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Stop the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act!

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Hi everyone,


I’m very concerned about the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, and I

wonder why we’re not hearing more about it. The proposed legislation is

a serious threat to our First Amendment rights to free speech.


The AETA seeks to protect animal enterprises (factory farms, animal

labs, etc.) from illegal acts committed by animal activists. Anyone

engaging in nonviolent civil disobedience causing at least $10,000

profit loss will be considered a terrorist. Conceivably, we could be

prosecuted for attending a KFC demo!


The bill has already passed in the Senate, and is currently pending in

the House. It will be voted on sometime after November 9th, when

Congress reconvenes. For more information, and to find out where to

call and write your U.S. Representatives, go to StopAETA.org.


If anyone has any ideas about what we might do as a group to show our

opposition, I’d be willing to act as coordinator.



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I wanted to add -- to find your federal reps, use




When it comes to contacting our legislators, for maximum impact, a personal letter from you -- sent by U.S. mail -- will have more impact than a form letter or a phone call. But if you're not able to write a letter, definitely a phone call or email is better than no contact at all.



In looking at the URL that Justine provided,





the HSUS, in their opposition statement, says in part: "The AETA threatens legitimate advocacy. The legislation uses vague, overbroad terms such as “interfering with” which could be interpreted to include legitimate, peaceful conduct. For example, someone who uses the Internet to encourage people not to buy eggs from a company producing eggs with battery cages could be charged with terrorism for causing the company a loss of profits. Likewise, someone who seeks to “interfere with” the cruel treatment of puppies by filming the brutal conditions at a puppy mill, causing lost profits for the company when the film is publicized, could be charged with terrorism. The very risk of being charged as a terrorist will almost certainly have a chilling effect on legitimate activism."


We need to raise awareness of this quickly -- if there are efforts already being planned locally, please share the information.








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One thing we can do (I'm willing to do others, maybe demonstrate in front of Feinstein's office on Market and Montgomery?). A couple of weeks ago, I sent this message out to this group:Hi all: Once again, Congress is labeling animal advocates terrorists. They  just passed a bill doing so (S. 3880), and are now trying to pass   another similar bill, known as the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act,  or HR 4239. Is this pathetic or what? Talk about the pot calling the kettle  black. Considering that they just passed the torture bill, I guess I  shouldn't be surprised. But you can tell Congress to stop this insanity, oppose HR 4239, and  repeal S.3880. To do so, below:https://secure2.convio.net/navs/site/Advocacy?s_oo=vZXZDJ7PAnfXGRQ3PYcjnA.. & amp;id=149 If the text above does not appear as a link or it wraps across  multiple lines, then copy and paste it into the address area of your  browser. Thank you, - RosalindOn Oct 21, 2006, at 11:19 PM, Justine wrote:Hi everyone,I’m very concerned about the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, and I wonder why we’re not hearing more about it. The proposed legislation is a serious threat to our First Amendment rights to free speech.   The AETA seeks to protect animal enterprises (factory farms, animal labs, etc.) from illegal acts committed by animal activists. Anyone engaging in nonviolent civil disobedience causing at least $10,000 profit loss will be considered a terrorist. Conceivably, we could be prosecuted for attending a KFC demo!The bill has already passed in the Senate, and is currently pending in the House. It will be voted on sometime after November 9th, when Congress reconvenes. For more information, and to find out where to call and write your U.S. Representatives, go to StopAETA.org.If anyone has any ideas about what we might do as a group to show our opposition, I’d be willing to act as coordinator.Justine

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