numerous photographs and through GPS plots, and reported on Brazilian

TV. Local indigenous associations, including the Indigenous People

Organization of the Juruá River (OPIRJ) and the Ashaninka Society of

the Rio Amônia (Apiwtxa), reported that " Huge quantities of timber

have been cut down, stacked on the margins of the road, ready to be

transported " . The groups denounced these illegalities, and called on

IBAMA to " take immediate action to stop the advance of this

exploitation " . The groups say they intend to " appeal to international

courts to protect Brazilian sovereignty, their territory, the

preservation area, and the still existent biodiversity of the region. "

Dr Salisbury informed SmartWood before the certificate was issued that

" Forestal Venao is infamous in Ucayali, Peru for their indifference to

laws, indigenous people, and the rainforest environment. They have

built an illegal, non-state sanctioned logging road from the banks of

the Ucayali to the Juruá basin on the Brazilian border. This is no

small skid trail, but a network of roads whose main trunk extends over

120 kilometers. " Dr Salisbury told SmartWood that Venao " is exactly

the kind of company that Smartwood and the Forest Stewardship Council

should be blacklisting, NOT certifying " . SmartWood's astonishingly

complacent response to this was merely to issue a Minor Corrective

Action Request (10/07) calling on Venao to " improve the planning and

construction of roads " . The involvement of Venao in illegal logging

was also well known.







26) Treasures of the reserve forests of North Cachar Hills are being

ferried out from where they belong to Guwahati and Meghalaya, right

under the noses of forest guards. The trucks take three major routes —

the Umrangsu-Lanka-Guwahati, Mahur-Maibong-Lumding and

Umrangsu-Shillong roads — which imply the involvement of people in the

know and in positions of power. " The smugglers and their accomplices

in the forest department mislead the administration of neighbouring

districts in two ways. Firstly, 15 to 20 truckloads of timber are

transported against a single transit pass. Then fake transit passes

are conjured up with the help of local forest officials, " a source in

Umrangsu said. If he is to be believed, wood is not the only item

being smuggled out. Deer meat and rare medicinal plants are on the

list, too. The hill district, 80 per cent of which is covered by

bamboo groves and woods, has three reserve forests — Langting Mupa,

Krungming and Borraile. Besides, there are three proposed reserve

forests — Hatikhali Mandardisa, Panimur and Borraile II. A source in

the forest department claimed that over 1,000 timber-laden trucks head

out of the district every month, displaying formally issued transit

passes. " Generally, 300 to 400 such trucks cross different checkposts

in Nagaon in a month. But as most of the drivers and forest staff on

duty want to avoid official formalities, the checkpost registers

cannot present a true picture, " he said. Forest department records

boast of joint forest management committees having brought a sprawling

1,200 hectares of forest land under afforestation programmes, spending

more than Rs 1.50 crore in the last three years. Half of the green

cover comprises bamboo, while medicinal plants and other trees have

been planted in the remaining area. Residents are, however, not

convinced. " All this is only on paper. In reality, you will not find a

single hectare of land where trees have been planted, " said Lal

Bahadur, a Nepali villager from Gorampani.





27) Vietnam has been trying to attract foreign investment in paper

production for the last 20 years since the country opened its door to

foreign direct investors. However, no investor has wanted to inject

money in this sector, not including the projects on making tissue and

toilet paper, though paper production was protected by the state with

a high tax rates on imports. However, everything has changed: since

the protection was removed, a lot of big-scale projects on making

paper and pulp have been registered. According to the Ministry of

Industry, projects to be run by foreign investors in the coming time

have the capacity of around 1 million tonnes of pulp and 600,000

tonnes of paper every year. These include the project by LEE & Man

with the tentative capacity of 350,000 tonnes of paper and 150,000

tonnes of pulp, by Vina Kraft (220,000 tonnes of paper), and the

project by Japanese Sojiz, which is expected to produce 600,000 tonnes

of pulp a year in the Central Highlands. Moreover, there are a lot of

projects of domestic investors, including the Vietnam Paper

Corporation (Vinapimex), Vinh Phu Paper Company, Phu Giang Packaging

Company, Binh An Company, which have the capacity of 50,000-250,000

tonnes each. An official from Vinapimex said that investors were

rushing to produce pulp and paper in Vietnam because they heard about

the sharp increase in demand and prices of paper products. The pulp

price has increased by 70% since 2001. However, he said that Vietnam

could attract many investors because it had profuse material sources,

which makes Vietnam deserve to be the target destination for investors

from countries which have given up producing paper for fear of

polluting the environment. In fact, many paper plants in Europe, North

America and China have had to shut down due to environmental pollution

and ineffectiveness. China, for example, will shut down a lot of paper

plants which have the total capacity of up to 3mil tonnes.





28) Parti Keadilan Rakyat claims timber is being felled illegally in

the first-class forest reserves at the Yayasan Sabah concession areas

in Ulu Segama and Malua. Its Vice President Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan,

who lodged a police report Friday, alleged that the people involved

have been hacking away the trees in the reserves, including in the

Imbak Canyon, Maliau Basin and Danum Valley and exporting thousands of

cubic metres of logs every week. " I am asking for the authorities to

investigate where these logs are sourced from, where they (the logs)

are going to, who are involved and who has authorised to allow this

(logging exercise) to be carried out, " he said during a media

conference at a restaurant here Friday. " We have people out there but

the best thing is for the authorities to go out there and

investigate, " he added. He lodged the report at the city police

headquarters in Karamunsing, here, before meeting City Police Chief,

ACP Ku Chin Wah, at about 10.30am.


29) When WALHI first proposed a Moratorium on Logging in 2001, we

immediately considered the pros and cons. With forestry businesses

providing direct benefits to 2.8 million householders and yielding 9

billion dollars in foreign exchange, a Moratorium on Logging would

surely contain some economic threats. By definition, a Moratorium on

Logging is the temporary cessation of logging and forest conversion

activities. Its objective is to provide some leeway regarding problems

in order that a long term and permanent solution be found. A

Moratorium on Logging must be applied for at least fifteen years.

Before the end of this period, an evaluation is carried out to

re-assess the situation. A fifteen year period is considered

sufficient to improve all conflicts in management and policies that

often had to be resolved in the field. Fifteen years is also regarded

as adequate time to formulate: (1) a protocol for conflict resolution;

(2) a standard for ecological service in plantations; and (3) the

conceptualization of a community forest system as the standard policy

for forests in Indonesia.



30) Malaysian authorities arrested 13 people and seized more than

5,000 logs in a clamp down on illegal logging on Borneo island, police

said Thursday (July 19th). Two police helicopters began monitoring

forests in eastern Sarawak state on Borneo last month, leading police

to the illegally harvested timber, state police commissioner Talib

Jamal said. " From our intelligence, there are also gangsters involved

in (illegal logging), " he told The Associated Press. " With our action,

the activities have been markedly reduced. " Police were cooperating

with forestry officials to tackle illegal logging in the state, he

said. Activists and environmentalists have alleged illegal logging has

destroyed much of the primary rain forest in Sarawak, Malaysia's

largest state, but forest officials have insisted it was not a serious

problem. The crack down on illegal logging is part of a bigger police

operation since April to clamp down on a local mafia operating in the

state, officials said. Sarawak residents have complained about gangs

terrorizing and extorting them and controlling trade, including the

price of daily necessities such as food. Police have so far arrested

more than 1,300 people including some foreigners who were allegedly

involved in prostitution, gambling, and violence in the state.

http://e.sinchew-i.com/content.phtml?sec=2 & artid=200707190029


31) All new applications for logging concessions in the Chior Forest

Reserve near Sungai Siput have been put on hold pending the

clarification of its status. The state's Forestry Department and the

Wildlife and National Parks Department (Perhilitan) is still waiting

for a decision from the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry to

ascertain which department has jurisdiction over the reserve. Both

departments come under the same ministry. " In the meantime, the

logging licences of the two companies have already expired and they

have left the disputed area. " There has been no further logging

activities carried out there and all applications have been put on

hold, " he said on Wednesday. The dispute on the Chior Forest Reserve

came about last June when Perhilitan officers, who were conducting

inventory work on wildlife at the reserve, found logging tracks and

felled trees there. Perhilitan had claimed that Chior was a wildlife

forest reserve and logging licences could not be issued. However, the

Forestry Department has since said that their records showed the

reserve did not exist, it had been even degazetted at some point and

that logging licences had been given out between 1995 and 2000. Razani

added that if it was decided that the reserve came under his

department, it would be opened for logging. " If it is not, then all

incoming applications would be rejected as it would be a wildlife

reserve, " he said. Perak Wildlife and National Parks Department

(Perhilitan) director Shabrina Mohd Shariff said that she hoped the

ministry would expedite a decision. " We already had a meeting last

year with the ministry's former legal adviser and have already

furnished him with all the details on our part, " she said.


& sec=business


32) Sarawak police are using helicopters from the police air wing to

detect illegal logging in the state. State Commissioner of Police DCP

Datuk Talib Jamal said the use of the helicopters had been quite

successful so far, with 13 people arrested for illegal logging in the

past one month. He said some cases involved timber companies, who had

strayed outside their logging concession areas. " Our investigations

have also found some elements of gangsterism involved in illegal

logging, " he said on Wednesday. He advised timber companies to log

within their concession areas and urged the public to inform police of

any suspected illegal logging activities. DCP Talib also said police

were working closely with the security and asset protection unit

(SAPU) of Sarawak Forestry to combat illegal logging. " We will hand

over cases to SAPU for further action. On our part, we can take action

on the vehicles used to transport logs, for example for not having

road tax discs or not being roadworthy, " he added.

http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2007/7/18/nation/20070718152946 & sec=n\





33) The Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi) has accused the

government of encouraging deforestation by allowing eight industrial

timber plantation companies to cut down trees in Riau province beyond

the legal limit. " The Forestry Ministry has issued permits for these

companies to continue exploiting forest and peatland in Riau for the

pulp and crude palm oil industries, " Walhi chairman Chalid Muhammad

told a media conference Friday. The eight timber plantations, which

control more than 2 million hectares of land in Riau, are responsible

for the disappearance of forests in the province, he said. " The

ministry has failed to conserve the forests there and it should be

held responsible for deforestation, which contributes to global

warming, " Chalid said. Walhi cited letter of dispensation No. 613/2006

issued by Forestry Minister Malam Sambat Ka'ban, which allows the

industrial timber plantations to continue to exploit the forests.

Indonesia, especially in rural areas, emits more than 3 billion tons

of carbon dioxide annually. A large part of this is caused by

deforestation. Indonesia is considered the third leading emitter of

greenhouse gases after the U.S. and China. Ka'ban, who is reportedly

locked in a dispute with the National Police over forest-related

crimes in Riau, issued a letter of support for Adelin Lis, the

financial director of logging company PT Keang Nam Development

Indonesia who is on trial for illegal logging in Riau.



34) Groups from three countries, today slam World Bank' support for

increased industrial plantation scheme in Indonesia. " In Indonesia,

plantation establishment has traditionally been linked to

extraordinary deforestation, uncontrolled forest fires impacting local

communities and neighboring countries and significant human rights

violations " , said Rivani Noor of CAPPA in Sumatra, a local NGO based

in Jambi province of Indonesia. The Bank's plan identifies as " among

the highest priorities " , support for the Department of Forestry's plan

for the acceleration of plantation development which includes the

establishment of 5 million hectares of industrial timber plantations

and 2 million hectares of so-called " community forests " . " The push to

establish between 5 to 7 million hectares of industrial plantations

will cause tremendous harm to our forests and the women and men whose

livelihoods depend on them, " said Farah Sofa, WALHI, the Indonesia's

largest environmental group. " So-called plantation - community

" partnership " programs have generated conflicts, impoverishment, and

environmental degradation for decades, said Rukaiyah Rofiq of Yayasan

Keadilan Rakyat, a local group based in Jambi Province of Indonesia.

" Lack of recognition of adat and community land and forest rights, the

use of military security forces on behalf of plantation companies, the

loss of lands due the vastly unequal power of the partners are all

tremendous problems with 'community plantation' programs. "



35) The trial of an illegal logging suspect was delayed Wednesday

after a group of people disrupted court proceedings at Medan District

Court in North Sumatra. Tensions over Adelin Lis' hearing led

presiding judge Arwan Byrin to postpone the trial until July 23. The

trial was scheduled to examine five witnesses Wednesday but heard from

just one. Representatives from a North Sumatran group against illegal

logging rushed into the courtroom and demanded Adelin be sentenced to

life in prison. Police and prosecutors failed to secure the courtroom

despite the judge's demands. " We don't want to prevent the group from

staging their protest but they have to do (it with some) order, " said

Medan's district court head Arwan. " And because they didn't, we

postponed the trial. " Arwam said the protesters would have to respect

the proceedings and told them to have some trust in the court. " There

is no need to terrorize the court -- especially if we want to uphold

justice in this country, " he said. As financial director and owner of

PT Keang Nam Development Indonesia, Adelin has been accused of

violating forestry laws in relation to the illegal logging and

collection of timber products outside the company's concession area in

Mandailing Natal regency, North Sumatra, between 2000 and 2005.





36) FOUR new national parks and billions of litres of water are needed

to save the Murray River's dying river red gum forests, an

investigation has found. But the timber industry claims that up to 80

jobs could be wiped out and some small towns decimated by the

Victorian Environmental Assessment Council's recommendations. Handing

down the draft proposals yesterday, council chairman Duncan Malcolm

said the health of vegetation along the Murray, including the world's

two largest river red gum forests, was far worse than expected. Up to

75 per cent of trees were dangerously stressed. " There are significant

areas of riverine forests with severely stressed and dying trees, and

nearly 400 threatened and near-threatened plant and animal species, "

Mr Malcolm said. In 2005, the State Government ordered the council to

investigate land use on the 1600-kilometre Murray corridor from South

Australia to Lake Hume. The council recommended creating four new

national parks — Barmah, Gunbower, Lower Goulburn River and

Leaghur-Koorangie. It found that 4000 billion litres of water were

needed every five years to flood the red gum forests and flood plains.

" The imminent loss or degradation of large areas of wetlands and

riverine forests as a result of greatly reduced frequency of flooding "

was the biggest environmental concern in the area, the paper said. It

also recommended a cut in timber harvesting, from 25,000 hectares to

10,000 hectares, and excluding stock grazing on public land. The

Barmah State Forest has already become a battleground between 150

cattle graziers and the State Government, which ordered them off the

land a month earlier than usual this year because of the drought.





38) Anti-logging campaigners have met Labor's environment spokesman

Peter Garrett in Hobart, calling on the ALP to protect Tasmania's

sensitive forest areas if it wins the next federal election. Members

of the Huon Valley Environment Centre met Mr Garrett on Sunday to

discuss what they say is the urgent need to protect places such as the

Weld Valley from logging. " Forest campaigners from the Huon Valley

Environment Centre today met with federal shadow environment minister

Peter Garrett, to express an urgent need to protect ancient and world

heritage value forests in places like the Weld and Middle Huon

valleys, " the centre's spokeswoman Jenny Weber said. " The federal

Liberal Party sold out Tasmania's southern forests at the last

(federal) election and logging has accelerated in wilderness areas

such as the Weld Valley, " she said. Ms Weber said the major parties -

Labor and Liberal - needed to take the issue of the impact of logging

of environmentally sensitive areas seriously. She said

conservationists were also concerned about plans by Gunns Limited to

build a $1.5 billion pulp mill in the state's north. " We informed Mr

Garrett that the fast-tracked pulp mill and ongoing export

woodchipping will add extra pressure on the ancient southern forests, "

she said.





Artic Circle:


36) In a secure, sterile greenhouse just south of the Arctic Circle

trees are flowering in four weeks that would otherwise have taken 10

to 15 years to mature. The genetically modified seedlings are a huge

step forward in the race to produce bigger, faster-growing trees. It's

a race which must be won to meet insatiable global demand for wood and

forest byproducts without pushing commercial logging even deeper into

the world's dwindling native forests. " The post-fossil fuel era will

see human society turn back to its traditional dependency on wood, "

says Professor Ove Nilsson, the scientific co-ordinator at the Umea

Plant Science Centre in northern Sweden. But, he says, projected

demand dramatically outstrips forest production. Soaring global

consumption, especially in Asia, is colliding with new demands on

forests for carbon-neutral biofuels for electricity, industrial

furnaces, heating and vehicles. " Everyone agrees that if we are going

to solve this puzzle we have to make commercial forests more

productive, " Nilsson says. " We have to grow bulkier trees faster so we

get much higher yields per hectare. Otherwise we risk cutting down

every stand of rainforest left on the planet. " In China, the forest

products industry grew from $US4 billion to $US17.2 billion in the

five years to last year, paper consumption has doubled in a decade and

forests, especially in Indonesia and Russia, are being rapidly felled

to feed the Chinese industrial machine. Elsewhere, scientists are

eyeing wood for biofuels because it is at least twice as " energy

dense " as crops used to make ethanol for green vehicles, and trees

require much less land and fertiliser. The trouble with trees is that,

unlike crops, selective breeding takes decades. Many cold climate

trees such as spruce and aspen take 10 to 15 years to flower, meaning

superior trees can only be picked out and crossbred - in the hope of

even more productive offspring - a couple of times in a forester's

career. Eucalypts have galloped ahead because they flower in two to

three years, allowing rapid crossbreeding to emphasise favourable

characteristics such as fast growth and straight stems, boosting

harvests in Brazil from 20 cubic metres of wood per hectare to up to

60 cubic metres. http://www.smh.com.au




40) Terrascope is a Google Earth implementation of the LANDSAT MSS, TM

and ETM+ ortho mosaics for the 1970s, circa 1990 and circa 2000. It is

designed to allow rapid comparison of LANDSAT imagery between these

periods for any view in Google Earth. The imagery is provided as

superoverlays in which resolution (level of detail) increase as you

zoom in on an area. Full resolution is 57 metres/pixel for the 1970's

(MSS), 28.5 metres/pixel for the circa 1990 and 14.25

metres/pixel for circa 2000 (ETM+). The rationale for terrascope is to

provide an easy mechanism for visual change detection for non

remote-sensing specialists who may be interested in environmental

change research (desertification, land use change, urbanisation,

coastal fluvial and water body change), awareness raising (of hotspots

for habitat loss for example), and conservation monitoring or

prioritisation uses.


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