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Vegans & receding gums?

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I just had a really weird dentist appointment. She told me that more

vegans have receding gums, and that I should introduce some animal fat

in my diet to protect my gums. 3 questions:

1) Has anyone ever heard of this?

2) If so, are there any vegan dietary supplements or other strategies

to help?

3) Can anyone recommend a vegan-friendly dentist in SF or the East Bay?



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> She told me that ... I should introduce some animal fat

> in my diet to protect my gums.


I checked for info on this using Google and came up with nothing that

seemed to suggest that animal fat is needed to prevent receding gums.


Most of the articles pointed to proper oral hygiene as the main

deterrent. However, I did find this one that states that any poor

diet, including a poor vegan diet, can contribute to dental problems.

It mentions some of the nutrients you may want to be sure you are






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Hi Debra,

I would ask your dentist to cite her

source. She is making two separate and equally unlikely claims. First, that more

vegans have receding gums and, second, that animal fat (!) somehow contributes

to healthy gums. Neither of these seem likely to have a basis in fact but she

should be able to cite the research that backs it up if so. Tell her you’re

concerned and want to follow up and read more about it.








On Behalf Of otterchick_99

Thursday, January 31, 2008

2:09 PM


Vegans &

receding gums?






I just had a really weird dentist appointment. She

told me that more

vegans have receding gums, and that I should introduce some animal fat

in my diet to protect my gums. 3 questions:

1) Has anyone ever heard of this?

2) If so, are there any vegan dietary supplements or other strategies

to help?

3) Can anyone recommend a vegan-friendly dentist in SF or the East Bay?



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....animal fat? GOOD for something?!




that's a first!


....and i'd thought i'd heard it all!






three years of wearing "vegan" shirts, sweaters, buttons, etc. everywhere i go...

....and i've heard so many things of this nature...most all of them various repetitions upon a theme, the theme being..."i can't/won't/shouldn't/don't want to _go vegan_ because (fill in the blank)."


but THIS...oh man...that's never come up till now!


i'd say don't worry about this one.


the sources ought to be interesting. especially who funded them....





Stephen Wells <swells Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 3:01:05 PMRE: Vegans & receding gums?




Hi Debra,

I would ask your dentist to cite her source. She is making two separate and equally unlikely claims. First, that more vegans have receding gums and, second, that animal fat (!) somehow contributes to healthy gums. Neither of these seem likely to have a basis in fact but she should be able to cite the research that backs it up if so. Tell her you¢re concerned and want to follow up and read more about it.







@ .com [] On Behalf Of otterchick_99Thursday, January 31, 2008 2:09 PM@ .com Vegans & receding gums?





I just had a really weird dentist appointment. She told me that morevegans have receding gums, and that I should introduce some animal fatin my diet to protect my gums. 3 questions:1) Has anyone ever heard of this?2) If so, are there any vegan dietary supplements or other strategiesto help?3) Can anyone recommend a vegan-friendly dentist in SF or the East Bay ?Thanks!Debra



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I agree with Steve. Animal fat has nothing to do with gum health. Yes, I would like to see the research as well. I would bet that flesh eaters have worse gums than vegans. I have had a receeding gumline for years. I think it is because of clenching me teeth when I sleep. I finally go a mouth guard (I should have gotten one 10 years ago!) to prevent me from breaking my teeth any further by grinding my teeth when I sleep.Thanks. Victor From: swellsDate: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 15:01:05 -0800RE: Vegans & receding gums?





Hi Debra,

I would ask your dentist to cite her

source. She is making two separate and equally unlikely claims. First, that more

vegans have receding gums and, second, that animal fat (!) somehow contributes

to healthy gums. Neither of these seem likely to have a basis in fact but she

should be able to cite the research that backs it up if so. Tell her you’re

concerned and want to follow up and read more about it.








On Behalf Of otterchick_99

Thursday, January 31, 2008

2:09 PM


Vegans &

receding gums?






I just had a really weird dentist appointment. She

told me that more

vegans have receding gums, and that I should introduce some animal fat

in my diet to protect my gums. 3 questions:

1) Has anyone ever heard of this?

2) If so, are there any vegan dietary supplements or other strategies

to help?

3) Can anyone recommend a vegan-friendly dentist in SF or the East Bay?







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