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233 Earth's Tree News

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Today for you 36 new articles about earth's trees! (233rd edition)

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--British Columbia: 1) Climbing giant trees, 2) Western to sell 1,800

hectares, --Washington: 3) Tree climbing dog becomes celebrity, 4) 86

Vashon acres for wildlife,

--Oregon: 5) BLM's puffs up wood growth on paper, not in the forest

--California: 6) Remembering Gypsy, 7) Logging a forest to pay for it,

8) Logging along streams again in Tahoe, 9) Oaks make masts? 10) FS

Fires her for not lying enough, 11) Pacific Lumber doesn't log old

trees? 12) Spooner treesit,

--Michigan: 13) Overstocked condition abound for those who want to log

on DNR land

--Kentucky: 14) More on logging of Robinson forest

--New Jersey: 15) The first major blow to FSC

--USA: 16) Our tree planting binge gets us nowhere

--Canada: 17) Pulp ship blockaded, 18) future of Acadian forests,

--UK: 19) Restoring woodlands,

--Hungary: 20) Vatican to reforest part of Tisza river

--Mexico: 21) Women's Environmentalist Organization of the Sierra of Petatlan

--Costa Rica: 22) One of the first countries to curb deforestation still failing

--Brazil: 23) Veracel might get FSC? 24) Enron exec to develop

biofuels, 25) Cattle ranching threatens 2/5th of the Amazon, 26)

Biofuels a threat to diversity,

--Vietnam: 27) Reforestation and how Agent Orange still lingers

--Madagascar: 28) Earthwatch volunteers help scientists save Lemurs

--Taiwan: 29) GE trees made that take up triple the CO2

--Philippines: 30) 8.8 million hectares for biofuels? 31) Logging

indigenous lands,

--Papua New Guinea: 32) ANZ Banking Group destroying forest

--Australia: 33) Gathering of enviros for forests, 34) Queensland

purchases further north,

--Tropical Forests: 35) Friends of the Earth's: Life after Logging,

36) Forests and Coffee,



British Columbia:


1) They hook my harness up to a rope while another climber, who has

climbed up the tree beforehand, is attached to the middle of the same

rope. A pulley allows him to act as my counterweight and a ground crew

uses the rope to pull him down to the ground. I am lifted gently up

into the crown of the tree. Moving up along the massive trunk of this

fir tree reveals deep grooves woven randomly in the bark, some as deep

as six inches. Many species of lichen adorn the brown/grey bark with

bright splashes of white, green and yellow. I float by the remains of

a nest made by a tiny bird, perhaps a winter wren, fitted snuggly in a

hole bored by a woodpecker. At about 100 feet a lush aerial garden is

wedged into the crotch where the first branch juts out from the trunk.

Licorice ferns pock out of the moss and lichens clinging to the top of

this massive bough. The bright red dots of huckleberries contrast with

the various shades of green and yellow moss. The Red Creek Fir is a

world champion tree with the greatest volume of its species in the

world. This is according to the Big Tree Registry of British Columbia,

which lists the top 10 trees of every species

http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/bigtree For some reason this fir was allowed

to stand while the forest around it was completely leveled by

clear-cut logging, in fact the old logging road runs past the base of

this incredible tree. This giant is 13.28 m (43'7 " ) in circumference,

73.80 m (242') tall, with a crown spread of 22.80 m (75'). I continued

up the elevator to approximately 150 feet where the view of the San

Juan Valley is incredible. Unfortunately gaping holes in the forest

below reveal recent clear-cut logging in second growth forest. The

entire valley has been logged and now Western Forest Products (WFP) is

logging the area for the second time, faster, with larger machinery

and fewer workers. We then moved to the other side of the valley where

the San Juan Sitka Spruce grows. This is the largest Spruce in Canada,

with an 11.66 m (31'5 " ) circumference, height 62.50 m (205') and 23 m

(75') crown spread. The massive trunk branches into several adjacent

trunks, which are larger than many large trees. Once the ropes were

rigged I had to do some work and climbed a rope 200 feet to the top of

this tree. Along the way I stopped frequently to admire the many

aerial gardens along the way. Many large branches protrude from the

trunks of this tree, providing platforms of moss, ferns, and small

bushes. These platforms are ideal habitat for Marbled Murrelet, a red

listed endangered sea bird which nests only in old growth forests.

http://www.pqbnews.com/portals-code/list.cgi?paper=50 & cat=46 & id=1064872 & more=0


2) Western Forest Products is selling more than 1,800 hectares of its

Vancouver Island property, less than two months after saying that

changes to its land would come slowly, raising concerns among everyone

from timber workers to surfers. After witnessing decades of change, he

said the sale of Western's land will be " the biggest change that's

ever happened to this place. " He expects there will be job losses

because of all the timber being sold with the land. Western employees

won't have a hand in the harvest. " The quota will take a considerable

drop. The cutting season will be quite a bit shorter, " he said. The 31

parcels are located about 70 kilometres west of Victoria in the

communities between Shirley and Jordan River, and include 734,000

cubic metres of timber that can be logged and sold before development.

Western's chief operating officer Duncan Kerr said the company

evaluated its Vancouver Island holdings and decided that the land

being sold is better suited to development than to tree farming.

" We're not unaware of the fact that people who have expressed interest

have some form of development in mind, " he said from Western's head

office in Duncan. One particularly choice piece is four km of

waterfront property in Jordan River, which Colliers International,

Western's selling agent, describes as " one of the single greatest

opportunities on Vancouver Island to acquire a prominent stretch of

predominantly undeveloped coastline. " The 25-member West Coast Surfing

Associates use that coastline, and the group's so-called Clubbies are

worried. In 1975, they built a clubhouse at the Jordan River

campground owned by Western. In the mid-'80s, a sauna was added. From

October to April, the spot draws surfers from around the world who

catch waves that rival those in California or Australia.






3) …it's about a dog from Washington that can climb 40-foot tall

trees. Kodi's owner was hoping for some national attention. But in

less than a week he got CNN, ABC's Good Morning America and dozens of

other news outlets across the country. Owner Pat Tully says a crew

from Inside Edition is coming by next week, too. Tully says the best

part of all this recent fame is that Kodi made it to ESPN. " ESPN- I

have to say was the pinnacle. To be on the top 10 plays of the day it

was just– it doesn't get any better for sports guys, " Tully said. " I've

had to slap myself more than once to make sure I'm not dreaming. It's

been wonderful. " Tully says although he and his family are excited,

Kodi has no idea what commotion she's caused. He says she just

continues to climb trees and bring people joy.




4) A Vashon Island forest that is home to a diverse wildlife

population and helps protect the headwaters of a salmon-bearing stream

is being placed into protective status through King County. The 86

acres were split from a larger parcel that contains the old landfill

and the current transfer station. The Solid Waste Division was

interested in having the land protected because the forest provides a

buffer between the transfer station and neighboring homes. This mature

second-growth forest has been added to Island Center Forest, which at

366 acres is the largest preserve on Vashon-Maury Islands. The forest

is owned by King County and managed by the King County Department of

Natural Resources and Parks, in collaboration with the Vashon-Maury

Island community. " The preserve offers the Island's best set of trails

for hikers, bicyclists, horseback riders and wildlife-viewing

enthusiasts, and adding this property to the preserve will benefit

recreational users as well as wildlife, " said King County Executive

Ron Sims. The forest contains the uppermost headwaters of Judd Creek,

where the stream begins to flow year-round. The diverse forest

supports a wide range of wildlife, and provides trail linkage from

Westside Highway through Island Center Forest to Mukai Pond and

Meadowlake. More than half of the parcel contains soils that provide

the highest level of water recharge into the Vashon aquifer. " This

property transfer will preserve another section of Vashon Island's

largest public open space, while conserving key salmon habitat and

increasing recreational opportunities for Island residents and

visitors, " said King County Councilmember Dow Constantine. " Keeping

this land as open space also protects the Island's sole source

aquifer. " The area was included in the 2006 Site Management Guidelines

for Island Center Forest. The guidelines call for some sustainable

timber harvest using modern logging techniques. Timber harvests will

be done in a way that preserve forest soils and improve habitat for

the benefit of birds and other wildlife, while generating some revenue

for the management of the site and other natural areas on Vashon-Maury

Island. http://dnr.metrokc.gov/dnrp/press/2007/0913VashonCenterForest.htm




5) The public relations pitch offered by timber industry and friends

for increasing BLM logging is that the new plan will cut less timber

than what is grown. This definition of sustainability... so-called

" sustained yield " , where tree growth equals or exceeds timber harvest

is, as they know, mandated on federal forestlands. Oregon's old

forests have been methodically liquidated to the twisted tune of this

mythical mantra, one that justifies logging slow growing old trees by

" balancing " growth against rapidly growing young ones. Any unbiased

forester would question how biomass growth in cubic feet fairly

compares to mature timber growth in board feet. Will seedlings replace

200 year old trees in 60 years or even three times as long? In this

" sustained yield " ploy, projected growth of " replacement " trees is

typically computer modeled rather than measured against actual

performance, resulting in huge overestimates. As example, predicted

North Coast tree growth failed to materialize due to unforeseen

predation by Swiss Needle Cast, an endemic fungus rampaging through

Doug-fir monocultures at epidemic levels. Bloated future growth

predictions justified logging too much mature timber in the present,

which is how the North Coast was shamelessly overcut. Federal

sustained yield models for logging old growth forests are also skewed

by overestimating old growth acres or relaxing definitions to include

maturing timber stands of suitable size but lacking classic age,

density, and structure. By puffing up the total volume, more volume

can be " sustainably " extracted. Have BLM's " old growth " acres been

field checked by unbiased foresters? Do agency yield models consider

climate warming, increased fires and pathogens due to drought and

slash, or soil productivity losses? roykeene




6) Today marks nine years since the death of David Nathan Chain, known

to fellow forest defenders as Gypsy. He died on a steep, forested

mountain side during an attempt by 9 forest activists to non-violently

stop logging in an area where illegal operations were occuring. Once

he had been informed by the activists that the logging plan was being

cut illegally and that a government inspector was on his way he became

enraged. The logger screamed threats and chased everyone, the went

back and fell several trees in the direction of the people he had

repeatedly chased. One of the comments screamed by the logger was,

" F--k I wish I had my f--king pistol! " . Not long after he cut a tree

that hit Gypsy, killing him instantly. Earth First!ers blockaded the

logging road to the site to protect the crime scene which may have

been destroyed the next day. No criminal charges were ever filed

against the logger but the investigator, Juan Freeman, considered

pressing charges against the activists who were in the woods with

Gypsy that day. Gypsy's mother, Cindy Alsbrooks, convinced Juan

Freeman that this was the wrong thing to do. Cindy Alsbrooks later

filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Pacific Lumber which resulted

in a out of court settlement. Among other things the settlement

included a memorial plaque at the foot of the mountain where he was

killed, near Grizzly Creek Redwoods State Park.



7) While he talks, a forester named Scott Kelly, who is running a

logging operation here, and I have our eyes peeled out the windows for

a more immediate peril: A redwood tree that a logger, somewhere up the

hill, is about to drop in our direction. There's a final snarl of the

chainsaw, followed by the butt-puckering sound of the tree's heartwood

cracking and the redwood beginning its fall toward whatever lies

below. Chris snaps out of his reverie and hits the accelerator. Scott,

who's spent two decades in the woods, softly chides, " That never

works. " " You run right into it? " Chris asks. " Yeah. " Chris Kelly has a

lot on his mind. The Conservation Fund has recently become the proud

owner of some 40,000 acres of forest in Mendocino County. Now, Chris'

job is to log it. It's a counterintuitive proposition, but also one

that is helping to leverage scarce conservation money to protect the

area's redwood and Douglas fir forests. Each redwood that Kelly cuts,

many of them the younger, smaller trees, will fetch an average of $105

at the lumber mill. Kelly can then use that money to restore streams

where endangered salmon spawn, repair forest roads - and pay down the

millions of dollars in loans that he used to buy the forests. Scott

Kelly, no relation to Chris, says, " We're gonna let it grow as much as

we can and log a little bit - just enough to pay the bills. " Earlier

that day, the three of us waded through a tangle of logging slash to

watch a sawyer administer the coup de grace to another towering

redwood. The tree hit the ground with a mighty whumpf, and the moment

felt a little like a scene from an old Budweiser commercial.



8) The U.S. Forest Service has started a test project to thin thick

stands of trees near a Lake Tahoe stream, a move some hope will

precede much wider efforts to reduce fire danger at the alpine lake.

Work will involve use of specially-designed logging equipment to

remove trees from 23 acres of South Lake Tahoe's Heavenly Creek.

Logging activity near streams has been strictly regulated to prevent

sediment from flowing into Lake Tahoe and clouding its waters. Any

activity permitted has been restricted to the use of hand crews, with

no heavy machinery allowed. Overgrown stream areas pose an especially

high danger for fire, officials said. The Angora Fire in June, Lake

Tahoe's worst, demonstrated the potential danger, destroying 254 homes

the first day and 75 other structures after exploding from a wooded

stream area. " We have significant interest in having this be

successful, " said Rex Norman, spokesman for the Forest Service at Lake

Tahoe unit. Citing extreme fire danger, the Tahoe Regional Planning

Agency in 2004 relaxed its rules to allow mechanical fuels treatment,

or logging, in stream areas. The project is the first allowing such

treatment in a stream area during the summer. " Minimal " fuel treatment

near streams using heavy equipment has occurred over-the-snow during

winter, Norman said. The project will involve big-wheeled vehicles

that should be able to enter the stream area and log it without

compacting the soil or causing other environmental damage, Norman

said. " We're pretty confident this will show we can bring mechanized

equipment in and use it in stream zones to treat the ones that have a

fuels problem, " Norman said.




9) It never ceases to surprise me in the way simple words can have

multiple and complex meanings. Here's a good one to know at this time

of year: mast. Not the tall vertical spar that rises from the deck of

a sailing ship, and not a captain's mast (a naval disciplinary

hearing), the American Heritage College Dictionary defines it as " the

nuts of forest trees accumulated on the ground, used especially as

food for swine. " Why " mast " ? As far as I can tell it has something to

do with " masticate, " to chew, and there are plenty of animals that

chew on acorns. The oaks are being generous again this year. I've been

walking in areas where the ground is thickly littered with acorns from

valley oaks, and live oak branches are heavily laden and sagging with

the weight of them. Some say that oak trees do this in advance of a

cold winter. Personally, I have no idea how a tree could anticipate

the future, but I have seen that oaks bear light crops of acorns in

some years, often alternating with heavy crops in subsequent years.

And some oaks require two years to set and ripen one crop of acorns.

Generous crops of acorns rarely serve as mast for swine in these

parts. The woodpeckers and blue jays have more than their fill. For

the trees, copious seed and the genetic diversity it generates serves

the long-term survival of oak species. In " Oak, The Frame of

Civilization " author and arborist Bill Logan presents the idea that

oaks may thrive throughout the temperate zones around the world, not

because they are specialized for an ecological niche, but because they

are flexible, adaptable and diverse. In " Circus of Quercus " by David

Cavagnaro, oaks are shown to hybridize, producing leaf forms that defy

identification because they show a broad range of variation. This can

be quite puzzling to homeowners and arborists, when the leaf shape and

color is somewhere halfway between a blue oak and a valley oak, for

example, or a black oak and a coast live oak. That last example

represents an actual species, the oracle oak Quercus X morehus.





10) Wenstrom claims that in April 2006, National Forest officials were

told not to request budgetary augmentation funds, known as " severity

dollars, " that they had sought and received in the past. As a result,

they would have to cut the number of fire engines staffed in the

forest, she said. She was told to draft talking points to address the

public's concerns about having fewer firefighters and engines in the

nation's most urbanized forest, filled with millions of dead trees and

drought-dried brush. When she described the reduced funding as " a

problem, " she said, her supervisor told her the talking points should

say that " everything is fine out there in the forest, and there is no

need for additional funds. " She refused and was quickly removed from

her public-relations job, Wenstrom claims. Her boss, Matt Mathes, the

Forest Service's regional press officer based in Vallejo, was upbeat

the next month about Forest Service strategy, despite announced plans

to cut the number of staffed engines from 25 seven days a week to 15

on weekdays and 20 on weekends, with as few as 12 engines staffed at

times. " Oh, they're in great shape, " Mathes said in May 2006. " I think

they're in a situation where there's one of two less fire engines in a

certain location, but they'll be moving resources around. We'll be

able to bring in more engines when there's a need. " But Gene

Zimmerman, San Bernardino National Forest's former supervisor,

dismissed that rosy viewpoint at the time. " They can say what they

want about moving resources, but they won't be here in initial

attack, " he said. " We need the resources here before the fires start.

.... This says we didn't learn very much in the fall of `03, " when the

deadly Old Fire and Grand Prix Fire raged across local slopes. " Local

Forest Service officials are really under the gun to talk the party

line, " Zimmerman said then. Differences of opinion on levels of danger

and preparedness are to be expected. What is not acceptable is any

official whitewashing of reduced firefighting capacity and lessened

protection for the public.



11) On August 5th, 2007, NCEF! activist and organizer Shunka Wakan did

an hour-long presentation to a group of 23 eleventh-graders from

Maine, who were taking part in an Americorps Vista Trekkers program.

The talk was well-received by the students, followed by a question and

answer session at the end, and a howling picture to memorialize the

event. The next day, the students toured the Pacific Lumber Co.,

during which time they were told that PL had decided to stop logging

Old Growth! The Americorps director e- mailed a question regarding the

comments back to NCEF!, saying that, " The man they spoke with said

PALCO had decided not to cut down any old growth trees. He later said

that they would cut down 100 year old trees but not 500-1000 year old

trees. " These facts have been forwarded to some local media outlets,

and we hope to get a public response from Maxxam/Pacific Lumber Co.

soon. Either Maxxam/PL has decided to stop logging Old Growth and

didn't bother to make a public announcement about it, or we've caught

them lying to the youth! We'll keep you posted.




12) Near the beginning of this month, activists from the Nanning

Creek/Spooner affinity group discovered that Pacific Lumber Co. had

hired their extraction climbers to remove platforms and gear from the

tree-village. Two people were cited and released, after being detained

by Pacific Lumber Co. management, in the first few days of September.

Activists are bracing for a potential attack on the tree-sits, and

logging in the area, once the end of marbled murrelet season has

passed, on September 15th. The " Spooner " tree is 298 feet tall and 14

feet in diameter at breast height. Your help is needed to save Spooner

and the grove surrounding this magnificent Old Growth Redwood tree.





13) Colored shapes on maps spread on tables in the basement of the

Michigan Department of Natural delineated stands of different species

of trees. Aerial photographs showed what the forests looked like from

above. Four or five commercial foresters perused these Tuesday

afternoon as the DNR held an annual open house to share information

and gather comments on its proposed forest management program for

2009. The tree species delineations were not easily arrived at, as it

requires DNR foresters to identify the trees from the ground, up close

and personal. " Most of it is done in the winter, so they have to be

pretty adept with snowmobiles — going cross country, not so much on

trails, " DNR Baraga Unit Manager Don Mankee said. " The vast majority

of what we do is selective harvest on northern hardwoods, " Mankee

said. David Harju, a forester for Northern Hardwoods, would like to

see more red cross-hatch over the hardwood stands. " We would wish that

they would offer more volume of the saw timber type sales, hardwood

saw timber, " Harju said. But he said his company works with the DNR

often. " We always like to bid on the state timber sales, " Harju said.

" They're well-set-up sales. " DNR foresters, or foresters working under

contract with the agency, mark which trees the timber companies can

harvest. Harju said he has cruised a lot of the land that will go

under management in 2009 and saw good stands of hardwood. " We have a

high percentage of high-quality northern hardwood saw timber stands, "

Mankee said. " That's one thing we're blessed with on this side of the

U.P. " He said that wasn't the case 30 years ago, when the DNR would

girdle trees to allow more light into the forest and encourage trees

left standing to grow from pole timber into potential saw logs. Now,

Mankee said, the DNR is able to selectively harvest from surplus

timber in the state forests. " We're always bringing it from an

overstocked condition down to a stocked condition, " Mankee said.





14) Tom FitzGerald, director of the Kentucky Resources Council, an

environmental group, said that regardless of how much vegetation is

removed, the project still would disturb 1,000 acres in a 3,800-acre

watershed that is so pristine it is used as the gold standard in

studies on clean streams. " They are going to take one-tenth of the

forest to study one issue and in the process take out decades of

baseline data, " he said. The controversy is the latest chapter in an

ongoing battle to preserve the state's largest contiguous tract of

forest from being mined for the estimated 100 million tons of coal

underneath it. Some environmentalists believe that eventually would

happen if the timber is harvested. " Unfortunately for the research

forest, there's coal under it, " FitzGerald said. The state declared in

1991 that the main tract of the forest, which consists of about 10,000

acres and is where the timber project is proposed, is unsuitable for

mining. The following year, UK leased the mining rights on some outer

tracts, generating about $37 million, a portion of which went to the

Robinson Scholars program to help students from the mountains. In

2002, Todd suggested mining the coal in the main tract to raise money

for the struggling scholarship program, but later backed down. Smith

said he could only speak for himself when he said he is " categorically

opposed to mining the main block of the forest. " When asked for

comment from UK spokesman Jay Blanton said Smith speaks for the

president on this issue. The proposed project also has opened a new

debate over the intentions of logging magnate E.O. Robinson when he

deeded the land to UK in 1923 and 1930. Robinson gave the land that he

had clear-cut on the condition that it be used for agricultural

research and reforestation. And, if money was made off the land, it

should go to the " betterment of the people of the mountain region. "




New Jersey:


15) New Jersey based Friends of the Rainforest and Ecological

Internet's campaign to stop the use of ancient rainforest timbers for

boardwalk repairs is progressing nicely -- garnering media attention

and already changing the city council's vote. An important precedent

is being set that ancient rainforest timbers belong in rainforest

canopies, not in construction projects and consumer products. The

crusade to keep ipê out of Ocean City's boardwalk reconstruction is a

rejection of Forest Stewardship Council and big greens' efforts to

certify and greenwash industrial ancient forest logging as being

responsible, while falsely implying sustainability. First time logging

of primary rainforests -- selective, certified, ecosystem based or

otherwise -- results in an immediate huge release of carbon, permanent

reductions in future carbon sink potential, and reductions in species

numbers and diversity. One of the gravest obstacles to mitigating

climate change, conserving ancient forests and achieving global

ecological sustainability is the pernicious myth that selectively

logging ancient forests (certified or not) is environmentally

beneficial. It is NOT. You can still take action at:





16) Americans are on a tree-planting binge, on the premise that

jamming seedlings into the ground can offset carbon pollution. In

truth, they're causing a lot of harm. The public doesn't understand

that forests and trees are not the same thing. Forests are comprised

of many organisms, only a few of which are trees. Planting

monocultures of alien trees or even native trees doesn't restore

forests; it prevents them. This is why naturalists find recurring

pledges to plant, say, a " billion trees " so terrifying. Having engaged

such formidable labor as the Boy Scouts, the United Nations' Plant for

the Planet campaign now vows to cluster-bomb the globe with " a billion

trees " —all in 2007. As part of this effort it encourages faux-forest

monocultures, or " sustainably managed plantations, " as it prefers to

call them. But few plantations are " sustainable, " and most deplete

water and require massive chemical fixes of fertilizers, insecticides,

and herbicides. Plant for the Planet partners include the U.N.'s Food

and Agriculture Organization and the Program for the Endorsement of

Forest Certification Schemes, both of which promote sprawling,

unsustainable monocultures.







17) Greenpeace activists attempted to block the departure of a

Europe-bound freighter carrying pulp from SFK Pulp's Saint-Felicien

mill on the Saguenay River Friday as part of a campaign to draw

attention to the logging of the Boreal forest. The blockade, which

began around 6:30 a.m., was set up in the port of Grande Anse near

Chicoutimi, north of Quebec City. It involved about 15 activists from

Quebec, Ontario and Greenpeace's international offices who surrounded

the ship Jaeger Arrow with a life raft and four inflatable Zodiac

vessels. Some hung off the ship's mooring lines displaying banners

urging SFK Pulp to protect the Boreal forest while others used white

paint to write Save the Boreal Forest on the side of the 170-metre

long ship. Additional activists monitored the blockade from the deck

of the Greenpeace vessel Arctic Sunrise, an icebreaker and former

sealing ship used in many Greenpeace campaigns. The environmental

group wants SFK Pulp to put pressure on its wood chip supplier and

former parent company Abitibi-Consolidated to stop logging in critical

wildlife habitat and intact areas of the Boreal forest and agree to

change its practices to comply with the stricter forestry

certification standards advocated by the Forest Stewardship Council.

Most of SFK Pulp's shipment of 8,000 tonnes of pulp is destined for

paper mills in France and Germany owned by Stora Enso, a Finish forest

products company that will turn it into magazine and catalogue paper,

the group said. Similar shipments leave Grande Ames port about once a

month, Greenpeace said. The stunt was part of a wider campaign

targeting the various companies that buy and process the wood logged

by large companies such as Abitibi-Consolidated, Kruger and Bowater.




18) " It is we who must adjust to the forest, not the forest to us. If

you want the trees to stand, you have to stand with the trees. " Anyone

who looks around at the forests in the Maritimes sees an ongoing

deterioration at the hand of industrial forestry. The priorities of

industrial capitalist forestry -- pulp and paper mills and large saw

mills -- determine the forest priorities set by provincial and federal

governments, hence how the forests are utilized. Industrial forestry

interests want to maximize, not minimize, wood consumption. Such

priorities, for an Acadian conservation strategy, can either be

accepted or repudiated. We believe they must be totally repudiated.

The biodiversity and the forest canopy of the Acadian forest must be

kept. Clearcutting, herbicide and insecticide spraying and the use of

capital intensive destructive machinery, which degrades the forest and

also eliminates the jobs of forest workers, must be opposed. Those who

destroy the forests, whatever their scale of operation, should suffer

definite social and criminal sanctions. This should apply to pulp and

paper mills, sawmills, and also to those who do this among the

'owners' of the approximately 30,000 woodlots in Nova Scotia, 16,000

in Prince Edward Island and 35,000 in New Brunswick. Industrial

forestry orients to a world market, so there can never be enough wood

supply. Such forestry is part of a larger " grow or die " overall

industrial ideology. Any existing " protected areas " eventually become

coveted for their trees. Crown (public) land is basically " spoken for "

with this industrial model, another reason that the model itself has

to be repudiated. Unionized forestry workers -- e.g. those working in

pulp and paper mills, with their relatively high wages, come to have

an economic stake in the existing industrial forestry model.





19) National Forest Company chairman Dinah Nichols said: " The map of

the Forest now shows a pattern of high landscape change with woodlands

becoming increasingly interconnected. The national Forest is on course

to provide woodland over about a third of its 200 square mile area, a

new report has revealed. Its annual report - published this week for

the year ending March 31, 2007 - shows 17.5 per cent woodland cover

across Burton, South Derbyshire and North West Leicestershire. " This

brings twofold benefits - visitors to the forest have an increasing

range and variety of walks to enjoy but, thanks to careful design,

biodiversity is also improving. " Bosses at the company say providing

woodland cover is becoming ever more challenging due to a steady rise

in land prices. Despite this, work is due to be finished soon on an

eagerly anticipated £3.2 million youth hostel and holiday park in Bath

Lane, Moira. Bosses hope the facility, which is expected to attract up

to 12,000 visitors a year, will bring millions of pounds of revenue to

the area. The Youth Hostel Association (YHA) and the Camping and

Caravanning Club have signed up to run the centre, which has been

mainly funded by the National Forest Company, East Midlands

Development Agency (EMDA) and the Leicestershire Economic Partnership.

National Forest bosses hope the new attraction will make it easier for

families and people on a budget to stay overnight and spend more time

- and money - in The National Forest.





20) This summer the cardinals at the Vatican accepted an unusual

donation from a Hungarian start-up called Klimafa: The company said it

would plant trees to restore an ancient forest on a denuded stretch of

land by the Tisza River to offset the Vatican's carbon emissions. The

trees, on a 37-acre tract of land that will be renamed the Vatican

climate forest, will in theory absorb as much carbon dioxide as the

Vatican will produce in 2007: driving cars, heating offices, lighting

St. Peter's Basilica at night. In so doing, the Vatican announced, it

would become the world's first carbon-neutral state. " As the Holy

Father, Pope Benedict XVI, recently stated, the international

community needs to respect and encourage a 'green culture,' " said

Cardinal Paul Poupard, leader of the Pontifical Council for Culture,

who took part in a ceremony marking the event at the Vatican. " The

Book of Genesis tells us of a beginning in which God placed man as

guardian over the earth to make it fruitful. " In many respects, the

program seems like a win-win-win proposition. The Vatican, which has

recently made an effort to go green on its own by installing solar

panels, sought to set an example by offsetting its carbon emissions.

http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/17/world/europe/17carbon.html?_r=1 & ref=world & oref\





21) Celsa Valdovinos knew there was a serious problem when only about

an inch of water trickled from the irrigation hose. In the mountains

of southern Guerrero state where Valdovinos and her husband Felipe

Arreaga lived during the 1990s, the small farmers were becoming

increasingly alarmed about water supplies. " This was in January and by

the next year it was gone, " Valdovinos recalls. As the rainfall

diminished so did the prospects of the mountain residents. Animals

died, crops withered, and the social fabric unraveled. Valdovinos and

her neighbors connected the environmental changes they were witnessing

to deforestation. More and more forest cover was disappearing every

year as farmers burned hillsides for corn patches and pastures, drug

growers torched forest cover to plant their illicit crops, and

contractors felled trees for a Boise Cascade Corporation mill that

operated on the Pacific Coast at the time. Long before climate change

became a trendy cause, the Campesino Environmentalist Organization of

the Sierra of Petatlan and Coyuca de Catatlan (OCESP), emerged as a

grassroots group dedicated to saving Guerrero's forests. Soon,

however, the movement faced repression from loggers and the Mexican

army. In 2001, jailed OCESP leader Rodolfo Montiel and his friend

Teodoro Cabrera were released by Mexican President Vicente Fox after

an international campaign was waged on their behalf by

environmentalists and human rights activists. Mikhail Gorbachev and

Hillary Rodham Clinton were among world leaders who raised their

voices for Montiel and Cabrera. Other OCESP supporters were killed,

arrested, or disappeared. Many like Valdovinos and Arreaga were forced

into temporary hiding in the mountains. Now, 10 years after the OCEP

burst onto the world stage, Valdovinos and a growing cadre of poor

rural women quietly carry on the work of defending and restoring

Guerrero's forests, and are even taking the struggle to new levels.

Once in the background, women are now in the forefront of the

movement. Founded in 2001, the Women's Environmentalist Organization

of the Sierra of Petatlan (OMESP) promotes sustainable and organic

agriculture, forest fire prevention, reforestation, water and soil

conservation, and recycling. The group has grown from 12 to 90

members, and Valdovinos serves as the president. Infused with a strong

self-help ethos, the women largely carry on their work with little

more than a great love for the land.



Costa Rica:


22) While Costa Rica is now known as a world leader for conversation

policies and ecotourism, the Central American country had some of the

world's highest deforestation rates prior to establishing its

reputation. Clearing for cattle pasture and agriculture destroyed much

of the country's biodiverse rainforests in the 1960s and 1970s. In the

1990s Costa Rica set a new course; one that sought to unlock the value

of its ecosystems. While ecotourism was the most obvious path, Costa

Rica also pioneered the development of payments for environmental

services ( " PSA " or pagos por servicios ambientales). In 1996 the

country established a program to compensate landowners for keeping

forests intact and reforesting degraded areas. A new study, published

in Conservation Biology, examines these efforts and concludes

concludes that while the program pioneered the institutionalization of

a policy that can and likely will create meaningful incentives, to

this point in Costa Rica, given other policies, it appears to have had

little impact on deforestation. While the results show little impact

on deforestation rates up to this point, a careful consideration of

this case provides insight on how that could have happened and how

impact could be increased, at a time when ecosystem payments are

increasingly on the minds of policymakers, with the world's tropical

countries seeking compensation in the form of carbon credits for

protecting their forests. http://news.mongabay.com/2007/0917-cr.html




23) The wood-pulp producing company Veracel has applied for FSC

certification of its tree plantations in the Brazilian state of Bahia

and the evaluation process is being carried out by the international

certification firm SGS (Société Générale de Surveillance. A large

number of Brazilian and international organizations are opposing this

certification, on the grounds that these plantations have resulted in

widespread negative social and environmental impacts -including

occupation of indigenous and local communities' lands, rural

migration, unemployment, water depletion and pollution, ecosystem

destruction, biodiversity loss - which clearly make them

uncertifiable. Those and other impacts have been well documented and

both the certifying body and the FSC Board have been made aware of the

situation. " The German consumers expect the FSC-certifiers to endorse

sustainable forest operations, not thousands of hectares of Eucalyptus

monocultures sprayed with agrochemicals like in the case of Veracel " ,

emphasizes Peter Gerhardt, from the German organization Robin Wood.

The FSC has been going through a two-year review of its plantations

policy as a response to widespread criticism about the issuance of FSC

certificates to large-scale monoculture plantations. The Board ofs adopted the final report of the FSC plantation policy review

in February 2007. The policy review recommends that FSC invest more in

preventing things going wrong, rather than trying to 'undo' damage

once it has been done. Continuing the certification assessment despite

the significant shortcomings already documented by local communities

affected by Veracel's plantations will be in clear violation of these

plantation policy review recommendations. Jutta Kill, from FERN,

stresses that " Whilst the FSC plantations review is still ongoing, it

is incomprehensible that an accredited FSC certifier would be willing

to jeopardize the trust many FSC Environmental Chamber members have

put into this process by considering the certification of one of the

most controversial plantations operations in the world. " --Jutta Kill,

FERN - jutta


24) A former Enron executive is tapping investors for $150m (£75m) to

help Brazil produce enough biofuels to power the world's cars.

Vehicles running on ethanol made from Brazilian sugar cane emit up to

95 per cent less in carbon emissions compared with conventional

gasoline. But US and European corn-based ethanol – which is heavily

subsidised – cuts emissions by as little as 5 per cent and is much

less energy efficient. Last week, a report from the Organisation for

Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) criticised the distorting

effect of subsidies in promoting the least-efficient biofuels. It also

warned that government targets on biofuels use were hastening

deforestation and pushing up food prices. Diomedes Christodoulou, the

former boss of Enron South America, claims that planting 37 million

hectares of land in Brazil with sugar cane would produce enough

ethanol to power the world's fleet of cars with a high biofuel blend

by 2030. Currently, some 65 million hectares of land in total are

under cultivation in Brazil. Mr Christodoulou's firm, Gordian Energy

Partners, which is being advised by investment bank Dresdner

Kleinwort, is looking for $150m from US and European investors to fund

sugar cane plantations and refineries in Brazil.



25) Cattle ranching, if it keeps expanding in the Amazon, threatens

two-fifths of the world's remaining rainforest. This is not just the

most diverse ecosystem, but also the biggest reserve of standing

carbon. Its clearance could provoke a hydrological disaster in South

America, as rainfall is reduced as the trees come down. Next time you

see footage of the forest burning, remember that you might have paid

for it. Many Brazilians, especially those whose land is being grabbed

by the cattlemen, are trying to stop the destruction. The ranchers

have an effective argument: when people complain, they kill them. In

February we heard an echo of the massacre which has so far claimed

1200 lives, when the American nun Dorothy Stang was murdered - almost

certainly by beef producers. The ranchers believed to have killed her

were, like cattlemen throughout the Amazon, protected by the police.

For the same reason, and despite the best efforts of President Lula,

the ranchers are now employing some 25,000 slaves on their estates.

These are people who are transported thousands of miles from their

home states, then - forced to buy their provisions from the ranch shop

at inflated prices - kept in permanent debt. Because of the expansion

of beef production in the Amazon, slavery in Brazil has quintupled in

ten years.



26) We are at the beginning of a biofuel boom that will reshape the

world's energy map. The U.S. and Brazil are the world's two biggest

producers of ethanol, having contributed 4.9 and 4.5 billion gallons,

respectively, in 2006. Total world production was 13.5 billion gallons

.. A gallon of ethanol is equivalent to about two-thirds a gallon of

gasoline in terms of energy content (some say 70%). A few years from

now, your commute may be powered by ethanol from sugar cane grown in

Brazil's cerrado, a biodiversity hotspot that is the largest savanna

in South America and disappearing at a faster rate than the Amazon.

You may be hastening the demise of the world's largest rain forest as

well. And you won't be alone: AOL founder Steve Case, film producer

Steven Bing, supermarket magnate Ron Burkle, global financier George

Soros, and other well-known investors (see below) could end up playing

leading roles in Brazilian deforestation. Case and his colleagues are

banking on Brazilian biofuel. They may be hoping to make a green

investment that will help save the world, or they may just want to get

a piece of the next gold rush. But they probably don't understand the

importance of the cerrado, or the possible environmental consequences

of their actions. Brazil's president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and

some biofuel boosters claim that Brazilian ethanol production will not

affect the Amazon (it will, mostly indirectly). Some also say that the

Amazon's deforestation rate has slowed dramatically (true, if you've

got a short attention span). Actually, the Amazon is still in grave

danger. Ethanol advocates in Brazil assert that millions of hectares

are available for growing sugar cane outside of the Amazon rain forest

in " grasslands, " " scrublands " or " degraded pasturelands, " by which

they refer to land in the cerrado or in Brazil's Southeast. The

cerrado is treated as a sort of under-utilized wasteland, rather than

the species-rich biome that it is. Referring to it only as

" grasslands " is like using that word alone to denote the famed savanna

that is East Africa's Serengeti. The cerrado is important as more than

just potential pasture or cane acreage, and it is also under siege.






27) A botanist by training, Mr. Boi's initial goal was to reforest the

denuded land. But he soon realized the forest ecosystem was not the

only thing struggling to recover from Agent Orange. The Pako, Ta Oi,

Catu and Kinh people of A Luoi valley (called A Shau during the war)

eke out a meager existence in a region with one of Vietnam's shortest

growing seasons. (This reporter visited the valley on a grant from the

Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting.) These tribal groups, who live in

one-room huts with dirt floors and no indoor plumbing, depend on

forest products to survive, and Mr. Boi came to recognize that his

work was as vital to them as to the tigers and elephants whose habitat

he was working to restore. Mr. Boi enlisted the help of the Australian

acacia tree. The acacia grows up to six and a half feet per year and,

after five years, can be harvested to make paper and furniture. The

tree also improves the soil and quickly provides the canopy that trees

need to take root. " It's a good model for forest restoration, " said

Chris Dickinson, a conservation biologist and technical adviser with

the World Wildlife Fund for Nature in Hue, Vietnam, adding that the

acacia " grows on poor nutrients and can shade out the grasses. " The

trees also provide residents with a cash crop. " The demand for acacia

is seemingly insatiable, " Dr. Dickinson said. " Ikea uses it for garden

furniture. " Mr. Boi has used this humble acacia tree to reforest

thousands of hectares in central Vietnam. Emboldened by these

successes, he has applied his botanical model of remediation to tackle

a far more difficult problem. Though dioxin has dropped to relatively

low levels in areas that were aerially sprayed during the war, studies

by Canadian scientists have shown that numerous highly contaminated

spots remain at certain places where American forces stored Agent

Orange. The cow that caught Mr. Boi's attention grazes on one such

" hot spot, " the former A So air base in Dong Son, where scientists

from Hatfield Consultants in Vancouver, British Columbia, have

measured soil levels of TCDD, the dioxin in Agent Orange, more than

200 times greater than the residential standard set forth by the

United States Environmental Protection Agency. Dioxin takes decades to

break down. Remediating this site would require millions of dollars,

and when it comes to financing, the more heavily populated hot spots

in Danang and Bien Hoa take precedence.

http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/18/science/18prof.html?_r=1 & oref=slogin




28) " I thought Madagascar would be all lush and green and glowing with

wildlife, but that's not what it was like at all. It's a third world

country and it's all brown. I was like, 'Where is the rainforest?' I

was expecting all this green and the rainforest is pretty much all

gone. I've heard 'Save the rainforest!' but I never really registered

it. " Expanses of lush forests and masses of furry lemurs once

dominated the island of Madagascar. Now, however, 90 percent of those

forests lay destroyed and the lemur population faces extinction. This

summer, juniors Alex Berg and Sarah Schmidt traveled to the only

existing native lemur habitat to help save lemurs from extinction.

Berg and Schmidt participated with eight other volunteers and

scientists from around the world on a 16-day program sponsored by

Earthwatch, a group that leads volunteer expeditions to over 150

countries. Observations made by Earthwatch volunteers help the

scientists in their goal to protect the lemur population from

extinction. " He [the scientist] was going to take all of it from the

past 16 days and he'd find things like how the lemurs were living

there and what he can do based on the data to get the lemur population

higher, " Schmidt says. Scientists try to inform the people of

Madagascar, the Malagasy, on how to conserve the country's forests in

order to save the lemurs, Berg says. " Scientists are working on a

strategy to get the people of Madagascar involved in the conservation

of their country. Some species of lemurs have already gone extinct,

and many are on the verge of extinction. If the people of Madagascar

do not stop cutting down the forests, the lemurs may be wiped out in

ten years. "










29) A team of Taiwanese and U.S. scientists has succeeded in

developing eucalyptus trees capable of ingesting up to three times

more carbon dioxide than normal strains, indicating a new path to

reducing greenhouse gases and global warming. The new trees also have

properties that make them more suitable for the production of

cellulosic ethanol. In this sense, they can be seen as part of

third-generation biofuels. This generation is based on crops modified

in such a way that they allow the application of a particular

bioconversion technology (previous post). Analyses show that there is

a very large potential for the production of sustainable biomass from

Eucalyptus in Central Africa and South America. Under the auspices of

Taiwan's National Science Council, staff members at the Taiwan

Forestry Research Institute (TFRI) under the cabinet-level Council of

Agriculture and North Carolina State University in the United States

carried out the gene modification project that not only creates

eucalyptus with a higher than normal CO2 absorptive capacity, but also

causes them to produce less lignin and more cellulose.





30) Up to 8.8m hectares (33, 980 square miles) of the Philippines

could be turned into biofuel plantations under an agreement between

the Phillippine and Chinese governments, according to IBON, a

Philippine consultancy quoted on ABS-CBN interactive. Last week, the

Department of Agrarian Reform had announced it was looking at 400,000

to 500,000 hectares of land for agribusiness development under a

memorandum of agreement with China signed January 2007. But the deals

could ultimately cover as much as 8.8 million hectares of " idle

alienable and disposable lands and forest lands. " The RP-China farm

deals may also threaten the country's food security as more and more

lands are shifted from food staples such as rice, to production of

crops for biofuels. Since the mid-1990s, the country is already

completely a net food importer from being a net food exporter in

earlier years, " IBON said in a statement. THE PATSADA KARAJAW NATION

blog says: " expect more agricultural lands be converted to growing

" hybrids " for China and jathropa for bioethanol than our staple food,

thereby threatening our country's food security. " Food security comes

in a number of guises, growing your own or being able to afford to buy

food from other countries. If the market for biofules takes off and if

the contracts are written so that prices reflect world prices and if

the people who work on the plantations are properly paid, then that

would produce a kind of food security too.




31) The Tribal Professionals' Association of the Mandaya tribe in

Caraga, Davao Oriental is protesting the entry of logging operations

in its claimed ancestral domain. Nora Cahiyang, the group's secretary

briefed reporters on the situation in upland Caraga town where a

logging company has applied for an Industrial Forest Plantation

Management Agreement (IFMA) over at least 2,000 hectares. The group

accused the logging company, Asia Evergreen Development Corporation of

allegedly encroaching into their tribal leadership traditions by

allegedly orchestrating the reorganization of their tribal council.

The tribal council has strongly opposed entry of logging firms into

their claimed ancestral domain. MindaNews sought the firm's officials

for comment but they could not be reached. Cahiyang accused Pantuyan

barangay chair Lourdes Basta of allegedly conniving with the company

to " manipulate " the organization of a new tribal council that would

decide in favor of logging in Mt. Maglahos. Pantuyan has around 4,000

registered voters, majority of whom are Mandayas. She said they have

received no support from the Department of Environment and Natural

Resources (DENR) and the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples

(NCIP). She said a local DENR official allegedly told them opposing

the entry of the firm would be useless because they will be able to

operate anyway. She also lashed out at the NCIP for allegedly

facilitating the election of a new tribal council, now led by Basta,

unilaterally. She said they went through a questionable process of

reorganization when the original council still has all the tribal

elders. Forester Jose Camerino, chief of utilization and protection at

the Davao Oriental Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office

told MindaNews in a telephone interview that Asia Evergreen

Development Corporation has an IFMA in the area so this means a group

of Mandayas had given consent. At present, the Mandayas are divided on

the issue, with many of them forced to cut logs to survive. But she

said majority of their members are against the logging. A log ban was

imposed nationwide in December 2005 following the floods that killed

thousands of persons in Luzon. The ban, however, was lifted in March

2005 in three Mindanao regions, including Southeastern Mindanao.

http://www.mindanews.com/index.php?option=com_content & task=view & id=3184 & Itemid=5\



Papua New Guinea:


32) The ANZ Banking Group needs to have a hard look at a new report

from the World Conservation Union to see the consequences of ANZ's

backing a huge logging company, Greens Co-Leader Russel Norman says. A

" Red List " of endangered species, just released by the World

Conservation Union shows that PNG has more than 60 forest species

listed as endangered or vulnerable. The list comes at the start of New

Zealand's outdoor furniture " season " . This country takes some 10

percent of PNG's sawn kwila, a tropical timber used for decking and

picnic tables. " Papua New Guinea is a hotspot of biodiversity with

some extraordinary forest species listed as critically endangered,

endangered and vulnerable, including tree kangaroos, birds of

paradise, cassowaries, frogs and bats, " says Dr Russel Norman, Green

Party Co-Leader. " Habitat loss due to logging is the major threat to

these species. " The most recent report commissioned by the Ministry of

Agriculture and Forestry* states that around 75% of all logging in PNG

is suspected of being illegal, and most of it unsustainable. " The

biggest logging company in PNG is Rimbunan Hijau, which accounts for

more than half of all logs processed, occupies a monopolistic position

in the economy and has 'undue influence' on the PNG Government

according to the MAF report. " ANZ provides financial support to

Rimbunan Hijau in PNG in the form of financial guarantees and foreign

exchange services, and hence is facilitating the destruction of the

forests that provide the habitat for these 60 vulnerable and

endangered species. Greenpeace has called Rimbunan Hijau one of the

most destructive companies operating in Papua New Guinea, yet ANZ are

continuing to provide Rimbunan with financial support. " ANZ should

stop their financial support to Rimbunan, and stand with the people of

PNG who are risking life and limb in an attempt to stop the illegal

logging of their ancient forests.





33) Environmentalists from around the country have met in Sydney to

discuss the future protection of Australia's forests. The executive

director of the Nature Conservation Council in New South Wales, Cate

Faehrmann, says yesterday's meeting was a great success, but said

several major issues, including Tasmania's old-growth forests, need

more attention. Ms Faehrmann says if the Gunns pulp mill in Tasmania

goes ahead, it could contribute 2 per cent of all Australia's

collective greenhouse emissions. " The conference yesterday was all

about how much native forests can contribute towards reducing

Australia's greenhouse gas emissions, and how crazy it is that we are

still seeing old-growth forests being logged in this country, when we

have to deal with climate change, " she said.



34) Three companies have taken a great leap northwards and bought land

around Tully, Ingham and Innisfail in far north Queensland, offering

managed investment schemes for retail investors, and other vehicles

for institutions and wealthy individuals seeking long-term

investments. Great Southern Plantations and Integrated Tree Cropping

have bought at least 5300ha between them in far north Queensland and

the Rewards Group has bought 25 properties there since 2002, bringing

its holdings to 3030ha. That works out at about $66.5 million so far.

And what has sparked the move north and into these kinds of timbers?

Rick Carr at Herron Todd White valuers in Cairns says the world's

tropical hardwood timber market is supplied almost entirely from Asia

but much of that is of uncertain provenance, and probably logged

illegally. A growing insistence that old growth rainforests be

preserved has created a need -- and a niche -- for plantations that

grow and harvest timbers legally to meet the demand. Doug Parsonson at

Poyry Forestry Industry Consulting, an engineering and consulting

company, agrees that the economics are right for these kinds of

long-term investments. " The demand side will continue to be strong,

but the supply side we see as constrained for these kinds of

high-value products, " Parsonson says. " There has been over-cutting in

Asia. " Although the companies will buy cane farms, it is soil type and

climate that spark their interest: appropriate grazing land is equally

attractive and tends to come at about the same price, says Jim Cooper,

real estate manager at Landmark Tully. Danny Glasson at valuer Herron White in Cairns says the Rewards Group has mainly bought cane

farms for between $8000 and $10,000 a hectare of arable land.



Tropical Forests:


35) This report, which is a follow-up to Friends of the Earth's Life

after Logging published in 1992, provides the latest research on the

impacts of logging on a rainforest's structure, its physical

functions, its wildlife and its people. The methods of 'reduced impact

logging' are also examined and the question of whether sustainable

forest management in tropical rainforests is actually possible is

explored. Providing examples from tropical forests all over the world,

this report sends a sobering message to the timber industry,

governments and international institutions that many factors have to

be taken into account before deciding whether a logging operation is

truly 'sustainable.' This report concludes with the need for more

research into so-called 'reduced impact logging' and above all for the

precautionary principal to be reflected upon and implemented

throughout all forest policies.



36) The relationships between coffee, poverty, migration,

deforestation, and UN, FAO, and World Banks have on the rural farmers

in mountainous tropical forested areas is significant and the role of

Westerners and their coffee purchases indirectly benefits or causes

harm to many of these things... I will try and explain a simple

formula using organic Mexican coffee as an example.... 1) When world

coffee and corn prices are low: Many latin Americans migrate to the US

in search of work, without subsidies their cost of production without

mechanization is more than what we pay for their coffee or corn.. The

ones that stay cut more forests down to plant corn for their own

consumption and stop picking coffee and return to unsustainable

subsitence farming. 2) When corn or coffee prices are high: Their

farmers expand their knowledge and investments in better production

practices to increase yield and quality as they have potential to make

money. When buyers want alot of cheap coffee (FOLGERS) the farmers cut

all their trees down to let more sun in and begin fertilizing....

RESULT--- Deforestation, flooding, desertification.


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