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FW: LETTER/ Massacre At The Bridge In Puerto Rico

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Wed, 17 Oct 2007 21:47:47 -0500LETTER/ Massacre At The Bridge In Puerto RicokinshipcircleTo: kinshipcircle

KINSHIP CIRCLE ANIMAL DISASTER RELIEFPERMISSION TO CROSS-POST AS WRITTENCOMPANION ANIMAL CAMPAIGNS10/17/07: Puerto Rico's Massacre At The BridgeKINSHIP CIRCLE ACTION CAMPAIGNhttp://www.KinshipCircle.orgPHOTO: In this photo released by Animal Protectors Network, animal rights activist Leisha Swayne comforts Yoli, a pet dog seized along with dozens of others by animal control workers several days earlier and apparently left for dead where she was thrown off a rural highway bridge in the San Juan area, Friday, Oct. 12, 2007. The dog, among only a few to survive, suffered a broken spine, pelvis, and other broken bones. Animal welfare groups will help Puerto Rico housing project residents pursue legal action after animal control workers seized their pets and hurled them to their deaths from a bridge, an activist said Sunday. (AP Photo/Maritza Rodriguez, Animal Protectors Network)SOURCE OF INFORMATION:Pet massacre in Puerto Rico, SAMPLE PETTER AND PETITION mentayflorPets Hurled Off Bridge in Puerto Rico http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5jnVM28pujsusIu2PeX7-zhySk87AD8S7VACO0Pet Raid Leads To Massacre At Bridge http://www.courant.com/news/nationworld/hc-pets1014.artoct14,0,5985857.storyFULL COVERAGE: Owners of Massacred Pets to Receive Help + MORE STORIES http://www.newstin.com/sim/us/26809559/en-005-005520159Outrage in Puerto Rico Over Pet Deaths http://www.wtopnews.com/?nid=389 & sid=1266666A Day In The Life Of Puerto Rico Animal Hell http://www.saveasato.org/animalhell.htmPETITION: Puerto Rico Pet Massacre - Pets Hurled Off Bridge in Puerto Ricohttp://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/puerto-rico-pet-massacre===========================================================EMAIL CONTACTS SAMPLE LETTER + POSTAL ADDRESSES/PHONES FOLLOWKinship Circle does not guarantee all email addresses will work. Emails are from government sites and an alert from: mentayflorSome may be disabled due to this campaign. Try later. ===========================================================ALL EMAILS IN THIS ALERT: Brian_E._Sullivan, PR_Webmanager, portal, info, aalamo, orientacion, info, ode, aaj, tgonzalez, ddiaz, zvazquez, mlaborde, JVega, aperez, igaya, mnavas, drodriguez2, edperezeruiz, ysoler, eruizfederalesmunbta, sistemainformacion, acastillo, adelgado, slolivo, informacion, portal, mcalderon, mtorres, mrivera, ocpr, acolon, arodriguez, opinion, opinion, servicios===========================================================SAMPLE LETTER Sample letters are prepared to give you ample background on an issue. Try to change some words, pare down letters, and make them your own. **DELETE ALL REFERENCES TO KINSHIP CIRCLE BEFORE SENDING**===========================================================Dear U.S. Department of Housing and Government Officials of Puerto Rico:I am appalled Mayor Sol Luis Fontanez's recent no-pet decree at three housing projects resulted in agonizing death for cats and dogs in the town of Barceloneta. Apparently Animal Control Solutions, under municipal contract to seize pets from residents threatened with eviction, rounded up animals and injected them with an unknown substance.Distraught caretakers, including children, were told their animals would be transported to a shelter. Instead, animal control workers flung pets and strays from a bridge in Vega Baja. According to witnesses, the 50-foot drop left at least 50 animals dead and others dragging their shattered bodies to a nearby highway.This incident is not only vulgar, but calls for legal action as well. I urge Mayor Fontanez and local law enforcers to pursue a criminal investigation and file animal cruelty charges against Animal Control Solutions owner Julio Diaz, his employees, and any outside parties involved in this crime. If convicted, please advocate maximum incarceration and fines allowed by law.I respectfully ask the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), in Washington D.C. and San Juan, to conduct its own inquiry with special attention to how the abduction and brutal death of so many animals could occur despite HUD’s lenient “pets in public housing rule.” I encourage HUD to accommodate companion animals in all government-subsidized projects and better clarify its rule to local housing officials and residents.In America, roughly 73 million dogs and 90 million cats live as companions with people (American Pet Products Manufacturers Association 2005-2006 National Pet Owners Survey). Obviously, these gentle and loyal creatures are family members. I am reluctant to visit Puerto Rico as a tourist until government officials implement sweeping animal welfare reforms. Please uphold animal protection laws and penalize those who abuse or kill animals in violation of the law. I encourage the government to enact a pet registration law and develop a network of municipal shelters that maintain veterinary supervision, mandatory sterilization, vaccinations, microchip identification, and responsible adoption policies.As images of diseased, starving and abused animals resonate around the world, people who value sentient life will boycott Puerto Rico as a travel destination. Let this massacre at the bridge serve as a wake-up call for significant advances in the humane treatment of animals.Thank you,===========================================================Full Contact InformationNOTE: Some contacts below have NO AVAILABLE EMAIL ADDRESSES.===========================================================[HUD: Headquarters, Washington DC]U.S. Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentMr. Brian E. Sullivan451 7th Street S.W., Rm. 10134 * Washington, DC 20410ph: 202-708-0685, ext. 7527 * email: Brian_E._SullivanSOURCE: http://www.hud.gov/[HUD: Puerto Rico/U.S. Virgin Islands]US Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentSan Juan Field OfficeMichael A. Colon, Field Office Director235 Federico Costa Street, Suite 200 * San Juan, PR 00918ph: 787-766-5201; fax: 787-766-5995email: PR_WebmanagerSOURCE: http://www5.hud.gov:63001/po/i/netlocator/Hon. Sol Luis Fontanez Olivo, Barceloneta MayorP.O. Box 2049 * Barceloneta, P.R. 00617-2049ph: 787-846-3400; fax: 787-846-0089web email form: http://www.gobierno.pr/GenericAgencyPortal/contactenos.aspx SOURCE: http://www.barceloneta.puertorico.prPuerto Rico Government Sites http://www.statelocalgov.net/other-pr.htmThe Honorable Anibal Acevedo-Vila, Governor of Puerto RicoBMB 110202Calle San Gustos * San Juan, Puerto Rico 00901-1711ph: 787-977-6317; fax 787-977-6356email: portalHon. Jose F. Aponte HernandezPresident of Puerto Rico's House of RepresentativesPO Box 902228 * San Juan, Puerto Rico 00902-2228ph: 787-721-6040, 787-721-6030email: infoSOURCE: http://www.camaraderepresentantes.org/Hon. Kenneth McClintockPresident of Puerto Rico's SenateP.O. Box 9023431 * San Juan, Puerto Rico 00902-3431SOURCE: http://www.saveasato.org/animalhell.htmLuis G. FortunoRepresenting The People of Puerto Rico in the United States Congress Washington D.C. Office126 Cannon House Office Building * Washington, D.C. 20515ph: 202-225-2615; fax: 202-225-2154SOURCE: http://www.house.gov/fortuno/contact.htmDepartamento de JusticiaEdificio Anexo, Piso 6600 Calle Olimpo, Esquina AxtmayerPda. 11, Miramar, PRph: 787-729-2106, 2106,2185, 787-729-2516; fax 787-2059email: aalamo, orientacionSOURCE: http://www.justicia.gobierno.pr/rs_template/v2/progvic/PV_teldir.htmlOffice of Government Ethics of PuertoP.O. Box 194200 * San Juan PR 00919-4200ph: 787-622-0305; fax: 787-754-0977 emails: info, ode, aajSOURCE; http://www.oegpr.net/Puerto Rico Tourism CompanyPuerto Rico Main OfficeP.O. Box 902-3960 * San Juan, P.R. 00902-3960ph: 787-721-2400, 1-800-866-7827emails: tgonzalez, ddiaz, zvazquez, jcastaner, mlaborde, JVega, aperez, igaya, mnavas, drodriguez2, edperezSOURCE: http://www.gotopuertorico.com/******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Kinship Circle is a nonprofit organization serving the animal advocacy community. Donations fund the literature, website, research/campaigns, educational outreach, and animal disaster aid information -- that let YOU take action for animals. DONATE: http://www.kinshipcircle.org/donation/BEAR WITNESS. SPEAK. DEMAND. 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