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Vegan Nutrition and Gum Disease – There is a solution

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Hi Bay Area Vegetarians, I was asked by some of you to post here

regarding Vegan Nutrition and Gum Disease issue. You began a

discussion on this around the first of February and I can answer some

issues you have raised.


First of all, there is a solution to gum disease. I had gum surgery

20 years ago, then 17 years later was told to schedule surgery

again. " Wait a minute, I have been doing everything you said and now

you tell me I have to go through that incredibly painful and

expensive procedure again? " I had to find a better way.


I tried folk and old home remedies. Some have negative side

affects. I finally found two products that worked. Even before I

tried them, I knew I had finally found the right approach because the

scientific logic behind them just made wonderful sense. Later I

discovered this approach is essentially the same used by the ancients

to avoid dental and gum problems.


After 3 months I went back to my Periodontist and absolutely amazed

him: Dramatically healthier gums, much less pain and amazingly, no

bleeding at all. There was usually a lot of bleeding for me with the

deep cleaning they do. He kept remarking how much more relaxed I

was. He said if I can keep this up, I should have no surgery in my

future at all.


Folks, its a BACTERIA problem, for crying out loud! We can solve

this problem with natural and Vegan remedies. (Please forgive my

writing fervor for I am very passionate about this.) Why on earth do

we rely on painful surgery to treat a bacteria problem? If we used

surgery for all our bacteria problems – we wouldn't survive our



Your dentist is focused on the mechanical approach to the problem,

refusing to address the bacteria directly. If you rely on their

advice exclusively, you have a 50% chance of serious gum disease by

age 55, and a 50% chance of loosing major portions of your teeth by

age 65 (25% will loose ALL their teeth). This does not speak well

for dental science.


As you loose teeth, you loose control over what you can eat. That

can be devastating to vegetarians, especially those into raw foods.

And don't forget, the path provided by the dental establishment is

both painful and expensive. There is a better way.


It is not directly a nutritional problem, but can be aggravated by

nutritional deficiencies. All stress, including nutritional stress,

creates the mouth environment that encourages the bad bacteria and

that leads to gum disease. Even young people have gum disease but

often do not recognize it in early stages: it starts with bad breath,

bleeding gums, receding gums, loose teeth, etc. In fact, it is a

safe bet that virtually all of you have some stage of this problem

right now.


By the way, many of your so called oral remedies actually worsen the

problem, particularly any product with alcohol -- dries the mouth

which encourages the bad bacteria big time. Because we don't

understand the bacteria issue we are actually using many products

that work against us, including most toothpaste – including many so

called natural toothpastes. Why would you want to use a known skin

irritant on some of the most sensitive tissues in your body: your



I am leaving out a lot in this short introduction.


When people discovered that I was able to avoid gum surgery, they

asked me to speak at a local vegetarian society. No one had ever

heard anything like this before. I also addressed the issue of which

toothpastes are actually vegan and healthy. (The answer will shock



From that lecture I got invitations to speak at four more places,

including before professors at SF City College. I would be happy to

speak to any group anywhere in the Bay Area. I need an hour to get

out the full message and about 30 minutes for questions. Prepare

yourself for a wonderful liberation from the path of dental pain and

get ready for an incredible feeling of empowerment – you can take

charge of this issue and achieve your own health victory.


If you will email me I will send you my 3 reports, including my

toothpaste report. Although these don't contain my whole story, they

have the essential information for those dealing with serious

problems. I usually provide them to those who have heard my

lecture, but I am making them available now because some of you may

need these right away. Nevertheless, the best thing would be to set

up a venue or two in your area where I can address 20 or 30 people

and really answer everyone's questions. I live in San Francisco, but

will travel anywhere in the Bay Area. Please feel free to contact me

at: artkonrad@ dot com


Art Konrad

Vegan and really enjoying it!.






PS: When talking to one of the scientists behind this new dental

revolution, we realized that it could indeed become a widespread

revolution – It is just needs a few people to speak up with a little

passion, like: " It's a Bacteria Problem for Crying Out Loud!!!. "

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