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--British Columbia: 1) Non-disclosure of Caribou extinction, 2) Great

Bear Rainforest

--Oregon: 3) Wallowa-Whitman NF logging, 4) BLM should thin young forests,

--California: 5) Ficus trees saved pending lawsuit, 6) 80 protest

Sierra Pacific,

--Montana: 7) Healthy forest restoration fraud

--Colorado: 8) Ski resorts silt streams

--Vermont: 9) Father son are experts in climate-based forest change

--West Virginia: 10) Mountain top removal must be stopped

--New Jersey: 11) Restoring a cranberry bog back to a native forest

--North Carolina: 12) Globe harvesting scaled back

--USA: 13) Homes bleed forest service firefighting funds

--Canada: 14) Grassy Narrows, 15) 42,000 Kilometer biosphere preserve,

16) Pillar?

--UK: 17) Roddick's funeral was 100 per cent eco-friendly

--Israel 18) Acacia invasion was intended but now is unintended

--Congo: 19) Destined for China - 90% illegally

--Guyana: 20) More on the Wai Wai

--Bolivia: 21) Leader speak out about his humble roots in a land that

is being lost

--Brazil: 22) How big is the Amazon rainforest?

--India: 23) Firewood gatherers are now Eco-tour guides

--Thailand: 24) Seizing 1,000 illegal logs of rosewood

--Vietnam: 25) Furniture demand up and wood supply is way down

--Philippines: 26) Sibuyan Island defender killed by mining group

--Papua New Guinea: 27) Illegal logging based on Indonesian military

--Indonesia: 28) Global warming also a threat to Orangutan, 29) Pay us

or we cut it all,

--Australia: 30) 5000 blockade road in pulp mill protest, 31) More

pigs than people,

--World-wide: 32) Good wood for musical instruments is almost gone,

33) Reduced Emissions from Deforestation, 34) Deforestation is also

caused by climate change,


British Columbia:


1) The public process on a recovery plan for the endangered mountain

caribou isn't public anymore. The BC government is forcing people to

sign a confidentiality agreement in order to obtain a copy of the

final draft implementation plan. Valhalla Wilderness Society (VWS)

director Craig Pettitt received a tip about the plan and called Mark

Zacharias, the head of BC's Species at Risk Coordination Office

(SARCO). Zacharias said the plan was released approximately a month

ago. " I requested a copy, " says Pettitt, who sat at one of the

recovery tables for two years and has made several presentations and

written submissions to SARCO. " Mr. Zacharias said I would first have

to meet with him and SARCO representative Pat Field next week to

determine whether we could have a copy, and that VWS would have to

sign a confidentiality agreement. " Pettitt was told that the document

is " Cabinet secure " - it has been sent to Cabinet and is now

confidential; however he was also told that the document is " still

under discussion " . " Any document that is still under discussion can be

amended, and that means it's still a draft, " says Pettitt. " The story

I heard was that there are negotiations going on between environmental

groups, logging companies and the winter recreation sector. This has

been the best-kept secret in the environmental movement. It may even

turn out to be the biggest back-room deal we've ever encountered in

over 30 years of environmental work, but our access to information has

been very limited. " People who sign have to be willing to keep the

information secret from the media, the public, their colleagues and

even their own members, no matter how much bad news it contains for

the mountain caribou. " Furthermore, the government has apparently been

selective about who was offered an opportunity to sign the agreement.

" VWS found out about the release of the plan and the negotiations by

accident, " says Pettitt. " It was never given a chance to consider

whether it would sign a confidentiality agreement, " says Sherrod.

" Over 19 environmental groups and 50 scientists have said the previous

draft strategy was overly focused on predator control and inadequate

to protect mountain caribou. They have called for an end to logging

old-growth caribou forest, as well as for numerous new parks and

conservation zones, " says Pettitt. http://www.vws.org



2) Great Bear Rainforest - It is a done deal and the deal looks an

awful lot like our worst environmental fears for the forests of the

central coast of BC. No conservation of remaining critical

environment, no restoration of agroforestry modified critical habitat,

equivocating protection of vast areas of rock, ice and low value

forest, no commitment to stop industrial logging in the few remaining

old growth stands and particularly no commitment to stop logging the

very scarce remaining alluvial zone forests. Regular liquidation and

conversion logging has been stalled while highly focussed helicopter

high grading is targeting all of the remaining original old growth

cedar and cypress. These are two species we have been completely

unsuccessful at replanting and restoring to their historic level of

ecosystem importance and function. The alluvial zone of the central

coast forest has been excoriated and that is the jewel, the

biodiversity engine, and the critical source of resilience in the

remaining original coastal forests of BC. The US foundation idiots

payed the RSP enviros to create the PR appearance of a win win

environmental and industrial solution but they simply have no idea how

the coastal forest is structured and how easily its critical

functioning components can be destroyed. The alluvial zone occupying

perhaps 8% of the total coastal forest area is like the distributor in

a car engine. If it is removed, the engine looks nice but ceases to

function. The forest industry identified that it particularly wanted

the remaining alluvial forests (the distributor) and the US funders

identified that they wanted announceably huge areas of forest

protected. The RSP enviros brokered a deal to provide both with what

they wanted, but in doing so they have deprived the already damaged

coastal forest of its critical capacity for maintaining and restoring

biodiversity and resilience. The win win deal looks good on the

idiotic RSP enviros and it delivered their money's worth in

announcements to the US foundation funders, and it even works very

nicely for the forest industry who would just like to leave with some

cash, but it does not work at all for the coastal forest. That is not

environmentalism. It is simply a brokered deal so that the public

forest is exploited and our forest environment suffers a catastrophic

loss. landwatch





3) Carla Monismith, who oversees the timber sales program for the

Wallowa-Whitman, said Forest Supervisor Steve Ellis has set a goal of

offering for sale at least 30 million board-feet of timber each fiscal

year. The Wallowa-Whitman nearly got there during fiscal 2007, which

ended Sept. 30. More than half the timber the Wallowa-Whitman offered

came from a trio of sales. The largest is near Unity and includes 6.4

million board-feet. D.R. Johnson Lumber bought that timber this

summer, Monismith said. The two other main sales, Bald Angel and

Smith, stand next to each other in Union County several miles east of

Medical Springs. Dodge Logging of Maupin bought Bald Angel (4.2

million board-feet) and Smith (5.4 million), Monismith said. Although

the Wallowa-Whitman added both sales to its timber total for fiscal

2007, its not clear if loggers will ever fall trees in either sale. A

pair of environmental groups this summer sued the Wallowa-Whitman,

seeking to stop the Bald Angel and Smith sales, as well as a third

adjacent project, called Cold Angel, which forest officials intend to

offer for sale during fiscal 2008. The plaintiffs, Hells Canyon

Preservation Council of La Grande and Oregon Wild of Portland, have

asked a judge to grant an injunction that would prohibit logging until

the lawsuit is concluded.




4) The Bureau of Land Management should be planning to thin trees in

tree farms instead of clear cutting old growth forests, a member of

the Oregon Heritage Forests campaign told the Curry County section of

the Sierra Club on Wednesday. Under the BLM's preferred alternative of

the Western Oregon Plan Revisions, " old growth reserves would be

reduced by half, riparian reserves would be reduced by half, " Leslie

Adams, outreach coordinator for the Klamath Siskiyou Wildlands Center

in Ashland, told the meeting in Gold Beach. " It puts timber in the

front seat and everything else in the back seat, " Adams said. " The

Forest Service has weaned off old growth, " she said. " They're thinning

in old growth. Thinning is a better way and it protects old growth

forests. " But she said the BLM has mostly grassland and deserts under

its jurisdiction with only some Oregon lands in forests. She said the

BLM doesn't understand forests like the Forest Service. The BLM

presented three alternatives for the Western Oregon Plan Revisions,

announced on Aug. 10. The alternative two is the one that the BLM is

proposing that would benefit the O & C counties through a return to

timber harvest on the federal lands. Two of Curry County's

commissioners attended a meeting in Roseburg where the BLM announced

the plan. The second alternative was hailed as a way to help

cash-strapped Oregon counties. " The good thing about it is it would

replace about 94 percent of the revenues lost when the current safety

net terminates, " Curry County Commissioner Georgia Nowlin said after

attending the meeting. " It meets all requirements of the Endangered

Species Act and the Clean Water Act. " The BLM plan includes a draft

environmental impact statement for future management of 2.5 million

acres of public lands in Western Oregon.





5) Protesters obtained a restraining order Friday to stop the

destruction of a stand of ficus trees in downtown Santa Monica that

the city had planned to remove starting Monday as part of an

$8-million downtown development project. Local activist Jerry Rubin

got the order approved by a judge on behalf of Santa Monica

Treesavers. The order prevents the city from removing 54 ficus trees

on 4th and 2nd streets unless they pose a danger to the public. The

city planned to remove 23 trees that its arborist considered damaged

or diseased and to replant 31 of them elsewhere in the city.

Protesters doubt the trees are damaged and want time to get a second

opinion. " If the trees were truly a danger to the public, they would

have been removed already, " said the group's attorney, Thomas Nitti.



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6) A crowd of demonstrators protesting clear-cutting practices by

Sierra Pacific Industries included a group of children, who made it

clear how they feel about the issue. The protest took place Saturday

outside Redding City Hall. Car honks, friendly waves of support -- and

at least one extended middle finger -- greeted a crowd of

demonstrators Saturday as they rallied on the sidewalks outside

Redding City Hall to protest clear-cutting practices by the Shasta

County-based Sierra Pacific Industries (SPI). The approximately 80

demonstrators, some toting signs deploring the timber practice, made

it clear that they did not oppose logging. " We aren't against

logging, " said 51-year-old Marily Woodhouse of Manton. " But we want

responsible logging. " The two-hour demonstration, which also saw a

group of children repeatedly chanting " Save our trees, help us,

please, " was designed to draw attention to SPI's use of clear-cut

logging and its possible environmental consequences, organizers said.

It's their hope that SPI -- the largest private forestland holder in

North America -- will halt that destructive practice, they said. An

SPI spokesperson could not be reached Saturday for comment, but a

company official has said that it complies with strict California

forest practice laws and regulations and that its practices are also

reviewed by a number of state agencies. Demonstrator Tammy Allan, a

clinical social worker and three-year Montgomery Creek resident,

brought along to the sidewalk protest her nearly7-year-old white

boxer, Annie, who carried her own anti-clear-cut message on her

flanks. Allan, who said she fears Shasta County is one of several

California counties being decimated by clear-cutting, thinks SPI

should act more responsibly in its logging. Woodhouse, who said she is

also trying to fight an SPI plan to clear-cut more than 800 acres near

the Manton area, agreed.





7) Last week I went up the East Fork of the Bitterroot River and

visited a few of the Middle East Fork Healthy Forest Restoration Act

logging units. Attached are a few photos from within Unit 13 of that

project, which was the first Healthy Forest Restoration Act logging

project in Montana. The unit pictured below was never logged before

and was previously considered old-growth habitat by the FS, but they

re-surveyed it in 2005 and determined it wasn't old-growth habitat

after all so they could log it. The logging unit pictured below also

sits 4 air miles from the nearest home. This logging was done under

the guise of " community fire protection " and " restoring fire adapted

ecosystems. " Remember, this was a previously unlogged forest that was

considered old-growth habitat. Look at it now. This is a good example

of how " restoration " and " fuel reduction " are buzz-words, but mean

very different things to people. However, it would certainly be a

challenge for anyone to go out to the logging unit pictured below and

convince the general public that doing this type of heavy, industrial

logging in previously unlogged, old-growth forests 4 miles from the

nearest home is in any way " restoration " or " fuel reduction. " This was

also the reason that a number of PhD faculty from the University of

Montana's School of Forestry and Conservation and Dept of Biology

expressed concerns or spoke out in opposition to the project, as well

as a number of people who live up the East Fork. Below the photos are

pasted below a number of comments and perspectives about the Middle

East Fork HFRA project that were obtained from the official project

file. For photos contact: koehler




8) Sediment runoff is an issue at Summit County ski resorts. The

Forest Service and ski area operators work hard to try and control the

impacts from ski trail clear cuts and service roads, but often

struggle to meet the agency's own stream standards. Similar issues are

widespread across National Forest lands in Summit County, where runoff

from unpaved roads impacts numerous streams. Many Forest Service roads

do not meet the agency's own construction and maintenance standards.

Walking along Forest Service roads in areas like Montezuma makes it

clear that the agency doesn't come close to having a handle on

controlling runoff from the far-flung network of backcountry roads. A

dramatic increase in logging during the next few years will exacerbate

this problem unless logging roads are monitored and maintained to the

highest possible level. And the vast areas of dead forest left in the

wake of the pine beetle infestation will present another huge water

quality challenge.






9) Father and son Hubert and Thomas Vogelmann, the former and current

chairmen of plant biology at the University of Vermont, each knows how

it feels to work on headline-grabbing forest studies. Professionally

stimulating — and personally depressing. Hubert " Hub " Vogelmann, a

professor emeritus after heading UVM's botany department for two

decades, recalls back to 1964, when he and his students, to the

bafflement of some peers, began studying how vegetation varied at

different altitudes on Vermont's most celebrated mountain, Camel's

Hump. " This was a pure ecological study, " the 78-year-old says today.

" It had nothing to do with producing an offshoot that would generate

money or prestige for the university. " Then in 1982, the professor

made news by citing the research in a Natural History magazine article

titled " Catastrophe on Camel's Hump. " The story — one of the first

mainstream explanations of the effects of acid rain — sparked the

interest of mass-market publications like Time, which quoted the elder

Vogelmann on how the peak's red spruce were shedding and dying. " There

are some pretty big holes in the forest, " Vogelmann told Time in 1984.

Hub retired in 1991. A decade later, his son Tom took over the botany

department. The younger Vogelmann, 55, and students still study the

mountain whose silhouette is minted on 883 million Vermont quarters.

But acid rain no longer is their biggest concern. Global warming is.

When the New York Times launched a series this year on " how climate

change is affecting American life, " it interviewed Tom Vogelmann about

his worries that rising temperatures will supplant traditional trees

with Southern species, as well as his fear that the state's $20

million annual flow of maple sap will all but evaporate. " It's within,

well, probably my lifetime that you'll see this happen, " Vogelmann

told the Times in March. " How can you have the state of Vermont and

not have maple syrup? " Forests cover almost 80 percent of the Green

Mountain State. The two Vogelmanns have chronicled them for a combined

half-century. The span and specificity of the research they've

overseen is unsurpassed. But the changes it documents are unsettling

for leaf-peepers, loggers and other locals tied to the state's nearly

$1.5 billion forest-related manufacturing, tourism and recreation





West Virginia:


10) " First they take our land, then the water, now the air, " fumed

Gunnoe who lives in Boone County, W.Va.'s top coal-yielding county,

and the epicenter of Appalachian coal extraction, where the dirty

business of mining, processing and hauling coal is the main

meal-ticket in town. On a calm, clear morning in the forested

mountains of southern West Virginia, 12-year-old Chrystal Gunnoe

played outdoors in the green mountain valley where her family has

lived for hundreds of years. It was Veteran's Day and a school

holiday. Chrystal's mother, Maria Gunnoe, 38, was inside when she

heard her daughter yell for help. Gunnoe rushed outside to find

Chrystal coming towards her. Chrystal was coughing and struggling to

breath, running from a strange-looking cloud that was moving down the

valley and headed towards their house. Gunnoe would later learn the

strange cloud came from something known as a " slow burning blast " --

an explosion set at the coal mine above her home that failed to ignite

and instead burned slowly, releasing a wet toxic cloud of nitrogen

oxide and carbon dioxide. In the weeks following, Chrystal suffered

from a bronchial infection, a consistent cough, nose bleeds and bouts

of painful breathing. Her mother, who was also exposed, " had sores on

the inside of [her] nose, " she said. Gunnoe lives in Bob White, W.Va.,

where coal companies have become increasingly unfriendly neighbors.

Coal mining dominates the lives of the people in the remote, coal-rich

mountain communities of West Virginia, where coal operators like

Massey Energy are waging a remorseless campaign to extract all the

coal they can, as fast as they can, before coal is legislated into the

past and President Bush is out of office. Out-of-state coal operators

reap billions in profits every year, while residents of southern West

Virginia remain among the poorest in the nation. In the coal fields,

the imbalance is amplified: while Boone county produces the most coal

in the state, 20 percent of its residents languish below the poverty

line without sufficient income to achieve an adequate standard of

living. Massey Energy Co., the largest coal producer in Appalachia,

grossed $1.78 billion in revenue on coal sales of 42.3 million tons in

2005, while residents have toy drives for the kids around the holidays

and often rely on free medical care administered by a global traveling

clinic unit that comes around once a year.



New Jersey:


11) WOODLAND TOWNSHIP - This land, in the heart of the Pine Barrens,

once was full of water and cranberry vines. Now, the flat terrain of

the former DeMarco Farm's cranberry bogs is being transformed into a

virtual moonscape. For the past month, excavators churned the earth at

Franklin Parker Preserve, knocking down the man-made irrigation canals

and building artificial hills and valleys. The goal is to let nature

take its course and have the land revert back to the wild, according

to Tim Morris, director of stewardship for the New Jersey Conservation

Foundation. Changing the surface of the former bogs is important to

encourage new growth. While some cranberries will remain, Morris hopes

to see red maple and pine trees return to the property over the next

few years. " We're trying to make a mess, so that rather than have one

type of plant community we'll have diversity, " Morris said about the

pilot restoration project, which covers 100 acres. The preserve is

home to 52 different rare and endangered plants and animals, such as

the Pine Barrens gentian, the bald eagle and northern pine snake. Over

time, the former cranberry bogs could become a breeding ground for

other species, said Betsy Clarke, a biologist for the U.S. Department

of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service. The pilot

project is part of a proposal to restore 2,200 acres of former

cranberry bogs, blueberry farms and buffer zones. The project is

funded by $1.25 million from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's

Natural Resources Conservation Service. The entire restoration should

be complete by August or September 2009. The Franklin Parker Preserve

covers 14 square miles on several sections of land in Burlington

County. The property is about the size of Jersey City and it filters

water into the Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer, the main drinking water

source for thousands of southern New Jersey residents. The preserve

was created in 2004 when the New Jersey Conservation Foundation

purchased the property from A.R. DeMarco Enterprises for $12 million.

The foundation co-owns the land with the state Department of

Environmental Protection. The following year, the Natural Resources

Conservation Service paid $4.4 million for an easement to keep the

land undeveloped and agreed to fund the restoration. Historically, the

bogs were used for cultivating cranberries, a native plant, as far

back at the Civil War, according to J. Garfield DeMarco, the former

landowner and cranberry farmer. His father, Anthony R. DeMarco,

expanded the farms when he began acquiring land in the 1940s.




North Carolina:


12) The U.S. Forest Service announced yesterday its decision to allow

timber harvesting in the Globe area, outlining a plan that it says

scales back the project and protects views. The project has infuriated

people who say that the logging will ruin million-dollar views.

Opponents have been fighting the project for more than a year, and had

wanted the forest service to abandon plans to log the area. Instead,

partial harvests will be done in small sections averaging about 11

acres. A third of the trees in each of those sections will be left

standing. There will be 17 of those small sections, which add up to

212 acres to be harvested out of the 11,225-acre area. A spokesman for

the forest service, Terry Seyden, said that people may remember the

last timber harvest in the area, which involved clear-cutting of

300-acre tracts. This harvest will be very different, he said.The

appearance would be more like a heavy thinning of a small section of

forest, Seyden said. In response to concerns, he said, the forest

service will have a forest-landscape architect with the crews on site

during tree marking and harvesting to make sure that the design plan

is properly followed. " We take very seriously our responsibility to

manage the scenic values of the forest, " Seyden said. People who are

opposed to the logging, though, say that the forest service hasn't

listened to their concerns. " They say they're feathering these cuts,

but the hard fact is we're talking about million-dollar views, which

bring in billions of dollars (in tourism), " Marshall said. " It's

unacceptable, in my opinion. " The forest service announced the plan in

January 2005, and during a feedback period got more than 1,800 written

comments, mostly from people who were opposed to the logging. Several

hundred opponents of the logging turned out in Blowing Rock for a

public hearing on the issue in August 2006. The Blowing Rock Town

Council unanimously passed a resolution opposing the project. The

Globe area can be seen to the south and west of Blowing Rock from

several places along U.S. 321. " The visual quality of that area is

what drives the economy, " said Chris Joyell, a spokesman for the

Southern Appalachian Biodiversity Project, based in Asheville.


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13) All of those dream homes that are sprouting up at the edge of

national forests in Utah and elsewhere in the West are creating a

nightmare for the U.S. Forest Service. Increasingly, the federal

agency is raiding its bank account to douse wildfires at the expense

of some of the public's favorite outdoor programs. A new analysis of

the Forest Service budget shows the agency, already staggering under

stagnant funding, might soon spend virtually all of its average annual

$4.5 billion federal appropriation fighting fires that threaten homes

on the rim of national forests. Headwaters Economics, the nonprofit

consulting firm in Bozeman, Mont., which issued the report, found that

the nation's taxpayers are bound to spend even more as increasingly

affluent Westerners continue to seek solace in wild country

subdivisions. That means the Forest Service amenities the public most

cares about - clean campgrounds, sturdy trails, fish-cleaning stations

and ranger talks - could go begging, said Ray Rasker, Headwaters

executive director and co-author of the report. " Fire is becoming the

big gorilla that is eating all the bananas, " Rasker said. And it could

get worse. About 14 percent of the land at the edges of the national

forests now have homes on them. If 50 percent of the lands on the

urban-forest line go to housing, annual firefighting costs could range

from $2.3 billion to $4.3 billion, Rasker's report says. " It's like

the perfect storm, " Rasker said. " We've got fuel buildup from the

Smoky Bear years. We've got a warming climate and more drought. We've

got a lot of insect infestations, so a lot of these forests are dead.

And we've got a more prosperous West where people want to live out of

town in the woods. " The Forest Service has reported that the cost of

firefighting has exceeded $1 billion four times since 2000. Last year,

the bill was $1.5 billion. Already this year, with months of fire

season still to go, nearly 65,000 fires have burned almost 7 million

acres and cost $1 billion. http://www.sltrib.com/news/ci_7104774




14) In early September, the Ontario government appointed former

Supreme Court Justice Frank Iacobucci to facilitate a negotiated

process and make recommendations to solve the impasse. Talks are

expected to begin in November. " Companies are drilling without

following the rule of law, " Cutfeet said. " There has been virtually no

consultation or accommodation of our people. Treaty land was a

fulfillment of the land claims process. The government and the

companies have an illegal presence in our territories. " The Grassy

Narrows community has suffered many traumas over the years, including

forced attendance in Canada's notorious and now-defunct boarding

schools, forced relocation away from their traditional living areas,

flooding of sacred grounds and burial sites by hydroelectric dam

projects, and clear-cut logging of their forests. Mercury waste from a

paper mill constructed in the 1970s contaminated local rivers and

created devastating long-term health problems. Compared to other

racial and cultural groups in Canada, indigenous people have the

lowest life expectancies, highest infant mortality rates, most

substandard and overcrowded housing, lower education and employment

levels, and the highest incarceration rates. Native people lead in the

statistics of suicide, alcoholism, and family abuse. Brant Olson of

the Rainforest Action Project told IPS, " Amnesty International and

many groups have verified the problems at Grassy Narrows. The

historical and political context is dire due to the logging industry.

Since the mid-1960s, large portions of the community have been

uninhabitable and there have been enduring health problems and 25

percent unemployment. That led to the Grassy Narrows group to call for

a moratorium on development [in January]. We want to ensure that

buyers of the wood honour the moratorium. The community doesn't trust

the intentions of companies like Abitibi Consolidated and

Weyerhauser, " said Olson. Loney added that provincial and federal

governments should honour their commitments and responsibilities with

First Nations people and consult on matters related to the use of

native land. As mining and forestry companies are moving ahead with

development, there are concerns about creating a high-profile and

credible process to mediate the land rights dispute.




15) It has been described as the northern lungs of our planet. It is

the largest source of fresh water in the world. One of the biggest,

untouched swaths of it sits right in our own backyard. " It " is the

boreal forest, 15 million square kilometres of trees, lakes, rivers

and bogs that circle the top part of the Northern Hemisphere like an

emerald halo. A 42,000-square-kilometre section of the forest on the

east side of Lake Winnipeg is being pitched to the United Nations

Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as a World

Heritage Site. It is a prestigious designation, bestowed upon 851 of

the world's most famous and important historical and ecological sites

such as the Acropolis in Athens, Greece, rainforests in Madagascar,

Indonesia and Brazil, and the ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu in

Peru. The Pimachiowin-Aki would be the first UNESCO world heritage

site in Manitoba and the 15th in Canada. The Pimachiowin-Aki site

encompasses the traditional lands of five first nations, three

provincial parks and six protected areas in Manitoba and Northwestern

Ontario. While much of the boreal forest globally has been harmed by

logging and industrial development, this particular swath is largely

untouched. It is home to some of the most traditional first nations in

Canada, but they are also among the poorest. The uniqueness of the

aboriginal culture coupled with the beauty of the landscape would be a

draw for tourists from all over the world, says Thiessen. European

tourists in particular, notes Thiessen, would be a prime market for

aboriginal powwows and sweat lodges, canoe adventures down rivers

abundant in rapids and waterfalls, hikes through forests thick with

stands of jack pine and black spruce where woodland caribou roam

freely in one of their last remaining habitats in North America. What

kind of infrastructure is needed to support the growth of a tourism

industry on the site is not certain yet but must keep a balance

between protecting the environment and economic opportunity, says

Manitoba Conservation Minister Stan Struthers.



16) Canada's forest products industry is a fundamental pillar of

Canada's economy. It generates three per cent of Canada's GDP,

directly employs more than 300,000 Canadians and is the economic

cornerstone of more than 300 communities. It is also the largest

industrial employer of aboriginal Canadians. The industry is facing

the most significant set of challenges it has seen at one time in more

than 30 years. The mountain pine beetle, the U.S. housing crisis, a

Canadian dollar near parity with its U.S. counterpart, high energy

costs, export taxes and emerging low-cost global competitors are

leaving the industry very vulnerable -- more so than it has been in

decades. With so many jobs and so much of the economy resting on the

industry's long-term health, one can only wonder why there is not more

of a sense of urgency among governments in addressing the challenges.

Complacency or defeatism will take us in only one direction. However,

working together, the industry, governments and communities can take

the necessary steps to right the ship. We have most of the necessary

ingredients: Fibre, energy, water and a skilled, innovative workforce.

With renewed investment and a supportive government policy

environment, the industry would be the best positioned in the world to

take advantage of the growth in global demand.





17) It was fitting that Queen of Green Dame Anita Roddick's funeral

was 100 per cent eco-friendly. The Body Shop founder, who died last

month, was cremated in an 'eco-pod' coffin made from biodegradable

shrubs, while special filters designed to reduce mercury emissions

were used during the cremation. While green living may be one thing,

green dying is quite another - and not usually something that's at the

forefront of an eco-consumer's conscience. But new research from the

Post Office reveals that nearly 35 per cent of people plan on an

'eco-friendly' burial, rather than traditional coffin burials and

cremation ceremonies. Eco-friendly funerals include being buried in

cardboard coffins or being freeze-dried and buried as bio-degradable

dust (the latter being an option which 13 per cent would choose).

Natural burials are increasingly taking place in secluded woodlands,

and some people are choosing to plant trees in place of headstone. The

cost of a traditional funeral varies depending on location and choice

of coffin and memorials, but Mike Jarvis, director of independent

funeral advice organisation the Natural Death Centre, says

eco-funerals are relatively inexpensive in comparison.





18) The green cloaking the Jerusalem hills and southern coastal plain

recalls a typical Middle Eastern landscape. However, a closer look

reveals that these trees are not local breeds, but rather dense groves

of blue acacia, a tree imported from southwestern Australia and the

most invasive species on Israeli soil. The Israel Nature and National

Parks Protection Authority recently conducted trials on the use of a

herbicide that could halt the spread of some of the tree populations.

Dr. Jean-Marc Dufour-Dror, a specialist in pervasive plant species,

was invited by the science division at INNPPA to research the

effectiveness of a glyphosate-based herbicide on controlling the blue

acacia. Dufour-Dror examined 98 mature acacias and 98 younger samples

that were injected with the herbicide, which stunts the trees' growth.

The trees were given regular injections for two years, and 90 percent

of them did not produce seeds. The herbicide treatments significantly

reduced the trees' ability to proliferate. The blue acacia was first

brought to Israel in 1920 to help dry up swamps, create forests and

stabilize sand dunes. At that time its pervasive nature was unknown,

and by the time it was discovered, it was already too late. Official

bodies such as INNPPA found themselves helpless against the spread of

the acacia, which produced large quantities of seeds and could

flourish under almost all Israeli soil and climate conditions. The

areas that have been damaged the most are the coastal beaches, which

were covered by a thick growth of acacia trees at the expense of local

species of plants, and the animals native to open sand dunes. In

recent years the acacia has also spread in the Jerusalem hills, mainly

in the Nahal Sorek and Sha'ar Hagai regions, which were badly damaged

by forest fires in the mid-1990s. " This invader could be destroyed,

but that would cause tremendous environmental pollution, " explains

Hanoch Tzoref, of the Jewish National Fund. " In order to destroy one

dunam (1/4 acre), we would have to spread several liters of highly

toxic herbicide. " http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/909982.html




19) From the vantage point of a creaking Soviet-era propeller plane we

appear to be hovering above a sea of broccoli, every child's worst

nightmare. That could explain the screaming children sitting behind

me, though more likely it is the intense heat inside the plane and the

dripping condensation. The rainforest below stretches over six

countries, but in this region it is being cut down at an alarming

rate. A recent Greenpeace report speaks of vast concessions being

handed over for a few bags of sugar. In Congo most of the wood is

destined for China - 90% illegally, I am told. The pilot scans the

horizon for the red-earth runway at Pokola, the town at the centre of

a logging concession two-thirds the size of Wales. Despite its remote

location 500 miles (800km) from the capital, Brazzaville, this forest

is home to Congo's largest private employer, a Danish logging

subsidiary called CIB. It is not long before I realise Pokola is no

ordinary logging town.





20) An indigenous group in Guyana, backed by government decree and a

U.S.-based conservation organization, has banned miners and loggers

from its section of the Amazon jungle and pledged to pursue an

economic strategy based on ecotourism, research and traditional

crafts. The leader of the Wai Wai said the group — which has about 200

members — has developed a management plan for its homeland in remote

southern Guyana, near the border with Brazil, that is intended to

preserve forest, create jobs and keep young people from leaving for

cities. " We want to protect our land for our way of life and also for

our future generations, " the group's chief, Cemci Sose, said by

telephone from Bariloche, Argentina, where he announced the protected

status this week at the second Latin American Parks Congress. The Wai

Wai received control of the 2,400 square miles of tropical forest and

savanna — nearly half the size of Connecticut — from Guyana's

government in 2004. It is habitat to rare animals including the

jaguar, blue poison frog, and scarlet macaw. Under the plan outlined

at the conference, some of the Wai Wai would train to become forest

rangers or to help researchers studying plants and animals of the

rainforest. The group developed the strategy with Guyana's government

and Washington-based Conservation International, which set up a $1

million trust to help manage the area. Sose said he feared his land

would be destroyed by miners who entered the Wai Wai's territory

illegally from Brazil. The effort to preserve the land comes as

development pressure is expected to increase as Guyana prepares to

pave a dirt road linking it with Brazil. Any miners or other threats

spotted by the rangers will be reported to national authorities, said

Lisa Famolare, vice president of the Guyana program for Conservation

International. The protected area includes the watershed for Guyana's

largest river, the Essequibo, and makes up part of the Guiana Shield,

an area of Amazon forest stretching across international borders that

contains more than 25 percent of the world's remaining humid tropical

forests. " The really exciting part is the indigenous community owns

it, and they did it themselves, " said Lisa Famolare, vice president of

the Guyana program for Conservation International.





21) Different investigations have demonstrated that out of the 40,170

living species that have been studied, 16,119 are in danger of

extinction. One out of eight birds could disappear forever. One out of

four mammals is under threat. One out of every three reptiles could

cease to exist. Eight out of ten crustaceans and three out of four

insects are at risk of extinction. We are living through the sixth

crisis of the extinction of living species in the history of the

planet and, on this occasion, the rate of extinction is 100 times more

accelerated than in geological times. Faced with this bleak future,

transnational interests are proposing to continue as before, and paint

the machine green, which is to say, continue with growth and

irrational consumerism and inequality, generating more and more

profits, without realising that we are currently consuming in one year

what the planet produces in one year and three months. Faced with this

reality, the solution can not be an environmental make over. I read in

the World Bank report that in order to mitigate the impacts of climate

change we need to end subsidies on hydrocarbons, put a price on water

and promote private investment in the clean energy sector. Once again

they want to apply market recipes and privatisation in order to carry

out business as usual, and with it, the same illnesses that these

policies produce. The same occurs in the case of biofuels, given that

to produce one litre of ethanol you require 12 litres of water. In the

same way, to process one ton of agrifuels you need, on average, one

hectare of land. Faced with this situation, we – the indigenous

peoples and humble and honest inhabitants of this planet – believe

that the time has come to put a stop to this, in order to rediscover

our roots, with respect for Mother Earth; with the Pachamama as we

call it in the Andes. The countries of the north need to reduce their

carbon emissions by between 60% and 80% if we want to avoid a

temperature rise of more than 2º in what is left of this century,

which would provoke global warming of catastrophic proportions for

life and nature. We need to create a World Environment Organisation

which is binding, and which can discipline the World Trade

Organisation, which is propelling as towards barbarism. We need to

adopt an indicator that allows us to consider, in a combined way, the

Human Development Index and the Ecological Footprint in order to

measure our environmental situation.





22) Amazonia receives about 9 feet of rain every year. Fifty percent

of this returns to the atmosphere through the foliage of trees. Most

of the Amazon River's water comes from the annual snowmelt high in the

Peruvian Andes. Between June and October, the water level rises by 30

to 45 feet. Tens of millions of acres of rainforest are covered by

water as the flood advances, reaching as far inland from the main

channel as 12 miles. Some 15 million years ago, the Amazon River

flowed westward into the Pacific Ocean. When the South American plate

moved into another tectonic plate, the Andes Mountains slowly rose up

and blocked the flow of the river. As the river system backed up,

freshwater lakes were formed, and the environment of the Amazon basin

changed drastically. Then about 10 million years ago the river found

its way eastward towards the Atlantic. The Amazon rainforest is the

drainage basin for the Amazon River and its many tributaries. The

northern half of the South American continent is shaped like a shallow

dish. About 1,100 tributaries, seventeen of which are over 1,000 miles

long, drain into this depression. Whenever rain falls in the river

basin, it all drains into Amazon rainforest and into the Amazon River.

The Amazon is the largest river system in the world. At some points,

the Amazon River is one mile wide, while at other points it can be

thirty-five miles wide. At Belem, where the river flows into the

Atlantic Ocean, it can be 200 to 300 miles across, depending on the

season. Some of the animals that make their home here are river

otters, freshwater river dolphins, turtles, piranha, manatees,

electric eels, and a remarkable, giant air-breathing fish called the

piraracu. http://amazing-nature.blogspot.com/2007/10/amazon-rainforest.html




23) Tribals, who once wandered in interior forests to collect firewood

for their livelihood, have become eco-tourism guides and environmental

protectors of Kumbakarai Falls, a popular tourist attraction of the

district. To begin with, 100 tribal residents of Indira Nagar, all

members of Village Forest Council (VFC), have been deputed as

eco-tourism guides to maintain the Kumbakari Falls site, regulate and

monitor tourists and keep the surroundings clean. They will also sell

seeds for income generation. The tribals will take up eco-conservation

measures to protect forests under Periyakulam Range and monitor the

movement of wild animals, forest fire and natural calamities. The

programme brings two major benefits: protection of tourists and

sustainable income generation activities to tribal people. Above all,

it mitigates poverty. " We have set up a check post at the entry point

of the falls and a ticket counter manned by VFC members. They collect

Rs.2 per person, Rs.5 for cars and light motor vehicles and Rs.10 for

buses as entry charges to meet maintenance costs and honorarium for

their services. The proceeds will also be used for village

development. With the presence of eco-guides, drowning deaths will be

eliminated. Moreover, forest conservation will become an easy task, "

he added. Tribals will operate in shifts at entry point, ticket

counter, vehicle parking area, canteen, food shelter and the Falls

site. Eco-guides will also act as eco-guards, preventing tourists from

entering danger zones. Uniforms and identity cards will be given to

them. A first-aid box will be kept at the counter and they will be

trained in giving first-aid, the DFO said.





24) Police raided a warehouse in Pathum Thani's Lam Luk Ka district

yesterday, seizing more than 1,000 illegal logs of rosewood which were

allegedly set to be smuggled out of the country. A Taiwanese man was

arrested and charged with attempting to export illegal logs worth more

than 100 million baht and dodging timber export taxes. Police also

confiscated a container truck, a forklift, and arrested the Thai

drivers of the two vehicles. All the suspects were detained at the Lam

Luk Ka police station and charged with violating the Forestry Act. Pol

Lt-Gen Rachot Yensuang, commander of the First Region Police, said he

was told by subordinates that a foreigner had smuggled illegal wood

into Thailand from neighbouring countries and was storing the logs in

a warehouse before exporting them abroad. The wood was about to be

transported to Klong Toey port for export to third countries, he said.

There were no export tax documents on the wood. If the export taxes

were added up and collected, the original price of the logs would go

up by as much as 40%, he said.





25) The Vietnam Timber and Forest Product Association (Vietfores) said

exports had made their way to 80 foreign markets and there was great

potential for wood processors to further step up shipments. It added

that the US imported wooden furniture worth over $3 billion annually,

providing an opportunity for Vietnamese processors to increase exports

to that market. Furniture ranks among Vietnam's top ten export

commodities, ranking fifth behind crude oil, textiles, footwear, and

seafood. The Ministry of Trade hopes export of furniture will reach

$5.5 billion by 2010 and that Vietnam could over-take China in exports

to the U.S. The country has 464 chair exporters, 400 Vietnamese-owned

and the rest foreign-invested. However, all this trade depends on

finding timber, of which there is a serious shortage. Following a ban

on logging and timber exports in neigh-boring countries, wood prices

have soared 30-40 percent in the last three years. Domestic sources

meet a mere 20 percent of Vietnam's timber demand, with the rest

imported from Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines at high cost.

In the last two years, Southeast Asia's two largest exporters,

Indonesia and Malaysia, have stopped exporting sawn lumber. As a

result, several Vietnamese companies have been having trouble sourcing

timber. Last year the furniture industry had to import more than $1

billion worth timber, machinery and accessories. Many furniture firms

have begun to look for timber from elsewhere in the world. Leading

outdoor furniture maker Scansia Pacific Co. Ltd. has signed a $200,000

deal to ship nine containers of outdoor furniture to the US and the

EU. The Ho Chi Minh City-based company uses wood imported mainly from

the U.S., Brazil, New Zealand, and Canada. To capitalize on the timber

short-age, import-export firm Sadaco has signed a deal with Canada's

leading timber supplier Canfor. The government also plans to grow 2.5

million hectares of forest, which will supply about ten million cubic

meters of raw wood by 2020.

http://www.thanhniennews.com/business/?catid=2 & newsid=32289




26) A mining consortium, under fire for the killing of an

environmentalist, could still cut down trees and mine ore on Sibuyan

Island unless stopped by the Romblon governor, environment officials

said on Monday. The fatal shooting of Councilor Armin Marin by a guard

of the Sibuyan Nickel Properties Development Corp. (SNPDC) last

Wednesday set off calls for the pullout of the firm and cancellation

of its permit. Marin, 42, was leading a picket against mining in San

Fernando town last Wednesday when he was shot and killed during a

heated confrontation with a guard named Mario Kingo. " The decision has

been made, " Environment Undersecretary Manuel Gerochi said in an

interview, when he explained that the Department of Environment and

Natural Resources could not cancel the small-scale mining permit

previously issued to the firm by Romblon Governor Perpetuo Ylagan.

Only the provincial government could withdraw the permit, and if it

did, it would have to pay expenses incurred by the firm, Gerochi said.

" The local government should initiate a dialogue with the protesters.

It should look into the core of the complaint of the protesters and

whether they represent the communities, " he said. Gerochi added that

if the provincial government recalled the permit, DENR would also

recall the permit issued to SNPDC to cut down trees in San Fernando

town. " We will also recall the permit because the small-scale permit

is the basis for the tree-cutting permit, " he said. For now, nothing

is stopping the SNPDC from cutting down trees and mining ore in forest

lands in the village of España and Taclobo in San Fernando town which

the DENR said were outside of the Mt. Guiting-Guiting Natural Park.





Papua New Guinea:


27) Papua is the size of California and is almost entirely covered by

vast stretches of virgin rain forest spread over 41.5 million hectares

-- or 23 percent of Indonesia's total forested area of 180 million

hectares. But some 22 million hectares of these forests are classified

as production forests, rather than conservation areas. Indonesian

control over the territory of Papua has seen the region's forests

suffer deforestation at the hands of foreign and domestic private

companies. First, during the Soeharto regime, Papua's forests were

targeted by logging industries authorized by the Jakarta-based central

government. Up until 2001, as many as 40 logging companies -- none of

which were owned by the indigenous Papuans -- were active in Papua,

with permission from the central government.The timber companies,

without any interference, were able to cut down trees in Papua and

sell them to foreign countries. According to Greenpeace, more than 25

percent of Papua's natural forests has been sold by timber firms

exporting to Japan, the U.S., European countries and China. Second, as

the timber business is worth billions of dollars annually, Papua's

forests have also been targeted by illegal logging companies. Pressure

on Papua's forests has progressively increased due to overseas demand,

notably from China. In 2003, some 7.2 million cubic meters of timber

was reportedly smuggled out of Papua. An investigation carried out by

the London-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) revealed

" illegal logging in Papua typically involves the collusion of the

Indonesian military, the involvement of Malaysian logging gangs and

the exploitation of indigenous communities " . Due to deforestation in

Papua, both legal and illegal, Indonesia has been listed in the

Guinness Book of World Records as the country with the fastest pace of

deforestation in the world.

http://www.thejakartapost.com/detaileditorial.asp?fileid=20071006.F04 & irec=3




28) A study predicts that global warming will further decimate the

orangutan population in Sebangau National Park in Central Kalimantan,

home to Indonesia's largest orangutan habitat. About 6,900 orangutans

out of the estimated 14,000 on Kalimantan Island currently occupy the

567,700-hectare park. " The rising temperature and rainfall will have

adverse consequences on plant species in the park, " Chairul Saleh, the

biodiversity conservation coordinator at WWF Indonesia, told The

Jakarta Post on Saturday. " The plants are sensitive to climate

changes. This will threaten food supplies for the orangutans. "

Orangutans are reliant on the trees and fruit for their existence.

Chairul said that coupled with the long-standing problem of forest

fires, global warming would affect the reproductive cycle of the

orangutans. " It will also trigger the migration of orangutan to other

forests and affect genetics, the reproduction rate and health of

orangutans, " he said. The rising temperatures is expected to cause a

big increase in the number of malaria cases. The study on the impact

of global warming on orangutan habitat in the Sebangau National Park

was conducted jointly by the Jakarta-based, privately-run National

University and WWF Indonesia in September. The study says that

temperatures in the Sebangau Park would rise by one degree Celsius by

2050 and three degrees by 2100 due to global warming. Between 2000 and

2003, temperatures in the park were between 21 to 23 degrees Celsius.

The WWF will present the findings of the study at the international

climate-change conference in Bali in December, which will be attended

by representatives of the 191 signatories to the Kyoto Protocol on

climate change. Sri Suci Utami, an orangutan researcher from the

National University, said that extensive land clearance and illegal

logging had significantly reduced the orangutan population. " Without

global warming, orangutans are already very vulnerable to extinction

thanks to rampant forest fires and illegal logging, " she said. " Thus,

global warming could further expedite the loss of orangutan habitat

unless the government takes immediate protective measures, " she said.

The Sebangau Park is a combination of mixed swampy forest,

transitional forest, lowland canopy forest and granite forest, where

106 species of birds, 35 mammals and several groups of primates can be

found. The government designated the Sebangau National Park as a

conservation forest in 2004.



29) Indonesia wants to be paid $5-$20 per hectare not to destroy its

remaining forests, the environment minister said on Monday, for the

first time giving an actual figure that he wants the world's rich

countries to pay. Participants from 189 countries are expected to

gather in Bali for global climate talks at a U.N.-led summit in

December. They will hear a report on Reduced Emissions from

Deforestation (RED) -- a new scheme that aims to make emission cuts

from forest areas eligible for global carbon trading. But apart from

carbon trading, Indonesia also wants big emitters such as the United

States and the European Union to pay the country to preserve its

pristine rainforests. " We will ask for a compensation of $5-20 per

hectare. It's not fixed; it is open to negotiation, " Environment

Minister Rachmat Witoelar told reporters after a cabinet meeting at

the presidential palace on Monday.With a total forest area of 91

million ha (225 million acres), Indonesia could receive as much as

$1.8 billion for preserving its forests under the proposal. Indonesia

will also negotiate a fixed price for other forms of biodiversity,

including coral reefs, Witoelar added.





30) Over 5000 people jammed the roads leading to Low Head today in a

show of strength against the proposed Tamar Valley pulp mill. The

crowd exceeded initial estimates of 3000 as more and more people

arrived after walking up to three kilometres as parking places close

to the rally were totally clogged. After hearing from speakers

condemning Environment Minister Turnbull's pulp-mill decision, the

passionate crowd moved on to East Beach to spell out STOP THE PULP

MILL in letters seven metres deep. The 80-metre-long message was

filmed from a helicopter just as a flurry of showers was brought by

strong south-westerly winds. The demonstration was the public's first

major opportunity to protest against the pulp-mill decision announced

last Thursday by Malcolm Turnbull and endorsed by Labor Shadow

Minister Peter Garrett. " Today was a fantastic show of strength, " said

Wilderness Society campaigner Geoff Law. " This is a message to

politicians who have failed to gauge the public mood against the pulp

mill. " Mr Law described how the pulp mill's massive appetite would

destroy over 2000 square kilometres of Tasmanian native forests; the

impacts of the mill on the marine environment of northern Tasmania

were outlined by Jon Bryan of the Tasmanian Conservation Trust; Trudy

Maluga of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre explained how the pulp mill

would damage her people's culture and heritage; Bob McMahon from

Tasmanians Against the Pulpmill; and Danielle Ecuyer from the

Wentworth-based Women for Change Alliance spoke of the concern in

Sydney about the pulp mill and its contribution to climate change. The

biggest and warmest reception was for Senator Bob Brown, who pledged

to fight the pulp mill all the way to the ballot box and into the

banks. The crowd was particularly scathing of Peter Garrett, who was

booed every time his name was mentioned.




31) It was recently estimated by a federal government agency that

there are now 23 million pigs living in Australia - outnumbering the

continent's human population of 21 million. They are the descendants

of domestic pigs which European explorers, including Captain James

Cook, released as part of a " living larder " for future expeditions.

The pigs found Australia to be hog heaven, with plentiful food, a

balmy climate and no natural predators aside from the occasional

crocodile. They have grown bigger and brawnier than their British

ancestors, with some bristle-backed males weighing more than 150kg and

capable of goring a human with their formidable tusks. In the tropical

state of Queensland they are causing millions of pounds worth of

damage to sugar cane and banana plantations, and threatening

endangered rainforest animals. " There's no question that they are on

the increase, " said Norman Kippin, from the farming lobby group

AgForce. " They are the biggest single problem up here in the wet

tropics region and the government won't do a bloody thing about it. "

Feral pigs inhabit about 40%of Australia, colonising habitats ranging

from forests and mountains to semi-arid savannah plains. Populations

have risen during decades of inaction and blame-shifting between

farmers, national parks and government.






32) Do you know what the relationship between forest devastation and

classical musical instruments? Probably you will have to think for a

couple of minutes before you reach the correct answer. It has to do

with special kinds of woods needed to make musical instruments.

According to an article in The Philadelphia Inquirer, dubbed Sour,

" only certain fine woods can suffuse musical instruments with rich

tonal quality. But now the best woods are becoming scarce. " In order

for a musical instrument to make a certain sound, the strings as well

as the wood, has to vibrate. Violins and guitars bring forth those

beautiful sounds because they are made of fine woods that vibrate

along with plucked or bowed strings. In the past, everything was well

and good in the music industry, because fine woods were plentiful and

musical instruments could be manufactured at affordable prices. As the

forests of the world are being rapidly devastated, these fine woods

are no longer available. Or almost no longer available, to be more

exact. " The best tone woods are becoming unavailable or prohibitively

expensive as the world's forests succumb to over harvesting, illegal

logging and pollution. " For example in 1970, a retail price for a

Martin D-28 acoustic guitar with Brazilian rosewood would range

between $600 to $800. Now the price has escalated to a range between

$10,000 and $12,000. http://epiac1216.livejournal.com/187249.html


33) The proposal " Reduced Emissions from Deforestation " (RED) was not

included in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto

Protocol on Climate Change. But now is being evaluated by scientists,

companies and agencies in poor countries that have extensive forested

areas. The CDM allows governments and corporations of industrialised

countries (required under the Protocol to cut greenhouse gas

emissions) to meet part of their obligations by investing in " clean "

projects in developing countries, by which they obtain certificates of

emissions reductions -- at much lower cost than curbing emissions at

home. " Slowing emissions from deforestation would not stop climate

change, but it could be an important part of a many-part strategy, "

Christopher Field, head of the global ecology department at the

Carnegie Institution in Washington, said in an interview for this

report. RED emerged in 2005 at the 11th Conference of Parties to the

United Nations Convention on Climate Change, led by Papua New Guinea

and Costa Rica, with support from the Coalition for Rainforest

Nations. Its aim is to include " avoided deforestation " in the global

market of carbon credits -- carbon dioxide being the principal

greenhouse gas. Implementation is expected to be finalized at the 13

Conference of Parties, to take place in December on the Indonesian

island of Bali. Brazil, for its part, proposes a fund with voluntary

contributions of public money to compensate the effort made by

developing countries to reduce deforestation, and that they would be

remunerated based on prevented emissions.



34) Worldwide, people understand " deforestation " as something done by

the ax and saw. That's still true, but now it's just half the story.

Ax and saw have a new partner. Deforestation is also done by

increasing global temperatures. For example, in comparing the

consequences of droughts dating back to the 1800s, Breshears et al

report that a recent drought in the Southwest US was NOT as severe as

some earlier droughts, but caused more extensive forest death. Why did

the milder drought kill more trees? Because this recent drought was

paired with extreme heat, prompting the researchers to conclude that

heat was the " trigger " for extensive death. These recent and future

droughts ain't yer grandpa's kind of drought. Now, I know that I'm

sacrificing details galore by boiling this story down to simple

brevity. But science has always preferred elegance, parsimony,

simplicity. And common sense demands " cutting to the chase. " So, there

are two kinds of deforestation. One is by ax and saw. The other is by

hiking the temperatures of the planet. Each kind of deforestation has

climatic impact of its own, and the combination of two deforestations

will be an increasingly potent force on regional and global scale.

Drying and heating will " thin " the forests, and plausibly on a radical

scale. lancolsn

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