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Today for you 36 new articles about earth's trees! (245th edition)

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--British Columbia: 1) 70,000 acre giveaway, 2) More on Caribou

extinction, 3) Wolves, --Oregon: 4) EPA and US wildlife complain about

BLM plan, 5) ORV damage data release via FOIA lawsuit, 6) Sudden Oak

Death leads to massacre, 7) Not so eco-builder,

--California: 8) 20 million acre water source threatened by roads, 9)

AB32 saves trees, 10) eco-groovy subdivisions by Maxxam, 11) Sierra

Pacific Industries invests in biomass,

--Montana: 12) Fire fuels folly, 13) Norway maple eradication,

--Hawaii: 14) Aerial Map maker genius

--Florida: 15) Orange and Grapefruit trees make way for houses

--USA: 16) Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act

--Canada: 17) politics of supporting a dying industry

--UK: 18) Students help fell the last trees to learn about regeneration?

--Uganda: 19) Forests not sugarcane again reaffirmed

--Congo: 20) Kisangani is a poor town that ought to stay that way

--Caribbean: 21) Mangrove Killifish live in trees when water is scarce

--Costa Rica: 22) Eco Interactive is in partnership with Kids Saving

the Rain forest

--Brazil: 23) Loggers stop Greenpeace from taking unauthorized log,

24) economic sense,

--Guyana: 25) Surprised over president's radical forest protection plan

--Peru: 26) Indigenous defense organization speaks out

--India: 27) About two tree species important to tradition, 28)

protecting lakes, 29) New forest dweller law may be a problem for


--Australia: 30) Agreement on pulp supply for new mill, 31) Plantation

stats, 32) Upper 5-day creek, 33) Macadamia rainforest trees almost

gone, 34) Another Pulp mill?

--Asia-Pacific: 35) Indigenous rights are key to forest protection,

36) deforestation stats,


British Columbia:


1) The government's decision to remove 70,000 acres from the Vancouver

Island tree farm licence is absolutely bizarre. It will result in

massive, windfall profits for Western Forest Products and absolutely

no benefit for British Columbians. Not surprisingly, there is now a

call to make some areas parkland. So the government will have to buy

the land (at full market price) that recently skyrocketed in value

because of the government's decision. A few months ago they could have

had the land for a fraction of today's cost. Or they could have asked

WFP to donate parkland as part of the deal. Tree farm licences were

originally granted to timber companies so they could generate economic

activity in the region. It's a slap in the face to turn this area into

yet another real-estate development so WFP shareholders can make a

quick buck. And don't let the 10-acre lot size fool you, 10 acres is a

large urban sprawl lot -- nothing less. These properties will have

fences, gates and no-trespassing signs, ensuring the waterfront

becomes an exclusive playground for a wealthy few. This is the type of

corruption and mismanagement one reads about in backward, third-world

dictatorships. It's hard to believe shady back-room deals were not a

big part of this fiasco. British Columbians deserve better from a

government that went to the polls railing against corporate subsidies

and bailouts. -- Richard Brunt,Victoria






2) The mountain caribou range within an area that's more or less 14

million hectares. With the 2.2 million hectares that the government

says it will bring up to protection, that's protecting 15% of the

area. As opposed to about 34% that was protected on the mid- and

north-coasts and the 50% that scientists say must be protected to

maintain species. Now, let's say we get that much protected, and that

leaves 85% of the mountain caribou range to continue to be logged. An

animal that is now on the brink of extinction because of the degree of

logging of its habitat is not going survive having logging go on over

85% of its range. We saw we could no longer afford the luxury of being

able, with a sweep of our arm, to point out how much the loggers have

left to support their livelihoods. They've logged so much of it that a

species like the mountain caribou is on the verge of extinction and

its critical imperillment means critical imperillment for a whole list

of species connected with old growth. Nor is it any accident that

Slocan Forest Products pulled out, that Pope & Talbot is fighting

bankruptcy, that the cedar logging outfit up in the Robson Valley went

bankrupt. This is no longer about leaving a good whole bunch of forest

for logging. This is about the fact we've almost logged it all and we

have to decide whether we are really going to kill off our wildlife to

strip what old growth remains. We can't escape what we know now: The

critical links of the mountain caribou's habitat have to be preserved

now or we are going to kill a major species and wipe out a whole

constellation of low-elevation old-growth species. 380,000 hectares of

new protection is enough only if we don't mind that. And if we don't

mind it, we are in a lot of trouble on other fronts. As you know, we

are losing 10 million hectares of dry pine forests. Our forests are

our carbon sinks, and in the humid forests there are huge trees and

ancient soils that hold huge quantities of carbon. By what insanity

are we continuing to log our humid forests when that's all we have

left to help mitigate global warming? The difficulty that Valhalla

experienced, that you experience, at the crossroads where we must try

to save or abandon a wide-ranging, old-growth dependent species is the

same torpor that could wipe out the human race.



3) In his new book, Ian McAllister describes seeing a black bear

swimming to a beach near a wolf den site on British Columbia's central

coast. Sensing the wolves, the bear pauses before lumbering into the

woods. Several minutes of intense howling follow, then silence. The

next day, McAllister investigates. " I didn't need to go any farther

than the thick understory of the forest edge, " he writes in The Last

Wild Wolves: Ghosts of the Great Bear Rainforest. " The place looked

like a cross between a butcher shop and a barber shop. Thick clumps of

black bear fur, with large chunks of flesh still clinging to some of

it, were strewn all over the ground, and bones, hair, and broken

branches were scattered everywhere. " A coffee-table book full of

McAllister's photos plus a substantial and engaging text, Last Wild

Wolves tells the story of a species most people know little about.

" They're some of the most elusive critters on the planet, " says

McAllister, speaking from his home near Bella Bella. For one thing,

they are mainly nocturnal, making them difficult to see. For another,

they are wary of humans, disappearing into the woods when they dorit

want to be seen. " The amount of wildlife up here, still intact in a

primordial state, is absolutely inspirational. " The area, known as the

Great Bear Rainforest, has been the subject of some public discussion

in recent years, as environmental groups including Greenpeace and the

Sierra Club reached an agreement with the B.C. government for land use

planning. Some 30 percent is to be protected, and industry is to

follow " ecosystem-based management " on the rest. McAllister grew up in

Victoria and is a founder of the Raincoast Conservation Foundation,

which he recently left, saying it was time to move on. He says the

government and the environmental groups have shared several

" feel-good " announcements since 2001, but there's still a long way to

go. " I shake my head as one of the few environmentalists who lives up

here and sees what's happening, " he says. " When you travel around here

you wouldn't believe the activities that are being allowed to occur, "

he continues. " I've documented the ongoing logging of salmon streams

going on right now. " There are proposals coming for run of the river

hydro and wind farms that will mean more roads and degradation to the

land. Trophy hunting for wolves and bears is still allowed.





4) Two letters the EPA sent to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service say

the proposals could roll back water quality improvements that Oregon

watersheds have seen since the implementation of the federal Northwest

Forest Plan 13 years ago. That plan set aside large reserves of public

forests for the benefit of species at risk of extinction, such as the

northern spotted owl, marbled murrelet and salmon. The U.S. Fish &

Wildlife Service is in the process of revising its recovery plan for

the northern spotted owl, listed as threatened under the Endangered

Species Act. A draft version of the recovery plan, which will be

finalized in 2008, already has drawn stinging criticism in several

scientific peer reviews for failing to use the best science in

narrowing protected areas for the birds. And many Democrats have

raised questions about political interference that pushed the plan's

authors to emphasize threats to the spotted owl from the barred owl

and de-emphasize the importance of old growth forests in the spotted

owl's recovery. The EPA criticism comes from a different angle,

arguing that the logging would harm rivers and streams. The EPA is

mandated to protect water quality and enforce the federal Clean Water

Act. The BLM has announced it is considering tripling logging on 2.2

million acres of Oregon forests under a new management strategy that

would take the agency out from under the umbrella of the Northwest

Forest Plan. The BLM has used the draft Fish & Wildlife owl recovery

plan to help guide its decisions about where and how to increase

logging. A recent survey of 250 watersheds in the Northwest Forest

Plan area found that 57 percent were in better condition from 1998

through 2003 than they had been before the Northwest Forest Plan was

implemented, said David Powers, the EPA's regional manager for forests

and rangelands. Another 40 percent of the surveyed watersheds were in

stable condition and in just 3 percent had conditions worsened, he




5) A conservation group won its two-year battle to get information

without charge on the damage caused by off-road vehicles and

unmaintained roads on national forests around the West. The U.S.

Forest Service had refused to waive fees for providing the

information, so Wildlands CPR sued under the Freedom of Information

Act. The Forest Service relented in a consent decree filed Wednesday

in U.S. District Court in Missoula, Mont. The information to be

provided includes timber sale records, policies for off-road vehicles,

watershed analyses, geographic information system records and other

material from 84 national forests, said David Bahr, attorney for the

Western Environmental Law Center in Eugene, Ore. Wildlands CPR expects

the information to show that the numbers and damage caused by

unauthorized roads are growing, which will help to inform the public

as the Forest Service develops new off-road vehicle policies on each

national forest, Bahr said. Bahr noted that before leaving office,

former Forest Service Chief Dale Bosworth called damage caused by

off-road vehicles one of the top threats to the national forests.

" This information makes up the most comprehensive collection of

baseline data regarding road and motor vehicle impacts on Forest

Service lands in the West, " Bethanie Walder, executive director of

Wildlands CPR, said in a statement. " Release of this information will

show what the agency knows, and what it doesn't know about the extent

of damage unmanaged off-road vehicles and decaying roads are

inflicting on public land, water and wildlife. " The Forest Service did

not immediately return telephone calls for comment.Transcripts of

status conferences on the case indicated U.S. District Judge Donald W.

Molloy was frustrated by the Forest Service's continued refusal to

provide the information for free, as called for in the Freedom of

Information Act. " I really think that there's some games being played

here, " by the Forest Service, Molloy said. " And frankly, I'm sick of

it. And we end up wasting so much money for the taxpayers when this

stuff is all about an informed citizenry being able to comment on what

the Forest Service is doing. " Bahr said the Forest Service never

indicated how much it wanted to charge for the information.

http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/W/WST_FOREST_SERVICE_FOIA_OROL-?SITE=ORMED & \




6) Snow-white ash rains down over the Azalea Park baseball fields and

settles like confetti on wet grass. Excavators drag recently-cut trees

over to a giant bonfire where plumes of brown smoke billow up more

than 100 feet high. The burned carcasses of tanoak trees signify the

city's defense against the tree-killing pathogen Phytophthora ramorum,

which causes sudden oak death and is responsible for infecting dozens

of trees in Azalea Park. According to Forest Pathologist Alan Kanaskie

of the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF), people can expect the

burning of almost every tanoak tree in Azalea Park to continue until

the disease has been destroyed. " We gave the city the option of

removing all the tanoaks in Azalea Park to protect the park and the

rhododendron gardens, and they opted for it, " he said Monday. " Tanoaks

are the most susceptible to sudden oak death and, once infected,

produce spores that then infect other trees. The more we can remove,

the better we are in the long run. " Crews started cutting, dragging

and burning the trees last week, and will continue to do so this week.

According to Kanaskie, tanoaks are part of the evergreen family and do

not lose their leaves in the winter. This species of tree only grows

in southern Oregon down to San Francisco, Calif. John Cowan, director

of public works in Brookings, said six tanoak trees directly

surrounding the gazebo would be the only ones spared and treated with

a fungicide. " We are burning a 300-foot circle around every infected

tanoak tree, " Cowan said. " Eventually those circles start to converge,

so it's better just to get rid of all the tanoaks that could

potentially become infected with the pathogen. I don't have any

specific figures, but well over 150 tanoaks will be removed. "



7) Hoyt Street Properties (Hoyt) is a major developer in the Pearl

District. Their website claims that 'In addition to incorporating

eco-friendly components and features throughout its buildings, Hoyt

has applied an equally green approach in creating a community where

limited car usage is made possible.' Unfortunately, tropical hardwoods

(most likely illegally logged) are being used in the interiors of at

least two Hoyt projects. These building materials, more scorched earth

than green, include the mahogany lobby in The Metropolitan

condominums, and the so-called 'ebony' kitchen cabinets and 'mahogany'

flooring offered to buyers at The Encore condominiums. According to

David Thompson at Brookside Veneers in New Jersey, the wood used in

the cabinet veneers at The Encore is actually a wood from West African

rainforests called obeche (Triplochiton scleroxylon). The World

Conservation Monitoring Centre states that " Obeche occurs in abundance

in transitional forest formations. Its range is extending because of

its successful colonisation of logged and abandoned farm land.

Exploitation of the wood is very heavy and, in places, unsustainable,

both for local use and the international timber trade. Of all West

Africa timbers this species is extracted at the highest volumes.' (2).





8) California gains many benefits from its 20 million acres of

national forests, but none is more valuable than clean water. From the

Sierra to the Klamath to the San Bernardino, the 18 national forests

of California are the headwaters of the Golden State. You can think of

them as wooded water factories. That is why all Californians have a

stake in making sure those lands are managed well - and a big stake in

a bill now making its way through Congress. In California, nearly half

of the state's annual runoff comes from national forests, even though

they cover only one-fifth of the land. In Northern California, the

percentage is even higher. This past summer, the House Interior

Appropriations Subcommittee approved a proposal by Rep. Norm Dicks,

D-Wash., for $65 million in funding for road decommissioning and

maintenance in our nation's national forests. While the bill is

partially about roads, it's also about providing clean water. The

Forest Service is one of the largest road-building and maintenance

agencies in the federal government. It has built and maintained a road

network that is longer than the federal system of interstate highways.

Over 400,000 miles of unpaved roads that wind through America's

national forests provide important access for logging, family

vacations, hunting and fishing, resource management and firefighting.

But roads have both a good and a bad side. When not properly

maintained, forest roads become impassable and badly eroded - muddying

streams that provide drinking water for 60 million people in 3,400

communities nationwide. Many of those communities are in California.

The funding in the Dicks bill would be used to restore watersheds by

removing old, failing roads, and by maintaining and improving needed

access roads and bridges, primarily to improve water quality and fish

habitat. http://www.mercurynews.com/opinion/ci_7211103


9) The California Air Resources Board is set to further California's

position as a climate leader on Oct. 25, when the board will vote on

recommendations to endorse the California Climate Action Registry's

forest protocols. The board's endorsement of these rules would create

a foundation for the state to use forest conservation and restoration

as one of the tools to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in keeping with

California's landmark climate law, AB32. Most people realize we must

significantly reduce carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere to

successfully address climate change. Similarly, most people realize

reducing emissions from fossil fuels is a first step, as these

emissions are the source of more than 50 percent of the excess carbon

dioxide in our atmosphere today. Forest loss and depletion accounts

for the other 40 to 50 percent of excess atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Though forests store carbon dioxide as carbon when they grow, they

release it as carbon dioxide when they are disturbed, such as happens

when forestlands are converted into sprawling developments. In order

for us to restore our climate, carbon-dioxide emissions from forests

must be addressed with the same urgency and rigor as is being done

with fossil fuels. California is preparing to take just this action.

California has some of the most productive forests in the world -

forests that yield sustainable wood products, clean water, abundant

wildlife and more. California also has the opportunity to restore some

of the largest, most stable forest carbon banks in the world.

Originally, California was almost half forested. Over time, however,

California has lost more than one-third of its forests to development.

With the state air board's leadership, we can start down the path to

restoring our state's grand forests and livable climate. The forest

protocols were developed over four years through a public process and

expert review. They are a remarkable accomplishment in two ways.

First, they've established the first comprehensive set of

scientifically rigorous standards to reduce forest emissions and

increase net storage (sequestration) of carbon dioxide consistent with

the global norms established under the Kyoto Protocol. Second, their

establishment has created a " first place " positioning for California's

forests in the growing global carbon market, a market that is

estimated to exceed $40 billion in revenue this year.



10) Ever wonder what an eco-groovy subdivision by Maxxam would look

like? Us, too. But there's no such thing. In lieu of the mythic

" ecological conservation " development proposed for Pacific Lumber

timberlands, take a gander at what Maxxam really has in mind. Perhaps

most striking feature is the roads — ecologically conscious roads, of

course – that the county will have to maintain. And since we're

heading into pothole season it'll be easy to imagine how well that

will go. While Maxxam CEO Charles Hurwitz had plenty of luck

developing the crap out of Arizona, his unfamiliarity with Humboldt

County might keep him from realizing that unstable, seismically active

clear-cuts are unsuitable terrain for golf courses. As noted by David

Simpson to the Board of Supervisors last week, any Maxxam Country Club

would feature the steepest golf course in the world.





11) The effort to convert local forest waste into energy is getting

kickstarted by California timber company Sierra Pacific Industries,

which recently donated $1 million toward the effort. A collaboration

between private business and government officials is working to boost

" biomass " energy, which also would help prevent catastrophic wildfires

and improve health quality. " Harvesting this material and using it for

energy production rather than having it burn in the open by

intentional or unintentional ignition significantly lessens air

pollution impacts and yields a number of other overall environmental

and public benefits " said Thomas J. Christofk, Placer County Air

Pollution Control District Officer. The idea is to transport forest

thinnings to nearby biomass energy production facilities. Presently,

the Forest Service does not have the resources to transport the

material from the forest to a plant so it is either burned, decomposes

or would potentially burn in a wildfire. The group has tasked Placer

County Biomass Manager Brett Storey to develop a two-pronged approach:

Find the right locations to capture the materials, and make the

process economical. The group is looking into emission credits, carbon

trading, government support and other ideas in anticipation of a

potential market for the material and the energy it produces in

California. Several detailed working group meetings are scheduled and

the group will reach an agreement on potential projects and direction

in early December 2007, with projects slated to be accomplished in the

field potentially this year and certainly many more for the next

several years. http://www.nevadaappeal.com/article/SS/20071017/NEWS/71017019




12) The Forest Service is good at putting out fires when it's wet, but

no one can put out fires when there is extensive drought, high winds,

high temperatures, and low humidity. These conditions are the main

factor in all large fires – no matter where they occur – whether in

wilderness or in managed landscapes. Furthermore, thinning, logging,

and other timber-cutting can actually increase fire risk. This may

seem counter-intuitive because most people simply believe more fuels

automatically equals bigger fires. But fuels are less important than

weather conditions. Logging opens the forest floor to more sunlight,

which can dry fuels faster, making them " flashier " and easier to burn.

Logging can open the stand to greater wind penetration, which, in

turn, fans flames. Logging, by reducing competition and opening up the

canopy, also promotes growth of shrubs, small trees, and grasses that

are the most flammable fuels. Recent research by Jack Cohen at the

Forest Service fire lab in Missoula has demonstrated that the most

effective way to protect homes from wildfire is not to log the forest

but to fireproof your home. Having a metal roof, removing burnable

fuels for 100 feet around the home, and a few other measures are the

only practical ways to reduce wildlife hazard to humans while, at the

same time, we permit wildfire to resume its important role as an

ecological process. Our western forests need fire like the tropical

rainforest needs rain. Not surprisingly, our ecosystems are adapted to

this process. For instance, the nutrients released by the blaze enrich

aquatic ecosystems, often leading to greater fish productivity and

growth. Wildlife such as elk and deer are attracted to the nutritious

regrowth produced after a fire. More than a third of the bird species

in the northern Rockies rely on snags for nesting and foraging – and

fires obviously create an abundance of snags. And snags that fall into

waterways create fish habitat and structure that armor stream channels

against erosion. Wilderness designation ensures that these ecological

processes can continue to operate, while at the same time ensuring

that watersheds, wildlife habitat and wildlands values are protected.

http://www.queencitynews.com/modules.php?op=modload & name=News & file=article & sid=7\

685 & mode=flat & o

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13) The Norway maples, which started taking over the park about 40

years ago, are disappearing in favor of cottonwoods, ponderosa pines,

Rocky Mountain maples and other native trees, bushes and plants that

thrive in the sunlight. Those species were dominant in 1902 when the

Greenough family set aside 40 acres along lower Rattlesnake Creek as a

natural area for the public to enjoy. Pierce, chairman of the advisory

committee, has removed most of the young maples himself from more than

half of the park. " It's a lot of work, but it means a healthier

ecosystem, " he said. Pierce spends several hours a week using a weed

wrench to uproot them or a pruning saw to cut them down. The city's

urban forestry department takes down mature maples. They can reach 70

feet in height and create too much shade for native plants and the

creatures that depend on them. Most of the downed trees are left on

the ground to decompose. The cleared areas naturally repopulate with

native plants. The downed trees create wildlife habitat, draw native

birds and insects, stabilize the soil and prevent people from

trampling the streambanks. But they also create piles of ugly debris

and a wildfire risk where once there was a picturesque canopy - bright

yellow in the fall and cool green in the summer - that park-goers were

accustomed to. " It's unsightly in the short term, but it gets things

back to their natural state, " Pierce said. " People have different

reactions when they see me out here " clearing the maples. " Some

understand. Some look like they want to strangle me. "





14) Greg Asner was just a couple years out of an undergraduate

engineering program when he landed a job with an unexpected employer:

the Hawaiian Nature Conservancy. He liked the work—which included

struggling through dense tropical rainforest to map the path of

invasive species—but quickly grew frustrated by how the preservation

group was forced to base large-scale land-management decisions on

nothing more than the scattered data collected by a handful of guys in

the field. Fifteen years later, Asner is using the world's most

advanced methods of aerial data collection to map forest disturbances

faster and more systematically than ever before. In 2005 he earned

acclaim for an almost decade-long study of logging in the Amazonian

rainforest that proved that so-called " selective logging, " in which

only the most marketable trees are harvested from the forest, can be

just as damaging as clear-cutting. Asner's breakthrough was devising a

new form of signal processing that could extract high-resolution

images from decades-old Landsat satellites— " cracking open the pixels, "

as he says—to see the forest down to individual felled trees. He found

that up to 25 surrounding trees can be killed in the process of

harvesting just one. The Landsat work, though, is antiquated compared

to Asner's newest project, conducted from a small twin-engine airplane

above his old beat, the Hawaiian rainforest. Using a combination of

laser scanning (the beams shoot out 100,000 times a second to create a

3-D map of the forest canopy), hyperspectral imaging (the imager sees

up to 144 bands of light, as opposed to six for the Landsat

satellites) and a trajectory system derived from missile-guidance

technology, Asner is able to map not only the structure of the forests

down to the individual plant, but the forest chemistry as well. His

instruments can detect the amount of water in an area, which can be

used to predict and track drought; the nitrogen levels, which can be

used to identify which invasive species are spreading fastest; and the

level of carbon, which could be used to regulate tree-planting

projects designed to counter global warming. Best of all, Asner's

bundle of technologies can do it faster than ever before—up to 40,000

acres a day.






15) This county once had more orange and grapefruit trees than almost

any other place in Florida, the largest U.S. citrus producer. Now it's

one of the fastest-growing counties in one of America's

fastest-growing states, and that land is fast giving way to housing

tracts. The same is happening in varying degrees across Florida's

citrus belt. It has been for years, but the slow slide has suddenly

quickened. Farmers are replanting fewer trees than at any point since

the 1970s, and crop land is rapidly disappearing. Previously high land

prices, diseases like citrus canker and greening and even the rising

cost of trees are hurting farmers and driving orange juice prices to

record levels, up more than a third since 2002. " It's a very, very

expensive process to get back into the business, even though you have

land sitting there fallow, " said Doug Bournique, head of the Indian

River Citrus League. " It's not a dollar a tree like it was 20 years

ago, just to pop them into the ground. " It can now cost US$10 a tree.

Florida lost 51,470 hectares (17 per cent of its total) in the 2006

crop census - the second worst drop in history behind only a January

1986 freeze. The net loss was higher than the previous eight years

combined.The U.S. Department of Agriculture does not tie specific

reasons to any hectare lost, but growers and other industry officials

say the problems are plain. Canker and greening forced the destruction

of tens of thousands of hectares of trees in the past decade, and bad

hurricane seasons in 2004 and 2005 raked groves. Some farmers sold to

developers when land prices skyrocketed the past few years, though

recent slowing in the housing market probably stymied that trend.





16) As you know, too much of our work over the past few years has been

to expose the perils of quid pro quo wilderness--counterfeit

" wilderness " legislation that sells off, even gives away, our public

land and facilitates all manner of damaging land and water

developments. Proponents, including conservationists, say that these

highly-compromised proposals are the only possible route to wilderness

designation and reflect a " political reality " we must accept.

Tomorrow, in a hearing in the U.S. House of Representatives, that

approach will be repudiated. The Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection

Act (NREPA) will receive its first hearing since the Republican lock

on Congress began in 1994. NREPA will protect as wilderness nearly 7

million acres of wilderness in Montana, 9.5 million acres of

wilderness in Idaho, 5 million acres of wilderness in Wyoming, 750,000

acres in eastern Oregon, and 500,000 acres in eastern Washington on

YOUR PUBLIC LAND. No federal land will be put up for sale; no water

pipelines will be built; no transmission corridors will be created in

wilderness. There is no quid pro quo. Wilderness is not " our issue, "

but we believe NREPA is a visionary and critically important bill--and

we ask you to consider submitting brief testimony in support. You do

not have to be an expert on the details of this bill; it can be as

simple as stating that you support large-scale,uncompromised

wilderness and real public land protection, which NREPA (HR 1975)

embodies! You can also find tons more information on the NREPA

homepage. The hearing, scheduled for 2:00 p.m. Eastern on Thursday,

will be webcast live. Among the witnesses will be singer-songwriter

Carole King, NREPA's long-time champion. Testimony will be accepted

through October 28th, and should be emailed to

Domenick.Carroll http://westernlands.org




17) Nothing tops the fall political agenda more than saving forest

jobs. The parties are all sawing off over who has the best plan to

stop the economic infestation that has killed at least 10,000 jobs and

dozens of saw, pulp and paper mills. The truth is, none of them - the

plans, that is - are really any good. At least not if the aim is to

create a globally competitive industry that can survive without the

crutches of a devalued currency and/or government subsidies. But of

course, that's not the aim. Leave it to the politicians, and this

industry will be reduced to a stump in a few years. That may suit the

green purists for whom any commercial exploitation of the trees is

environmental sacrilege. But the death of Eastern Canada's forest

industry only means that trees in Brazil, Asia and Russia are going to

be chopped down more rapidly. So, you could argue that, with 30 per

cent of the world's boreal forest, Canada has a responsibility to the

planet to exploit its vast and sustainably managed tracts of trees.






18) PUPILS at an East Kilbride primary school helped South Lanarkshire

Council mark the end of its woodland regeneration project in the town

by helping to fell one of the last trees under the scheme. Murray

Primary School was joined by the council's chair of community

resources Gerry Convery last week to cut down the tree at woodland at

Balfour Terrace. The re-planting on the site of 1200 broadleaved

native trees including oak, rowan, wild cherry, ash and birch will

take place next month. Said Councillor Convery: " Together with the

trees, our very own little 'acorns' from Murray Primary will grow tall

and strong. " Earlier in the week the children were visited by a

council tree specialist and learned how massive trees grow.



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19) Uganda has agreed to scrap an unpopular plan to give a swath of

protected rainforest to a sugar planter, the environment minister said

on Wednesday. Maria Mutagamba told Reuters the government had finally

rejected a request by the privately owned Mehta Group to destroy a

third of Mabira Forest and convert it to sugarcane. " The idea of sugar

growing in Mabira is no longer there. We are looking for money for

other land, " she said. Uganda's cabinet suspended the proposal by

President Yoweri Museveni to give 7,100 hectares (17,540 acres) or

nearly a third of Mabira Forest to Mehta's sugar estate in May,

following a public outcry. Three people died in violent protests

against the plan, including an Indian stoned to death by rioters.

Mehta is owned by an ethnic Indian family. " A committee of cabinet was

set up to examine the plan but did not get back to us. In the

meantime, other land was identified, " Mutagamba explained. Critics

said razing part of Mabira would have threatened rare species, dried

up a watershed for streams that feed Lake Victoria and removed a

crucial buffer against pollution of the lake from two industrial

towns. Scientists estimate some 20 percent of net global emissions of

carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that causes climate change, are the

result of deforestation, because trees suck carbon from the

atmosphere. Experts say Mabira sinks millions of tonnes of carbon.





20) At the heart of central Africa's great rainforests lies Kisangani,

a small city in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) some 1,300

miles from the mouth of the Congo River. The town began as a Belgian

trading post, Stanleyville, and was Conrad's model for Kurtz's inner

station in Heart of Darkness. No roads connect Kisangani to the rest

of the world; over the past two decades they have all collapsed and

been retaken by the jungle. Even river navigation is blocked beyond

here, as a massive course of falls stretches for sixty miles upstream.

If the vast and isolated forests of the Congo Basin--the

second-largest tropical woodlands on the planet--had a capital, it

would be this sleepy city of crumbling colonial-era Art Deco buildings

and empty boulevards. Down by the river women sell caterpillars to

eat, but no one buys them. The sky is low and gray, but it never seems

to rain. In the government buildings, yellow-eyed malarial old men sit

in empty offices next to moldering stacks of handwritten files. There

are no computers, electricity or, in many offices, even glass in the

dark wooden window frames. In a strange twist, this general

dilapidation--the result of Congo's traumatic history--has

inadvertently preserved Congo's massive tropical forests. First,

Mobutu Sese Seko's thirty-two-year kleptocracy destroyed what

infrastructure the Belgians had built. Then years of civil war and

invasion by Uganda and Rwanda took an estimated 4 million lives,

through violence and the attendant ravages of disease. All this chaos

warded off the great timber interests. As a result the Congo Basin's

massive forests--most of which lie within the DRC--are the world's

healthiest and most intact.





21) It's one of the golden rules of the natural world – birds live in

trees, fish live in water. The trouble is, no one bothered to tell the

mangrove killifish. Scientists have discovered that it spends several

months of every year out of the water and living inside trees. Hidden

away inside rotten branches and trunks, the remarkable creatures

temporarily alter their biological makeup so they can breathe air.

Biologists studying the killifish say they astonished it can cope for

so long out of its natural habitat. The discovery, along with its

ability to breed without a mate, must make the mangrove killifish,

Rivulus marmoratus Poey, one of the oddest fish known to man. Around

two inches long, they normally live in muddy pools and the flooded

burrows of crabs in the mangrove swamps of Florida, Latin American and

Caribbean. The latest discovery was made by biologists wading through

swamps in Belize and Florida who found hundreds of killifish hiding

out of the water in the rotting branches and trunks of trees. The fish

had flopped their way to their new homes when their pools of water

around the roots of mangroves dried up. Inside the logs, they were

lined up end to end along tracks carved out by insects. Dr Scott

Taylor of the Brevard County Environmentally Endangered Lands

Programme in Florida admitted the creatures were a little odd. " They

really don't meet standard behavioural criteria for fish, " he told New

Scientist magazine. Although the cracks inside logs make a perfect

hiding place, conditions can be cramped. The fish – which are usually

fiercely territorial – are forced to curb their aggression. Another

study, published earlier this year, revealed how they alter their

bodies and metabolism to cope with life out of water. Their gills are

altered to retain water and nutrients, while they excrete nitrogen

waste through their skin. These changes are reversed as soon as they

return to the water.


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Costa Rica:


22) Eco Interactive in partnership with Kids Saving the Rain forest

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Rica is an incredible destination for your next family vacation. The

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Interactive is a unique Eco Tour company that gives 85% to

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monkeys in Manuel Antonio.







23) Police escorted a group of Greenpeace activists from a remote town

in the Brazilian Amazon on Wednesday after hundreds of loggers and

townspeople besieged them overnight in protest against an anti-global

warming campaign, the environmental organization said. The incident,

the second time in two months that Greenpeace activists have been

harassed in the Amazon jungle, underscores the conflicts over natural

resources between farmers and loggers on one side and peasants and

Indians on the other. Hundreds of people, including dozens of loggers

in trucks, cars and motorcycles, had blockaded the activists since

Tuesday in the offices of the government's environmental protection

agency Ibama in Castelo dos Sonhos, northern Para state, a Greenpeace

spokesman said. They forced the activists to abandon a 13-metre

(43-foot) tree trunk they were transporting to an exhibit on global

warming in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Loggers had used two trucks

on Tuesday afternoon to block the Greenpeace convoy, forcing the

environmentalists to seek refuge in the Ibama office. The stand-off

ended peacefully when police escorted the eight activists out of town,

Greenpeace's Andre Muggiati said by telephone from Manaus, the

Amazon's main city. Ibama said on Wednesday it withdrew its

authorization for Greenpeace to transport the tree trunk, saying that

the group had created conflicts with the local population. " Rather

than standing up to the loggers, the government has given in to the

law of the mob, " said Marcelo Maquesini, Greenpeace Amazon

coordinator. Greenpeace said in a statement that the tree, which had

been burned illegally, symbolized the rapid destruction of the Amazon

and was meant to draw attention to the need to stop deforestation and

reduce emissions of gases causing global warming. The Brazilian has

hailed a 50 percent reduction in the rate of Amazon destruction over

the last two years. But satellite images of some regions since July

show deforestation is on the rise again as high commodity prices lead

farmers to expand into the forest, often bringing them into conflict

with peasants and indigenous Indians.



24) Given the possibility that carbon finance through avoided

deforestation could become a reality, does it make economic sense for

Amazon landowners to start protecting forest for carbon offsets rather

than clearing it for cattle pasture, soybean farms, or board-feet of

timber? Preliminary analysis suggest that yes, " carbon conservation "

could be an attractive alternative to other uses of Amazon forest.

Further, because standing forest confers ancillary benefits --

including option value, biodiversity preservation, and other ecosystem

services -- avoided deforestation would do more than help mitigate

climate change. Carbon storage in the Amazon depends on forest

structure and vegetation types. In a 2007 Global Change Biology paper,

carbon cycle scientists led by Dr. Sassan Saatchi reported that above

ground biomass for old growth rainforest in the Amazon generally

ranged from 150-350 metric tons of carbon per hectare (550-1283 metric

tons of carbon dioxide equivalent [MtCO2e]). Above ground carbon

storage in agricultural landscapes and pasture is considerably lower

-- generally well below 100 metric tons per hectare. Brown and Pearce

(1994) suggest that net carbon released from deforestation of

secondary and primary tropical forest, allowing for the carbon fixed

by subsequent land use, is on the order of 100-200 metric tons per

hectare. http://news.mongabay.com/2007/1017-amazon.html




25) Surprise was the common reaction among the parliamentary political

parties yesterday to the offer by President Bharrat Jagdeo on Monday

night to deploy almost the entire rainforest of the country in the

climate change battle. The President made the disclosure at the

opening of the Commonwealth Finance Ministers Meeting (CFMM) and even

his party, the PPP, was unaware of it though former British Prime

Minister Tony Blair had been told about it last year. Yesterday, no

one questioned the country's commitment to fight climate change but

the parliamentary opposition expressed surprise at the announcement

since there had been no parliamentary or other consultation. Though

the party had not been aware of it, PPP General Secretary Donald

Ramotar told Stabroek News yesterday that the preservation of the

rainforests was always a PPP government policy long before Jagdeo took

office. Asked about the offer, PNCR Chairman Winston Murray, AFC

Leader Raphael Trotman and GAP-ROAR MP Everall Franklin said they all

knew of the offer on Monday evening when Jagdeo announced it at the

National Cultural Centre.





26) Survival France, an indigenous-defense organization, has warned

that an indigenous group is living in voluntary isolation in the Alto

Purús National Park. The group was spotted by accident on Sept. 18 by

a group of specialists from the government-run National Institute of

Natural Resources and the Frankfurt Zoological Society as they flew

over the banks of the Las Piedras River, looking for illegal loggers.

According to Survival France, there are 15 different indigenous groups

living in voluntary isolation in the Peruvian jungle that are under

threat from oil exploitation and deforestation. The organization

warned that these populations could easily be killed if they are

exposed to outside illnesses from which their bodies lack immunity.

" It's about the most vulnerable citizens in Peru and the government

owes them assistance, " said Survival France in a statement. " It's time

that their territorial rights be recognized and respected, that the

oil and gas exploration on their lands be prohibited and that all

loggers be kicked out. "

http://www.latinamericapress.org/article.asp?lanCode=1 & artCode=5352




27) Did you know that there are two trees that are traditionally

associated with the festival of Dasara? These are the Shami (Prosopis

spicigera) and the Apta (Bauhinia racemosa). In many communities in

central India, there is a ritual of exchanging the leaves of the Apta

as a symbol of gold during Dasara. Other communities worship the Shami

on this day. They soak the leaves of the Shami in water and on the day

before Deepavali, bathe with this water. Yet, do we know what is so

special about these trees! Both the Shami and the Apta are rare

medicinal trees. The Apta is used as a cure for digestive diseases

such as diarrhoea and dysentery. It also has anti-tumour qualities and

is used to treat the first stages of cancer. The Shami on the other

hand, is helpful to pregnant women and can prevent miscarriage. It is

used to treat a variety of other ailments such as asthma, bronchitis,

dysentery, leucoderma, leprosy, muscle tremors and piles. But the

value of the two trees goes much beyond their medicinal properties.

Both of them can grow in very harsh climatic conditions and in poor

soil. The roots of the Shami are known to go down as deep as 35 metres

in search of water. Being a legume, it adds nitrogen to the soil and

increases its fertility. In Rajasthan, during times of famine, people

eat the bark of the tree. Would you be able to identify these trees?

The Apta seems easy to find because it has leaves with two lobes. But

careful! There are several species of Bauhinia in India and often the

more commonly occurring Kanchan which has pink flowers gets mistaken

for the Apta which has small white flowers. The Shami has short

prickles and very small leaves and leaflets.



28) In a landmark move to protect lakes from encroachments and

mismanagement, the Forest Department has proposed that all the 114

lakes within the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike limits be declared

" reserve forests " under the Karnataka Forest Act, 1963. This will be

for the first time in the State, and perhaps in the country, that

lakes and their catchment areas are going to be designated forest

areas, say Forest Department officials. Up until now, a few lake

catchment areas have been declared reserve forests, but never the

water-spread area. Explaining the implications of such a declaration,

Forest Department officials told The Hindu that it would give them

more powers to prevent encroachments, evict illegal occupants of lake

area and even arrest offenders without a warrant. " It accords the

Government inviolable rights over the lake area, " said C.S. Vedant,

chief executive officer of the Lake Development Authority. Declaring

lakes as reserve forests would also mean that the multiple ownership,

custodial and maintenance rights over the lakes will be streamlined

and brought solely under the Forest Department. The lakes are

currently owned variously by the Revenue or Minor Irrigation

departments; they are under the custody of the Forest Department and

maintained by the Lake Development Authority, the Bruhat Bangalore

Mahanagara Palike and the Bangalore Development Authority.



29) Conservationists fear that the new law - known as the Forest

Dwellers Rights Act, and due to come into force in the coming weeks -

throws open the gates of India's national parks to potentially

hundreds of thousands of people, reversing more than 30 years of

progress in preserving the country's shrinking forests and the tigers

that live in them. India has nearly half the estimated 3500 tigers

worldwide, but in a country where the human population has ballooned

to more than 1.1 billion - most of whom who live on less than $2 a day

- the government seems more concerned with expanding the economy and

reducing poverty than protecting tigers, its national animal often

fetishised by Hindu mythology. " The economy is the priority now and

everything else can go to hell, " said Valmik Thapar, a conservationist

and author who for more than a decade has publicised the plight of

India's tigers. Ranthambhore National Park attracts tens of thousands

of tourists every year eager to glimpse a tiger, the core of a growing

tourism trade here that brings in more than $22 million a year,

including at least $300,000 in park entry fees. Luxury hotels and

" eco-lodges " have sprouted on the edges of the park. Tourists pile

into open-roofed jeeps and 20-seater buses that rumble along dirt

roads through nearly 400sqkm of forest, passing spotted deer, monkeys,

gazelles and the ruins of a 16th century Mughal fort as trained guides

search for the elusive cats. But here, as throughout India, the

chances of seeing a tiger are getting slimmer. Poaching has left only

about 34 tigers in the park - nobody knows the exact number. In 2005,

poachers confessed to killing 22 of the park's tigers, prompting fresh

allegations of incompetence and corruption against forest guards and

government officials. As more and more of India's forests are logged

or turned into farms to feed its ever-expanding population, the number

of tigers has plummeted from an estimated 40,000 in 1925 to fewer than

1500 today, a figure that some experts say is the tipping point for

extinction. At least four of India's 27 tiger reserves no longer have

tigers, and some observers believe that at least nine other reserves

in India also are in danger of losing their remaining tigers to

poachers or to villagers who set out poisoned carcasses to kill

animals that venture beyond the boundaries of the reserves to attack

their livestock.






30) Forestry products firm Gunns Ltd has reached an in-principle

agreement with Forestry Tasmania for the supply of native forest and

hardwood plantation pulpwood to Gunn's proposed $1.7 billion pulp mill

at Bell Bay in Tasmania. Forestry Tasmania manages Tasmania's hardwood

forests. The agreement provides for a 20-year supply of 1.5 million

tonnes per annum of regrowth and plantation forests to the mill.

" Consistent with Gunns' stated commitment, no supply from old-growth

forest coupes will be supplied under this pulp mill agreement, " Gunns

said in a statement to the Australian stock exchange. " All supply

under this agreement will come from regrowth or plantation forests

that will be regenerated as forests into the future, following

internationally accredited, sustainable forest management principles. "

Gunns said the commercial terms of the agreement with Forestry

Tasmania were consistent with the company's feasibility assessment of

the project. Stumpage prices to be paid to Forestry Tasmania would

reflect the value of market pulp through a price adjustment mechanism.

Pricing and commercial arrangements prior to the proposed pulp mill

operations would be consistent with current supply arrangements. A

final contract is expected to be completed by the end of November






31) Australia now has more than 1.8 million hectares of plantations,

but most recent investments have been into short-rotation crops for

pulpwood production through managed investment schemes (MIS), where

investors can use business tax arrangements for their investment in

tree crops. After a two-year process of review, the Federal Government

has moved to give certainty to these arrangements to encourage city

investment in the bush. The establishment of long-rotation plantations

(for high-value sawn timber) through the MIS framework received a

boost in the last federal budget, as the Government allowed

investments in tree plantations to be traded after a holding period of

four years. But even if there is an increase in long-rotation

plantings, the trees will not be available for harvest for decades. In

any case, it is fair to say there will always be a place for native

forest products as plantation timber does not have the same durability

and appearance. But Ms Ajani's opposition to timber production within

native forests implies Australia increasing its reliance on timber

imports from countries without the strict environmental frameworks

that exist here. Research has shown that up to 10 per cent, or $400

million, of Australia's imports could be coming from illegally logged

overseas forests in our region. This number is a direct result of more

than 11 million hectares of production forests being placed in

national parks over the past decade or so (which Ms Ajani has

supported). Increased bushfires and imports of timber are two truly

perverse environmental outcomes considering the " Green " motives behind

the creation of these national parks. Literally millions of hectares

of these forests have been devastated by bushfires, due to poor

management of the parks. The 2002-03 fires that devastated the ACT,

NSW and Victoria burnt more than 3 million hectares of forest, mostly

in national parks, and resulted in the equivalent to 25 per cent of

Australia's annual carbon dioxide emissions being released.






32) Known for its pristine water, lush rainforest vegetation and rare

fauna and flora, Upper Five Day Creek in NSW is a vital feeder for the

rivers and towns downstream. Located due west of Nambucca Heads, the

land in this area adjoins the New England National Park and is a

mixture of private freehold land and perpetual crown leases. The land

is classified as State Protected Land due to its slopes and ecological

importance. It is largely uninhabited, except for a Wilderness Health

Retreat and a few residents with urgent concerns for the welfare of

the mountains and waterways. A recent purchase of approximately 1,500

acres in the area by a timber company has caused no small stir among

the locals. After receiving a permit to log from the Dept of

Environment and Climate Change, logging operations commenced in

September this year. This was despite numerous appeals to the

authorities and protests from residents and environmentalists. Local

resident Dale Davison became alarmed last week when she went to the

Five Day Creek on her property. " I was very concerned when I saw our

permanently crystal clear water was dirty and grey, " said Dale.

" Another neighbour visited and told me it is worse upstream. I then

realised this was due to the logging about 10 km's upstream in the

hills. " Steven White, farmer and mobile sawmill owner, resides on the

family farm that adjoins the property being logged. " In the 30 years I

have lived here, I have never seen the damage that is happening now. "

said Steven. " Rockpools are already silting up after only three weeks,

and riparian areas have been leveled. What was a riparian forest three

weeks ago is now a mass of tree crowns, bear earth and lonely stripped

young eucalypts. " The Five Day Creek area is an example as to why

legislation needs to change on the logging of private land. " I have a

sawmill myself, but see myself an environmental timber man. " said

Steven White, " I have been shy of any new laws to do with logging on

private land, but the way that Five Day Creek is being logged now is

shocking. A timber company just buys in, and logs the guts out of the

country and then moves on. We are left with the bare earth, ruined

creeks and the irreplaceable loss of clean water. The hills are now

open to fires, cattle intrusions and weed infestation which kills off

the remaining hope of recovery. "



33) At least 80 per cent of macadamia rainforest trees had been

destroyed for agricultural and resi¬dential development, reported The

Courier Mail (9/10/2007, p. 11) Lismore grower Ian McConachie had set

up the Macadamia Conservation Trust, aimed at protecting the tree that

provided the only Australian native produce to have become a major

international food. The trust's primary aim was to ensure wild

macadamia numbers did not decrease any further. McConachie, a

com¬mercial macadamia grower for more than 30 years, started the trust

after searching rainforests and finding hardly any of the trees that

were also known as Queensland or bauple nuts. Queensland nuts were

found along a 600km coastal strip between Grafton, New South Wales,

and Maryborough, about 300km north of Brisbane.






34) A billion-dollar pulp mill is set to go ahead at Penola in South

Australia's south-east. The mill will be operated by a private

company, Protavia, and will create about 100 permanent jobs and 600

during construction. The Legislative Council of State Parliament

approved the project late last night. The authorisation bill had

Government, Liberal and Family First support. " We in South Australia

now have the dubious distinction of approving a pulp mill in less than

a year, " she said. " In the rest of the world it takes five years.

" Protavia has now got itself a gift like no other pulp mill proponent

in the world. " Greens MLC Mark Parnell is also angry that the mill can

escape fuller environmental scrutiny. " Unlike in Tasmania where they

can launch challenges against a bad process, the Government has

stitched this up with a special provision that says no-one can

challenge the pulp mill, " he said. But Forests Minister Rory McEwen

says the pulp mill's approval was based on a fair and thorough

process. " Everybody that participates in the democratic process should

now be satisfied, " he said. " But the Democrats and the Greens cannot

have it both ways. " They cannot choose to be elected to Parliament and

deal with it as part of the highest court in the land and then

criticise it when they do not like the result. "






35) The millions of indigenous people living across Asia and the

Pacific are finally gaining recognition for the key role the play in

forest conservation. This shift has been a feature of a major

conference being held here this week to shape forest management

policies in this region for the next 20 years. Activists championing

the cause of local communities welcome this sea change, given that

forests have been sacred to these people and central to their

identity. ''Indigenous people have a sacred relationship with forest

lands. Societies have to work with them in making plans about

forests,'' says Peter Walpole, executive director of the Asia Forest

Network, a regional non-governmental organisation (NGO) based in

Tagbilaran City, Philippines. ''Empowering indigenous people is

essential to help manage forests. If you want to protect the forests

you have to begin by dealing with them,'' he explained in an

interview. ''You cannot walk over them as has been always the case.

These communities were there much before forests were declared as

protected areas.'' Those advocating this view hope that the emerging

trend will help to lift the indigenous communities out of poverty,

since they live on the margins of society and are often at the bottom

all social and economic indicators. Many governments in the region

have refused to give indigenous people citizenship, consequently

doubling their burden to lead a secure life, say researchers studying

forestry policies. Currently, there are between 210 and 260 million

indigenous people living in Asia and the Pacific, according to United

Nations figures. Yet, only a few countries -- among them India -- have

legislated to address the plight of this dispossessed group. In

December 2006, New Delhi introduced new laws to address the concerns

of communities living in the tribal belt in the centre of the South

Asian sub-continent. According to the Food and Agriculture

Organisation (FAO), the hosts of the meeting in the northern Thai

city, the new emphasis on indigenous communities reflects the

broadening of the global agenda to respond to forest management and

the crisis of deforestation.''



36) The Asia-Pacific region is facing increasing demand from the world

over for forest products and must look for ways to preserve its

remaining woodlands, officials with the UN Food and Agriculture

Organisation (FAO) said Tuesday. Over the past 15 years, the region

has lost about 10 million hectares of forest cover, an area roughly

half the size of Laos or equal in size to the US state of

Pennsylvania, said Patrick Durst, a FAO senior forestry official.

Durst said the FAO hopes to address the most pressing issues

concerning forestry in the region during a three-day conference that

began Tuesday on how globalisation is altering its forest landscape in

Chiang Mai in northern Thailand. Development of forestry bioenergy

resources like palm oil have accelerated global demand at the same

time that international borders have become less important. " We are

living in a borderless world and what happens in forests and forestry

in one country is very much dependent on what happens in other

countries, " FAO forestry boss Jan Heino said. Concerns of how

deforestation effects other regions of the world is another issue for

the conference.


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