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--British Columbia: 1) Biggest logging protest since 1990's, 2) Logger

strike stats, 3) Community forest in E. Fraser,

--Washington: 4) Moss poaching

--Oregon: 5) Wildlands-urban interface

--Idaho: 6) Old trees planted by US leaders turned into woodcrafts

--Utah: 7) Lightning torches 300,000 acres of sagebrush and juniper

--Montana: 8) Putting Mark Rey in jail, 9) Fireproofing Helena NF, 10)

Rich buy land,

--Minnesota: 11) Action teams plan future forest industry

--Wisconsin: 12) Biocomposites saves trees, 13) Schools like to log,

14) more on schools,

--Maryland: 15) 330 trees to be cut at airport

--New Jersey: 16) Princeton University students embraced trees last week

--Georgia: 17) Orginal forests of pine and wiregrass

--Florida: 18) Restoration destroying forests

--USA: 19) US private lands change hands

--Canada: 20) 11 Greenpeacers arrested protesting boreal, 21) Nova

Forest Alliance leader steps down to decry corruption, 22) Diverse

forest more likely to thrive,

--UK: 23) Sherwood Forest is dying, 24) Three Village Woodlands Group

--Netherlands: 25) Dutch Glory destroys forest

--Panama: 26) Canal expansion is a threat to ecosystems

--Brazil: 27) Brazil's Landless Rural Workers Movement, 28) NGOs draft

an ambitious plan, 29) Development brings only disease and death

--Peru: 30) Precautionary measures to protect some of the last

indigenous peoples

--Madagascar: 31) Zurich zoo conservation project

--Australia: 32) pulp mill is exposing tensions in both major parties,

33) Illegal logs,

--World-wide: 34) Innovative Forest Carbon Partnership Facility



British Columbia:


1) Numbers grew to close to 600 at the rally that followed, with most

of the group taking part in what organizers called an " ancient forest

falldown " — crouching to their knees in sequence to simulate the loss

of old-growth forests over the years. The sound of a revving chainsaw

was played over a public-address system before each group of people

knelt. A few stayed standing to symbolize the old-growth trees that

remain in the province. " This is the most important time in the

history of B.C.'s coastal old-growth forests, " the Western Canada

Wilderness Committee's Ken Wu told the crowd. He said the sheer

magnitude of old-growth trees makes them unique. " There's so few

places on Earth where you have trees literally as wide as your living

room and as tall as a skyscraper. " The huge trees are a boon to

tourism and provide a habitat for many species, Wu said. " Our goal at

this point is to put an end to old-growth logging on Vancouver Island

and the Lower Mainland, have the industry log the second-growth forest

sustainably and ban raw-log exports to protect the jobs of B.C. timber

workers. " The march and rally were staged to coincide with the

provincial government's consideration of a new coastal forest-industry

plan and coastal old-growth strategy. The Forests Ministry has said

that neither will be released until the ongoing coastal forestry

strike is settled. Other jurisdictions, including New Zealand and

southwestern Australia, have banned old-growth logging in recent

years. " The logging industry is already making a transition into

second-growth logging in southern BC. We're just advocating that they

make the full transition sooner, before they finish off the last of

the unprotected ancient forests, " stated Anya Reid UBC Ancient Forest

Committee co director. See the Global TV news video and article at:


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- http://www.wildernesscommitteevictoria.org/gallery_ubc_rally.php


2) Almost half the usual volume of timber is still being harvested on

the Coast despite a three-month-long strike by 7,000 woodworkers,

according to government statistics. The scaled harvest volume for the

Coast in September from Crown land was 45 per cent of last year's

volume while August's volume was 43 per cent as high as last year,

strong indicators that the United Steelworkers strike has failed to

shut down the industry, said independent analyst Kevin Mason. " The

wood is still moving, " Mason, of Equity Research Associates, said

Friday. " Those of us who live on the Coast have seen it and we have

heard anecdotally that there's a lot of logging going on. Now we have

the numbers that prove it. " On July 21, 7,000 loggers and sawmill

workers went on strike. The union is fighting over contracting out,

changes in shifts and hours of work, and attempts by some companies to

freeze workers out of severance pay through partial shutdowns. In a

partial shutdown, most of the workforce is laid off until their

seniority runs out. A portion of the operation stays open with only a

few employees who would then be eligible for severance pay. The issues

do not affect everyone equally and have led to a bitter strike, where

so-called good operators are being lumped in with bad, and crews with

no complaints are striking in support of comrades who have been

affected.The Steelworkers are picketing 33 companies, 31 of them who

are represented by their bargaining agent, Forest Industrial

Relations. On other fronts in the coastal strike, the Labour Relations

Board ruled against TimberWest Friday for offering signing bonuses of

$100,000 each to 29 forestry crewmen and engineers, in exchange for a

five-year agreement that the union claimed is designed to destroy the

rest of the bargaining unit.



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3) A community forest agreement in the eastern Fraser Valley is

expected to stimulate local economies and build a sense of regional

harmony in Yale, Hope and the Yale First Nation. With management

decisions " in the hands of local people, " harvested timber can be sold

to local companies or mills, instead of markets outside the region

like a multinational owner would do, says Doug Hansen, forest manager

at the Yale First Nation. " Under local control ... the logs can be

sent to a log-home company or to a small cedar mill, " he says,

creating value-added jobs and keeping harvest dollars in the region.

Local managers will also have control over logging sites, crucial to

maintaining recreation areas. The five-year agreement allows the

Cascade Lower Canyon Community Forest Corporation the right to harvest

up to 34,300 cubic metres of timber per year on public forest lands in

the Chilliwack Forest District. The corporation owned by the Yale

First Nation, Hope and the Fraser Valley Regional District (for the

Yale electoral area) plans to re-invest the profits in silviculture

projects and other community-oriented programs. An advisory committee

will focus on recreation and educational issues. The agreement can be

extended for 25 to 99 years after the initial five-year probationary

term expires. B.C. forests minister Rich Coleman says such agreements

" diversify and stimulate local economies " and allow communities to

manage forest resources like timber and plant products, recreation,

wildlife, water and scenic viewscapes, based on the needs of the


http://www.hopestandard.com/portals-code/list.cgi?paper=13 & cat=23 & id=1080954 & mor\





4) A 1940s poem by Theodore Roethke, who gathered moss for his

family's greenhouses, likened harvesting to " pulling off flesh from

the living planet; As if I had committed, against the whole scheme of

life, a desecration. " Deputy Sheriff Ted Drogmund was patrolling

remote logging roads in the damp foothills of the Olympic National

Forest in June when he came upon two men and a pit bull in a pickup

truck. The men said they were camping on a timber company's land. Mr.

Drogmund gave them a trespassing ticket. He found out later what they

had really been doing: stripping the forest floor of moss. They left

behind dozens of 50-pound bags of wet, stringy green moss. " It was

just regular moss, " says Mr. Drogmund, who is the law-enforcement

official charged with nabbing poachers across 1,000 square miles of

mountainous county land. " To these guys, it's just money growing in

the woods. " Moss poachers have been plying the Olympic range in recent

years, combing the soggy ground and trees for the squishy stuff that

lines flower baskets, provides greenery for nativity scenes at

Christmas and cushions Holland's tulip bulbs for shipping. Long

unpopular with gardeners and careful tenders of grassy lawns, moss has

new cachet as a trendy ground and outdoor wall cover. It's also used

in small, desktop rock gardens and as a base in Japanese bonsai-tree

kits. Gardening Web sites and TV shows advocate its low-maintenance

growing potential, the cushiony feel of walking barefoot on it, and

even the plant's supposedly stress-reducing green color. Last year

alone, Mr. Drogmund, who calls himself " the woods deputy, " estimates

he arrested more than 100 greenery thieves on private property and

national forest land. In the Pacific Northwest, dried moss stripped

from tree trunks and branches goes for about 45 cents a pound locally.

Wet or dirty moss, or moss from the forest floor littered with pine

needles and leaves, fetches a bit less. Hiawatha Corp. in Shelton,

Wash., touts its moss as " clean, light and feathery. "





5) Everyone here in Oregon loves our forests. These lands -- most in

public ownership -- are the cornerstone for both the economic and

ecological health of the state, and are central to our identity.

Indeed, more and more of us are making our homes in the woods every

year, in the so-called " wildlands-urban interface. " And so, whether we

are loggers, conservationists or vacation-home owners, we all share a

common fear: fire. Uncontrolled, stand-replacing wildfire can destroy

in a day all the forest values that took centuries to develop.

Therefore, it's hard to believe that the Bureau of Land Management

would propose to drastically increase the risk of wildfire on their

forestlands in Oregon. Yet that is exactly what the agency is doing.

This burning secret is hidden deep within the BLM's recently-released

Draft Environmental Impact statement for its Western Oregon Plan

Revisions, or WOPR, pronounced " whopper " by just about everyone.

Arising from an out-of-court settlement between the Bush

administration and a timber industry group, the plan discards the

present management framework governing 2.5 million acres of

low-elevation forests throughout western Oregon and the Klamath Basin.

Current management includes an extensive network of reserves that were

established to assure the survival of the threatened Northern Spotted

Owl, and that are off-limits to commercial logging. The draft plan

would eliminate those reserves, drastically reduce no-cut buffers

along streams, and instead designate commercial logging as the

" predominant " use. http://origin.denverpost.com/headlines/ci_7138875





6) The Idaho Statehouse lawn may have lost its trees as part of the

Capitol remodel/wings project. But the state isn't losing the wood,

nor, hopefully, its history. Woodworkers from around the state are

being asked to transform the salvaged lumber from the Northern red oak

planted in 1971 by the Sons and Daughters of Idaho Pioneers, from the

maple planted by Theodore Roosevelt in 1903 and all the other trees

into objects for display in the remodeled Capitol. The wood, which

took about six weeks to cut into pieces, is drying in storage in

Eagle, Boise GOP Rep. Max Black said. He plans to use pieces from the

three trees planted by presidents, an Ohio buckeye planted in 1911 by

William Howard Taft, a water oak planted by Benjamin Harrison in 1891

and the Roosevelt rock sugar maple, to make a miniature steam engine.

" All three of the presidents who planted trees on the grounds would

have arrived in Idaho in such an engine, " he said. Black expects all

the wood to be dry and in the hands of woodworkers by the end of the

year. In certain cases, a long drying process wasn't necessary. The

Roosevelt tree blew down years ago and had been curing on its own in a

closet under the Statehouse steps ever since. The Taft tree was

technically alive, but barely. Most of its limbs and trunk were

hollow, Black said. The wood was dry even before the tree came down.

Paulette Shelledy, a woodworker in Rigby, is waiting for her wood to

make walking sticks, one for Idaho and one for her daughter, Vhiana,

5. " I'm using pieces from the Martin Luther King tree, " said Shelledy,

about the tree planted in the 1980s on the Capitol grounds by the

NAACP. http://www.magicvalley.com/articles/2007/10/13/ap-state-id/d8s8fne81.txt




7) In early July, a bolt of lightning struck the high desert outside

of Milford, Utah, lighting a fire that torched more than 300,000 acres

of sagebrush and juniper. As residents fled the nearby town of Cove

Fort, smoke blanketed Interstate 15, causing a pileup and one fatal

crash. It took more than 300 firefighters, two air tankers, two

helicopters, 30 fire engines, and nine bulldozers to control the

flames of the Milford Flat blaze. A thick blanket of invasive

cheatgrass burned like gasoline because, unlike native grasses, it had

completely dried out weeks before, dropping its seeds to the soil

below. Wildfires burned nearly 5 million acres in the West this year,

much of that in the sagebrush ecosystem where cheatgrass thrives.

Though the fight to subdue those fires is winding down, a new,

high-stakes drama is just beginning. Government scientists are already

in the field, writing restoration plans for the burned areas and

taking advantage of a slim window of opportunity to tackle what is

generally accepted as one of the great environmental catastrophes of

the West: the vicious cycle of cheatgrass and fire. Before pioneer

settlement, sagebrush may have burned once every few hundred years or

more, taking more than a century to fully recover. Then huge herds of

cattle were turned out onto the land, grazing it down to almost

nothing and making way for cheatgrass to invade. Once cheatgrass gets

a foothold, an area can burn every six or seven years, which is too

much for the native ecosystem to handle. It's up to researchers and

land managers to try to break that cycle.

http://www.hcn.org/servlets/hcn.Article?article_id=17279 & utm_source=newsletter1




8) A federal judge on Friday warned the Bush administration's top

forestry official he could go to jail for contempt of court in a case

challenging the use of fire retardant by the U.S. Forest Service to

fight wildfires. U.S. District Judge Donald W. Molloy in Missoula,

Mont., issued the warning in a written order canceling a contempt

hearing for Agriculture Undersecretary Mark Rey that had been

scheduled for Monday. The judge said he needed time to read 200 pages

of material filed at the last minute by the Forest Service. " If on

review I find there is noncompliance, I will reschedule the contempt

hearing and Secretary Rey will be required to appear and show cause

why he should not be held in contempt — and jailed — until the law and

the court's orders have been complied with, " Molloy wrote. The judge

gave the Forest Service 10 days to produce the environmental analysis

the agency did on fire retardant six years ago, to evaluate the

" legitimacy " of the analysis. Rey said the Frost Service was committed

to complying with the judge's orders and he stood ready to appear at

any future contempt hearing set by the judge. " If he wants us to be

there we will be there, " Rey said. In 2005, Molloy ruled that the

Forest Service violated the Endangered Species Act and the National

Environmental Policy Act when it failed to go through a public process

to analyze the potential environmental harm from using ammonium

phosphate, a fertilizer that kills fish, as the primary ingredient for

retardant dropped on wildfires. The ruling stemmed from a lawsuit

brought by Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics after

fire retardant dropped in Fall Creek in Central Oregon in 2002 killed

20,000 fish. Ever since Molloy's ruling, the Forest Service has been

dragging its feet on producing a new environmental review. Forest

Service Employees for Environmental Ethics pressed to have Rey found

in contempt, arguing the environmental assessment filed on the

deadline Wednesday lacked a formal declaration of no significant

impact. A NOAA Fisheries review found that with the Forest Service's

lax attention to fire retardant drops in streams, the program

jeopardized the survival of 26 species of salmon and other anadramous

species. However, if the Forest Service agrees to test the toxicity of

various formulations of fire retardant and pay more attention to when

it is dropped in streams, there should be no problem.


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9) The Helena National Forest wants to use chainsaws and other hand

tools to cut down small trees on small parcels totaling 960 acres in

the mountains around Helena. The work would take place in areas where

forest lands come close to homes, often called the " urban/wildland

interface. " " This doesn't involve any commercial logging or timber

sales, " Dave Larsen, the Helena Ranger District's fire management

officer. " We'll just walk up the hill, hack the stuff down, put it in

piles and burn it when the weather is good (for burning) like when

it's wet out or the ground is snow covered. " The intent of the project

is to improve public safety by reducing burnable fuels in the forest,

which should decrease the likelihood of catastrophic wildfires close

to Helena. The public has 45 days to appeal the proposal to the

regional forester. " The project will begin to return the area to a

condition which results in fires which are less damaging and easier to

control. As a result we will be more successful in managing a fire in

this area, " according to Helena District Ranger Duane Harp. Harp said

only trees 6 inches in diameter or smaller will be cut down and

stacked in piles. Existing roads and trails will be used for access,

and the work should be complete within five years. Larsen said he

hopes they can start the project after the 45-day appeal period ends,

and that it will wrap up in two years. " Some of this could take place

during the winter, but we probably won't do much until the spring, "

Larsen said. " I think there is a little sense of urgency, and we'd

like to get this done within two years. " The Tri-County Fire Working

Group identified the project area in the Community Wildfire Protection

Plan of 2005 Pat McKelvey, a member of the group, notes that fuel

reduction work on the National Forest will assist private landowners

in creating defensible space against wildfires.


10) Mr. Foley, 62, standing by his private pond, his horses grazing in

the distance, proudly calls himself a conservationist who wants

Montana to stay as wild as possible. A timber company began logging in

view of his front yard a few years back. He thought they were cutting

too much, so he bought the land. That does not mean no development and

no profit. Mr. Foley, the chairman of a major title insurance company,

Fidelity National Financial, based in Florida, also owns a chain of

Montana restaurants, a ski resort and a huge cattle ranch on which he

is building homes. But arriving here already rich and in love with the

landscape, he said, also means his profit motive is different. " A lot

of it is more for fun than for making money, " said Mr. Foley, who

estimates he has invested about $125 million in Montana in the past

few years, mostly in real estate. Some old-line logging companies,

including Plum Creek Timber, the country's largest private landowner,

are cashing in, putting tens of thousands of wooded acres on the

market from Montana to Oregon. Plum Creek, which owns about 1.2

million acres here in Montana alone, is getting up to $29,000 an acre

for land that was worth perhaps $500 an acre for timber cutting.

" Everybody wants to buy a 640-acre section of forest that's next to

the U.S. Forest Service or one of the wilderness areas, " said Plum

Creek's president and chief executive, Rick Holley. As a result,

population is surging in areas surrounding national forests and

national parks, with open spaces being carved up into sprawling wooded

plots, enough for a house and no nosy neighbors. Here in Flathead

County, on the western edge of Glacier National Park, the number of

real estate transactions, mostly for open land, rose by 30 percent

from 2003 to 2006, according to state figures. The county's population

is up 44 percent since 1990.





11) For nearly a year, " action teams " comprised of a diverse mix of

forest stakeholders of Minnesota's forests have been meeting to

deliberate the challenges and opportunities inherent in increasing the

productivity and availability of the state's public and private forest

lands. The teams have focused on three key challenges to that

productivity, namely: the silviculture of forests; private, or family

forest land ownership; and crossing political boundaries to share and

manage information about the state's forest inventories, harvest

schedules, and management plans. The foundation of the conference lies

in the economic challenges confronting the state's forest products

industry, including increasing energy, transportation, and harvesting

costs; and recent demands that Minnesota's forest products industries

position themselves to become major contributors to the state's

renewable energy standard. On October 16, the deliberations of those

action teams will culminate in a " challenge " to state legislators,

private funding organizations, and rural community business leaders to

take actions to improving forest productivity.





12) Actually, it wasn't intended to be a bench at all. Rather, it was

an example of an engineered biocomposite board made of 50 percent

bovine digested solids and 50 percent recycled paper fiber. It was

made of material developed at the USDA Forest Products Laboratory in

Madison and was on display at the booth of GHD, Inc. of Chilton, a

company that specializes in designing and installing manure digesting

systems on dairy farms across the country. Steve Dvorak, owner of GHD,

Inc. said his company has been involved in research with the USDA

Forest Products Laboratory in Madison aimed at finding possible uses

for digested manure solids in fiber board. And after a year of

research, the FPL has come up with the manure/paper composite and is

doing an economic analysis of the product. Some background: In the

1880s, the U.S, Forest Service was actively involved in " timber

physics " and in 1909 sought a centralized location for a wood research

laboratory. After some competition among several universities, the

University of Wisconsin was selected in 1910 as the site for the new

Forest Products Laboratory by secretary of agriculture James Wilson.

In the 97 years since, the FPL has continued on its mission " to use

science and technology to conserve and extend our nation's forest

resources, " and has long been recognized as a source of unbiased

information about wood science and use. One of the focus areas of the

FPL is working with advanced composites, where Jerrold Winandy is the

project leader for Engineered Composites Science. His 12-member group

of researchers includes John Hunt, a mechanical engineer who is

working directly with performance-engineered composites including the

digested manure research program.



13) It won 't erase the Madison School District 's projected budget

shortfall of about $4 million, but an upcoming sale of timber from the

district 's forest is expected to generate $63,000 -- and some lessons

in a " selective harvest " for students. At its meeting tonight,

district administrators are asking the School Board to approve a bid

from Meister Log and Lumber Co. of Reedsburg to cull crowded trees and

large timber from portions of 80 acres of the district 's 307-acre

forest southwest of Verona. Half of the $63,000 would go to the

district 's general fund, while the remainder would be given to an

environmental education endowment fund at the Foundation for Madison

's Public Schools. " It 's cool, " School Board President Arlene

Silveira said. " The students are learning and we can reap financial

benefits as well. " The Madison School Forest 's first timber sale in

about seven years would include the cutting of small numbers of white

pines and red pines planted by students in the 1960s. " This is a

thinning so that the desirable species that are there, predominantly

oaks, will have more room to mature, " said Lisa Wachtel, the district

's science and environmental education coordinator, who noted the plan

has been approved by an advisory board, a boosters group and experts

at UW-Madison and the state Department of Natural Resources. On trips

to the forest, students have seen how crowding causes trees to grow

weak and spindly, Wachtel said, and after the culling is complete,

they 'll see how the work improves the health of the forest. The

logging would take place this winter if the weather cooperates. It won

't disrupt students ' learning, she said. For the timber project, the

district contacted 56 companies, but Meister was the only one to

submit a bid. About 75 percent of the trees removed, Witkowski said,

will be black cherry and black oak, with an average diameter of 16

inches and ages of 80 years and up. The lumber will be sold on global

markets and fashioned into furniture, cabinets and flooring, he said.

In addition, workers will remove smaller trees and the tops of large

trees for firewood and pulp for use in paper and cardboard. That will

involve aspen, white pine, red pine, white oak, elm, hickory and

basswood and will open up the forest to speed the growth of younger

trees, Witkowski said.



14) The West Salem Outdoor Education Center, which covers 130 wooded

acres near Fort McCoy in Monroe County, is among the nearly 1,000

acres of forest that belong to school districts in the six-county

area. In theory, districts could make a fair sum of money by selling

off such prime woodlands. But educators contend the real value of

these school forests is as a teaching tool. And even cash-strapped

districts say they'll never sell. " I think people are starting to

realize how important the school forest is to their school district, "

said Barb Thompson, environmental education coordinator for the West

Salem School District. " Without them, environmental education wouldn't

be the same. " It's been suggested several times that the West Salem

district sell its forest. Each time, the school board resisted,

Thompson said. " The forest is such an asset, " she said. None of

Wisconsin's 25,000 acres of registered school forest land has fallen

under the budget axe in five years, said Jeremy Solin, school forest

education specialist at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.

Budget-crunched districts occasionally discuss letting go of school

forest land, but actual sales are rare, Solin said. " A sale is a

short-term income generator, " he said. " If a school board is

interested in selling, we work hard to show them the educational

benefits. " In fact, some programs are adding on. The average

registered school forest parcel in the Coulee Region is 52.75 acres,

but many districts have multiple sites. Single-parcel sizes in La

Crosse, Monroe, Crawford, Jackson, Trempealeau and Vernon counties

range from the 3-acre Blair-Taylor School Forest in Jackson County to

the 138-acre Osseo School Forest in Trempealeau County. The West Salem

district's forest east of Sparta is the largest owned by a La Crosse

County district. It was acquired in the late 1950s through a land

giveaway at Fort McCoy. The property's quit-claim deed required 20

years of continuous improvements, so the district added shelters,

bathrooms, telephone service and electricity. Work continues on the

land this year as the West Salem High School construction class

remodels one of the existing shelters.





15) Carroll County officials will seek permission Tuesday to harvest

about 330 trees along the sight of a planned runway expansion at the

Westminster-area regional airport. The proposal, which will be made at

a public hearing, is an effort to override a denial by the local

forestry board. The trees are in a conservation zone and can be cut to

clear airspace obstructions under state law, but Carroll's forest

management plan has more stringent requirements, county attorney

Kimberly L. Millender said. But the Federal Aviation Administration

ruled that the trees should be harvested to install a precision

lighting system and improve visibility as pilots take off and land,

said Cindy Parr, county chief of administrative services. " The

variance is needed for us to comply with an FAA directive, " Parr said

of the tree-harvesting request. " It's required for the safe and

efficient operation of the airport. " As the commissioners approved a

controversial multimillion-dollar plan to expand the Carroll County

Regional Airport in June, activists said the tree-cutting proposal

showed the runway expansion would harm the local environment. Those

residents persuaded county officials to postpone the timber harvest

this summer. With 150,000 flights taking off and landing at the

airport annually, removing the trees is necessary even if the

airport's runway is never rebuilt, Parr said. She said the county had

planned to complete the installation of a new lighting system along

the runway since updating the 20-year airport master plan in 1986. A

2003 obstruction study re-emphasized the need for timber harvest to

better guide pilots landing at night.




New Jersey:


16) Princeton University students embraced trees last week in a

display intended to persuade the university to convert to the use of

recycled paper. Wearing green armbands to show their solidarity with

the trees, dozens of students hugged, patted and leaned against the

American elms lining McCosh Walk for 20 to 30 minutes each. ''We are

asking them to maintain physical contact with the trees,'' said an

organizer, Doug Hsu, a junior majoring in environmental policy from

Richmond. ''Hugging is the recommended form. But any kind of physical

contact is appreciated. The goal is for students to make a statement

showing their appreciation for trees.'' Todd Goldman, another

organizer and a junior from Stony Brook, L.I., majoring in physics,

said three fully grown trees were killed every hour of the business

day to meet the university's demand for paper. He said an objective of

the event was to encourage professors and department heads to request

the use of paper that is 50 percent recycled. The university

purchasing department offers such paper. ''This is a symbolic and

positive thing to do,'' said Miss Stephenson of Albany, a senior

majoring in English. ''We are embracing these trees as we embrace the

resources that we use.''






17) One of my most favorite wild places in Georgia — and the world,

for that matter — is a 200-acre swath of old-growth longleaf pine and

wiregrass near Thomasville in South Georgia, near the Florida line.

It's called the Wade Tract, named for the family that preserved it and

still owns it. Several of us Georgia Botanical Society members visited

it last weekend and quickly found ourselves marveling over its lush,

early autumn splendor. " This is a very special place, " noted our

leader, naturalist Wilson Baker of Tallahassee. More than 400 species

of wildflowers, grasses, ferns, trees, shrubs and other so-called

vascular plants can be found on the Wade Tract, making it one of the

world's most biologically diverse places. Though its best-known

groundcover is wiregrass, some of its other grasses, like big

bluestem, are common to Midwestern prairies. The grasses and most of

the other plants grow on the ground beneath the soaring longleafs,

several of which are hundreds of years old and stand more than 20 feet

apart. At first glance, the preserve looks more like an open city park

than an old-growth forest — like a grassland with trees scattered over

it. " Take a look around you, " Baker said. " You can see about half a

mile through these woods, a characteristic of a healthy, old-growth

longleaf forest. " Another characteristic, he noted, is the several

still-standing dead trees, or snags, which serve a valuable ecological

role by providing homes and foraging areas for creatures in the

forest. When the trees topple over and rot, they nourish the soil.

Some biologists who bring visitors to the Wade Tract like to point out

that it is similar to the scenery that Spanish explorer Hernando

DeSoto probably saw when he and his soldiers tromped across lower

Georgia in 1539. At that time, a vast longleaf/wiregrass forest

covered the southern half of the state, part of an even greater system

stretching over the coastal plains from Virginia to Texas — some 60

million to 90 million acres of longleaf.






18) Naples native James Smith, 52, is seething behind the wheel, a

low-tech Canon AE-1 perched on the arm rest at his right elbow. As he

drives, the wooded roadside opens onto a virtual moonscape, a wide

strip of cleared forest on either side of a scraped-down road

disappearing into the horizon. Smith grabs his camera, points and

shoots. The clearing is part of the first phase of a restoration

project, decades in the making, to return back to nature a sprawling

subdivision carved out of a swampy forest south of Interstate 75 in

the 1960s and 1970s. Smith sees something else. " That's absolute

devastation,'' Smith drawls. " I don't have all the answers, but I know

what they're doing out here ain't right.'' The Picayune Strand

restoration project, devised by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and

the South Florida Water Management District, calls for tearing out 227

miles of roads and plugging 42 miles of canals so a broad shallow

sheet of water can once again flow across the landscape and into the

Ten Thousand Islands. But some surprises have greeted restoration

crews, who have had to clear wider swaths of land than planners first

thought.After seeing how many trees the restoration work was toppling,

the Florida Division of Forestry signed contracts with logging

companies to remove thousands of palms and pines ahead of the clearing

crews and sell the trees for a tidy profit. The problem — how large

depends on who's talking — is that the land-clearing operation and the

logging operation aren't always in sync. He was 5 years old when his

father, Jesse Smith, started taking him hunting there and teaching him

the ways of the woods. In 1987, Smith's father died fishing on Naples

beach. Smith returned to the woods to rekindle old memories. " It's

very important to me for that very reason,'' Smith said. Since then,

he estimates, he has spent a thousand hours driving around the state

forest, following the progress of road-removal crews and logging

contractors. Foresters say the patrols border on harrassment by Smith,

who is not shy about jumping out of the pickup, camera in hand, to

photograph workers under the hot sun or to yell angry questions above

the din of heavy equipment. Not satisfied with the answers, Smith has

collected more than 700 signatures on a petition to stop the work in

the forest. Officials with the water management district and the

Division of Forestry say Smith's complaints are misguided.







19) Kirk Johnson, the Denver-based national correspondent for the New

York Times, weighed in Saturday with a fine front-page story entitled

" As Logging Fades, Rich Carve Up Open Land in West. " " According to a

Forest Service study, not yet published, more than 1.1 million new

families became owners of an acre or more of private forest from 1993

to 2006 in the lower 48 states, a 12 percent increase. And almost all

the net growth, about seven million acres, was in the Rocky Mountain

region, " Johnson reports. He chats with Plum Creek CEO Rick Holley,

who tells him the company is getting " up to $29,000 an acre " for

one-time logging lands. And Johnson also discusses the efforts by

loggers and environmentalists - both of which see massive development

of forest lands as a threat - to work together in the

Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest and elsewhere. All and all the

piece offers a solid discussion of issues which, if you'll forgive me

the shameless plug, will be central to our upcoming New West Real

Estate and Development in the Northern Rockies conference.







20) Netherlands -- Police arrested 11 Greenpeace activists yesterday

after they prevented a cargo ship from unloading newsprint made from

trees felled in Canadian forests, the environmental group said. The

demonstrators held up the ship Finnwood from unloading its cargo at

Terneuzen port, 215 km south of Amsterdam, and hung a banner across

its loading doors calling for newspapers not to use paper made from

old established forests. The group said 10 activists climbed aboard

the 170-metre ship and hung in front of its unloading doors to prevent

the paper being unloaded.




21) The chairman of the Nova Forest Alliance said he stepped down from

the volunteer post Tuesday so he could speak publicly about how

government has done nothing to stop what he calls devastating forestry

practices on land adjacent to his property in Pomquet, near

Antigonish. " I just felt I had to tell the truth, " Mr. Bancroft said

in an interview Wednesday. Mr. Bancroft has chaired the alliance for

more than four years. The organization develops and promotes

sustainable timber management practices in the province. It is

comprised of about 60 groups, including government and forest industry

representatives, environmentalists, First Nations, academics and

woodlot owners. " As chairman, I have to be neutral and I just thought

given the history of what happened on the property adjacent to us and

what happened to our land and our waterway as a result of it, that I

could not be neutral, " Mr. Bancroft said. " This hit too close to home.

It has damaged our woods, now there is all this flushing action. There

is ripping and tearing . . . on our property that has never happened

before in all these years of managing the woodlot. " Mr. Bancroft has

owned a 22-hectare woodlot for 32 years and spent thousands of dollars

and many hours restoring a small brook on the property that drains

into a salt marsh and into Pomquet Harbour. Last spring his neighbour

decided to sell trees for lumber on about 12 hectares of her property

adjacent to the Bancroft property. " There is nothing wrong with that .

.. . but (the company) took three and a half months to cut it. It went

on all summer on water-saturated soil. There are acres of clear-cut

land now that are all rutted up and suitable for mud wrestling, " Mr.

Bancroft said. He claims the cutting was done too close to the brook

and his land, adding he even saw a large piece of machinery repeatedly

stuck in the brook. After a heavy rain, silt now runs into the brook ¬

home to five fish species ¬ and into Pomquet Harbour, he said. " (The

company) stuck up a couple of token little silt traps, bales of hay

and some filter fabric, and I have pictures of water just streaming

around these things. Nothing they put in lasted and nothing they put

in was adequate. " A North East Timber Co. official who answered the

phone Wednesday acknowledged the Antigonish firm cut the timber

adjacent to Mr. Bancroft's property. " We did everything we were

supposed to do, " said the unidentified official who declined to

comment further. http://thechronicleherald.ca/NovaScotia/951622.html


22) Forests planted with a diverse species of trees will be better

able to withstand pest infestation than those that are sown

plantation-style with just one species, a study released Monday said.

A diversity of trees will support a greater range of insects than a

single species, ensuring that there are more predators to keep down

the numbers of a pest that, unchecked, could decimate a swath of

woodland in an outbreak year. " Mixed forests have a greater

flexibility than plantation-style forests, " explained Eldon Eveleigh,

an entomologist with the Canadian Forest Service in Fredericton, New

Brunswick. The findings have implications for the management of

forestry lands, and also commercial plantations. Eveleigh and

colleagues studied three patches of the Arcadian Forest in the eastern

Canadian province of New Brunswick as part of an effort to examine how

biodiversity could protect forests from pest damage. They looked at

three sections of forest: one was almost entirely composed of balsam

fir, which is a favourite target of a moth called the spruce budworm -

one of the most destructive native insects in the northern spruce and

fir forests of the eastern United States and Canada. A pest outbreak

occurs once every 35 years, and once it has begun, it usually

continues until the larvae consume much of the available foliage. The

other two plots were varying mixtures of balsam fir and hardwood

species such as birch, maple and deciduous varieties. The Canadian

researchers found that the budworm thrived in the plot that was almost

entirely balsam fir, laying twice as many larvae per square meter than

in either of the two other plots during a peak reproductive year. The

results were devastating, with tree mortality averaging 65 percent in

this plot - almost three times higher than the mortality rates seen in

either of the other two chunks of forest. Separately, the scientists

also noticed that as the abundance of budworms increased, so too did

the numbers of other plant-eating insects or parasites that feed on

the moth. The so-called " birdfeeder " effect continued on up the food

chain, with other higher-order insects flocking to the area in search

of more plentiful food sources.





23) For the people who care for Sherwood Forest it is like a death in

the family when one of the ancient oaks falls, a tragedy that is now

becoming depressingly frequent. They used to lose an average of one a

year, now it is usually five, and the rate is accelerating. The

appalling calculation, which almost breaks the foresters' hearts, is

that in 50 years' time the greatest collection of ancient oaks in

Europe, many 1,000 years old and more, may be no more. Yesterday, in

still hazy autumn sunshine, the forest seemed magically unchanged

since time immemorial, but that is an illusion. The great oaks came

almost unscathed through the hurricane that 20 years ago today felled

millions of trees in the south. But this year alone four fell in the

January storms, two were destroyed by arson, and on August 13, with a

splintering crash that sent passersby running, another toppled without

warning. " It's devastating when it happens. To be honest, I cried over

that one, " Izi Banton, the chief ranger, said. " We had our eye on it,

and we were planning a bit of gentle intervention, but nature got

there first. " A rescue plan, for which a £50m bid will be made this

winter from the Big Lottery Fund, includes planting 250,000 oaks on

350 acres, linking the surviving fragments and creating new stretches

of the equally important grazed open heath. " People might say, having

waited three centuries what's the rush? " Austin Brady, a conservator

with the Forestry Commission, and coordinator of the lottery bid,

said. " But if we don't do it in the next decade or so we might well go

past the point where we can claw the forest back. That won't show for

another century - but then people will look back and see that we

failed to save it. " " This is the beating heart of the forest, " he

said, standing by a 600-year-old giant believed to hold the oldest

colony of wild bees in the country. " We have been raided for centuries

for buildings all over the country, including Lincoln cathedral and St

Paul's. Now we want something back in return. "




24) VILLAGERS in three communities worried about the loss of woodland

have launched a venture to create a new wood which can be enjoyed by

the public. The Three Village Woodlands Group is looking for a

suitable site around Kirton, Falkenham and Trimley St Martin. It aims

to involve all age groups - and youngsters from Trimley St Martin

Primary School have planted seeds which it is hoped will grow into

trees which can one day form part of the new wood. At the official

launch of the scheme, there was a tree planting ceremony at the school

with two-and-a-half year old Edward Matthews and Irene Barton, 90,

symbolically planting a tree to mark the start of the fundraising.

Group chairman Stephen Harvey said: " The project has been born out of

increasing concern about the steady losses of woodland to development.

" Its object is to acquire a piece of land which will become community

woodland accessible to the public.


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25) A Greenpeace report entitled " Dutch Glory - Paper " contends that a

Canadian paper manufacturer called Abitibi Consolidated uses very

dubious processes to manufacture the paper on which virtually all

Dutch national dailies are printed. The report was published earlier

this week and has stirred up debate because it reveals in depth

information that's not generally out in the public domain.

" Abitibi-Consolidated makes paper from wood from ancient forests which

are chopped down to be replaced by very simple conifer trees, " Dutch

campaign leader Suzanne Kroger is quoted as saying in De Dag

newspaper. The replaced trees will only match the forest that is being

removed in a time span of 250 to 300 years in terms of biodiversity,

the campaigner says. Greenpeace also points out that one of the

forest's most authentic species, the caribou, is under threat as a

result. Greenpeace says the fact that Abitibi's manufacturing

practices are dubious is is totally in conflict with some newspaper

organisations' public statements indicating that they conduct

environmental friendly policies.






26) Environmentalists will be protesting against the expansion of the

Panama Canal, and this article is an excellent example of the types of

half-reporting and misinformation you can expect to see for about ten

years. Step ONE of the expansion of the canal is (was) to pass a

national referendum as required by the constitution, which has been

done. Now that the referendum has passed, step TWO is to conduct a

comprehensive Environmental Impact Study (EIS) as required by current

Panamanian law. I interview the Director of ANAM just prior to the

referendum vote. The first money that is being spent on the expansion

of the canal is a contract that was let to write the EIS for the

Panama Canal Authority (ACP.) This will obviously be a category III

EIS and the project can potentially have significant negative

environmental impact. And ANAM will study the issue and will require

steps to protect the environment as much as practically possible

considering the size of the project. There are ways to (here's the key

word for ANAM) mitigate potential environmental damage. But at the end

of the day here's the real deal - the Panama Canal generates billions

of dollars of income for the Panamanian people. If the construction of

the expansion of the Panama Canal, which will ensure that it continues

to generate billions of dollars of income for generations, means that

Gatun Lake (which, by the way did not exist before the canal was

built) will become saltier and the mix of flora and fauna will change

as a result, then that's what will happen. Or, if you want to be a

militant environmentalist then be intellectually honest and support

the complete and total removal of the Panama Canal, the destruction of

the locks and Gatun Lake, and the return of the Chagres River to it's

original pre-1914 condition. Arguing any other position is logical

hypocrisy. Sorry, but from an economic standpoint 37% population

living below the poverty line trumps good fishing in a man-made lake

every time. And nobody (and I mean nobody) likes pulling Sargentos out

of the lake more than I do.






27) The largest social movement in South America and one of the most

important in the world, held its 5th Congress in mid-June 2007 in

Brasilia. Despite successful mobilization of masses of people and

significant media impact, under Brazil's President Luiz Inácio Lula da

Silva's government the movement faces strong challenges to activate

its base against new enemies, such as agribusiness. Agrarian reform

will no longer be the principal demand from the Movimento dos

Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST), Brazil's Landless Rural Workers

Movement. " The agrarian reform proposal that drove MST's struggle for

20 years has run its course. We need a new model of agrarian reform, "

according to João Pedro Stédile, an MST leader. He explains:

" Classical agrarian reform was developed in European countries, the

United States, and Japan after World War II. It involved combining

agrarian reform with the development of national industry to create an

internal market. Brazil missed four historical opportunities to

establish this sort of agrarian reform. " The MST believes that

agrarian land redistribution could have occurred: at the end of the

19th century with the abolition of slavery; or during the " Revolution

of 1930 " , which led to industrialization; in 1964, with the rise in

social struggles that were interrupted by the military coup; or at the

demise of the military regime in the mid-1980s. The problem, Stédile

adds, is that during the 1990s, " Brazilian elites abandoned the

national development project " and accepted the neoliberal model that

subordinates the country to finance capital. " Over the past years,

landless farm workers have observed, and suffered, important changes

in agriculture and in rural areas. There was the extensive expansion

of monoculture, first with transgenic soy beans and then with

sugarcane. The best lands are dedicated to these crops, which prevents

the development of family agriculture. But these same crops are

destroying entire areas of the country. It is estimated that in a few

years, Los Cerrados, a high plain ecosystem between Brazil's Atlantic

coast and the Amazon jungle, will be completely overtaken by

monoculture, and its biodiversity destroyed. The next step is the

conquest of the Amazon, the planet's lungs, which is being devoured by

forestry businesses.



28) Halting deforestation in the Amazon rainforest is the objective of

nine Brazilian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that have drafted

an ambitious plan to stop clearcutting in the region within seven

years. The groups, which include national affiliates of Greenpeace,

WWF, and The Nature Conservancy, presented the proposal at an event in

Brasilia on Friday attended by environment minister Marina Silva,

state governors, and other authorities. The plan aims to unite sectors

of Brazil's government and civil society in efforts to conserve the

biologically rich Amazon region. " This is just the start, but it is a

good start, and it is something interesting, " said Silva, who herself

grew up in the Amazon and achieved global recognition as a leading

rainforest activist before joining the ministry. " We are building a

national plan with common, but differentiated responsibilities. " The

proposal, known as the " Agreement on Acknowledging the Value of the

Forest and Ending Amazon Deforestation, " calls for combining strong

public policies with market strategies to achieve annual deforestation

reduction targets. It suggests that roughly $1 billion Real per year

(US $550 million) from national and international sources be invested

in maintaining existing forests and the environmental services they

provide. Other recommendations include strengthening forest

monitoring, control, and tax measures and providing economic

incentives for indigenous people and rural producers to conserve land.

" It is necessary to go beyond 'command and control' measures by

promoting the revision and re-orientation of financial incentives,

which historically have been channelled into destructive practices, "

the Agreement notes. http://www.worldchanging.com/archives/007413.html


29) Davi Kopenawa, a shaman of the Yanomami tribe, will help launch a

report that, says Survival International, the charity behind it,

claims separation from the land is directly linked to the 'physical

and mental breakdown' of indigenous communities, whose lifestyle and

culture is already under threat from mining, logging and resettlement

away from traditional lands. In a statement issued through the group,

Kopenawa said: 'You napepe (whites) talk about what you call

development and tell us to become the same as you. But we know that

this brings only disease and death. Now you want to buy pieces of

rainforest, or to plant biofuels. These are useless. The forest cannot

be bought; it is our life and we have always protected it. Without the

forest, there is only sickness.' Survival International, which

announced Kopenawa's visit, said that destruction of the rainforest

had been blamed for the release of 18-25 per cent of human carbon

dioxide emissions, the biggest greenhouse gas blamed for climate

change. Charities such as Cool Earth, the organisation set up by

Eliasch and former Labour minister Frank Field, could buy a tiny

fraction of the rainforest, but their popularity 'diverts attention'

from the more urgent need to return rainforest to indigenous people,

claims Stephen Corry, Survival International's director. 'It's like a

bucket of water in the North Sea: the amount of land that's being

bought by outsiders is infinitesimally small, and if you look at [the

land bought by Cool Earth] there's 15,000 times more land protected

because it's under indigenous control in the Amazon,' said Corry.

'We're not saying it's imperialistic, we're not even saying there's

anything wrong with it: what's wrong is the claims being put forward

in its name, that this is a permanent solution.'






30) The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights will this Friday

hear three urgent requests for precautionary measures to protect some

of the last indigenous peoples still living isolated, traditional

lifestyles in the Amazon from the devastating impacts of oil and gas

drilling, illegal logging, and other unwanted intrusions. Two requests

for immediate action by the Commission were filed in June and August

by AIDESEP, Peru's national federation for indigenous Amazonian

peoples. Those requests ask the Commission to urge the Peruvian

government to stop planned oil and gas drilling in the

Kugapakori-Nahua State Reserve and the proposed Napo Tigre State

Reserve respectively in order to protect isolated indigenous peoples

including the Nahua, Nanti, Tagaeri and Taromenane. The third request

was filed in July 2005 by FENAMAD, a regional indigenous federation,

to protect the lands and lives of the isolated peoples of Peru's Madre

de Dios region from illegal logging and oil concessions. That request

was granted last March. The Commission ordered the Peruvian government

to take measures to protect the rights of the Mashco Piro, Yora and

Arahuaca peoples. At Friday's public hearing the Commission will be

seeking more information from AIDESEP, FENAMAD and the Peruvian state

regarding the current situation on the ground of these threatened

isolated indigenous peoples. The three requests for Commission

assistance also call for an immediate end to the granting of oil

concessions in indigenous territories, no further intrusions into the

existing and proposed reserves, and legislative and administrative

measures to guarantee the health, wellbeing and physical integrity of

the indigenous groups, as well as their rights to be free from forced

contact with outsiders and to remain in isolation, living freely

according to their culture. Currently, the Peruvian government has

granted an oil concession in block 113 located within the State

Territorial Reserve for the isolated peoples of Madre de Dios. Block

133, within the same reserve, awaits a state grant. Block 88, operated

by a concession led by Texas' Hunt Oil, overlaps the Kugapakori-Nahua

reserve. http://www.amazonwatch.org/view_news.php?id=1478





31) A Zurich zoo conservation project that helps to both preserve

rainforests in Madagascar and provide locals with better living

conditions has been hailed a success. Ten years after starting its

work at the African island state, the zoo has helped convert many

farmers to conservation ideas. And four years ago it created its own

replica rainforest in Zurich. The zoo invests $100,000 (SFr118,000) a

year on a number of projects in Madagascar to provide park wardens and

infrastructure in the national park and improve rice farming methods,

irrigation and drinking water supplies for surrounding villagers. Four

years ago the zoo created its own Madagascan rainforest biosphere in

Zurich – called Masoala – to aid research of the ecosystem and to keep

a stock of flora and fauna that may need reintroducing to their

natural habitat in future. It was then that the zoo joined forces with

the Wildlife Conservation Society to safeguard the newly formed

Masoala national park in Madagascar. Rochel Rakotonarivo, deputy

Malagasy consul to Switzerland, told swissinfo that the zoo's efforts

have been vital in the battle to conserve Madagascar's largest

national park – situated on a peninsula in the northeast of the

country - from destruction by farmers. Madagascar has some of the

world's most pristine rainforests that are home to some species only

indigenous to the country, such as the unique lemur primates. It also

boasts numerous orchid species and is abundant with amphibians,

reptiles, insects and birdlife.



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32) GUNNS' pulp mill is exposing tensions in both major parties. A

decade of opportunistic me-too-ism has left big political problems for

Australia's forest industry. The big parties, thinking voters have

nowhere else to go, have shoved forest policy under the carpet,

leaving a cabal of industry lobbyists to shape decisions. Gunns is not

alone in benefiting from this situation, but the pulp mill is at last

bringing the contradictions in its business to the surface. Gunns'

pulp mill is moving against the Australian wood products industry's

surge into plantation processing. While 80 per cent of Australia's

wood products industry — the makers of sawn timber, wood panels and

the wood used to make paper — is now plantation-based and therefore

enjoys the commercial advantages of processing an agricultural crop,

Gunns prefers to use native forests as its major feedstock. Its

20-year wood supply contract with the Tasmanian Government is too good

to refuse. Forestry Tasmania sells native forest chip logs for a low

$12 to $13 a tonne, and its contractual arrangement for the pulp mill

allows chip-log prices to move in line with the price Gunns receives

for its globally traded pulp. For more than 20 years, real

(inflation-adjusted) prices for globally traded pulp have trended down

by an average 2.4 per cent a year. At best, China might flatten this

historical downward trend in real pulp prices for part of Gunns' wood

supply contract. China retains a staggering capacity to import huge

volumes of wood and processed wood products without triggering real

price increases. Federal Government published projections indicate

that Gunns could feed its mill, from start-up date, with Tasmanian

hardwood plantations. Most are private-sector investments, including

through Gunns' managed investment schemes. While Gunns shareholders

rub their hands together, many more people are angrily witnessing the

breakdown in governance in Tasmania and the long-term disengagement of

both federal Liberal and Labor. Gunns' pulp mill saga has a potential

upside. The overwhelming intensity of the politics may shake one or

both major parties out of their forest policy complacency. This would

not be before time for the many rural voters fuming about the

plantation prospectus-driven rural land buy-up, which is driven by tax

benefits now totalling more than $2 billion, not wood market

realities. The furore surrounding Gunns' pulp mill is just the wake-up

call both parties need.





33) In response to questions from Paul Llewellyn MP (Greens Party) in

the Western Australian Legislative Council on 5 September 2007 about

the Forest Products Commission's sale of logs from state forests, FPC

share farms and state-owned plantations, Kimberley Chance MP (Minister

for Forestry, Labor Party) said it was not possible at this time to

give an assurance that illegally harvested logs were not finding their

way to mill landings. Better processes being put in place: Chance

stated that all forest products of various types, including log

timber, sold by the Forest Products Commission were accounted for

under what was known as the delivery note system, as required by and

detailed in the Forest Management Regulations 1993. He had encouraged

the FPC to put in place processes that could provide greater

guarantees of integrity than were currently possible. They included

granting FPC and Department of Environment and Conservation officers

cross-authorisation powers to police logs from both state forests and

private property on mill landings; and the employment of an FPC

standards officer to monitor log grading and regulation enforcement.

Those two components had been carried out. The FPC was also

investigating the potential for the reintroduction of hammer branding

of state-sourced sawlogs to enable better identification.








34) The World Bank is working to increase significantly the world's

ability to tackle global climate change and deforestation with two new

carbon finance facilities to benefit developing countries. An

innovative Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) would prevent

deforestation by compensating developing countries for carbon dioxide

reductions realized by maintaining their forests. Details are being

finalized on that facility, as well as a new Carbon Partnership

Facility (CPF). Both aim to support developing countries in their

moves towards lower carbon development paths, by helping remove heat

trapping gases from the atmosphere which are changing the climate.

" Developing countries will earn money and obtain clean technology in

exchange for the greenhouse gas emission reductions they will sell to

developed countries, " said World Bank Group President, Robert B.

Zoellick. " Both facilities will pilot ways to ratchet up the fight

against climate change by adopting a larger-scale, longer-term

approach to greenhouse gas emission reductions. They will also build

on the World Bank Group's traditional relationship with developing

countries, and the new relationships it has forged over the past

decade as a pioneer in carbon finance. "




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